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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8

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Analytical evidences of the use of iron-gall ink as a pigment on

miniature paintings
Maurizio Aceto ⁎, Elisa Calà
Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, viale T. Michel, 11, 15121 Alessandria, Italy
Centro Interdisciplinare per lo Studio e la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (CenISCo), Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, via Manzoni, 8, 13100 Vercelli, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Iron-gall ink (IGI) has been used by scribes for writing since at least the 4th century CE. Another typical use of this
Received 22 March 2017 ink was for drawing: many Old Masters created beautiful sketches in brown-black hues. Despite its widespread
Received in revised form 6 June 2017 use to draw lines, it seems like IGI was hardly used for painting as well. In fact, the number of identification on
Accepted 13 June 2017
manuscripts is very low at present. This could be partially due to a lack of reliable diagnostic information. In
Available online 15 June 2017
this work we tried to better define the possibility of identifying IGI as a pigment on illuminate manuscripts, eval-
uating the pros and cons of three different techniques: UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry with
Illuminated manuscripts optic fibres (FORS), Raman spectroscopy and XRF spectrometry. With concern to in situ non-invasive analysis,
FORS Raman spectroscopy has the best diagnostic power but FORS seems to provide the better compromise between
Iron-gall ink selectivity and ease of application. Moreover, new analytical evidences was given on the particular use of IGI by
Raman ancient illuminators: a non-invasive and micro-invasive diagnostic survey on Western manuscripts datable in
XRF the range 6–16th centuries was carried out showing that, apart from its widespread use as an ink for writing
and drawing, IGI was largely used as a pigment too. The large number of identification obtained allows us to
hypothesise that this pigment was used all through medieval Europe up to at least the Renaissance, where its
use is already documented in drawing.
The occurrence of IGI in miniature paintings older than 6th century or more recent than 16th century cannot be
excluded, as is its use beyond Europe; further measurements could instead widen the time range and the geo-
graphic area. Nevertheless, the present study allows shedding a new light on the use of this colourant all along
the period of medieval and Renaissance miniature painting art.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction verdigris, used as a salve, with the less expensive ferrous sulphate,
which main use was instead as pigment for shoes (atramentum
Iron-gall ink (thereafter termed IGI) is a well-known natural product sutorium).
used since many centuries for writing [1]. It is produced by addition of It is not easy to say when IGI entered in use for writing, because the
FeSO4, the so-called Roman vitriol, to an aqueous extract obtained recipes describing its preparation are absent in Antique and Early Mid-
from galls, the typical nuts formed on plants upon infection by insects. dle ages until the appearance of Theophilus' treatise in the earlier 12th
Other vitriols such as CuSO4 or ZnSO4 were also used. While the century [4], after which many recipes were described. Therefore we
Fe(II)-gallic acid complex is uncoloured, upon oxidation by air Fe(II) can only rely on diagnostic evidences to set up a chronology. At present,
turns to Fe(III) and the corresponding complex becomes insoluble and the oldest occurrences of IGI were found by Moorhead et al. [5] by
brown-black coloured, which is the reason why it was used as ink for means of multispectral imaging on the Codex Sinaiticus, a Biblical text
writing. The reaction between Fe ions and gallnut extracts must have written in the middle of 4th century CE containing the earliest complete
been known at least since Roman times [2], because Pliny the Elder copy of the Christian New Testament, and by Aceto et al. [6] by means of
cites it, even if with concern to a different context [3]: it was exploited Raman spectroscopy on the Vercelli Gospels, a Latin version of the Gos-
as an ante litteram chemical test to recognise the adulteration of pels datable to the II half of 4th century.
To resume, we have analytical information evidencing the use of IGI
in texts at least from the middle of 4th century CE; this information is
⁎ Corresponding author. certainly far from definitive and new measurements, performed on
E-mail address: (M. Aceto). older texts, could further date backwards the introduction of IGI. On
1386-1425/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8

