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Your favorite childhood memory

Childhood is what everyone has to experience in their whole life. Your childhood
maybe wonderful, boring or even pathetic. I think it depends on what kind of people
your parents are because when we first born in this world. Parents was the first
people who we contact with. We learn from it, so we follow how our parents are. If
your parents are kind hearted, you probably will become a person who is
sympathetic, lively, and enthusiastic. However, if your parents are mad violence, you
may become a person who is ruthless, unconcerned or even become a psychosis.
There are lots of news about psychosis killing people and said that it is because their
childhood is defective. Their parents didn’t care about them, so they didn’t know
what is right and what is wrong.
My childhood is also a little bit defective because I am one-parent family, my
father left me when I was only grade one, but I am thankful that my mother and
grandparents love me. It really helps me when I was upset.
My favorite childhood is that when our whole family go out and travel, we been to
Japan for almost every year when I was in elementary school. There are lots of things
to play. What impresses me the most is the Universal Studios in Japan because it is
the biggest amusement park that I have ever seen in my whole life. I spent lots of
time on playing carnival rides, and also spent lots of money on buying the souvenir
because the topic that year is Jurassic Park. It is my favorite movie after all.
The next day, we went to Tokyo. The things that most impress me is a Godzilla
hotel. The hotel is twine with a enormous Godzilla. The size of it is almost as big as
the movie.
All in all, it is my favorite childhood memory, but not only because that I played a
lot and have a lot of fun. It is because that I went with my family, and I love the
feeling that everyone is together and having fun.

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