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1.1 Salvation
1.2 Genuine Repentance
1.3 A Call to Salvation
1.4 New Birth
1.5 What the New Birth Entails
1.6 What It Does Not Entail
3.1 Method of Studying the Bible
6.1 What Does This Baptism Mean And Why?
22.1 Modesty
22.2 Why Women are given the liberty to open their hair, and to wear
trousers in The Blazing Church
22.3 The Place of Submission
22.4 Head Covering
24.1 At the Rapture


1.1 Salvation
Man was created to have fellowship with God, but he defied God, and chose
to go his own way. As a result, he was alienated from God and suffered the
corruption of his nature, rendering him unable to please God. This fall of the
human race took place at the beginning of human history, and all
individuals since have suffered these consequences and are thus in need of
the saving grace of God. Salvation is the gift of God's grace, and is not the
result, in whole or in part, of human works of goodness. All who personally
salvation through repentance and faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ
on the cross are forgiven their sins and born into the family of God by the
regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.

1.2 Genuine Repentance

1. A repentant person is irritated by sin. Isa. 6: 5
2. A repentant person is ready to make amends. Luke 19:1-10
3. A repentant person accepts the consequences of his actions. Luke
23:40-41, 43
4. They feel the depth of the pain they have caused by their sins. Isa.
5. They change their behaviour. Acts 9.

1.3 A Call to Salvation: I confess you Jesus Christ as my personal Lord

and Saviour. I believe you died on the cross and rose again the third day.
Please deliver me from sin and wash me in your blood. Please write my
name in the book of life and preserve me to live for you all my days till you
come back for me. Amen.
1.4 New Birth
The moment you confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and make a
decision to forsake your sins, you are expected to live a new life. You are
now an adopted son or daughter of God – a joint-heir with Christ, 2 Cor.
5:17, Rom. 8:16-17.
Your absolute surrender to Christ requires you to forsake your old way of
life. This involves subduing your flesh and walking in the spirit. It means
you have decided to disobey the workings of your flesh, and have made up
your mind to surrender all to God. The new birth experience involves
breaking away from every ungodly friend that could lead you back into sin.

2 Cor. 6:14 says: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For
what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion
has light with darkness?

1.5 What the New Birth Entails

1. Total surrender to God
2. Starting a new life with Christ
3. Constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit
4. A daily growth process – 1 Pet. 2: 2
5. A constant renewal of the mind with the word of God.

1.6 What It Does Not Entail

1. Partial surrender to God
2. A life of hypocrisy (A double standard life)
3. Being religious or churchy – Acts 10: 1-9
4. Education and culture – 1 Cor. 1: 18-27
5. Self-righteousness – Phil. 3: 8-9.

It is called a quiet time, because it is a place of calm and quietness, where
you connect with your Maker, without phone calls, social media, noise, and
other form of distractions (Psalm 91). You cannot dwell in the secret place of
the Most High, if you don’t fellowship with the Most High. As a true
Christian, a day must not go without you observing your quiet time. Your
quiet time is a wire for spiritual growth 1Peter 2:2.
The Lord’s Prayer says: “Give us our daily bread”. That bread could mean a
lot of things. However, one sure meaning of it is, “refreshment from God’s
word”. You must spend quality time in God’s presence each day by
studying and meditating on God’s Word – the Bible; praising and
worshipping Him; and pouring your heart out in prayers. To achieve this
effectively, you must fight distractions and overcome the feeling that your
time is being wasted.

2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Bible is God’s Holy Book. It is given to us for
direction in our Christian walk. It is impossible to live a victorious Christian
life without studying the Bible. The Bible is there to correct and to guide us.
It is there to chastise any ungodly way of life. The Bible is like a mirror we
look into to behold our real selves.
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible; it is composed of the 66 books of the
Old and New Testaments. We believe that the Scripture in its entirety
originated from God, and it was relayed through chosen men and women of

It is not just a book; it is full of power. We become full of power, when we

allow the fullness of God’s word on our inside (Hebrews 4:12). When the
devil comes up against you, how much of God’s word will he meet in you?
When the evil day comes, how much of God’s word do you have on your
inside to overcome? When you feel discouraged, how much of God’s word do
you have in you to bring you back to your feet?

