190321420894-Amani N Mringo Project Book

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ADMISSION NO: 190321420894


ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022



I, declare to the best of my knowledge that, the project presented here as a partial fulfillment of
the award of Ordinary Diploma of Engineering in Electrical course, is my original work and has
not been copied from anywhere or presented elsewhere except explicitly indicated otherwise as
all resources of knowledge have been duly acknowledged.

Student Name: MRINGO, AMANI N Signature: ……………….

Supervisor’s Name: DAUDI J. BAHEBE Signature…………………


This report describes the design and implementation of automatic power factor correction and
harmonics filtration. Power factor is the cosine of the phase angle between current and voltage.
Quantitatively, power factor ranges from zero to one and is the cosine of the difference in the
angle between the current and voltage. Many power companies regulate residential and industrial
power factors to make sure that they do not fall below a certain level and charge the customer
more on their utility bills if the power factor falls below a certain level.

Power factor correction serves to correct low power factors by reducing the phase difference
between the current and voltage at the distribution point for a company or residence. The most
common way to correct the power factor is to switch capacitor banks at the source to generate
“negative” reactive power. This project’s goal is to make a system that will switch capacitor
banks in and out of the circuit when the power factor drops below a certain point to avoid power
company charges.

The measurement and monitoring of three different possible load types suggested that only the
inductive loads required power factor correction. After employing the correction equipment, the
targeted power factor of 0.95 is achieved and the increase in power factor varied from 9% to
19% based on the combination of load. There is also a decrease of 1.7% in the total energy
consumption due to reduction in load current.


I want to send my sincere thanks to those who contributed in one way or another before
completion of this senior project. My sincere gratitude should go to DAUDI J BAHEBE, for his
proper supervision, advice, guidance, suggestions and constructive ideas that lead in successful
completion of this senior project.

I also extend my sincere thanks to my fellow students for the support and cooperation in helping
me to complete my project, I also express my gratitude to my family for their heartwarming
support and encouragement to complete my project. May God bless all of you.

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 General Introduction...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement.............................................................................................................1
1.3 Project Objectives...............................................................................................................2
1.4 Significance of the Project.................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................3
2.2 Literature review................................................................................................................3
2.3 Data collection....................................................................................................................3
2.4 Data analysis.......................................................................................................................3
2.5 Design a circuit...................................................................................................................3
2.6 Building a prototype...........................................................................................................3
2.7 Testing of a prototype.........................................................................................................3
2.8 Writing a project report......................................................................................................4
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................5
3.2 THE EXISTING SYSTEM................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Capacitor Bank................................................................................................................8
3.3.2 Magnetic Contactors........................................................................................................9
3.4 PROPOSED POWER FACTOR IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM..........................................10
3.4.1 Automatic Power Factor Regulator (APFR):................................................................11
3.4.2 The Current and Potential Transformer.........................................................................11
3.4.3 Capacitor Contactors.....................................................................................................11
3.4.4 Micro Controller............................................................................................................11

3.4.5 Static Capacitor.............................................................................................................12
3.4.6 Relay..............................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................13
DATA COLLECTION..................................................................................................................13
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................13
4.2 Capacitor specifications.......................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................14
DATA ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..........................................................................................14
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................14
5.2 To estimate the size of capacitor bank to meet the requirement of load..........................14
5.3 Power supply....................................................................................................................16
5.4 Rectifier calculation.........................................................................................................17
5.5 Relay.................................................................................................................................17
5.6 The selection of smoothing capacitor..................................................................................18
5.7 Transformer..........................................................................................................................18
5.8 Control Unit......................................................................................................................19
5.9 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)..........................................................................................20
5.10 Flow chart.......................................................................................................................21
5.11 Complete circuit diagram...............................................................................................23
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................24
SIMULATION AND RESULTS...............................................................................................24
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................24
6.2 Simulation software..........................................................................................................24
CHAPTER SEVEN.......................................................................................................................26
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................26
7.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................26
7.2 Recommendation..............................................................................................................26
PROJECT COSTS..................................................................................................................27
GANTT CHART...........................................................................................................................30


