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A91404821008 (FACULTY GUIDE)
BCA (2021-2024)

This is to certify that the project entitled Air Pollution
Monitoring with IOT Device is a bonafide record of
independent research work done by SHREYA SAHA
(Enrollment No: A91404821008) under the supervision and
submitted to Amity University Kolkata in partial fulfillment for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications.

Signature of the supervisor


I SHREYA SAHA a bonafide student of Bachelor of
Computer Applications (2021-2024) in Amity University
Kolkata would like to declare that the project entitled “Air
Pollution Monitoring With IOT Device” submitted by me
impartial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of Bachelors’ In Computer Application is my original
Signature of the candidate

Date: 2.12.2022

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who
provided the possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude I
would like to give to Mr. ABHIJIT PAUL sir who gave me the golden
opportunity to complete this project.
I also thank my friends and classmates who helped me a lot in my
research and presentation of the report within the given time frame.


Nowadays pollution has clothed to be one in all the many issues due to
increment at intervals the number of vehicles and thru the time spent
industrialisation and urbanization. This growth at intervals the extent of
contamination brings regarding harmful consequences for prosperity. This
project explains the depiction associate degreed execution of associate degree
pollution detection system. The innovation grasped here, could also be a
active execution of the idea of internet of Things. This careful work is a
search of the chances of consumption of this innovation, throughout this
world, where natural well-being is pop into a true risk. The work is actual
utilizing microcontroller board of Arduino. throughout this project i am
aiming to produce degree IoT based totally pollution Detection observance
System at intervals that I will monitor the Air Quality over an online server
exploitation ESP8266 Wi-Fi device and may a trigger alarm once the air
quality goes down a selected level implies that once there is vary of harmful
gases is gift at intervals the air like greenhouse gas. it's going to show the air
quality in PPM (Parts Per Million) as like “Fresh Air”, “Poor Air”, “Danger
Air” on digital display and webpage thus I’ll monitor it very merely.

The Air Excellence Guide (AEG) could also be a typical indicator of air
quality. The Air Quality Indicator (AQI) is calculated and supported on air
pollutants like CO and NO2 compounds that consume opposing possessions
happening the atmosphere and human health. The Air Quality Indicator could
also be a variety that represents the terribly finest meditation of a selected air
unused matter at a selected time. I propose Associate in Nursing air quality
also as pollution observance system that enables U.S.A. to observe and check
live air quality also as pollution in a neighbourhood through net of Things
(IoT). It uses air sensors (Gas detector MQ135) to sense presence of harmful
gases/compounds within the air and perpetually transmit this knowledge.
additionally, system keeps measure air level and reports it. The sensors act
with Arduino Uno (Microcontroller) that processes this knowledge and
transmits it over the applying. this permits authorities to observe pollution in
numerous areas and act against it [1]. additionally, authorities will keep a
watch on the pollution close to colleges, and hospitals areas. Normally, very
little concentrations unit measured exploitation ppb (parts per billion), that
represents units of mass of a fabric per one billion units of total mass.
components per million (ppm) could also be similar and quotidian used unit
to live concentrations of pollutants. It determines demands the wants the
necessities} of a replacement system and analyse on product and resource
requirement, that is needed for the palmy system. the merchandise demand
contains input and output necessities it offers the requirements in term of
input to provide the specified productivity. The resource necessities outline
in short concerning the hardware that are required to attain the specified
practicality. during this project I’m about to build Associate in Nursing IoT
primarily based pollution Detection observance System during which I
monitor the Air Quality over an internet server victimisation ESP8266 Wi-Fi
device and a trigger alarm once the air quality goes down a particular level
suggests that once there's range of harmful gases is gift within the air like
CO2. It shows the air quality in PPM (Parts Per Million) on digital display
and webpage in order that I monitor it terribly simply.

Purpose of Project
The project is Associate in Nursing implementation of IoT (Internet of
Things) primarily based pollution observation System mistreatment Arduino.
pollution could be a growing issue and it's necessary to watch air quality for
a more robust future and healthy living for all. IoT is obtaining standard day-
by-day, and standards are on its means. Therefore, assortment of air quality
data is less complicated. Analysis of observation knowledge permits United
States to assess however dangerous pollution from day to day. in line with
the recent survey, Dhaka, the capital of People's Republic of Bangladesh is
that the third within the list of most air-polluted town so, owing to this
growth within the amount of vehicles contamination is developing quickly
and it is influencing individuals teams well-being too. This air contamination
makes sickness and damage safe, medical specialty, regenerative and
metabolic process framework. In extraordinary cases, it will likewise cause
passing. As indicated by summary 50000 to a hundred thousand sudden
losses occurred to United States solely owing to air contamination [2]. on
these lines, there's a demand for checking air quality and to watch it. IoT is
that the system of physical gadgets, vehicles, home apparatuses, and various
things deep-seated with hardware, programming, sensors, and accessibility
that empowers these articles to associate and trade data. IoT permits articles
to be detected or controlled. during this paper, I’m proposing and attending
to piloting a model that IoT to screen air contamination.