Psalms 119:105 - God’s word leads, and gives us direction.

3.1 Method of studying the Bible

You can study the Bible by books, chapters, or verses. When you study,
meditate on the words to discover instructions, prayer points, what to
abstain from, and so on.


Romans 8:1. Justification is the act of acquittal, whereby God declares a

man free and righteous. The sinner is acquitted from the law, sin, and
death, and is reconciled with God; and has peace and life in Christ through
the Holy Spirit. You are not a slave to your past, because you have been
discharged and acquitted by the blood of the lamb. You have been declared
just by Christ Himself. You have not merely been declared just, but you
have been truly made just. This does not mean that the person justified will
not be tempted as before; this only means that the person has the grace and
enablement to conquer sin. Such person has been given a clean slate, where
the new pages of his or her life will be written. Your past life has been
cleared off with the blood of Jesus, and you are now given a new slate.

Lev. 20:26. Sanctification means to be a set apart for God; to be
consecrated. It is a transformation of a believer’s whole being, that is, the
mind, will, behaviours, and affections, through the work of the Holy Spirit. It
is a continuous process, where we grow in holiness until we attain the full
stature of Jesus Christ. To be sanctified means to be made holy and
separated for God’s use. In a house, there are honourable and
dishonourable vessels (2 Tim. 2:20-21). A sanctified vessel is honourable.
Once we have been made pure by the blood of Jesus (justification), we
qualify as worthy to be set apart for service to God (sanctification) - 1 Cor.
6:11. In order to experience sanctification, it is very important to grow in the
Word of God and to be a doer of it.

Water baptism by immersion implies a submersion of the whole body
beneath the surface of water. This type of baptism is a fundamental doctrine
of Jesus Christ and His church (Heb. 6:2). Baptism is so important to Jesus,
that it was the topic of his last sermon to his disciples. (“Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost” - Matt. 28:19, Mark 16:16). Jesus Himself was
baptized; he demanded to be baptized by John the Baptist (Matt. 3:13-17).

6.1 What Does This Baptism Mean And Why (Rom. 6:3-6)?
Water baptism by immersion symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection
of Jesus Christ. When someone dies, we bury them fully or completely. We
don’t bury the dead half way, keeping his head or leg out of the coffin; it is a
complete burial. That is why baptism by immersion is important; this mode
of baptism has spiritual implications. By this kind of baptism, we take on
the name of Christ. This is one of the methods by which we are called by His
name, and the spirit world is very cognizant of this. It’s more than a symbol.
It means we die with Christ and live in Him. Jesus Himself does not joke
with it - John 3:5. This is what it means to be born of water.

Luke 22:11-20, Matt 26:26-29, 1cor 10:16-21, 1cor 11:23-30
Also know as the Lord's supper. Shortly before the death of Jesus Christ, He
instituted it. He commanded us to regularly share the bread and wine,
which represent His body and blood. Holy Communion is a re-presentation
of God’s love for the world in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. When we come to the table to receive the bread and cup, we do it in
remembrance of Him.


Acts 2: 1-4. To do exploit as a Christian, you need the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given freely to whoever desires Him. The moment
you surrender your life to Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you are
eligible enough to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All you need do is to
ask for it (Luke 11:13). God is not partial in His dealings. He is no respecter
of persons. All He looks out for is a willing heart, and one of absolute
surrender. An evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism is the ability to speak in
new tongues.

1 COR. 8:6, 2 COR. 3:17, MATT 28:19, JOHN 10:30,   2COR13:14
We believe in the one true and living God, eternally existing in three persons
– the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God is the creator and supreme ruler of the universe, the heavens, the
earth, and all things therein. By His power, He continues to sustain His
creation, and by His providence, He operates throughout history to fulfil His
redemptive purposes.

