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1.Which of the following is Not a purpose of assessment?

a. Mechanism for review

b. Motivator
c. To create stress and anxiety
d. feedback
2. Informal assessments should be used when_____.
a. The teacher wants to determine if students have met course objectives
b. the teacher wants to make observations of student’s social interactions with other children
c. the teacher has provided advanced notice to the students to study
d. The students should demonstrate their performance in a given area
3. Which of the following is an example of performance-based assessment?
a. Use of a scantron answer sheet in chemistry class
b. Written book report in English class
c. Oral presentation in history class
d. A true/false exam in history class
4. Which of the following situations is most appropriate for a performance-based assessment?
a. A science teacher wants to assess his student’s ability to identify chemicals by identifying
their position on the periodic table and writing a paper describing the findings.
b. A math teacher wants to assess her student’s ability to multiply equations on a quiz.
c. An art teacher wants to assess her student’s ability to differentiate between still-life and
portraits by creating a charcoal drawing of each.
d. A music teacher wants to assess his student’s knowledge of treble and bass clef using a
written test.
5. An assessment used to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction at the end of a specific
course is referred to as a assessment.
a. Formative
b. Summative
c. scholastic aptitude
d. general aptitude
6. Mrs. Gregg uses an assessment to evaluate children’s knowledge and abilities formed in pre-
school and in the home. She is using a ___ assessment.
a. specific aptitude c. School readiness
b. scholastic aptitude d. formative
7. An assessment that uses the same or similar questions and is evaluated using the same
criteria for all test-takers is referred to as a ________ assessment.
a. standardized b. Summative
c. proctored d. Formative
8. A student complaints that only ten questions on a 100-question test were taken from the
material assigned to study for the test. The student is questioning the tests _____?
a. standardization c. validity
b. reliability d. usability
9. A school principal wants to know the cost and length of time needed to administer an exam.
This refers to the______ of the exam.
a. validity b. practicality
c. standardization d. reliability
10. A parent is confused by her child’s score on two exams testing knowledge of musical
terminology. On the first test, the child scored a 90. On the second test, the score was 30. What
aspect of the test is the parent questioning?
a. usability b. Validity
c. Standardization d. Reliability
11. A_____ is an attribute (such as self-esteem, motivation and language proficiency) that is
inferred from consistent behavior.
a. construct b. personality
c. soft skill d. pattern
12. Which of the following validity coefficients would indicate a highly predictive assessment?
a. -0.21 b. 0.21
c. 0.80 d. -0.80
13. A school wants to determine if an assessment has reliability over time. They administer the
same assessment at the beginning of a school year and at the end. The school is assessing ____
a. test-retest b. internal-consistency
c. inter-rater d. parallel-form
14. Three raters compared their individual scores in order to assess ___ reliability.
a. parallel form b. internal-consistency
c. test-retest d. inter-rater

15. Mr. Hunt has been emphasizing the use of performance-based assessment in his science
class. What type of performance assessment is he most likely to use to grade his students on
their knowledge of the principles of gravity?
a. Experiment which involves dropping different objects to assess the rate of descent.
b. Asking the students to state the principles of gravity.
c. True or false questions about the principles of gravity.
d. Multiple- choice test about the principles of gravity.

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