Std-11 Numerical Worksheet of WPE

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FAQ! FREQUENTLY ASKED:NUMERICAL:PROBLEMS — « For Practice ——___ ‘Type A. On Work done 1. What is the work done by a man in carrying a suitcase weighing 30 kg over his head, when he travels distance of 10min the () vertical direction, (i) horizontal direction ? {Ans. () 2,940 J; i) zero} 2, Find the work done, ifa weight of 25 kg i lifted through a vertical height of 2 m from the ground and also ifit is, raised to same place by pushing up an inclined plane raking an angle of 30° with thé ground. Neglect friction. Ans. 490 J; 4905] 3. A man weighing 50 kg climbs 10 m. Calculate the work done by gravity. (HL.PSS.CE. 2000) (Ans, -4:900}] 4. A particle is displaced through (3/2) +24) metres under the influence of a force (1 +}-5f) newton. Calculate the work done. (HPSS.CE, 2000) (Ans. ~15)] A=3i+2}-68 to A pest mades froin 0 posiion = 14f19)—92 under the ation of foie B= 47+ }4+38 newton. Ifthe displacement between two ppoints is in metres, calculate the work done. (HPSS.CE. 2003) (Ans. 46 J] Type B. On Potential and Kinetic energy 6. 230 joule were spent in lifting a 10 kg weight toa height Bin Cotclte he aceon wihichitwes ae Take g= 10ms% (Ans. 15 ms] 7. Calculate the work done in lifting a 300 N weight to a height of 10 m with an acceleration 0S m Take g = 10 ms [Ans. 3,150 1 8. A body of mass 2 kg initially at rest is moved by a horizontal force of 051N on a smooth (frictionless) table. ‘Obtain the work done by the force in8 sand show that this ‘equals the change in kinetic energy of the body. TAns. 4J] 9. Ablock of mass 2 kg is tying on the frictionless table. A force of 8 N is applied on it for 12 s. Calculate its kinetic energy. (H.PSS.CE, 2004) tAns. 2,304 J] Type C.On Power 10. A vehicle of mass 15 quntal climbs up a hill 200 m high, It then moves on a level road with speed of 30 m 5" Calculate the potential energy gained by it and is total mechanical energy, while running on the top of the hil, Ans, 294 x 106, 3615 x108)} 1, Abullet hasa mass of 0.02 kg and is moving with a speed of 10ms"! It can penetrate 10 em of a given target before coming to rest. Ifthe same target were only 6 em thick, what will be the speed and kinetic energy of the bullet, when it comes out ? Tans. 6325 ms, 04 J] 12. Aball bounces to 80% ofits original height: What fraction ofits mechanical energy is lost in each bounce ? Where does this energy go ? (CBSE. 1997) 1 UAns. 2th, as heat energy] 13, Arunning man has halfthe kinetic energy thata boy of half his mass has. The man speeds up by 1 m 5! and then has the same kinetic energy as the boy: What were the original speeds of the man and the boy ? Tans. 2415 m s*t, 483 ms" Type C. On Work-energy theorem 14. A bullet of mass 20 g strikes a target with a velocity of 150 ms“ and brought to rest after piercing 10 cm into it. Calculate the average force of resistance offered by the target. TAns. 22,500 N} 15, A bullet of mass 25 g was moving at the rate of 500 ms" After passing through a solid substance, it continued to move at the rate of 100 m s~'. How much work the bullet had to do in passing through the substance ? . Ans. 3,000 J) 16. Aman of mass 60 kg runs up a fight of steps in 40s. I each step is 20 cm high, calculate the power of the man. (HLPS.S.C.E. 2003) [Ans. 88:2 W] 47. Aman pullsa awn roller with a force of20 kgf. He applies the force at an angle 60° with the ground. Calculate the work done in pulling the rll throigh 10 If he takes 1 minute in doing $0, calculate the’ power developed Take g = 10ms?, (Ans. 1,000], 1667 W1 18. The mass ofan aeroplane is 480 quintal. It stars from rst and develops a speed of 42.m s just before take of. Ifthe Scanned with CamScanner we WORK, POWER AND ENERGY, # an, mM cathe inf motte dacigaty engine Aras ese metic int SEIN atest oe the minima power eapende bythe cilst ae Select eslmegmeena ere Sa lapse ants a An engine pu ee Pp 1,000 hg of ake exibeninse tectonic cngineted akan erowcaltenpee muinwa ce wines : Fane Su Frama tempotgteincy et aaron aaa ane an et ia Saar ROR a ep me secs JED eis] Bes ot ans mbie AA 84 hi h-! consumes a power of 900 KW. The efficiency of the motors and the drive mechanism is 08. Determine Funway is 2 km, calculate the power Tne ss085 1 iN airratt engine to [Ans 90 KW] ‘Type D. On Spring constant 26. 