Jesus is referred to as God the Son; He is the second person of the trinity -
the Son of the living God, Matt. 16: 13-16. He is the way, the truth, and the
life (John 14:6). Jesus is the only begotten son of God, while we believers are
joint-heirs with Him. It is only by Him that our prayers can be answered. No
man can come to God in prayer except through Him (John 14:6). He is our
entrance to God. He is our advocate and intercessor. He is the one who died
for us, so that we can be saved. His blood is used for the remission of our
sins (John 3:16).
He became man without ceasing to be God, having been conceived of the
Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He offered himself as a substitute in our
place, and as a sinless sacrifice on the cross, thereby satisfying God's
righteous judgment against sin. After substantiating the accomplishment of
that redemption by his bodily resurrection from the grave, he ascended to
the right hand of his Father, where he intercedes for those who trust Him.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity. He is our comforter. He is
the One Jesus promised to send, when he ascended into heaven (John
14:16). The Holy Spirit is the One that enables Christians to live
victoriously. He gives us victory over the flesh and its desires. He quickens
our mortal bodies, and enables to do the extra-ordinary (Rom. 8:11). He
instructs, teaches, corrects, chastises, and directs. He reveals secrets and
brings hidden things to light (John 14:26). He is the One who breathes on
our spirit man at new birth, and makes our spirit regenerated. The
Christian is helpless and powerless without the Holy Spirit. He enlightens
the minds of sinners, awakens in them the recognition of their need for a
Saviour, and spiritually regenerates them. At the moment of salvation, he
permanently indwells every believer, baptizing (or planting) them into the
one true church, which is the body of Christ. He seals them for the day of
redemption, bestows spiritual gifts on them, and fills (or controls) those who
are yielded to Him.


Gal. 5: 22-24. As a new man in Christ, you are expected to produce the
fruits of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5: 22-24. If you claim to be filled
with the Spirit, then the fruits of the spirit should be evidently seen in you
by others (Matt. 7:18-20). The flesh must be put under subjection. The
moment you discover that you cannot help walking in the flesh over time,
then you need to have a spiritual check-up. You need to check your spiritual
life. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. It could be that you are not
fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit as you ought to, or you have little or no
Bible study life. Even when you discover that you have allowed the flesh,
you are to quickly retrace your steps, and go back to God.


1 Cor. 12:1-11. The Holy Spirit gives gifts too. There are different kinds of
spiritual gifts which include: The Gift of the Word of Wisdom; The Gift of the
Word of Knowledge; The Gift of Faith; The Gift of Healing; The Gift of The
Working of Miracles; The Gift of Prophecy; The Gift of the Discerning of
Spirits; The Gift of Different Kinds of Tongues; and The Gift of the
Interpretation of Tongues. All these gifts come from the same Holy Spirit. He
can give a person more than one, just as he desires. We are admonished to
desire the best spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:31). God is ready to give gifts to
those children of His who desire them. He can give you whatever gift you
desire, and even more. Spiritual gifts are essential to live supernatural lives.
The Christian life becomes easier, when we possess spiritual gifts. Gifts are
one of the tools for evangelism as well. As much as God wants to give His
children gifts, He withdraws them from anyone who gives in to pride in
his/her life. (Jam.4:6). He wants us to manifest His gifts with great humility,
always returning all the glory to Him.

James 1:1-5. Trials can simply be described as tests of faith, which
Christians have to face at one time or the other. They are examinations of
evidence used to test our performance, quality, and suitability. These exams
are given to us by our Judge (God), in order to decide if a Christian should
be promoted – if such a one is eligible to proceed to the next level or not.
Trials can come in form of storms. They are allowed by God to try our faith.
We emphasize that trials are allowed by God. Every true Christian will face
trials at one point or the other in his/her Christian walk. Rewards,
blessings, promotions, breakthroughs, and the anointing, are the end
results of every trial a Christian overcomes. Trials are used to test our love
for God, and our level of strength (Prov. 24:10). Trials are essential to move
up on the Christian ladder.

