Continuous Authentication System Using Online Activities GOMI

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2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th

IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering

Continuous Authentication System Using Online Activities

Hidehito Gomi, Shuji Yamaguchi, Kota Tsubouchi and Naomi Sasaya

Yahoo Japan Corporation
Email: {hgomi, shyamagu, ktsubouc, nasasaya}

Abstract—This paper poses the question, “Is it possible to the tendencies obtained from the analysis of their shopping
identify users with just a set of Web activity logs?” The answer histories. Although the service providers in the above cases
is yes: we can provide a continuous authentication system that do not identify a specific person, the analyzed interests and
does not require explicit actions by the users while monitoring intentions, which correspond to a user’s private information,
their interactions regarding what they do for services as well may potentially authenticate him/her with a high degree of
as how they use their devices. We propose an activity-based accuracy.
authentication (ABA) system for active authentication that con- Activity-based authentication (ABA) has advantages
tinuously verifies the identity of a user accessing multiple online over knowledge-based authentication in that activity histo-
services by means of their activity histories. ABA involves a ries are not easily copied or stolen and special credentials are
machine-learning technique for authentication with a bagging- not necessary [6]. In addition, they can be collected and used
data-summarization approach, as it is difficult to identify users for authentication through existing interfaces when a user
by using small logs. We assessed the performance and effect accesses the corresponding services without special hard-
of various activity features extracted from the activity logs of ware or actions specific to authentication. They represent the
1,000 users of commercially deployed Web sites. Our findings characteristics and interests of users that cannot be obtained
provide valuable insights to guide the development of an from behavioral biometrics, but are implicitly reflected by
authentication system utilizing the online activities of users.
their activities, such as transactions and interactions with
Web-based systems in their daily lives.
From the viewpoint of security, only a few attempts at
Index Terms—Continuous Authentication, Activity-based Au- ABA have been made so far in the research community.
thentication, Behavioral Features Previous studies on ABA investigated a few types of behav-
iors on a single device for a small number of subjects [7],
[8]. In these studies, they installed a specific application
1. Introduction on mobile devices for collecting specific user operations,
such as touching a screen and typing on a keyboard, so
Continuous authentication on computers and mobile the types of user actions were limited. Additionally, their
devices is being extensively investigated. Behavioral bio- data did not directly link with user preferences and interests
metric information such as key strokes, touch gestures, because the data originated from the operational behavior
and mouse movements are continuously collected through of the users. New light needs to be shed on higher level
sensor devices and are used to analyze a user’s behavioral activities from a user’s multiple devices and applications,
characteristics for authentication [1], [2], [3]. Because mo- since more activities are now fused with context information
bile and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are widespread that continuously originates from mobile and IoT devices.
nowadays, they can gather information pertaining to user The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility
contexts (such as geolocation) more accurately than before of ABA to extract users’ identity by using their activities
without explicit operations regardless of whether users are from multiple devices on a Web-based system from a se-
online or offline [4]. This environment changes the nature curity perspective. We focus on active authentication by
of authentication. utilizing user histories generated by accessing large-scale
Behavioral information includes users’ activity histories and Web-based services. Our core idea is to continuously
for online services. For example, queries provided by users capture users’ activities from their multiple devices in a
when using a search service accurately represent their in- way that reflects their identities enough to individually
terests because they are not assumed to be made public, authenticate them. This study is the first attempt in the
unlike e-mails and social networking services [5]. Some world to explore ABA on a real commercial Web-based
search engine providers infer a user’s intentions from the system that has already been deployed on a large scale to
semantics of the query and present an appropriate adver- the best of our knowledge. Since a single activity of a user
tisement. In another example, a user’s history of online is generally transient, extracting a user’s persistent features
shopping reflects the behavioral features of his/her daily from a limited number of activities has been a challenge for
life. Many online shopping sites now offer recommendations ABA.
for users on the basis of their preferences identified using Our contributions in this work are i) proposing an ABA

