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This graph covers the period of teenagers with mobile phones in the small town.

In the period from

13 to 16 years old, 13-year-olds use phones at least with a figure of 229, then the number of
teenagers using mobile phones increased steadily from 229 to 430. This growth is due to children
beginning to reach the age of accessing and using mobile phones. And between the ages of 16 and
17, the number of teens using cell phones in this age group is higher than that of 13 to 16-year-olds.
The data dramatically increases by 160. Since this is the age at which children are already proficient
with their phones, they may become addicted to technology. Going to the period from 17 to 18
years old, this figure tends to decrease slightly to 530. At the age of 18, teenagers had more cell
phone use than those aged 13 to 16, but still less than at the age of 17. The 18-year-old stage is an
age that many parents care about because this is an important time, when many things happen or
exams take place, in the development of youth. So phone usage is somewhat controlled. Next, the
number peaks at 642 when young people are 19 years old. This is because young people are often
living away from their parents to attend college or go out on their own, so they have less control
over their usage use technology.

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