Figure: 1 power triangle...................................................................................................................5

Figure: 2 Block diagram of existing system....................................................................................8
Figure: 3 Power circuit of an existing system.................................................................................9
Figure: 4 Block diagram of proposed system................................................................................10
Figure: 5 Block diagram of power supply system.........................................................................16
Figure: 6 Power supply circuit diagram.........................................................................................19
Figure: 7 LCD pin diagram............................................................................................................20
Figure: 8 Flow Chart......................................................................................................................22
Figure: 9 complete circuit..............................................................................................................23
Figure: 10 the simulation model of the circuit...............................................................................24
Figure: 11 the simulation model of the circuit...............................................................................25
Figure: 12 Prototype Layout..........................................................................................................29


Table 1: Power factor in different month......................................................................................13

Table 2: Rated parameters.............................................................................................................14
Table 3: LCD pin Description.......................................................................................................21
Table 4: Project Stationary Costs..................................................................................................27
Table 5: Project Material (Component) Costs...............................................................................28

AC Alternating Current

APFC Automatic Power Factor Correction

CT’s Current Transformers

DC Direct Current

I/O Input/ Output

IC Integrated Circuit

KVA Kilo Volt-Ampere

KVAR Kilo Volt-Ampere Reactive

KW Kilo-Watts

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

MHz Mega Hertz

PFC Power Factor Correction

PIC Programmable Interface Controller

PT’s Potential Transformers

R Resistive

RAM Random Access Memory

THD Total Harmonic Distortion

VA Volt-Ampere

ZCS Zero Current Sensor

ZVS Zero Voltage Sensor



1.1 General Introduction

Sayona Drinks Limited, in Dar es Salaam is the company dealing with the production of Drinks
and Beverages. Recently it has been observed that the power is very precious. The
industrialization is primarily increasing the inductive loading, the use of Inductive and nonlinear
loads affects the power factor, so the power system loses its efficiency. There are certain
organizations developing products on this field to improve or compensate the power factor.
Currently this can be achieved by using programmable device. Whenever we are thinking about
any programmable devices then the embedded technology comes into mind. The Automatic
Power Factor Correction device is a very useful device for improving efficient transmission of
active power. If the consumer connects inductive load, then the power factor lags, when the
power factor goes below 0.97(lag) then the Electric supply company charge penalty to the
consumer. So, it is essential to maintain the Power factor below within a limit. Automatic Power
factor correction device reads the power factor from line voltage and line current, calculating the
compensation requirement switch on different capacitor banks. Non-linear system elements are
sources of distorted waveforms in power system Applications. Common examples include
Variable Speed Drives (VSD), frequency Converters in wind and solar plants, High Voltage
Direct Current (HVDC). The Resulting non-sinusoidal periodical waveform consists of a
fundamental component and unwanted harmonic components which can disturb the power
system severely.

1.2 Problem Statement

The recurrent low power factor problem at Sayona Drinks Limited is caused by the presence of
harmonics in distribution power system produced by the non-linear loads used by the industry.
These harmonics significantly reduce the life of capacitor banks and cause low PF which is
reported to have dropped from the recommended value by the utility company (above 0.85) to
0.6 and 0.7. This increases current flow from the power sources and the loads, power losses

increase in both distribution and transmission lines. Thus, this results in financial losses to the

1.3 Project Objectives

The objective of this project is divided into two parts, the main objective and the specific

1.3.1 Main Objective

To design of an Automatic Power Factor improvement system with addition of Harmonic Filter
for Sayona Drinks Limited

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To assess the existing power factor correction system at Sayona Drinks Limited
ii. To design a control circuit system for improving the power factor
iii. To select appropriate components and materials for the designed system
iv. To build the prototype of the proposed system
v. To test a Prototype of the proposed system

1.4 Significance of the Project

i. The improved power factor will increase system capacity and permits additional loads
without overloading the system.
ii. The project will minimize reactive power and the harmonics produced by the inductive
and nonlinear loads.

iii. The improved power factor will eliminate extra bills caused by the consumption of
reactive power and as well will reduce voltage drop and power losses in an installation
for the case of poor power factor.
iv. Minimize heating effects.


