15 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stats You Need To Know in 2018

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15 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Stats You Need to Know in 2018

Karl Utermohlen Apr 13, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing every day at a furious rate, and with
it, the statistics surrounding the industry and the various industries it’s
revolutionizing are changing. The technology has already yielded great
success in streamlining work processes in the healthcare industry,
reducing man-hours spent in administrative tasks in the education sector
and reducing overhead costs in the manufacturing world. It seems as if a
new AI startup pops up every day with the purpose of changing the way we
think, interact and work on a day to day basis.

In honor of this technology, we have compiled a plethora of stats that

relate to AI in order to give you an idea of how prevalent the technology is
nowadays. These stats cover the state of the technology as of 2018, which
has seen companies such as WorkFusion emerge as leaders in the industry.
The software company offers a wide variety of intelligent automation
solutions for businesses looking to boost their ROI.

Here are 15 AI stats you need to know in 2018:

Only 15% of enterprises are using AI as of today, but 31% are expected
to add it over the coming 12 months, according to Adobe.
The number of active startups has increased by 1400% since 2000,
per Stanford University.
Investment into AI startups by venture capitalists has soared sixfold
since 2000, per Adobe.
The share of jobs requiring AI has increased by 450% since 2013, per
For enterprises using AI, top-performing companies said they are
more than twice as likely as their industry counterparts to use the
technology for marketing, 28% vs. 12%, per Stanford.
According to BridghtEdge, the next big marketing trend is seen as
being consumer personalization (29%), followed by AI (26%).
The three most in-demand skills on Monster.com are machine
learning (ML), deep learning and natural language processing (NLP).
International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that the compound
annual growth rate for global sending on AI will be 50.1%, reaching
$57.6 billion by 2021. This is thanks to investments in retail, banking,
healthcare and manufacturing, which will make up over half of the
worldwide spending on AI.
Adobe also discovered that 47% of digitally mature organizations,
which are those with advanced digital practices, have a defined AI
Juniper Research discovered in a study that, in retail, global spending
on AI will grow to $7.3 billion a year by 2022, up from $2 billion in
2018. This is because companies will invest heavily in AI tools that
will help them differentiate and improve the services they offer
About 61% of companies with an innovation strategy are using AI to
identify opportunities in data that they would have otherwise missed,
according to Narrative Science. This figure is only 22% for companies
without this strategy.
About 38% of consumers believe that AI will improve customer
service, according to Page.
A PointSource study found that when AI is deployed tactically, 34% of
shoppers will spend more money online. About 49% said they are
willing to shop more frequently online when AI is present.
The AI healthcare market is expected to hit $6.6 billion by 2021,
according to Accenture data. The study added that clinical health AI
applications can create $150 billion in annual savings for the U.S.
healthcare economy by 2026.
Around the globe, robot imports have increased from around 100,000
in 2000 to roughly 250,000 in 2015, according to IDC.

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