2. ‘Abeay of mass 10 moving with aspen of2 mst on ‘Naettnless able impinges on a mounted spring force constant 4 10° N a! What is the compression of the Springs. when the esty comes to rest? (Ans. cm) TEILL of mass Mi moving ata speed w compresses 3 rang through acistance € before fs speed is rece to TPA Find the spring constant ofthe sping, [Aspring obeys Hooke’s la I equies 20 of work fo AaEREhrgogh @-Lim_ Find the force constant ofthe sre An ealelate the work one fo tet further through 0-1 m. Jans. 4,000 N mt; 0) AIRE lock of mass 05 bis snes fom the end When af euethes by find the force constant Sere The lek gen asharpimpuls, sothat icity of 30 ms"! How high itmoves upwards witha vel : oy ON m!;02m) AiNtise? Given, ¢ = 1 ms 1Ans Type E.On Conservation of Mechanical energy 30. a Fa kg box droppeiom the top of a tower. The height AZpiston le SeoeTSSate heal potential ofthe (i itspotential energy IS mabove the ground, or aoe nei ene 3 ts {i te marey 20 bls the top ofthe toe. {Ans (925725 J i 11025) (i) 25,725 (le) 14,7001 of» pendulum bob is 1 kg and the sting is 1m FESPA also or the stg i orzonial and Ieee il ad Hine ene when he shen retnangle of (20" and Gi) 30" withthe we string makes an 2097"1973) (Ans. (098 J ; G0 0849 J} “Amiron ball of mass $4 is suspended from a 6m thread Anion Ste mass The balls pulled back, $0 that the of nese 7a sp° amgle withthe vertical. Tt is then thread mat goats, calculate the maximum values of tnt energy an netic nergy, What wil Be a Pre passing through the mean position ? oct, while PASE IN CTS 256), 236). 397 ms 3. 35. 6. Type F. On Mass-energy equivalence 37. 38 ». ‘Type G. On Elastic collisions a. a 2. “4 tring ofa pendulum is 20 m ong, The bobs pulled Tirang cs fipcstang becomes hoon andthe the Fe lcscad Whatisthe speed with wich the blo arrives ERE est point ? Assume at 10% ofthe initial energy {sdisipated agaist aie resistance. Take g = 10m 5° (CBSE. 1939) [Ans. 6 m 51] “Abby of mass 1h falls with nil weloity of 14m! ‘Roma beight of 240 m and penetrates into sand toa depth (102 By appying the aw of conservation of eee ‘determine the mean resistive i zona chose barrel weighs 450 kgf, fires in a horizontal ARIRAMRSENCEAT SP shes Sigh and ental ‘Velocity is 480 m sl When the shells fired, the barrel Joie 3 distance of 045 m. Determine the mean breahing Freed in the gu’ s unter ec estos e Ans. 12,500 NI [A Lig mass on a floor is connected to a2 kg mass by 3 ‘iing’passing over a pulley. Obtain the speed of masses {after they are released), when the 2g mass just touches the floor Establish that te gain in Kinetic energy ofthe Sstem equals the Tessin ts potential energy, The 2 se is tially at height of 3 m above the ground Takeg = 98 ms Ans. 443 ms"! Agu “The energy supplied to Kolkata by the State Electricity Bosal duting’on average November weekday was {Ov 10 Livy I this energy could be obtained by the Zonverion of mctter, how much mass woud have to eannibilated 2 CMA 1985) [Ans. 16 « 10° ksl Calculate the increase in. mass of $0 g of metal of specif es 0S eal g °C when heated through 90 Tans. 3:15» 10°" kg] Calculate the decreascia mass of Ig of water at0°C, when fetus inte ce at0°C. Given tent het of ce = #0 al tans. 373 «10° hgh How mach U2 is consumed ina day in an atomic power ouse operating at 400 MW, provided the whole ofthe mass of UE" is converted into energy? (Ans. 0384 ‘Aspherical metal bal of mass 05 hg moving witha speed (of 05 ms"! ona smooth linear horizontal track collides head on with another ball Bofsamemassatrest. Assuming the collision tale pertectly'elastic, what are the speeds of ‘A and Batter collision ? 1Ans. 0,"!] ‘A vehicle of mass 30 quintals moving with a speed of 18kmh!colides with another vehicle of mass 90 quintals moving with a speed of 14-4 km ht in the opposite direction, What will be the velocity of each after the collision? tAns.-206 km he, 18 km ht) [Aball of mass 01 kg makes an elastic head-on collision. ‘with aball of unknown mass, initially at rest. Tthe 0-1 kg. bull rebounds at one third ofits original speed, what isthe ‘mass ofthe other ball? Tans. 02 kg! | ‘Alarge mass M moving witha velocity v collides head-on J with very small mass mat rest [m << MI. Ifthe collision iS elastic. obtain an expression for the energy lost by the large mass M (CBSE. 1397) (Ans.2mv2I ‘A body of mass M at ret is struck by a moving body of ‘mass Prove that fraction of theinitial KEE ofthe mass transferred to the struck body is 4m M/(M +m)? inan elastic colisi Type H. On Inelastic Collision 46. ‘A railway cariage of mass 10000 kg moving with aspeed ‘of 5¢ km ht strikes a stationary carriage ofthe same mass. “After the collision, the carriages get coupled and move together. What is their common speed after the colision ? Isthe collision elastic? ——_‘[Ans.75:ms“t, inelastic] Scanned with CamScanner

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