2.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the steps that will be followed until the objectives of the project are
The different methods that will be used in order to accomplish the objectives of the project are as
i. Literature review
ii. Data collection
iii. Data analysis
iv. Design a circuit
v. Building a prototype
vi. Testing of a prototype
vii. Writing a project report
2.2 Literature review
At this point all elementary information consulted in order to obtain knowledge and varios skills
related to project
2.3 Data collection
These are data collected from the existing system that will be used for the data analysis
2.4 Data analysis
This section will show how data will be analyzed in order to come up with a desirable circuit
2.5 Design a circuit
This section will present the designing of the proposed system, showing step by step procedures
2.6 Building a prototype
This section will present how the prototype is being built. It will involve connection of physical
components according to the design.
2.7 Testing of a prototype
Here is where the prototype has to be tested and verified in order to know whether it will be
sufficient for the project purpose. Here will show whether the circuit is working or not after
being tested.

2.8 Writing a project report
This is a final part where all the work done in order to accomplish the project is sorted out and
analyzed. In this case report in form of soft copy and hard copy will be written.


3.1 Introduction
Power factor is the ration between the KW and the KVA drawn by an electrical load where the
KW is the actual load power and the KVA is the apparent load power. All inductive electrical
system has three components.
(1) Reactive Power (kVAr)
Required to maintain the electromagnetic field but contributes nothing to the useful output. All
inductive apparatus uses this principle and is measured in volt-amperes.
(2) Active Power (kW)
The useful work done by the motor on the systems and measure in kW.
(3) Apparent Power (kVA)
This is energy consumed or total energy supplied by local electricity authority. For economic
power transmission the reactive power component (kVAr) within the apparent power must be
reduced or eliminated. This in turn improve the power factor of system and available capacity,
thus improving the electrical efficiency.

Figure: 1 Schematic Diagram for Power Factor

OA= VI cos θ and represents the active power in watts or kW
AB= VI sin θ and represents the reactive power in VAR or kVAr
OB= IV and represents the apparent power in VA or kVA
OB2= OA2 + AB2
Or (apparent power) 2 = (active power) 2 + (reactive power) 2
Or (kVA) 2 = (kW) 2 + (kVAr) 2
A poor power factor can be result of either a significant phase difference between the voltage and
current at the load terminal or it can be due to high harmonic content/ distorted current
waveform. Poor load current phase angle is generally the result of an inductive load such as an
induction motor, power transformer etc.

Disadvantages of low power factor

i. Large kVA rating of equipment
ii. Greater conductor size
iii. Large copper losses
iv. Poor voltage regulator
Causes of low power factor
Low power factor is undesirable from economic point of view. Normally the following are the
causes of low power factor:
(i) Most of the a.c. motors are of induction type (1phase and 3phase induction motors)
which have low lagging power factor. These motors work at a power factor which is
extremely small on light load (0·2 to 0·3) and rises to 0·8 or 0·9 at full load.
(ii) Arc lamps, electric discharge lamps and industrial heating furnaces operate at low
lagging power factor.
(iii) The load on the power system varies, being high during morning and evening and low
at other times. During low load period, supply voltage is increased which increases
the magnetization current. This results in the decreased power factor. [1]