2324-9013/18/31.00 ©2018 IEEE 522

DOI 10.1109/TrustCom/BigDataSE.2018.00080

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system for profiling individual user activity histories to touch-sensing approach that associates the user’s identity
authenticate the user as utilizing a specific type of data unit, with every single touch, Brainard et al. [27] introduced the
ii) conducting test experiments on ABA using the activity concept of “somebody you know” for authentication (in
history dataset on large-scale and commercial Web sites, and addition to “something you have”, “something you are”,
iii) exploring the system’s feasibility by calculating several and “something you know”), and Peng et al. [28] proposed
performance measures regarding the accuracy, false accep- a continuous authentication system that extracts behavioral
tance rate (FAR), and false rejection rate (FRR) towards its and voice features on wearable glasses. These studies
adoption as one of multiple modalities for authentication. relied on how users interact with their devices by sensing
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sec- their contextual information or by monitoring movements
tion 2, we present related work on authentication. In Sec- on their devices [29]. In contrast, we rely on what kind
tion 3, we describe our ABA system for authenticating a user of interactions the users do when accessing various Web
on the basis of online activities for Web-based systems. The services with their device.
experiments we conducted to evaluate our proposed system
and the data we used are presented in Section 4. In Section 5, Activity-based Authentication. Fridman et al. [1]
we discuss the experimental results. In Section 6, we discuss developed an active authentication scheme on mobile
the limitations and issues. We conclude in Section 7 with a devices that fuses factors of stylometry, application usage,
brief summary and mention of future work. Web browsing, and GPS location. Dandapat et al. [30]
developed a dynamic authentication system that mines a
2. Related Work user’s daily activities to extract passwords. Although these
studies are related to ours in that they attempted to extract
In general, current biometric user authentication systems users’ characteristics and features from their behavioral
can be categorized as physiological or behavioral [9]. traits, they were conducted on a small scale and are thus
somewhat limited. Mare et al. [29] proposed an approach
Physiological Biometric Authentication. Systems for authenticating users by continuously monitoring their
for authenticating users by utilizing biometrics have hand movements via a bracelet worn on the wrist. Gomi
been extensively investigated. Biometric authentication et al. [31] proposed an authentication method using the
has features such as passwords that are advantageous logs of users’ activity histories on a large scale. These
over knowledge-based authentication in that biometric studies are related to ours, but we go further by evaluating
information is difficult to copy or steal. There has been authentication performance using measures, such as FFR
extensive research on authentication using physiological and FAR that have traditionally been used for biometric
biometrics such as fingerprints [10], irises [11], and authentication.
faces [12].
User Recognition. Our study is also related to user
Behavioral Authentication. Behavioral traits are used to recognition using behavioral traits on Web-based systems.
authenticate users by continuously collecting actions and Wang et al. [32] proposed an approach for user recognition
movements on their devices [6]. Research on such traits across multiple devices that anonymously recognizes the
includes gait [13], keystroke [14], and screen touch [15], same user without identifying that user. In contrast, we
[16]. investigated user authentication using activity histories on
This approach has been expanded to include Web-based systems. Interestingly, these approaches for
implicit authentication [4], [17], [18] and continuous authentication and recognition are related, although the
authentication [2]. Alzubaidi et al. [19] proposed a system purposes are different.
for authenticating smartphone users by using behavioral
biometrics. Krombholz et al. [20] proposed integrating Privacy and Anonymity. Authentication and identifying
pressure-sensitive touchscreen interactions into knowledge- users by sensing their behaviors may involve privacy issues
based authentication schemes. because personal activities and contextual information
surrounding a user may be collected and associated with
Context-Aware Authentication. Hayashi et al. [21] that user. Garvais et al. [5] discussed privacy issues
developed a context-aware authentication system, Karapanos pertaining to Web search queries that reveal users’ personal
et al. [22] proposed a sound-proof authentication system that lives and the possibility of protecting users’ privacy by
leverages ambient sound, Wójtowicz et al. [23] proposed obfuscating search queries because they represent personal
a context-based biometric authentication model for mobile interests and intentions. Jessica et al. [33] argued that Web-
devices, Preuveneers et al. [24] proposed a non-intrusive browsing histories can be used to clarify the linkability of
authentication scheme by evaluating fingerprints generated a user’s identity. Although we focus on authentication from
from information dynamically collected from a user’s the viewpoint of security, we need to concern ourselves
context, Truong et al. [25] proposed a zero-interaction with the possibility of privacy invasion that may be caused
authentication solution that fuses different sensor modalities by operations related to authentication.
such as audio, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS for avoiding
replay attacks, Holz et al. [26] proposed a biometric Identity Management. Identity management standardiza-


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tion activities related to authentication have been conducted
over the past decade. The technologies on identity federation
and personal attribute exchange are widely used in many
commercial Web sites. These activities can be integrated
into a Web-based system as one approach for multi-factor
or multi-modal authentication. Fast Identity Online (FIDO)1
is developing a technical specification for authentication
using public key cryptography on a user’s client device. The
proposed system can be deployed as a FIDO authenticator
for Web-based systems.

