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m4 nancow ‘Vemon Debtchett funk von useaxovr Esmond Kaight KENR TRUMPETERSTRAALE James Maxwell jeiry Wieldamn : pin foes nates ACT ONE verortven Patcck Kavanagh serine Aadtienne Cote or ames Maxwell | ee tereae James Kent Baap Acted Milne near aasy's farm. A stream ig reshing = Foe for On the nae an angen a nvesea Rosiell Hunter sumer ay b's carrant Brie Thompson ra ORT « sONy built youth of men, comoa Doatswatn James Kerry jam te bath, ats, his mother, small ace Frat, fottowes seeaestt frie Flynn hi. She tarry and ie sotding Rr wares Jelly Wem 1s, Pees, you'e lying! run Vemon Danese Pamx (without stonbing). T am nott ee a4se. Well, then, swear it’s ene Pants OPrcER Russell Hantct Pace. Why sweat nurron ovLnen Wilid Lawson 4888. Ab, you daren’tl Tee al svbbish smn wensore David Witam sex (opt). “It’s tie, very wont ase aguas ub in front of him) ashamed? : gTBt you sneak of into ts : Produced by Michael Elliott 7 Me fe touatains Produced by Mi a For weeks on end in the busy soon PP Tost reinacer Ce ete, Cat were Reter Drookes, Roger Ciisoldlgl Come home with ca coat tom, Latham, Fletcher Lightfoot, Barry Usher, Michael Well doa i 700 Took Fiowa Walker and \osalind Whitman. inc to fool me with your hunter's Ties) Wioua Walker and I Wel, where did you meet the bone West neat Giendin (laughs scorsfuiy). Dia you, noir res suddenly ct him on the many Haden behind an elder bush 5 HE "as sratching inthe snow for lichen 8 (sil ecomyully). OR, yor Designed by Richard Negri Aren't you 6 peer ONT pona, I beld my breath A stood listening. 1 heard Nis poof And soma sur one ranching 200s eon ed oo any belly thraueh the tone towards him. suit bidden, {peered out ‘oh, mother, ¥ So sleek and fat! ase. No, Tm sotel rr he dropped smack on the WE fell, I stizaied his bac 5 sont To plunge Y neck “Raat The beate Yet out @ sets Suddenly stood on ail fours Shee the Knife and shoal £07 Ta Ee homes against my CB Raveot Te ght like a pai Kone nSShot right on to the Gjendin Edge! ‘in the name of Christ iy hand, ass (involuntary) een. Have you een the Ginn Badge? ns Mate Tong and sheer 38 SOP Pines ver alacies, wide apd iy {Buaight down over sees FY sereeh? Fron em sec, on either side, Sevight into dhe Sakes that s'eee Sree mad heavy, mote than fore taovsand Brat plow. The Tenglh of She Fae Meee Leak our way through the Tavover ode suck steed Jpenove us as we thonderedl Tetons at though there gittered suns Frown backs of eagles swam Brown Page and deay voud atlay, PNe= ws To the Pies below-—they fll behind dnd rotes of dust, {cofloes broke ike aad o9, the sore, Dut We CoN thunder. sqgare beaskets production yaa’t beat the! mente cuts ade for he: 196t OH VEE Aor OnE Only the spists of dizziness leaped isin dance. They sang they swung in axing Jn my oyes and eat asse (dazed), Ab, God preserve me! rman. Soidenly, on a ser imposible 3 ona sheet impossible spot ‘great cockeptarmigon few into the a Fepping, exehling, teriied, From the crevice where it Torked Hidden at the buck’s foot on the Rage Ve song half round, gave a high leap to 1 ‘nd down we both plunged into the abysst (jane tatars and grope at te trunk of «tes. ‘povk continues.) Behind us the tack walls of the mou Beneath a bottomless void Fit we clove sheets of mist, ther a lock ofl Te ee al eee . Still we fell i atin the abyss something gleamed Ba ae ner bale Mother, it was our ov rection In the calm water of the mountain. Take acting up towards the snace : ‘Will the came wild speed with which we fll. sage (gerbe for breath). Pees! Gol help mel ‘ell me ‘quikly—1 ymax, Buck from air and buck from de ea eumtent mathe tgeicr So that the foam rose high about vs. ‘We plunged, we gasped and choked. delong ust, mother, I don't now hove Were the note ee ‘ Ke buck swam, and T bung behind bi The ck sam, and Thon bli bin suse. Bat the buck, Peer? Hirose. Ok, stl there, 1 expect. Ops hi fons tare on hi es ado If you find him, you cam have him. neelae 8 DREN oywT es ee cee a cee 6 Your Tees? Not fractured your spine? Oh, Lord, ‘Praise and thanks be to Thee, who saved my sont oor breschs ae fons Bot nies at When os waits (Slop sudden, are ot him opm, sto en cin. gh ne a) 2 iol soni How sos con Ti Pecmemter nowt hen a ts BB Sore cea ee palace Te happenel te Gudbed Cleme, not to 300, ite rene, Toot vs Sich» te So happen tice. sage (holy) Ye, 4 He cane ood on esd, Senet wp std pte fnew dies So its own mother wouldn't know its skinny carcas¢, [thers whet youve done letting en lal ge Teint oe aiendeg bade ‘oat dt bout og sgt ond ie Trine evay and eng me Som epi aera W'd heard in my mother's lap.] aun, trong cs aol to Hig at ase =? NS OS ose (ners) Oh God Twi Twas de Th't a sep inthe back pounds prs ters on ouch i Bees yo'e ot, dn ebay be eon, Dear boat, Tie mothe, re vor osany ste tae Oe ae ae hana ae low can I be happy with such a pig fora sou? Isn't it bitter for a poor, helpless ‘Wow ike ne tobe ee pt to shame? (Weeps again.) is what you might have suffered in such ose one What as the family tet now fom the dave When your grandtather was a wealthy nee E‘ Where are the cel of Ser Left by old Rasmus Gynt? Your father Gave them fest, wasted thes lke ern, 2 Bought land in cyey paths cis | In gilded carriages! Where’s what he wasted | | At the great winter feast, when every guest | . Threw glass and bottle over his shoulder | To slater spans the wale ‘mn. Where are the snows of yesteryent? | ‘use. Shut up wile your mothers spent sz Look atthe house iiede Half the vindow-pancystufed with ag, fe Hedge and fence fallen down, Cows and chickens exposed to wind and weather, Fields and meadowe lying fallow, T have the Dati io I i i | “| » Never « month but EBeet=n. Stop thot old wives” tattle! [jf Many’ the time our Tuck has failed {BF lAnd sprung again to Rs foot as tll as ever] {lis [There's salt sewn whete that grew ] Lord, yo & fine one Be (4s proud and uppin 25 ever, jst a bold B: At when the priest thet came fm Copenhagen, ‘Asked you your name, and swore it war one z Tat meny a prince where he came fom would 00, So that your father gave him a hore and bridle Jn gattude for his civil tlk. | Ob, things were fine thea, The Bishop and the Capt And all the rest of them toring up everyday, ‘Guualing and boozing and stating themselves ‘Tl they were.nearly bursting. But We when times ate hard that o man knows bis neig ge Empty and silent it was here the day Join Moneybags sét of to tramp the roade a EER GxNT ‘with 2 pela’ pack on his shoulder, ‘Bae her een ith er hanaerohih.) rte, tuong lad], You ought to be 4300 Ad a for your all ld ode, wore the rm, a Band the lle you've left of You inbestance, (Weep agin) Goo lp me fs tle ws Tre had of yout Ger me dy by te heath, ping te embers, care a he gts out of the aco on dencesiets| Ting ne-the game of the whole county, eran ing Mwy with every rolban in the pas ope (yt avey from har). Olt me bel TEE (folove Bin). Can you deny you were the sng irate in tnt find at Lande, when you fought Like mad dogs. Wasn't it you who broke 7TRS arm of fla the sont? Or at east Pot one of bis ng oat of fit? youn W's been ling your ext wih toch robb nase (heated) fuex (rubs Kit elbow) Yoo! “Ye, mother, J was the one that took the beatin wont Het a imble man Who's nab ek th nth, Ym ting yous Tow mise Shame upon you, ebumet Now {ust spit ‘lat late St, tht sage, ‘That booeg sponge! Did you let hin beat you? (veep agai.) Man's the shame Pve seed, but this isthe wor ble, er Need you be weak? 0, that was me. sregp., Whether I besh a man or get based, x Jou st mosning, (Lamghs.) Now cheer &p, 7 : ‘asse. What! Have you been Iying ogein? urn. Yes, just this once, So dry your tears. : (Clenches ti tf st) ‘This nes my tongs, With this Uhl te mith Bent double; my right Sst was ty hammer Aust. Ob, you raffant You'l send ae tomy grovel better. Sweet, uely little mother, you take my word. ‘The whole parish shall honovr you, Just wait Til I do something, something really bigl ‘iss (snort). » You! fist. You'll learn to, mend your breeches Bist! em (holly). I'l be Kingl Emperor! ‘se, God help mel ‘Now he's lasing the little wit be's got. ‘usm. Yes, T willl Just give me timel ‘uss, Oh, yest I've heard that one before. 2 I oe jared ar balled fe. Youll se, mete usr. Shut your gullet. You're out of your mind, 4, it's true enough something might have come of y. Te you hadn't got lost in lies and toad ae The Hegestad isl fancied yoo. You could have won her easily if you'd wanted~ ak 367. Her dad’s a ninny, he'd not have argued with her He's a subbom old fool but she gets Her way inthe ls he'll follow, grumbling. (Bogins to weep again.) (brisk). Where? Come on, let’s go ewooing! | phen, At Heggstad. ‘ass. My poor boy, you'll find no bride there. peer. Why? ase. [Wait while I dry my eyes.) ‘You've lost your chance, your luck’s ended— vexn. How? ase (gulps). While yon were away fe te stern mount dng oes row the a ‘Mads Moen's got the girl peor. What! That scarecrow? ase, Yes, now she’s taking him to her bridal bed. (Tums to go.) ‘Save your pains, The wedding’s tomorrow. peer, Good, I'l be there tonjght. ‘Asse. Shame on you! Haven't 1 grief enovgh? Without your bringing a genera) scorn on our head ern. Don’t worry, it'll be all right. (Shouts ond laughs at the same time.) Yippee, mother! We'll do without the cart. T can't waste lime running after the mere— (Lifts her high into the air.) Pat me down! Nol I'm carrying you to my wedding in my (Wades out into the stream.) ‘Help! Lord save usl We'll be drowned! Twas born for a nobler death ‘Yee! You'll end by being hanged! (Seizes him by the hai Ob, you brutel reun, Keep still, The bottom’s slippery here. Donkey! veux. That's right; camry on. [Talk never hurt a may ‘Look, now it’s getting shallow again— ‘asst, Don’t drop mel aase. Asse. ‘Wait here while I harness a horse to the cart Aor one (Si wp Were now, hom Les pay Pet _ Galt. You Fer and 'm the sg. Tm out of my wits jeman, There, we've nade it (Wades ashore.) Give your stag a nice Kiss, at the deiver have his fore. BTse (boxes his ears). ‘That's your fare! Ovi Thats « fne xewaed! Mother! fun. Fist to the wedding. You must speck for nid. You're clever. Talk to the old fool Say Mads Moea’s 2 good-for-nothing— (Piss. Downt scx, And tell him what a fine fellow is Peer Gyn iiss, Never you fear! A grand char Tit tell them all about you, I'L tell them All your deviries~ pum, Oh? 8 (Kicks hima angrily). I won't stop ‘Till the old man sets his dog on you like a tramp. Hm. Then 11 have to go alone, gum, Dear mother, you haven't the strength fuse. Haven't I? ‘The way I feel #7. T could crumble rocks in my bare fingers. Ugh, I could eat fintst Put me dowal fren. All tight, if you promise— Hine Promise noting! Tm coming there with yo gf. Tet them know you for what you are. me You'd better stay here. acter I'll give, , No. [ want to go with you. a4 Exh oxT ser ons . ase. What are you going to do?