The low power factor is almost invariable due to the inductive nature of load and therefore the
logical correction is to connect such device across the load which takes leading reactive power
such as static capacitor and synchronous machine.
Static capacitor
Power factor can be improved connecting capacitor parallel with the equipment operating at
lagging power factor. The static capacitor has the advantage of high efficiency, low initial cost
and easy installation. Power factor can also be improved by connecting static capacitor in series
with the line. [2]
There are different methods of switching, such as mechanical switching (e.g., pneumatic
contactors), electromechanical switching (e.g., magnetic contactors) and static switches (e.g.
thyristor, triac, transistor etc.).
a) Mechanical switching
These are manual switches which can make or isolate the circuit. They consist of single pole,
double pole or triple pole according to the application.
Some examples of mechanical switches are one way one switch, two-way switch, intermediate
switch, isolators and other more. [3]
b) Electromechanical switching
These are manually operated electromechanical devices with one or more sets of electrical
contacts. Each set of contacts can be in one of two states: either „closed‟ or „open‟. A contactor
is activated by a control input which is a lower voltage/current than that which the contactor is
switching. Contactors come in many forms with varying capacities and features. Unlike circuit
breakers contactors are not intended to interrupt a short circuit current. Contactors range from
having a breaking current of several amps and 110 volts to thousands of amps and many
kilovolts. The physical size of contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one
hand, to large devices approximately a meter (yard) on a side. [4]
a) Electronic switching
These are semiconductor devices which replace electromechanical contactors and relays, also are
commonly available electronic switches. [5]

3.2.1Operation of existing system
The existing system consists of the following elements, capacitor bank which comprises static
capacitors for power factor improvement, overloads for protection against excess current,
magnetic contactors for switching ON/OFF the capacitors and rotary switch for switching the
magnetic contactors.



Figure: 2 Block diagram of existing system

Drawbacks of existing system

i. The following are the drawbacks of the existing system
ii. Frequently burn of magnetic contactors and
iii. The existing system does not provide a means of switching the capacitors automatically
thus the attendant has to monitor the system manually which is not efficiently
iv. Fails to filter the Harmonics produced by the nonlinear loads


3.3.1 Capacitor Bank
Each capacitor bank consists with manual switching device (rotary switch) and installed in a
substation. These capacitors are used for power factor improvement.
Such capacitors are often come as three capacitors connected as three phase loads. Usually, the
value of this capacitor is given not in farads but rather as a reactive power in volts ampere
reactive. The purpose is to counteract the inductive loading from devices like electric motors and
transmission line to make the load appear more resistive.
Power factor correction is achieved by the addition of capacitors in parallel with the connected
inductive loads the resulting capacitive current is leading current and is used to cancel the
lagging inductive current flowing from the supply. Capacitor connected at each inductive load

and controlled by each inductive load is known as “Static power factor correction” while
capacitors connected at a distribution board and controlled independently from the individual is
known as “Bulk power factor correction”. [11]
3.3.2 Magnetic Contactors
These are electromagnetic switches consist of a coil, fixed and moving contacts, armature and
base. When a coil is energized, establishes fluxes which pull the armature thus make the contacts
to close. Used for remotely switching a power or control a circuit. [2]

Figure:3 Power circuit of an existing system


An automatic microcontroller circuit module is designed to overcome the problem. The proposed
block diagram comprises of an automatic microcontroller that sense the value of power factor.





Figure:4 Block diagram of proposed system

3.4.1 Automatic Power Factor Regulator (APFR):
The device employs microcontroller chip to measure the reactive current continuously. When the
load increases or decreases the current transformer sense the difference and the secondary of the
current transformer send a signal to automatic power factor regulator. If the inductive current
portion exceeds a threshold value, the relay contacts are closed /opened with a delay of 0.5 sec
causing capacitor contactor simultaneously to switch a capacitor stage onto the main supply or
switched off upon demand. [6]

3.4.2 The Current and Potential Transformer

The CT and PT provides a feedback signal required for the operation of the power factor
controller. Always CT is connected to the phase not utilized for supply voltage to controller, and
PT is connected in parallel. When current in a circuit is too high to directly apply to measuring
instruments, a CT and PT produces a reduced current and voltage accurately proportional to the
input circuit current and voltage which can be conveniently connected to measuring and
recording instruments. CT and PT are commonly used in metering and protective relays in the
electrical power industry. The CT which commonly used is 800/5. [6]