the other side, according to the very large number of recipes for the Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
preparation of IGI that occurred from the 12th century onwards [7], (SEM-EDX) have been frequently used in the analysis of brown-black
it is reasonable to think that this type of product was thoroughly inks (this topic was recently reviewed by Goltz [27]), the identification
used by scribes all along Middle ages and Renaissance and further they provide is not absolute and therefore they are not totally selective
on, until the introduction of synthetic inks; indeed, its diagnostic in the discrimination between IGI, carbon-based inks, bistre and sepia.
identification on later documents has been reported in countless In particular the content of iron is critical as this metal can be found in
instances. all instances, due to an intentional addition (as for IGI), to a contamina-
As well as for writing, IGI has been widely used for drawing. Master tion from the processes used in the manufacture or to the support
drawings executed with IGI are known by artists such as Leonardo da (parchment or paper).
Vinci, Rembrandt van Rijn, Guercino, Claude Lorrain, Eugene Delacroix Further information can be obtained by means of chromatograph-
or Vincent van Gogh among others. In this case, however, the diagnostic ic techniques: Chiavari et al. [28] were able to distinguish carbon
information is more limited with respect to the analysis of texts; among inks, sepia and IGI by means of Thermally assisted Hydrolysis Meth-
the most recent works, the identification of IGI has been analytically ev- ylation (THN) coupled to GC-MS. It must be considered, however,
idenced in studies on Italian Renaissance drawings [8] using imaging that this approach is intrinsically invasive and destructive. A similar
techniques in combination with X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and approach has been recently provided by Terahertz-Time Domain
Raman Spectroscopy, on the collection of Prints and Drawings at the Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) which, combined with ATR-FT-IR spectro-
British Museum [9,10], on a collection of drawings by Van Gogh [11] photometry, allows discrimination of the different types of brown-
and on 15th - 19th centuries drawings from the collection of Slovak Na- black inks [29].
tional Gallery [12]. When totally non-invasive methods are the only option allowed,
A different matter is the use of this material as a colourant, i.e. not other techniques must be used. Together with the above cited Raman
only for the writing or drawing but also for painting, in which case, and XRF techniques when used in portable configurations, good alterna-
being it a dispersion rather than a solution, it can be called a pigment. tives are the use of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging [30] or of
The colour of IGI varies between brown and black so that it could be UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry with optic fibres
suitable for a fairly wide range of hues. Despite this, its use for painting (FORS) [31,32].
seems unusually rare in the history of art. Among the few identification In this work we firstly aim at evaluating the diagnostic power of
present in the scientific literature, IGI was found on some early Medieval three different techniques, FORS, Raman spectroscopy and XRF spec-
Insular manuscripts kept at Trinity College Dublin [13]: the Book of Ar- trometry, in the selective identification of IGI on paintings, with specific
magh (ms. 52), the Codex Usserianus Primus (ms. 55), the Book of Durrow concern to illuminated manuscripts. Secondly we aim at evaluating the
(ms. 57), the Book of Dimma (ms. 59) and the famous Book of Kells (ms. effective use of IGI on miniature paintings along the history of art, veri-
58) [14,15]. Other identification was reported by Aceto et al. [16] on a fying whether the scarcity of identification corresponded to a real scarce
12th century Italian illuminated manuscript, by Burgio et al. [17] on me- use or, rather, to lack of diagnostic information. Using both non-invasive
dieval and Renaissance Italian manuscript cuttings and by Nastova et al. and micro-invasive techniques, a survey has been made on a large col-
[18,19] on medieval old-Slavonic manuscripts and on Byzantine and lection of manuscripts covering a wide time span (6–16th centuries).
post-Byzantine manuscripts [20]. Van Bos and Watteeuuw [21] The manuscripts were mostly from Western Europe. FORS analysis
analysed grisaille illuminations in the Chroniques et Conquêtes de Charle- was used as a preliminary probe in order to identify the spectral features
magne, a 15th century manuscript held at Brussels Royal Library (ms. of IGI; then Raman spectroscopy, both in conventional and in SERS
KBR 9066), in which IGI was used not only to outline figures and details, mode, was used to confirm the identification on selected samples. Final-
but also for darker shades. This low number of analytical evidences is ly, XRF spectrometry was used to confirm the presence of iron and other
even more unusual if we consider that the other class of black metals.
colourants, i.e. the carbon-based pigments (lampblack, vine black,
bone black, graphite, etc.) were used all along history both for writing
and for painting, so that many hundredths of identification have been 2. Materials and Methods
reported [22].
Rather than being due to a rare employment, the lack of evidences of 2.1. UV–visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectrophotometry with Optic Fibres
IGI in painting could be due to a difficulty in obtaining the diagnostic in- (FORS)
formation. In fact, while most of the analyses carried out in the past on
black areas identified carbon-based pigments, it is reasonable to think FORS analysis was performed with an Avantes (Apeldoorn, The
that measurements based on elemental techniques were not specific Netherlands) AvaSpec-ULS2048XL-USB2 model spectrophotometer
enough in order to discriminate between IGI, carbon-based pigments and an AvaLight-HAL-S-IND tungsten halogen light source; detector
and other brown-black colourants such as bistre or sepia; the same and light source are connected with fibre optic cables to a 1.5 mm diam-
holds for polarised light microscopy and X-ray diffraction, two tech- eter FCR-7UV200-2-1,5 × 100 probe which contains cables for both illu-
niques that were frequently used in the 80s, as IGI normally shows mination and detection; therefore incident and detecting angles were
amorphous character when attached to the pictorial support, as are car- respectively 45° and −45° from the surface normal, in order to exclude
bon-based pigments. specular reflectance. The spectral range of the detector was 200–
The identification of IGI on artworks is usually carried out by means 1160 nm; considering the range of emission of the light source, the op-
of Raman spectroscopy [6,23]. This technique has possibly the best diag- timal range of acquisition of spectra was 350–1100 nm. The best spec-
nostic power in the analysis of brown-black inks, as it provides a spec- tral resolution of the system, calculated as FWHM, was 2.4 nm. Diffuse
tral fingerprint for each of them, in particular when the Surface reflectance spectra of the samples were referenced against the WS-2
Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) mode is used [24,25]. Addition- reference tile, guaranteed to be reflective at 98% or more in the spectral
ally, Raman analysis of inks can be performed in totally non-invasive range investigated. The investigated area on the sample was 1 mm di-
way by means of portable systems. Similar information can be gained ameter. In all measurements the distance between probe and sample
by means of FT-IR spectrophotometry, although performing this analy- was 1 mm. To visualise the investigated area on the sample, the probe
sis with high efficiency requests an invasive or at least micro-invasive contained a USB endoscope. The instrumental parameters were as fol-
approach [26]. lows: 10 ms integration time, 100 scans for a total acquisition time of
While elemental techniques such as X-ray Fluorescence Spectrome- 1 s for each spectrum. The system was managed by means of AvaSoft
try (XRF), Particle Induced X-ray Emission spectrometry (PIXE) or 8 software running under Windows 7.
M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8 3