Objectives of Monitoring Air

The air quality monitor program style dependent upon the observance
specific objectives nominative for the air quality management within the
hand-picked space of interest. process the output influence, the planning of
the network and optimize the resources used for observance. It additionally
ensures that the network is specially designed to optimize the data on the
issues at hand. There may well be completely different objectives for the
event of the environmental observance and closed-circuit television.
Normally, the system should give on-line information {and information and
knowledge and information} transfer with a right away /automatically/ on-
line internal control of the collected data. many monitors, sensors and
information assortment systems to be applied to form on-line information
relinquishing and management doubtless. the most objectives expressed for
the event of Associate in Nursing air quality activity and police investigation
program may well be to facilitate the background concentration(s)
measurements, monitor current levels as a baseline for assessment, check the
air quality relative to standards or limit values, discover the importance of
individual sources, change comparison of the air quality information from
completely different areas and countries, collect information for the air
quality management, traffic and land-use designing functions, observe trends
(related to emissions), develop abatement methods, verify the exposure and
assess the results of pollution on health, vegetation or building materials,
inform the general public regarding the air quality and lift the attention,
develop warning systems for the interference of unsought pollution episodes,
facilitate the supply parcelling and identification, provide information for
analysis investigations, develop/validate management tools (such as models),
develop and check analytical instruments and to support legislation in
relevance the air quality limit values and tips. The relationships between the
info} collected and therefore the information to be derived from them should
be taken under consideration once a monitor program is planned, dead and
rumoured. This emphasizes the requirement for users and potential users of
the info to be concerned in designing surveys, not solely to confirm that the
surveys area unit acceptable to their desires however additionally to justify
committing the resources.

Air Quality
The necessary parameters that are thought-about within the planned
framework include: dioxide (CO2) – greenhouse emission is colourless,
odourless gas and non-combustible gas. Also, it's measured beneath the class
of smother gases that have ability of meddlesome the provision of O for
tissues. dioxide may be a gas important to life within the world, because of
it's one in all the foremost important components evolving method chemical
change chemical action} process, that converts star into energy. The
concentration of greenhouse emission has amplified due principally to huge
remnant fuels boiling. This increase makes plants grow quickly. The
ascension of undesirable plants results in the rise use of chemicals to
eliminate them [3]. gas (SO2) - gas may be a colourless gas, detectable by
the distinct odour and style. Like CO2, it's principally thanks to fossil fuels
boiling and to producing processes. In high attentions might cause respiratory
issues, particularly in sensitive teams, like asthmatics. It contributes to acid
rains. gas (NO2) – gas may be a chromatic gas, simply detectable for its
odour, terribly corrosive and extremely oxidizer. it's made because the results
of fossil fuels burning. oftentimes NO panicky to the atmosphere is reborn in
NO2 by chemical processes. In high absorptions, NO2 might principal to
metabolic process issues. Like SO2, it contributes to acid rains. Smoke -
concerning one million folks are in custom of tobacco smoking globally of
that majority population is from rising countries. once a year nearly four.9
million folks terminated thanks to smoking enable to 2007 report.
additionally, used smoke is serious threat to the health of individuals of all
age’s causes 41000 deaths every year. LPG - Liquefied rock oil gas (LPG) is
AN odourless and colourless liquid that evaporates pronto into a gas. outflow
is usually detected by adding AN odorant into it. it's thought about beneath
the class of extremely inflammable gases and it may be classified as a
substance and agent if hydrocarbon content is over zero.1%. LPG might
escape within the kind of a gas or a fluid. If it escapes within the kind of a
liquid, it vanishes quickly and can eventually type massive cloud of gas in
air, that is comparatively thicker than air therefore drops to the bottom.
Whereas LPG vapours travel the bottom for a protracted distance and gets
collected in drains or basements. Gas principals to burn or detonate when
entering bit with a supply of ignition. Temperature and humidity- amount of
temperature is a vital for safety of individuals and affects our life skills.
Greenhouse outcome may be determined by activity temperature and
comparison temperature changes from historical to modern times particularly
since the economic revolution exploitation climate knowledge. humidness
may be a variety of gas that guards U.S. from ultraviolet radiation rays from
the sun and helps trick heat on Earth, thereby creating the climate on Earth, a
nice one for living. However, as humidness will increase, the heat on Earth
additionally will increase that makes our life uncomfortable. humidness is
important for numerous storage and food process facilities.