3.4.3 Capacitor Contactors

Capacitor switching contactors are designed for banks of capacitors. The unique design of this
type of contactors uses front mounted resistor elements that limit the severely high inrush current
seen in these applications. This reduces stress to the contactors and the capacitors as well as
allowing a more compact economical design without the use of air-core reactors. These special
contactors have auxiliary contact which introduce a starting resistance at the beginning then short
it. [8]

3.4.4 Micro Controller

Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit consisting of processor core,
programming and storage device. Microcontrollers are used for automatically controlled product
and device such as Automatic engine control system, remote control and power tools. By
reducing size and the cost compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory/
output device, therefore can make economical to digitally control. The microcontroller based on

power factor correction is one which is developed in order to facilitate an automatic control
action of the capacitor banks. [7]

3.4.5 Static Capacitor

The power factor can be improved by connecting capacitors in parallel with the equipment
operating at lagging power factor. The static capacitor draws a leading current and partly or
completely neutralizes the lagging reactive component of load current. This raises the power
factor of the load. For three-phase loads, the capacitors can be connected in delta or star. Static
capacitors are invariably used for power factor improvement in factories.
Its advantages
(i) They have low losses.
(ii) They require little maintenance as there are no rotating parts.
(iii) They can be easily installed as they are light and require no foundation.
(iv) They can work under ordinary atmospheric condition
3.4.6 Relay
Is a device which can sense the abnormal condition in power system, whenever abnormal
condition exist the relay contact gets closed, this in turn closes the trip circuit of an associated
circuit breaker. Circuit breaker is capable of disconnecting a fault element. [2]


4.1 Introduction
This chapter gives out data collected from different sources which are useful towards
accomplishment of my project. The data collected acts as a guide towards the designed system.
4.2 Capacitor specifications
Capacitor type: ac capacitor, three phases
Reactive power: 60kVAr
Frequency: 50Hz
Voltage: 380V
Current: 86.6A
Connection: Delta
The supply voltage is 380V, 50Hz, Apparent power is 3600kVA and active power is 3096Kw

Table 1: Power factor in different month

DATES 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th December

December December December December
PF 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.77 0.73

Q(kVAr) 1852.03 2292.99 2352.18 1505.78 1254.50

S(kVA) 2800.00 3466.67 3293.71 2360.00 1835.55

P(kW) 2100.00 2600.05 2305.60 1817.20 1339.95



5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the usage of data that have been collected and designing of the system. It
comprises the mathematical analysis of each section together with their desired calculated

5.2 To estimate the size of capacitor bank to meet the requirement of load
This is done to obtain the total reactive power of capacitors the farads, operating currents and
their voltages.

Table 2: Rated parameters

Sorting section Air condition section Filter card section
Motor type Induction motor Induction motor Induction motor
Manufacturer Siemens Siemens Siemens
Rated voltage (V) 380/415 380/415 380/415
Rated current (A) 74.5 55.6 59.5
Rated speed (RPM) 2800 980 980
Power factor 0.76 0.63 0.85
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 50 50
Power drive (HP) 50 37.548(28kW) 40(30kW)
Connection Star-Delta Star-Delta Delta
Capacitor rating in kVAr
Types of machine three phase induction machine
Total rated power (kW) = 95.285kW
Targeted power factor (pf) = 0.74
Average power factor (pf) = 0.97
phase angle = cos−1 pf
Existing phase angle ( α )=cos−1 ( 0.74 )
α =42.26 °Targeted phase angle( β )=cos−1 ( 0.97 )
β=14.07 ° Q ( kVAr )= p ( tan α −tan β )

Q ( kVAr )=95.285 k ( tan 42.26−tan 14.07 )

Q(kVAr)=62.7 kVAr

So, the kVAr to be compensated will be equal to = 62.7kVAr, the standard range of capacitance
power available (5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50) kVAr at 415V to 440 V and also the
Microcontroller per step (5, 6, 8, 12, 16) steps. So, for economic reasons and proper functioning
of equipment the best choice will be of banks 60 which leading kVAr supplied by capacitor
banks will be of 3 of 20 kVAr, 25kVAr.