Temptation is the desire to do something, especially something wrong or
unwise. The devil is the one who tempts. God does not tempt any man
(James 1:13-15). You are tempted by what your flesh desires. Temptation is
the desire to do evil. Every child of God will be tempted; we are bound to
face temptations (2 Tim. 3:12). Your ability to overcome temptations tells
how much of a Christian you are. Jesus Himself was tempted; therefore, we
all will also be tempted, since Jesus is the One we follow. In fact, temptation
happens to Christians at every point in time. You cannot escape it; however,
you need the word of God and the Holy Spirit to overcome temptations like
Jesus did (Gal. 5:16). God does not allow you to be tempted beyond what He
knows that you can handle (1 Cor. 10:13). He knows everyone’s level of
strength, and is always willing to help those who call on Him. It is God who
gives the grace to overcome temptations. He does not like self-sufficient
people. He leaves these categories of people to themselves.

Living a victorious Christian life requires prayer. You cannot conquer as a
Christian, if you don’t know how to pray. You must be willing to pray in
season and out of season (1 Thess. 5:16). A wise Christian maintains a
consistent prayer life; he/she prays even when it appears that there is no
problem. As a Christian, you settle things in prayer. A prayer-less Christian
is truly a powerless Christian. We limit God by our prayerlessness. When we
pray, God gives us the power to overcome temptation (Matt.6:13). A
consistent prayer life and time births victories.


God is the One who teaches us how to pray. The Bible says that we don’t
know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit helps us to (Rom.8:26). We pray
according to our needs. We pray using the Scriptures, and we pray in the
Holy Spirit. When we pray in the Spirit, we cannot pray amiss. The Holy
Spirit searches the mind of God and prays about that cogent matter we may
not know about, when we pray in tongues. We can pray taking any posture;
but. However, to have a fruitful praying session, you must always avoid
distraction. You must make sure that your mind is connected to God during
prayer (James 5:14). Every prayer must be made in the Name of Jesus,
because it is through Him that we have access to the Father. Lastly, we pray
in faith: believing and expecting answers to our prayers.

Luke 19:2,5,8
Restitution is the restoration of something lost or stolen, to its proper owner.
The moment you confess your sin and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus
Christ, you are expected to make restitutions where need be. For instance, if
you have anything that does not belong to you in your possession, you are
expected to return them to their owners. You cannot claim to be saved, and
keep what does not belong to you. It may not necessarily be material things;
it could even be a person. For instance, a man who has been sleeping within
another man’s wife must put the woman away, and confess his sins to the
woman’s spouse. This should be done through the help of the Holy Spirit
and wisdom. A man who has married more than one wife before
surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ must keep to his first wife, and
disengage from the other wives in love. A woman who has given birth to a
child before meeting her spouse, and has conceded the matter, must confess
to him after repentance. These are few examples of cases that require
restitution. Anyone in these categories who confess Jesus as Lord and
Saviour without taking these steps has not completed the process of
salvation. There are rewards that accompany restitution. The person
involved will be at peace with God and with man, and such person will have
a clear conscience.

Matt. 18:21-35. Forgiveness is a conscious and deliberate decision to release
feelings of resentment or vengeance towards a person or group who has
offended you, regardless of whether they actually deserve that release or not.
To be saved, and to remain in God, you need to be able to forgive your
offenders. A true Christian will not hold grudges against anyone. It is not a
sin to be offended, but it is a sin not to forgive your offender. Jesus expects
us to always forgive, in fact He admonished us to forgive countless times
(Matt. 18:21-22). In order to be forgiven by God Himself, you need to be able
to forgive others, even before they offend you (Matt. 6:12). Anyone who finds
it difficult to forgive others cannot be forgiven by God. Un-forgiveness keeps
a man in bondage and oppression. Un-forgiveness brings failures and
limitations to a man’s life. To excel in life, you must always be ready to
forgive your offenders.


