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Periodic Trends: Atomic Radius Worksheet

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1. Which element has a larger atomic radius than phosphorus?

a. chlorine
b. fluorine
c. aluminum
d. nitrogen


2. While moving across the periodic table from left to right there is an increase in atomic radius.  .


3. By having knowledge of the atomic radius of an atom, the size of the atom can be measured.


4. In alkali metals, the atomic radius of potassium is greater than _____.

a. Lithium
b. Rubidium
c. Cesium
d. None of the above


5. The size of atomic radii within a group of elements increase while moving from top to bottom.


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6. When moving from left to right across a period,the outer electrons feel a _____ attraction towards the
nucleus and the atomic radius _____.
a. Weaker, increases
b. Weaker, decreases
c. Stronger, decreases
d. Stronger, increases


7. Atomic radii increase in size with an increase in the atomic number across a period.


8. The atomic radius of xenon is greater than helium.



9. The largest atom in the sixth period is _____.

a. Xenon
b. Rubidium
c. Cesium
d. Radon


10. Atomic radius ___ across a period.

a. Stays the same
b. Decreases
c. Increases


Answer Keys

1.   aluminum

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2.   FALSE
3.   TRUE
4.   Lithium
5.   TRUE
6.   Stronger, decreases
7.   FALSE
8.   TRUE
9.   Cesium
10.   Decreases

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Print ed: August 23, 2021

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