This will give the sum up to 65 KVAr for total steps.

Full load fundamental current of capacitor bank I C (FL )

Q Actual
I C (FL )=
√ 3V actual
I C (FL )=26.24 A For 20kVAr and I C (FL )=32.80 A for 25kVAr

Equivalent phase inductive reactance of the capacitor bank

√3 V rated
X C −Y =
kVAr rated

X C −Y =16.77 Ω For 20kVAr and X C −Y =13.41 Ω for 25kVAr

Reactance of series connected filter reactor, h=4.7 for 5thharmonic according to IEEE -519-1992

X L =X reactor =

X L =758.98 mΩ For 20kVAr and X L =607.20 m Ω for 25kVAr

Where; h is the resonance at the harmonic order of frequencies at which X C −Y = X L

Full load current of the filter

V phase
I f ( FL )=
X C−Y + X L

I f ( FL )=26.36 A

Reactive power supplied to the filter

Qsupplied =Qfilter =√ 3 V ¿ I filter ( FL )

¿ √ 3 [ 440 V × ( 26.36 A ) ]

Qsupplied =20.09 kVAr For 20kVAr and Qsupplied =34.36 kVAr for 25kVAr

Capacitance of a capacitor

V ph
I C (FL )=

I (FL )
2 π × F × V ph

2 π ×50 × 440

C=189.82uF For 20kVAr and C=237 .28 uF for 25kVAr

So, the ratings of capacitors will be ofC=189.82uF For 20 kVAr , C=237 .28 uF for 25kVAr, 400
V, for 3 three phase capacitors

5.3 Power supply

The designed system uses 12 V and 5 V dc power supply. A 12V power supply used for biasing
of a relay for actuating circuit breaker, while a 5V power supply used to power on a
microcontroller. A 230 V, 50 Hz ac supply is stepped down by a transformer to a secondary
voltage of about 18 V. The stepped down voltage is then rectified by using a bridge rectifier. In
designing power supply the following things must be considered, one is the voltage required by
the device. The power supply should meet the maximum current requirement of the load.

Transformer AC/DC Filter Circuit Regulator

Figure: 5 Block diagram of power supply system

The choice of voltage regulator is obtained as follows:

The circuit requires 5V for powering microcontroller and 12 relay for switching system.
Therefore, the 7805 and 7812 voltage regulators chosen. And 7805 ratings are:

 input voltage range 7V- 35V

 output voltage range V Max=5.2V , V Min =4.8V
 Current rating I C =1 A

5.4 Rectifier calculation

Since the secondary voltage of the transformer V S =12 V AC rms

V S Peak (VP) ¿ √ 2× VRMS

VP¿ √ 2× 12=16.971

The voltage drop on diodes is 0.7 for each diode since the bridge rectifier has two diodes in
series then the total voltage drop will be V total =2 × 0.7=1.4 V , peak value of the rectifier voltage
(V P)

V Pr =V P−1.4 volts=( 16.971−1.4 ) V =15.571V dc

The average voltage V av

2V Pr 2× 25.571
V av = = =9.913 V
π π
The peak inverse voltage (PIV) for each diode

PIV ¿ V Pr+ 0.7 volts=(15.571+ 0.7)volts

PIV¿ 16.271V
So, the diode type to be used is 1N4001 with PIV not less than 16.271V. The best selection of
diode is 1N4001 that uses the maximum current of 1A and 50V because of the current
requirement of the regulator and PIV