3. Analysis for Activity-Based Authentication Figure 1. Process of creating activity bags.

We investigated users’ activities related to online ser-

vices such as Web shopping and search. A system providing 3.2. Machine Learning for Identifying a User
these services manages and analyzes log data generated from
users’ activities when they interact with the services. In this We explore mining a user’s features by utilizing activity
system, an activity of a user includes the context, namely, bags to identify one user among many in a practical fashion
where the user is located and the intention of the user for that limits computation. With this approach, we evaluate the
accessing services. feasibility and practicality of our ABA system.
We argue that identifying and authenticating users re- The process of the machine learning technique we use
quires a set of the user’s own activity logs because limited for ABA is shown in Fig. 2. Extracting features from online
pieces of actions do not represent identities very well and activities using the bag approach is specific to our study,
because other users may also take the same action. We also although the overall process is common in machine learning
argue that a set of activity logs for longer periods should by following the above procedure.
represent a user’s features and tendencies; however, the logs
may contain more redundant or obsolete activities that cause
identification to be more difficult and error-prone.
This consideration led us to develop a learning frame-
work that mitigates the above trade-off and derives a rea-
sonably up-to-date set of user activities that can distinguish
users by analyzing their features from the viewpoints of
security and practicality.

3.1. Collecting Activity Logs into Bags

We introduce an activity bag that contains a set of
activity logs of a particular user. An activity bag for a user
has two parameters: a bag period (BP) and a bag capacity
(BC). The BP is the duration (in minutes) before a specific
time during which a bag contains the corresponding actions
a user takes, and the BC is the maximum number of a user’s Figure 2. Process of machine learning for ABA.
actions managed in a single bag. Whenever a user takes an
action, a new bag is created for him/her.
Figure 1 shows an example of the process of creating and In the training phase, a user’s action invokes the creation
managing activity bags for a user (Alice) when BP = 10 of an activity bag that is associated with that user’s identifier
and BC = 3. Alice accesses a Web portal site at times if he/she has already been authenticated by the system.
TA , TB , TC , and TD . At time TA (8:50), bag 1 is created Activity bags containing the history logs of legitimate and
to store her access logs indicating her actions. When she authenticated users are generated whenever they take actions
takes an action at TB , bag 2 is created to store the logs for of online activities for Web-based systems. In this case, we
her actions at TA and TB , which took place within BP . In manage the activity bags associated with the corresponding
the same manner, bag 3, which is created at TC , manages users. With the data set of an activity bag and the associated
her action logs for events C, B, and A, as these take place user identifier, the system generates a model for each bag for
during the last BP before TC . Bag 4, which is created at identifying the user by extracting the features that represent
TD , manages the corresponding logs for D, C, and B, while that user’s behavioral characteristics. The models can be
the action for A is excluded because there are already BC used to determine whether an action taken by a user without
actions (D, C, and B) during the last BP before TD . authentication corresponds to that by a legitimate user whom
the system manages.