Heb. 10:25. As a true child of God, you are expected to always fellowship
with the brethren. There is power in fellowship. God dwells where there is
fellowship; no wonder He said, where two or three are gathered in His name,
He will be there. God does not joke with fellowship. He manifests Himself in
the gathering of His people. Fellowship helps to strengthen weak arms.
When you fellowship with other believers, it helps to sharpen you (Prov.
27:17). It gives room for spiritual growth and power. Fellowship is also a
place of learning and development. As a Church, we are to pursue
honourable and loving relationships with other church members, church
workers, and the entire congregation. An ineffective and unfriendly member
is like a damaged part of the body. “A diseased kidney will eventually stop a
healthy heart from beating.” Our relational world is a lot like our physical
body – we cannot afford to neglect any part of it and think it will have no
adverse effect on other parts. Participating members of THE BLAZING
CHURCH will take the Bible’s admonition on living in peace with others”
seriously (Romans 12:18). We must pursue a loving behaviour with others;
and reconciliation in strained relationships wherever possible.
This means to seek to serve, more than to be served. (John 13:12-15). Don't
be a kind of Christian with a ‘consumer-mentality’, wanting the church to
‘meet all needs’. Note that ‘every one of us’ is the church; therefore, ‘meeting
needs’ is not just the responsibility of the pastors and leaders, but also of
each and every one of us. When everyone takes part in serving and caring
for others, every need is met, and we experience what Jesus meant when He
said, "it is more blessed to give than to receive". Our Saviour - Jesus, has set
a standard for us.


Fasting is a spiritual exercise. It is something that is needed to gain spiritual
stature, and to surmount mountains. Fasting is abstinence from food or
pleasure for a period of time. God does not despise fasting, He reckons with
it. There are some matters in the kingdom that God may never intervene in,
except you fast (Matt. 17:21). Fasting makes you a giant in spirit; however,
fasting without prayer is a waste of time. What makes fasting what it is, is
prayer and the study of the word. If you stay away from physical food, then
you should be taking spiritual food. Your spirit man should be getting fat.
Another thing you can include in your fast is care for the needy (Isa. 58).
When you fast, do not fast to be seen of men (Matt.6:16).

Luke 6:38. Giving is one topic that cannot be shelved aside in the
Christendom. To be prosperous, you must be willing to give. Prayer and
fasting does not cause you to be prosperous, but giving does. No matter how
much you pray and fast, if you withhold what you are to give, you may not
have access to kingdom prosperity. What are you to give to God? You are to
give yourself, your money, your gifts, your time, and your resources. Giving
may cost you something, and it always pays if it does. You can be sure to
reap, when it does (Psalm 126:5).

20.1 TITHE
Tithing is the 10% of your income. It is one way to worship God—to honor
Him as your provider and remind yourself that all of your resources belong
to Him and are provided through His grace. Your tithe is an act of worship
and surrender to God. Your obedience towards this is a proof you love God
or not. There are many debates towards this, but we are sure God's
commands it (Mal 3:8-12), Jesus authorizes it (Matthew 23:23), and that's
final. Tithing is a pointer that you take God first in your finances, and there
are always blessings for this, and also an escape from its consequences. He
will surely bless you beyond the remaining 90%. Proverbs 3:9.

Deut 16:16-17, Luke 6:38, 2cor 9:7
Offering is a separate requirement by God. It's is differentiated by the
amount and the frequency. It's an amount determined by the worshiper and
also to be given every time he or she goes to God's presence in the gathering
of His people. This requires everyone to examine how he or she has been
blessed by God and decide for themselves how much they should give as an
offering to appreciate God's blessing. Since God is the source of all blessings
we have, in THE BLAZING CHURCH, we demonstrate our gratitude in every
meeting and service by giving our offering. An offering is much more than
your money, this also includes your time, your talents, your body and your
entire life Psalm 24:1-2.


Lev 23:10, Proverbs 3:9, Ezekiel 44:30, Exodus 23:16
First fruits is derived from God's creation work. God created everything that
exists, all of creation belongs to him ( Psalm 24:1-2). Consequently, that
which is first and best belongs to him and is to be given to him. They are in
most times annually or bye annually. These include your first salary of the
year, your first farm harvest of the year, the amount of your first salary
increase. First fruit is one of the secrets of overwhelming blessing. As
Christians, we are the "first fruits" of God", of all he created" James 1:18,
Jer 2:3. The first convert in an area is a spiritual first fruit. We are therefore
to present ourselves as holy first fruits to God - as "living sacrifices, holy
and pleasing to Him "Rom 12:1-2.