2.2. XRF Spectrometry 2.4. Preparation of SERS Substrates

XRF measurements were performed with a handheld EDXRF Thermo For SERS analysis, a colloidal paste of silver nanoparticles was pre-
(Waltham, USA) NITON spectrometer XL3T-900 GOLDD model, equipped pared. Reagents and solvents (nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, methanol,
with a Ag tube (max. 50 kV, 100 μA, 2 W), large area SDD detector, energy silver nitrate and sodium citrate dihydrate) were purchased from
resolution of about 136 eV at 5.9 keV. The analysed spot had a diameter of Carlo Erba reagents (Arese, Italy); Ultra high quality (UHQ) water was
3 or 8 mm and was focused by a CCD camera, with a working distance of obtained by means of a Millipore (Darmstadt, Germany) Direct-q 3 sys-
2 mm. The total time of analysis was 240 s and the instrument was held in tem. The preparation of Ag colloidal pastes was carried out following the
position with a moving stage allowing millimetric shifts, in order to reach procedure described elsewhere [33] which is based on the Lee and
the desired probe-to-sample distance; the stage was laid on a tripod. The Meisel reduction of silver nitrate [34]. The analysis of the fragments
obtained spectra were processed with the commercial software WinAxil, from the manuscript was performed directly on the sample, by pouring
derived by the academic software QXAS from IAEA. on it 1 μl of Ag colloidal paste and allowing to dry before exposing the
sample to the laser beam.

