Morbid Attachment

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Morbid attachment

Chapter 1
Prunus persi, peach-flavored brandy, is one of Jiwang's must-order drinks every
time he comes to the bar. Song Ge saw Ji Wang point for the first time and laughed
at his taste for too sweet. In the fifth year, he saw Ji Wang drink, he was not

Ji Wang just came back from the crew and met Song Geyue in the same place.

The two chatted while drinking, and the song in the bar happened to be cut. It
was the recently popular "Until Dawn", originally sung by Qi Boyan.

Song Ge snorted along with the melody and asked Ji Wang: "Aren't you also in
the entertainment industry? Have you seen Qi Boyan?"

Ji Wang took a sip of his wine, propped his arm on the bar, and glanced at Song
Ge sideways: "How can a little actor like me meet a big star?"

Ji Wang who has drunk is more charming.

Even if Song Ge is a beta, his scalp is numb by Ji Wang's eye. After sweeping
around, many omegas have already focused on this side.

Song Ge was a little envious in his heart, obviously Jiwang didn't dress up very
much, and today he is dressed in black short-sleeved jeans, the only decoration is a
necklace, hidden in his clothes.

The necklace Song Ge had seen before, it was a ring, worthless, handmade, so
crude that no one would pick it up when dropped on the street.

Ji Wang has been wearing it for many years. Even because of this, he didn't
accept any jewelry advertisements, and his agent Hong Jie was half angry. When
he asked the reason, Ji Wang only threw out one sentence: "I don't want to pick
It stands to reason that Ji Wang's self-willed character should have been cool for
a long time, but he couldn't hold back that he had a handsome face that was
eccentric, and he was born with good luck.

Every time Sister Hong thought that Ji Wang's journey was over, something good
would hit her head.

For example, a recent campus TV series that Ji Wang participated in has just
been released. It is a small production and low cost, but it has exploded the topic.
For a time, the name of the male second played by Ji Wang has become a hot topic
on Weibo.

Sister Hong immediately played the role of her agent to help Ji Wang control the
topic and gather traffic. These days, she was so busy that she couldn't control Ji
Wang sneaking out to drink.

Song Ge didn't expect Ji Wang to know Qi Boyan: "My girlfriend loves him so
much and goes to every concert. I heard that Qi Boyan is in love with Fang
Shengyun, and she cried several times."

Ji Wang paused when he turned the glass of wine at will, "Fang Shengyun?"

Song Ge: "That's right, actor Fang Shengyun, an omega who just debuted, looks
very pure, it is said that he has a big backing, and made several major director
movies within one year of his debut, which seems to have something to do with
the Fang family in City B. You said that if Qi Bo Yan really married Fang Shengyun,
would it be counted as a wealthy family?"

Ji Wang fumbled for the wine glass, subconsciously put his hand into his pocket,
but felt empty. Only then did he remember that he had quit smoking.

Quit clearly, the smoke-thirsty impatience was like an ant, crawling all the way
from his calf to the back of his neck, making his scalp numb: "Is there any smoke?"
Song Ge was surprised: "Aren't you quit?" While muttering, he took a cigarette
out of his pocket and stuffed it into Ji Wang's hand.

Ji Wang hurriedly put the cigarette holder in his mouth and lit it, and the nicotine
quickly invaded his throat and sank slowly, calming Ji Wang's internal organs as if
they were about to be mixed together.

Ji Wang spit out his cigarette and did not answer Song Ge's topic about Qi

At this moment someone came over, it was an omega. The faint orange scent
and good-smelling pheromone radiate out. This is a way to show good feelings in
social situations, obscure but not excessive.

Omega blushed and greeted: "Are you Ji Wang?"

Ji Wang said coldly: "Something?"

The omega eyebrows were faintly excited: "I especially like your Xia Chengsong. I
didn't expect you to be more handsome... or an alpha."

Before Ji Wang spoke, Song Ge spontaneously acted as a bodyguard. He stood

up to stand in front of Ji Wang, showing a polite smile: "Excuse me, today Mr. Ji
just came over for a drink without signing or taking pictures."

The excitement on omega's face faded away, and even a little speechless:

He glanced at Ji Wang again, and saw Alpha only lowered his head to play with
his glass, as if the pink liquid was the thing he was most interested in right now,
Omega understood, and wit left.

Ji Wang wanted to laugh a little, he lay down on the bar: "Song Ge, people
shouldn't want to sign and take photos."
Song Ge turned around: "I know, he wants to ask you for a phone number,
maybe he wants to sleep with you."

"But Ji Wang, your drama is so popular, maybe you will turn into traffic in the
future, please start private life management from now!" Song Ge inexplicably
fought his agent's heart.

Ji Wang smiled and took the cigarette from his lips, Bai Mist sprayed Song Ge's

Song Ge waved away the smoke, his eyes fell on Ji Wang's hand unconsciously.
No wonder Sister Hong wants Ji Wang to accept the jewelry advertisement so
much, because Ji Wang's hands are really beautiful. The only flaw is that there is a
small scar on his ring finger, which is not very obvious.

This is the traces left by his tattoo removal after he became an actor.

There is a huge curtain in the center of the stage with videos on demand by

There should be Qi Boyan's loyal fans among the guests tonight. In addition to
songs, there are concert videos, Qi Boyan's voice, Qi Boyan's appearance,
everything about Qi Boyan, everywhere.

Ji Wang pulled his neckline and asked for another glass of wine. This time it
wasn't Prunus pers. He usually just used it as an aperitif. Later, he must use other
more potent alcohol to cover the remaining taste in his mouth.

This stubborn and useless behavior proved his addiction in disguise.

On the screen, Qi Boyan sang and danced, his voice was special, and the typhoon
was sexy. With powerful eyes, he smiled and unbuttoned a few buttons, and the
audience screamed loudly.
Qi Boyan had a special decoration on his body, and he pulled out the cut tape
from the tape. The black tape was wrapped around his wrist a few times, and the
end of the body was slid across his abdominal muscles and waist. The camera
focused on that spot, a section of the mermaid line hidden deep in the stage suit.

Qi Boyan has many male and female fans, covering all genders, from a to o, no
one is crazy for him.

Because of his girlfriend, Song Ge has been numb to Qi Boyan. He tutted twice,
then turned around and continued to gossip with Ji Wang: "My girlfriend said that
Qi Boyan would tie that tape at every concert, and it was rumored that it was
something the old lover gave him."

Ji Wang put out the cigarette, not listening very much.

Probably no one knows the contents of tapes better than him.

That's his voice, his orgasmic voice.

As if deliberately, Qi Boyan performed on stage every time. There was always

the obscure tape that only they knew well on his wrist.

Qi Boyan recorded it in front of him. Ji Wang was struggling, full of reluctance,

and even bit his lips out of blood, trying to endure all the noise.

But the person on him is Qi Boyan, and no one can provoke Qi Boyan and then

In his memory, Qi Boyan's voice is not as low and hoarse as it is today, but it is a
hundred times more sexy than what he shows on stage today.

He restrained Ji Wang, suppressed Ji Wang, and whispered in his ear: "Happy

birthday, my gift to you."

Ji Wang kept his eyes moist and replied in a dumb voice, "Madman."
He was bloodied by Qi Boyan, and the back of his neck was bitten. The alpha
pheromone violently and recklessly collided in his body, fighting like a battle,
asking people to surrender.

Qi Boyan listened, but smiled as if Ji Wang said he loved him.

Only Qi Boyan has heard of the tape, and only Ji Wang knows it. It is the most
secret and private, accepting pain and giving a happy voice.
Chapter 2
Coming out of the bar, Song Ge handed Ji Wang a bag: "Happy birthday, this is a

The words happy birthday inevitably evoke some memories of Ji Wang's past. In
addition to the excessive intake of Qi Boyan tonight, Ji Wang only felt that the
alcohol in his stomach was rolling, making him feel sick.

In front of Song Ge, Ji Wang still smiled peacefully, and took the bag: "Thank
you, I will invite you to dinner next time."

Song Ge shrugged: "Okay, who knows when next time you will be busy next

Ji Wang didn't think so: "Not necessarily, you know, I am especially idle when I
am out of play."

Song Ge had been expecting him to be popular since his debut, and kept telling
him that you are so handsome, how could you not be popular.

In fact, Ji Wang did not become popular. He has no strong obsession with being
popular. For him, acting is just a mess.

Saying goodbye to Song Ge, getting in a taxi, Ji Wang opened the bag and found
a box of perfume pheromone inside. Seeing this gift, Ji Wang was speechless for a
while. He contacted Song Ge on WeChat, took a photo and sent it, and put a
question mark.

Song Ge didn't feel that he gave this gift casually: "Qi Boyan has the same
pheromone perfume, I have been begging my girlfriend for a long time!"

Ji Wang: "Why are you giving this to me?"

"Don't you like peaches? Qi Boyan's pheromone is also peach-flavored." At this

point, Song Ge would add another sentence: "By the way, your pheromone is
alcoholic, right? You spray it on your body, no It's Prunus persi! Your favorite!"

Ji Wang shook the phone and perfume aside, not planning to return, and
decided not to come out to meet Song Ge even if he had no play and was free.

In fact, he also understood in his heart that Song Ge is not to blame, no one
knows the history of him and Qi Boyan, who would have thought that Qi Boyan,
who is now so popular, had a story with him, a little-known actor.

After getting off the taxi, Sister Hong had already called him three times. Ji
Wang got off the car and wanted to leave the perfume in the car, but the driver
called him: "Young man, your stuff!"

Ji Wang had to lift up the bag and plan to throw it in the trash can downstairs at
home. Although I was a little sorry for Song Ge, Ji Wang would rather drink a
thousand cups of Prunus persi, and didn't want to accept a bottle of Qi Boyan's
same perfume.

At this time, Sister Hong called again, and Ji Wang picked it up. The interview
was about work. Sister Hong told him that she would talk to him about a variety
show and set off next week. The guests are not yet fully decided. Down, but the
production team is very good, the background is also quite hard.

Although this new program is just a test of the waters, it can also guarantee
follow-up publicity and resources. Originally, Jiwang’s coffee position was
impossible, but recently his show has become very popular. In addition, the show
crew also needs a more relaxed artist who can endure hardships.

Ji Wang understands that the variety show where big coffee and small coffee
are gathered together, there is always someone to do things that big coffee can't

Sister Hong has already looked forward to the future, so Ji hopes to rely on this
variety show to reach the sky in one step.

Sister Hong: "Xiaowang, you know what I have done to you all these years.
Sister can't cheat you. This variety show is a very good opportunity. You have to
seize it."

Ji Wang lit the code lock, only to realize that he was still carrying the perfume
bag in his hand, and he forgot to throw it away. He held the phone between his
shoulders and responded casually, "How much did he pay for the other side?"

Sister Hong was almost blocked by Ji Wang. She said so much about her
feelings, and Ji Wang only cared about money.

Ji Wang really only cares about money. There is no real money in his hands
because of the metaphysics of red or red. Fortunately, the amount that Sister
Hong reported to him was tempting enough to share with the company, and even
if he got the share in hand, he wouldn't starve to death even if he didn't pick up
the show for a year.

"No problem, I will go to the company to sign the contract tomorrow." After Ji
Wang entered the house, he casually threw the perfume on the floor, and after
talking with Sister Hong, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water washed down and flowed through the body along the moist hair.
Ji Wang's neck was slender. In fact, every part of his body was very beautiful. Even
if he didn't act, he could make money as a model.
Unfortunately, like his fingers, Ji Wang also has a scar on the back of his neck. In
the lowermost position, the scar is caused by repeated wounds in this area. The
healing speed cannot keep up with the damage again, until the skin leaves the
memory of the wound, and the trace cannot be traced. Fade away.

But this is only a scar, and it doesn't prove anything, and the mark between it
and AO is extremely different.

If someone can see Ji Wang's back neck, then the other person will be
surprised, because no alpha is willing to be attacked by anyone.

Alpha and omega are different. The glands in the back of the neck have already
shrunk and have no function that can be marked. And if there are tooth marks on
the back of an alpha's neck, it means that his other half is likely to be an alpha.

You must know that the alpha instinct is to repel each other, just like a
mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Not only are they disgusted with each
other’s pheromones, but their nature does not allow themselves to succumb to
others. As an alpha, another alpha leaves a tooth mark on the back of the neck. ,
Is a flagrant mark and humiliation.

This situation is very rare, contrary to nature, just like a different kind.

Fortunately, Ji Wang's scar is underneath. Normal clothes can block it. When it
can't block it, he will use other methods to cover it.

He didn't intend to let others peek into his past through this scar, a memory
that even he didn't want to think of.

Coming out of the bathroom, Ji Wang opened the refrigerator naked, picked up
a bottle of beer, and turned on the TV. The damned and familiar voice came out
on the TV again, Qi Boyan.
Qi Boyan leaned against an outstanding female artist and shared chocolates. In
the advertisement, they were boy and girl friends, and Qi Boyan looked at each
other's eyes tenderly.

He said, I love you.

Ji Wang changed the stage, went to the hallway, picked up the perfume, and
threw it into the trash can.

The fragile perfume could no longer withstand Ji Wang's repeated toss, the
bottle shattered in the trash can, and a good smell spread in the room.

If Song Ge had smelled this perfume, he would have been able to find that the
smell of this perfume was vaguely similar to Ji Wang's pheromone.

Ji Wang's pheromone is a light wine taste, which is not easily emitted.

With blue veins looming on Ji Wang's face, he forced a sentence from his teeth:

In the past, this smell filled the entire room, almost invading every pore of Ji
Wang. The smell formed by the ambiguous blend was dizzy, his limbs numb, and
his body was weak.

Qi Boyan bit his earlobe and said to him: "You always say that you don't like it,
but your pheromone keeps hooking me and getting me drunk."

Ji Wang's answer was to severely scratch Qi Boyan's back, but Qi Boyan smiled
and used a stronger pheromone to envelop and suppress it.

As long as Qi Boyan has been here once, the smell in that room will not go away
for several days.
At that time, Ji Wang especially liked to entertain friends at home, but later he
didn't dare. He was afraid that Qi Boyan would come to him again, that madman
would not hide his friends because of his presence.

If you are not a lunatic, why do you want to make this perfume.

If it's not a lunatic, why have that ghost been tied to the stage all the time?

Ji Wang raised his hand to cover his face, this nasty man, as if afraid he would
forget, reminded him over and over again, torturing him to go crazy.
Chapter 3
On the second day, Ji Wang went to the company, and when he got downstairs, he
was chased for a few autographs and group photos, which made Ji Wang
reluctantly feel that he has a bit of popularity.

When she found Sister Hong, she was busy answering the phone, and when she
saw Ji Wang, she directly took a document.

Ji Wang turned it over and glanced hastily. Although it is a new variety show, the
content is similar, mainly relying on the chemical reaction between the guests.

If you have a stalk and a smile, the more open you are, the audience will like you.
Ji Wang focused on the price, and finally signed his name.

There are ten episodes of the show, and the second season will be added when
the ratings are ideal. When he finishes signing, Sister Hong has hung up and said
with a pleasant tone: "I also picked up an advertisement for you, but you are not
the protagonist."

Ji Wang said plainly: "How much can I get?"

Sister Hong scoffed at him, "All day long, money, money, money, have you lost
Ji Wang smiled bitterly: "Sister, I still have to pay off the mortgage. I can't even
afford a car, and the company didn't arrange for one."

Sister Hong said coldly: "The company's cars are used by artists who have
schedules. You still need to use company cars when you play outside. It's a waste
of resources."

Ji Wang touched his nose: "I was recognized downstairs just now. Will I not be
able to take the subway in the future?"

Sister Hong rolled her eyes: "If you take a taxi, the company will reimburse you."

Ji Wang's parents died young. In fact, he should have eaten and the whole family
was not hungry. However, he bought a house a few years ago. Although the house
was old and small, the location was very expensive. So Ji Wang carried a heavy
mortgage on his back.

Coupled with the fact that people are not popular and the scenes are few, the
life is tight.

After Ji Wang signed the contract, Sister Hong handed him another contract:
"There is also an MV shooting. I need a supporting role who can dance swords. The
shooting cycle is short and the price is good. I'll give you the next step."

Ji Wang bent his eyes: "Thank Sister Hong." After saying that he happily turned
to the end and left his signature.

Sister Hong was a little unbearable when he laughed. It stands to reason that she
has brought a lot of entertainers, and she has a certain resistance to appearance,
but in the face of Ji Wang, she is still electrocuted twice from time to time.

Fortunately, Sister Hong is a beta, so she can barely smell the pheromone on Ji
Wang's body.
At this time, another person came into the office, an artist who was also an alpha
at the same time as Ji Wang. Probably because of the contrast in mind and the
rejection of attributes, that person has never had a good impression of Ji Wang.

Ji Wang didn't like tit-for-tat, he took the initiative to avoid it and planned to
leave. Sister Hong looked at him with peace of mind: "Go to Xiaoxu, I will let him
take you to the studio."

"Taking it today?" Ji Wang was a little surprised, he hadn't even read the script.

Sister Hong told the alpha to sit down and waved to Ji Wang: "You can, I have
already sent the money to your account in advance."

Otherwise, no one of the artists under Sister Hong’s hands was dissatisfied with
her. She was able to make people feel comfortable. Ji Wang no longer had any
doubts. He stepped out of the office. When passing by the alpha, he heard the other
party humming. There was a cry, as if he was not convinced, Ji Wang ignored it.

In the office next to him, Xiaoxu had already prepared things and handed the
script to Ji Wang. When Ji Wang opened the first page, he saw the huge director's
name and starring role.

The director Zhou Lie is very famous and has filmed many mvs of the Queen of
Heaven. Ji Wang froze while staring at the starring actor's name, Xiao Xu put his
bag on his back and came over to pull Ji Wang.

Ji Wang didn't move, Xiao Xu looked at Ji Wang, and was stunned for a while. Ji
Wang's expression seemed to have seen something that stung him extremely.

In Xiaoxu's impression, Ji Wang is a calm and calm person, even a little cold. He
doesn't have the strong arrogance that alpha is used to, and he rarely touches other
In the upper part of the scene, Xiao Xu acts as an assistant to Ji Wang. He has
seen Ji Wang show such an expression. In that campus scene, Xia Chengsong,
played by Ji Wang, bumps into the heroine and the protagonist kissing.

Xiaoxu asked softly: "Brother Wang, won't you leave? We may be late."

Ji Wang closed the script: "I can't pick it up."

Xiaoxu was stunned by these words: "No, brother, this is to pay liquidated

Ji Wang wants to grit his teeth and say to pay, but the loss of money is small, the
loss of trust is big, and it will cause trouble to the company. This is not just a matter
of him alone.

He doesn't have the qualifications to be willful. He has been in the society for a
long time, and Ji Wang is no longer impulsive and energetic when he was young.

Until he got into the car, Xiaoxu still worried about him through the rearview
mirror, probably because he was worried that he would be out of order and that
he would be scolded together as an assistant.

Ji Wang looked into the rearview mirror, Xiang Xiaoxu smiled, and reluctantly
said: "Don't panic, I am more afraid of losing money than you."

Xiaoxu breathed a sigh of relief, holding the steering wheel and joking: "Brother,
have you eaten yet, do you want to eat before going to shoot?"

Ji Wang didn't have the slightest appetite, he shook his head and continued to
read the script. His eyes fell on the starring list again, and Qi Boyan appeared in
front of him with three words.

Just like destined in the dark, I first saw Qi Boyan's concert in the bar, then
received the bottle of perfume, and then I would meet the deity.
His life is like a third-rate script written by a screenwriter, bloody.

Turning to the content he was about to play, Ji Wang suddenly breathed a sigh
of relief. He is going to play a masked assassin and fall in love with the heroine of
mv at first sight.

The content to be deduced is not very much, after all, it is a supporting role, and
the highlight is on Qi Boyan.

The content of mv is also very simple. Past and present, Qi Boyan fell in love with
the daughter of a criminal as a general. The assassin he played was the cannon
fodder sent by the enemy of the criminal to assassinate the heroine.

The role of existence is to add fire to the feelings of the hero and heroine, and to
kill the heroine because of love and hatred, causing the hero and heroine to only
meet in modern times.

Ji Wang closed the script. I wonder if Qi Boyan's taste has deteriorated, or

because fans now eat it. Qi Boyan was a rebellious rock boy when he debuted, who
knows that he still shoots this kind of MV.

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside the crew and Ji Wang was greeted
into the crew’s dressing room. When the makeup artist saw Ji Wang, his eyes still
lit up. He changed clothes.

Ji Wang's role is masked, and the faceless dress makes Ji Wang feel a lot easier.

Soon, Ji Wang realized that he was thinking too much, even if he participated in
Qi Boyan's mv shooting, it didn't mean he could see Qi Boyan.

His scenes only need to shoot a few clips with the heroine at the end. Most of
them are martial arts scenes of his alone, filmed by the deputy director. The
protagonist Qi Boyan is still recording the show in other places.
Ji Wang hung Wei Ya, wearing a heavy dark leather coat, flying around in the
woods over and over again, his hands and feet were cut with small wounds.

This kind of thing hardly hurts Ji Wang, who is used to acting. After the assistant
director called out the card, Xiao Xu ran over and handed him a drink and a small
fan: "Brother, it's hot, let's drink water!"

Ji Wang shook his head dullly, his gaze swept around, and there was no Qi Bo
said, but he seemed a little bit ridiculous.

The deputy director called Ji Wang over. He was very satisfied with Ji Wang's
performance and asked him to take a rest first and then call him later.

Ji Wang went down and waited beside him.

He does not have a nanny car, so he can only rest in the dressing room. He
opened the script again, and some pictures were inserted in the script, which were
pictures of Qi Boyan's fixed makeup.

In the photo, his long hair is tied up, the crimson cloak is on his body, the setting
sun falls on his half of his body, even the light seems to favor him a bit, looks solemn
and strong, his eyes are like looking through the lens, looking straight into the
picture. In the hearts of people.

Ji Wang's eyes paused on the photo for a few seconds before passing quickly.

Although acting is a mess for him, Ji Wang is a person who is serious about his
work. The directors who have used him say that he is good, and occasionally he will
call Ji Wang to his crew for emergency. The supporting role played.

Ji Wang didn't refuse anyone who came, but Sister Hong was very angry about
this. Every time Ji Wang persuaded Sister Hong, don’t have trouble with Qian.

Suddenly the director's assistant opened the curtain of the dressing room: "Mr.
Ji, I will be at you soon, get ready."
Ji Wang quickly put on makeup, pulled on the mask, and walked out of the
dressing room to the shooting location.

In fact, Ji Wang was already a little stunned, so much so that he didn't notice the
faint restlessness around him, which was much stronger than before.

The director behind the monitor has changed.

The leading female actor who shouldn't appear in this scene is making up.

There was a gentle sound of horseshoe not far away, and Ji Wang was still
watching the script in silence.

Until he dropped the decorative buckle on his belt and was picked up by
something, Ji Wang turned his head in confusion, and the shadow of a man and a
horse shrouded him tall.

If you walked out of the stills, but not more solemn than the stills, the man came
with an impeccable exquisite face, lazy and provocative eyes, riding a horse,
holding his belt with a spear in his hand, and looking at him condescendingly.

Ji Wang felt that his expression should be ridiculous. Fortunately, he didn't take
off the mask even when it was the hottest.

Qi Boyan's gun tip was pressed against the leather belt on Ji Wang's waist, and
he gently resisted: "You are in the way."
Chapter 4
Ji Wang slowly and slowly turned his head back and gave in sideways. A drop of
sweat rolled into his eyes, stabbing painfully. The metal buckle and the silver gun
head made a crisp sound, and finally slipped off the gun head, returning to Ji Wang's
waist and shaking it gently.
The sound of horses' hoofs rushed across the road beside Ji Wang. The general's
armor refracted light, and a small piece fell on Ji Wang's face, covering the end of
his flushing eyes.

Qi Boyan had an impartial vision, as if focusing on Ji Wang's body. At this time,

the leading actress came forward, holding a small umbrella, and greeted Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang took two steps back. This is not his play, nor is it the place where he
should stand. He walked to Xiaoxu's side, Xiaoxu looked straight at Qi Boyan, and
when he felt Ji Wang came back, he whispered: "God, brother Qi Boyan has a strong
aura, so handsome. !"

Somehow, Ji Wang couldn't help but ask: "Is he handsome or me?"

Xiaoxu was almost choked by his own saliva. Between telling the truth and the
desire to survive, he chose the latter: "Brother Wang, of course, you are also very
handsome. You are not the same type."

In fact, Xiaoxu is not a lie. Ji Wang's five senses are impeccable. The difference
between the two lies in their aura.

Qi Boyan is used to being a big star and is followed and loved by everyone. He is
confident and expensive in every move, and his aura is different from ordinary

If Ji Wang is a perfect sculptural work of art, low-key and restrained, Qi Boyan is

a star in the sky, brilliant.

Ji Wang patted Xiao Xu on the shoulder: "It's hard for you, I'll send you a red
envelope later."

Xiaoxu hugged Ji Wang's hand doglegally: "Brother Wang, when you become a
big star, you will definitely be more handsome than him."
Before Ji Wang could speak, he heard a hello. The voice was so familiar to him
that Ji Wang instinctively felt uneasy, but this sound was definitely not directed at

He not only covered his face, but also posted a pheromone isolation sticker on
the back of his neck.

In public places, alpha and omega with strong pheromone will be posted to show
politeness. Except in private environments and special occasions, everyone is not
so restrained.