_ Puen, Put you on the millhouse foo, (He puts hor up there, aase screams.) aase. ‘Take me dowat fn the work ver. Yes, if you'll is Nit far enough. Please Gad I'l soon be in heaven ass. Don't be a fool caaaions ean, Mother deat, I beg you~ | WB sase. Gee s ladder! T must get dowal ‘nase (throws @ turf at him). Peer, take me down thijggets’That devil Peer—t S800 oxy woman. Is it your son? E-tmsr orn woscax, God a'mercy, who's that sereaming? iss, It's met qstoown cup wostan. Aascl Look! Well, you've gine up. instant! ae gst. Néw you can say you've seen with your own eyt Remember, sit still now. Don’t kick emsr otn ‘woman. We will. Or start pulling down the tiles, or you'll hurt yourself frase. Telp me down! I've got to get to Heegstad— [And maybe fall down.] fitconp orp woumax. Is he there iz ee eal Gps oi woncan. Then you'll be revenged. The black rus, Don't bck! cn emi ton ‘asst, Oh, why weren't you blown up the chimney like &fasrise (wrings her hands). Ob, God protect the boy! Pea 7 » They'l KM him before he's through, 2 creme ee Peres o10 woes. WEN, i's happened before. ‘Mother, for shame] Comfort yourself. [It's the ways of Providence.} : eos OLD WoneaN. She's out of her mind. rsx. Give me yoor Blessing on my joomey. Will BE" (Shouts up the hil.) Byrn Andecl Crave down heel Whetr eee dar’ vorox. What's the matt ase, Tit theash you, you bulking lump OND OLD wostax, Peer Gynt’s put his mother on the pre. Wal, goodbye then, mother dear Blouse wool foes ‘Be patient. I shart be Jong. (Mores away, but turns and roses his finger arsine.) ‘Remember now. No Kicking ~ (Go) {2A small hl with bushes and heather. The high road ase. Peerl God help me, he’s going! Liar! Bycroses behind it; with a fence running alongside. roen, ‘You with your tales of riding om stags! HEED comes along the footpatn, walks brishiy wp to the Hil Will you listen to me? No, he’s gone. Ellencs, stops, and looks out across the landscape. (Sorams.) ‘There lies Heggstad. I'l son be there, Help! I'm getting gidert (Clin half over the fence, then stops and thinks.) (rwo ovo women with cacks of com 1s Inguid siting there alone, I wonder? their becks come down tovvards the mill.) (Sitedes his eves and poers,) suse. Grit 4 No, the guests are swarming in like mosquitoes, Hm, Perhaps I'd better turn back. . (Swinge back his leg.) People alwiays snigger behind your back, ‘And whisper so that it busns right through you. (Waiks « fevr paces from the fence ‘and ebsently plucks a few leaves.) If only 1 had a dram of something strong, | Or could go wnnoticed. (IE only they didn’t know me A drink’d be best. Then the laughter doesn’t bite. {Suddenly ke looks round as though frightened, t hides among the bushes. Some ovssrs carrying gifts food for the wedding walk down bast him in the direct lof the farm.) 14 eas (it conversation). was a niony. ‘a wontaxs, Ive no wonder the lads a good-fornot (They pase on. A few moments later Puxx crart re waar, He Tooks after them, his face red with shame. Were they talking about me? (With a forced toss of the head.) ‘Well, et them talk, That won't kill me. (Throwe himself down in the heather, lies full lengli om his back with his hands Doneath his head and store the shy.) ‘What a strange cloud! It’s like a horse. ‘There's « man on it too, with seddle and bridle And bebiad him's an old woman siding # broomstis (Chuucklee to skimecf.) Wis dad was @ boozer and es mother, She's scolding and screaming: “You bmutel Stop, Pei (Gradually closes his eyes.) Yes, now she’s afraid, Peer Gynt rides at the head (Of & mighty army. His horse has a crest OF shining silver and four shoes of gold. Hie has gloves on his hands and a sword and a scab And a teailing closk lined with scarlet silk. Isa fine bold body of men ie has with him, Groen (halfraites himself), Whats that, Your ¥) gipHaK (ofter a moment). You'll be coming to Act OnE But none sits his horse as proudly as he 1 Ot lis ae dos aps he sen,” rows thcong below as he pastes by them. They take off their hats and their eyes gape up € women curtsey, for everyone knows Enpecor Pees Gynt and his thowsmd wa le seatlers sovercigns and shining shillin On the seadsige lke pebbles. Every mat ~Tathe pers hel make as ich a ord. eer Gynt sides high over the white sea. ‘The », OF England stands on the shore and wait for hima. ‘Aud all the maidens of England are with him, ie great men of England and the mighty Kir (OF England hisnself rise in homage” From their high table as Peer Gynt comes riding, = Klug ralses his crown from his head and saya (to several others as they walle ‘Tf it isn’t that bo fiscax a soa the far side of the fence) pig Peer Gynti 1 AK (leans on the ferioe in (leans on the fobs and grins ata. What the devil—? : en it Aslak the Smili? What the kell do you Fisax (tothe others). counte Time to ky He's still dopey from our ly Clear off ®. ‘Man, where have you been? Six weeks away! Did the mountain trolls get you’ puck. T've been doing strange deeds, Aslak smith, (winks at the others). Tell us, Peet, a. I's my business, stad? No, 3 poen GYNT pax, Why, you black crow—t q ‘star (takes ¢ step back), Don't get angry, Pees. If In! id's jilted you ‘There are others. Think! John Cynt's sont i Gome with us to the feast. There'll be juicy youne\y lambs, And widows too— yore, Go to heli stax. You'll find someone who'll have you. ‘Good night. 171 give your love to the bride! (They go, laugking and whispering.) rem (looks after therm & moment, toses his head ond helf tums). Let her marry whotn she pleases! It's nothing to me. (Looks himself up and down.) Breeches torn. Tatteted and filthy. ig new to wes (Stamps fits foot.) Td tear the Iaughter out of them Like a botcher pulling the gots from a (Looks round suddenly.) t's that? Who-wns that sniggeting? Teotld have sworn! T suppose it was no-one. YM go home to mother. (Starts up the hill again, ut stops cand cooks a ear towards the fence.) ‘The dancing’s begunt (Stores and listens; svalke back down the hill, step, His eyes glitter. He rubs his thigh.) “What a fine swarm of Tastes! Seven or eight to every sant ‘Oh, flames, T must go and join in the fun! But mother’s up on the millhouse rook. (His eyes are drawrs towards the feast ‘again, He jumpe and laughs.) Hey, how the dancers fy over the grass! By God, he's a boy on the Side! Tt laughs ‘And splatters just like a watedall bit. the green. The rmpurn pike green. The rin feu. Scrape ti it ec scr ose id oh, what a covey of gt : of glittering gist GY, flames, Imust go und join inthe fat (Leabs over the fence ard goes dovn the road.) ‘The farm at Heggstad. In the background is the farm: eure itself. Mony evasrs, A dance fs i lively progress on seated na tabs. The saa Stal in the dooney. sou Weatee can Peel td rink go back and forth between the van Bipildings. oxen waorce sit here ond there chatting. foins a group sitting on some logs). ‘The Drie? Ob yes, she's exying a litt at that’s alyays the ways eM aR ction (jn another group) pis; empty your glee, hank you. But you never stop dling th i> (lo He reine ern pat cto ie hand). Come on, good peo- Dat lingo can Plaf up, man! Don't space the seg ces out ver the meadows pes cms} (in « circle round @ wan who i Ths an Ene leap! ane Hes a nimble leg. an (dencing). Isa high roof hers, and the walls ing) mL. EBscroml (comes suing upto his viene, who i sanng tly to to oy Gi eh ta Hie cot) She won't ater Shek se pee “Whe wont che She's shot bel in nd the ey 1 don't kor vba ‘Yéu dumb halfwitl is rm bck toe them, The moron venders eve sre ta end [vcan (comes fom Behind the Bouse). Hey, ee Ying be Tivening upl Here comes Peer Gyatl lascax (who hat just joined them). Who asked him? ‘persren coox. Nobody. (Goer towards the louse.) ‘stax (fo the emis). If he ties to speak to you, don listen to him. jem (othe ome). No we tend ve nes im non ox (enters hot oud excited, stops in the middle MER: ‘You may; bet Bist we fst The cnown und elabe his hands). Now, whigpgpley, 62 once and greet girl's got the nimblest pair of legs? 4 Gh (to another lending near pes omer). Loo Siongees w Nat, “The stranger from the wit? Bat acas. Yes, fiom Heytal tho na. Ah, yon, | umn (walks in front of the newcomers, points at sox and aske her varmen), i ance tk oe deugiter Moy I dance with ‘your MsTen cook (to Peen, offering hint a drink) i nee a came (ar he approwtie). Not me You've come, you mnt well ve one bs (heats hs a javorasn (imi). Nor me yhazomn crm, Tm sare T haven't. veer (104 vounra cixt.). Welles have you, if the noone belet. roonra gin (Hume avay). Haven't ime. i tor eit te een (lo a rurra). You, then ST never ew sich gilShe dropped ‘enerm crm (walks away). I'm going home. A Her eyes to her shoes and her white apron, rex. Tonight? Are you out of your wits? Aad satched tight to her mother's shes Astax (after ¢ moment, in @ low voice). Look, Pb fe a & prabmbook ‘wrapped in linen. She's dancing with somebody's granddad. Bust loo te nae eel f am (ts shalt ot nen 30) Bey, yo! WHE, (cE 1 eter te ose) tne the free onet BUY comes out of the howe vith several ot). Man. Find them for yourself. (Walks avay from him. ay Me }, Peer! Are you leaving the dance already?’ Conan ener fale euddenly lent. le ganes shyly AM funiply the croup They al Took et hire but do HED Then you's heading the weong way speak. He ghbroaches other groups, As he reaches tigi’ (Takes kim by the slioulder to turn im round.) _ Shy fall alone os he walks iv, they smile and folRDse. Let me past kim with their evs.) Ane you seared of the smith? [rexn (quietly). ‘Their glances and smiles are nt Ben, I scared? = ia my back. ~ BE) Yes, have you forgotten what happened at Lunde My need ats ike a vlad uoder the fle} (They all ugh an gh doom to the eee goa | (He vfs anay along the fence. socvmc, holding ri fire (inthe dooney, Ate you te boy etn unten by the hand, enters ie yerd vith her 243 “inte dooney). Ate you the boy that wanted tye fed thom they go). Th ig to dance. I'm not thirsty i (ras essen eso los haem Woks towers the house and aig) aa PEER CUNT parr, OF course I am, Don’t you remember me? (Lakes her by the lund.) Come along. souvarg. I mustn't go far, Mother said. ‘eeur. Mother saidi Mother said! Were you born terday? souyme. You're making font rer. Well, you're almost a child, Kaw old are you? soLyeie, Twas confirmed by the priest lat year fpuen. Tell me your name, gil, and we'll talk more eas souvere. My name's Solveig. What's yous? i nex. Pees Gynt. souvme (drove Ker hand away). Ob, heaven! enn, What is it now? Come on, nov, don’t be a focl. Drink ap, (Drinks again.) ihe (whispers). Come on, let's go. ma. Are you scared of me, lass? rH LAD, Who isn’t scared of yout fra 140. You shoved ut at Lunde wh iat you could once Tsay cat oo L Now he’s oft Grou. wns (fom eels round him ‘us! What can you do? eaten (Leaves ftir.) ; snuoucnoone (lugs at his sermen’s ds i me Ei orem avs. No, now, tonightt | sampxcnoom’s Morne. Won't? Won't what? Lor. Can you'do black magic, Peer? snipeencont: Won't, mother Gee Lean conju up the Des [pax My arndmotber coud do that before 1 yas “List! Theres no one else oan do ‘Once I conjured hin into a nat. eaters yas wormenten, you see (laugh). Sure, it would be. (They walk away.) He swore and wept-said 