Vivynna News Feature - 77112

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“It is happy experience for us “ VS “ This years had been the worst”

UNIMAS 26th graduation celebration

By: Vivynna Bunsi Ann Anak Jimmy Chabu (77112)

Since 31st October until November 3rd, 2022, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) had held
their convocation ceremony which was graced by Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib
Mahmud and his wife Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Raghad Kurdi Taib.

The convocation was divided into seven sections, the first ceremony (October 31st) for graduates
that completed their postgraduate diploma in Higher Education teaching and learning. The last
day (Nov 3rd) is for Faculty of Economic and Business graduates that have finished their degree.

The ceremony was also enlivened by the presence of graduates' family members, friends and
partners. The happy faces of seeing their loved ones finish their studies while holding flower
bouquets and gifts, taking pictures, and creating memories.

One of the graduates took a picture with his family during 26th convocation in UNIMAS.- Photo
by Chin Yeong Ann
There were a lot of stalls selling their products during this event and Hornbill Box reporters
interviewed a few stall keepers and owners regarding their thoughts of this year's UNIMAS 26th

Nur Khairani Izzati, 24 expresses that she is honoured to be invited by UNIMAS to sell her
product “Popia Pisang” during the convocation event. It was also Poppi’s.KCH first time
joining the UNIMAS event and they have been selling for a week now (Nov 3rd).

Poppi’s.KCH stall in FEB.- Photo by Bertha Anum

“Thank God, the feedback from students were very satisfying from the first day until today the
fourth day (3 Nov) and we were sold out early everyday due to positive customer response”. Nur
Khairani Izzati. She also shared that they only sell their best selling product at this event.

The uniqueness of this product is that they wrap popiah or paper like crepes that are made from
wheat flour and wrap it with banana and to add more flavour they added toppings. The toppings
come from different flavors such as oreo, chocolates, cheese, green tea, strawberry, and tiramisu.

Nur Khairani also said they have been doing research and development for their newest flavour
and will release it after passing a few tests. She also mentioned that they had been operating their
business since July 14th, 2021 and they also have a stall at Kampung Semariang Baru, Kuching.

The product “popia pisang” may look easy to make but, Nur Khairani explains she needs to
spend at least 3-4 hours everyday to prepare for the ingredients. They need to wrap the popiah
with the banana, fry it and add the desirable topping. Topping like chocolate needed to be melted
first and put it in a bottle to make it easier for them to add the topping.

After being asked whether or not they will be attending again if UNIMAS have any new events
in the future, they responded “Yes, Of course. We will be honoured to be invited to such events
again regardless whether it is free or we need to pay the rent. We will try our best to be involved
in such a big event.” Nur Khairani Izzati expressed her enthusiasm for the next opportunity.

Nur Khairani Izzati and her worker in front of their stall banner.- Photo by Bertha Anum

“This is the first experience for us and we were really happy but also nervous at the same time
cause we were facing a lot of students, it was a happy experience for us.” Nur Khairani also
hopes to have the opportunity to open their own cafe in UNIMAS and UITM.

Lastly Nur Khairani also revealed to us that she hopes Poppi’s.KCH will be operating for a very
long period, they will always make improvements for their products and develope their business
until they feel like they are eligible and able to open cafes in or outside Samarahan.

Meanwhile, one of the veteran vendors during this convocation event is Lavender Flower. The
owner, Chai Min Sia, 44, stated that this is their 15 years participating in the convocation sales.
She also stated that this year is the worst year for their sales.

“So far, this year has been the worst. I have opened the stall here for 4 days. Today is my last day
selling flowers at the convocation. The sales for the beginning 2 days were less and today sales
were also less. Only yesterday's sales were a little satisfying but yesterday there was heavy rain
and it caused less customers to visit my shop”.
Lavender Floral stall and the customer choosing their desired flower.- Photo by Bertha Anum

Lavender Floral offers endless options for their customers, the cheapest package that they offer is
RM10 and the flower packages under RM100 are their best selling products. She also explained
that flowers between the range RM50-RM100 are well accepted by the customers and this leads
to more sales on their stall than the rest.

“There are fake flowers, fresh flowers and flowers with dolls.” This is the uniqueness of
Lavender Floral than the rest of the flower stall at the convocation. They offer different kinds of
flower arrangement for their customers and the design is also added with graduation bear or

Chai Min Sia, with their highest sales flower, sunflower.- Photo by Bertha Anum
When asked regarding the feedback that she received during this year's convocation sales, Chai
Min Sia calmly stated that she often gets positive feedback since the flowers that they sell here in
UNIMAS convocation were the same as the price she sells at the store in Pandungan.

One of the customers was buying flowers for their loved one's graduation ceremony.- Photo by
Bertha Anum.

“We also have our own website ( for customers to refer to our flower
packages and make it easier for them to make orders.” Their customers can request delivery or
self pick-up for the order that they book online.

Chai Min Sia also stated that they may not come again next year if the application price is high.

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