In fact, Ji Wang's pheromone is not very strong, but he still posted it, and Qi
Boyan couldn't recognize him.

However, seeing Xiaoxu nervously clutching his sleeves, and even if he was
wearing heavy clothes, he could feel the scorching gaze on his back, which
confirmed that the sound was directed at him.

Ji Wang seemed to be stared at by a beast, sweating all over.

He heard another "Hey", this time joking a little bit.

Xiaoxu whispered: "We have a name, we don't call it Hey!"

In the next second, Qi Boyan said: "Doom, you come here." The last is the name
of the assassin played by Ji Wang.

Did not recognize him, Qi Boyan did not recognize him. When he realized this, Ji
Wang's nerves were slightly relaxed, but soon, even more indescribable anger

When he turned his head, Qi Boyan had dismounted and stood beside the
director, with his spear on the ground, standing carelessly, and because of his tall
stature, he was full of momentum.
Ji Wang walked to them, and the director asked Ji Wang: "Can you come

This question caused Ji Wangsheng to hold back the thought of looking at Qi

Boyan. He deliberately lowered his voice and said, "I want to ask my agent."

I probably didn't expect that an unknown young actor turned his eyebrows
dissatisfied when he turned down his appointment.

Zhou Lie glanced at Qi Boyan, and said, "There will be filming tomorrow, and I
might have to add some scenes to you."

Ji Wang reluctantly said: "Why?"

Zhou Lie became impatient: "It's not good to add drama to you, don't worry, the
money will keep up."

Zhou Lie waved to Jiwang, indicating that the topic was over.

It may be because Qi Boyan is beside him. Ji Wang never gets angry because of
such trivial matters. What's more, Zhou Lie is right that adding drama is a good
thing. For a young actor like him, rejection is Don't know how to promote.

With fierce emotions surging in his heart, Ji Wang sighed deeply: "Okay." He
nodded, like every trick comes, flicks and goes, leaving like an insignificant little

After that, he was like a spectator, standing on the set watching the content of
Qi Boyan's mv shooting. The omega playing the heroine is named Zhou Chuxue, and
she is the goddess of many alpha and beta nowadays.

Zhou Chuxue is petite and exquisite, and she goes very well with Qi Boyan.
Xiaoxu and Ji Wang gossiping: "I heard that Qi Boyan is very bothersome, so I can
talk about it when I make a movie. Will Zhou Chuxue also be included in his

Ji Wang held his hands and said nothing. No one knows better than him, Qi Bo
said who he wants to get, he can get who.

When Qi Boyan played rock and roll, many people in the circle were very personal
and confused. Unlike others, Qi Boyan was still more focused on music.

Of course, Qi Boyan is also special, unlike others who use drugs and promiscuous,
Qi Boyan is engaged in alpha.

Alpha is engaged in alpha, and Ji Wang is the alpha that was engaged in.

At this time, Qi Boyan's song was played on the spot, and today's mv shot is this
theme song. Even if Xiaoxu was complaining about Qi Boyan and Zhou Chuxue, he
couldn't help humming along.

It's really nice, Qi Boyan's songs are very popular.

After waiting for an hour, Ji Wang held the sword forward, and it was time for
him to play. He wants to assassinate the heroine and let Qi Boyan heroes save the
United States.

Qi Boyan lowered his head to let the makeup artist sort out the decorations on
his crown. A string of beads hung with gems and fell beside Qi Boyan's long hair. It
was obviously a flamboyant dress, but it was beautifully set off by Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan swept his eyes to Ji Wang, and said loudly, "Come here."

Ji Wang stood still, and Qi Bo said, "You will have a fight with me in a while, don't
you fight against me?"
Ji Wang had no choice but to walk over. His sword was not sharpened, but it was
also heavy and dangerous. Ji Wang moves gently, just a trial show, there is no need
to fight a real shot.

But when he saw Qi Boyan's smiling eyes, he couldn't help but surge up
maliciously, his movements inevitably heavier than before.

Hearing only a bang, Qi Boyan's spear was knocked to the ground, Ji Wang's
movements became stiff, and he even forgot to hide his original voice: "Are you all
right! Are you injured?!"

As soon as the voice came out, he reacted. He looked at Qi Boyan, and the other
party looked at him quietly. There was not much surprise, and even a little bit of
teasing, Qi Boyan raised his hand.

A small wound was cut on the slender fingertips, and blood drops slowly leaked

Unlike his nonchalant look, Qi Boyan's voice was somewhat difficult: "What
should I do? I hate others hurting me the most."

Ji Wang's teeth hidden under the mask grind hard: "Really, sorry, I don't know
Mr. Qi, you are so delicate."

Qi Boyan's bloody hand slammed towards Ji Wang and clasped his chin, but did
not immediately grab Ji Wang’s mask, but pressed against Ji Wang’s lips through
the cloth: “In fact, it doesn’t matter. Just help me stop the bleeding."

Stop bleeding? How to stop?

Ji Wang soon knew where to stop the bleeding.

Qi Boyan's fingers pressed the position of Ji Wang's lips forcefully, and almost
stuffed the fabric of the mask between Ji Wang's lips and teeth.
Chapter 5
Ji Wang's eyebrows jumped. If he could, he would now open his mouth and bite off
Qi Boyan's finger, but he didn't know if the big star had insured his hand with the
sky-high price.

It may be that he felt the fierceness of his eyes, Qi Boyan continued to exert the
force on his hand with interest: "Want to bite me?"

Recognize it? Didn't recognize it? I dared to make a joke like that when I
recognized it, it was very bad. Didn't recognize it, as long as it is a person, it can be
estrus, it's disgusting.

With so many eyes in this set, Qi Boyan's unbridled provocative actions fell into
the eyes of so many people. Ji Wang pushed away Qi Boyan's hand, can't he not
provoke him yet can't hide it? He apologized in a low voice, and quickly fled the
scene in the name of giving someone a band-aid.

Ji Wang didn't dare to touch the remaining kneaded force on his chin, so he
buried himself and walked away until he was stopped by Xiao Xu. Xiaoxu asked him
worriedly: "Brother Wang, are you okay?"

Ji Wang raised a pair of calm eyes, not dazed, even more dazed, he calmly said:
"It's okay, are there band-aids? Qi Boyan was injured."

Xiaoxu just didn't understand why the two people's postures were ambiguous,
and felt that he was thinking too much. Brother Wang and Daxing Qi are both
alphas, so what can they have.

So the ambiguous posture turned into a provocative atmosphere in his eyes, and
he almost thought they were going to fight. Xiaoxu was nervous.

He kept saying yes, Xiaoxu, as an assistant, is as careful as a hair, and on weekdays

he has bags and treasure chests, everything. When Xiao Xu took out a band-aid for
Ji Wang, Qi Boyan was already surrounded by caring crowds.
The spot on his hand looked like a small wound in Ji Wang, and it was a big deal
in the eyes of others. Qi Boyan's assistant was in a hurry, disinfected and applied
medicine, and softly asked whether he should go to the hospital for injections to
avoid infection.

Zhou Chuxue held an umbrella next to him to condolences, and asked softly
whether it hurts or not.

The protagonist, whom so many people care about, hangs on that finger,
avoiding the assistant's band-aid, his eyes are swept away, and landed on Ji Wang,
who was a few steps away.

The indifferent assassin stood steadily, his eyes calm, the band-aids in his hands
still had patterns, and the chicken was eating rice, which was a bit cute.

Qi Boyan pushed away the assistant in front of him, and said to Ji Wang, "Come

For a while, the eyes of everyone surrounding Qi Boyan fell on Ji Wang. Facing all
kinds of sights, Ji Wang didn't have the slightest timidity. He just stepped forward,
handed the band-aid to the assistant next to Qi Boyan, and solemnly apologized

Without waiting for Qi Boyan to speak, Ji Wang first said: "If there is nothing
wrong, I have to continue reading the script."

After speaking, he turned and left. Qi Boyan's assistant rolled his eyes: "Who is
he who is so arrogant after hurting someone? What script does he have to read,
isn't it just a small role in a few scenes?"

Qi Boyan took the band-aid from the assistant, and said slowly: "You go back and
come here for Li Feng."
It hasn't been a week since the assistant came to Qi Boyan, and he never
expected that he would be replaced. Don’t you say that even though Qi Boyan is
famous, he is easy to serve?

The assistant did not dare to ask why, Qi Boyan stuffed the little chicken band-
aid into the decorative kit on his body, and did not stick the band-aid, let alone the
wound, pushing away the group of people surrounding him, and stepping into the
shooting location. .

Ji Wang didn't read the script at all, he quickly found a place where no one was
there, and pulled off the mask on his face. Qi Boyan's blood remained on his mask.
That person was originally a high-quality alpha, and a little blood was rich in rich

The hot weather, hot environment, and stimulating pheromones forced Ji

Wang's waist and abdomen to tighten. He slammed the wall in front of him, praying
that the pain would calm the blood boiled by the pheromone in his body.

Ji Wang gasped in a low voice, and the calm he tried to maintain was completely
destroyed under the pheromone.

He is not qualified to speak Qi Boyan, because he is also a pervert who will be

tempted by alpha pheromone.

They are all heterogeneous, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are out of place.

Ji Wang pressed his forehead against the wall and held the mask tightly in his
hand. The sweat wet his eyelashes. He hesitantly raised his hand and lifted the
heavy placket with his fingers to press against his sweat-cold skin. .

Every inch of texture has become very sensitive because of the pheromone just
now. Ji Wang followed the bones of the back of his neck and touched down inch by
inch until he touched the scar on the gland.

As if memories with a smell, quickly surfaced in Ji Wang's mind.

Memory is structured by smell, sound, and temperature.

Ambiguous wine aroma, light cigarette, sweet pheromone.

The provocative voice, the words of exclusivity, it seems that I love you with

Qi Boyan's embrace was hot, restrained, and cold.

Just like Qi Boyan's pheromone, it is so sweet that it makes people unable to

defend and underestimates the risk, until the trap of the sky and the earth,
tempting to fall.

After being bitten open on the back of his neck over and over again, Qi Boyan
licked his blood and kissed him again. Ji Wang never knew that his pheromone
would taste like this. It was like a plain wine, which was brewed by Qi Boyan himself
into his favorite delicacy.

The blood stained Qi Boyan's lips red, making his appearance both sexy and crazy.

Obviously it is a meaningless mark, no matter how many times pheromone is

injected, he can't become a person of Qi Boyan. Xu is because of this, every time Qi
Boyan finishes biting him, he will look extremely annoyed.

Ji Wang let out a sigh of relief slowly, gnawing his teeth and reading the name
that had been in his heart for six years.

"Qi Boyan."

Xiaoxu has been looking for Ji Wang for a long time. After making several phone
calls, Ji Wang’s scene is about to come, but the person is not there. The director’s
assistant has come to urge him several times. Xiao Xu is anxious like a hot pot ant.
After dialing Ji Wang's phone again, the other party finally answered, but his
voice was horribly dumb, as if he had experienced a long torture.

Xiaoxu said anxiously: "Brother, you are coming soon, your role is coming."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Wang, holding his mobile phone, appeared in front of
Xiao Xu. Ji Wang changed into a new mask, which was a spare from the makeup

Ji Wang hung up the phone and put the other mask in Xiao Xu's hand: "Take it
and burn it."

Xiao Xu was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Ji Wang ignored Xiaoxu and entered the set with a sword in his hand. His whole
body was cold and terrifying, as if he had really become an assassin.

Qi Boyan still looked careless, and when he saw Ji Wang coming, he picked up
the gun and smiled provocatively with his lips curled.

The assassin wanted to assassinate the daughter of the criminal, but was
prevented by the general and saved. Two powerful martial arts men destroyed a
large area of woods.

The confrontation between the sharp sword and the spear caused a dazzling

The two men in the shot have the same powerful aura and excellent physique,
creating a scene of intense conflict and excitement.

The assassin's swords and swords were full of cruelty, and the general seemed
to be merciful, letting go everywhere.

It wasn't until the director called the card that Qi Boyan put away his gun and
looked at Ji Wang thoughtfully.
Ji Wang had only one pair of eyes exposed outside the mask, and the redness at
the end of his eyes became more obvious because of the high temperature.

The director looked at the picture in the camera and exclaimed in admiration.
The camera continued to work, and the general in the lens walked slowly towards
the assassin.

In front of everyone, Qi Boyan reached out and touched Ji Wang's face, rubbing
his rough fingertips on the trembling crimson eyelids, and wiped off the moist

He approached Ji Wang and whispered in people's ears: "What did you do

secretly before you came to film?"

There was a hint of joy in Qi Bo's words: "Do you miss me, my pheromone?
Chapter 6
At that moment, Ji Wang stopped breathing. Then endless anger surged. If it hadn't
been for self-cultivation these years and had enough hardship, Ji Wang might have
thrown his sword on the spot and quit.

Qi Boyan recognized him, from the very beginning, so he deliberately put a gun
against his waist and wiped blood on his mask.

Why? Do you want to see how gaffe he will be?

Probably because he was too surprised, Qi Boyan's hand slid along the dangerous
sharp sword to his upper body, and finally stayed on his waist, holding it at will.

It was as if Qi Boyan didn't know how ambiguous this action was.

"Do you think I won't recognize you by wrapping yourself up like this?" Qi Boyan's
voice was smiling.
After speaking, he glanced down and stopped at Ji Wang's waist and abdomen:

Ji Wang couldn't bear it, slapped Qi Boyan's hand away, and stepped back. He
quickly scanned the sights of the people around him, and as expected, many people
had already looked at this place with inquiring gazes, and Xiao Xu was even more

"Enough." Ji Wang repressed: "Don't mess with me again!"

Qi Boyan put his hand away and looked at Ji Wang blankly.

When Qi Boyan was not smiling, his eyes were quite stressed, and when he fell
heavily on his body, he almost made people hold their breath.

But soon, Qi Boyan seemed to have lost interest and took his gaze away from Ji
Wang. Step out of the scene and go to the director's position.

Ji Wang was left in place, the temperature of his whole body gradually lost, and
his surroundings became a little bit colder. He trembling and tightening his right
hand, he should know that Qi Boyan was obsessed with it, but it was just a tease
when he met an old lover by chance.

It's just that he is not on the road and can't behave with ease.

In the next few scenes, Ji Wang dutifully played a contradictory and affectionate
assassin. By the end of the scene, it was already two o'clock in the evening.

Ji Wang felt exhausted, not just physically and mentally, but a kind of weakness
overflowing from his bones. After he finished the play, the assistant director came
to stop him and sent him to the crew hotel for one night.

If at first Ji Wang thought it was his acting skills that impressed the director, he
was able to get the benefits of this add-on. Now I understand that 90% of the add-
on may have been mentioned by Qi Bo.
What to add, what hotel to live in, I'm afraid it's not the room where I slept, and
the next door is Qi Boyan's suite.

Ji Wang first thanked him, and then politely refused. He said that he lived not far
from the studio and would come back tomorrow morning. He would not be late to
affect the work of the crew.

The director’s assistant is a man in his thirties. He respectfully called to Teacher

Ji Wang: "Teacher, how tired you are going back and forth. The hotel is right next
to the studio. You should go there to rest. We have booked a room for you. , We
will arrange for a car to bring you here tomorrow morning."

Xiaoxu and Ji Wang have been so polite last time, it was the campus movie. The
main reason is that, from the director to the producer to the leading role, all of
them did not become famous. Instead, they were more polite than these big crews.

The assistant continued to persuade: "If I let you go back like this and suffer
hardship, the director will also blame me for improper arrangements. Look at

Ji Wang eats soft or hard, and looks at the assistant's tired face, and has to be
exhausted with him here, so he can't bear it, so he agrees.

Seeing that he finally agreed, the assistant couldn't help sighing.

Both Ji Wang and Xiao Xu were sent to the hotel, a five-star superior hotel suite,
floor-to-ceiling windows, and a jacuzzi in the bathroom.

Xiao Xu was stunned, put down his small bag, and prepared to take a taxi to Ji
Wang's house to get him a change of clothes.

Ji Wang waved his hand: "Just use disposable underwear, the elders are not so
particular, you are not tired, go and wash it first."
Xiaoxu smiled, put down the small bag and went into the bathroom. The partition
in the bathroom is frosted glass, and some people can be seen faintly.

Xiaoxu whispered to Ji Wang as he washed, "Brother, do you think Director Zhou

thinks your acting skills are good? He likes you and wants you to act in his play? Or
maybe we can arrange such a good place for us, conditions. It’s too good!"

Ji Wang took out the cigarette and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Not to
mention that Zhou Lie rarely shoots, mostly only commercials and mv. With this
arrangement tonight, Ji Wang doesn't believe that Qi Boyan doesn't have anything
to say about it.

Xiaoxu didn't get a response, so he stopped chattering. After taking a quick

shower, he gave up the bathroom to Ji Wang.

Ji Wang had just smoked a cigarette on the balcony. Xiaoxu smelled the smoke
and said in surprise: "Brother, didn't you say that you quit last time?"

"Children, smoking addiction is like a troublesome predecessor and can't quit

easily." Ji Wang is like a veteran in love. After leaving this famous saying, he patted
Xiao Xu on the shoulder and walked into the bathroom.

Ji Wang washed his skin for a long time, and his skin was flushed before coming
out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. Without the pheromone suppression
paste, Ji Wang's own smell appeared in the air, and he wiped his hair with water:
"Xiao Xu, I am a bit strong in pheromone today, don't mind."

He didn't have to respond, and the room was quiet.

Compared with hearing and sight, smell is the first thing to feel. Besides, the
people in the room didn't mean to cover up their pheromones at all.

Ji Wang held the towel in his hand and looked at the uninvited guest on the sofa
in the room through his wet forehead.
Qi Boyan undressed the general's dress, revealing extremely lightly dyed hair.
The hair color that was originally deep and delicate facial features was a bit of
mixed blood.

The man held the phone in his hand, propped his chin, and looked up at Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan was taken aback first, then looked at Ji Wang intently. His gaze was as
real as Ji Wang's wet chest licked his waist and abdomen, and finally fixed on his
waist and hips tightly wrapped in a bath towel.

He threw away the phone and changed his posture. Da Ma Jindao sat on the sofa,
his eyes darkened: "Do you usually dangle in front of the assistant like this?"

Ji Wang threw the towel in his hand aside, and in front of Qi Boyan, he tore off
the towel, opened the hotel closet, took out the bathrobe, put it on and tied it

There was no embarrassment or embarrassment, and even ignored the hot gaze
that was firmly nailed to him.

After Ji Wang changed his bathrobe, he asked, "Where is my assistant?"

Qi Boyan squeezed Ji Wang's cigarette on the sofa, took out one and placed it on
the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly: "He is in my room, with my assistant."

Ji Wang walked to Qi Boyan: "Let him come back, you get out."

He stood, Qi Boyan sat. Even so, in terms of aura, he could not overpower Qi
Boyan at all.

Instead, the posture made Qi Bo's words and deeds more convenient. The man's
palm rested on Ji Wang's warm calf just after he got out of the bath, and slowly
climbed up along the delicate skin.

Qi Boyan said: "Long time no see, don't you miss me?"

Ji Wang almost laughed: "Why should I miss you?"

Qi Boyan looked up at Ji Wang. He pulled out his hand from the bathrobe,
grabbed Ji Wang's right hand, and raised it to the front of his eye for a while before
putting his lips on the scar with the tattoo removed: "Lie, you clearly Miss me a lot."

When speaking, his warm lips flicked between Ji Wang's fingers, causing bursts
of numbness, easily turning that place into a sensitive spot.

Qi Boyan smiled and added hatefully: "Thinking about it day and night."
Chapter 7
In fact, if Ji Wang is more acquainted, or more free and easy, he can sleep with Qi
Boyan tonight, and partake with Qi Boyan tomorrow.

Unfortunately, Ji Wang couldn't do it, so Qi Boyan was doomed to be


Although it was true as Qi Boyan said, he could not forget Qi Boyan, not thinking
about it day and night, but always remembering it at inappropriate times.

Drinking, taking a bath, every time I see a scar on my ring finger.

What's more, even if Ji Wang wanted to forget, he didn't have this objective

Wherever he goes, there are all Qi Boyan's advertising photos, Weibo, Moments,
and various software apps, you can see this man, everywhere in his life.

To this day, Qi Boyan finally appeared in front of him, within reach.

Qi Boyan's handsome face was leaning against his hand, and his eyes were staring
at him, begging for joy is very charming. If anyone in the world can reject Qi Boyan,
probably only Ji Wang, who doesn't want to talk to Qi Boyan Sleep.
Ji Wang squeezed Qi Boyan's chin with his backhand, but Qi Boyan didn't change
his face. He still looked at him so confidently, waiting for Ji Wang to kiss him, and
then love him.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel are smooth and bright, reflecting the
shadow of a pair of people. Ji Wang slowly leaned down, they stared at each other's
lips, their breathing rate was chaotic.

The air tensed, forming a shaky string, waiting for someone to completely forget
about reason.

When these two equally beautiful lips were about to meet, Ji Wang stopped.
From a very close distance, Ji Wang said coldly: "I said, get out and let my assistant
come back."

These words completely ruined the atmosphere, Ji Wang pushed away Qi

Boyan's face, and it didn't take long for Qi Boyan's chin to slowly show fingerprints.

Ji Wang grabbed his wet hair: "I have no interest in you."

Qi Boyan followed Ji Wang's strength and leaned back on the sofa: "Lying."

Ji Wang smiled and shook his head: "I am alpha, omega is better for me."

Qi Boyan's face distorted for a moment, and soon his expression returned to
calm, even leisurely, and asked curiously: "Really? After you separated from me,
you still slept with omega?"

Ji Wang didn't want to discuss his private life with Qi Boyan. He picked up the
phone and planned to call Xiaoxu. How could Xiao Xu listen to Qi Boyan's words so
much, Qi Boyan let him go, he really left.

When Xiaoxu comes back, Ji Wang must talk about him.

With a few taps of his finger on the screen, Ji Wang didn't find Xiao Xu's number,
his hand hurt, and the phone flew out and fell onto the heavy carpet.

Qi Boyan stood up, taller than Ji Wang, still smiling: "Why, your assistant is an

Ji Wang was dumb and thought this situation was absurd. He was too lazy to talk
to Qi Boyan, bending over to pick up the phone to see if it was broken, but the
phone was kicked by Qi Boyan and flew farther.

"Are you sick!" Ji Wang was furious.

Qi Boyan's smile faded, and his face expressionlessly said: "When talking to me,
look at me."

Ji Wang held up his hands and sneered, "I'm tired of your face."

Qi Boyan was not irritated by Ji Wang's words. He approached Ji Wang step by

step until he forced people to the hotel table.

Ji Wang supported Qi Boyan's chest with his hands: "Stay away from me."

Qi Boyan's hand passed over Ji Wang's waist, and he leaned on the table behind
the other party, trapping Ji Wang in his arms with his arms around him: "Don't be
angry, I will lose your phone."

Ji Wang felt that the pheromone on Qi Boyan's body became more and more
concentrated, and he curled his eyebrows and said: "Go away, if you are in estrus,
find someone else."

Song Ge didn't mean that Qi Boyan was with Fang Shengyun, that Qi Boyan
should go to Fang Shengyun instead of staying with him stubbornly.

Qi Boyan's eyelashes drooped slightly, as if he was hurt: "Ji Wang, I miss you very
At that moment, Ji Wang’s resisting hand was loosened a little. Qi Boyan was like
a lion with a weak spot on his head. He rushed forward fiercely, opened his mouth,
and bit on Ji Wang’s neck mercilessly. On.

Alpha's canine teeth are sharp and sharp, and they can easily bite through human
skin. The pheromone fiercely followed the wound into Ji Wang's body, and Ji Wang
even went black for a moment.

It hurts, it hurts everywhere, Qi Boyan's taste is mixed with his, and every corner
of this room is stained with their pheromone.

While dizzy, Ji Wang was turned over by Qi Boyan and pressed on the table. The
bathrobe was roughly torn apart from the back, revealing the scars he had once.

As a winner, engrave the prey.

Looking at the slender neck and the traces he left in front of him, Qi Boyan
narrowed his eyes, licked the blood-stained canines with satisfaction, opened his
mouth again, and bends down.

After six years, Ji Wang was severely "marked" again. Because he was stupid, but
he was negligent when he heard a sentence that he missed you without knowing
whether it was true or not.

It wasn't until Qi Boyan filled Ji Wang's body with a lot of pheromone that he let
go of his mouth, rubbed the tip of his nose against Ji Wang's neck, grunting
coquettishly, and wrapped his arms around the loose bathrobe with his hands. Ji

When alpha is briefly impacted by another alpha pheromone, it will temporarily

feel weak and weak.

Ji Wang's brain is very unconscious now, flushing on his face, and the symptoms
of false "estrus" after the "marking" appears.
However, Qi Boyan didn't take the opportunity to swallow Ji Wang into his
abdomen. Instead, he groped Ji Wang's body like holding a fun toy, confirming the
other party's other changes in his body over the years.

After half an hour, Ji Wang finally got out of the abyss of entanglement and
collision of pheromone. He slammed his arm back hard, struggling away from Qi
Boyan's embrace.

Then he turned around and slapped Qi Boyan severely.

With a loud snap, Qi Boyan's face was missed by Ji Wang.

As the violent party, Ji Wang was more embarrassed than Qi Boyan, his neck was
bitten open, blood flowed to his collarbone, and his snow-white bathrobe was dyed

He trembled with anger all over his body: "Asshole!"