1 xap (comes with a crowd from the dancingaremigg,® wanted ee eer ree SOF THE crown. at he hed to go i? vera. No. OF course! I plugged the hole with 8 peg. Tap. Oh, come oa, have a érop. BOS, you should have heard him spluttesing end si ‘rea (scowls at him). Have you got some? peting! a tap, Maybe. Fancy that! {Takes out a pocket flask and drinks.) Just like a bumble deet Ob, how it burasl Well? Wits. Have you sill got him these? satomcnood’s storasn, What? ‘ sripzoroos. Unlock the door. ‘esprenoone's ratuen (quietly, angrily) St to feed with the pigs uamzonoox’s srornmn. No, don’t scold him. Poot k he'll be all right. ive me whatever 1 (oa een ONT nn, No, he's gone beck to Hell Tee bis foule the smith doesnt lke me, zap, Really? Gk MAN (olf drunk). Just you wait. You! ura, went to Aslok and asked if Be'@ smash niece Gasca ee re me. Shon. | ee He woul ot dorm an sams || FB (the But he's a clumsy lout—welt, [it isn’t surprising, ee younger ones laughing Hie spends all day swinging that sledgebiaremer— ey hing rear.) a vor raose van crown. Did he kill the Dev, the aint } Pen js te you can fie to pacn, He lid to like 2 man. ee | Splitting the walls IE xosoxcone : syns And the seaitd-? oserope, Then you've the cok of fv >on Stood there Bex The hat, you mean? OF coune Te got it. | ‘With hie bands fred black; since when we've not fey rom. socaie wale anes the ad friends a iteatdarend ) ! (ite ot ugh.) Box. (poacher thom, His fave lights vp) | meme ‘That's a good yam, E nema yao Oh | Act one ne dp tae St Be setae Tat gd 1 i __, (Tales her by the wrist ee te swing you fast and freet ' yatc, Let me ga. Why? pea. You think Pm making it x? A a Ob no, yout not oa YYve heard most of it from my grandded. : nara, Ths el Tehapeneé #9 m= 5 faearre, out so wit naar. Suee, what hasn’? ix Soils a stag when epring is dawn; a eee Sere). Team se hough the Ki ge {Come od, git, don't be stbtorn) Tpoceebackt wc (pulls eway her arm). T daren't ‘There's a lot J can do, Tm telling you! pe Whe | (They shout with laughter again.) No, you've been drinking. cue or wx crown, Peet, ride through the air for isl (Goes away with metas.) sevrac. Yes, dear Peer Gyntl i ae stick a sharp Knife through them, pen. Ob, there’s no need to beg mel # ae : Til side over the Jot of you like a storm. rook (nudges him ot Ris elbow). = "The whole parish shal fll at my foett lp me to get at the bride? ‘an onper scan He's out of his min. Aes (cbsontly). The bride? Where is she? axornen. He's daft. i. In the storehouse, sh rmino. You swaggering breggatt! i | I} of Con pou ie PEEK GST anrppcnoom. Ob, come on, Peer Gyat. Please te. Pau, No, you'll have to manage without my help. (A thought occurs to him. He says quletly but sharply.) Ingtid in the storehouse! {Goes across to soxv3tc.) Have you chatiged yout mind? (She tums to go. He steps én front of her.) You're ashamed because I look like ¢ tramp. sovvmo (quickly). You dou'tt It isn't tael pren. Ibis, And J have been drinking, too. "But that was to epite you for hurting me Come on, then! sonmio. I daren't now, even if T wanted to. peen, Who are you aftaid off souvms. Father, mosty puex Father? Oh, yes. He's one of those quit ones, "A godly soul, ch? What? Come on, answer sovvsxe. What shall I answer? pena. Is your father a bible man? “And you and your mother, too? Will you ansres sae? Let me go in pesce. No. (Softly but sharply end menacingy.) can turn myself nto 2 troll Vii come to your bedside tonight st midnight. Tt you hear something hissing and spiting Don’t think ies the cat Its me, my dear V1 be drawing your blood in a cup, ‘And yoot litle sister, IT gobble hee wp! For at night Fm a werewol. I'l bite you ‘Al over your loins and your pretty beck {Changes his tone suddenly cn begs as though i : anguish.) Dance with me, Solveig! soxvere (locks darkly at him), Nov you'e vely- (She goes into the house.) oe ef Wait til T get hie pants dowal q Aer ox, gmmncroone (wanders back) you'll only help me, Come! gh (They go behind the house, As they do 6, Ssowo conch f ames from the doncinegran fn. Habu and confusion, severe, amexre appear in the ST hee the doors wi 37 TU give you a cow, if a large most of them BIG, HELGA and theft th some of the oxpmm een cor (to ssa te mer, ho a the heat o ' he grown). Keep the peace now, will you? ‘ [Astax (takes off his cout). No. We'll t Ge Hie th of io. Wel settle it now. fe Ont ee OF TaR crown. Sore, it them 6 fo TE | et them Sgt. [et ate na ence Tes fists or nothing [For we've come to the stage where words are useless.) : Contol yoursf, men re they going to beat him, mother? zi, Let's stuff bis lies down his throat, Borax. Kick him oot of the feast ffasp. Spit in bis eye! Faxon wt (to the ser) By ocvan's varaca. ; Are you backing out? RUE ‘(hrovis down his jacket). Tt slaughter the pig! Rbrac’s mdr (0 socvusc! ok audraes (lo soowsie), You see what (enters with a stick én hor ond). Ts my som hecer Hite bal fe Sea (top ewe) hat tei Kora pve he wih thi Bete i ini oi hd ond oi te) Yn bit Den J yo ‘That stick’s too puny for a 26 vaex GYNT ve teat and Shouts ares the yer.) a fe (cs if thanderstruck). By God, he's climbing i epesone (sweeps). Oh, mother, he’s carrying her lif | down} Ob, Goa have mercy of May God strike 9 | sat jumpe's raruen (enters barcheaded and white with ragh Gon. Heegstad fm, and more besides. ACT TWO A narrow path high up in the mountains, Tt i early inoming, raun ox ie hurrying illtemperedly along the path, mero, still half-dressed in her bridal clothes istry ing to hold kim back, | rn (sleeps). Alter fist Where cn T go? RoE. Ahywhere you like. Ltn (shige her hands). You have betzyed mel rsx, It’s no good moaning. It's finished. | tan. Que exime binds us. Our double exime, | Pim. All memozies belong to the Devil. | All women belong t6 the Devil, | Except one— | xo. Which one? ‘Who is it, then? fins. Go! Go back wliere you came fom! Quick! To your fathert Deat, Kad 8, shut up. You cin’ mean what you sy. Cap and do, “Fo seduce me, and then leave mel + What wealth have you to offer me? fbi, Habe you a psulmbook wrapped ia linen? Golden hair about your shoulders? . a Peon cxwT Aor wo vem, Yes. Iixcept one, (They g0 epost 2 you diop your eyes {0 yout apron? De Jeu sing to your mote’ srt Tell met No, but-? ‘ Did you rend withthe pls Test sping? tron, No, bat Pee? ; aan, 1s there modesty in your eyes? ‘When Tash, do you ny? sori, Oh Godt thine hes mad ways.) can. urn By 4 nrountan take. The ground is soft and boggy. A om is brewing. anse, in daspatr, is shouting end Soa ng everywhere. sonvnia has dificulty in keeping poco her \sonvnie's panmirs and usuca follow 2 short Ha boing. | - = bang you if you leave me? pox’ (is silent for a moment, then sudden cris). bee You raped’ me-| ase (waves ha arms and teare her Everything's + Seainst me, The world’s anery! The shy, the water and the ugly mountains, ,. The sky's seading down fogs to dsive him crazy, The canning water's waiting to rob him of his lie, The mountains are throwing landslides and avalanches, And the whole parish is shouting for his blood ica they shan't have, for [can't live withoot him. ‘0h, Ug fool, to let the Foul fiend tempt himl (Tugns to socvate.) belief ing but fe and romance, 2eThat néver exerci ised any limb but k p)That never fd am honest day’s wo That-1 Ob, shocld I laugh or ay? ‘Min, when times were tough we stuck together, er ey san had a tongre ri for arin a idles he was with his bregging, wasting ouc wealth, Fe Wate Laid my baby ant at hone Tying fo fonget. What else could we do? For Iwas never s one for arguing Ls fessfl to look into the eyes of Fete, isn't «woman but likes to bity hes are, getd hoe her cares out of sight if she ean } er to ying, 3k to romencing of princes and tells nls of beasts. And stesling buies peafiom ther white wedding-beds. But who'd have thought iit). “Ysa't it beyond PEER oxNT ‘Those dat ideas yould have stuck in hs ead? Gigitened aac) wv what sree Is. eb ie ‘Ptberugbet! Peet, Peer ‘Up ther, on that hllook—1 eerste hil, ond okt out ecros the (ore per tocvaid's ans come 10 het) ot a sign of hit sorync's ravnan (auely). The worse for bi sade (weep). Oby my Beet My lost labial vse’ naroan (nods gett). Yes I mabe No, don't speak ike that Hea food Tod. Thee's nobody Tike solvaic’s rarauit, Foolish womant ‘nage, Oh, yes, yes. I'm foolish. But the boy's all righiyg souveic’s rarngn (still quietvoiced and mild-eyed). Hig Iieart is hardened. His soul is lost. “anse (fearfully). No, not Our Lord is not so hard soLvaic's raraen, Do you think he can sigh away hi debt of sin? tse (eagerly) stag! souvere's aornes, Merciful heaven, are you anad? sguveie’s raraen (to Asst) ‘oman nas. No deed’s too big for him. You'll see, If only he lives long enovgl— sonvaic’s armen, Tt would be best if you saw him hal ‘on the gallows, hse (sersame). Providence and Mercy, spare os olf spuyeie's raven, In the hangman's hands, ‘Plegse God, his heart will turn to repentance. asse (dated). Oh, you'll soon be talking me out of ‘We must isd itn, If the trolls have got him, we must ring thé bells, oa ist. The Lord will repay you for your hel el S{hise, Bahl Then the rest are heathen sayagen. | There wan't one who would come with mo iasse. He was too good for them. (Wrings her ds ‘Then it's here we must search. : | mals varian, Well cover the ground wp ‘ ‘our gaeouvaic (fo asx). Tell me more. ie ‘About my son? wire. Yes, Everything, se (amiles and tosses her head), Everytivinge soon’ be weary! grr You'd wency auicker of tling than 1/-of oud [Low trecless heights atthe foot of the moutitain fein, Te ‘The T ean hear Inge’ father holleog at thelr hes ‘The mews has spread guildy: Peer Gyats on the Mdset peer cur ‘This is better sport than bashing a smitht ‘This is lifel I feel as strong as a Dear! {Punches erourd and jumps in the air.) To smash and overturnl To dam the waterfall! ‘To strikel To weench the fr up by the root! ‘This ig life. It bardens and elevates. "Yo helt with alt Bloody lies anuee savant erns {run across the hills soreaming andi singing). Trond of the Valfjeldt Bord andi Kearel Trolkpeck! Will you deep in our armas? patr, Who are you calling? mus, Trolls! Trollst risr eit, Trond! Come gently! sucono ors. Board! Come and rape mel Al the beds in the hut stend emptyl Gently means rapel And rape means gently! If there aren conn CML, ‘eollst paun, Where are the boys, then? ut Temex eines (how! with laughter). ‘They oa rinsr cint. Mine called me his love and called me hi darling Now he's married to an old grey widow sxcox cin. Mine met a gipsy-itl north om the m [Now they're txemping the roads together youn ome. Mine got tired of ovr bastad’s crying. ‘Now his head grins high on a stake ‘Troll:pack! Come and sleep in our armst ren (tales « sudden leap into their midst), Theaded toll, dnd a boy for Uicee girls! ‘Three? Could you, lad? "Tey me and seel ms the Aer TW aoe ferecn and sing). Trond of the Vall! Boord =, Teollpack! Did you sleep i cut arms? 2 (They dance avvay cerces the mountains with raan ‘xNT among them) no bed empty this Saturday im). He sputters