Importance of Air Pollution

Monitoring System
Air is one in every of the foremost basic and vital parts for person to survive.
Clean and Sound air is that the key to an honest and healthy life. however
currently days in town life it's become the foremost vulnerable issue.
Pollution of air has become the foremost involved and affected issue
currently for America. A diversity of air pollutants has notable or suspected
injurious effects on human health and the atmosphere. In most areas, these
toxins are primarily the merchandise of combustion from area warming,
power generation or from car traffic flow. Pollutants from these sources
might not solely prove a retardant within the immediate neck of the woods of
those sources however will travel long distances. Generally, if somebody is
young and in a very smart state of health, moderate pollution levels are
unlikely to own any serious short-term effects. However, higher levels and
future exposure to pollution will result in additional serious symptoms and
conditions inflicting human health. This not solely affects the metastasis and
inflammatory response systems, however, can even result in additional
serious conditions like cardiovascular disease and cancer. folks with
respiratory organ or heart things to be additional liable to the consequences
of pollution. pollution has conjointly been recognized by doctors in concert
of the world’s greatest ten killers seeing some twenty-nine,000 premature
deaths in kingdom and 430,000 worldwide in one year. pollution will cause
each short term and future effects on health and plenty of folks are involved
concerning pollution within the air that they breathe. observance air quality is
crucial for native authorities furthermore as for major public and personal
industries to grasp and stop pollution and live emission sources, to order
health and present to the fight against the greenhouse influence. Industrial
operatives use air quality observance equipment to cheaply monitor and
manage emanations on their perimeter, that helps them recover relationships
with controllers and communities. With air quality rule shifting the burden
from publicly funded observance to perceptive funded by business, it's been
more and more vital for businesses to get their individual quality observance
instrumentality. to urge the most effective results from the setting concerning
the pollution level of air, toxicity and harmfulness for human, air quality
display is immensely used. Associate in Nursing air quality monitor is
Associate in Nursing expedient that actions the extent of common air toxins.
Displays are obtainable for each indoor and outside locations. Indoor air
quality monitors are naturally detector primarily based tools. several of them
are able to amount ppb levels and are available as either varied gas or
transportable units. detector primarily based tools and air quality observance
systems are used wide in outside close claims.

1.1 Codding Explanation

1.2 At first, I need to connect my Wi-Fi module to Wi-Fi router for
network connectivity. Then I configure the local server, send the
data to web, and finally close the connection [13]. This process and
commands have been explained in below steps:
1. First I need to test the Wi-Fi module by sending AT command, it
revert a response containing OK.
2. Mode ids: 1 = Station mode (client)

1 = AP mode (host) 3 = AP + Station mode (Yes, ESP8266 has a dual


3. Now I need to disconnect my Wi-Fi module from the previously

connected Wi-Fi network, by using the command AT+CWQAP, as ESP8266
is default auto connected with any previously available Wi-Fi network
4. After that, user can reset the module with AT+RST command. This step is
5. Now I need to connect ESP8266 to Wi-Fi router using given command
AT+CWJAP=” wifi_username”,”wifi_password”
6. Now get IP Address by using given command:AT+CIFSR It returns an IP