Qi Boyan slowly turned his head back, rubbing his thumb over the corner of his
lips, and said in a slightly troubled tone: "Ji Wang, I have to take the mirror
tomorrow, and my face cannot be swollen."

This made Ji Wang's angry head awake for a moment. What he subconsciously
thought was to find an ice cube for Qi Boyan to apply to his face, and blamed
himself for hitting him in an invisible place, and what he would do to hit his face.

But Ji Wang couldn't really find ice for Qi Boyan, he hadn't been so cheap yet.

He pulled up the belt around his waist and tied his loose bathrobe tightly and
tied it into a knot: "You deserve it."
Chapter 8
Xiaoxu sat on the big sofa in the luxurious suite, shaking his legs with anxiety, and
wanted to wake up the obsessed self one hour ago a hundred and eight times.
When Qi Boyan appeared outside the door, Xiao Xu was dumbfounded. Qi Boyan
also said that he should ask Mr. Ji about the shooting.

The big star is so polite, Xiao Xu is at a loss, when he reacts, he has been taken to
Qi Boyan's room by Qi Boyan's assistant Li Feng.

Li Feng made coffee for him not far away, and chatted with him about some work
matters and gossip in the circle.

At the beginning, Xiaoxu was not so disturbed. As time passed, his head gradually
became sober. Qi Boyan could ask for advice about what to do in the filming.

Although Ji Wang's play was good, he was not popular. At this moment, he
remembered that Qi Boyan was at the scene of Ji Wang's hands and feet, and
reminiscent of Qi Boyan's comments, he was really worried about his own artist
being done something bad.

Li Feng came over with his coffee and smiled and said to him: "By the way,
Teacher Ji's recent school drama is very popular."

Hearing someone praise Jiwang, Xiaoxu straightened up proudly: "Yes, Brother

Wang is already very capable. He has always played well and is a very serious actor."

Li Feng: "I like his play with the heroine very much, but I heard that the two of
them are not just inside the play, but outside the play..."

Xiaoxu immediately denied: "What, nothing! Brother Wang never messes with
Ao relations!"

Li Feng added in due course: "What about beta?"

"Beta won't work! Now Brother Wang is on the rise, and his career is important."
Said Xiaoxu glanced at Li Feng unhappily, and said to his heart, you think all of them
are like your Qi Boyan, so troubled. Come.
Brother Wang is a clean and self-contained high-quality alpha!

Li Feng pushed a plate of dim sum over: "Don't be angry, eat dim sum, can you
add a WeChat?"

He made it so natural that even if Xiaoxu was reluctant, he felt that he could leave
a WeChat account with Qi Boyan's assistant and need to contact him in the future.

As an artist assistant, you have to be good at dancing with long sleeves and be

Just after adding WeChat, Ji Wang's phone number was dialed. Xiaoxu quickly
picked it up, and Ji Wang called him back. Xiaoxu couldn't even wipe the scum on
his mouth, and hurried back out of the room.

Xiaoxu knocked on the door for a long time before someone came to open the

Standing behind the door, Qi Boyan, with a red and swollen right cheek, frowned
and said, "Didn't I tell you to look at him?"

The words were not directed at Xiaoxu, but Li Feng behind Xiaoxu. Li Feng smiled
bitterly and shrugged his helplessness.

Xiao Xu looked at Qi Boyan's face in panic, and smelled the strange smell in the

He is a beta, but his father is an alpha, so Xiaoxu can smell a little pheromone,
but is far less clear than omega or alpha.

Even he can smell the smell in the room, how strong the original pheromone
should be!

Xiaoxu's face was pale, and Ji Wang's voice came from inside: "Xiaoxu?"
"Here!" Xiao Xu squeezed Qi Boyan away, and hurriedly came to Ji Wang and
scanned Ji Wang's body frantically. Sure enough, there were a few bloody teeth
marks on Ji Wang's neck, and it didn't take long for him to bite. .

Xiaoxu's eyes were red instantly, and guilt and self-blame came to his mind:
"Brother Wang..."

Seeing Xiaoxu's guilt, Ji Wang patted Xiaoxu on the shoulder, leaned into the ear
and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

No matter how stupid Xiaoxu is, he won't really believe that it's okay. He has
been bitten like that on his neck, which is a good thing Qi Boyan did.

Xiaoxu sniffed and deliberately said loudly, "Brother Wang, let's go to the
hospital to register."

Ji Wang said amusedly: "How can it be so serious? No need."

Qi Boyan used to bite harder, but as an alpha, he has a strong resilience, and the
wound will heal in about a week.

Sometimes he wonders, is it because he is more resistant as an alpha, that's why

Qi Boyan likes to toss him so much.

Xiaoxu said: "You have to get a shot of rabies, who knows if there is any virus!"

Ji Wang almost laughed, and then looked at Qi Boyan, who was scolded as a rabid
dog, the star had a very bad face and stared at Xiao Xu dangerously.

"Xiaoxu is young and ignorant, just kidding." After that, Ji Wang pulled Xiaoxu
behind him to protect him.

Qi Boyan turned his head and said to Li Feng: "My face is swollen. Get me some
medicine. It won't affect the shooting tomorrow."
Facing the wound on Qi Boyan's face, Li Feng didn't make a fuss, but calmly left
the room and went to find the best anti-swelling medicine for Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang looked at the time: "You should go now."

Qi Boyan didn't move, Xiao Xu plucked up the courage to stand in front of Ji

Wang, and took a few steps forward to drive people: "Mr. Qi, you should..." As soon
as the voice fell, Qi Boyan grabbed his hand. .

Xiao Xu Soul was so scared that he didn't know what was going on.

Qi Boyan grabbed his wrist, turned him around, grabbed his hair, forcing him to
lower his head and reveal the back of his neck.

In an instant of vision, Xiao Xu saw Ji Wang's face, shocked, and saddened as


The back of Xiao Xu's neck was lightly sniffed, and the very intimate posture, and
the ambiguity brought by the subtle physical contact, made Xiao Xu sluggish.

He heard Qi Bo say: "What, it turned out to be a beta."

The footsteps approached quickly, and Ji Wang's bare feet caught Xiao Xu's eyes.
The next second, Ji Wang snatched him from Qi Boyan's arms.

Because he was too close, Xiao Xu could feel Ji Wang's heartbeat too violently. Ji
Wang said bitterly, "You should go."

Qi Boyan said indifferently: "Don't get excited, I didn't want to do anything to


Ji Wang remained silent, but clenched his hands into fists, as if he would hit Qi
Boyan's face in the next moment.
The scene was tense, and Ji Wang and Qi Boyan faced each other with their eyes.
If it weren't for the post-fusion pheromone remaining in the air, Xiao Xu would
think that these two people were enemies, rivals, and the existence that hated each
other the most.

Behind Ji Wang, Xiao Xu clearly saw the "mark" on Ji Wang's neck. Even in beta,
he understands the meaning of this bite mark.

Qi Boyan said in a weird tone: "Didn't you say that omega is right for you, now
even beta is fine?"

Xiaoxu was furious when he heard this. If he was more courageous, he would
have to sip on Big Star Qi, who made him slander Brother Wang so much.

Brother Wang was innocent in his heart, but he didn't rush to refute Qi Boyan's
remarks. Instead, he said to Qi Boyan: "Yes, I will never refuse anyone, except

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere became worse.

Qi Boyan's chest was undulating, obviously irritated by Ji Wang.

After a while, Qi Boyan wanted to look at the two of them without a smile:
"Really, I wish you a pleasant evening."

With a bang, Qi Boyan slammed the door and left.

The air is deadly quiet.

After waiting for a long time, he cautiously said to Ji Wang: "Brother Wang...Has
Qi Boyan misunderstood something?"

Just as Ji Wang was drawn away, he walked slowly to the sofa and fell down. He
was very tired, curled up on the large sofa, and said dumbly: "Xiao Xu, you go to
sleep, let me stay a while."
Chapter 9
After Li Feng bought the medicine, he returned to the room, and Qi Boyan stood
drinking in front of the French window.

The mood doesn't look bad, even if the face has only been beaten, the swelling
has not disappeared.

Li Feng walked over and handed the medicine. Qi Boyan didn't like others to
touch him. As a personal assistant, Li Feng would pay attention to it on weekdays.

He uttered what he had just passed from Assistant Ji Wang and made a judgment
based on this: "Mr. Ji should have no one by his side."

Li Feng heard the chuckle, he looked suspiciously, Qi Boyan had joy in his eyes:
"It's cute, isn't it?"

Maybe no one thinks that tall and handsome Mr. Ji is cute, Li Feng did not answer.

Qi Boyan drank all the wine: "A stiff mouth and an angry look look good." Qi
Boyan didn't mean to make Li Feng respond, he was just talking to himself.

He put down the wine glass, turned out a spray casually, and sprayed it on the
wound: "Remember to send him to the studio tomorrow, and don't let him run

After spraying, Qi Boyan took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket, and Li
Feng saw it: "There is no lighter in the house, I will buy it now."

"I don't smoke." Qi Boyan said.

Of course Li Feng knew about this, but Qi Boyan, this person, is prone to many
things on a whim, and it is not surprising that he suddenly wants to smoke.

Li Feng: "Then I'll go back to the room first."

Qi Boyan bit the cigarette holder and hmmed vaguely. He didn't know what he
thought of, and laughed again.

Compared with the atmosphere of this room, the atmosphere in Ji Wang's room
is simply solemn.

Xiaoxu was light-handed in the last bathroom, for fear of affecting Ji Wang's

When Xiaoxu woke up after a night's sleep, it was still dark. He got up and wanted
to drink a glass of water. When he saw Ji Wang still lying on the sofa, he went to
get a blanket and planned to cover Ji Wang lightly.

When Xiao Xu walked a few steps, Ji Wang opened his eyes, bloodshot inside, as
if he had been drunk all night.

Ji Wang has a hoarse voice: "What time is it?" Xiaoxu looked at the clock on the
hotel wall: "Five o'clock." It turned out that he had only slept for two hours. It
turned out that Ji Wang hadn't slept for two hours.

Xiaoxu felt a little pain: "There is melatonin in the suitcase, do you want to take

Ji Wang said, he is an actor, he has to be professional, and he has to sleep if he

can't sleep, otherwise he can't afford to be in poor condition tomorrow, which will
affect the filming and delay the crew's progress.

Jiwang rarely eats melatonin, because he rarely suffers from insomnia and
usually sleeps very well. After all, he is young, only twenty-four years old, and has
been acting for four years.

Qi Boyan made his debut a year later than him, but he became so fast that he
became red and purple.
Ji Wang swallowed five melatonin in one breath. Before going to bed, he wanted
to smoke a cigarette, but couldn't find his bag, so he gave up, put on his blindfold
and covered the quilt.

Early the next morning, Xiaoxu got up to buy breakfast for Ji Wang. As soon as he
opened the door, he saw Li Feng's smiling face and slammed the door. The true evil
door, how come the lingering spirit is still there!

The phone vibrated, and Li Feng said to Xiaoxu in WeChat: "Bring you breakfast,
and send you to the crew by the way."

Xiao Xu poked the screen vigorously: "No!" He is Ji Wang's assistant, and he

doesn't need Li Feng to be nosy. Li Feng is Qi Boyan's assistant. He is full of bad

Li Feng knocked on the door with a gentle voice: "Brother Xu, don't make me
embarrassing, Master Qi asked me to send you to the studio."

Xiaoxu rolled his eyes, and he's okay.

The bathroom door was opened behind him, and Ji Wang walked out with a wet
face: "What are you doing in the doorway?"

Xiaoxu said awkwardly: "Li Feng is outside." Afraid that Ji Wang would not
understand, Xiaoxu added: "Qi Boyan's assistant!"

Ji Wang wiped the water off his chin: "Let him in."

Xiaoxu let out a cry in shock, and didn't dare to disobey the meaning of Ji Wang,
so he reluctantly opened the door and stared at Li Feng vigilantly.

Li Feng brought breakfast to the table: "Mr. Ji, come and have porridge."
Xiaoxu glanced at the meal, and even he couldn't find the difference. In the
morning, Ji Wang likes porridge and pan-fried buns, which must be served with a
glass of milk.

Ji Wang sat down generously and called Xiaoxu over to eat. Xiaoxu lingered. After
Li Feng thoughtfully arranged the breakfast, he left the room without leaving
annoying, with full eyesight.

After they left, Xiao Xu said, "Brother, this is from Qi Boyan."

Seeing Xiaoxu's incomprehensible appearance, Ji Wang said amusedly: "If you

don't eat breakfast delivered by others, don't eat it for nothing."

Xiaoxu sat down obediently and poured milk to Ji Wang: "I hate

Ji Wang took a bite of the fried buns: "It's annoying."

Xiaoxu couldn't understand, he could only think that he was immature, he didn't
have the discipline to take it easy, and he hated someone and didn't delay him from
enjoying breakfast.

Li Feng drove a low-key car and sent Ji Wang to the crew. His play only takes place
in the afternoon, so put on makeup before waiting for the play. At this time, the
director's assistant came and gave Ji Wang a new script.

Yesterday the director didn't say what drama to add. Ji Wang took this new script,
and after reading it, his face turned black.

His role has changed from an assassin who has a crush on the daughter of a
criminal, to an admirer of the general.

I admired the general since childhood, and after learning that the general was
deceived by the daughter of the criminal minister, he moved to kill, and wanted to
remove the stumbling block on this bright road for the general.
Naive! Ridiculous! Make trouble unreasonably! Isn’t Zhou Lie a great director,
can Qi Boyan behave like this? !

Ji Wang was so angry that he circulated a few times in the dressing room, and
finally sat down with anger. He just wants to finish filming this mv now, don't see
Qi Boyan again.

When it comes to the set, the new scene has been set up. The scene where the
heroine was supposed to give medicine to the general was changed to an assassin's
night visit to the general, to give medicine to the general, and to show his affection.

Ji Wang no longer masked his face and put on elaborate makeup on his entire
face. His makeup artist has also changed individuals, with more skillful and
meticulous techniques.

Qi Boyan sat behind the awning with coffee in his hand and drank slowly. The
director was holding a tablet and talking to him, and when Ji Wang came, the eyes
of the two people fell on him at the same time.

Zhou Lie's expression is much more relaxed than yesterday: "Xiaowang, I have
added some words to you temporarily, can you memorize it? It doesn't matter if
you can't memorize it, we just need to dub it later."

Ji Wang whispered: "Isn't this mv, there are lines for supporting actors?"

"This is more interesting." Qi Boyan said, not knowing what he meant by what he

Ji Wang was too lazy to ask.

An hour later, night fell in the shed, and in the dilapidated old house, the assassin
slowly approached the general who was sleeping on the bed.
The general's wound was tied with a strip of red cloth, which Xu Xian, the
daughter of a criminal minister, tore from her clothes.

Last Life gently untied the red cloth and threw it to the ground. He took out the
gold wound medicine from his body and gently sprinkled it on the general's wound.

The general was awakened, and just about to start his hand, he saw the assassin's
face clearly.

"It turned out to be you!" The general was shocked.

Ji Wang lowered his eyes and held Qi Boyan's hand: "It's me."

The blood is very real, dripping on Qi Boyan's fair skin, not good-looking, very

Ji Wang raised his eyelashes: "General, Xu Xian can't stay."

Qi Boyan's gaze fell straight on his face, and he didn't get into the scene very
much, as if he was memorizing lines: "Why are you doing this?"

"Because Doom has loved you for so many years."

He was depressed and in pain, as if being tortured by endless emotions, even the
circles under his eyes were red.

Ji Wang: "All these years, in my heart...only you." He said sincerely.

But looking at Qi Boyan's gaze, he was equally inept, not affectionate, only
indifferent, and even bored.
Chapter 10
The director called for a card, and Zhou Lie called Ji Wang over and asked people
what was going on. Yesterday's acting was very good, but today he is not in the
Obviously Qi Boyan was worse than him, but Zhou Lie couldn't say Qi Boyan, so
he could only attack him. Ji Wang honestly bowed his head and was scolded:
"Director, give me another chance. I will play well this time."

The sound of footsteps came from the rear, and it was easy to recognize who it
was, because the shoes that Qi Boyan was wearing had decorative iron on the toe
caps, and the sound they stepped on was very strange. Ji Wang would remember
it after listening to it.

He straightened his back subconsciously, and Qi Boyan said from the back:
"Forget the director, this scene will not be filmed."

This is Qi Boyan's mv, and Qi Boyan's company paid for it. Even so, Zhou Lie
couldn't help but black his face when he heard Qi Boyan so freely.

Zhou Lie pressed on fire: "It's all arranged, or it's better to shoot, otherwise the
scene will be too wasteful."

Ji Wang felt the sweat on his back soaked his clothes a little bit, but Qi Boyan
behind him did not speak.

When Zhou Lie's face became more and more ugly, he turned around and met Qi
Boyan's eyes: "Yes, Mr. Qi... it's all arranged, let's take a picture."

"Don't worry, I will do it well this time." Ji Wang said every word.

Qi Boyan seemed to be waiting for his words: "Then listen to the director and

After speaking, Qi Boyan stepped forward and took Zhou Lie's shoulders:
"Brother, let's have a supper together tonight? Sister Yuan is coming to visit the

When Zhou Lie heard the name, his expression became a little slower: "Smelly
boy, I still want to have supper. I don't know if I can finish the filming at night."
Qi Boyan relaxed and said, "Why can't the filming be finished? If it doesn't work,
I will tell the company and ask them to put in some more budget."

Ji Wang watched Zhou Lie's face change from anger to anger, and regretted his

Who does Qi Boyan offend and what does it matter to him? Qi Boyan mixed up
much better than him, and was more likable than him.

The filming started again, as he said, Ji Wang worked hard and said his lines
seriously, even his eyes were three points deeper than just now, and the obsessive
love displayed on the scene quickly caused the staff on the scene to have an illusion,
thinking that Ji Wang was true. Deeply love Qi Boyan.

It's just acting, Ji Wang said in his heart.

When the director shouted yes, Ji Wang was a little bit helpless, his eyes were
reddish, and he sat there startled, his hands covered with greasy fake plasma.

Qi Boyan stood up and Li Feng took a few wet tissues. Qi Boyan didn't care about
what he had when he took it. Instead, he pulled Ji Wang's hand and wiped it for
him first.

Qi Boyan's cheeks are still a bit swollen, and he looks serious when he lowers his
eyes, as if there is nothing more important than clearing the plasma in Ji Wang's

The moist feeling from his hands made Ji Wang awake a little bit from the scene.
He yanked his hands out of Qi Boyan's hands forcefully, propped his body with a
sword, and left the scene with the sticky feeling remaining in his hands.

Ji Wang doesn’t have a lot of remaining scenes. No matter how capricious Qi

Boyan is, he will only add a few scenes, because the assassin, no matter who he
loves, can’t change the fact that he is an insignificant role in this story. .
The protagonist will be shocked by his mind and be astonished by his behavior,
but will never be sincere to a supporting role.

Zhou Chuxue stood on the sidelines, her assistant was holding an umbrella for
her. Ji Wangchong Zhou Chuxue nodded politely, but was stopped by the other

Female omega looks more petite and feminine, making people very protective.

What Ji Wang didn't understand was dealing with omega. He was so embarrassed
that he didn't know how to deal with himself, and he thought that because of Qi
Boyan's waywardness, he took part of the heroine's role.

After acting for so long, Ji Wang knew how rude it was. Even if Zhou Chuxue hated
him, Ji Wang would admit it, not to mention that Zhou Chuxue didn't, which made
Ji Wang feel guilty.

Zhou Chuxue whispered in harmony: "Mr. Ji, please this cup of coffee." After
saying that, Zhou Chuxue took the coffee from the assistant and handed it to Ji

Ji Wang took it honestly, and said calmly: "Thank you, you have worked hard

Zhou Chuxue smiled: "You're welcome."

Ji Wang had nothing to say, not to mention that Zhou Chuxue's assistant was
sweeping him with unpleasant eyes, and Ji Wang acquaintedly took the coffee

After filming the last bit of personal plot, Ji Wang finally finished. The
protagonist's group is still performing. Ji Wang went to the makeup artist to remove
his makeup and change his clothes. After everything was done, he was relieved.
He is actually very tired, so tired that he feels that when he gets home now, he
might fall asleep.

Ji Wang sat in a chair and waited for Xiaoxu. The curtain of the dressing room
was opened. Li Feng walked in: "Teacher Ji, you have worked hard. I will send you
back to the hotel to rest."

Ji Wang froze a face: "My scene is over."

Li Feng: "I know, the car is waiting outside, let's go first."

Ji Wang put away his mobile phone and stood up. He didn't speak, his eyebrows
were lowered and he looked boldly at Li Feng, causing Li Feng to smile bitterly:
"Teacher Ji, don't be angry, but there will be a banquet tonight. The crew needs to
take some photos and save them for future promotion. You have to participate."

Ji Wang didn't speak anymore. He wasn't someone who didn't understand the
rules, but he wanted to leave now, and he was just a trick, not so important to the

Ji Wang knows who really wants to keep him.

Another person walked into the shed, the assistant director who persuaded him
to go to the hotel last night. Ji Wang can not give Qi Boyan face, but he has to give
the director.

Now that the directors had come forward, Ji Wang had no choice but to stay to
participate in this damn banquet.

Going around and going back to the hotel again. Xiaoxu said that he would go
home to get his clothes, but Ji Wang did not refuse this time.

He suspected that he might not be able to go home temporarily, who knows what
other tricks Qi Boyan would play.
Later, Ji Wang put on a set of more decent clothes, and Xiaoxu stood by and
praised him for being handsome.

Ji Wang rubbed Xiao Xu's head and said warmly: "Okay, go drive, let's not be

The finale banquet was very lively. Everyone was drinking, Zhou Lie didn't eat
anything. After all the wine was exhausted, he was already mostly drunk.

The lead actors Qi Boyan and Zhou Chuxue followed behind the director, but the
glass of wine Zhou Chuxue was holding hardly changed. Someone dared to
persuade Zhou Chuxue wine, but Qi Boyan was basically blocked.

When he drank too much, Qi Boyan's face became a little white, but his lips
became redder, and he looked more beautiful than when he hadn't drunk.

Yes, beautiful. Eighteen-year-old Qi Boyan is absolutely beautiful. With long hair

and singing with a microphone, many people stunned.

It was the first time Ji Wang met Qi Boyan in that underground bar. He was
stunned because he had never seen such a good-looking person. He asked others
about Qi Boyan's gender.

The man told Ji Wang that his name was Qi Boyan, and he was a beautiful and
slutty omega.

The beautiful and slutty omega, after singing a fierce rock and roll, left the stage
directly, ignoring the hoarse encore of the audience.

Ji Wang’s friend and the boss knew each other well, so he took Ji Wang to the
backstage and made Ji Wang’s omega, who fell in love at first sight, sit in front of
the makeup mirror, and roughly removed the makeup from his eyes. The intensity
of it made Ji Wang feel distressed.
He walked up, and before he knew how to speak, he listened to the young and
beautiful boy unceremoniously: "No appointment, get out."

Ji Wang froze. He subconsciously looked at himself in the mirror. He was very

handsome, not inferior to any alpha in the room.

So why did this rumored omega reject him at first sight?

Chapter 11
Ji Wang was stunned and didn't leave. The boy saw Ji Wang's face in the mirror,
and his hand stopped for a moment. He turned in a circle on the chair, his arms
propped on the back of the chair, and the decorations on his hair fell to the ground
along the hair: "Who are you?"

After Ji Wang’s friend Ren Rancai had finished speaking, he came to the corner
to find Ji Wang: "Why are you here?"

Ren Ran saw Qi Boyan and smiled ambiguously: "Come and see our dear lead

Qi Boyan burned his eyes regardless of responsibility. The makeup on his face
was only half removed, and his lips were so red that Ji Wang swallowed
subconsciously and reported his name: "My name is Ji Wang, disciplined discipline,
and Zhan Wang. Hope."

After speaking, Ji Wang bent down and picked up the hair accessory on the
ground, which was a pair of scissors-shaped hairpin, and he handed it to Qi Boyan.
As if he had lost interest in Ji Wang, Qi Boyan turned back to the mirror and
continued to remove his makeup, ignoring Ji Wang.

Ren Ran couldn't pass it anymore, stretched out his hand to grasp Qi Boyan, and
Ji Wang held his wrist heavily in the next second.

Ji Wang has an unprecedented desire to protect this beautiful omega, but when
he meets the other side, he is so crazy that he even thinks of the child's name.
Ren Ran naturally noticed Ji Wang's exclusive gaze, and he whistled: "Okay, don't
move your omega."

In fact, Ren Ran's statement is a bit insulting. It is clear that when he and Qi Boyan
met for the first time, the other party became his omega.

However, considering that Ren Ran's evaluation of Qi Boyan is beautiful and

turbulent, we know how contemptuous Ren Ran treats Qi Boyan.

Ren Ran took his hand from Ji Wang's palm: "I'm going to have a drink with
Brother Lin, and I'll contact you by phone later."

Ji Wang watched Ren Ran leave, still holding the cold hair accessory in his hand,
hesitated, and stuffed it into his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that his behavior was seen by Qi Boyan.

Those big, slightly raised eyes were looking at him straight in the mirror. Ji Wang's
face was hot and he was too embarrassed to say what to say.

Ji Wang is not easy to be shy. He lost his parents since childhood, his
grandmother was brought up, his character matured prematurely and stable, and
because of his appearance, he has a lot of peach blossoms. Although he is only
eighteen, he has also talked about several love affairs.