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In the identification phase, the proposed ABA system method but to investigate how the proposed system with
attempts to identify a particular user on the basis of the different parameters affects ABA performance.
authentication model that has already been generated in the
training phase. When a user takes an action for accessing 4.2. Activities and Features
a Web site, our ABA system extracts that user’s features
from the information obtained as a result of his/her access. Table 1 lists six activity elements contained in an activity
Our system determines whether the extracted features match bag: timestamp at access (TS), IP address (IP), user agent
the authentication model and calculates the confidence with (UA), search query string (Query), URL for user access
which the model corresponding to the user predicts the (URL), and location name from IP (Loc). The far right
user’s action. The system then determines whether the user row indicates the total number of each element in the
is legitimate on the basis of a threshold for the calculated experiment we conducted. This number is the summation of
confidence. the appearance of an individual element without repeatedly
Although the above procedure follows a general adding the same one. TS does not have any number because
machine-learning approach, the bag approach used in this its value changes as time passes. UA depends on the combi-
study is novel because it enables ABA for large-scale Web- nation of the device, browser, and their versions. Note that
based systems from a practical viewpoint. URL indicates a user’s specific actions for services, since
each one is identified in the same organized domain, and
4. Experiments action methods such as POST and GET stand for how the
user interacts with the Web-based applications. The URL
In this section, we describe the framework of the exper- includes the meta data about the application that a user
iments we conducted to evaluate the proposed ABA system. accesses (e.g., news and auction) and the information about
We also describe the data and features that we used in the a user’s interests (e.g., the identifier of shopping stores and
experiments. areas for weather reports).
From the activity elements, we extracted the five features
4.1. Experimental Framework listed in Table 2. Actions, UAs/URLs/Locs, Web ratio, and
Duration were normalized to range from 0 to 1 in the
In our experiments, we used the activity histories of experiments. Elements are an element-flag vector whose size
1,000 users whose frequencies of actions on Yahoo! JAPAN is the summation of the total numbers of IP, UA, Query,
Web sites 2 that have already been deployed were at least URL, and Loc, that is, about 30,000. Each element-flag has
one and ranked at an average level among all the users a ‘1’ or ‘0’ value, where ‘1’ denotes that the target bag
that were identified during the 27 days between February has a corresponding feature and ‘0’ if not. We binarize the
1st and 27th, 2017. The sites provide more than 100 Web- flags because all elements have a discretized value such
based services such as shopping, search, auction, news, and as ‘’ and ‘’. We used these
weather reports. The activity histories were collected in features as standard criteria for evaluating authentication
a unified manner regardless of which devices (e.g., PCs, accuracy, although a feature generated by combining these
smartphones) and respective software (e.g., browsers, mobile five features might deliver a higher performance.
applications) were used for access. With the histories, we Figure 3 shows the histograms of features in the activity
created authentication models for each user by machine bags listed in Table 2. These reveal the characteristics of
learning and conducted test experiments with the models on our data in a bag that we used for the experiments.
users’ activity logs on February 28th, which was excluded Figure 3a shows the relationship between the number of
from the data set for learning but was used for evaluation. actions in a bag and the frequency. The majority of bags had
The collected logs included a total of 862,994 actions. several actions. The four intervals from 0 to 20 comprised
The logs for evaluation had 32,461 actions, each of which more than 90% of the total actions.
triggers the generation of an activity bag. In this test, we Figure 3b shows a histogram of the duration between the
evaluated whether each bag could identify its corresponding period of time when the first and last actions in a bag were
user from among the subject users. taken. The majority of actions took less than one minute
For machine learning, we used logistic regression with under the assumption that BP was set to 10 min (600 sec).
L1 regularization and a one-versus-the-rest classifier to solve More than 50% of durations are included in the top four
multi-class classification problems. We trained models by short intervals from 0 to 100 sec.
using random sampling along with balancing because there Figure 3c shows a histogram of the number of UAs in
is class imbalance. To handle the randomness in the sam- a bag. As shown, about 89% of bags had only one device
pling, we used a numerical result as an average value from during the BP.
those obtained after ten trials. We used LIBLINEAR [34] Figure 3d shows a histogram of the number of URLs in
v1.94 for multi-label classification. We optimized the cost a bag. The majority of users accessed a few services during
parameter for logistic regression by ten-fold cross validation. the BP. About 81% of bags had less than five URLs.
Note that our main aim was not to propose a new learning Figure 3e shows a histogram of the number of Locs in
a bag. Almost all users accessed from the same location
2. within the BP. About 97% of bags had only one Loc.


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Element Description Example Total number

TS Timestamp at access 1496740589 -
IP IP address 17,629
UA User agent Mozilla /5.0 (iPhone; CPU ... Safari/601.1 2,064
Query Search query string “Internet dog” 3,781
URL URL of user access 5,915
Loc Location name from IP San Francisco, CA, USA 780

(a) Number of actions (b) Duration

(c) UA (d) URL

(e) Location (f) Web ratio

Figure 3. Histograms of data in activity bags.