7. Now enable the multiplex mode by using AT+CIPMUX=1 (1 for multiple
connection and 0 for single connection)
8. Now configure ESP8266 as server by using AT+CIPSERVER=1, port_no
(port may be)
9). Now your Wi-Fi is ready. Here ‘1’ is used to create the server and ‘0’ to
delete the server. 33 9. Now by using given command user can send data to
local created server: AT+CIPSEND =id, length of data Id = ID no. of
transmit connection Length = Max length of data is 2 kb
10. After sending ID and Length to the server, I need to send data like:
11. After sending data I need close the connection by given command:
AT+CIPCLOSE=0 Now data has been transmitted to local server.
12. Now type IP Address in Address Bar in web browser and hit enter. Now
user can see transmitted data on webpage.
The MQ135 detector will sense greenhouse emission and a
few alternative gases, thus it's ideal gas detector for my Air
Quality watching Detection System Project. once I connect it to Arduino then
it senses the gases, and that i get the Pollution level in PPM (parts per
million). MQ135 gas detector offers the output in variety of voltage
levels and that I got to convert it into PPM [15]. thus, for changing the output
in PPM. detector is giving Pine Tree State price of zero.1 once there was no
gas close to it and the safe level of air quality is zero.5 PPM
and it's not Olympian zero.5 PPM. once it exceeds the limit of zero.5 PPM,
then it starts cause Headaches, drowsiness and stagnant, stale, stuffy air and
if exceeds on the far side PPM then it will cause enlarged pulse rate and lots
of alternative diseases. once the worth but zero.5 PPM, then the show |LCD |
digital display |alphanumeric display} and webpage can display “Fresh Air”.
Whenever the worth increases zero.5 PPM, then the show |LCD| digital
display |alphanumeric display} and webpage can display “Poor Air, Open
Windows”. If it will increase one PPM, then the buzzer keeps beeping and
the show |LCD| digital display |alphanumeric display} and
webpage can display “Danger! Move to contemporary Air”.
After uploading the code, i'm connected to the Wi-Fi of my ESP8266 device,
the serial monitor has opened and it's showing the information
processing address like shown below ( sort this information
processing address in your browser, it shows the output as shown below. I
actually have to refresh the page once more if i need to envision the
present Air Quality price in PPM. when uploading code [16], once the
worth but zero.5 PPM, then the show|LCD|digital display|alphanumeric
display} and application program can display “Fresh Air when the
worth increase zero.5 PPM, then the show|LCD|digital display|alphanumeric
display} and application program display “Poor Air, Open Windows”.

The system to watch the air of atmosphere mistreatment Arduino
microcontroller, IoT Technology is projected to boost quality of air. With the
utilization of IoT technology enhances the
method of observance varied aspects of atmosphere like air
quality observance issue projected during this paper. Here, mistreatment the
MQ135 offers the sense of various variety of dangerous gas and Arduino is
that the heart of this project. that management the whole method, Arduino
module connects the total method to alphanumeric display and serial
monitor is employed for the visual Output.

Future Scope
The future scope is that device that we tend to square
measure having is tired a compact method by reducing the dimensions of the
device for additional implementation or the modifications which may be is
that police work the vehicles quantity of pollution which may be determined.
In future the vary is created accrued per the information measure for the
high vary frequencies. additional analysis is created by creating the individua
ls within the right direction for his or her welfare. Therefore, there's Another
beneficiary by exploitation this device in AN app that the all is employed
in an GSM mobile phone for his or her daily updates by increasing
their vary This Module makes use of the MQ-135 air quality detector and
unsafe gas detector chip. alternative circuit parts like the LM393 analogy
comparator chip on this module makes it simple to integrate this module into
a project that may discover dangerous gases. The Module needs a 5V
power provide AND provides a digital Logic output (1 or 0) and an analog
level output (0-4V). The digital logic output is LOW (0) once no gas is
detected however goes HIGH (1) once dangerous gas concentration within
the setting reaches the set threshold set via a potentiometer on the module.
The analog level output provides an output voltage within the vary of zero to
4V supported the concentration of the dangerous gas within the environment;
0V for twenty-seven lowest concentration, 4V for
optimum concentration. you'll use it
detects dangerous gases like Ammonia, oxide, Alcohol, Benzene, Smoke
(Carbon Monoxide), greenhouse gas and alternative air contaminants in our
DIY project. The MQ-135 device on this module uses a element. once initial
power ON, please wait a minimum of twenty Seconds before reading
outputs to make sure knowledge validity. The Sensitive material employed
in MQ135 gas detector is SnO2. The physical phenomenon of this material is
lower in clean air. The detector physical phenomenon will increase with the
increasing concentration of target pollution gas. MQ135 will monitor totally
different styles of noxious gases like chemical compound, ammonia
gas, benzine series steam and CO2. The detection vary is 10-10,000 ppm
with the voltage rate of regarding five.0V±0.1V AC or DC
The vital options square measure long generation,
low-cost, straightforward driver circuit and sensible sensitivity
to noxious gases. MQ a hundred thirty-five gas detector is wide employed
in industrial gas alarm, moveable gas detector and domestic gas alarm as
shown in Fig.6. MQ-135 is employed during this framework
for observance CO2 in air. the number of CO2 gift within the atmosphere
is four hundred.7 ppm per that the detector is tag.

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