I'm fairly experienced in this area, but I didn't expect to be beaten back to his
original form in front of a strange omega now.

After Qi Boyan took off his makeup, he stood up and started to pack things. When
everyone came together, Ji Wang was shocked again, this omega was too high,
almost surpassing him.

The boy shook the bag on his body and said coldly, "Borrowed."

Ji Wang let go in a daze, without stopping the opponent. Qi Boyan left without
looking back, his casually tied long hair dangling on his back, very inviting.
If he could, or if he might be familiar with Qi Boyan, he wanted to touch Qi
Boyan's hair, not knowing what it would be like.

Later, Ji Wang did touch Qi Boyan's hair. He kissed and smelled it, grabbed it and
bit it on the bed.

He is also an alpha, the only thing that he instinctively bites is only Qi Boyan's
hair falling beside his face.

If that is also a "mark", Qi Boyan's hair belongs to him.

Time flies, Qi Boyan cuts off his long hair, it is no longer exclusive to Ji Wang. And
on him, a lot of traces belonging to the other party have also disappeared.

Ji Wang took his gaze back from the starring table and drank the wine in front of
him. Xiaoxu came back with a plate of fruits and melons: "Brother, don't just drink,
eat some fruit."

He ate a few mouthfuls of watermelon meaningfully, and then continued to

drink, pretending not to see Xiaoxu's bulging face.

The relationship between Xiaoxu and him is like brothers. They have known each
other for many years, and Xiaoxu has been his assistant since his debut.

When Xiaoxu was in the most difficult time, Ji Wang helped him a lot. As a result,
Xiaoxu was almost devoted to him later. In fact, this kind of relationship was not
suitable for his assistant, because Xiaoxu would take the initiative to conceal things
he didn't want the company to know for him.

To be precise, Xiao Xu is not a qualified assistant to the company, but a reliable

younger brother to him.

Fortunately, he is not popular either. He acts honestly on weekdays. There are

no secrets. The biggest thunder is on Qi Boyan.
With a hint of alcohol, Ji Wang took over Xiao Xu's shoulder: "Xiao Xu, what
happened to me these days, don't tell Sister Hong."

Xiaoxu wrinkled his nose: "Brother, I understand, don't worry."

They crossed their backs and talked, and the director and the leading actor
brought the wine to them. Zhou Lie was in front, Qi Boyan leaned back, his eyes
fixed on Ji Wang's arm that was holding Xiao Xu.

Ji Wang's first reaction was to put his hand back, and after realizing what he had
done, he was extremely upset.

Don't say that Qi Boyan has nothing to do with him now, and why should Qi
Boyan care about him? Even if the scandal is all over the sky, still want to intervene
in the affairs of the ex?

Zhou Lie held up his wine to toast him, Ji Wang pressed his unhappiness into his
heart, and got up to respect with the wine glass.

As soon as he was about to clink glasses, Qi Boyan shouted and waited. His voice
was light and fluttering, but Ji Wang's scalp tightened. Sure enough, while Qi Boyan
said that I would add wine to you, he picked up a bottle of wine from the side and
poured it into Ji Wang's cup.

The liquor poured out from the mouth of the bottle that was tilted sharply. It
passed the glass, and followed Ji Wang's arm, soaking the sleeve.

It happened that Ji Wang was holding the arm of Xiao Xu. Zhou Lie and the
heroine were stunned. Xiao Xu screamed beside him. Ji Wang was expressionless,
Qi Boyan curled his lips, and apologized not sincerely: "Sorry, my hands slipped."

Ji Wang held his drenched arm, no seizures, and only said to the director: "Excuse
me, I'll go to the bathroom."
Zhou Lie said quickly: "Go ahead." After he finished speaking, he drew Qi Bo's
words vigorously: "What are you doing, you are drunk?"

Qi Bo said with a smile but not a smile: "Maybe."

Ji Wang pressed Xiao Xu, who was about to get up and accompany him: "I just go
by myself."

Otherwise, he was worried that Qi Boyan might go mad when seeing Xiao Xu
leaving with him.

When he got out of the crew box, the noise was hidden behind the door. Ji Wang
felt that the wetness and coldness on his arms made him very unpleasant, and his
heart was so bitter as if he had been soaked in alcohol.

He walked to the bathroom and ignored the alcohol-stained cloth on his arms.
He washed his face and got all his hair wet.

When he looked up, the person he least wanted to see appeared in the
bathroom. In front of Ji Wang, Qi Boyan pushed the lock on, with a click, secretly
and loudly.

Ji Wang's eyes were red with wine, he held the sink and whispered: "I don't want
to fight with you, go out."

Qi Boyan walked slowly, and as he approached, the pheromone seemed to


In the sound of water, Qi Boyan hugged him from behind, with his delicate face
leaning against his shoulder, and his short hair scratching his ears.

Qi Boyan's voice was dumbfounded by the wine: "I was beaten hard enough last
night, do you still want to beat me today?"
Ji Wang didn't break Qi Boyan's hand, but still climbed up from the opponent's
hand, unbuttoned the two buttons on his chest, sneaked in slyly, and pressed his
heart: "You can do it if you want. Just don't slap your face."

He gently sucked Jiwang's cheek: "You don't feel sorry for me anymore, brother."

The author has something to say: Sao things

Chapter 12
Distressed? Thinking about how he feels distressed, Ji Wang almost laughed angrily.
It is not enough to tolerate him again and again. He still wants him to become a
joke, turn it into a pastime, and once again serve as a prop to vent his revenge.

Did Qi Boyan feel sorry for him?

Maybe he did. He let Qi Boyan roll back then, and the man rolled cleanly without
looking back.

How stupid he was at that time. If the past Qi Boyan haunted him as shamelessly
as now, perhaps Ji Wang would still forgive him, because love will dazzle people's
minds and become a willing fool.

Ji Wang said coldly: "Do you have to make me so unbearable?"

Qi Boyan stopped with a messy hand on his chest, and said in a low tone:

He pulled his hand out of Ji Wang's clothes. After the temperature of his palm
was removed, Ji Wang's chest actually felt a bit cold.

"Yes, you used to wholeheartedly wanted to find an omega, alpha and alpha are
really unbearable for you." Qi Boyan said mockingly.

Ji Wang didn't bother to explain, just treat it as him. If this reason can push back
the self-esteem Qi Boyan, it would be great.
He twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to make a smile, but he didn't
succeed: "I don't know why you are suddenly interested in me again."

Ji Wang calmly said: "The more I refuse, the more vigorous you are, or if I sleep
with you all night, you can let me go."

Soon, Ji Wang knew that he had succeeded, and his words stung Qi Boyan, so
that the opponent's hand completely slipped from him.

Qi Bo said, why bother to find him this difficult object to sleep, be beaten by him,
be scolded by him, and be treated as a stallion by him.

Qi Boyan was no longer at ease, even stubbornly pinching Ji Wang's shoulder,

turning people around: "Are you serious?"

Ji Wang didn't speak, but Qi Boyan said, "Let me sleep for one night, and then..."

"Just as if we hadn't met." Ji Wang interrupted Qi Boyan's words and offered a


He may be crazy, his mind is not sober, and he is messed up by alcohol and Qi
Boyan, the latter is obviously more harmful than the former.

Qi Boyan went all over his body like a knife. Finally, he made a conclusion: "You
are drunk."

Ji Wang didn't expect Qi Boyan to avoid the topic first. He thought that Qi Boyan
would either leave furiously or pull him into the last compartment of the toilet and
sleep him in this place.

Qi Boyan's hand touched Ji Wang's face, and when he lowered his eyelashes, his
pupils reflected the human face, he looked very affectionate, and people almost
believed it.
His hand wiped away the drops of water on Ji Wang's face, and said in a gentle
tone: "Don't be angry, I won't bother you anymore, go back and have a good rest."

In the words, it seemed that Qi Boyan was an extremely gentleman's boyfriend,

and Ji Wang was the unreasonable person who made trouble.

Both quarrels and fights are more refreshing than the current situation.

A punch in the cotton is even more irritating.

Qi Boyan held his face and dropped a kiss on his forehead, without rashly
touching his lips: "I know you haven't forgotten me."

Such a determined posture made Ji Wang want to say something cruel.

He thinks that Qi Boyan should really enter the entertainment industry earlier,
not as a singer, but as an actor, who is better than his acting skills.

Qi Boyan said: "You can't forget me, I said it when you left."

He pressed Ji Wang's chest again, tapped his fingertips on the other's heart: "I
will always be here, no matter who you find later, it will be useless."

"You always want to come back to me." Qi Boyan's voice, which is praised by the
media as blessed by nature, casually said these words similar to love words, very

But Ji Wang didn't have any joyful emotions, and he was even upset.

Because this is like a curse and closer to the truth, Qi Boyan was right. When he
broke up with Qi Boyan, the boy who had been spoiled by him blushed and vowed
to say to him: "You will regret it. ."

Ji Wang remembers that conversation until now, and his answer is: "I won't."
Qi Boyan said: "You can't forget me."

"I will forget you." Ji Wang said earnestly. He is so young that no one can forget
anyone for a lifetime.

Then he left Qi Boyan there, and that day was Qi Boyan's birthday.

The Qi Boyan in front of him held his face, kissed his eyelids and the bridge of his
nose from his forehead, and finally stopped between his lips, not moving.

In the matter of seducing people, Qi Boyan six years ago did a good enough job,
so Ji Wang was desperate.

He said: "Can I kiss you?" When he spoke, wisps of breath flicked on Ji Wang's

Qi Boyan's eyes also stared directly at Ji Wang's lips, as if he was extremely

hungry, and he wanted to swallow Ji Wang with bones.

On the bright side, he was still seeking Ji Wang's opinion, and he had already
"marked" people yesterday.

Ji Wang's answer

One cannot fall again in the same place, and he is determined not to repeat the
same mistakes. Even if he can't forget, even if he never meets better.

In fact, it is a bit far-fetched to say that there is no better one.

After Ji Wang entered the circle, there were many people who expressed a good
impression of him.

Good-looking, gentle personality, sincere to feelings, all of them are very good,
but he is not willing.
Even he himself didn't know why he didn't want to. It seemed that no matter
how good the person was, he felt that something was wrong. It was he himself who
shut himself up and locked himself firmly in the past.

This feeling became clearer after Qi Boyan entered the entertainment circle. He
watched Qi Boyan become more prosperous and glowing, and finally became a
person he could never touch anymore.

Instead of the boy who woke up in the morning with messy long hair, facing Ji
Wang's anger and scolding because of back pain, he shouted his brother
coquettishly, and would come up to Tong Jiwang to ask for a kiss.

The past Jiwang will give him, but the current Jiwang will not.

He turned his chin to the right, Qi Boyan's lips fell through. Ji Wang broke Qi
Boyan's hand a little bit, and distanced each other: "There is something you said

Qi Boyan seemed to realize what he was going to say, and grabbed Ji Wang's
fingertips with his backhand and held it firmly in his palm.

Just like this, Ji Wang wouldn't fly away like a bird, and he was upset and sad
when he couldn't keep it.

Ji Wang: "I will not return to you."

After speaking, he pushed Qi Boyan away and out of the bathroom. Li Feng didn't
know how long he had been standing outside, and there was a sign in front of him
that he was repairing here.

Xiao Xuhou was not far away, also looking here. It turned out that these two
assistants were firmly here, not daring to let anyone in.
After Ji looked out, Xiaoxu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw
that his neck was not covered with bite marks and blood like yesterday, and his
clothes were worn well.

The two of them ignored Li Feng's greeting, and Li Feng could only go in with a
wry smile to find his master Qi. The master is almost too short for Li Feng to call,
and Li Feng wants to call him Qi Zuzong, so long as Qi Bo speaks and acts well, he
won't cause trouble anymore.

Xiaoxu secretly complained to Ji Wang: "I wanted to hit the door, and Li Gou Tie
stopped me."

Ji Wang glanced at him: "You are not allowed to be nicknamed this way." As he
taught a child, he told Xiaoxu to flatten his mouth aggrievedly.

Xiaoxu: "They are all in the same group. They stop me from letting in. I'm so afraid
that you will be taken advantage of inside."

"Xiao Xu, I am an alpha, I don't want to, who can take advantage of me."

That year, on his birthday, Qi Boyan marked him for the first time, causing him
to fall into a false estrus. When he woke up, Qi Boyan had already shot him inside.

Then Qi Boyan took out the tape recorder in front of Ji Wang.

Ji Wang almost went crazy. He liked the omega so much. He kept deceiving
himself about his gender. It was not revealed until today. In addition to making Ji
Wang feel the anger of being deceived, what shocked him was Qi Boyan's madness.

What is the recording to do to threaten him?

In the next second, he saw Qi Boyan violently pull out the tape from the tape.
The long slender black band was wrapped around Qi Boyan's wrist, shimmering and
reflecting light, like a natural ornament.
Qi Boyan pulled the slender tape and leaned over to tie Ji Wang's hand.

His sweat dripped on Ji Wang's Adam's apple, a hot drop that almost made
people tremble.

That fragile tape could easily be broken away by Ji Wang, but he didn't, although
Qi Boyan soon began the second round of indulgence on him.

He is an alpha, and no one can force him if he doesn't want to.

What really restrained Ji Wang was not the marked weakness, not the tape with
invisible human voices, but himself.

He willingly.
Chapter 13
When he returned home, Ji Wang was still a little dazed. He originally thought it
would not be so easy. This proves in a disguised form that Qi Boyan is nothing more
than talking and will not really do any practical actions.

He called Sister Hong and asked what was going on with this mv shooting. Sister
Hong said strangely on the phone: "What's wrong, did something happen during
the filming?"

Ji Wang was a little hard to tell, but still asked: "Did Party A designate me to

Sure enough, Sister Hong laughed: "Xiao Ji, you know that Sister has always
wanted you to be prosperous, but this time Party A did not designate you. It was
the casting director who had dinner with me. I showed him your recent
performance on WeChat. For a play, he decided you."

Sister Hong comforted him: "In the final analysis, you are still fighting. If you don't
have a successful work, I won't be able to force you in."
"That's Qi Boyan's mv, so many people can't play it. But don't be discouraged,
Xiao Ji, you will definitely be more popular than Qi Boyan in the future." Hong Jie
also gave it up to praise her artist.

Ji Wang couldn't laugh, he insincerely expressed his gratitude, Sister Hong's hard
work, and finally did not know how to hang up the phone.

Therefore, his encounter with Qi Boyan was purely coincidental, and from the
perspective of Qi Boyan, he was a team that worked hard to make progress.

No wonder Qi Boyan is so sure that he can't let go, can't forget, and often provoke

Ji Wang shook his head, reluctant to think about it anymore.

After the mv is over, he has no schedule, because when the actors are free, they
are really free.

He can only continue to exercise, go to class and study, and arrange his day to
the fullest.

Ji Wang didn't specifically set up to reject unfamiliar calls because it was

inconvenient to take a taxi for daily express delivery.

But Ji Wang's most defensive call never came.

Qi Boyan seemed to have forgotten him, disappeared from his life, but did not
disappear completely. As soon as Ji Wang turned on the TV, he was this person, so
that he rarely used the Internet recently and hardly went out, at home, gym,
classroom at three o'clock. First line.

After a period of internet withdrawal, Song Ge called him and said that he was
really hot recently, and he went on a few hot searches, and the previous scenes
were also picked up and made into videos.
Fans are amazed that Ji Wang has played so many roles, and they have not
discovered such a treasured brother before.

Ji Wang's Weibo, which is about to grow grass, has also flooded with a large
number of fans. Song Ge said on the phone: "Brother, you may be really hot this

"Sister Hong should have done it. After a while, I'll have to be on variety shows. I
finally lied to the opportunity to be on the show. I have to do some statistics." Ji
Wang said casually.

Song Ge said loudly: "Why are you so unconfident!"

Ji Wang smiled helplessly: "It's not that I don't have no confidence. It should be
hot. I have to wait until now. Okay, don't talk about it. What are you calling me

Song Ge said: "About a wave of skewers? It was the one we loved the most after
self-study in high school."

Speaking of the past, there is naturally a foreshadowing, Song Ge said: "Ren Ran
has returned to China."

Hearing this name, Ji Wang's expression faded a lot, and he didn't speak. Song
Ge noticed it: "What happened to you back then, didn't I just go to university
outside the country? If you didn't see it for a while, you two would be in a awkward

Ji Wang didn't know what to say. In fact, what happened back then was
irrelevant, but the relationship between them has become very awkward ever

It didn't take long for Ren Ran to study abroad, and Ji Wang naturally broke
contact with him.
You know that in high school, he, Song Ge and Ren Ran were very good brothers.
Ren Ran was also disappointed in him, after all, Ren Ran just kindly reminded him
about Qi Boyan's "true face".

It was he who couldn't accept it, and then angered Ren Ran.

Song Ge kindly organized the game, and Ji Wang had to go. He changed his
clothes, hesitated when he went out, and put on a mask. Although I don't know if
he is considered popular on the Internet now, but just in case.

It is not one or two times to be passionate. When Ji Wang first made his debut, a
great director selected actors at their school. Ji Wang accompanied his friends.
Unexpectedly, the interview was successful, and he played the male third in it.

At that time he was still young, and of course he had a big dream, but the reality
taught him how to be a man.

After so many years, Ji Wang has become accustomed to it. He has a very
accurate understanding of the fact that he is not popular. He has a humble heart
towards every job and is grateful that they are still willing to find their own acting.

After graduating, Song Ge opened a company by himself, Ren Ran had money in
his family, and now he wants to inherit the family business when he returns to

Sometimes Ji Wang wonders, if he is not obsessed with acting, it would be better

to say that he can't customize something else. But once he thought of giving up
acting, Ji Wang couldn't bear it.

He is a very affectionate person, a kind of wine, a cigarette, a dish, he can love

for many years, not to mention acting.

Although it was okay for acting at the beginning, and entering the entertainment
industry was an accident, but after so many years of doing this, a lot of hard work
has been done, and it is still not good to give up.
When they arrived at the skewers restaurant, Song Ge sat in the place they used
to make and ordered beer for all three of them.

The proprietress looks much older, but she still remembers Ji Wang, and even
took Ji Wang's hand: "My daughter has been watching your TV series recently.
Leave an autograph for my aunt."

Ji Wang was so embarrassed that his face was tight, he gave an autographed
photo, and was given a plate of snacks by his aunt.

Holding a snack, Ji Wang was still polite with his aunt. At this moment, his
shoulders suddenly sank, and someone caught him: "Auntie, why are you just giving
him away, me?"

Ji Wang turned his head, Ren Ran half put his arms around him, smiling and
asking for something to eat with his aunt. Auntie even said, and gave Ren Ran
another one.

After a long time no see, Ren Ran changed his hair style, thinned a bit, still looks
generous, and naturally hugged Ji Wang to the side of the table.

Song Ge bit his chopsticks and looked at them both inquiringly. When he got to
the table, Ren Ran let go of Ji Wang and pinched Song Ge’s face: "Song Gege, it’s
been a long time since I saw you, you are a little more beautiful!"

Song Ge was furious: "Go away! Don't call me Song Gege!"

Ji Wang was watching the two people laughing. Song Ge quickly became
acquainted with Ren Ran, and the two of them had endless conversations. Ji Wang
used to be an observer, adding wine, picking food, and taking good care of
everyone, just like his eldest brother.

Ren Ran saw Ji Wang's pile of food on the plate, a trace of melancholy flashed in
his eyes: "After I go abroad, no one will pick up food for me."
Ji Wang calmly answered, "Didn't you come back?"

Ren Ran smiled and shook his head, and drank the beer in front of him.

After drinking, Ren Ran wanted to drink again, Ji Wang grabbed his glass: "Okay,
you drank too much before, don't you remember that the pheromone is out of

Ren Ran's movements stiffened, and his smile was a little reluctant. Song Ge held
his breath, watching Ren Ran's face carefully.

Song Ge admired Ji Wang's courage in his heart, and even slammed Ren Ran's
pain points. Ren Ran was an omega.

The omega, which was differentiated in the later period, had always been a beta
until then.

Pheromone out of control was also in the public. Later, in this incident, a lot of
rumors spread, saying that it was not good to use inhibitors and pheromone
isolation stickers, and there were several incidents of alpha fights.

In the Alpha fight, one of the participants is Ji Wang.

For this reason, Ji Wang memorized the punishment, but Ren Ran found a
relationship to help him cancel it.

When Ren Ran was almost sexually assaulted, it was Ji Wang who saved him.
From then on, Ren Ran listened very much to Ji Wang's words until they fell out.

Ren set off the wine, changed into milk, clinked glasses with them, and asked,
"Song Ge, are you still single?"

Song Ge rolled his eyes and said, "How come you attack him personally, why
don't you ask Brother Wang if he is single."
Ren Ran smiled: "You think Ji Wang is you, he must not be."

Ji Wang didn't speak, Song Ge said unwillingly: "How do you know that he is still
single, single for many years."

Ren Ran looked at Ji Wang in amazement, and Ji Wang threw the mutton skewers
into Song Ge's bowl: "I can't stop your mouth if I have something to eat."

The subject changed a few times, and he drank a dozen alcoholic drinks. Ji Wang
wanted to smoke halfway, so he went out. There was another alley behind the
skewers restaurant, there was no one, Ji Wang lit a cigarette there, took a deep
breath, and took out the phone again.

There are still no calls, and no unfamiliar numbers.

A bottle was kicked away behind him. Ji Wang looked back with the cigarette in
his hand, and Ren Ran put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie: "Ji Wang, why
have you not been in love for so many years."

Ji Wang took another cigarette, deliberately to ease the relationship with Ren
Ran, but didn't want to answer directly, and laughed in a mute voice: "How can I
call someone? I have to call my brother."

Ren Ran's lips moved, his face a little stiff: "Wouldn't you...still talking to Qi Bo..."

Ji Wang became quite cold: "It has nothing to do with you."

Ren Ran shut up instantly as if being hit hard. Ji Wang didn't want to be stunned
with Ren Ran, he calmed down: "Go back, or Song Ge will think we abandon him."

After Ren Ran, Ji Wang was pulled by Ren Ran's sleeves, and Ren Ran was a bit
stubborn: "I still think I was not wrong back then."
Ji Wang didn't speak, Ren Ran said softly again: "He is lying to you, I'm telling you
the truth."

Ren Ran: "Do you prefer to be deceived by him all the time?"

Ji Wang held the cigarette in his fist and pinched it out alive: "Yes."

Seeing that Ren Ran had nothing to say, Ji Wang rubbed Ren Ran's hair: "The
matter between me and him has nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it."

Ji Wang hadn't thought about what Ren Ran said. If Qi Boyan was willing to cheat
all the time, Ji Wang was unwilling to wake up. It's a pity that Qi refused to say
anything, and didn't even bother to perfuse him.

So Ji Wang could only wake up, there was no Qi Boyan in his dream.

After being awake for a long time, I naturally never dare to dream again, because
it really hurts.
Chapter 14
Song Ge was already drunk when the three people left the scene. He and Ren Ran
sent Song Ge to the taxi. Song Ge blushed and took the hands of both of them,
crying crying that we are the best brothers.

Ji Wang coaxed him: "Okay, okay, don't cry, or I will send you back."

He was a little worried that Song Ge would not be able to climb the elevator in
this state. Holding Song Ge's arm, Ji Wang said, "You can do it yourself, Xiao Ren, I
will send him off first."

As soon as the voice fell, he let Ran Ran say: "Send it together."

Song Ge grinned: "Go! Go to my house and continue the second party."

Ji Wang was a little speechless, but he still took good care of Song Ge on the road.
When he got to the ground, Song Ge was completely drunk and fainted. Ji Wang
was slanderous. He had a bad drink and loved to drink.

Ji Wang carried Song Ge on his back and said to Ren Ran, "How do you go back

Ren Ran whispered: "Didn't Song Ge say that he will be the second party at his
house? Just sleep at Song Ge's house when he is drunk. Wasn't it the same before?
We both played video games at your house all night."

Ji Wang curled his eyebrows: "You are an omega now, you can't do the same as

Ren Ran said loudly: "I am an omega, can't I be brothers with you?!"

Ji Wang was taken aback: "I didn't mean that."

Ren Ran: "You know...I don't want to be an omega at all. If you do this, I will feel
even more uncomfortable."

Ji Wang quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Ren Ran didn’t speak, and Ji Wang didn’t dare to say anything. He expertly
entered Song Ge’s house code, put the person on the sofa, then went into the
bathroom to wash Song Ge a hot towel, and then found out the anti-alcoholic
medicine. , By the way, boil hot water.

During this period, Ren Ran had been standing with his arms in the living room.
Seeing that Ji Wang was as comfortable as his own home, he suddenly said,
"Brother, do you really forgive me?"

Ji Wang came out with a towel and wiped Song Ge's face: "What did you say?"
In fact, Ji Wang wasn't completely ignorant of what Ren Ran was talking about,
but he didn't want to talk about things from that year. He has decided to let go, but
repairing the relationship does not mean that he can do it right away.

But now that he had decided to meet, he didn't think about continuing to froze
with Ren Ran.

Ren Ran smiled bitterly: "Nothing, is there any more water? I want to take a sip."

Ji Wang pointed to the kitchen, then went into Song Ge's guest bedroom to take
care of it, and finally came out: "Are you going to stay here to rest tonight?"

Ren Ran holding a water cup: "Well, how about you?"

"I will be shooting tomorrow, so I have to go home and pack my luggage." Of

course, it is a lie. It is impossible for Ji Wang to stay together for the night like Ren
Ran said.