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TABLE 2. F EATURES FOR BAG Table 3 shows 16 (24 ) cases of whether each activity element
Feature Description is used for learning or not, whereas other elements are used
Actions No. of actions in bag by default. The context features (TS, IP, UA, and Loc) reflect
UAs/URLs/Locs No. of types of UA, URL, and Loc in bag a user’s situation when the user takes actions on specific
Web ratio Web access ratio of actions in bag services, and the default features (Query and URL) reflect
Duration Duration of bag a user’s intentions when using the services, such as their
Elements Flag of each element (‘0’ or ‘1’)
names and specific requests.
The AAR in which they were all effective was 0.85. This
Figure 3f shows a histogram of the Web access ratio in result indicates that the combination of features, especially
a bag. The class interval whose upper limit is 1.0 represents IP and UA, improves performance because the AARs of all
that the majority of users accessed the Web sites using the results including IP and UA (in the 1st, 2nd, 9th, and
Web browsers. The class interval whose lower limit is 0.0 10th lines) was more than about 0.82.
represents accesses from mobile applications, whereas the
interval between 0.9 and 1.0 indicates accesses from Web 5.2. Effect of Action Number on Accuracy
browsers. Other intervals show accesses from both Web
browsers and mobile applications. About 90% of bags were Figure 4 shows the relationship between the number of
accessed from Web browsers. actions in a bag and the AAR when BC = 100. More
actions in a bag, which implies more frequent accesses,
lead to higher performance by using the bag approach. The
5. Experimental Results and Evaluation effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by the fact
that another experiment without using the bag approach
In this section, we present our analysis of authentica- showed an AAR of 0.82.
tion measures for ABA and then evaluate the calculated
performance on the basis of the results obtained from the
experiments with different parameters.

5.1. Features and Accuracy

In our experiments, we derived the authentication accu-

racy of ABA as follows. We assumed that our proposed
authentication system manages N numbers of legitimate
users and that authentication model mj had been generated
from the activity histories of user uj (1 ≤ j ≤ N ). We
also let c(ai , mj ) (1 ≤ i, j ≤ N ) denote the confidence
with which mj for uj predicts action ai of ui , where
it is the k th action among K actions taken by all users
during the specific time duration. Then, we define δ (k) as the
indicator of whether ui is accurately identified by verifying
whether the features obtained from ui match with those of
the authentication models for each user uj (1 ≤ j ≤ N ), as

(k) (k)
⎨ 1 if c(ai , mi ) ≥ c(ai , mj )
δ = (1 ≤ ∀ i = j ≤ N ),

0 otherwise. Figure 4. Number of actions in bag vs. accuracy rate.
The above equation indicates that mi predicts ai with
the highest confidence among all those with which any other
5.3. Effect of Log Utilization on Accuracy
authentication model mj (1 ≤ j ≤ N ) for any j except i
predicts ai . Using these notations, we define AAR as the We conducted an experiment to evaluate how the number
authentication accuracy rate of ABA in the proposed system: of activity logs used affects ABA performance, as we had
K predicted that the fewer the logs representing a user, the

AAR = δ (k) /K. (1) more difficult identifying the user would be. We defined
the log-utilization ratio (LUR) as the ratio of user activities
for testing to the entire data set and prepared a set of user
On the basis of the above definition of AAR, we in- activities by randomly selecting from the entire data set
vestigated how four activity elements representing a user’s for various LURs. Figure 5 shows the relationship between
context (TS, IP, UA, and Loc) affect the AAR of ABA. the AAR and the LUR. The AAR slightly increased along


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Feature Case
TS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IP 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
UA 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
Loc 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
AAR 0.843 0.824 0.708 0.669 0.731 0.523 0.422 0.168 0.847 0.83 0.698 0.677 0.72 0.504 0.406 0.151

with increased LUR. This demonstrates that more activities

resulted in better accuracy. The accuracy rate decreased for ⎧
⎨ 1 if c(a(k) (k)
i , mi ) ≥ c(aI , mI )
LURs, as we predicted. Nevertheless, the graph shows about
δr(k) = (1 ≤ ∀i ≤ N, 1 ≤ ∃I = N α/100 ≤ N ),
a 0.6 AAR for an LUR of 10%. We argue that the rate is ⎩
still high if we bear in mind that identifying a unique user 0 otherwise.
among 1,000 was originally challenging. Therefore, we can Using the above relation, we define F RR as the FRR
reasonably conclude that the combination of a user’s activity of ABA in the proposed system:
histories can be used for authentication as a behavioral
modality. Kr