2.3. Raman Spectroscopy

3. Results and Discussions
Raman spectra were collected with a high-resolution dispersive
Horiba (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France) LabRAM HR model spectrophotom- Firstly we will discuss the potential of the three techniques cited
eter coupled with a confocal microscope. The instrument is equipped (FORS, Raman spectroscopy and XRF spectrometry) in the selective
with a 633 nm excitation laser, two (600 and 1800 lines/mm) dispersive identification of IGI on paintings. Then focusing the attention on illu-
gratings, an 800 mm path monochromator and a Peltier cooled CCD de- minated manuscripts, we will present the results of an analytical sur-
tector. The optical arrangement gave a spectral resolution of about vey we carried out on a large number of manuscripts containing
2 cm−1. Spectra were taken placing samples on the microscope stage brown and black figurative details. This included simple painted
and observing them with long working distance 20×, 50× and 80× ob- areas, borders of initials or boxes, drawings or preparatory drawings,
jectives. The sampled area was identified and focused using either a etc. Some examples of the analysed areas are shown in Fig. 1. We
video camera or the microscope binoculars. Laser power at the sample tried to include in the survey manuscripts from the widest possible
was initially kept low (b100 μW) by means of a series of neutral density time range, which resulted to be 6th–16th centuries. After collecting
filters, in order to prevent any thermal degradation of the molecules, a significant number of identification by means of FORS, we evaluat-
then gradually increased up to the optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Expo- ed the similarity of the spectra and performed Raman and XRF anal-
sure time was 1–120 s according to needs. The system was managed ysis on selected samples, in order to obtain a fingerprint identification
with LabSpec 5 software running under Windows XP. that could be extended to all samples.

Fig. 1. Examples of analysed areas containing IGI. Top left: ms. CLXXIX, BCVC (Biblioteca Capitolare in Vercelli, Italy), f. 73r, area labelled with a yellow circle; top right: ms. J.II.17, BNU
(Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria in Torino, Italy), f. 156v, preparatory sketch; bottom left: ms. C, BCVC, f. 25v, area labelled with a yellow circle; bottom right: ms. F.II.10, BNU, f.
232v, preparatory sketch.
4 M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8

humic acids, i.e. complex macromolecules characterised, among other

features, by several phenolic groups. Taking into account the tannin
composition of galls, if we consider the structures of IGI proposed
with some differences by Krekel [38] and recently by Ponce et al. [42]
in which central Fe3+ ions are coordinated by phenolic groups, we can
hypothesise that similar interactions are at the base of the spectral fea-
tures of both IGI and Van Dyke brown, characterised by an intense ab-
sorption band throughout the visible region but without any selective
absorption bands in such spectral region. It is reasonable excluding
the main electronic transitions reported by several previous studies on
iron oxides, due to Fe3+ − ligand field, magnetically coupled Fe3+ cat-
ions in adjacent sites and ligand-to-metal charge transfer [43].
One limit in FORS identification is when a highly dilute IGI pigment
is used to obtain a faintly brown hue. The more will be diluted the IGI
mixture, the lower will be its hiding power and the higher will be the
contribution of the support (parchment, paper or papyrus) in the
resulting FORS spectrum; on those cases the position of the inflection
point will be hardly predictable. In Fig. 3 the spectra of IGIs laid on
Fig. 2. FORS spectra of IGI, a carbon-based pigment, bistre and sepia.
parchment at different pigment-to-medium ratios are shown: it can
be clearly seen that the inflection point is shifted towards the UV region
3.1. FORS Analysis as long as IGI becomes more diluted, until the spectrum of the pigment
cannot be distinguished from the one of parchment.
The UV–visible-NIR reflectance spectrum is useful to distinguish the One more aspect to consider is the possible addition of carbon pig-
different classes of brown-black colourants, as already shown in previ- ment to IGI in order to darken its tone [1]. Our experiment of mixtures