Song Ge's house has only two rooms. It is impossible for him to sleep with a
drunkard, let alone an omega.

Whether he is old-fashioned or treated differently, Ren Ran is an omega, and

they can't be the same as before.

Omega's pheromone during estrus, even Jiwang cannot guarantee that it will not
lose control.

Ji Wang put on his coat and walked to the door: "The bathroom cabinet has
disposable underwear and dental appliances. Song Ge has clothes in his room. He
will wake up once in the middle of the night when he is drunk and vomit once. Just
put him on the sofa and put a blanket on the sofa. No need to throw up on the

Ren Ran said, and put on his shoes: "I will take you to the gate of the community."
"Good." Ji Wang did not refuse.

Ren Ran closed the door and walked in front of Ji Wang. His neck is long and
white, and the back of his neck is clean and there are no traces of it.

Ji Wang fixed his gaze on it for a while before moving away gently.

The two walked together, speechless all the way, the lights in the community
were turned off several times, not too bright. In the dimness, Ren Ran said,
"Brother, don't you ask me if I have anyone I like outside these years?"

Ji Wang casually said: "Then do you have one?"

"Yeah." Ren Ran responded softly.

Ji Wang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, remember to bring people over
for me to meet."

Ren Ran added: "He doesn't like me."

Ji Wang was so embarrassed that he couldn't talk about it this day. He stared at
the shadow on the ground, and suddenly a terrible thought flashed in his mind: "It
shouldn't be Qi Boyan!"

Because he was too surprised, his voice split, Ren Ran immediately denied: "Am
I crazy?! How could I like that kind of bastard!"

Ji Wang scolded Ji Wang along with these words, and Ji Wang said dryly, "It's not
that good."

Ren Ran took a long sigh, his voice changed, full of depression: "You are still
blaming me."

Ji Wang wanted to smoke a little bit, touched his hand in his pocket, but emptied
him, he could only scrape the skin on his leg through the cloth, and then again and
again: "Forget it, Xiaoran, it's really boring to mention it, I It’s been six years with

Ren Ran didn't know whether he believed it or not, so he did not continue to
bring up this topic later.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, Ji Wangfu also got into the
car and stared at the rearview mirror. He watched Ren Ran's shadow getting
smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, and he felt a little melancholy.

Ren Ran asked him a few times today whether he blamed him, but Ji Wang didn't
answer. In fact, Ji Wang didn't know, let alone sort out this old account.

Ask yourself, Ji Wang is not a saint, and of all things, he hates Qi Boyan the most.
But Ren Ran was innocent, and he was sensible, and Ren Ran didn't make many
mistakes, but he just couldn't regard Ren Ran as his purest friend anymore.

Just like now, he didn't understand why Ren Ran chose such an extreme way to
make him recognize Qi Boyan.

After getting in the car on the return journey, Ji Wang turned on the phone and
glanced again, but there was still no missed call. He hit his forehead against the
glass window and felt very tired.

To this kind of self, to the spineless and wimpy self.

When can he move forward? Qi Bo said that he was right. He wanted to form a
family with omega since he was a child. He lost his parents at a young age and has
a stronger yearning for family than ordinary people.

Qi Boyan is like a seductive bifurcation in his life, it's just that he can't find his
way back to the right path after he has gone through it once.

On the way home from the car, Ji Wang finally found a cigarette on his jacket. He
took out one and took one, smoking it and walking home.
The light in the corridor of the apartment is broken, and the management office
hasn't come to fix it. In the darkness, there was only a star of fire in Ji Wang's hand.
He came to the door, and Ji Wang entered the password. Before pushing the door,
he suddenly flicked the smoke in his hand behind him.

His fist was clenched and he twisted his back vigorously. Ji Wang was restrained
and slammed against the door.

The assailant put his nose to his neck, and Ji Wang suddenly stopped all his
movements. He already knew who the person was. The reason why he looked at
the phone countless times had ruined his family dream.

He has fallen in love with an alpha, and his life has been changed by this alpha.
How can he get married with omega?

The tip of his slightly cool nose rubbed against his neck, like a big cat acting like
a baby, but his voice was so cold, Qi Bo said: "Where did you come back from the
fool, he smells of omega."

Ji Wang wanted to say, is this taste unfamiliar to you? Stop pretending. But he
couldn't tell, it would only embarrass each other.

He said word by word: "Let go of me."

Qi Boyan loosened his wrist, but his chest was tightly pressed against Ji Wang's
back: "Don't let go, what do you do if you beat me?"

He didn't seem to care about the smell of Ji Wang's body anymore, Qi Boyan
kissed Ji Wang's neck: "You changed your phone number? I called your previous
number for several days."

It's been six years, how can I still use the previous number. But Ji Wang did not
explain: "Go away."
Qi Boyan smiled dumbly: "The password of your door hasn't changed, I just tried
it out."

His password was Qi Boyan's birthday. Suddenly Ji Wang was stinged and
struggled fiercely.

Qi Boyan detained him: "Let me in, otherwise I won't wear a hat and mask and
walk out of your house. Guess what will be the headline tomorrow?"

Ji Wang gritted his teeth: "Are you crazy?"

Qi Boyan's nice voice sounded in his ears: "I filmed three days of scenes all night,
just to squeeze one day to see you. Brother, I'm so tired, you let me go in for a
night's sleep."

The author has something to say: Friends who feel that they are missing a
paragraph are in the personal settings, clear the cache, and then click on again
Chapter 15
Standing in the kitchen, Ji Wang looked at the boiling hot water in front of him,
wishing to slap himself. In the living room, Qi Boyan walked up and down in slippers,
and then asked a question: "Where is the sofa before? It's too hard now."

"I want to drink milk tea, not coffee, the company lets me drink coffee every

Speaking from far and near, Qi Boyan, who was tired and weak just now, walked
in full of breath, opened Ji Wang's refrigerator and glanced inside: "Why is there
only wine? I hate wine. "

Yes, Qi Boyan is a rare pie who hates tobacco and alcohol.

Ji Wang buckled the cup in his hand on the table: "Give me away after drinking
the water!"
"No." Qi Boyan refused altogether: "I will take a bath and prepare a toothbrush
and facial mask for me."

The blue veins on Ji Wang's forehead jumped, and when he turned his head
about to say something, he saw Qi Boyan take off his hat and put it on the top of
the refrigerator.

The long hair in the hat slipped out of the hat and fell on the shoulders. Ji Wang
lost his mind for a while, only because of the familiar house and the former Qi Bo

Since Qi Boyan took off his hat, his eyes have not left Guo Jiwang. Obviously, he
got a satisfactory response from Ji Wang's face. He casually put his hair behind his
head, and stepped closer to Ji Wang: "Do you like it?"

However, Qi Boyan failed to hug Ji Wang because he was pressed against his
chest by the opponent's elbow and couldn't get close.

Qi Boyan didn't force it, and walked out of the kitchen, taking off his clothes as
he walked.

Ji Wang watched the expensive designer shirts thrown directly onto the footsteps
of the kitchen door, and felt a little pain: "Can you take it off properly!"

I didn't want to care, but I couldn't help it. Ji Wang chased out and picked up his
clothes, but saw that Qi Boyan had taken off his clothes in front of him. As soon as
his eyes fell on the perfect body, he was immediately stuck, and Ji Wang pinched
him in his hand. Wearing clothes, I forgot to straighten up for a while.

Qi Boyan noticed, his fingers slid around the edge of his underwear, aroused, and
then loosened. The underwear rubber band hit his skin, making it loud. He smiled
mischievously: "Does it look good?"

Ji Wang suddenly returned to his senses and smashed his clothes on the man in
front of him: "Who allows you to use my bathroom!"
Qi Boyan ignored him, and it was even more impossible for Ji Wang to push the
naked man in the room outside.

In desperation, Ji Wang could only pick up the clothes that had fallen on the floor.
As soon as he put it in the washing machine, he remembered something.

He took off the necklace and ring from his neck and received it in the cabinet.

When he went to the crew, Ji Wang would not wear this necklace often, because
of the role, makeup, hair and clothing are all required.

But in daily life, I basically never leave my body, the chain has been broken
several times, and I have been broken on the bed back and forth, without losing it,
as if there was something in the dark to protect it.

After Ji Wang put away the necklace, he sat on the sofa in a daze, feeling that the
current situation was absurd.

Qi Boyan is back, and Ren Ran is back too. One or two of them are treated as if
nothing happened back then, so that he, who is full of heart, looks like that
abnormal person.

The truly abnormal person poked his head out of the bathroom: "Toothbrush!"

Ji Wang reluctantly turned over a new toothbrush and handed it to Qi Boyan.

Half of the man leaned out from behind the bathroom door, his wet long hair
pressed against his porcelain-white body, dripping with water drop by drop.

Qi Boyan took the toothbrush and asked, "Why do you have a new toothbrush?"

The subtext of this is to say, are there a lot of guests who come to Jiwang's house
for the night?
Ji Wang didn't want to answer at all, and there was no need to answer. He looked
around Qi Boyan's charming body and stopped at Qi Boyan's neck. Before he could
see clearly what the necklace was on, Qi Boyan turned around. Standing under the
shower head, he also sent an invitation to him: "Let's wash together?"

His answer was to close the bathroom door for Qi Boyan, then contacted Xiaoxu
and asked him for Li Feng's phone number.

Even if Qi Boyan goes crazy, his company and assistants shouldn't go crazy with

Although artists are free in their leisure time, there are limits to this freedom.

He believes that Qi Boyan's company will not want to see him entangled with an
alpha. Maybe the company has already known about it and even warned Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan's character is probably impossible to obedient, and if he offends the

company severely, he will definitely be put on small shoes.

Thinking farther and farther, finally uncontrollably worried about Qi Boyan, Ji

Wangxin wondered unwillingly, why this habit has been left for six years and has
not been erased from him.

Xiaoxu sent a series of numbers. After Ji Wang dialed, the opposite quickly picked
up. Ji Wang reported his identity. Li Feng immediately said, "Mr. Ji, is Master Qi
with you?"

As expected, Ji Wang got it right, the wayward Qi Boyan came by sneaking over.

Li Feng said anxiously: "We separated into the car in order to dump the paparazzi.
I didn't know that Mr. Qi would drove the driver off in the middle. I didn't know
where I was driving!"

When Ji Wang was about to report his address, the phone was snatched away by
a wet hand. Qi Boyan behind him was holding the phone in his right hand, and his
left hand pinched Ji Wang's back neck, with his fingers on the warm neck. He
squeezed threateningly and said to Li Feng on the phone, "I will go back tomorrow."

Li Feng didn't know what he said, Qi Boyan said impatiently: "Leave me alone!"

"Leave me alone!" These words slammed Ji Wang's heart fiercely, and the
impressive memories can't always be erased easily.

Because Qi Boyan said exactly the same thing six years ago, when Ji Wanggang
and Qi Boyan were just together.

Also in this room, the same two people, the difference is that Qi Boyan said this
to him.

The cause of the incident was the meeting when he first got together. Qi Boyan's
cell phone often rang and was hung up by himself.

After hanging up the number of times, Ji Wang couldn't help asking whose call it
was. The other party threw the phone away and said it was an insignificant person.

It's hard for Ji Wang not to care about this, because before Qi Boyan was with
him, his relationship with people was really messed up.

He thought that his little boyfriend was an omega who liked omega and beta. He
just "broke him straight". After falling in love, he realized that he was the one who
was "bent".

So which old lover is it again?

What's more, Ji Wang was passive in this relationship. He just didn't want to
break up so quickly.

Even the friends around, none of them are optimistic about this relationship.
When the phone rang again, Qi Boyan was taking a bath, and Ji Wang stared at
the phone, and he wanted to pick it up.

If it were any lover in the past, Ji Wang would never do such a dishonest thing.

But this person is Qi Boyan, it is the stars that Ji Wang finally picked from the sky
after all the hardships, and the moon that was fished out of the water, wishing to
take all of his atrium.

Ji Wang couldn't stand the loss, let alone betrayal.

He held the phone and endured all the hardships until Qi Boyan walked out and
saw his own phone in his hand.

Ji Wang held the phone and moved his lips, trying to explain, but he didn't know
what to explain.

Qi Boyan walked over and snatched the phone: "What are you doing?"

Ji Wang: "Your phone... always rings, so..."

Qi Boyan said: "Don't disturb my phone."

Ji Wang breathed a sigh of boredom, only to feel that the nerves in his head were
rushing wildly with the suffocation. He said, "Okay, I was wrong this time."

Qi Boyan: "Your tone of apology is too bad."

Even comment on the tone? Unbearable, Ji Wang planned to go to the balcony

to smoke a cigarette, Qi Boyan saw his plan: "Did you say you want to quit?"

Ji Wang responded perfunctorily: "Quit tomorrow."

The glass windows on the balcony reflected the view of the living room. Qi Boyan
picked up the phone and called back, his expression was not good, nor bad.
Soon Qi Boyan laughed, Ji Wang took a mouthful of cigarettes and came to Qi
Boyan. Qi Boyan didn't know what he wanted to do, so Ji Wang had already kissed
him and passed the smoke directly into Qi Boyan's mouth.

Qi Boyan coughed and pushed Ji Wang away, his brows tightened.

Ji Wang breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling better, and laughed. After
finishing coughing, Qi Boyan said to the phone in a hoarse voice: "I'll be there

Ji Wang's smile froze, Qi Boyan hung up, and Ji Wang subconsciously took his
hand: "Where are you going?"

Qi Boyan threw away his hand: "Leave me alone!"

Ji Wang still remembers the palpitations and discomfort he felt when Qi Boyan
said this to him.

Reluctantly withdrawing from the bad memory, Qi Boyan behind him was holding
his neck playfully.

Ji Wang slapped Qi Boyan's hand away, got up and walked towards the door.

Qi Boyan stopped him: "Where are you going?"

Ji Wang looked back coldly: "Leave me alone!"

Chapter 16
Since the meeting, Qi Boyan has become accustomed to his cold words. When
facing Ji Wang’s extremely aggressive tone, don’t worry, Qi Boyan didn’t get angry,
and even smiled helplessly: "This is your home. Where to go?"

Ji Wang's mood continued to be bad: "You also know that this is my home, and
you are the one who broke in."
Qi Boyan hung up Li Feng's call: "It's so good, how can I be angry again."

Just like a boyfriend who is making up his temper, Qi Boyan's voice is low and
dumb, with a hint of connivance, and he probably knows that he must come in too
much tonight.

Now their roles are like reversed, the coaxing one has become Qi Boyan, and the
one who is irritating is Ji Wang. Qi Boyan stood up: "It's so late, where else can you

For some reason, Ji Wang's brain twitched and deliberately said: "I go to many
places, except for my house."

Qi Boyan uttered his voice, and his tone was dumbfounded: "Song Ge? Xiaoxu?
Fang Zhiping? Hong Sister? Wen Xiaoyong..." Qi Boyan said the names of people
who knew Ji Wang one by one, watching Ji Wang more and more openly. With the
bigger eyes, Qi Boyan smiled calmly and added the last name: "Or is it the only one
who just returned to China?"

Ji Wang frightened and said: "How could you..."

He had only met several of these people in recent years. Why did Qi Boyan know
exactly? Did you investigate him?

And when Ren Ran returned to China, how could Qi Boyan know that the two of
them are still in touch?

Ji Wang really felt that he was hopeless, and even worried about it at this time.

Qi Boyan didn't feel that he had said something terrible, and he held his chin and
showed an official smile, which was fake, but beautiful. Qi Boyan said: "Brother, I
still know a lot of things, what you want me to know, what you don't want me to
This sounded mysterious, Ji Wang eased the goose bumps, and asked
inexplicably: "What are you entangled with me for?"

He asked this question very sincerely. He really didn't know why Qi Boyan came
to pester him after six years.

If you love it deeply, why not cherish it back then.

If it is true love, why not come to find it for so many years.

Does Qi Boyan know how to love someone? After so many years, he is still the
same wayward and moody as before.

Qi Boyan said frankly: "Of course it's because I like it."

Facing this liking, Ji Wang's heart was calm, probably because Qi Boyan's trust in
him had long since disappeared, so that every confession of Qi Boyan was a lie to

Qi Boyan confessed tenderly and affectionately, and said coldly and ruthlessly:
"You can't go anywhere tonight, or I will tie you up."

After saying Qi Boyan, it was like thinking of that scene: "It seems to be good

Such words, Ji Wang would not doubt, after all, Qi Boyan is a lunatic.

Ji Wang could only leave a sentence: "You sleep on the sofa tonight, and you will
get out tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he took the clothes and went into the bathroom, deliberately
locked the door, for fear that he was half washed, Qi Boyan came in as a demon.

It's not that I'm afraid that I can't resist the temptation, but that some bloodshed
will happen.
After washing it out, Ji Wang found that the living room was gone. When he
entered the bedroom, Qi Boyan had already occupied the bed, and he thoughtfully
left half for Ji Wang. He didn't even wipe his hair, his breathing was long, and he
was deeply asleep.

When Ji Wang went up, he struck Qi Boyan from a good dream.

No matter how affectionate the star of Qi Daxing is, he is very angry when he
gets up, and his face is like the bottom of a pot and said: "Are you going to kill your
husband? You are exhausted to death. You are a widow. Go and provoke a bunch
of omegas to come back and give you a baby, right?"

Ji Wang was slammed on the body by what he said, and couldn't help but slap Qi
Bo and said, "Your hair is wet like this, go to sleep!"

Qi Boyan closed his eyes again, no matter whether he listened or not, he rolled
over, without any reason.

Ji Wang moved very much to get out of bed, and did not intend to stay overnight
in the bedroom. Anyway, his house is a two-bedroom and one-living room. He went
to clean up the other room, lay on the bed, and closed his eyes to sleep.

The plan was very good, but I couldn’t help it. My heart felt like a fire. Jiwang was
tossed on the bed and finally fell asleep, but he dreamed that Qi Boyan had a high
fever the next day after sleeping with his wet hair. Hurry up for announcements.

Singing and dancing on the stage, but fell off the stage because of dizziness. Ji
Wang, who was in the audience, had his eyes cracked, and ran to his death
desperately before reluctantly catching Qi Boyan. The man pressed heavily on him
and smiled contentedly: "You still can't bear me."

Ji Wang woke up, awake, the room was dark, besides him there was another
breathing sound, it was Qi Boyan sneaking over and climbing onto his bed.
He stretched out his hand and touched it with a handful of wet hair, twisting his
fingertips a few times, dripping wet.

Ji Wang sighed and turned on the light to wake people up. Qi Boyan sneaked
over, naturally not asleep, his eyes were brightly open, as if he was expecting

Qi Boyan had only one button on his pajamas. When he raised his arm, his clothes
slid down, half of his shoulders were exposed, and the word seduction was
blatantly written all over his body.

Ji Wang unselfishly got out of the guest bedroom, and Qi Boyan's voice chased it
out behind him: "Are you a snail? You move all the time!"

Before long, Ji Wang returned to the room, holding a hair dryer in his hand. It
was a high-end brand and the price was very expensive.

Maybe it’s because you get what you pay for. It’s been six years since I bought it.
It’s not broken. It’s good for daily use. The wind is strong and it blows fast.

I bought it for Qi Boyan back then, and spent Ji Wang’s winter and summer
vacations to work as a part-time wife. At the time, I felt it was worth it, because my
wife didn't feel bad about using it on my wife.

Now that Ji Wang's salary can buy several such hair dryers, he doesn't want to
use Qi Bo's words because he feels it is not worth it.

Ji Wang smashed the hair dryer on the bed: "I will go to bed after blowing it. My
mattress cannot get water."

Qi Boyan looked at the hair dryer and then at Ji Wang: "Help me blow it like

Ji Wang ignored him, he really left this time, returned to the master bedroom,
closed the door and locked it.
Before long, he heard the sound of the hair dryer ringing not far away, which was
clearly very noisy, but this time Ji Wang fell asleep very quickly, slept well all night,
and didn't even have a dream.

When I woke up, it was already bright, and the curtains were opened. The
weather outside the house was hard to see. Ji Wang realized that he was smiling
when he saw the reflection of the window glass.

Don't know what's good about it, he cleared up his mood and opened the door
to go out.

The living room was quiet, and there was no other person's voice. The smile on
Ji Wang's face disappeared. He habitually took a glass of water for himself and sat
on the sofa to drink.

Ji Wang told himself to cheer up. He put down the water glass, only to find that
Qi Boyan's pajamas were on the sofa, and Qi Boyan's clothes were hanging on the

He didn't believe that Qi Boyan really dared to run naked from his home. He went
to the guest bedroom to see that the bed was full of Ji Wang's clothes. Several sets
of hangers were taken down and put aside. It was obviously Qi Boyan who had
chosen it.

It seems that Qi Boyan disagrees with his taste. The clothes in the closet have
been emptied and piled on the bed.

The air was full of Qi Boyan's pheromone smell, and I don't know how much this
person deliberately released.

Ji Wang picked up a piece of clothing with Qi Boyan's smell on it.

"Is this man a dog? Still marking the territory." Ji Wang couldn't help but smile
again while muttering.
When I came to the living room, there was a dish on the table with a bowl buckled
on it, and a message post with a dragon flying and phoenix dancing next to it: "Go,
think I remember to call me, the number has not changed, and the food is finished."

When I opened the bowl, Ji Wang couldn't laugh, the burnt eggs, the hard bacon.

Ji Wang directly swept the contents of the plate into the trash can.
Chapter 17
When Song Ge's call came, Ji Wang was on the treadmill. He panted and fed, and
listened to Song Ge's trivial words: "Oh, what are we doing invisible to Brother

Ji Wang knew that this person would die if he was not poor: "Stop talking
nonsense, what's the matter?"

Song Ge said meanly: "Hope, brother, take a few more breaths, tut tut, it sounds
good, it's an alpha, it's really sexy."

Ji Wang stopped the treadmill and put his hand on the hang-up button: "Hang

Song Ge quickly said: "Don't! I haven't asked you yet, why is Ren Ran at my

Ji Wang drank a big sip of water: "He said he was going to sleep at your house
last night. I thought you were drunk and it would be okay to leave someone to take
care of you. Why, what happened?"

Ren Ran had a lot of problems when he was young, but he was a good person.

Song Ge often made trouble with Ren Ran because of his bad temper. Ji Wang
acted as a mediator. No one thought that it was him who broke contact with Ren
Ran in the end.
When Ji Wang asked, Song Ge hurriedly said no, just wondering what happened
that year.

Ji Wang remembered that Song Ge was the only one who didn't know that he
had been with Qi Boyan. Song Ge University was in another place at the time, and
Ji Wang deliberately concealed it. After breaking up, there was nothing more to

It is not impossible to say now, but Song Ge’s girlfriend is a fan of Qi Boyan, and
Ji Wang believes that it is more secure to keep it secret.

"It's not as serious as you think, it's just some misunderstanding." Ji Wang said

Song Ge had asked about Ji Wang more than once, as well as Ren Ran. The two
of them didn’t know if they had made an appointment, and neither of them would
say. Song Ge was going to die of anger and hung up Ji Wang’s phone angrily. I also
posted one on WeChat, and I don’t care about it for a week.

Ji Wang replied: "I see, Song Gege."

After teasing Song Ge, Ji Wang took a casual shower in the gym, and received a
call from Sister Hong, telling him that the variety show was about to start shooting,
and first took a set of makeup photos.

After hanging up the phone, Sister Hong gave him the address and time on
WeChat, and asked him to wait at home tomorrow. Xiao Xu drove to pick him up.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Xiaoxu sent Ji Wang to the shooting
location. Before that, Ji Wang didn't know who participated in this variety show.
The variety show's name was "On the Road". Just by looking at the name, he knew
that physical work was indispensable.

I don't know whether to go up the mountain or go to the sea. It is not just simply
eating and drinking, having fun and strolling around.
There were no people at the studio, only the staff, and probably none of the
guests came except him.

At this point, Ji Wang guessed that he might be the one with the smallest coffee
rank. He is the only one who is free and everyone is busy.

He changed his clothes and put on makeup, then curled his hair. As soon as the
styling came out, Xiaoxu took a quick pat on him with his mobile phone. The video
mode was also turned on, and Ji Wang was asked to greet the camera.

Xiaoxu had never done anything like this before, and Ji Wang wondered: "What
are you taking? Who do you say hello?"

Xiaoxu: "Sister Hong ordered me to take more material, cut and post Weibo, and
if you don't blog, the traffic that gathers will run away."

Ji Wang understood, but it was the first time he had done this kind of thing, and
he felt more embarrassed than when he first started acting. He waved his hand to
the camera, sat upright, looked serious, said his name, and thanked everyone for
your support.

Xiaoxu held his cell phone and squeezed his smile quickly: "Brother, relax, smile,
and show your heart. You're only twenty-six, not thirty-six!"

Bi Xinjiwang still knew that, when he was over, the staff came over and called
him to take pictures. I don’t know if it’s because he is the only one who shoots, and
the speed of the film is quite fast. After the filming, the photographer came over to
him and said: "You are so good to shoot, and the facial features are really good
enough for me. I have never seen it before. You."

Ji Wang didn't know how to answer this. Is it because he is confused?

At this time, there was a lot of movement at the entrance of the studio, and the
camera assistant came over to the photographer and said, "Fang Shengyun is here."
The voice was not too loud or too small, just so Ji Wang could hear it.

The photographer hurried over to say hello, and the attitude of the staff was
much stronger than when Ji Wang came.

