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Rudra Pratap Singh

Pre-Final Year ECE Undergraduate

Phone: (+91) 9315927699 LinkedIn:
Email: GitHub:

Ready to learn cutting-edge technologies and keep on progressing in it, interested in SDE, Full Stack Developer and DevOps as an Intern.
Degree College / School Year Percentage
Bachelors of Technology Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 2023 72
HSC Sunbeam English School, Varanasi 2019 87
Company-Name Details Duration
 Monitored cloud computing on platform AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, IAM,
CloudWatch, SNS).
DoremonLabs  Fetched data/documents from Kibana and performed several operation with 11/2021-02/2022
Linux (Ubuntu) commands, got the valuable information from the collected
data. Certificate
The Sparks Foundation  Prediction Using a supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Exploratory 07/2021-08/2021
Data Analysis-Retail. Certificate
Project-Name Project-Details Project-Duration
 Built folder’s, text file’s, album’s using javascript html and css. Created different
functions like add folder, delete folder, rename album etc.
 By using these function’s, able to add folder’s, add album’s, delete text file’s etc. In the
Multiple Apps text file, able to change bg-color, text-color, save the notepad data, download and 02/2022-03/2022
upload features are also available in the Notepad (app).
 In the album app, upload images, delete images, able to play as slideshow and many
more features were available in an Album (app). GitHub
 Developed a module in Python to access Elastic Search DB and access the data. Putting
ELK Python the details in config file and import the config file. IP, Port, Username, Password, Start
Automation date time, End date time, Index. 01/2022-02/2022
 Built a program to send email and the count calculated sent via email. Code include's
logging, doc string, Elastic Search etc module's. GitHub

File System  Arrange the files to their extensions for example video.mp4 belongs to media,
Organiser document.txt belongs to document etc. Javascript, html and CSS were used in this. 10/2021-11/2021
Python (4/5), C++ (3/5), JavaScript (3/5), Ubuntu (3/5), MySQL (3/5), AWS (3/5), HTML (3/5), CSS (3/5), React JS (3/5), Data Structure and
Algorithm (3/5), Problem Solving (4/5).
TCS NQT - IT Programming, TCS NQT - Cognitive Skills, Python Data Structure, Problem Solving, Python (Basic), Introduction to Web
 5 Star Rated Competitive Programmer on Hacker Rank in Problem Solving and Python.
 3 Star Rated Competitive Programmer on CodeChef.
 Scored 100% in TCS NQT IT Programming and 80% in Cognitive Skills.
 Qualified for Super-30, which was conducted by Sunbeam School, Varanasi.
 Winner of Mind Rocks 2018 in School Fest.
 Hindi (Fluent).
 English (Fluent).

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