and sparks like The hesst i heavy, the F Among the Ronde mountains, Suns cine Sunset, Sov (enters dazed and bear ‘Hey, whatia shining gatel a ep! Will you stop? 1s dink « Fucther and further emeyl : (The weathercock on the steeple fs lifting its wings to ‘fy. sft _ getting blue and misty, ad the mountcin's shut and bamed (What are these tronis aad soot = That grow from the ces io the Fels solder heron footed Beh s Now they're fading away!) Bovine before me lice saiobows: ft horts my cyes and brain, “peaks glit Castle siset on castlet e PEER CYNT res ett) (Tumps up.) ‘Scouredl by’ the sharpest winds! & sor wo Ws my grandéad's fine new homet = The tage are gone from the windows, ‘The tumbledown fence is gone, ‘The light pours from every window. Theyre feasting tn the great room, Look, vow the old Bishops linking is Inife on his sllver cup, "The Captain has tored buck his botl, B.A’ broken the looking las up. EGG Let thend squander anay. What do we care? = Hush, mother! We don't have to stint, The rich Jolm Gynt gives a banquet. GP Miah tr the tree of Gyat GP. Bot what's al his Buse and bubbubt 4 ‘What can the shouting be? The Ceplain’s proposing the son's health ‘The Bishop is calling for met Go in, Per Gynt, t9 your judgment, The veleoming cheers fll the room, Bp Pex Gyn, thou matt bor to greater, B Avs to gicatnes thoushalt comel eh (Takes «running jump forwerd, But suis his ie éginst rock, falls and remains lying on the ground.) || ‘A hilsde, with great rusting trees. Stare twidkle rough the Tecves, Birds sing in the treetops. A ont g(t wonesn is walking om the hillside. vaen cxwt ff vs her, indulging in various amorous antion, ik OnESNLAD owe (stohe and ture). Is it tue? a (makes «cutting gesture with hie finger across | throat). As tcue as my name's Peet As true a8 you're @ besutifal womant Wil you kave tne? I'll be good to you, 7 You shall neither weave mor spin, Fe 171. you with food till you'e zeady to burst flee 11 never pall you by the hair Gieaczap ows. Nor beat me? 8 PEER CONT penn, What an idea! We princes don’t beat wemen. Shuey ee Awa Kes We we ee Re Mehl, © Fe Xe 0 vars. Yes. ‘i Teg fits thé breeches, the comb fits u een, Is he? Well, that makes us to of «kind. Bridal steed 8 the hill. Buidal steedt oxmmncian ONE. My father’s palace is inside the moun: Come, my bridal steed! ‘ain. Hee (A luge Big canters in with o ropes end ae ; round its vee, My mother’s is bigger, believe, you me, «bre, and ar ole sack as a saddle, vasa gry one ; ann omer evings Gueswcuna ont. Do you kiow any fate? Tis ame i Bech ana vl the oes mn ing Broze ' een. Do you know ry mother? Her name's QuecoliBGe Hep, now! We'd ste in hzough the Ronde Aase | Gees, geoup, my beauty] ae cenazncrap one. When my fathe’s ang, the mountain IEBEE™CLAD Ov (ancrouly}. Just now T was feting so cr sad and lonely. ; yes 7 poen, ‘They shake when my mother opens her mocth pho cm tell what life will being ia its course? y % BE (slaps the tig and rid esunouso ore. When my father danccs he ki a es vey). You can tell a grea am BE en ty Ge cot be nouns PS Ce art yesa, My mother can side through rivers ia fod. Have you any other clothes besides hove tags? a zoan, Ob, you should see me ia my Sunday suit et cthring of rae, oma uasiveLao ons. T always wear gold and sil, aac 2 veux. They look to me more like tow and sta. eS OREN ard NARaeT aca snezwocan ont. Wel, there's one : 3 um cxvr sande ix font of a oe peme Ahr i greet Rubtud ox the nats OME OF hi. ‘That tthe way of the mountsin people 4 Xi him Kit hiiol The Chien Everything there hab another meaning se It you come to my fathe’s house, yos may easily UilREE Pitched the ‘Trol] King’s fuicestdoughter ‘You'ce jst in an ugly heap of stones Ge omn: ‘Can T cut off his Sager? eax, Well now, i exec the same wih us 8. Cas I pull ost his hair? Gor gold may seem sep to you. You may Uhisk excl erstal window gene ae ite his bottomt 1s jut a stfu of socks and rps Pres (ete Sia 130 hin dav nto cnaswtap oie. Blick sccm’ white and valy seca fil ruun. Great seems little and foul seems clean. BES tec ca these ose ee ov np ‘seounramvs Shall we ‘or brown him in the pot? PEER CYT ‘rum oud asant OF THE McouNTAINs, Calm youtselves, children! (Beskons his counsernons nearer.) ‘We can't afford to be grand. ‘We've been slipping backwards in recent years. Our position has become precarious, ‘And we can't look down our noses at offers of help. Besides, the lad has no obvious defects, ‘And seems welHbuilt. ‘True, he's only got one head, But my daughter is no better off in that respect. ‘Threc-headed trolls ere going right out of fashion. Even two heads are rare nowadays, ‘And they are not what they used to be. (To eran exer.) So you want my davghter? fox aan. You shall have half my kingdorn while T li ‘And the other half when, eventually, T die. parr, That suits me. ‘orp max. Ab, but wait, my lad. "There are certain promises you, too, must make. IF you break one of them, the pactis broken, ‘And you shall not leave this place alive. Fit, you must ewear you'll never think (OF wnat lies outside the Kingdom of the mountain. 9} Aight. vos, Well, if I'm to be King, that’s easy. ‘Next-and this will test your wits (Rises in his seat.) oxonsr TnL courrier (fo.peeR). Let's see if you a wisdom tooth ‘To crack the nut of the Troll King's riddle. ‘oxo sant. What is the difference between troll man? peva, No, difference, as far as I can see. on 24a _, Aer wo a ‘Big tells want to reas you, small trolls want claw ples the same with os, if we dared Gib ous ‘True. Wee alike in thet, and more Sp Bet moming is morning and night is wih Ait thee #« diene nateg EAD telyou what i, : gp Out there, under the shining vault of he eaven, Men ll each other: “Ma, be tye” atin here, among, us tots, we say Troll, be thyself—and thyself alone! BST covnTin (to PEEL). You fathom it? BB. Not entirely, 24h. | "Thyself alonet" ‘Those shaup and ate Mt be exgraven on your ees, my'sons ne ne Fs (lerahes bahind hie wer). "Yee, bo AUN. "They must, if you would be master b t 3 master heel gi Obj hell. AM sight. Creally cant seo. Seas. |Next you mit tench yourelt to value Pe sine nd homely way of ie fe badkons. Two anoLts with pig-heads 4 tons With pige-heads dnd a ie mahtate bringin food and dia} cake Bows from the cow, out mead fom tel bul ont a youre it tastes fons oy oes : pide main thing is, and this you mutes foxget, || fs el homemeds ea (bushes the things evey). To 7 RAH ghee ae) to sorte "never FE td ts pe sux. the boy goes ith ie I’ gold, Who Bolden bovt hs my daughters ve em ni ally). [eis : Be (cecil). is watten: "Toy shalt subdue el dege say in time it won't taste too ba ran ste too bad, | i. reun GxNT yarn, Teste is a question of what you're used to. fox sax, Next you must throw away "Your Chistian clothes. For this you must ow To the greater glory of the mountain kingdom. Everything here is made within the mountain. Nothing comes from the valley except ‘The silken bow at the tip of your tal, spuen (angrily). I haven't got a tall ox max. Well, then you must have on Prime Minister, tie my Sunday tail on hi. prea, T'll be damned if you will! Do you want to make a fool of me? ‘xp aeax, You canmot court ‘My daughter with a bare backside. arn, Make a man into 2 beast? oup nen. My som, you'te wrong. ‘Tm only making you 2 respectable suitor. ‘You'll have a fame-yellow bow, ‘Which we count as the highest honour. prea (tioughéfully). Well, (they sxy epack of dust,” ‘Ana I soppose] one must toe the line of fashion, Tie away! oun neax. You're a co-operative boy. oupesr courtier. Now see how well you can flip/3i twitch itl paen (angrily). What, will you force me further ‘Most J give up my Chistian faith? ‘oxy azar, No, you'ze welcome to keep thet. [Faith is free. We charge no tariff there. ‘You cau tell a teoll by his outside.) ‘Ag long as we agree on manners and dress ‘You can go on calling your freakish fancies faith. Fees, For all your conditions, you'se "A more reasonable chap than one might think. ‘oun max. My som, we trolls ae better then our ref tion. (Musto ond doree.) fioasr coumrine. How do you like it? tt ‘hat you ve? ng boathy ly Aco sith harp and nde om at hit erate ls mslouss. Ob teat of his ean Pull out ee ENCLAD onm (weeps). ins et snd my ster play and cancer OF, your Wat, you know fated sft une meant nia ‘Must we hear and endure such Broil ove, Do you aveor fo tat? Fa. Both the dence and sola ytd eat clay me fe sax. (That's 2 : onny thing about human nature. Gi henglon to people sremariahie ne Lit gel « ash in the Eght with on teres h sar, bot that soon heals ep.) son-elaw vas proving as pian a¢ ony, ingly he's theown off his Chistian clothe, ling} drunk from our cup of mead, a} tied a tail to bis backside. to do ll that we bade hit, a began to think the old Adam lhe music were really ed cut of cur gate for good and all, Poros seddeoly popped up easn owe St ive you tome tea suman nature of osu, sme . peer Cyn? aes, What will you do? fox max. Tn your left eye Til make a litle cut, so that youll see awry Bat all you see wit! seem bright and ‘Then PM nip out your sight window-panc— peen. Are you drunk? coun eax (laye several sharp ere you see the lazir’s tools. We'll Blinker you, lke 2 surly bull ‘Thea you'll see that your bride is beautiful. ‘And there'll be an end to there illusions ‘Of dancing sows, and cows playing harps— een, This is madman's talk! ovossr courses, ‘The Old Man of the Movat speaks! He is wise. Tt is you that’s mad, ox can. Think liow much pain and worry you'll yourself Don't forget that sight is the soucce Of the bitter and seating lye of teats vorn, ‘That's true, It says in the holy book: “Tf thine eye offend thes, pluck it out.” ‘Wait! Tell me, when will my sight be healed So that { can see again as a man? ‘oxp mea, Neves, my friend. prsn, Indeed! Well, thanks very much, foxy aeax, Where are you going? Peer, On my way. oxy man, No, wait. It's ensy to get in here, 4 But the mountain gate doesn’t open outwards, een. Sutely you'll not keep me by force? ‘ovo max, Now listen, Prince Peer, and be sensibl “You've a talent for trolldom, Isn't that true? You'te akeady shaping quite like # trol ‘And you do want to become 2 troll? orn. Indeed I do. [Tor a bride with a welbline One can alwys swallow an oath Ea op wth the a Uitte every Ee aa remove vat your Minter ed on Eton i ay bel ‘They were old and patched, hod can gt a eur slp my moorings tom all your movotain ws of ie eI don't mind swearing « cow's a ee Tove fe one jor be able to die Jike a Christian soal; Brie lis cmon seh tne nv go tah a nan And that is ebmething I'll never agree to. : ca eer low. you're besinnig to make me angry. | Bnot to be trifed with. You plefaced | iin Do you know who I me ce Tot abe Hees a enh BP cy ae ‘al ‘You,must marry hecl | Loi dato tone? Bus. Wck Can oy den besced and Insted after her? Voc { that ' Ts that all?’ Who the hell cares about Boe You nanan eigen cny esae, feaveraiy somites Srovt saat he gal os nae youve tuyere Se gyou think that lust doesn’t count? el pone whi yo oo er [fos wont cath me ni ao es a2 ara. | My Pees, before the yeas end you'l be | ‘Open the door! Let me outt | We'll send the baby after you in a ram's 6 pean oxer _ ace two aun (et the svt from his brow). 