Ji Wang got used to this kind of thing, and most people were amazed at his
appearance. This surprise will soon pass, because there are too many good-looking
people in the entertainment circle, and red is the king.

Several people came in with bags of coffee and distributed them to other workers
on the scene.

Ji Wang only saw a white person at the door and was quickly hugged by the staff
and walked over. He could barely see a side face.

Just like the photo, Fang Shengyun is very good-looking, not tall, and slender.

This variety show actually has Fang Shengyun.

At this time, Fang Shengyun's people had already delivered the coffee to Ji Wang.
Seeing that Ji Wang hadn't moved, Xiao Xu quickly took it for him and thanked him

After the people left, Xiaoxu took Ji Wang to the dressing room, and whispered
to Ji Wang on the way: "Brother, don't care."

Xiaoxu added: "Just looking at your face, I think you look better."

Ji Wang couldn't laugh or cry, what did he compare with Fang Shengyun, because
Qi Boyan? He has nothing to do with Qi Boyan now, Fang Shengyun and Qi Boyan
may have, but it is not his business.

And he and Fang Shengyun, only he knew Fang Shengyun unilaterally, and Fang
Shengyun didn't know him. This was the difference.
Ji Wang took the coffee from Xiaoxu and took a sip: "The coffee is good, Fang
Shengyun is quite generous."

Xiaoxu didn't expect Ji Wang to refrain from cursing and boasting. For a while, he
didn't know if Ji Wang really didn't care or pretended not to care.

But it's not too much to say, this is Ji Wang's own personal business after all.

If it weren't for Qi Boyan to be so arrogant, to bite them when he said to Brother

Wang, Xiao Xu wouldn't know that Ji Wang was actually entangled with Qi Boyan.

No matter how popular Qi Boyan is, in Xiao Xu's eyes, Qi Boyan is a stumbling
block on their Wang brother's career path, bomb level.

Sitting in the dressing room for a while, but seeing the makeup artist coming
back, Xiao Xu was about to go out to look for it when there was no one on the aisle.
Finally stopped one, Xiaoxu said: "Hello, I want to ask where the makeup artist is?"

I saw the flushed staff member in front of me: "I don't know, maybe it's in front."

Xiaoxu said strangely: "Ahead?"

Staff: "Because Qi Boyan is here!"

Obviously in a working environment where you can often see celebrities, Xiaoxu
really doesn't understand why these people can still chase celebrities so excitedly.

Fortunately, chasing stars and returning to chasing stars, the staff has not
forgotten their official duties and said: "You ask Teacher Ji to wait for a while, and
I will find the makeup teacher."

Xiaoxu thanked him and returned to the dressing room, hoping that Ji Wang
hadn't heard it. However, he also knew that he was deceiving himself and others.
If Qi Boyan was also a guest of "On the Road", Brother Wang would know sooner
or later.

So Xiao Xu chose to tell Ji Wang the truth, and Qi Boyan came.

He stared at Ji Wang’s expression carefully. The other party was not as surprised
as he thought, but in the next instant, he saw Ji Wang squeeze the coffee cup in his
hand, and the hot liquid covered Ji Wang’s hand, but the man looked like Can't feel
the same.

Xiaoxu exclaimed, Ji Wang only then returned to his senses. Looking at his flushed
palm, Yun Danfeng gently threw the coffee cup into the trash can: "Don't worry,
I'm fine."

This time Xiaoxu couldn't believe it at all. When he finally cleared the coffee stall
on the ground, when he looked up, his celebrity didn't know where he went.

Xiaoxu hurriedly went out to look for it, and finally found Ji Wang in the corner
of the studio.

Ji Wang held his hands behind his back, listening to the staff not far away talking

As soon as Xiaoxu approached, someone said: "Fang Shengyun and Qi Boyan are
really true, right?"

"Of course, you didn't see the two of them looking at each other just now. They
are still in the same dressing room together. The doors are closed. Oh my god, there
must be a leg."

"With my many years of experience, Fang Shengyun must be pregnant, or there

will be an engagement scandal."

"Impossible, Qi Boyan is so popular? Are you going to get married now?"

"Who knows, if the news comes out, Qi Boyan's fans are so crazy, can they tear
Fang Shengyun to pieces."

At this time someone retorted them: "Stop talking nonsense, how could Fang
Shengyun be Qi Ye's true love."

Another person laughed at her: "Let's not talk about it, Qi Fen is anxious."

The girl was anxious: "Really, Master Qi said in the interview. He said that if he
has a partner in the future, he must tell us."

The man hissed: "Any celebrity now doesn't fall in love under cover, or hidden
marriages, but Qi Boyan dare to say that he can't do it."

Several other people booed and said that it was.

Xiaoxu stepped forward and patted Jiwang. Ji Wang seemed to be taken aback.
When he turned around, his eyes were still a little blank.

Xiaoxu somehow felt a little sad for Ji Wang: "Brother, the work is over, let's go."

Ji Wang lowered his eyes: "Okay, let's go."

Chapter 18
The two were about to leave the studio. Not far away, the door of the dressing
room was forced to open. Qi Boyan came out of the room wearing sunglasses, his
lips pressed into a straight line, and no one with aura should enter.

Ji Wang stopped, even he himself didn't know why he did it.

Qi Boyan's face paused slightly in Ji Wang's direction. Across the crowd, Ji Wang
was not sure that Qi Boyan saw him. At this moment, a hand came out from the
dressing room and grabbed Qi Boyan's sleeve.

White clothes and white trousers are Fang Shengyun.

Qi Boyan turned around to talk to Fang Shengyun, and the staff rushed up, and
soon Ji Wang could not see Qi Boyan's face. Realizing how worried Xiao Xu was
looking at him, Ji Wang suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

In Xiaoxu's eyes, how could he have become a poor man who is obsessed with Qi
and can't say anything.

Ji Wang shook his head, took Xiao Xu's shoulders, and walked out.

At this time, the staff came over: "Mr. Ji, it happened that two other guests were
also here. Let's take a group photo together."

This was a job that was suddenly added. Xiaoxu's face changed, and he was about
to argue with the other party. Ji Wang stopped him: "Okay, no problem, anyway,
my makeup hasn't been removed yet."

The staff breathed a sigh of relief and asked Ji Wang to wait in the studio, and
then walked away in the wind, looking very busy.

Xiaoxu suppressed his voice and said, "Brother, they just look at the food and add
work temporarily, and they don't discuss with us first. Do you think he dare to tell
people to work overtime when Qi Boyan leaves!"

Ji Wang rubbed Xiaoxu's hair in disapproval: "Your brother didn't notify him, and
he worked overtime. It doesn't matter."

Xiaoxu is still very angry: "Why doesn't it matter? Your time is not time!"

After so many years, Xiao Xu is still so childish. But Ji Wang also knew that
Xiaoxu's naivety was all for himself. He can't say something to teach him a lesson
when people around him feel sorry for him.

Ji Wang could only say: "When I become popular in the future, and with the right
to speak, you can directly tell others that we will not do it! Very busy! No overtime!"
Xiaoxu didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Soon, he followed Ji Wang's words
and said, "I will also wear big sunglasses at that time. I want to be super lame!"

Ji Wang: "Well, if you have money, I will give you a pair of designer sunglasses,
the kind with a gold chain."

The two talked and laughed, and the two brothers came to the studio happily
and waited for the shooting. The staff around them suddenly became busier.
Walking around, there is a tense atmosphere in the air.

Ji Wang and Xiaoxu are like unrelated people who are rarely idle, sitting on the
sidelines and watching them raise the studio environment abruptly.

At this time, the makeup artist who put makeup on Ji Wang came and said to Ji
Wang, "Teacher Ji, you have to change a suit."

Although Ji Wang was a little confused, he stood up cooperatively and followed

the makeup artist. As he walked, he found that the makeup artist had not brought
him back to the dressing room just now.

He came to another corridor, and the person standing at the door was Li Feng,
who was smiling.

Ji Wang stopped: "Go wrong."

The makeup artist turned his head and said, "That's right, your clothes are
provided by Mr. Qi's sponsor. Mr. Qi thinks that the style of the picture is very
important. Our planning team also agreed with his suggestions."

So, they all agreed, so no one came to ask him if he agreed with this person?

But it is impossible for him to have an episode with the makeup artist. Maybe the
makeup artist thinks he is ignorant. Qi Boyan is willing to lend him clothes, but he
is shameless.
Li Feng walked up, thanked the makeup artist, and said to Ji Wang: "Teacher Ji,
it's really hard work for you. But in order for the final product to have a good effect,
let's work hard together."

This is a polite remark. He put Ji Wang up high. If he doesn't cooperate, he doesn't

want the finished product to be good. Ji Wang can't say no.

He looked at Li Feng deeply, then at Xiao Xu who was blank behind him, and
sighed heavily.

Although he doesn't dislike Xiaoxu, sometimes he can't help but think about
where other people's assistants have been dug from, one by one.

The dressing room opened, and Qi Boyan sat in there with his eyes closed to let
people put on makeup. His long hair was tied up, leaving a few strands curled
around his cheeks.

In recent years, Qi Boyan's facial features are exquisite, but they are a bit less
male and female than before. He opened his eyes and saw Ji Wang at the door. He
raised his hand and made a gesture. Two people came up beside him, holding his
clothes and asked Ji Wang to go to the changing room inside.

Ji Wang stood still, Qi Boyan pushed away the hand of the makeup artist who
applied the lip glaze to his mouth: "Mr. Ji, don't you know how to wear the clothes?
Do you need help?"

There was sincerity in his words, and humility in his tone, as if a younger
generation was respectful to an older generation.

The other people in the dressing room quickly looked at each other, and they all
showed a little surprise at the same time.

Ji Wang wasn't in the mood to care about what others thought, so he stubbornly
dropped the sentence no need, and walked to the dressing room.
The clothes Qi Boyan gave him are indeed a bit difficult to wear. The white suit
and the complicated belt make the whole style simple and gorgeous.

I don’t know, I thought it was not a variety show promotion photo, but an mv.

When Ji Wang finally sorted it out and came out of it, he found that there was no
one in the dressing room. Qi Boyan sat on the cabinet of the makeup mirror, playing
with a box in his hand.

Open, buckle, and then open. He also changed into a suit, an all-black suit, simple
and clear, and even his hair was simply erected, that is, his makeup emphasized the
facial features, and his handsomeness revealed a little gloom.

Qi Boyan said, "Brother, come here."

Ji Wang didn’t move, he looked at the door, and Qi Boyan said, “I’m letting them
out for the time being. Come here earlier and end earlier. Otherwise, the longer we
stay inside, they should suspect that we’re doing something bad. ."

Ji Wang said indifferently: "What can you and I do?"

Qi Boyan raised his eyebrows in surprise and buttoned the box in his hand. The
black shirt inside him was half open, revealing his perfect neck.

I saw Qi Boyan stretch out his hand and tap on his lips, then put it in his mouth,
sucking gently, and when he pulled it out, he slid down his neck and walked all the
way from the neckline to the collarbone, leaving a touch of moisture: "What else
can you tag me...or I tag you."

Ji Wang forced himself to look away from Qi Boyan's neck: "Alpha cannot be

Qi Boyan seemed to be disappointed by his words and decided not to try to let Ji
Wang take the initiative to approach. Instead, he chose to jump off the dressing
table and strode to Ji Wang.
Ji Wang didn't avoid or retreat, he stood upright, his eyes calm and distant.

Qi Boyan opened the box again, took out a simple ring from it, took Ji Wang's
hand, and pushed it to the ring finger.

His movements revealed a slackness, which was not commensurate with the
serious behavior of putting a ring on the ring finger, so that Ji Wang didn't avoid it
for the first time. He just looked at the ring in his hand and then at Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan smiled with satisfaction, raised Ji Wang's hand to his face, and rubbed
his cheek against Ji Wang's hand: "Sure enough, it's very suitable. The one I choose
for you will always be the best."
Chapter 19
Ji Wang took his fingers out of Qi Boyan's palm. Qi Boyan didn't hold him too hard,
as if the purpose of putting Ji Wang on the ring had been achieved, and other things
were no longer required.

But the next second, Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's left hand, which made Qi Boyan's
eyes light up. Before saying anything, Ji Wang pulled Qi Boyan's hand in front of
him and pushed away from the opponent's wrist. Sleeves.

The last time Qi Boyan came to his house, I didn’t know what he had posted on
his wrist, but Ji Wang couldn’t see it.

But it's not just a tattoo. The skin under the tattoo is slightly raised, like a scar
proliferating from a wound.

Ji Wang had a tattoo. He knew that the scar from the tattoo was not like this. The
scar looked like it had been severely scratched by something sharp.

Before he could see clearly, Qi Boyan pulled his hand out: "Brother, although I
am willing to hold hands with you, the photographer is getting impatient."

Ji Wang looked up at Qi Boyan, his lips moved.

what? Ask Qi Boyan if he committed suicide? Otherwise, why is the wound here?

This is Qi Boyan, not someone else, narcissistic and life-saving Qi Boyan, it is

impossible for Qi Boyan to seek his own death.

Even though he was so convinced in his heart, the expression on Ji Wang's face
was flustered. Qi Boyan bypassed Ji Wang and wanted to open the door and call
the staff in.

Then he was caught by Ji Wang. With a pair of frightened eyes, Ji Wang looked
straight at Qi Boyan, his fingertips left sticky cold sweat on the back of Qi Boyan's

Ji Wang has blamed Qi Boyan, but this does not mean that he hopes that this
person will have a bad life. Ji Wang hopes that Qi Boyan will be well, so that he can
be contented with hatred and resent with confidence.

He couldn't accept that when he didn't know, Qi Boyan was so painful to give up
his life, and he didn't even know about it.

Ji Wang was breathing fast, and his teeth trembled: "What the hell is going on
with your hand? Tell me the truth!"

He stared at Qi Boyan's lips, feeling that every minute and every second was so
long, but Qi Boyan was damnly silent, wondering if he was trying to find any reason
to lie to him.

When Ji Wang came back to his senses, Qi Boyan had already hugged him,
holding his back gently and rhythmically. Compared to six years ago, Qi Boyan now
can easily wrap him in his arms and comfort him like an adult.

Qi Boyan whispered: "Hush...Brother, don't be afraid, it's not what you think. It's
a small car accident. I have other wounds on my body, not just this one."
Ji Wang's body still trembled uncontrollably, "You lied to me."

"I didn't." Qi Boyan said calmly and naturally, his tone sounding very convincing.

Then he released Ji Wang, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and took out his shirt.
There were indeed some inconspicuous wounds on the waist and lower abdomen.
Ji Wang did not understand why Qi Boyan stripped naked in front of him that day,
but he did not notice. .

He reached out to touch the wounds and felt Qi Boyan's abdomen tighten
because of his touch. Ji Wang had never been in a car accident. He was not sure
whether the impact could cause such a wound, and whether it could leave such a
scar on Qi Boyan's wrist.

Without waiting for him to think about it, Qi Boyan laughed muffledly: "Brother,
if you touch it again, we won't go out."

Ji Wang regained his senses abruptly. In fact, he didn't believe it at first, and Qi
Bo said that he would seek death. It's just that I was frightened by the scar just now,
and my mind was full of bad guesses.

But anyway, the current Qi Boyan appeared in front of him well, with a hippy
smile, which made Ji Wang a little relieved.

Ji Wang pushed away Qi Boyan's arms around him, turned his face like a book,
and took the initiative to walk to the door, opening the door to let the staff in.

Xiaoxu was the first to rush in, and the nervousness and worry were all written
on his face.

Ji Wang motioned with his eyes to tell Xiao Xu not to talk nonsense. No matter
how little he was, Xiao Xu would not yell in public, saying that Qi Boyan was taking
advantage of his brother Wang. After coming in, he shut his mouth and stood
quietly beside Ji Wang.
Qi Boyan asked the makeup artist in his styling team to apply makeup to Ji Wang
and redesign his hairstyle.

Ji Wang watched Qi Boyan arrange himself clearly, and saw the responsible staff
member listening and recording on the tablet, and once again felt how important
Renhong is in this circle.

Not popular, at least the backstage is tough, but Ji Wang has neither.

Before long, the staff led the two of them to the studio. Ji Wang thought he would
see Fang Shengyun there, but he didn't. I don't know if Fang Shengyun left the
scene or hasn't come out in the dressing room.

There was only one chair in the shed, Qi Boyan took the lead to sit on it, and then
took Ji Wang, who was standing next to him, into his arms.

He sat, Ji Wang stood, naturally, Qi Boyan’s cheeks were leaning against Ji Wang’s
chest, where there was a complicated and gorgeous neckline, like a blooming
flower piled beside Qi Boyan’s cheeks, Ji Wang subconsciously The gaze that looked
down at Qi Boyan was also deep enough.

The photographer has eyesight and quick hands, and directly took this very story-
telling photo.

Ji Wang broke Qi Boyan's hand and squeezed a whisper from his teeth: "What
are you doing?"

Qi Boyan also said in a low voice: "Be professional."

These words simply squeezed Ji Wang's weakness, he really couldn't allow others
to question his professionalism, especially this person was Qi Boyan.

So in the next shooting, Ji Wang's aura was fully opened, and he took many poses
in coordination. In the end, his performance in the photo was comparable to Qi
Bo's words.
When selecting the film, Qi Boyan and Ji Wang stood next to each other. Qi Boyan
chose several pictures and said to the photographer with satisfaction: "It was a
great shot."

The photographer also laughed: "It's the two of you who are good at shooting,
the picture is very eye-catching."

Ji Wang also looked at the photos, and he was not like him normally.

It seemed that there was something more, Ji Wang couldn't tell.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Ji Wang was not over yet. He wanted to stay to
take a one-person photo, and Qi Boyan continued to shoot in another studio.

As time is getting late, Ji Wang can basically be sure that Fang Shengyun has left,
so Fang Shengyun is not a guest? What is Fang Shengyun doing here today?

Before Ji Wang was puzzled, Xiao Xu had already come with first-hand gossip.

After taking a break, Ji Wang returned to the initial dressing room and waited for
the makeup artist to come and remove his makeup.

Before the makeup artist came, Xiao Xu secretly confided to Ji Wang what he had
inquired about.

It turned out that Fang Shengyun came here to take stills, but everyone said that
he came here to silence Qi Boyan. The two of them talked unhappily in the dressing
room, and Fang Shengyun's face was very bad when he left.

Xiaoxu also sighed: "The circle says that Fang Shengyun has a very big
background, and it is 80% true. You see that he has made an appointment to shoot.
If he doesn't shoot, he won't shoot, and if he breaks the contract, he will break the
contract. No one dares to say anything about him.
Ji Wang didn't say a word, Xiao Xu took out his cell phone again. There were
photos of Qi Boyan and Ji Wang that he had just taken secretly on it: "Brother, you
are really handsome today."

Although Xiaoxu didn't want to admit it, it was Qi Boyan's credit.

Qi Boyan seemed to know very clearly where Ji Wang looked best. The clothes
and hairstyle he chose were very suitable for Ji Wang, and he brought Ji Wang's
charm into full play.

Xiaoxu continued to output rainbow farts, and he was embarrassed to praise Ji

Wang. He looked at the photos, and his attention could only fall on Qi Boyan. As
for himself, Ji Wang felt that it was all right.

At this time, the makeup artist also came in and removed his makeup. Seeing
Xiaoxu looking at the photo just now, he also praised: "Really handsome, my two
assistant girls both said to follow your Weibo."

With outsiders around, Xiaoxu was much shy and didn't dare to continue
boasting: "Yes, it's not the same as Brother Wang's style before."

The makeup artist poked his head to see, and it took a long time for him to use
his many years of experience to say: "Maybe it's because there is a spark between
Teacher Ji and Teacher Qi."

She smiled and said, "The two teachers' eyes are very tense and they are all
entangled. Teacher Ji is indeed an actor, and his eyes are very playful."

Both Ji Wang and Xiao Xu were silent for a moment, neither knowing what to say.

I don't know that the makeup artist's comments are not over yet, she clicked on
Xiao Xu's screen with her red nails, and magnified Ji Wang's face: "Should it be sexy
or lusty? It feels like this photo will be released, and the response will be pretty
good. "
As soon as the voice fell, Ji Wang gradually blushed from neck to cheek in the
Chapter 20
When the makeup artist met, he was surprised: "Mr. Ji, are you allergic? Your face
is too red."

Ji Wang hurriedly got up, followed the words and said, "Maybe."

The makeup artist was shocked: "No, I chose this cleansing oil very mild, you go
and wash it, there is a faucet next to it, and I will spray you some to calm your skin
in a while."

When Ji Wang saw the makeup artist so nervous, he felt sorry for him, but he
said everything: "Don't panic, it's not that serious. I'll just go and wash it."

After going back and forth, Ji Wang couldn't blush anymore, only to feel very

Xiao Xu, who saw through everything next to him, looked at his brother Wang
intricately, a little speechless.

After the makeup artist went out, Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu when the photo came

Xiaoxu said that it was not so fast, and it would be sent to his work mailbox by e-
mail in about a week.

Ji Wang said to Xiaoxu, “Send me a copy of the photo that was taken secretly just
now.” After thinking about it, “Don’t put the photo with Qi Boyan on Weibo, and
sister Hong won’t do it.”

He didn't want the variety show to start, he was said to be tied to Qi Boyan's
hype, even with eighteen lines, he has self-esteem.
The door of the dressing room was knocked, and Li Feng was outside. Xiao Xu
said stiffly, "What's the matter?"

Li Feng's face was apologetic: "Is Teacher Ji ready to leave?"

Xiao Xu's instinct was not good, and Li Feng was actually very embarrassed. He
knew that he had offended Xiao Xu and Ji Wang thoroughly. But this is what Qi
Boyan ordered, and he can only execute it.

Li Feng: "Ye Qi wants to have a supper with Teacher Ji. I don't know if Teacher Ji
will be free."

Ji Wang slowly packed his things: "No time."

He simply refused, took his backpack, and took Xiao Xu to leave. Li Feng
subconsciously blocked it, but felt a heavy pressure coming.

Even as a beta, he can't feel the pheromone, but the invisible pressure on him
still makes him stand upside down.

Ji Wang didn't seem to notice that his pheromone had made a beta pale. He said,
"Get out of the way."

Li Feng stiffly stepped back, and Ji Wang walked away with Xiao Xu who had
covered his nose in advance.

When he reached the underground parking garage, Xiao Xu took a breath: "I was
scared to death. I thought you were going to beat him."

Ji Wang squinted at him: "You seem to be looking forward to it?"

Xiaoxu said with a guilty conscience: "Where is it."

Ji Wang routinely educates every day: "Li Feng is also taking people's wages to
do things for others. Actually, I shouldn't use pheromones to suppress him, but I
really don't want to be entangled by Qi Bo's words today."

Xiaoxu casually said: "Yes, yes."

"How do you feel that you are perfunctory me?" Ji Wang said.

Xiaoxu speeded up and took a few strides forward: "Brother, you blushed just

Ji Wang retorted: "I don't have one."

Xiaoxu shrugged, without arguing with him, ran to the side of the car quickly,
opened the door and got in.

Ji Wang shook his head helplessly. He was still an assistant, just a younger
brother. At this time, he found that the bag in his hand had opened a small slit. He
clearly remembered to pull it up when he packed his things, and Ji Wang carefully
opened the bag for inspection.

Don't blame him for thinking too much, there are too many dirty facts in the
entertainment industry.

Sure enough, there was something else in the bag, a small velvet box.

It once appeared on Qi Boyan's hand, and the ring inside was still worn on his
hand while filming.

The reason why the ring was in the bag, except for Li Feng's, Ji Wang couldn't
think of anyone else.

It is clear that the beta was bullied by his pheromone at the time, when did it
happen? Did Qi Boyan's assistant go to the Secret Service Academy to find it?
In the car, Xiaoxu lowered the window and shouted at him: "Brother, let's go,
what are you waiting for?"

Ji Wang closed the zipper and walked quickly towards the car. He didn't mean to
return the ring, it was not for people to fiddle with.

He knew that he was unworthy, and often couldn't be calm when facing Qi
Boyan. There was only a scar on the opponent's hand, and he lost his composure
in a panic.

Since you can't be completely ruthless, you can only keep calm and keep your
distance. Ji Wang sighed with a headache when he thought that the two would be
on a variety show.

He doesn't know if he can be in this variety show, whether he has Qi Boyan's

handwriting. Qi Boyan's posture now looks like he has to.

Leaning on the swaying car window glass, suddenly there was a fine sound of
raindrops in my ears, and it was raining.

A rainy day always makes people unable to help but recall the past. Ji Wang
remembered his second meeting with Qi Boyan.

It was the bar, or the arrogant and beautiful boy, standing on the stage singing
hoarsely, Ji Wang felt distressed for him, he stood under the stage, and many
people around him were speaking at Qi Bo.

They all shouted Qi Boyan's stage name: "mortífero! mortífero! mortífero!" in a

slurred Portuguese.

The meaning is fatal. Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan from the stage, and felt that
although this word was difficult to pronounce, it was very suitable for Qi Boyan.
Although he didn't know why Qi Boyan didn't use his real name, he felt that Qi
Boyan's name was better, and he could more accurately and truly feel Qi Boyan

It's just that this feeling is a bit ridiculous, they have only seen it once, and there
is no real feeling.

As the pitch of the music gradually increased, Qi Boyan took the microphone off
and stood on the edge of the stage, his body shaky.

He was still singing, his eyes mocking and provocatively looking down the stage.
When the audience rushed to the stage, someone's hand was about to grab his
ankle, Ji Wang took a breath, and his heart was lifted.