ous works [31,35]. The FORS spectra of IGI, carbon-based pigments, bis- at different IGI/carbon ratios demonstrates that the typical shape of
tre and sepia are shown in Fig. 2. While the other spectra are straight IGI with the raising in the NIR region is maintained up to a ratio of 1:1
lines at nearly 0% reflectance all through the acquisition range, the spec- (spectra shown in Fig. 4); a major effect, however, is a marked decrease
trum of IGI is different in that it shows a marked rising after the red re- of the reflectance.
gion, which accounts for its brownish tone. Note that deep black IGIs Also, it is important to note that FORS can provide only the plain
also show a similar feature; in those cases the rising occurs in the NIR, identification of IGI: any information concerning the presence of other
which is the reason why the ink/paint is perceived more black than materials (i.e. additives such as carbon, honey, vinegar, beer, etc. as sug-
brown. gested by medieval recipes) in most cases would request a sample or at
It is not easy interpreting the FORS spectrum of IGI, even when least more powerful techniques such as Raman spectroscopy or FT-IR
turned into apparent absorbance coordinates. In fact, the only apparent spectrophotometry.
spectral feature present in the spectrum is an inflection point occurring In the end, the identification of IGI in a non-invasive way by means
beyond ca. 730 nm. The inflection point varies widely and this variation of FORS analysis showed to be selective and reliable enough, except
explains why the relative paints are perceived with hues in the range for extreme cases (i.e. very light brown paints). Considering the advan-
from light brown to black, respectively. It must be considered that the tages of the FORS technique (availability of truly portable devices, ease
chromatic appearance of IGI, and therefore the exact position of the in- of use, speediness of analysis, etc.), this seems to be the proper choice
flection point in the FORS spectrum, depends on several variables. The in a delicate situation such as the analysis of ancient manuscripts. This
large variety of recipes and the natural origin of the involved materials approach is in fact of the highest relevance as far as such artworks are
mean that several different components (but also impurities) are pres- concerned, because these valuable items are extremely fragile and usu-
ent in historical IGIs; in addition, various degradation mechanisms are ally their inspection is allowed only in situ because sampling is rarely
possible, among which those causing changes in colour [36]. According allowed.
to Jembrih-Simbürger et al. [37] there could be a correlation between
the colour of IGI and its metal content, but other authors [21] only par-
tially acknowledged this hypothesis; in fact in many cases carbon could
be added to reinforce a dark hue. Krekel [38] found that the colour is
rather related to the acidity of the mixture, while Sistach [39] investigat-
ed the effect of additional organic substances that could enter in the
original recipes. In the end, the composition of an IGI can strongly influ-
ence its spectral features and it may seem hard relying on the sole posi-
tion of the inflection point to accomplish its identification; nevertheless
it can be safely stated that the overall shape of the FORS spectrum, with
its typical rising in the NIR, is characteristic enough to allow its discrim-
ination from the other brown-black colourants used in medieval minia-
ture painting art.
In artworks later than 17th century, IGI could not be distinguished
from Van Dyke brown or Kassel earth, a colourant which FORS spectrum
is almost identical [40]. This pigment has an organic composition for
N90% with a small percentage of iron and manganese oxides. Indeed,
since Van Dyke brown was introduced in painting since the late Renais-
sance [41], the similarity of its spectral behaviour with that of IGI is not a
real issue as far as medieval manuscripts are concerned; instead, its
spectrum can be helpful in order of interpreting the reflectance spec-
trum of IGI. Van Dyke brown is considered as composed mainly of Fig. 3. FORS spectra of standard IGIs at different pigment-to-medium ratios.
M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8 5

