Ecology - Climate Change

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The affect of global warming and climate change in humanity.

Global Warming
By definition, global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's surface observed
since the pre-industrial period due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning,
which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s surface.

This has a big affect on humanity, the Earth's temperature has risen by 0.08° Celsius
per decade since 1880, but since 1981 the Earth has been warming at more than twice
the rate at 0.18° Celsius per decade. This might not seem a lot but in the long run this
can seriously affect our future generations. (Via; NOAA)
Causes of Global Warming
Reliance on Fossil Fuels
We depend a lot on fossil fuels,
and this is extremely dangerous
as it affects the climate around
us. When fossil fuels are burned,
they release large amounts of
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse
gas, into the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases trap heat in
our atmosphere and cause global
Global Average Surface Temperature (1880 - 2021)
Another threat to global warming and climate change is overpopulation.

Population growth, along with increasing consumption, tends to increase emissions of

climate-changing greenhouse gases. Rapid population growth worsens the impacts of
climate change by straining resources and exposing more people to climate related
risks, especially in low resource areas.

More people would mean that more vehicles would be needed on the road, more
energy would be needed for these people meaning more industries will be built, which
all are a major contribution towards climate change.
Deforestation can also affect life on Earth. Trees
and plants are a major source of oxygen. They take
in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen which we
then take in and give our carbon dioxide for them,
this forms a cycle. Because of this we are very
dependent on plants and cannot live without them.

When trees are cut down, they no longer provide

oxygen or shade, so along with there being less
oxygen, there's also an affect on the Earth’s

Deforestation can also disturb the carbon oxygen

balance in our atmosphere.
Affects on More frequent and intense drought,

Humanity storms, heat waves, rising sea levels,

melting glaciers and warming oceans
can directly affect people and their
*of global warming livelihoods and communities.
The Outcome
How long will our planet be habitable for?
Although the temperature is rising, the Earth will definitely be
habitable for thousands of years, but we should still make a change
early on to lower the chances of our species becoming extinct because
of the weather. We can try many different methods to contribute to
climate change, so we can live in a healthier Earth.
Thank You
Presentation by;
Muhammed Zain
Hanan Yousaf

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