F RR = δr(k) /Kr , (2)

where Kr is the number of authentication attempts triggered

by user actions.
Similarly, we define F AR as the FAR of ABA in the
proposed system by using δa , which denotes the indicator
that a user is inaccurately identified for the k th action among
Ka actions taken by all users during a specific duration:

(k) (k)

⎨ 1 if c(ai , mj ) ≥ c(aI , mJ )

δa(k) = (1 ≤ ∀i = j ≤ N, 1 ≤ ∃I = i ≤ N,

⎪ 1 ≤ ∃J = N α/100 ≤ N ),

0 otherwise.
Using the above relation, we define F AR as the FAR
of ABA in the proposed system:

F AR = δa(k) /Ka , (3)

where Ka is the number of authentication attempts triggered

Figure 5. Log utilization ratio vs. accuracy rate. by user actions.
Figure 6 shows the relationship between a pair of FAR
and FRR (y-axis) and the threshold (x-axis) for the 16
5.4. Calculation of FRR and FAR combinations of features, which are listed in Table 3. The
solid and broken lines in the graphs represent the FRR
We calculated the performance measures of FRR and and FAR, respectively. Each graph indicates whether four
FAR for the previous experimental results to evaluate ABA features (TS, IP, UA, and Loc) are assumed used, while the
performance and feasibility from a security perspective, as other features are used for every testing result by default.
these measures have traditionally been used for evaluating The “checked” in the check-box for a feature means that it
biometric authentication systems. To do so, we define the was used in this experiment. For example, the graph on the
threshold as the rate of users that are estimated to be top left uses only the default features. Each graph shows the
accurately legitimate, whereas for ARR, we regard only a equal error rate (EER), which is defined as the value of an
single user for ARR who has the highest confidence for intersection of the FAR and FRR lines. Note that a small
each model as accurate, as described in Section 4.2. That EER indicates a high-performance authentication system.
is, if a threshold is assumed to be α, the confidence of The FARs in all the graphs have almost the same straight
an authenticated user is ranked as in the top I among N line that linearly increases as the threshold increases because
confidences, where I = N α/100. In the same manner the authenticated users were randomly selected using the
as the notation in Eq. (1), we define δr as the indicator ranking of the confidence according to the definition of FAR
specifying that user ui is accurately identified as follows: in Eq. (3). For the FRRs, there is a common trend that the


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Figure 6. FAR and FRR vs. threshold for feature combinations.

curved lines gradually decline, as biometric authentication 6. Discussion

systems traditionally indicate.
In this section, we discuss several issues and limitations
In these graphs, the EER varies from 0.03 to 0.12. These of our system.
values are significant for an authentication system regardless
of the combination of the four features. Graphs (1) and (9) 6.1. Machine-Learning Methodology
reveal the worst EER, 0.12. This indicates that TS does not
greatly affect ABA performance because one included TS, We used logistic regression with L1 norm regularization,
whereas the other does not. which enabled us to acquire a white box model with which
Five graphs reveal the highest EER value, 0.03. These to validate the prepared features. However, we can apply any
commonly include a UA. Therefore, UA is the most impor- machine-learning technique for multi-class classification.
tant to obtain the highest for ABA systems, whereas UA Practically speaking, we are not concerned with whether
and IP are important features for AAR, as mentioned in the model is interpretable but with performance such as
Section 4.2. calculation time and classification accuracy.
Figure 7 shows individual users’ top ten significant
If we compare the four graphs (2), (6), (10), and (14) features that have high weight for identifying the users.
and the ones (4), (8), (12), and (16), we can determine how The different colors in the table signify the type of feature.
UA affects EER. Each comparison between the four graphs We randomly selected 30 users and colored their significant
(1), (5), (9), and (13) and the ones (3), (7), (11), and (15) features. As shown in the figure, the significant features
also reveals that UA improves EER. differ between users: e.g., user 1 (u1) is identified by IP