true, i.e. a dark IGI could owe its hue partially to the addition of carbon
or other organic compounds.
One element which must be always present is sulphur, even if it is
not exclusive of IGI. The content is highly variable but it is usually higher
than iron because it can comes also from other vitriols (CuSO4, ZnSO4),
from extenders (BaSO4, CaSO4), from additives of organic nature or from
parchment itself. A high S/Fe ratio could be taken as a more reliable clue
for the identification of IGI in comparison with sepia, bistre and carbon
pigments, which have lower amounts of sulphur.
Cu and Zn can yield additional diagnostic information. Despite the
fact that sepia extracts and bistre can contain these metal ions at trace
levels, in cases where their amount is of the same order of magnitude
as Fe, this is a clear indication of the intentional use of other vitriols in
addition to FeSO4 and therefore of the presence of IGI.
To resume, XRF analysis can be used in the identification of IGI as a
preliminary survey but it can hardly be definitive in the identification
of IGI.
On the other side, however, elemental analysis performed by means
Fig. 4. FORS spectra of IGI/carbon mixtures.
of XRF (as by means of PIXE or SEM-EDX) can yield additional informa-
tion on the element distribution which is useful to compare different
3.2. XRF Analysis IGIs. This information can be used, for example, to evaluate whether
the same IGI preparation had been used on a manuscript for writing,
XRF spectrometry is used here as an example of elemental technique for painting or for drawing preparatory sketches. This comparison can-
applied to the identification of IGI. It is however the most plausible not be done with molecular techniques such as FORS or Raman
among those existing, because it can be used in situ with ease, due to spectroscopy.
the availability of truly portable systems.
First at all, it must be considered that, while the absence of iron is a 3.3. Raman Analysis
clear indication that the pigment under analysis is not IGI, the presence
of iron must be taken as a clue only and not as a confirmation. In fact, In Fig. 5 the spectrum of IGI is compared with those of carbon-based
iron can come from other sources apart from being intentionally ink, bistre and sepia; the most characteristic Raman bands of the differ-
added in the pigment as vitriol. The high penetration capability of X- ent brown-black inks are summarised in Table 1. While bistre and sepia
rays can surely provide elemental contributions from the support; can hardly be distinguished from carbon-based pigments in conven-
small amounts of Fe are usually present in the parchment as a conse- tional Raman mode, the use of SERS allows obtaining a more detailed
quence of the processes involved in its preparation. Contamination spectrum [24,25,49] so that they acquire more selective features. At
could arise from tools used in working raw materials. Finally, environ- any rate, the Raman spectrum of IGI, both in conventional and in SERS
mental contamination must be considered also, since iron is perhaps mode, is relatively simpler in the discrimination, according to the typical
the most widespread metal in the atmospheric particulate matter [44]. peaks occurring at 560, 1320, 1482 and 1579 cm−1, in agreement with
Of course, care must be taken in choosing measurements points free the figures reported in previous studies [6,23]. Moreover, the combina-
from unspecific contribution from the reverse side of the analysed tion of Raman spectral information and multivariate analysis allows
folios. distinguishing different types of tannic sources in iron-based inks [50].
Some works in the scientific literature suggested that care must The identification of IGI by means of Raman analysis is by all means
be taken in basing the identification of IGI on the presence of iron the most selective among non-invasive techniques, because Raman
only [45]. Roldan et al. [24,25] found Fe and Ca as the most abundant spectroscopy provides a spectral fingerprint for each colourant; it allows
elements in sepia extracts and in bistre, along with minor amounts of also distinguishing IGI from Van Dyke brown or Kassel earth, a feature
K, S and other transition metals, including Cu and Zn. The metal con- not possible with FORS or XRF analysis. It must be considered, though,
tent could be related to the chelating ability of melanin in sepia and that the application of Raman spectroscopy in the analysis of ancient
of carboxylic/hydroxyl functions in bistre. These authors concluded manuscripts is usually more difficult than that of FORS and XRF. The
that elemental analysis cannot provide a reliable, selective charac-
terisation of brown-black colourants. Similarly Bicchieri et al. [46]
found a relatively small amount of iron in the ink of an 18th century
manuscript, and by means of complementary molecular techniques
identified the ink more correctly as logwood added with an iron
salt. On the other side, Delange et al. [47] hypothesised the use of
iron-based inks on some demotic papyri dating to 3rd-1st centuries
B.C. and used by the Greeks in Egypt, according to the high iron con-
tent as determined with Particle-Induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
analysis. The authors suggested that the inks were of the iron gall
type, despite the fact that sulphur was found to be absent. However,
their results have never been confirmed by other authors; as an ex-
ample, Scott [48] in his recent review on Egyptian pigments, did
not mention IGI as a material used by Egyptians, neither for writing
nor for painting.
It is hard to give typical values for the elements usually found in IGI
paints, as it is for inks. As stated before, the elemental content is not
automatically linked to the colour, so that, while a light brown IGI is Fig. 5. Raman spectra of IGI in conventional mode, a carbon-based ink in conventional
usually characterised by a low Fe content, the contrary is not necessarily mode, bistre in SERS mode and sepia in SERS mode. Spectra are offset for clarity.
6 M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8