In the next second, Qi Boyan kicked the man's hand away unceremoniously,
which made Ji Wang breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help but worry about Qi

This omega is best not to play such dangerous things frequently, what if it is really
dragged down by someone.

He looked at the sweaty omega, watched the other person's skin gleaming in the
sweat, and watched his unbuttoned buttons because of the heat. Omega took off
his jacket and threw it off the stage, which caused everyone to rob him.

Ji Wang didn't grab it, only Qi Boyan on the stage was in his eyes.

Because everyone went to grab their coats, Ji Wang was crowded around a lot.
People were crowded on the other side, leaving Ji Wang standing in place, instead

Qi Boyan's gaze was naturally attracted by the strangeness here. He looked at Ji

Wang and raised his eyebrows lightly. The nails on his eyebrows gleamed, making
Ji Wang feel a little painful.
But Mortífero's attention won't stay on who is long, he just glanced at Ji.

After singing a song, the person who grabbed the jacket had put on Qi Boyan's
jacket, even if the rotator cuff had been torn.

Ji Wang felt a little uncomfortable seeing the man kissing Qi Boyan's sleeve

He left the lively crowd and came backstage. Before going to find Qi Boyan, he
sweated a lot, and his pheromone was also a little overflowing.

Ji Wang is going to rinse, so as not to offend omega.

There were people coming and going backstage, and the next wave of performing
bands was about to take the stage. Ji Wang saw the sign of the bathroom and
walked in against the direction of the flow of people.

When he pushed open the bathroom door, Ji Wang didn't feel a slight sense of
blockage from his hands. He pushed out hard, with a clear sound, which was the
sound of metal hitting the wall.

Ji Wang saw the wall of the bathroom, leaning on the person he wanted to meet,
Qi Boyan.

In front of him, there was a beta who pressed his hand on Qi Boyan's waistband.

Ji Wang seemed to feel that a nerve was broken. When he reacted, he had
already pushed the beta roughly against the wall, clasping the opponent's hand,
and said fiercely: "What do you want to do to him?"

He saw the enthusiasm of those mortífero fans just now.

Beta yelled and struggled because of the pain, his handsome face distorted, and
he yelled at Ji Wang: "Who the hell are you! We are you and me!"
Ji Wang was stunned, he looked at Qi Boyan, seeking the answer with his eyes.

Although he didn't get Qi Boyan's answer, Ji Wang's neck was already red from

In his mind, Ji Wang remembered Ren Ran's evaluation of Qi Boyan, and he was

Maybe he really misunderstood, the force in his hand was a little loose.

At this time, a hand touched his wrist, and a faint and ambiguous omega
fragrance passed over. Qi Boyan cheeks slightly, looking at him gently, and giving Ji
Wang the answer he wanted:" He lied, I don't know him."

After speaking, Qi Boyan smiled, so Ji Wang's head was dizzy, and he couldn't
control anything.

He didn't know that at that time, Qi Boyan's smile was full of the joy of pranking
Chapter 21
Ji Wang instinctively applied the force of his hand, twisting the captured beta and
yelling. Qi Boyan frowned and glanced at Beta in disgust, only to see that handsome
face, which was the only good thing, became hideous and ugly.

His frown made Ji Wang misunderstood, and Ji Wang said solemnly: "Don't be
afraid, he can never hurt you again."

Qi Boyan was slightly startled when he heard the words, he looked at Ji Wang
seriously and said yes.

Twisted the beta to the security guard. He was going to the police station, but
was persuaded by Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan whispered in his ear: "Forget it, what if he
retaliates against me?"
Beta was still scolding, but only scolded Ji Wang, and finally stopped the scolding,
he looked at Qi Boyan obsessively: "Mortifero, are you looking at him? What is good
about alpha, he can give you Yes, I can too!"

Ji Wang said to the security guard: "It's time for you to work."

Beta was scolded by the two security guards. At this time, the people around had
already noticed the situation here. Someone called mortífero, and many of the
audience rushed over without taking care of the band that was still playing on the

In an instinctive reaction, Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's hand and ran directly out
of the bar.

He felt the struggling strength in his hand, and Ji Wang shook the opponent
comfortably, until Qi Boyan's hand stood in his palm.

Slender but not soft hands feel full of strength, unlike a weak omega. Indeed, Qi
Boyan is so tall, if it wasn't for the pheromone and that face, who would think he
was an omega.

Fortunately, there were many dark alleys outside the bar, and it didn't take long
to get rid of Qi Boyan's fanatical fans. Ji Wang stopped and turned his head, Qi
Boyan looked at him quietly behind him.

Ji Wang quickly loosened his grip on the opponent: "Sorry, I pulled you out

Qi Boyan said: "My mobile wallet is all in the bar."

Ji Wang was even more embarrassed. He apologized again, then took a dig in his
trouser pocket and handed it to Qi Boyan: "This... you didn't ask for it last time."

Qi Boyan looked at the scissors-shaped hairpin in Ji Wang's palm: "You are here
to pay me back?"
Ji Wang blinked, took the hairpin back, and wiped it on his clothes: "Sorry, it's

Don't know how funny his words are, Qi Boyan laughed out: "Give it to me?"

Ji Wang smelled his own pheromone. After intense exercise, the strong smell of
alcohol seemed to overflow the entire alley. He subconsciously stepped back: "It's
not good."

He touched his neck with his backhand, and the pheromone suppression sticker
was lost under the run just now, no wonder the smell is so strong now.

Ji Wang took a few steps back again: "Did you smell it?"

Qi Boyan thought that Ji Wang didn't want to wear a hairpin for him, so he
avoided a few meters away. He was upset and said, "What do you smell?"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the alpha in front of him blushing and said: "My
pheromone...I'm sorry, the suppression post was removed by me. You should go
back to the bar, rest assured that I will not be too close to you, nor will it Go, I will
always follow you to protect you."

Qi Boyan curled his lips and approached Ji Wang: "What pheromone, why didn't
I smell it?"

In fact, to say that an alpha pheromone is not strong is also to some extent
belittle the other's charm. The general alpha should be angry at this time, but Ji
Wang does not.

Ji Wang just looked at him a little confused: "Can't you really smell it?"

Qi Boyan hummed tentatively, and he grabbed the corner of Ji Wang's clothes:

"Where are you going next?"
Ji Wang said honestly: "Go home."

As soon as the answer came out, he saw Qi Boyan squinting his eyes, smile on his
lips, but his eyes became much colder, Qi Boyan said, "Really?"

Ji Wang reacted: "No, no, I won't go home."

Qi Boyan didn't let him go: "If you don't go home, then you want to go to the

Ji Wang was so anxious that sweat came out: "How is it possible, what do I take
you to the hotel!"

Qi Boyan loosened the corner of his clothes, ignored him, and walked forward,
leaving Ji Wang behind.

I had seen Qi Boyan's bad temper the last time I met, and Ji Wang has adapted
well. In addition, because of his own slip of the tongue, he silently followed behind
Omega, staring at Qi Boyan's hair in a daze.

Just now Qi Boyan asked him not to issue cards to him. Does that mean he can
touch Qi Boyan's hair? But his hands are sweaty and dirty. They only met for the
second time, and it was inappropriate.

Moonlight stretched Qi Boyan's shadow very long. For some reason, Ji Wang
always felt that Qi Boyan was a little lonely.

Without thinking about words, he said from Ji Wang's mouth: "Do you want to
eat something? I invite you."

Qi Boyan stopped, turned his head and looked around, as if looking at someone
who had finally started on the road: "What to eat?"

Fifteen minutes later, Qi Boyan critically looked at the old sign and the humble
decoration in front of him. There are many people in the store. Qi Boyan doesn't
like crowded occasions, even if the place where he performs every night is a
crowded bar.

Ji Wang said: "My classmates and I often come over to eat. This skewers are very

"Classmate?" Qi Boyan asked.

Ji Wang smiled shyly: "Is it because I'm too mature, I'm just a sophomore, and I
am studying in the neighborhood of X University."

After speaking, he led Qi Boyan in, and after asking Qi Boyan if he had any
restrictions, he ordered a few things that he thought were delicious.

The lady boss came over to greet him, because she was a regular customer, after
seeing Qi Boyan clearly, the lady boss said loudly: "Xiao Wang, this is your
boyfriend, he looks so handsome."

Ji Wang hurriedly wanted to deny it, but listened to Qi Bo's words and said: "Yes,
we are only together."

Ji Wang was shocked and didn't understand what Qi Boyan meant. The
proprietress sighed a few times and patted Qi Boyan's hand: "Auntie will give you
two Coke."

After speaking, the lady boss went to greet the next table. The smile on Qi
Boyan's face disappeared, and he pulled out the tissues on the table to wipe his
hands, but stopped to look at Ji Wang, his face slightly stinky.

Ji Wang reacted, took out the wet tissue from his pocket and handed it to Qi

Qi Boyan only started to wipe his hands, and he was justified in disgust.
Ji Wang had a good temper to wash the tableware for Qi Boyan, when Qi Boyan
whispered: "I don't like others touching me."

"Yeah." Ji Wang didn't mean to express his opinion on Qi Boyan's habits, and was
still cleaning the tableware.

Then his hand was touched by Qi Boyan, and the warm fingertips slid across the
back of Ji Wang's hand like a teasing. Ji Wang was startled, and the cup in his hand
fell on the tray, making a big movement.

Ji Wang said helplessly: "Don't always tease me."

Qi Boyan retracted his hand, resting his chin: "Hate it?"

Ji Wang shook his head: "I don't hate it." He added earnestly: "Because I like it so

He probably didn't expect Ji Wang to play a straight ball with him. Qi Boyan lost
consciousness for a moment. Before speaking, Ji Wang lowered his eyelashes and
pushed the washed tableware to Qi Boyan: "But I know you don't like me."

Qi Boyan didn't expect that Ji Wang would continue to say something he didn't
know how to answer, and fell silent for a while.

When Ji Wang looked at a person seriously, probably no one could stand it up:
"It doesn't matter, if everyone is responsible for the person who likes them, then
the world will be in chaos."

Qi Boyan returned to his senses: "Why do you say that?"

When the food was served, Ji Wang did not answer. Instead, he took the skewers
from the stick with public chopsticks and placed them in Qi Boyan's bowl: "Try it."

Qi Boyan glanced at the food in the bowl uninterestedly, put it in his mouth
reluctantly, and chewed dryly.
Then, one bite, another bite. Before he knew it, Qi Boyan emptied the bowl, and
Ji Wang kept adding to him. After a meal of skewers, Qi Boyan didn't say anything,
and finally felt a little uncomfortable before stopping to comment: "The
appearance is terrible, the taste is okay."

Ji Wang, who sat across from him, smiled happily, probably because the
environment is too simple, but the lighting is good. Qi Boyan felt that his eyes lit up
for a moment, because of Ji Wang.

Kind of handsome.
Chapter 22
When returning to the bar, he took a shortcut and crossed the alleys again. Qi
Boyan held the Coke given by the proprietress in his hand, and walked one after
another with Ji Wang.

When he waited for the skewers, Ji Wang went to the drugstore to buy the
pheromone isolation paste, and only after the paste was completed did he dare to
get closer to Qi Boyan.

But even so, Ji Wang was still a distance away from Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan seemed to be tired of this distance, he stopped and looked back, and
the wind blew the pheromone on him.

This man’s omega scent is rose-scented, and when the wind blows, Ji Wang felt
weak just now, but now it feels too strong.

He was not good or bad for Qi Boyan's pheromone product, and then he thought
that Qi Boyan could not smell his pheromone, and the result was that their
pheromone fit should be very low.

Ji Wang doesn't mind the degree of fit, he only cares whether he likes it or not.
His heart told him that he fell in love with Qi Boyan at first sight, even though his
instinct didn't respond to it.
Qi Boyan said, "What are you doing so far from me? Haven't you all posted
suppression posts?"

Ji Wang took out the suppression sticker from the bag, and handed it out: "You
didn't post it, I can smell you."

Qi Bo said with joy: "What? Is it possible that you can still have estrus on this

The words were casual and frivolous, and they seemed to be dissatisfied with
one's own pheromone. Ji Wang comforted him subconsciously: "Although it is not
in heat, your pheromone smells good."

He tried to find compliments in his brain: "The smell of rose is...popular."

I vaguely remember that a certain big brand introduced a rose-flavored

pheromone. I heard that the designer’s goddess, an actress who retired years ago,
had a rose-flavored pheromone.

Qi Boyan stepped closer to Ji Wang: "I just don't want to post."

Ji Wang put the restraint sticker back into his pocket with a good temper: "If you
don't stick it, don't stick it."

The distance between Qi Boyan and him has exceeded the size of safe social
interaction, Ji Wang's eyes were erratic, and he dared not look at Qi Boyan's face.
Until Qi Boyan forced him to the side of the alley wall, Ji Wang couldn't retreat, and
finally set his sights on Qi Boyan.

"Why are you so sure just now, I don't like you?" Qi Boyan asked curiously.

Ji Wang breathed a little bit quickly, and blushed terribly: "Because of your eyes."

"What?" Qi Boyan frowned suspiciously.

Ji Wang stared down at the ground: "When you look at me on the stage, you look
like a stranger."

Qi Boyan moved closer to Ji Wang again: "So, aren't we strangers? I only know
your name, and it's only the second time tonight."

Ji Wang said, "Perhaps it is for you."

Qi Boyan suddenly took a few steps back: "What is to me? Is it possible that you
have seen me many times since the last time you met?"

After speaking, he added in surprise: "Are you following me?!"

Ji Wang didn't know that Qi Boyan could disperse his thoughts like this: "I don't
have one, how could I do such a thing."

Qi Bo said step by step: "Then what do you mean?"

Ji Wang was embarrassed for a long time, and he was afraid that his sweetheart
would treat him as a stalker, but how could he say it embarrassingly next.

Qi Boyan didn't have this patience: "Don't say it, forget it."

Ji Wang quickly said: "Don't." He finally reached out and grabbed Qi Boyan's arm
presumptuously: "Because... I saw it in my dream."

His voice was so soft that Qi Boyan didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Ji Wang finally vented loudly: "Because I have been dreaming of you! In my

dream, I have seen you many times!"

Until now, Ji Wang still remembers Qi Boyan's stunned and surprised look at that
time, and after being surprised, he couldn't stop laughing.
The body shook suddenly, breaking Ji Wang's memories. He returned to his
senses and felt that the shock just now was too great, and his back was shocked.

It turned out that Xiao Xu in the driver's seat stepped on a sudden brake. On rainy
nights, visibility was low, and there was a car accident ahead. Even if Xiaoxu drove
carefully and stepped on the emergency brake, he was still rear-end collision.

Even the airbag bounced out of Xiaoxu's position. He unfastened his seat belt
with difficulty, twisted and asked Ji Wang, "Brother, are you okay?"

Fortunately, Ji Wang is very safety-conscious on weekdays. He wears a seat belt

even in the back seat. Apart from a pain in his back, there is basically no problem.

Xiaoxu got out of the car and took a look at the situation. Ji Wang waited in the
car for a while, then Xiaoxu came back and told him that it was not just theirs, a
series of rear-end collisions and major traffic accidents. He had to stay and wait for
the insurance company. The people and the traffic police come over, maybe it will
take the whole night.

Ji Wang said: "I will accompany you."

Xiaoxu shook his head quickly: "Brother, if you accompany me, we will definitely
be on the news. Sister Hong knows that I will kill me. You put on your mask and
wait in the car. I will find a car to pick you up. You send it back."

Soon after, Sister Hong's phone number came, and it was Xiaoxu who notified
Sister Hong. In such a major event as a car accident involving her own artist, Sister
Hong repeatedly confirmed with Ji Wang whether there was any pain and whether
she needed to go to the hospital.

Ji Wang said no, it didn't hurt. After another hour, the car sent by Sister Hong
arrived at the scene with difficulty. Ji Wang looked at Xiaoxu worriedly: "Call me if
you have something to do."
Xiaoxu waved his hand: "Brother, that's what the assistant should use. Don't
worry about it. Go back to take a bath and sleep. There is still a schedule

When Ji Wang arrived at home, it was almost late at night. Ji Wang dragged his
whole body tired, and entered the password to open the door. As soon as I pushed
it away, the room was bright, and the music of the game came out.

Ji Wang subconsciously thought that Song Ge was here. He put the bag aside and
took off his shoes, saying, "Song Ge? Why did you come to my house in the middle
of the night and quarrel with your girlfriend?"

He took off his jacket soaked in the rain, and the pain on his back was involved in
his actions: "Don't always make trouble with your girlfriend..."

Ji Wang's words stopped, and what appeared in front of him was Qi Boyan, who
was still ill-willed, dressed in his clothes, sitting on his mat, and holding his

Qi Boyan put down his hand and didn't care that the villain on the TV had been
knocked down by the dragon several times. He stood up: "Why come back so late."

Ji Wang didn't speak.

Qi Boyan said again: "You left earlier than me, and you came back so long later
than me, have you seen anyone?"

Ji Wang didn't want to talk to him at all. He was already tired and painful. He
couldn't rest when he returned home, and he was questioned by his predecessor
who broke into his house.

"You are an illegal invasion." Ji Wang said harshly: "I call the police now, you
should be in the news."

Qi Boyan asked stubbornly: "Where are you going? Who are you? Is it Ren Ran?"
Fortunately, when the name was mentioned, Ji Wang was stressed: "Aren't you
investigating me? Mr. Qi should know best where I went."

After saying that Ji Wang wanted to bypass Qi Boyan, he was grabbed roughly by
Qi Boyan. Suddenly his back collar was pulled hard, and he even flew out with the
front buttons, and one of them bounced. Ji Wang's jaw hurts.

He curled his eyebrows in anger, but Qi Boyan was even more angry than him:
"Who did you sleep with!"

Ji Wang couldn't see his back, but guessed that it might be the wound that caused
Qi Boyan's misunderstanding, but this misunderstanding didn't make Ji Wang
happy, it was just a damn alpha monopoly.

Your own territory, even other males can't pass by.

So at the first time, I didn't realize that it was a wound. I wouldn't ask him if
something happened. An accident happened. I would only think that he went out
to mess around and came back with a trace.

Ji Wang's tone fell completely cold: "Get out."

Qi Boyan breathed extremely hard, and continued to tear down his clothes.

Involved in the injury during the action, Ji Wang also gritted his teeth and
endured the pain in his mouth.

There was silence behind, and even the breathing stopped. For a long time, Qi
Boyan shook his hands and touched his back: "How could this be? Are you injured?"

Ji Wang closed his eyes tiredly, without answering.

The groping hand on his back did not stop because of this. Qi Bo said, "What
Ji Wang seemed to have made up his mind to ignore him, Qi Boyan hugged Ji
Wang, and his lips kept kissing on his bruises: "Don't ignore me, brother, I was
wrong. You know I am most afraid of you. Ignore me."

"I'm afraid that I will cry when I dream."

"But I can dream of you, and I feel very happy."

"Ji Wang, have you ever dreamed of me all these years?"

Chapter 23
Hearing what Qi Boyan said, Ji Wang had only one feeling, which was suffering. It
came up from the base of his tongue, then came down from his throat, and reached
his heart. The suffering made people unable to breathe.

If hurting the heart is also considered a skill, then Qi Boyan is really talented.

He was depressed, and felt the body clinging to his back trembling, as if this
person would be as sad as him.

Ji Wang dreamed of the past many times, dreaming of reunion with Qi Boyan. In
the dream, he is far less sturdy than in reality, but the ending in the dream is mostly
the same, it is Qi Boyan who left him.

He closed his eyes and finally gave up on himself, said weak words, and asked the
answer he most wanted. Even if this question would reveal his sincerity and reveal
his unwillingness, he said: "I will just ask you one. Thing, if you think about me so,
why so many years... Have you never looked for me?"

As soon as the problem came up, silence was exchanged. Qi Boyan hugged him
slightly, but he didn't mean to answer, his breathing was heavy, as if he was thinking
about what to say.

For a long time, they were deadlocked, and no one spoke.

Ji Wang waited from hope to despair, he thought, even if Qi Boyan lied to him
that he had cancer in the past few years, like a car accident in a Korean drama, his
amnesia just remembered it recently.

He needs a reason to forgive Qi Boyan's reason.

But... Qi Boyan didn't want to answer, he didn't even want to give Ji Wang a

How could Ji Wang believe such Qi Bo's words? He had already given his sincerity
once, and the ending was falling to the ground, shattered to pieces.

How stupid it is to deceive yourself and others again.

Ji Wang pushed Qi Boyan's arm away: "You go, before I beat you." He didn't want
to do Qi Boyan's pastime anymore, and he didn't want to be in this casual pastime,
stupidly confuse his heart. It was paid in.

Qi Boyan didn't hug him anymore, and after waiting for a while, Ji Wang heard
the sound of closing the door, and Qi Boyan left.

Ji Wang's mood didn't get better because of Qi Boyan's departure. This person
was always like this. After disturbing his thoughts, he left calmly.

The reason why Qi Boyan left was probably because Ji Wang was ignorant and
always asked some questions that Qi Boyan couldn't answer. And this person did
not dream of Guo Jiwang as he said.

Because of this, I was touched and soft-hearted, and stupidly exposed his
weaknesses, unbelievably stupid. Ji Wang slowly squatted down and covered his

He didn't know how long he had been squatting. He only felt that his legs were
numb before he heard the sound of entering the password. The door opened and
there was a rustling sound of plastic bags. Ji Wang lifted his face from his palm, his
footsteps sounded far away. Nearly: "Brother, come on medicine."

Ji Wang finally looked back. It was Qi Boyan, a living, returning Qi Boyan.

He was wearing a hat, covered with a hood, a mask on his face, a little tired in his
eyes, and a plastic bag with the name of Happy Pharmacy in his hand.

Seeing that Ji Wang didn't move, Qi Boyan simply sat down. His long legs
separated and Ji Wang was in the middle. He rudely poured out the contents of the
plastic bag, all kinds of medicines, and he lost his hat. , Remove the mask: "These
effects are good, can you mix them?"

Ji Wang didn't say anything out of place, he just felt tired, and he didn't even
have the strength to drive Qi Boyan away. Or, in fact, he just didn't want to go away,
holding those weaknesses that even Ji Wang felt hated.

Without waiting for Ji Wang's answer, Qi Boyan didn't care, picking out the best
one he thought was the best, and gently applying it on Ji Wang's back.

The smell of the ointment volatilized in the air, pungent and pungent, Ji Wang
pushed away Qi Boyan's hand as if he had first awakened: "I will do it myself."

"Don't make trouble, you can't reach it." Qi Boyan pressed Ji Wang's hand firmly
and continued to give Ji Wang medicine, even if he didn't give the answer that Ji
Wang wanted to know the most, he didn't plan to Yes, Ji Wang didn't even have
the courage to ask questions.

After giving Ji Wang a good medicine, Qi Boyan dullly remembered: "You haven't
bathed yet, this medicine is in vain."

After finishing speaking, Qi Boyan said in a cheerful tone: "Brother, it is not

convenient for you to take a shower if you are injured. May I help you?"
Ji Wang stood up silently and asked to go into the bathroom by himself. At this
time, Qi Boyan's cell phone shook, Ji Wang looked over, and saw Qi Boyan picked
it up and pressed it off, and hung up the phone.

Ji Wang said: "You answer it."

Seeing that Ji Wang was finally willing to talk to him, Qi Boyan smiled on his face:
"What are you going to answer? This is not a phone call, it's an alarm clock. When
I get to your house, I turn on the flight mode. Don't bother me anymore."

Ji Wang didn't make any comments on Qi Boyan's willful behavior, he went into
the bathroom as if he had lost interest. After entering, he realized that he hadn't
come and walked out again, and then he saw Qi Boyan holding a handful of
medicine in his hand and squeezing it into his mouth indiscriminately.

There was no expression on Qi Boyan's face, it was very cold and careless, as if
he didn't know suffering, he didn't have water, bit by bit, bit the medicine and
swallowed it.

Ji Wang was stunned: "What is this?"

Qi Boyan was startled by Ji Wang’s voice, turned his head and looked around,
seeing that Ji Wang’s attention was on the box in his hand. After he closed the box,
he shook it, and the pills inside intertwined with a crisp sound. : "Vitamins, haven't
brother eaten them?"

He threw the pill box into the black bag he had brought, and stretched his waist:
"Protect your hair, nails, eyes, skin, and throat. You should eat too. You are also an
actor anyway, so you have to take care of yourself. Looks."

Ji Wang doubted: "Specially set an alarm clock to eat vitamins?"

Qi Boyan came over: "Don't you believe it? I still have a bit of vitamin flavor in
my mouth. It's quite sweet. Would you like to try it?"
After that, Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's face and wanted to kiss him. Ji Wang was
really annoyed by his attitude, and after pushing the person away, he went into the
bedroom to get his clothes.

Qi Boyan didn't get entangled. He squatted on the ground obediently, bought

himself, and collected the medicinal oil from the ground, and put it under the coffee

After finishing it, he smiled flatteringly at Ji Wang who came out of the bedroom,
as if he was a kid who came to a friend's house and knew that he had cleaned up,
and childishly asked for a compliment from the host's house.

Ji Wang didn't give it to him, just ignored it.

Qi Boyan pursed his lips bitterly, and said, "I really don't need me to bathe you?"

Ji Wang responded by slamming the bathroom door. When Ji Wang came out,
the people in the living room had really gone. There was a note on the coffee table
indicating how many times a day the injury medicine was used. He had to catch the
plane at night, and Ji Wang may not be able to meet in the near future.