1 wish to Gea a A rathole! (Runs to it,) comconex, Block it up, broth ‘oun aan, Shall we send him to the palace? ‘The o ip, brotl «yen, Send him to the parisht BEE wore fen neat. Very well, Prince Peer. It's your afta Seer ‘But one thing’s certsin. What's done is done. ee. Oh, why atentt 1 Yous chit wi grow: Aad these mongsel 00% op cindy” MONET We see of @ Indecent fast= eae puna. Old man, now don't bea stobbors ox creams (riting ound ‘Be reasonable, madam, Le’s come to terms. cit Close the cil! (Whether you measure me ot weigh me] (webs). Why aren't T a touse ‘You'll profit litte by keeping me. (mona. Now for his cyest ‘The truth is Pm neither a prince nor rich. GE (buried beneath the hoop of ne (The cemectan on collepeer and is carried out bylgggatg’ Help! Mothert I'm dying! OL, eaEREN) not MAES.) (Church bets ae heard tolling die ‘oun aman (looks at him with deep disdain Ht cmeoney. Bells . ‘then says) Bash him to bits on the rocks, aaggetby., Frock’s cows! then sa Elle totes fee in curmot, yellin snout cmumnar. Oh father, can't we pley onl sgifeeetTe Kall crashes in ruins, Everythi eagle Gr? p : ‘The welf game? Grey mouse and fre-yed cat? coup sax Allright, but hurry. Pm out of temper ‘And sleepy. Good night. (Goes) % uur (a the taout comzonen chase hi). Let m= i 47 a her ipl dma was bad, but the young ones are mouse? (Runs Close the cie (Fats) tantly.) on the mountain! ‘The Black ord screams mg, ing disappears.) ik darkness, voce cue is heard hewing pea and Beating you little beasts! Ansiver met Who are your (Tries to climb up the chimney.) “@ABHCE waz Dans, Myre mot cumongx. Goblins! Elves! Bite him Get out of my wayl bottom! Go round, Peet. The moor is fap.) by something). Who ate your * srnoxa, cwEonun, Close every crack] BEE Myself. Can you say the same? oupssr countien, What fan theyre heving, the Toa ary what Tikes yee Pika {oS What] Ke my sword shar, a now it strikes and enishes run (fighting with a rxove omuo whiok as fa tg Soul dew homécet and erushest (fighting a 96 Seal slew hundceds, Peet Gynt slays tho fis teeth in his ear), Get away, you little wil (Stites and ewe} ononst countuin (strikes hiv doross the fingers). Learn ta respect a royal chia) a yong oYNT pann, You can Keep thet rubbish. Tt doesn’t help ‘What ace you? voice. The Great Boyg. vraun. Ab Now I begin to understand, ‘Out of my way, Boye! yoror. Go round, Peet. yuzn. No, throught (Hews and slashes.) Hes fallenl (Trio to advance but comes up andi something.) | Obthot Are there more? vvoren. ‘The Boyg, Peer Gynt! One, only one. "The Boyg that’s unharmed, and the Boyg that] wounded. ! ‘The Boye that’s dead, and the Boye that i alive. pusn (throws down his branch). My sword is ‘smeared; but T have my fstst (Fights his way forwaré.) A vvorou. Yes, trust to your fists. Trost to your strength, Hehe, Peer Gynt, That's the way to the top. zuun (tree again). Forward ot back, is equally fa Outside or in, I'm still confined. ‘There he ist And theret And round that bend! ‘As soon as T'm out I'm back ia the middle, Gnciccled. Name yourself! Let me see yout ‘What on earth are you? voice, The Boye urn (gropes around). Misty ‘And shapes. [It’s just like bumping around Ina herd of growling, haléawake bears!) (Shouts.) Not dead, Not alive. it me back! vorez. The Boyg is no fool. yaen, Stikel ‘vores. ‘The Boyg does not strike. esa. Fight! You shall! youce. ‘The Great Boyg wins without Sghting. aor ¥0 only there were» goblin to pi ere a goblin to prick m Roem a baby tl ee Flomething to fight! But tiere’s nothin Jow he’s snoringl Boye! * ‘What do you want? Useforcet ‘The Great Boyg wius by doing nothing, (bites hie owns are ard hands). Let me feel ‘nd feeth in my esi Gnas fel the drip of ny own Blood! gE (THb wingcbeats of great birds are heard.) ‘ans. | Is he coming, Boye? 1 amb pans. Ys. Step by step. ams. |O Sisters, sisters far awayl Irhithey The time is comel If yobtte going ie BU iva 0 save me, gil, do it quiekiyl ‘look at your lap 20 humble ahd shy raybr-book! Throw it in his eyes uss, | He's swaying! Au hour of this consoming strife fo deat a price to pay for life. (Sinks to the grouse) fo, [Bor bets allen! Take him Tpke him || i tolling of church belle and ppselm cong are heard! i. in the distance.) : foro (shrinks to nothing, and gasps), He wes ‘song, ‘There were women beliing him, fF shut. [Everything is still and deserted. r: : ‘ fh tasted eg a 7 pren ouNT, (Spits again, As he does s, he sets maven com snth « hamper of food.) Hullo, chil ate you beret What do you want? avea. Tes Solveie~ 4 aon (umpe up). Where it she? ACT THREE tacos. Behind the wall sourate (hidden), If you come near me, FHL run = van (stops). Are you afreid Il kiss you? inside the pine forest. Grey autumn weather. toomme,. For shame! % fllng, nin oat fo oanding in ls sites, Sean, Do you know vere Z-vas lastnight? i tina . The Ola Man of the Mouotains” daughter i hace ta args firtre with twisted boughs) souvm, Then i& was Toeky they 180 Te cong den penx. They can't fool Peer Gynt. Can they? aoe ttt ot eg) nce (starts to ery). Oh, she's ning avayt se weltng a chain shi, ore you? 8 (ats 0 oO after ke) Heat thiough it. That's right Waitt g i you cin shake your twisted arm at me “pocket! Hit be helped. I'll bring you to your knee ‘A silver button, child! You shall have it— BV: |” (Brecks'of suddenly.) Only say 2 good word for me Asal al te sures, Let me go. Let me gol ey) Te was never an a ecun. Here it is. oy aT joured Knight! fix with crevices in its bark. ‘WABarlbeavy knough hewing timber, uuca. Let me go, There's the basket Ee “ ough hewing ter, Bit honing and dreaming it's bloody marder een, Cod have mescy on you if you don't-t Po done Prsreps ant amc. Oh, you're fightening mel ; aan (guiet, lets go of her}. No, X only meant ec not to forget mel \(ehate vigorousy for « while.) (uuzcca runs away.) oe ( Bare no mother now to lock after you. [ff want to eat, you must help yourcll, EES it rd from the forest and tives, lt your pwn wood ond light yoor own fre, Eu haveltostast doing your own work now.) fAiyou want a warm coat, you must shoot @ dees. jou wack a bouse you must break stones, done with it, this living in mists and dreaming. Sure an outlaw, my led, They've hunted you into the porn Gynt If yoo want wall, you must fell your own wood, And camry it there upon your back. (His ace sinks to the ground. Hie stares mnecingly.) Sint be a grand sight! A tower with a weathercock Tl hve on the roafbeam! And Yl carve on the ef ‘mermaid, shaped like a fish from ber navell ‘Therell be brass on the weathercock and all, the To ‘And glass! I must try to have some of that! Strangers will stare and wonder at it littering there bigh on the billside~ (Loweks angrily.) Bloody lies! There they are again! You're an outlaw, my lad (Hacks fiercely.) "A bark-thatched hot “Walk keep out the worst ofthe rain and frost. [{Looks up at the tree.) Now he’s trembling. Therel Just a kicks ‘And be totters and measures his Iength on the wi The ondergrowth milling and shuddering about, (Begins fo lop the Branchtes.)} (Suddenly he lt and stands still with his axe raised.) ‘Someone's after mel (Is it Ingrid’s father? (Old Heggstad gaffer! Ab, you'd cheat ne, would (Ducks Behind the tree and peebs round it.) [A boy. All alone, He seems to be frightened. He glances around. What's he got hidden there Under his jackel? A sickle. He stops and looks Lays his hand daton the rail of the fence. What's this, now? Why is he suddenly swaying Oh, my God! Why, he's chopped his Snger offt ‘A whole Ginger! Right offt (He's bleeding like si ‘Now he's unning oway with his hend ia @ clovt| (Gets up.) “What 2 fooll An inreplaceable finger! Right off! And of his own free willl Abii T seel That's the only way To free oneself from serving the King, ‘That's it. They wanted to send bim to the wat Bp-And the boy ai gE (espe). Ty dnt want to go. Wet to chop-t ‘To lve for che? Yes, to thisk-wish=to wil ft even Lif doit Ro Taos estan (Gives a little shake of his head, then returns to his werk.) i shan. tne ermine ots ass on ean, rte wi are Buy posing hd Urine bver to one side of the room). i ‘What is i? (on th other sie of th of the room). Come here ere fe?" Where can I fo ze iat Whee can I fnd-? Braver mc! Whe tof Tockng fod Tm sing my wi ere’s the key to the chest? ers. t In the keylole, What’ that rorbting? ‘The last waggonJoad going off to Hegestad. fin Taglar” ae nile jhute spel | at the gitl’s father left, the Dailiff’s taken. | i a Se iad Se 1 pean cmt xant, God pity you, mother, Your Peer’s cost you d gas Peer? You're out of your mindl ngtid came safely home io the end. WS the Devil they ought to blame. Hes the vil ‘And no-one else. He Ted my boy astray. ant. Don't you think 1'@ better send for the pd I'm fearing things may be worse than you kiow-] aasn, The priest? Ob, yes, [ almost think so Searts up) But, oh God, no, Teaa’t! I'm the Ind’a motes. L must help im. 1s my duty "fo do what 1 can when the rest fail ‘They've left him this coat. I must patch it wp. L wish Pa hidden the skin rug too. “Where are bis stockiogs? ant, ‘There, with the other rubbish. ‘aasp (roots around). What's thist ‘Oh, Kari, look! It's an old castingadle! ‘With this he plared at being a button-mouldess Melted and shaped and stamped. One day at a feast, the little Ind came ‘And asked his father for a lump of t ‘tin, said John, "Not [Good King Cheistion’s Silveat Let people know you're John Gynt's sont” ‘God forgive the poor mnan, he was drank ‘And then he coted neither for tin nor gold, Fleee ate the stockings. Ol dear, they're all holes. We must dam ther, rant. I'm alta so. aase, When it's done, I must get to bed. 1 fecl weak and wretched and fail (Joyfully.) Lock, ‘Kasil Two woollen shicts! ‘TBE ‘missed them! ant. Yes, so they have. 4 ‘asse. What a piece of luck! You'd better hige one No, wait. 1 think we'll take both. ‘The one he's wearing js wor and thin. God forgive you, Mother Aase! It’s a sint ‘And if it is? What's the ll patdon this tie nny bt ein ei en Dl enn th fre rede ee an the door. The 7 ig piled high around. Tt {pt « large) wooden bolt. : a = Pe (ci greed den), Iman Bolts against trolls, and against pera lee ne lt a yee te dlc, yk an he es wih Beer Gt Wee ay sit a hovel encatth unde the bed we hie the aie breathe down the chimney like white-hot drago Selo onan is ae sa oh ah on St es et eran fer. God speed your work. Don’t ipa seitt for me, and s0 you rust take me. ies Sal cate Yr at jixc. Ypu sent me a message by litt iets followed, in stozm Tinta Relonely nights and the empty deys ge me the message that now I must come, became as thovgh life down there had ould’ laugh or ery & a ery roe my heat dict now how you felt about me ay knew wat Td to de. Bet your father? 