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and UA, and users 1 and 18 are similar in that most IPs Again, this approach will contribute to developing a scalable
are important for identifying them. Overall, IPs are mostly authentication system that adopts ABA.
shown in Fig. 7, which provides insight into what is acquired The authentication accuracy of ABA was about 85%.
from the result listed in Table 3. Apart from the discussion of whether the accuracy is good
The continued ratio of IP, UA, URL, and Loc calculated or bad, we can sufficiently identify an abnormal access by
using the values listed in Table 3 was about ‘17:2:6:1’, while evaluating the degree of dissociation from ordinary accuracy.
that obtained from Fig. 7 was about ‘4:2:2:1’. UA and Loc For example, if today’s access has a 70% accuracy for a
greatly affected authentication accuracy despite their smaller user who ordinarily has a 40% accuracy, we can doubt that
values of the above ratio. the access should be unauthorized despite its high accuracy
The most effective feature for authentication accuracy score.
differed between users. For example, the most effective
feature for user 1 was IP, for users 3 and user 4 was UA, 6.2.3. Computation Time. The computation time for gen-
and for user 21 was URL. We assume that the difference erating authentication models of the authentication systems
stemmed from the variations of users’ activities, where each increases as the number of users in the systems increases.
action was correlated with each other or several actions This ABA issue is expected to be solved by operating related
occurred sequentially. Such relationship between the actions ABA tasks in parallel. In ABA, complete parallel computing
in users’ activities will be studied in our future work. is possible because a set of ABA computations for each user,
which involves importing activity histories and generating
an authentication model for identification, is independent
6.2. Toward Adoption of ABA at Scale of that for other users except the immediately preceding
user. In addition, generating a model for a particular user in
Let us consider adapting ABA into an authentication ABA requires his/her positive examples as well as the same
system as one modality. We have evaluated the proposed number of his negative ones, even if users and the quantity
system authenticating a unique user among 1,000 users, as of the corresponding data increase. Randomly extracting
reported in Section 4. We will further discuss the authentica- negative examples prior to model generation will not cause
tion accuracy and the computation time of our ABA system a drastic overhead in its computation as the number of users
in terms of its scalability to support a larger number of users. increases.
Although the procedure for extracting the top α%
6.2.1. Dataset Maintenance. Because our system continues rankers of all users, such as sorting the scores of many
to collect a large number of datasets for Web site users, it users (e.g., in an order of one hundred million), takes a
is difficult to maintain separate models for each user when lot of time, the computation time for identifying a user
the number of users is large (e.g., more than a million). will not dramatically increase if we use only the data
corresponding to the users that are ranked in the top α%. We
6.2.2. Accuracy. When the number of users increases to can easily avoid computation explosion by using engineering
10,000 or more, we anticipate that user identification will techniques when our ABA system is enabled.
become much more difficult and the accuracy may become
worse than in previous tests because many users will use 6.3. Bag Approach
the same service at the same time and consequently have
similar features. We took the bag approach that uses a special type of
As the number of users increases in this case, we will unit to manage users’ activity data for generating ABA
collect more types of features (e.g., IPs), which will help models on a large-scale Web-based system by means of
uniquely identify a particular user with high confidence. machine learning. From the experimental results reported
Thus, we expect that the deterioration in ABA accuracy in Section 5.3, we found that this bag approach is effective.
regarding the increase in users will be limited because of However, the bag essentially contains the latest activities
the above tradeoff between the uniqueness and commonness that are limited by the length of the BP for a specific dura-
of increasing features. tion using the authentication models, which were generated
Accuracy may deteriorate if the increase in the number for about one month during the experiment. Thus, we are
of common features is more significant than that in the interested in finding out how the result will change if we
number of unique features. In this case, however, we expect conduct learning for longer periods.
to control deterioration by introducing a two-step authenti-
cation that adopts ABA and a grouping-key technique. This 6.4. Cold-Start Problem
approach divides users into a specific number of groups
and assigns a group-specific key to a user that belongs to If the training dataset for a new user is difficult to obtain,
that group. For example, if a hundred million users are or if the collected dataset is still insufficient or limited,
divided into one hundred groups, each group will consist our system cannot draw appropriate inferences for the user;
of a million users. Although this approach does not identify therefore, user authentication may be unsuccessful. This
a single user uniquely, ABA will be effective by decreasing issue is unavoidable because our system uses a data-driven
the order of target users that need to be authenticated. approach.


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Figure 7. Top 10 significant features used in learning model.

6.5. Static Data Future work includes developing a framework for be-
havioral authentication by introducing ABA as one of the
We conducted an experiment and observed a positive modalities for authentication and examining challenges re-
performance in terms of authentication accuracy, especially garding privacy related to ABA.
for IP and UA, as reported in Section 4. However, it is
possible that such features are likely to be static, making References
identification of a single user easy. We will further investi-
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