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1. Explanation of the reason behind African People’s Conference objective in scientific and realistic
terms, without the idealistic drive:

In this guide we will explain exactly how we see a future united African bloc.
As Africa is currently very much a victim of the divide and conquer strategy by its former colonial
occupiers. It is important to have a counter measure, that is both decisive and at the same time

The decisive measure is what we are forced to realize: A countermeasure to neo-colonial

infringement of the African continent. This counter measure has been theorized and analysed
thoroughly by Kwame Nkrumah in his book “Neo-Colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism”.

As the African continent is constantly robbed and influenced from the outside both politically and
economically. The counter measure must be a powerful counter measure. The vehicle to counter
this very real problem is some sort of “Pan-African” measure. It is though very important to
demarcate what we mean by “Pan-Africanism”. And this measure that we take is not an idealistic
one, like what many would assume. What we mean by Pan-Africanism is “collaboration across the
continent, with realistic addressment of the diversity of the African continent (The diversity being:
Ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and geographical).
The diversity of the African continent can not merely be brushed under the rug with “we are all the
same and therefore we should unite”. No. The reason we need to have closer co-operation, is
because we realistically will need to counter the powerful global mechanisms that are way above
our individual African countries stage. This powerful force that is encroaching on us. Has a very
strong economical and level of population (Forexample USA alone has over 300 million people and a
gdp per capita of 63000 US dollars, while the African country with the highest population count is
Nigeria with a population count of 200 million and gdp per capita of 2000 US dollars… while the
average gdp per capita of African Union is 1748 US dollars)

This reality shows that Africa is in no way realistically going to make any independent and sovereign
decisions, without any coordinated and common economic, political and geostrategic objective.
2. “What is to be done?”

The realistic way that African People’s Conference see a United African strategic alliance to be:

• Council of General Secretaries: Would have some certain veto powers, with limitations from
the below power structures. CGS would have to ideally include members from each region
from the below subdivision.

• Department of Regional Congresses: This department would oversee different United

Regions that would be a supernational structure of different autonomous republics within
them. Basically, Department of Regional Congresses would be a subdivision within African
People’s Conference.
The different regional congresses would be:
a. Congress of Sahel
b. Congress of Western Africa
c. Congress of Central Africa
d. Eastern Africa Congress
e. Horn of Africa Congress
f. Southern Africa Congress
g. Northern Africa Congress
h. Caribbean Congress

• The next subdivision would be Union of Republics. The Republics would be the composition
of the current de-facto nations within Africa. The goal would be to work towards the
“withering away of colonial borders”, as these artificial borders have been imposed on
African people from the post-colonial and neo-colonial world order. The next subdivision
would address the “withering away…” scenario.

• Autonomous Ethnic Representative Provinces and peoples: AERPP would represent the
different ethnic groups, that have been divided by the artificial borders and structures that
have made some ethnic groups a minority in one post-colonial nation, while the other had a
majority representation just on the other side of the border. In some cases, some republics
would have common ownership of the AERP’s as a temporary measure to minimize conflict
between the neighbouring republics.

3. Mechanism to ensure that there is no intrusion of the “harmony within diversity” basic principle
of African People’s Conference:

• Respect for the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-interference of the ethnic
identities in “African People’s Conference”.

• Promoting regional peace and identity, peaceful settlements of disputes through dialogue
and consultation, and the renunciation of aggression.

• -Encouraging regional integration of trade.

• Appointment of Council of General Secretaries through Department of Regional Congresses
and the republics within the Regional Congresses.

• Establishment of African People’s Conference and its regional and local departments, that
would be the convocation and the meeting Council for all peoples and its representatives.

• Development of friendly external relations and a position with the UN. Meaning that we
would strive for a bigger force that could easier lobby to get a stronger position within UN
as well as the final goal of having a permanent seat in United Nations Security council

• Making clear to be “non-aligned” at least temporarily, to insure that Africa would in no

way be a target for “imperialist meddling”

*Further amendments will be added to this document. This is merely a guide to how we envision a
temporary and realistic union for now

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