Table 1
– List of the most characteristic Raman bands. (w) = weak; (m) = medium; (s) = strong.

Ink Wavenumbers

IGI 405 (w), 560 (m), 962 (m), 1320 (s), 1482 (s), 1562 (w),
1579 (w)
Carbon-based 1302 (s), 1558 (s)
Bistre 998 (w), 1095 (w), 1168 (w), 1244 (w), 1334 (m), 1544 (m)
Sepia 883 (m), 949 (w), 1262 (m), 1335 (m), 1363 (w), 1538 (w),
1572 (m)

sample analysed must be kept in absolute stability conditions in order to

have reliable results (this is typical of all analytical techniques bearing a
microscope system); an additional issue is given by the fact that parch-
ment, or paper as well, tends to crisp under laser irradiation, so that it is
hard to keep the sample constantly at the focal distance. In addition,
touching the manuscripts or keeping them open at angles wider than
90° is usually prohibited; all these features strongly limit the possibility
of stabilising the support. Finally, it must be considered that manu- Fig. 6. Examples of FORS spectra obtained in the analysis of the manuscripts listed in Fig. 1.
scripts are fragile items that cannot be subjected to long diagnostic ses-
sions but rather must be analysed with fast methods. These issues are corresponding to hues ranging respectively from light brown to dark
overcome when a micro sample is available, because both conditions black. This range, of course, must not be taken as exhaustive, given the
of stability are addressed. Considering this, Raman analysis seems to previously discussed sources of variability; further measurements on
be most suitable in cases where sampling is allowed. other manuscripts could extend the limits. Examples of FORS spectra
can be appreciated in Fig. 6; these spectra were taken in the black-
3.4. Survey on Illuminated Manuscripts brown areas shown in Fig. 1. In the case of XRF analysis supported this
identification: apart from the obvious occurrence of iron, we always
The survey we carried out on 6–16th centuries illuminated manu- found a percentage amount of sulphur higher than iron in all cases
scripts by means of FORS analysis resulted in the identification of IGI when FORS identified IGI. S/Fe ratio ranged between 3 and 50 on a
used as paint in several instances. The list of identification is reported semi-quantitative base. Potassium also was generally higher than iron,
in Table 2. As far as the overall shape is concerned, the relative spectra ranging from 1 to 7 times the % amount.
were quite similar in all instances, apart from the positions of the inflec- Inside the group of painted areas in which IGI was identified by
tion points which were found to vary in the range 730–900 nm, means of FORS, a few of them were chosen on which to confirm the

Table 2
– List of manuscripts in which IGI was detected. BCVC: Biblioteca Capitolare in Vercelli (Italy); BDS: Biblioteca Diocesana in Susa (Italy); BNF: Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris
(France); BNU: Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria in Torino (Italy); KB: Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm (Sweden); ÖNB: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna (Austria);

Subject Manuscript Provenance Source Period Use of IGI

Vienna Genesis Theol. gr.31 Antiocheia (Syria) ÖNB 6th century figurative details
Carmen Paschale E.IV.42 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 7th century crosses
Hieronymus, in Isaiam Latin 11627 Corbie (France) BNF 8th century figurative details
Codex Aureus A 135 Canterbury (UK) KB 8th century figurative details
Liber quattuor Evangeliorum CXXXIV Bavaria (Germany) BCVC 9th century figurative details
Homiliae G.V.7 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 9th century figurative details
Regula, et alia G.V.4 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 9-10th century figurative details
Moralia sive expositio in job F.I.6 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 9-10th century figurative details
Evangeliarium Latin 1126 France BNF 9-10th century figurative details
Vita sancti Hieronymi presbyteri F.III.15 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10th century large initials
Passionarium F.III.16 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10th century letter outlines
Psalmi davidici LXII ? BCVC 10th century figurative details
Psalterium G.V.2 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10-11th century letter outlines
Homilarium F.II.19 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10-11th century letter outlines
Homilarium F.II.20 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10-11th century letter outlines
Vita sancti Columbani discipulorum F.IV.12 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 10-12th century figurative details
Antiphonarium G.V.20 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 11th century letter outlines
Commentarius in Apocalypsim J.II.1 Catalunya (Spain) BNU 11-12th century figurative details
Breviarium monasticum Bobiense F.II.10 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 11-12th century preparatory sketch
Decretum Gratiani XXV Italy (Lombardy?) BCVC 12th century figurative details
Evangeliarium C Italy (Lombardy?) BCVC 12th century figurative details
Liber in quo continetur ordo… CLXXIX Vercelli (Italy) BCVC 13th century figurative details
Biblia sacra E.VI.1 BNU 13th century letter outlines
Liber psalmorum David XVI ? BCVC 14th century figurative details
Missale iuxta ritum eusebianum CCXVI Italy BCVC 14th century letter outlines
Psalmi et Hymni CCXXIII Italy BCVC 14th century letter outlines
Biblia sacra E.IV.44 ? BNU 14th century letter outlines
Missale Romanum E.II.4 Aosta (Italy) BNU 14th century figurative details
Vitae et acta sanctorum J.II.17 Sicily (Italy) BNU 14th century preparatory sketch
Officia in festo S. Colimbani F.II.22 Bobbio (Italy) BNU 15th century figurative details
Expositio in Aristotelis Physica XV.II.63 Venice (Italy) BNU 15th century figurative details
Breviarum Romanum E.III.7 Italy (Lombardy?) BNU 15th century figurative details
Indulgenza I-851 Roma BDS 16th century figurative details
M. Aceto, E. Calà / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 187 (2017) 1–8 7

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