It's great for you to devout your time, talents, and treasure; and to be active
in the church of God. As a member of THE BLAZING CHURCH, your
participation should be evident. Other than passively attending service, let
God see you as a team player rather than a bench-warmer in His Church.
Ask yourself that if everyone was involved with the same degree of passion
and faithfulness as you are, would the church be healthy? Does your service
and cooperation make God glad you’re part of the Church?

22.1 Modesty (1 Cor. 12: 23, 1 Tim. 2:8-10, 1 Cor. 6:19-20, Rom. 12:1-
2, 2 Tim. 2:22)
God wants us to dress modestly. He is not against us wearing fine clothing,
or looking beautiful. However, as much as we should, our dressing should
not appear immoral or indecent. Every worker must dress to glorify God,
both within the church and outside. You shouldn’t dress to entice people to

22.2 Why Women are given the liberty to open their hair, and to wear
trousers in The Blazing Church
The Bible explains in Deuteronomy 22: 5 (KJV): “The woman shall not
wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a
woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord
thy God.”
The Hebrew translation of that verse explains this better “Women shall not
wear anything that a man has already worn”. In those days, there were
no such things as trousers or skirts; they wore robes. It is no sin for a
woman to wear trousers, but it becomes a sin, when her wearing of trousers
makes her brother to fall. It is the same for every kind of dress, be it gown,
skirt, or blouse. If the dress you wear reveals your entire shape, then as a
true child of God, you will need to change that dress. Let modesty be your

22.3 The Place of Submission

It is Biblical to obey authorities. Every woman is under an authority: Father,
husband, and pastor. An unmarried woman is still under the rule of her
father, before her pastor. A married woman is under the authority of her
husband, before her pastor. If your father or husband forbids you from
wearing trousers, then you are expected to honour him by obeying.

22.4 Head Covering

I Cor. 11: 13-14. In THE BLAZING CHURCH, we believe that a woman’s
hair is given to her for a covering. “Judge in yourselves: is it comely that
a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach
you that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a
woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her HAIR is given her
for a COVERING.”
The woman’s hair is her glory; it is also a covering for her. Whether you
open your hair or you cover it with a veil, while you pray, we believe that you
are acceptable to God. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Gal.
5: 1, 4.



The Devil is that fallen angel from heaven who has become the arch enemy
of believers. Demons are the ones that rebelled against God alongside with
the devil, and the devil governs them. The devil is the one who seeks the
downfall of man, and he works in the children of disobedience (Eph. 2:2). He
brought sickness, sin, and death into the world - Gen. 3:1-16. The devil
works against the believers, and his mission is to steal, kill, and destroy -
James 4:7, 1 Pet. 5:8. A time will come when the devil will be thrown into
the bottomless pit and chained for a thousand years, after this, he will be
thrown into the lake of fire, where he will suffer with his followers forever.
Rev. 20:10, 12:4.

1 Thess. 4:13-18. The rapture is when the saints will be caught up to meet
the Lord in the air. The rapture will happen suddenly. No one knows the
time or the hour, except for God in heaven. God is coming for a church
without spot, blemish, or wrinkles. The trumpet will sound first, and the
dead in Christ will rise first to meet the Lord in the air, followed by the living
(1 Cor. 15:50-53, Phil. 3:20-21).

24.1 At the Rapture

1. He will descend from heaven with the shout and voice of an arch-
angel. 1 Thess. 4:16.
2. He will descend suddenly. 1 Cor. 15: 52
3. He will descend with the glory of God. Matt. 16: 27.
4. The saints will be caught up to meet Him in the air. 1Thess. 4: 17.


