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you should give useful advice about your English learning to your
Dear Neron, (194)
How's it going? I'm glad you sent me a letter. I am reading the letter
and I know what you need to do when learning English.
For me, English ever easier to learn. You should master knowledge
such as Grammar, Nouns, Adjectives, and other knowledge. First, you
will have to arrange a clear study schedule to have a specific study time
and not cause boredom because when learning grammar, you only need
to spend 30 minutes studying with tired eyes and your brain will not be
comfortable. Second, you have to mix grammar and writing or Listening
and speaking to study easier because both support together. For
example, if you do not know grammar so you will not be writing a good
paragraph, and the ideas you give are not seamless. Finally, you need to
study so much vocabulary to wide vocabulary and use words match the
context, it will help the listener understand what talk you want.
I think it is not enough to better but sure it will help you in learning
English. Hope you and your family are so healthy, soon receive a letter
from you.
My friend,

Dear President of English club, ( 147)

How is it going? I glad to receive your letter. Have you found the right
person yet? I know a person so suitable for position president of English
That's Nero, he's a master at English even though it's not his native
language. He is kind, friendly, honest and totally responsible. In addition,
he is also an English teacher outside the school, he teaches students at a
low cost so that everyone can study. He was trusted by his English
teacher and gave him grades. Last year, he participated in the city level
English competition and won first prize. I think he is a suitable person
instead of being president of the English club.
Please consider him and trust me that he is the best choice for that
position. Let me know if you need any more information. Hope to hear
from you soon.
Best regards,
2. Essay : ngày nay rác thải do nhiều người đổ xuống sông khiến nguồn
nước bị ô nhiễm dẫn đến tình trạng thiếu nước sạch, hãy đưa ra biện
pháp để ngăn chặn việc này ở nơi bạn sống.
Nowadays, environmental pollution is an important issue for society and
each country. To prevent that, the youth has given solutions such as
recycling bottles, using less cars and planting more trees.
We can be recycling some plastic bottles, boxes of paper, newspapers
and other things used. It is easy to look for on rivers, beaches, streets, or
some places that sell old. For instance, instead of throwing it, we can use
it to do toys, pots, and things we think useful.
The increasing number of vehicles, followed by the increasing smog,
leads to global warming. To reduce the situation, we need to use less the
car instead we should use bicycles. However, people working too far
should use public transport to work.
The last but not least, we should be planting more trees to reduce air
pollution from factories and vehicles. When trees absorb carbon dioxide,
they will release oxygen for the creatures. We should plant trees on the
street, in the forests, on the hills, and even in our houses to the world
green better
I believe the young locals can be to do it and everyone in the world also
do to help the Earth become greener.
In a chaotic world, human has to live in slums, and the health of people
is reduced by environmental pollution


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