56 Pees ont seuyns To all God's exch 7 have vo-one to elt father ot mother, Thave made myecll ce wean. Solveig, my fairet-to come t0 m2? fouvnic. Yes, to you alone, You rust be it) mes My fend and comfort. UiWeepe) “Phe wort was to leave my tle site Bu ever ate to be parted from Fathes But sot ofall, to teve her who ove eve at Fo, Gol forge me, the wort ae te gl ‘At being patted froma all of them—all of them.] vera, You know the judpient read ia the spr? ! Thave Joe mp home avd my eritance. orgie, Do you think! Heft my deatest ones or the sake of an inheritence? wenn, hat enyone who meets me ‘Gatsde the forest may frely size we? eure They, sid “Home. sxx, ‘Then to bell ith mally and pass! Naw [need bo Tock aginst hobgablin doughs you dare come in to ie sith the hunter, T pow thee a besing wil fll on this house. Salve Let me look at you! Not too eset TstSraat to look at you. You're so bight and Lt ne it you You're so dent andl Tete cosy pou, Selig LM never get ted That weve ely Elstctl ost my arms ‘And hold you from ane, sy fi, my warm one tn whould have thought {could raw you fo Oy bet Fee longed for you make and day, Fete you sce 've been heving and builng. Tat pullit dow. Tels sean and ely sousrrg: Mean or ine, it what I want. Here one can brea agait the ind Dove there it wap sie. fle shat in ran here op any skis {asked my way. her bie "Where are you going?” I ansne{tl ri : sor ame Bt was pally that tt fright ; int that frightened me awa Ee Dht here where 1 hear the fic tee whisper Pla siliness ana song Here Tam at howe! PAR. fo you suze you want this? For the rest of| have chosen my path. I shall never tna b sx ave yOu Go int Let me ste you in Til bring pine logs to make you a fire. ea Xe wl shine brightly and make you wanm, | 4You shall sit softly and never be cold. | ‘goes in, He stands) joy and jurngs a. s(He opens the door. 4 moment, then laughs aloud vith in ne Eliot Now Ui vate ny yao on Sam tow gt Bie (He seizes the axe and walks away. As sé does to, lan GBirvoonine wonsaw dresed in green wags corner cu of Cuod evening, Peer Lightfoot FE My cousge Ler ueaoy. Were neighbours m1 built your hovte, mine rose beside Tm in 9 hom. You sheays wets la tT trodge behio, ad ene day TMLeateb you You've made s mistoks, senate Rin. did befor id wher you mae such promises to me £ promised? What daenaed nonsense i tis? nt. Have you forgotten the night you dsl IN my athe? Have ou forgot (1ve only forgotten what T never knew. EA bat are you talking about? WI 38 pean evr “We last met when we first met. (To the on.) ‘Give your father a deink. I date say he's thirsty. F “ine you daunk? Ate you suggesting ‘wonsn. he? wontax, Can't you tell the pig by its skin? “Where are your eyes? Can't you see he's cippled ‘The way you're eippled, in your soul? meen, Are you trying to make me belicve-? wosean, Are you trying to deny it? penn, ‘That longdegged brat? syoseas. Yes, he's shot op quickly Jen, Yoa damned trollsnout, do you dare to a4 me? woman, Waits insults te, Peer Gynt I want none of| (WWeeps.) Can I help it if Fm not beautiful ‘As I-vas when you seduced me on the hillside? List fall, when 1 bore him, the Fiend gripped sy So its not surprising I've become vely- [But if you want to see me as fair as before Just take Dua git and show hér the doer. Tram ber oat of your mind and out of v0 Do that, iny deas, ad I'l lose ry snout. mann, Get away, you witch! swomtast. Yes, see if I dot vers, TTL eplit your skull-t woxtan, Try if you darel Oh no, Peer Gynt, Tae ot frightened of blows. Til come back every, Yi pull the doot open and peer at you both. when you'se snuggling up to your git) on, the Bel When you kiss her, Peet Gynt, when you'd pet Bek play with her, Til sit down beside you sud demand sy shave She and T will take you by tuins. Goodbye, my love. You can marry tomorro wor raz fa. You hlibora nightie fbeas, Ob, T nary forest. eu muti the bt JooIechs del Ronco iy ego you ae so eis thin). Pou orp avay for ml) Hut yoo with my ase Jost you wat! Just scan (hisses the opztn).. at ooh eis ie ule Fe spit of your fate: when ye 908 OH Bis (snips hs fot). Woda God you were a ft [You've a wise head on those a1? hes his fits). And all hist has, Yor nothing but thinking? AlUbed Jock on you, isn't it? Poor Peet! Iesjworse for anot Iveig, any taints Ee Mecase fis father vas o Ee[She trudges off into”?! od wit She smudges off tneo"the wood with the emo, who giiovs the fe flagon at vexR.) i {eit « tong stence ‘So Iimust here, fall my pases in suns about me i alld her ound when stood so neat. aything here is suddenly vg '9 no way straight throcgh to het, sab Han, bat there shouldbe one. here's a text, if I remember aright—] fs mud spet "How dow a i forgotten, end thece's no-one hereto guide me Ilpent fe ight take pens to gh my way tough would be a poor life; eee Up smash what is pure, precious and beauti can dp that with » Sadie, but not witha ell Go round, said the Boys. PEER CxNT “Where the grass would grow green, one musts Hi But anyway, the with wes Ing] “f stuey have gone, Gone, yes; but I can’t forget the Tiptocing thoughts wil follow me ia. Taeau Bad those Shee that danced on the mount Will they join me too? With cruel lavebter Demanding like her to be clasped in my atms? ‘To be gently lifted and tovingly lid ‘At arms’ longthe Go round, Ted tray aura were a9 Tong 282 pine tree's tek 1 feat even then 1 hold her too nest Tauck her down white and unstained as before, ear nd some way round, s0 that iT gnin not “At Teast Lshan’tloee. One most try to forset " (Goer a fow naps towards the hat, but stops asin $e go in after this? So ugly and soiled? FI To take in all thove black tolls with me? To apesk, yet be silent? Confess, yot comeesl-? (hrows avvay his axe.) [ies a Sabbath evening] To keep tryst as Tam would be sacrilege. souvate (in the dooryay). re you coming? ‘puen (laf to himself). Round! soveis. What did you sy? ren. You must wait Tes dat and I've something heary to cary. sown, Wait. IT help you. Well share the boy No. Stay where you are, T must beat sovvare, Don't go too far ronn, Be patent. Tinay be long, but wait for me. Wait for met souvaro (node after him). Yes, TM watt . ‘uns goce onay dove the forest pet. SoLvBIG TH standing in the open halfsfoor) 4 oe alone. | Peer {Ein (squirms and walls up the room). Ob, God! } I i the foot of the bed. aasz is lying in the bed, her | A roving reitlessly on the coverlet. fee oy Ge Hon He | ‘6x ype air ds Post ee de fer a My jlife con look after itse é : My tie T Ind to cont wong Row Ian go in pee. Go? Now what sre you saying? “me here you thik youre aang Ob, Pees, I'm near the end. I haven't much eft. | ti cau’ escape sorrow anywhere!) Lthovghti1'd be free fiom it he: vahtT'd be free om bres Ave your fet Ae Fess oo be er When ye tyes laze, you mutt close them earctll. id then You must sce to the coffin. ‘Now, mny..déar, ge it's. fine one. Oh no, I'd forgotten— 7 fe ghiet, There's timé enough to think of Oat yet. (Looky reslessly rowed the room.) inal fey left me, Jos BB (rithet) them. Againt (In @ hard voice.) ult. Why remind me of that? » is that dammed liquor. [That's ll theltroubie.] My darling boy, you were di know what he's doing, 6 uEe GOT You'd been riding the stag. Its no wonder your be was turned, oun, [¥es, well, never mind that} ‘Let's forget all that. Let's not be unhappy now. (Sita ov the edge of the bed.) Now, mother, let's chat together Bot only of lite things Let's forget what's uely and crooked, ‘And all that’s paintol and sore. Lock! The old cath So he’s still alive pase, He howls so at night, You know whet ean (changes the subject). What's the news sroiag here? ‘nase (smiles). They say theres a gi who Keeps bet "Tamed to the mountains— pena (quickly). Mads Moca, is he happy? dese, [They say she won't listen to hee perenti’ ti ‘You ought to sce them, Peer. [You might be =bi help-] oun. Asiak the sith, what's happened to bim? ‘anse, Don’t mention that rascal to met Yd tather tell you her same~ gunn, [No, mother, les chat together, But only of litle things. We'll forget what's ugly and cxooked, ‘And al] that’s painful and sore.) ‘Bre you thirsty? Can I fetch you a drink? Can't you stretch your legs? This bed is shox’ Let me soe! Why, isn’t this the bed T slept in when Twas @ child? Do yoo zemember how often of an evening You sat by my bedside and spread the fur 20g ov ‘And sang me songs? Asse, Yes, do you remetber? When your father Was away ona joumey, we'd play sledges. ‘The mug Was a sledge and the oor was an ict fjord. that me 3 Aor rons axe. Yes, but the best of allmoh, \¢ best of allmoh, mother, > jou remembe: that too?—was the white horses! ed ot cout ol] Do you think e forgotten tha? row Kani's cat and sitit down on a chai To the caste west of the moon 1 castle eat of the £00, Te Soa Mora Caste E The road sem high and lov We fan ssid in so ‘And yod used thet a2 a nhip~ st. sit up here on the beiseat— Fran. Yes, yest You threw loose thé seins B bad kept turning round as we rode To ask ine if Twas cold, Gol Wes you, uly old mother BEI You wese always a foving soall Why ark you crying? se Ies'my back. The hace ack. The hard board bunts it a. Stitch out, now. Let ne settle you There, now you're Wing softly. it me ton the edge of the b ene No, jget the prayer- from. ee t there 0; th Se ei Pedro ioe te But Peer, hav Elirows i string round the char on which the cat igi nd and site on the foot of the " i Tean see the et at a ae 3, aerate em ts 2 Pe en Gon ia eo, arn. Geeup nov, Grane, my beautyt cn. Ws the sverslegh-bells, mothe My wor, the excitement ir fest : They've spotted Peer Gynt and his mother, jase. Ob deat, what's that hollow rumbling? And they're fighting to get to the gate! Hagen int SEC What's that you'se saying, Se. Pete? seen, Yon frightened! What's that wild sighing? ‘You don't let her in? My good sir, ase. Yon fg Bj! You dan sit on your backside til Doomsday Ei =And You'll ind no-one better than her, {'m Hot going to boast of my vstus. pil can tum and go back where 1 came ‘e vere Castle towesing ahecd of us, im, Tes the pine tees, mother, whispering oo oot Sit sil, now— cee eee a sass. There's something winking snd «parlding $f voulwant me, Vl came in and thask you Se fH not mony thank jos the seme ; eee dows and door of the Castle Sure ee reg, From the windows snd 29 and called her 2 bldedy old ‘Cau you heat? They're dancin EL Because she was sla nase. Yes. ae ceause she was alveys-crowing and cacking| ft! me puns, St Peter's standing ovtiée. He's askg WIFE Bet You te te ena respect, mindy * step in, HiYou make her feel really at home! | se Yeo and he's taking bis hat off He's offer il you don’t like her, go Back to Romel ee ee EHohol Here comes God the Fated! iis cakes too? Now, St. Peter, we'll soon see who's who. nase, Wine? Are there : ao van. Oh, zeal A tasty patel and aweetd ‘None 6f your bloody butlers ais, now. And e seit ies going to meet her? ful) let Mother Aase come through. pezn. As often as you wish, and as equals, (Laughs ‘aloud and turns to his mo : EepThere, isn't it just as I told you? ‘ase. Oh Peer, what a spree you're teking my Pé 3 ade the old so-and-so run! bones onl her.) (Prigtened) his whip). Hey! Hupl Come on, 00 JBI ity are you so ath Butane’ pus cu ii). He Tere pant esha