We believe in the imminent, personal, and visible return of the Lord Jesus
Christ to earth, according to the eternal plan of God, 1Cor. 15:51-54, John
14:3, 1 Thess. 4: 13-18. The first phase of the second coming of Christ is
referred to as the rapture (1Thess. 4:15-17). While the second phase will be
the coming of the Lord with His Saints (Rev. 1:7), to set up the millennium
(1000 years). During this period, Satan shall be bound (Rev. 20:2). In
between the first phase and second phase of the coming of Christ is the
period of tribulation. The tribulation will last for seven years, after which the
second phase of Christ’s second coming will take place (Dan.9:24-27). The
Great tribulation is the period when the Anti-Christ will rule the world, and
those who stand for Jesus will be thoroughly tormented. During this period,
you cannot do anything until you receive the mark of the beast (666).
Anyone who refuses to take this mark will be thoroughly tormented, and
anyone who receives the mark is doomed forever (Rev.13:16-18).


Rom. 2:6-8, Matt. 25:46, Rev. 21:1-27.
Heaven and hell is real. It is realer than your present existence on earth.
There are satanic philosophies in the world that explain that there is
nothing like heaven and hell. Of course this is not true. Heaven and hell
exists; the Bible tells us explicitly – God’s word is there as evidence (2
Pet.2:4-9, Matt. 24:35). Heaven is God’s abode. It is the place where the
saints will be after the rapture. Hell is a place of terrible darkness, severe
anguish, pain, and torment, meant for the devil, his angels, and his
followers (Matt. 13:42, Matt.8:12). It is a destination for those who disobey
God, and live for the will of Satan (Rev.21:8). There is no repentance in hell.
The moment a man finds himself in hell, it is forever; it is everlasting.
Eternal life is meant for the saints. In heaven, there will be no pain,
weeping, struggle, persecution, lack, or death. God will wipe away the tears
of His people. In heaven, there are mansions prepared for the saints. Your
labour on earth will determine what kind of mansions you will have. If you
are in God, God has mansions for you (John 14:2).


The appointment of church workers is made by the Pastor based on the
following criteria:
 Spiritual status: The fellow must be born again and spirit filled. 2
Tim. 2:19

 Moral Standards: The fellow must be someone of good report. 2 Cor.


 Commitment, Dedication and Availability: He/she must be

available at all meetings and services. A worker or intending worker
must be ready to devote himself/herself to the things of God without
being forced; his service must be rendered to please God alone. Luke

 Academic Grade: The individual must be a fellow who pursues

academic success; not hiding under church commitment as an excuse
for academic failure

 Obedience and Loyalty: He/she must show strict adherence to the

workers’ basic ethics.

 Training: The individual must have completed the Christian

Foundation Class of THE BLAZING CHURCH.


Gal.13:5, Eph. 5:27, Rom. 2: 24, 2 Tim. 2:22, Rom. 12:11, Ecc. 9:10, 2
Tim. 2:15

There is a life-style that is expected of everyone that decides to be sold out

for God’s use in THE BLAZING CHURCH. This includes the following:

1. By all means, you must avoid coming late for meetings. It's a capital
offense in THE BLAZING CHURCH. If you have a genuine reason to
come late, you must take excuse from your superior.
2. Dressing corporately or according to what is agreed on in your
department is a must.
3. When you are late for a meeting, you are expected to stand, until the
person anchoring the meeting asks you to sit.
4. No unnecessary jesting and laughing are permitted during meetings
and church services.
5. You must give your best in every service. No excuse for failure.
6. If you don't attend rehearsals or preparatory sessions, you won't be
allowed to minister during the service, except permitted by the Pastor.
7. You are to inform your superior or Pastor when traveling.
8. The workers are the first set of people to arrive church, and the last
set of people to leave.



The following are the privileges and advantages ascertained to congregants

who have been through the foundation class, workers’ training class, and
are part of the workforce:

1. Wedding, Naming, and Funeral conduction by the church

2. Church presence at events
3. Church support at events
4. Church involvement at business exhibitions
5. Job opportunities
6. Reduced tuition fee for our mission schools
7. Possible scholarship programmes.

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