Leadership April 17

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Direction For some, support for others.

1. According to path- goal theory, why is Daniel an effective leader?

Ans. The path-goal theory, also known as the path-goal theory of leader effectiveness or the
path-goal model it was developed by House and Mitchell (1974). The theory has its roots is
based on the premise that an employee’s perception of expectancies. Between his effort and
performance is greatly affected by a leader’s behavior. Regarding Daniel effective leader he
used to suggest that employees will be motivated if they feel competent, he thought efforts
should be rewarded, and paying with the value of their work. A Leader needs to find out
what is rewarding to followers often which clarifies the path, remove obstacles, and provide
support. As we can see from the case study that Daniel was supportive toward his staff, he
used to support them in any sort of operational, duplicating or publishing work. He has
behavior of leader who was more supportive, participative, and Providing direction to
employees with the necessary tools to resolve issues in the workplace to ensure
organizational success.

2. How does his leadership style affect the motivation of employees at the copy center?

Ans. In the given case lot of the employees are students, Daniel's reputation for resolving
scheduling difficulties is the first way he resembles a helpful leadership style. He recognizes
that duplicating coworker may be boring and dull. As a result, he makes the job as enjoyable
as possible by promoting colleague communication, enabling them to dress casually, and
allowing them to choose their own background music. Daniel believed in supportive
leadership which motivated his employees. In other hand he also used the achievement-
oriented style to motivate the employees who work in the desktop publishing area. Where
full-time workers were working. Where it was little challenging and had high expectation.

3. How do characteristics of the task and the followers influence Daniels leadership?

Ans. After analyzing the case we can see that Daniel is an intrinsically motivated leader.
Daniel's duplicating service is a time-consuming task. It necessitates someone taking clients
original papers and duplicating them. He permits a relaxed clothing code and enables staff to
use their own music as background music, allowing them to become a little wild on the job to
make the job more fun. Daniel spends a significant amount of time each day conversing
informally with each employee and encouraging workers to converse with one another.
Daniel promotes friendship and is not shy when it comes to engaging in their interests.
Followers who have strong needs for affiliation prefer supportive leadership
Name: Saurav Timilsina (21339)
4. One of the principles of Path-goal Theory is to make the end goal valuable to
workers. What could Daniel do to improve follower motivation in this area?

Ans. Daniel recognizes that the job is monotonous and repetitive, but he creates a joyful
environment for his staff and tries to get to know them on a personal level. Other workers of
Daniel's work in desktop publishing, which is a more difficult and demanding profession.
These employees are self-sufficient, self-motivated, and confident. Daniel serves as a
resource for these employees, allowing them to focus on their job while also providing
support and help when required. Daniel might have a friendly competition to see who can
make the most copies or create the most unique Profile or poster. This would motivate people
to work hard every day. At work, everyone enjoys a healthy competition.

1. Hefferman, M. (2019). The Human Skills We Need in An Unpredictable World.
2. Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
SAGE Publications.

Name: Saurav Timilsina (21339)

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