Perr deat, are you diving carefully? : 1 (Goss #0 the Bedviead,) {cracks is whip again), The road's brosd ont le ther Bs and stare at me, mother! ot open your eyes so wide! duase, Dor’t drive 40 fast, I feel so old and tired, peo’ open your eyes so. wid 665 ‘poER ox carefully Peels her forehead end hands carefully nn the string onto the char aid 2678 of.) T see. You cam rest mow, Grane. We've come to the end of our tide. ‘Thank you for all your days. : For your beatings and Kisses, my dear. Bat now you must thank me to i {Presses his cheek against her mouth.) i foe. 0; the driver has had his sant (enters). Boer! Ate you here? Then the worst fur troubles are over. Dear God, how soundly she's ts ar, Hii She i dead (eats wasps over the Body. wasn walls n'a while. At length hte stops by the bet ep nate asd ith DOH T aaust get away from here. ‘Where are you going? jeepingt Oris she- umn. Sexwards, an So fai? yuen. And far beyond (He goes.) 1. Then hq slits round the roc} ACT FOUR On the southwest coat of Morosco. A palm grove. A table laid for dinner, with a sun awning and rush mate. [ge Henmocks have buon hung further back the prove Of. ‘shore lies:a steam yacht flying the Norwegian and Ameri. fon flags. On the beach is dinghy. lef towards stderr, Ber Parr clavr, a handsoma middle-aged gentleman in ele- got traveling efthes, with gold lrgnate henging from is. weistioat, ib presiding aa host atthe dines Ole Do covrps, of. oxen, mann yor Loner? and apie Gnowertncrnasta® are fishing Diele meoc Ean. Diink, gentlemen! Man was made for plessne Bis What's done fe done, wats pas is past concern BP Ort lean T ofer bu) soueriasraance. You're a supetb host, Pees ‘You must allow some credit to any wealth, EIMy soba and my cook four of yout = SOF spire} contemplation, EAA marvellous lack of chauvinisen, HiA visit that can pierce the fog 3 preildice,) the al 'o rasp Truth in its higher aspects— [Added to which] an UrNatur, [An unspoilt nature, all this crowned] a PEER GYNT With a fine wealth of worldly kowledge— ‘Mein herr, was that not what you meant? paunox. C'est bien possible. {Tt doesn't sound Quite so magnifique in French] a von zsunrove. (Ei was! Your language isso std] Bot ij ‘We wish to Bnd the cause of the phenomen« pasa. Is ey. I've never mamied. Why, gentlemen, {tis as clear 25 daylight] ‘Whet should a mon be? Himself. (That's all) Fle must live for himself an himself alone. How can he if he spends his life [Playing the packeamel to a wife and chilxeo,] Corrying the woes of others? vox svpaxorr. But to achieve this independence “You must have had to pay a price orn, Oh, yes. Indeed—when I was young. {Dut T always emerged an honourable victor.) ‘Once I was very neatly trapped, Twas a gay and good-looking boy ‘And the lady to whom I Tost my hesrt ‘Was of royal bicth= nazton. Royal? arx (nonchalantly). families ‘You know~ saunestinarnasts (thumps the table). eeu (shrugs. his shoulders) count it their chief pride ‘To Keep plebeian stains from the family escutch covron, The romance fell through? ‘Her family opposed the match? veer. On the contrary. manta. All pean (forbearingly). Well, there were circumstance “You understand, that made i desirable ‘That we should marry with all decent speed, Bul frankly, I found the whole business Aristocrats ee However, "ger zoun From fist to last somewht unappets : svhet unappetiing. , 1p ceain respects I'm s ding ea UAnd Talvays lke to stond on my own fect) So when he ae ted depp bits iat should change my name and my prefesio Aud take out a lleence of natty ro With other suggstion that istasteful, not to say unaceopatl bowed say thanks, rejected hie sitimatun Ad renounced my youthful bide] (Drurns with his fingers on the table and Tooke plo ‘Yes, yen; there's 8 destiny that shapes our eo {We mortals ean safely put our et in ty We a great comfort to know it ox. That was the end of the afae? Een. Ob, no, Far-teom it. [Various out oied in thir noma and reed aseae® lex brothes and cousins were the won} {bad to Babe dal with sven ef them twas aime shall never forget] But survived with honour. (It eost me blood, ‘that same blood attests my wovtis father proof that ovr lives ae rue that wise fate of which T spoke jest now] Hommror®. You have an outlook upon life 2 You to be ea [Whete ofdinary mortals guess cing each detail separately, For ever groping, you ve wble lly to integrate your vision, % were equally x it ke beams OF one supieme philosophy] apd you've never been fo Universi? Ths Ive told you before} Tm « el "ve studied nothing methodically.] eeeaea ‘ve thought and [speculated and) seud 2 Utd Penk orNT Spout mos hogs, Id lato B TRal or mer bcome ie woe fon ree Nie pape sae pas ing Wander win at Seb Fe iene ny isn by Bond ae Isa hed ie Ieee em eke i ear re aarsaes ut in nben ne ae Sd eg inate [That way it’s easier to digest. Cr eit seed eh vm eething] ‘One must select [what one will be able to use.) ecrron. Vey ret Stax (gh ¢ cg). Mi dee fs See roms caees What was Ghee ce tthe Wan A pecs Teo es om yb tem ign eee a BGS hc eon aa teat bite Pohang med von onyon [aod ol man Pate war eet] T popes ae settee pee wa Sts {Rib net om pa to ster) Wits en The Chalston dupormee wee ally ne TE tea ow’ ps Pvt. Lack sein ae corn Wt id yn ce seen Morty nero dvs to Cas, Bia ti gs to chia dow! Troneecesteaee, My de st ron, Yoo thik yea tle wot? ay este ton Een fe carey eed ee DIDS Re tts pele bays i be & ae Tagore mn toate moenplornet Asean es Cato ot Aor Four 4 “Which Keeps whole thousands in emplo Tes very hard to eal things to'e hale ® For good. “For good.” I can't abi On the other hand, 1 must confess ve always had the healthiest resp For what mea eall the co And the prospect of overstep His always induced a certain timidity in me] ‘Wel, Tvas beginning to erow old; (Approaching Bfty. My haie was turning gcey.] And thovgl: my Tealds was enolnt “ose thought wanted me “Whi knows how soon the hour of fodgment wil striker {And the great judgment seperate sheep from goats.” What could 1 dor ‘To stop the Okina trade was iniposible. {Dut I found a sclution. [X quiekly opened Another trade with the seme county] » Each spring T sent them idols, and each automa E Exported missionaries, generously equipped With woollen stockings, Bibles, sioe and rum— Of course. {This enterprise 's0 prospered. They worked in For every idol that 1 sold ‘They got & coolie honestly baptised Ee) Thus the effect was neutralised The field of holy work never lay fallow, fi The idols being countered by the missionsries J EE fierow. ‘But what about your Aftican cargoes? Efim. There too my sense of morality tumphed, It seated it as a foolish trafic G For one advanced in years. One never knows ‘When the summons to judgment may come. Besides} there were te patrol boats sation the philanthropists Gand the risks of wind and weather |All these considerations won tite day.] tigably.] “Peter,” I sad, “it’s time to reef your sls, ‘You must right your wrongs!” 1 purchased a plot of land in the South, ‘And kept the last cargo [which happened ‘To be of the primest quality,| for myself. ‘They Bousisied, and grew [sleck and] fat, Giving the highest satisfaction Both to themselves end me, Indeed, T think I caa say without boasting, I wax [A father to thee, Amd reaped my just reward. [T built schools, and kept the strictest watch "To ensure the maintenance of morality.) ‘And now have withdrawn from the whols concer. ve sold the plantation, with all its stock OF bide ond hais. [The day I left T gave to every man, woman and child Glog, ad lib and gratis; so that they all got drunk, ‘And every widow had an ounce of snv®] So sorely, {if} the old saying, holds true: “Who doetl not evil worketh good” [The follies of my past are now forgotten, ‘And, more than most men, 1 can safely claim ‘That my good deeds are weightier than my sins) vow upenxor® (clinks glasses with him) to meet a man “Who lives according to his principles. [Uninhibited by fogey theories, Immateble in the face of outward chaos.] ram (who during the preceding dialogue has been ing himself steadily from the various bottles). [We Northern warriors know how to carsy a battle i ‘Through to its harsh conclusion.} The key to lite 24 Is simply this. Close your eat against ‘The infiltration of a dangerous serpent. corso. What seepent, my good friend? paca. A little one hat is most seductive. "The one that tempts you to commit yourself. (Drinks again.) Dest eo scicas tei Reorieewrat acted indament. There ae other dye to co Bo know that «bridge says senana pee Hie tae Se uc ines ame Jentered into it in my parents’ heme, sce pees =e oe n't you? | Cotmopeltan by ternpesme indebted to America For my booklesming to the new German schos| f Tron Fronee th : hove acquired ry wriscon My minners, sad the hile wit Tonge " And 2 quick eye for opportunity, a Gate he a taste for dole fr nant a Once, in an awkward situation, | Tleagtened the mestre of at hg ;With the help of Stedish steel ee mei 7 mahi ‘ to grow a little tipsy,) on All this is Gne. Fine, ° Hil Do with it? Eh? * fer. Well, Grst of al] : ttavelling companions in Gibraltar. maser ey es Let us raise our glasses to the ee EER GENT corion. But no one sails merely for pleasure. ‘You must bove a gonl. What is it? wana. To become Emperor. aut pour, What? peur (nods). Emperor. act, roun. Of what? Where? roan. Of the whole world pautow, But how, my fiend~? By the power of gold. It’s not & new idea “The thought of it bas been with me all my journey. “When Iwas 2 child, T rode in my dreams Far ever the ocean on a cloud. T soaced with 2 host of men behind me, [And 9 golden scabbard]. But 1 fell Flat on my face. But that remained my gol Someone-I forget who it was—once said ‘That if you gain the whole wide word But lose yourself, your victory Js but @ wreath about 2 cloven brow. [Those were the words, or something similar] Tes the truth vos nuzaxor’, But who is your selé? ronn. The world behind my forehead’s vaulted arch, ‘By cause of which I am myself alone, [And no one else, any more than God is Satan]. Now I get tl Sublime penseur! ‘you suznrorr. Most mighty poct! een (vith increasing passion). My self-it is the am Of wishes, appetites, desires, [The sea of whims, pretensions and demands) All that swells here within my breast ‘And by which I, myself, exist But,-08 Our Lord has need of common clay To make Him omnipotent, s0 I need gold To make me Emperor. But you have gold. set ova Tom. Not enough, [Yes, peckape fora nine da 4s Emperor dts Lippe Deemotdins But I must be myself entialy Eveyy inch o Gyntish inch, From top to toe, Siz Peter’ Gynt POON (carried avez). Possess cath ie hind | Ebi You ness last for a thoosend yearti2 fpexcivsoa. Stand in Bidory” with Cage tarno. Aye. But frst ma i. tog loveliest woman on y you find a profitable open evening we sail northward. (The newspaper . (Gets up and raises his glass.) ° me Fortune cesseletsy ests the breve, % nour (jump ub). What? The Creel fu They inven eps et neo ‘Hurrsht ‘ sik ‘o Helles! The c anchoring heret] 6 gate of cosy i town widel ny Gallic ries) war-crics—from a dis- 1, too, with arms. On pro-peyment, of co ANPETERSTRAALE. Bender to as ito he fogs Doles of King Chae pus [Fon (fale on orm oretonat). Be ani, that I misjudged you! Peinusore (orem his ond) Stupid Teck jou for sound, OP" OF Lead oal I'l find Forgive me, mon \ xe 4 esa om : So! ser xoun yerhaps— ni ‘Ure Iances of the Janissaric ccorréx. Not as bad as that. A fol, perhaps pon. of the Janissatiest Jauneermnstaaace (tries to kiss him), (1 took you But please excuse me. (Slabs his pocket.) I have lgold, Unde, for an example ‘And am myself Sir Peter Gynt. Of the woust kind of rotten Yankee brood] (Opens his sunshaite and goes into the grove, v4 Forgive me the hammocks ea Be glimpsed ) eae [We have at been groping in the Gat] eBpemcresrensreaatz, The dared srine! 