5.5 Relay
The current through the relay is calculated from ohms laws

From; V=IR

Where V=Voltage I= Current and R=Resistance


I coil = =30 A
4000 Ω

Then from the transistor BC547 data sheet the maximum collector current is 100Ma , hFE=110



I C 30 mA
I B= = =0.27 mA
hFE 110


V −V BE (12−0.7)V
R= = =10 k Ω
IB 0.27 mA

5.6 The selection of smoothing capacitor

2 πf V ο


Load current I ο=500 A

Output voltage V ο =¿15.571V

500 mA −4
C= =1.0221× 10 F
2 π ×50 ×15.571

Therefore, the filter capacitor can be from 102.2uF and above.

5.7 Transformer
Maximum value AC Transformer output = 16.971V

RMS Value of output of transformer¿ =11.96 ≈ 12V
But; voltage on primary side ( V p ) =230 V

Voltage on secondary side ( V S )=12 V

Transformer ratio ¿

Transformer ratio ¿ =115: 6

For the regulators part, the chip LM 7805 and LM 7812 will be used which is a standard +5 V
and +12V regulators. The figure below is a schematic diagram of the power supply unit.

Figure: 6 Power supply circuit diagram.

5.8 Control Unit
This unit the phase angle between current and voltage is calculated and it is continuously
displayed on LCD. The main purpose of control unit in this project was to accept the inputs,
process them and give out desired outputs.

So, the Microcontroller (AT89C51) was selected because has minimal instructions set but full
range of peripheral features, spare capacity and set of features most closely matching the
application requirements. [7]

5.8.1 Microcontroller Programming

The programming of the microcontroller starts with analyzing the behavior of the system. The
behavior of the system can be summarized on a flow chart or pseudo code. In this project a flow
chart is used. [12]

5.9 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

This component is specifically manufactured to be used with microcontrollers, which means that
it cannot be activated by standard IC circuits. It is used for displaying different messages on a
miniature liquid crystal display. [11]

LCD display pins

Along one side of the small printed board of the LCD display there are pins that enable it to be
to the microcontroller. There are in total of 14 pins marked with numbers (16 if there is a

The figure below shows the LCD pin configuration.

Figure:7 LCD pin diagram

The functions of LCD pins are described in the table below
Table 3: LCD pin Description
Pin Name Function

1 Ground Ground (0 V)

2 VCC Supply voltage; 5 V (4.7 V – 5.3 V)

3 VEE Contrast adjustment; through a variable resistor

4 RS (Register Selects command register when low; and data register when
select) high

5 R/W (Read/Write) Low to write to the register; High to read from the register

6 Enable Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse is given


8 DB1

9 DB2

10 DB3

11 DB4 8-bit data pins

5.10 Flow chart

A flow chart is the diagram that shows the connections between the different stages of a process
or parts of a system. Figure 8: is the flow chart of processes of the project.


Detect dc o/p from pf


Convert analog DC
voltage to digital value
in MCU

Calculate pf

Display pf

No Yes
If pf

If pf No Add one capacitor


Remove one

Figure:8 Flow Chart

5.11 Complete circuit diagram

Figure: 9 complete circuit

6.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how the testing was carried out and what found from the test. The testing
carried out through the simulation software leads to the achievement of the project.

6.2 Simulation software

The simulation software for this project is Proteus 8.1. This software is one of the most powerful
electronic simulation software.

6.2.1 The Output Simulation

After the simulation done, the expected output obtained as required from the design.

