GE Infection Rate

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Project Description:

Compare the Corona Virus with the HIV virus in light of different aspects but not limited to

a) genetic modification
b) virus shape, geometry and genetic configuration
c) infectious nature and spread rate
d) routes of infection
e) Effect on immunity
f) Infection in other Animals.

Part c of the project : Infectious nature and Spread rate.


Transmission mechanism •There are three •Transmission is airborne or

(Infection) mechanisms of transfer - through contact with
sexual, parenteral (that droplets of saliva or by
which occurs outside the coughing or sneezing.
alimentary tract), vertical
transmission (occuring from •Contact of objects on which
mother to child during said droplets are present
gestation or breast feeding) could also cause infection

• Pre-seminal fluid, semen

and vaginal fluid, blood,
breast milk all contain the
HIV virus in infected patients

Symptoms Begin to appear between 2 Usually begin between two

and 6 weeks after initial and 14 days after initial
contact with the virus. entry of the virus.

Infection stages •Two stages - Early or acute •Symptoms are not marked
infection and chronic definitely. They vary
infection according to severity of
Symptoms during early infection and immunity of
phase of infection : individuals. As of yet clear
-Throat pain discrete stages of infection
-Headache aren't necessarily seen in all
-Muscle pain cases.
-Swollen lymph nodes
-Rashes •The most common
-Mouth sores symptoms for mild infection
Symptoms are so mild, include fever, cough, and
often unnoticed dyspnea. Diarrhea and
abdominal pain are also
Symptoms during Chronic frequent
phase of infection :
-Can last upto 10 years •In most cases symptoms
If not treated or controlled and infection are mild
can turn into AIDS (Acquired however in cases of severe
Immunodeficiency infection, kidney damage,
syndrome) extreme difficulty in
-AlDS is the final stage of breathing and death could
HIV, cure isn't found as of also occur.
-Extreme and irreversible
damage to the immune
system, immunosuppression
is observed (causing
autoimmune diseases, even
mild infections such as cold
can kill the person )

Spread rate and Mortality •Sexual - From 2% to 20% •Primary attack rates
rate haven't been determined
•Vertical - In the absence of exactly. Studies are still
intervention, the rate of confucted.
vertical transmission of HIV
can range from 15-45%. •The observed secondary
With the inclusion of attack rates ranged 1.2% in
antiretroviral drugs during health care, 2.6% in
pregnancy and the choice of community and 9% in
delivery route this amounts households.
to less than 2%.

•Parenteral - <1%

Mortality rate - Upto 100%

Mortality rate- Upto 0.001
percent (current statistics)


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