7 pun, What's all this? ‘TBE scion. No sense of honour! : ve oe vee the whole Gyntish host HIER conten. To Till with Ronoutl vce. (Now ve "Think of the pote i the Creeks shoold wnt Most gloriously assembled] ; L sow myself wreathed with the victors) gar ation {edmining). So tis is being Monsieue Crm” end, : aan early). This sto be Pest Gyat wily. Saroweded by benutiut Grecian males, | ‘honoutt Emowumismaste, I saw- the spurs of Chatles| the Mur plese tall me? Seal ta re, But pes ll et BE esting whewe they belong, in Swedish hands, pean. No, Ill be hangedif do. ESpeaing onl ver nnd and sent OO HH yep the Gece wih hi nd mons? IS tt a ey vuzx (sorts). No, thank you! 1s HERE? Csaw myselé as the master of Olyenpus, ‘Yarn lending money to the Tor @.And if that mountain's reputation i correct pautox, Impossible! : ‘Toere att copper mines to be found there Yon enenxory. Very witty. You're joking. Which could open up and work afresh. ele (is alent for a moment, then Toons opeinst «chi ERS And thot iver KestaleUhey tale so much abou ve eed emumes «lofty mien). Gentlemen, it is *All those! waterfalls muit at the lowest calcul ‘ve pant [before wrth, over # thousand horsepower] ‘phe fat sheeds of iendship Bicker away lke sol furcrmasmnaatx. T shall go, nevertheless, (My Syed The empty-sted ate alrays rash to gamble, sh sword [ine man who scaccely owns the strip of eacth His shadow covers, is natural cannon fodder] Possibly. But if we merely join the ranks | Bt whien aman is ich a6 Ta, FEWell be'svallowed up with the test And where il Hee hes anuch to lose Bj. our profit be thon? Go to Hels, Twi em you sai ton, Mon Dieu! To climb so near success pd st you safe ase hae nd then: Sind oneteié standing by fs gavel] | Hn eeeoe freedom! Fight for justice ox (shakes hie fist towards tho yeckt). And shat land gloriously end your days iz t blasted Nabob sweated from his niggers. | | 6 EER GYNT ‘yor sounxorr. An inspiration! What are we waiting for His empire lies within our grasp. Hunaht nation. What are you going to do? you nszaxort. Perform a coupl We have only 10 bribe the crew, : {Which won't be difficult] and the yacht is ours. Aboard corton. You mean you~? vox zanaxorr. I bag tht whole eaboodle. (Goes dor to the dinghy.) consox, I can't neglect my own interests Td better do the same, smoernrensmaate, ‘The scoundselst A bad bosiness. Mats enfi a L (Fellows th others.) Ip mmvamrstEnsTRAALE, T suppose I shall have to join them, But under protestl"® (Fellows.) Tes 4 ballutinsiont Pe aleept Yim dronkd Vm 7 ms 0 irl tare Ace noun ” etme, Fate, 1 iu pe Shes tote sit ake ean oye hese . Ste the thieves! Make something go wrong! ten to et Never nas ‘The world eas take cate of tel fora winks Ne bet et nenng Pea Thats charming Cod ho este chen you nga (ars weyers) Put Preven of we ont Fe seet nannies a So ea ry one god te a ate presse aia peas lke of Menai ea alee Pa gd se Balcher forth helo Copterar a hese mc ues ak and eo dasa Bao isl) the mote Gecpune Be a eta iim (pele and quiet). ‘The sword of vengeance! ie m with every soul on board Be Ob, what Iuck, what Es (Moved.) Luck? No, ft was mere than tha. Twas fated to be saved, and they to die, Oall thanks and praise to-Thee for preserving mse In spite of all my sins! i (Emits a deep breath.) eWhat a wonderful fesling of peace and safe To Inow that one is under special protection t Soe desert! What about food and drink? 0h, Pl nd something, He'll sce to: that. bars no need to be fa (Loudly ond ingratiatingly.) Pewoo't watts porte pero ig ae To perish, Just be humble. And give Him time, sTnst in the Lord and ee your eoutage up. (Gives a frightaned jump, 7a dat lon guowling in the reece? (His teeth chatter.) No, it.wasn’t 2 lion, , (Plucks up hie courage.) [Well, what's 2 lion? “Those beasts know it's best to keep out of the way ‘And not try to mix things with their betters, Stil, Ya better Gnd a tree. There's a grove (OF palms ond acacias over there. TET get up in them I'l be safe andi cool Te only T knew a psalm or two! (Climbs up into a tree.) [’Moming is morning and night is night.” ‘That's a text that has often been weighed and sifted, (Seats himself more cornfortably.) Hew splendid to feel so spisitually uplifted. Noble thoughts are more than silk and peatls.] Just trust in him. [He knows how much ‘Hee Keeps a fatherly eye on me. (Throws a glence out to sea and ‘whispers with « sigh.) But he certainly isn’t economicall desert. Watoh fires. wannious resti A stave (eaters, tearing his har) charger is missing! A swoon szava (enterr rending his clothes). The Ris pperor’s sacred robes have been stolen! s ax ovensezn (enters). For every man who fails to catch the thief! = (WUE WannsoRs mount their horses and gallop off in all directions.) ‘The Ensperor’s whi Bett of cree mee en anata Fovapint This ithe sd Filly be oe sei yh oe hou shalt keep watch and Sght.” r ie on Wet, Ym al My oe fee te oi Ss One of the batsend (hang is soa) ae wal Ma oe, net eno ee tg Be off with, youl Shoo! The y' iting ke len pull only I bad a false tait now, fue [Orsometng dt ate ne bi again. He saps impationtly.) £ So the others Wr ovement, nat be ting oh gently ce though toa eg} Hilo, ol by, i hat you op thee ka coves, set you? [You koow what's what] (cue-not going to thow=no. of enue ae ae, ts me, Pip-pip! We're good friends, aren't wer | Be you nn GE see of uae} re tlaties, Tomorrow morntng ris coaxing hime | ead} Ueht Disgusting | | | PEER ONT (Or potheps it war food. (Tastes.) I'm not sure. But taste is a question of what you are used te, [Who was it that said: "One must spit and trust In the power of habit"?] Oh, here come the young 0 (Beats around.) : ‘This is ceally too much, that Man, Lord of Czeati Shovla be compelled to-! No, stop itl Curset The old one wes bad, but the young ones are worsel Early morning. A stony landscape, with « view or the desert. On one side a cleft in the mountain and: cave. A tower and @ xzoxtven are in the cleft with # Emperor's horse axd cloak. The horse, richly eabariso is tied to a stone, Horeemen can be heard in the dista ‘varme. The tongues of the lances ‘Axe licking and playing. ‘See! Seel ecerver. I can see my head Roll ia the sandt ‘Woe! Woel a thick So his som most st necarven, My father was a receives, So I must receive. tam. Thou must bear thy lot, "Thou must be thy oceiven. (listens). Footsteps famong the ‘We must fy. But whither? sures, The cave is deep ‘And the Prophet is great (They lee, leaving tcir Toot behind them. Th ou roan (enters, cutting « reed pipe). ‘morning! Aor Foun E The dong ectie's rolling hie ball in the sand. ‘The snail is eeeaing out of his house. f Morningl Oh yes, it has gold in its mouth Daylight has a wonderful power, One feels so safe, one’s courage rises Bp Fool Sah a Bal uch sileice everywhere! [Yes, these rustic pleasorest Hor extraocdinary tht ever tame to rejet them, That man should choose to abut himsetf up in a city bis doorstep. ‘The lizard dacts around, snapping aad. thinking of nothing. innocence in the life of beast ach is himself, obeying his Maker's purpos Bs [Preserving unspoiled his cheracteisie essence, And being himself, whether playing ot Sghtin toa theidey when God Sie ommmneds"Bel) (ives his lorgrette on his nose.) Atoud. Ia the middle ofa [sendetone] rock. {Stone all around hicn. Only his heed is vsble] Ee There its, staring atife as through a window; AB Being binsels, end himself alone—t Himself ahd himself alone! Who said that? UT expect [ read it when I was a boy, fla some sb-called great book.) Was it the Praye: 10: Solomen? Bad) Every year my memory gets wort. (Sits down in the shade) tHere’s a cool place to rest and stretch my EWhat's this? Fems? Hm. Baible roots (Tories ther) y's probably i lnc thy mature," 4 He that is prood shal be brougnt lom, Blo he that sbeceth bimaalf shal be exalted.” (Uneasy) sited? Yes, that happen to me. ¢ to escape from this country Ind exzonge for me to contine ox my i | “This is mecely a teal. Salvation wil follow, Provided ouly the good Lard grants me strength. ‘Guts these Utoughts aide] Lights « eget, stretches himself and gazes out over the desert t.) ‘wnat a vast sed Hostess wastel Tr sway over there an stich is strutting. {Wat is one to believe was God’s intention Tp ereating allthis emptiness and death? {iis deer, devoid of al soorees of Te, Bumt end yielding profit to no man. “Ths figment of the world, forever fallow ‘Thiscome tha, never since the earth was bor, ‘aay given its Crestor as moch as thanks. ‘Why was it made?] Nature is ‘unpractical. Ys that the sea shining over there in the east? Giittcing-? No, itean't be, It's 2 mirage Tie seas inthe west behind ane, ‘Domne’ from the desert by a range of bills. (A though ssi him.) armed? I wonder? Those hills are matow. Papal Ae Syma © om vad the waters woul rank like a life-giving sver fa throogh the gap and fil the dese. ‘Soon this whole whitehot grave wosld He ‘Fresh as dimpled sea. ‘The canes vou rse out of itlike islands [tis gow rene mounts In. He tthe schooner, ike rigrating bis, ‘all ‘Would cat their way southwards on the caravan, ould [rhe ai of life wil scatter these stuf vapours, ‘And dew drop from the cloads.] Towns will arise, ‘Nad gram wl grow arownd the swaying pals. {He and fo the south bein’ the Sahara's wall | Wil become the costland of asta caltur. | Sin wit drive factories sn Timbuctoo, Bowne will speedily be colonised, thal sclentists side An thes wagonodit Though Abysinia to the Upper Nile YEER GYNT sel Bact {hve red GSomewhere, that human will 7 : anil xs move mount, Bee ie too-Ih Waly ens tat ese an See shall personally propagate the Nc sian {The blood of our D vale ieee ‘re Stee ca He rons oe a found my capita Feepots] § OF Cyntienn!* my new lanai on ae Oe Fans oe te i pieorsg uae ele apenas nt tpn Pca nba ler ike the ss in the Ae 1 aca Gatti he Ad lend my caion el i 2 3 ting te apt of ts the beutiful privoned coms Wat al be T pcly id must do iti T must find capital! = * Kingdemvel half my Engdom fr a hore! eel bite horse ifeighs in the cave.) nie pet Ab oe Jel fn mos it can't be: [Yes, anecr Th pis cc Picci, . i Peter. A Tork tom top to tel a ia up now, Grave, my busty seedl aytrael pvolden stirrups! But of course a Se {Gallops away into the desert.) :

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