Figure:10 the simulation model of the circuit

Figure: 11 the simulation model of the circuit

6.2.2 Operation of Automatic Power Factor Correction Circuit

The designed system uses 5 V dc power supply. Current transformer step down a.c. current and
also is used to get current wave form from a load current. LM339 is used as zero crossing
detectors and this LM339 is used as comparator in this circuit. Similarly, voltage transformer is
used to get current wave form and fed this wave to LM339 comparator. After LM399 both
current and voltage waveforms are fed to microcontroller. Microcontroller measures zero
crossing detection and power factor by measuring time difference between current and voltage
wave form. Microcontroller calculate power factor and relay driver IC UNL2003 is used to drive
relays. Microcontroller sends high signal to relay driver IC whenever power factors fall less than
0.95. While the inductors connected in series with capacitors are for the harmonic’s filtration

7.1 Conclusion
The designed circuit seen to have the desired ability of switching capacitor stages for power
factor improvement; in great extent, the device satisfies and overcome the main and specific
objectives of the project. The testing results (simulation and prototype) confirm that the circuit
operates properly as desired.

7.2 Recommendation
The designed system can be installed and used in voltage level of 400 V with maximum
permissible temperature of 125 ºC to ensure proper operation as it contain components which are
sensitive to higher temperature rise since the system comprise of electronic devices.

For optimum performance and longer life of the device, it should be kept free and away from
dust, direct sun light and higher temperatures.

In case of automatic power factor correction, if the load is changing frequently, the numerous
switching of capacitor bank may cause harmonic problem. Suitable filter design as well as an
optimum algorithm design can be done based on the frequent load change pattern to avoid
regular switching of capacitor bank.

Table 4: Project Stationary Costs

1 Project one, min one presentation report 3,200/=


2 Project one min two presentation printing 10,000/=

3 Project one Final presentation report 30,000/=

Printing & Binding

4 Project two min presentation printing 5,000/=

5 Project two Report Printing & binding 30,000/=

Total 78,200/=

Table 5: Project Material (Component) Costs


1 MICROCONTROLLER 15,000/= 1 15,000/=


2 LCD DISPLAY 25,0000/= 1 25,0000/=


3 CURRENT TRANSFORMER 45,000/= 1 45,000/=


4 POTENTIAL 30,0000/= 1 30,000/=


5 ZERO CROSS DETECTOR 50,000 1 50,000


6 AC CABLE, AC ADAPTER 20,000 1 20,000


7 VOLTAGE REGULATOR 2,000 2 4,000


8 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 20,000 2 40,000

(10cm X 7.5cm)

9 RELAY (5V) 3,000 6 18,000

10 RELAY DRIVER (ULN2003) 3,000 1 3,000

11 CAPACITOR BANK 45,000 3 135,000

12 HARMONIC FILTER 40,000 1 40,000

13 TRANSFORMER (3H) 15,000 1 15,000

14 OPERATIONAL 3,000 3 9,000


15 DIODES (1N4148) 1,000 6 6,000

16 RESISTORS 200 20 4,000

17 SWITCH 2,000 2 4,000

18 LAMP AND LAMP 5000 1 5000


Total 333,000/=

Total Project Costs 411,200/=

Figure: 12 Overall working prototype


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Selection of project
2 Title defending
3 Literature review
4 Data collection
5 Report writing
6 Submission of

1. V.K Mehta “Principle of power system”
2. Bandri Ram, 2004) “Power system protection and switch gear”
3. B.M Weddy „Electric power supply‟
4. http/www.eletrotekid.com
5. http/www.wikipedia.org/triac
6. http/www.wikipedia.org/apfr
7. Mazidi A, Janise G.M“8051 microcontroller and embedded systems‟‟
8. T. L. Floyd “Electronic device”
9. B.L. Theraja, Electrical technology third edition (2002)
10. Ramshaw R.S.1993, TMGE Automation system
11. Sharma, R. & Haque, A., Simulation and Analysis of Power Factor Correction in
Electric Control System for Metal Halide High Intensity Discharge Lamps, Advance in
Electronic and Electric Engineering, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 185-192.

12. Mazidi, M. A. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems.

13. Frye, R. A. (n.d.). Power Factor. Retrieved from


14. W. Macck Grady and Robert J. Gilleskie. (1993). Harmonics and how they relate to
power factor . San Diego: PQA.


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