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a·bun·dant /əˈbəndənt/ existing or available in

large quantities; plentiful.

ac·ces·si·ble /əkˈsesəb(ə)l/ 1 (of a place) able to be
reached or entered 2 (of a person, typically one in a
position of authority or importance) friendly and
easy to talk to; approachable. 
a·droit /əˈdroit/ clever or skillful in using the hands
or mind.
ad·ven·tur·ous /adˈven(t)SHərəs,ədˈven(t)SHərəs/ 
willing to take risks or to try out new methods,
ideas, or experiences.
af·fa·ble /ˈafəb(ə)l/ friendly, good-natured, or easy
to talk to.
a·gree·a·ble /əˈɡrēəb(ə)l/ enjoyable and
pleasurable; pleasant.
a·mi·a·ble /ˈāmēəb(ə)l/ having or displaying a
friendly and pleasant manner.
am·pli·fy /ˈampləˌfī/ increase the volume of
(sound), especially using an amplifier.

a·nath·e·ma /əˈnaTHəmə/ 1 something or someone
that one vehemently dislikes 2 a formal curse by a
pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating
a person or denouncing a
a·nem·o·ne /əˈnemənē/ a plant of the buttercup
family, typically bearing brightly colored flowers.
Anemones are widely distributed in the wild, and
several kinds are popular garden plants.

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