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Chapter II THE PERIODS OF DEVT OF THE MUSLIM LAW Biography of the Prophet Muhammad Gods Mssngrs/Apostles: Moses,Ismael,Hud,Lut,Jesus and

Muhammad W/ some revealed books: Moses- Taurat David- Zaboor Jesus- Injeel Muhammad- Quran The Quran reveals; Those were the men, to whom we gave the Book and Authority, and Prophethood, Who received Allahs guidance: Emulate the guidance they receive xxx This is no less than a message for the nation. Muslim Law God as the original legislator and Muhammad (P.B.U.H), ur-RasuAllah (the Messenger of God) as the original implementor, he is and the final of all the Prophets (Nabi) of God. Muhammad (P.B.U.H), - son of Abd Allah (slave of God) b. Abd. Al-Muttalib and Aminah (safe) bint Wahb b. Abd Manaf. Born at Mekkah on Monday morning, 22 April 571, 12th day of Rabi, 53 yrs before the Hijra in the year of the Elephant. Banu Hashim (father); Banu Zahrah clan of the Quraysh (mother); his father died at Madina on his way back from a trading trip to Ghazza in Syria shortly after his birth & his mother died on his 6th yr. Abd Al-Muttalib grandfather of Muhammad; great & influential man of Mekkah who carried on the duties of watering the original well of Ismael B. Ibrahim. Let him be; my child will be the leader of his people. ;took the child to the Qaba and named him Muhammad, the highly praised. Halimah nursed him for 5 years. Abu Talib employed his nephew in tending herds of sheep and camel at Uraha near Mt. Arafat; took Muhammad on a trading expedition in Syria & met Bahira/Buhayra, a Christian Monk who recognized in Muhammad the signs of promised prophet, he had the mark called the seal of the prophetic calling on his back between the two shoulder blades like the imprint of a cupping glass. *integrity in commercial dealings earned him the epithet of Al-Amin (the trustworthy or faithful); Patience, perseverance, fortitude & forbearance, essential to the character of a successful leader. Khadijah widowed daughter of Khuwaylid b. Asad, wealthy & high-minded Qurayshite lady; married 25yr-old Muhammad at 40, and he paid 500 gold dirhams in dowry. Sons Qasim, Thair and Tayyib died in infancy; Daughters Rugayyah, Zaynab, Umm Kulthum & Fatimah, the latter outlived Muhammad and married to Ali and thru her sons Hasan and Husayn became the ancestress of the descendants of the Prophet. *wisdom was shown in 604 A.C when he was 35 yrs old, the sacred shrine in Mekkah, the Qaba was being rebuilt after being destroyed by the flood; the 4 Qurayshite clans, Banu HAshim, Banu Ummiyah, Banu Zahrah and Banu Makhzum quarreled, each wanting to honor of lifting and putting the Al Hajar Al Asward (the sacred black stone) into position in the eastern corner at the prescribed spot. *It was agreed on suggestion of Umiyah b. Mughirah that any person who might 1st enter the Qaba through the northeastern door of the Mazkat would be asked to act as mediator; Muhammad spread his coat on the ground, put the Black Stone on it, and asked the chiefs of the principal tribes to grasps the edges of the coat and together lift the stone to the required height; then he took the stone and placed it with his own hands in its proper place thus solving the dispute and restoring harmony. The stone is now embedded 58 inches above the floor. Characteristics of Muhammad: 1. Taller than average 2.Solidly built w/ large chest and shoulders

3.Had a noble and serene countenance 4.A large mouth with white slightly separated teeth 5.Black eyes set in somewhat bloodshot background 6.A rosy white skin 7.Black wavy hair falling just below his ears 8.His walk was lively yet dignified 9.Wore simple clothes w/c are always clean and well-groomed 10.Very sober and normally restrained 11.Talked very little but always agreeable w/ good humor 12.Sweet temperament and extreme delicacy never allowed him to force the pace of conversation with anyone nor would he ever show the desire to finish a conversation 13.Never withdrew his hand first from a handshake 14.Indulgent & yielding when his personal rights are concerned 15.Frugal, avoiding all luxury and prompt for his family Night of Destiny (Laylat al-qadar), 27th Ramadan, 610 A.C the 1st divine revelation THE ADVENT OF MUSLIM LAW Twin ideologies Ibadat worship and devotion of man to God Muamalat a muslim legal system regulating the relation among men Principle of separation between the church and the state is unknown because the Quran, the primary source of law is considered all embracing regulating every aspect of their social, political and religious affairs. God original legislator who ordained and revealed the Quran verses Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Messenger (rasul); prophet (nabi) Archangel Gabriel (Jebreel) -intermediary PERIODS OF DEVT OF THE MUSLIM LAW 1st Pd year 13 before Hijra 10 after Hijra (608 AD-631 AD), during the lifetime of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Period of Divine Legislation 2nd Pd 10 A.H 40 A.H (A.D 631-660); Period of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (Companions of the Prophet) 3rd Pd 41 A.H -132 A.H (661 A.D 750 A.D), Period of the Umaiyad Caliphate 4th Pd 132 A.H 350 A.H (750 A.D 961 A.D). the Period of the Four Founders of the Four Sunni or School of Muslim Laws 5th Pd 351A.H - 962 A.H to the fall of Bahgdad in 656 A.H, Period the Advent of the Mustawijhun Jurists. 6th Pd 656 A.H the Abolition of Caliphate in 1922 when jurist know as Mugallidun came about. 7th Pd 1922 after the abolition of caliphate and sultanate of Turkey in 1924 and is not yet deemed to have come to an end 1ST PD: LEGISLATIVE PERIOD OF MUSLIM LAW *Rasul Allah Gods msgs were sent down through series of revelations; Revelation is a type of knowledge w/c the person recognizes deep within himself w/ a certitude that it has come down from God, whether directly or through meditation. *by inspiration (wahi) means that God puts certain sense or meaning into Prophet Muhammads heart or sometimes the Omnipotent God without being seen spoke to Muhammad in the same way as he spoke to Moses Sometimes it comes as a jingling of bells THE MEKKAN PERIOD The 1st sign of his prophetic vocation, according to his own words, was the discovery that everything which he dreamed happened in his waking hours precisely as he had foreseen it. Hira- north of Mekka; Mount of Light *Muhammad received his 1st revelation on the 17th day of Ramadan (February; A.D 610) in the 13th year

before the beginning of the Muslim Era. ; he was asleep in the cave of Hira, he saw a vision that Archangel Gabriel aroused him from slumber and asked him to proclaim (Igraa). This was on the Night of Destiny(Laylat Al-Qadar),27th Ramadan 610 A.C. this revelation took form of a discussion between teacher and pupil. The Archangel recited the 1st 5 verses of Syrah XCIV: 1. Proclaim! In the Name of the lord who createth, 2.Created man, out of (mere) clot of congealed blood; 3.Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, 4.He who taught (the use of) the pen, 5.Taught man that which he knew not.

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