I also pressed a ticket for the concert, leaving a sentence: "Brother, come and
see. This is the VIP seat I arranged for you. It belongs to you only."

Ji Wang swept the note and concert tickets into the trash can and went to sleep
in the room.

The end was another night of insomnia, impetuous, unable to sleep anyway. Ji
Wang took out the phone, and when he reacted sensibly, his finger had already
entered Qi Boyan's name in the search bar.

Some things couldn't stop at the beginning, and they were generally addictive.
According to the key words, Ji Wang even touched the forum dedicated to him by
the Qi Boyan Support Club. There were various posts in it, and the latest one was
It's about the tattoo on Qi Boyan's wrist, that sheet of music.

Tie Li Kepu, this is a mark of Qi Boyan. There is this melody in every piece of his
music, maybe it's just a special mark.

Someone retorted that even if it is a mark, it must be meaningful in it, so what

does this melody mean? Why does Qi Ye like it so much?

Ji Wang noticed what these fans called Qi Boyan, and couldn't help thinking, your
master Qi is still a child himself, what kind of master is he called, Jing will pretend
to be.

Qi Boyan didn't even tie his hair well, couldn't cook, got up, and even picked his

Just a child.

Ji Wang dragged down, he saw a floor, and said that Qi Boyan's score was a code.

This answer is somewhat interesting. Ji Wang continued to look down, but he

never found the id of this floor before replying to others.

After staying up all night, studying the password on the wrist of his ex, Ji Wang
felt that he was really free. He did not hope to send a message to Xiao Xu: "Music
score is also a kind of password?"

Xiaoxu answered quickly: "How do you know, I have a cousin who has studied
this kind of thing."

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoxu sent a website, which was specially made by his
cousin to decipher the code.

Ji Wang copied and pasted the music scores typed by others on the forum into
this website.
The website was translated very slowly, and after every minute and a second, the
answer popped out letter by letter.

At this time, Ji Wang was already drowsy, he barely opened his eyes, glanced at
the screen, and then he was stunned.

ji wang.

The secret hidden in this piece of music is Ji Wang.

Chapter 24
Ji Wang sat up abruptly from the bed, a thin layer of sweat erupted from the tip of
his nose, and his cheeks heated up uncontrollably. He confirmed the letters of the
website again, and he was completely drowsy.

He covered the computer, his heartbeat kept accelerating, as if talking to himself,

he murmured: "Don't believe him, it's just a tattoo."

Ji Wang looked at his ring finger, the remaining scar on it was very smooth. It
hurts when the laser hits it, but Ji Wang didn't use anesthetics. He hoped to
remember with the pain, telling himself that there are some things that can't be so

Like a tattoo, like feelings.

There used to be a string of letters on the ring finger, mortífero, around the
finger, like a collar of English letters, turned into a ring, and locked in Jiwang.

He once thought that he would never regret getting this tattoo in his entire life,
but in fact, only a few years later, at the company's order, he removed this mark
without any reluctance.

Ji Wang closed the computer and gradually calmed down. He closed his eyes, but
fell asleep quickly this time.
At 8 o’clock in the morning of the second day, Ji Wang went to the company for
a meeting and listened to Sister Hong’s plan for his future positioning and route. At
12 o’clock at noon, he came to the company for the first time since he came to the
company for a long time. Because recently he has gradually gained a bit of

In the afternoon, I watched class and exercise. The schedule on the second day
was similar to the previous day. However, he changed to a gym because it turned
out that Ji Wang was recognized by others, and it caused a commotion. Sister Hong
helped him hire a personal trainer. She was a young alpha.

Vigorous, hormones as vigorous as pheromones, and extremely fond of physical

contact, probably because of the relationship with Qi Boyan, which makes Ji Wang
feel uncomfortable.

But he also knows that not many alphas can tolerate each other's pheromones.

When he first received Qi Boyan's pheromone, he felt very uncomfortable.

At that time, Qi Boyan should be equally uncomfortable, but Ji Wang had

released pheromones countless times in the course of their exchanges. Qi Boyan
behaved very naturally, naturally as if he could not feel the uncomfortable energy.

Ji Wangcai was so convinced that he was an omega.

After revealing his attributes, the wayward little madman no longer had any
scruples, and even licked Ji Wang's face in a well-adjusted manner, coaxing with
great experience: "You will get used to it soon, but it's just a little uncomfortable at
the beginning."

Qi Boyan casually wiped his palm from Ji Wang's chin to his chest, wiped away
the sweat from Ji Wang's body, he reached out his hand to clasp Ji Wang's chin, and
while occupying Ji Wang, he solemnly ordered: "Accept me. "
After the body has been completely occupied, even the pheromone is not let go,
which makes Ji Wang very painful. Even if the back of the neck has been falsely
marked once, the pheromone blending between alpha and alpha is still not too
much. Things that are pleasant to people.

It's like fighting each other, pheromone also has its own temper. Once it feels
outsiders, it tortures the body, clamoring not to accept and unwilling.

Ji Wang was tortured so much that he ignored a lot of physical pain.

However, as time passed, the discomfort gradually became tolerable, as if

forming a critical point, below the threshold, he still had a strong reaction to Qi

What did Qi Boyan say to him at that time?

"It looks like we are all perverts, brother."

Isn't it a pervert? The relationship between alpha and alpha has always been

In the personal training, he touched Ji Wang's waist again, and Ji Wang stepped
back a few steps, coldly saying, "Oral guidance is good."

The coach looked at him in surprise: "Are we all alphas? You don't need to mind
at all."

After talking about what the coach seemed to realize, the look in Ji Wang's eyes
became strange.

Ji Wang didn't answer. He directly interrupted the course and contacted Sister
Hong. He wanted to change a place and coach and choose a beta coach for him.

Sister Hong said on the phone: "This coach is very famous in the industry. Do
many stars like to practice with him?"
"He is an alpha, the taste is too strong, I don't like it." Ji Wang said.

Sister Hong was surprised, because Ji Wang had always been a very hard-working
person with strong endurance in the impression. Generally, she would not come to
trouble her because of trivial matters, and she didn't know what the fitness
instructor did.

Thinking about it this way, Sister Hong feels that this coach must be changed.
Even the best-tempered artists in her hand can’t stand it. She said, “I’ll arrange this
tomorrow. You can watch more variety shows at home these days, although there
is a desk book. , But the sense of variety is also very important, which directly
determines your final effect."

"If you behave poorly on the program, you will be wasting the good opportunity
that the company has given you this time." Sister Hong directly approved Ji Wang
a week off and asked him to make up lessons at home.

Ji Wang had a vacation in vain and did not choose to go out. The first three days
he did listen to Sister Hong honestly and watched many variety shows in the movie
room. On the fourth day, Song Ge came to poach people: "You are here again. If
you stay in the house, you will grow hair."

This is Ji Wang’s fault. He tends to be overly addicted to things. Every time he

wants to play a role, he will have a long stage of entering the play. Anyway, he shut
himself in the room, pondering every move of this role, and gradually enriching it.
, Turning a void character into flesh and blood in himself.

Ji Wang's way of acting is a bit paranoid. Thinking about it now, he is also

paranoid about feelings, as if he is destined.

Song Ge is a conscientious friend. Once he learns that Ji Wang has been locked
up, he will be responsible for digging people out of the room and taking them to
the bar for a drink.
This time is no exception, but the theme of drinking tonight is Song Ge's
complaint about his girlfriend's star-chasing behavior.

Ji Wang's mind was still full of dialogues and laughter from various variety artists,
and it took a long time for him to return to his senses: "Concert?"

Song Ge beat the table with a bitter face: "Yes! Damn Qi Boyan! Liang Xiaoxiao's
unscrupulous! Our first anniversary was when we ran into Qi Boyan's concert, she
didn't even go with me. I want to listen to the concert with her little sister!"

Ji Wang realized afterwards: "When is the concert?"

Song Ge: "Tomorrow! So you must accompany me to drink tonight. I have to get
drunk. It's best to get drunk on this sad day tomorrow!"

Ji Wang listened to Song Ge's various chatterings and lost his mind unconsciously.
He didn't pick up the ticket for the concert. His aunt would come to his house once
a week, so he should have cleared the trash can.

So don't think about it, there is no need to go to that concert, it doesn't make
sense to go there.

In the middle of the night, Ji Wang sent Song Ge to his home, and after handling
his drunk old friend expertly, he finally sat on the carpet in front of the sofa with a

With the alcoholic and nonsense Song Ge behind his back, Ji Wang turned on his
cell phone, and he received a text message from Qi Boyan.

Will you come?

This is the first time Ji Wang returned to Qi Boyan's news. It was quick and brief.
He said, no.
Chapter 25
Ji Wang stayed at Song Ge's house for one night. Song Ge got up in the middle of
the night and vomited. Ji Wang also got up from the bed, made a honey lemonade
for Song Ge, and cooked him a plate of braised noodles with poached eggs.

Song Ge vomited his stomach clean, brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth, and
came over to eat noodles. After eating, he said to Ji Wang moved very touched:
"Why are you not an omega? No matter how bad you are, you can be a beta. We
can get married."

Ji Wang said blankly: "You can't think of it beautifully."

Song Ge sucked his noodles: "My girlfriend thought I was drunk and stinky, and
would vomit. She wouldn't drink or smoke for me, or spend an anniversary with

While speaking, Song Gebei came from it, and the more he looked at this friend
who had taken care of him for several years, he felt pleasing to the eye: "It's still
hello. Actually, I can't give you a baby? Consider thinking about it."

Ji Wang smiled and scolded: "You are enough, no matter how disgusting I am, I
will leave!"

Song Ge's play was possessed, and he shouted sadness.

After a fight with Song Ge, the two slept in separate rooms. On the second day
Song Ge pestered him to go shopping and buy clothes again.

Song Ge is still at leisure. He is still studying and studying for a Ph.D. No one
thought that Song Ge finally took the academic road and found a school girl to be
his girlfriend at the school.

Halfway through the street, Ji Wang was recognized several times wearing a
mask and took a group photo to sign. Song Ge didn't dare to drag Ji Wang around,
and the two of them found a more private cafe and sat down.
Song Ge asked Jiwang: "Okay, there are more and more celebrities."

Ji Wang corrected him: "A star is just a little actor."

Song Ge took out his phone: "You don't know yet, you have two million fans on

Ji Wang said casually: "The company bought no more than ten live fans."

Song Ge still didn't believe it: "Do you want to stop checking your Weibo?"

Ji Wang couldn't reach Song Ge, so he took out his mobile phone and posted a
Weibo account that he hadn't logged in for 800 years. He almost doesn't use this
official account, and he usually hands it over to the company. He has a small
account, so he still needs to check it frequently, otherwise he won't even know the
latest fashion stalks.

On this, he was overwhelmed by a large number of private messages and

comments. Although Xiaoxu took care of it regularly, he still accumulated a good
part of comments and private messages.

Some praised him for his good acting skills, some praised him for being
handsome, and called his treasure brother to let him pay attention to his body.

The content of the comments are not the same, and the id is also a live fan, which
does not look like a comment bought by the company. Ji Wang watched one by
one, and the more he watched, the more surprised he became. At the same time,
he felt warm and warm.

These ids gathered here in the vast crowd, everyone threw a little light at him,
while Ji Wang was moved, there was also a sense of unreality.

He looked up blankly: "Why do they... seem to be real fans, not fake data."
Song Ge rarely saw his stupidity, and he almost laughed to death: "Okay, why are
you just like winning the 30 million lottery ticket, these concerns will increase in
the future."

Ji Wang put down the phone, but he was still a little dazed, Song Ge was sad:
"You have worked very hard, so you should be red."

It’s okay for others to hear this, but Ji Wang can only smile when he hears it:
"Everyone works hard, there is nothing that should be popular, luck is also very

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan came to his mind. If you really want to say that it is red,
that is also Qi Boyan. Before that person debuted, he was already shining.

The two spent the afternoon in the coffee shop and returned home to play games
in the evening. During the period Song Ge made several phone calls to his girlfriend,
but they were all pressed down.

Ji Wang pressed the button of the game handle with his finger, and asked
casually: "Can't get through?"

Song Ge received his girlfriend's WeChat message, replied in his hand, and
replied: "She said that the concert has started. It is very noisy and it is not
convenient to answer the phone."

Ji Wang said, calling Song Ge over, and the two played games for nearly two
hours. In the end Song Ge begged for mercy: "No, I'm really tired. As soon as I
engage in an academic beta, my physical strength is really incomparable with your
alpha. Frozen shoulder is about to be committed!"

Song Ge rolled around on the ground and got up: "Order a midnight snack, what
do you want to eat, crayfish or bullfrog? Should we go out for hot pot?"

Before Ji Wang could reply, his phone shook, and it was Qi Boyan who called.
Thinking of letting people's pigeons go by himself tonight, Ji Wang wanted to hang
up, but felt that it was useless to hang up. Maybe Qi Boyan could fight all night, so
he picked it up.

As soon as I answered it, the phone was filled with noisy environmental sounds.
It was everyone shouting, an overwhelming encore, and Ji Wang could even hear
someone shouting Qi Boyan's name hoarsely.

Qi Boyan's voice was a little panting, dumb and heavy: "You didn't come."

Ji Wang replied: "I said I would not go."

Qi Boyan snorted suddenly: "You said I turned on the hands-free of my phone

now, what will happen to my microphone?"

In an instant, Ji Wang reacted, and he said incredulously: "Are you crazy?"

Qi Boyan said every word: "Twenty minutes for you. If you don't come, you know
what I will do."

Then Qi Boyan hung up his phone. Ji Wang was so annoyed that he wanted to
smash his phone. Song Ge next to him was still waiting for him to order supper. Ji
Wang got up and said to Song Ge, "Take your car key. Give it to me."

It is almost impossible to get from Song Ge's house to the concert site in 20
minutes, plus Qi Boyan is holding the concert there, and there should be a traffic
jam now.

Ji Wang took Song Ge's key and hurried to the parking lot. He rode Song Ge's
motorcycle and covered his helmet.

So there is only one way, and that is to take a small path.

With the wind and thunder on the way, Ji Wang finally arrived at the entrance of
the concert half an hour later, and at a glance he saw Li Feng waiting at the
Before he could take off his helmet, he strode forward and said, "What the hell
did Qi Boyan do?!"

Li Feng heard his voice and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Mr. Ji came in
time, let me go in."

Ji Wang roughly took off his helmet and put it under his arm: "How did he call me
just now? On the stage? In front of everyone?"

After asking three times, Ji Wang's heart was about to jump out of his chest now,
and Qi Bo said that he didn't play the cards according to the routine, which really
made him feel bad.

Li Feng comforted him and said, "Ye Qi called you when he returned to the
backstage after the concert."

Ji Wang looked at the stage, Qi Boyan was still on it, the buttons were half
unbuttoned, his white shirt was moist to his body, and the dance was also very
tempting. He put his arms around his partner's thigh and sang hoarsely with a

"What's over, isn't he still on it?" Ji Wang questioned.

Li Feng immediately explained: "Now it's Encore, and the last song is really over."

Ji Wang was finally led to the position that Qi Boyan had arranged for him.
Everyone around him looked at him with amazement, because he was late after
the concert, and it was Li Feng who brought him in.

He is very lucky now that he wears a mask when he goes out, and Ji Wang is
holding his helmet. This position really has an excellent view, and it is very close to
the stage.
After the seductive and intense dance, the lights changed from red to blue, and
the melody gradually became soft. Qi Boyan kept his eyes on Ji Wang from the
stage, and walked straight towards the front of the stage.

Finally, he sat in front of the stage and looked at Ji Wang.

"I know better than anyone, you are in my heart."

"I love you."

"Stay with you until dawn."

The ending sound disappeared slightly, and a huge firework burst out behind Qi
Boyan. It was fireworks, which rose high at both ends of the stage. Ji Wang did not
watch the fireworks, and the screams of fans were full of fans in his ears. He only
looked at Qi. Blunt words.

And this Qi Boyan, who forced him to come and made a fool of at the concert,
left his own microphone when the fireworks fell and faded away and quietly exited.

After singing, he never looked at Guo Jiwang again.

It seems that Ji Wang was not forced by him, nor was he the one who was
watching and singing love songs.
Chapter 26
When the concert was over, the surrounding fans stood up reluctantly and left. Ji
Wang sat in his original position and didn't move for a long time. Not long after, Li
Feng came, please look up and go backstage.

Qi Boyan was waiting for him in the dressing room at this time. It was the dressing
room again. Ji Wang was unwilling to get along with Qi Boyan in a confined space.

The appearance of Qi Boyan sitting on the stage singing to him just now was like
stimulating over and over again. Since he met Qi Boyan, these stimuli have been
The psychological line of defense has repeatedly backed down, even if you have
said why you didn't come to me these years, you haven't got the answer, it's the
best answer.

Because I don't want to find it, why do I want to find it now? It was after seeing
him by chance that on a whim, he was rejected several times, and he wanted to
win or lose.

Sing a love song with him when the crowd is in the crowd, whether you are really
singing it to him or seeking excitement.

Ji Wang was upset, but the only thing that was certain was that he was far more
scrupulous than Qi Boyan. He heard the threat made by Qi Boyan just now.

Qi Boyan didn't care if they made their relationship public, but Ji Wang did. This
caring about inside doesn't mean what he will lose or get hacked after the
announcement, but he cares about Qi Boyan's career and reputation.

Just like now, the two of them can only see each other secretly, which is enough
to prove that their relationship is not good for each other.

Pushing open the door of the dressing room, Li Feng consciously stopped and
guarded the door. Ji Wang felt sorry for this assistant, and met the unscrupulous Qi

Qi Boyan sat quietly at the innermost point and saw Ji Wang coming. He just
raised his head lazily and glanced at him, and roughly pulled the rubber bands off
his hair: "You are here."

Ji Wang looked at the door, and there was no place to sit, so he stood: "You have
to come over and do something."

Qi Boyan rubbed off the lipstick with a cotton pad. After so many years, Qi
Boyan's way of removing makeup still made Ji Wang feel painful.
With a blush on the corner of his mouth, Qi Boyan stood up: "Didn't you hear it
just now? The song I sang for you."

Ji Wang calmly replied, "I sang it for your fans."

As if his answer was funny, Qi Boyan laughed for a while and approached Ji Wang:
"So you want me to say directly at the concert next time, "Until the Dawn" is a song
dedicated to Ji Wang?"

Ji Wang backed away, but there was a wall behind him, and he couldn't go back
far: "I don't want it. What I want is that you disappear into my life."

This sentence is too heavy, far more lethal than all Ji Wang's words before.

Qi Boyan was stunned, standing in place, his face in a daze. But within a few
seconds, he came back to his senses: "A person cannot disappear into another
person's life unless he is dead. Brother, do you want me to die?"

The word death stung Ji Wang severely. He didn't mean it, but he hated to
misinterpret his words, turn the words into knives, and then pierce the Qi Bo words
heavily on his heart.

Qi Boyan strode forward: "Want me to stop pestering you and chase you,
thinking that I would die. Huh? Is that right? Brother." He grabbed Ji Wang's hair
and went down fiercely. Tugging, Ji Wang's cheeks were lifted up, his eyebrows
frowned slightly, a little bit painful.

Ji Wang didn't follow Qi Boyan's words and said yes. He gritted his teeth tightly:
"I just hope you don't pester me."

Qi Boyan put his finger on Ji Wang's lips: "My brother used to say something nice,
but now I don't like to listen to everything."
After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Ji Wang to say something bad, but he
blocked Ji Wang severely with his lips.

The fragrance of cosmetics, a little alcohol, and a strong peach fragrance. Qi

Boyan actually drank alcohol. Isn't this person the most hated alcohol? Ji Wang was
disappointed for a moment, and Qi Boyan pried his lips open and rushed in.

Qi Boyan's kiss was the same as his people, fierce and provocative, tampering
with his tongue, sucking on the lower lip, occupying every part of the mouth,
including the most sensitive and itchy upper jaw.

Ji Wang was forced to raise his face and greet this irresistible kiss. His hands
pushed Qi Boyan's shoulders hard, but he didn't understand why this man had been
in a concert for two hours, but he still had the strength to fight. He clasped it tightly
in his arms.

Gradually, a red tide appeared on his face because he was surrounded by Qi

Boyan's pheromone.

How alpha uses his own pheromone to seduce another alpha, that is, Qi Bo said
over and over again when Ji Wang was happiest, wrapping him with pheromone,
this is a domesticated response.

When Qi Boyan's lips left him, there was a slight sound of water that made people
flush. On the other's lips, the lipstick has completely disappeared, maybe it was Ji
Wang who ate it, or it was himself.

Ji Wang's eyelids are reddish, which is Qi Boyan's favorite color. His fingers slid
along Ji Wang's cheeks, and finally put them into Ji Wang's mouth, and casually
played with the other's tongue: "Don't even think about biting, blood is flowing into
your mouth, and it was not me who ended up in estrus. "

As soon as Ji Wang tried to use his teeth, he was frozen by Qi Boyan's words, and
he could only reluctantly be played with his mouth by Qi Boyan.
After a while, Qi Boyan just as if he had confirmed his territory, he took it out of
his mouth contentedly, slid down with wet fingers, grasped Ji Wang's waist, but
didn't make any more violent movements.

Qi Boyan: "Your mouth is better for kissing than talking."

Not knowing what he thought of, Qi Boyan said again: "Or Han..." Before he
finished speaking, he was hit by Ji Wang's fist.

This time, with real strength, Qi Boyan bent down and coughed several times.

Ji Wang pushed the person away and tried to remove the moistness on the
corners of his mouth with the back of his hand: "Provoke me again, it won't be a
beating next time."

Qi Boyan clutched his waist and still didn't get up, as if it hurt so much. Ji Wang
felt happy at first, but then became a little nervous: "Don't pretend to be dead."

Qi Boyan raised a pale face: "Let's go."

After speaking, he was holding his stomach in a disappointed manner and

staggered back to his seat. How could Ji Wang leave, even if he really wanted to

Qi Boyan put his hands on the table and swept down the cosmetics forcefully:
"Hurry up!"

Things crackled and fell to the ground, making a lot of noise.

Ji Wang sarcastically said: "What, don't pretend anymore?"

Qi Bo said no answer. Instead, after a short breath, he knelt on his knees and fell
to the ground.
Ji Wang was shocked. He hesitated for a few seconds before he stepped forward
and turned the person over. Looking at the face again, a faint blue color was already

Li Feng outside the door heard the movement and couldn't help knocking down
the door: "Master Qi, are you okay?"

Ji Wang said loudly: "Come in!"

Li Feng then opened the door and went in. When he saw Qi Boyan unconscious
on the ground, his expression changed immediately, closed the door with his
backhand and locked it, and hurriedly walked to the two of them: "What

Ji Wang panicked: "I punched him in the stomach, and then he fainted."

Hearing this, Li Feng frowned, "Master Qi has a bad stomach, and I drank some
wine today. He was already a little bit painful when he came on stage."

Ji Wang shook his hands: "Send to the hospital, hurry up..."

When the two of them were talking, Qi Boyan opened his eyes and woke up from
a brief faint: "Don't go to the hospital."

Ji Wang looked down at him, Qi Boyan struggled to get out of Ji Wang's arms, and
said to Li Feng, "Give me painkillers."

Li Feng said: "Let's contact Dr. Chen."

Qi Boyan became impatient: "I said..." Before he could speak, Ji Wang covered
his lips. He raised his eyes in surprise, and Ji Wang said to Li Feng: "The concert is
over, the road must be very blocked. He has a stomachache like this, so he should
go to the hospital."
Li Feng did not agree with Ji Wang's words, but hesitated for a while: "For the
sake of insurance, it is better to go to Dr. Chen's private hospital, otherwise the
paparazzi will be photographed and the influence will not be good."

Qi Boyan was annoyed when the two of them didn't care about him: "I said
painkillers, don't go to the hospital! Didn't you hear me?"

Ji Wang lowered his head and glared at Qi Boyan, "Don't make a noise!"

Qi Boyan was stunned by the scolding, and Li Feng next to him wanted to laugh
untimely. Qi Boyan, who has always been domineering, turned out to have such a
Chapter 27
The appearance of Dr. Chen's hospital does not look like a hospital, mainly for
concealment. Otherwise, the celebrity has a minor illness, and the paparazzi will
write it as abortion, tumor and cancer when he enters and leaves the hospital.

Li Feng explained to Jiwang in the car that Dr. Chen is the personal doctor of many
artists in the industry, confidential, cautious, and superb medical skills.

Qi Boyan had taken a painkiller as he wished, and slumped in the corner of the
car, and even the seat belt was fastened by Ji Wang.

Ji Wang hadn't spoken since he got in the car. Li Feng warmed up the field for a
long time. Although Ji Wang responded politely, the atmosphere did not improve.

It takes half an hour to drive and is quiet all the way. When arriving at the
hospital, Dr. Chen and two nurses had already greeted him at the door and
arranged a wheelchair to prevent Qi Boyan from being too painful to move.

When Qi Boyan got off the car, he turned black when he saw the wheelchair: "I
won't sit."
Ji Wang didn't say a word, and he moved directly and pressed the sickly Qi Boyan
on the wheelchair. Only then did he say to the surprised Dr. Chen: "Thank you,
please hurry in."

Dr. Chen nodded, and the two nurses pushed Qi Boyan away. With Ji Wang, Dr.
Chen asked politely? "Are you?"

Ji Wang answered casually: "Mr. Qi's bodyguard."

Qi Boyan, who was sitting in the wheelchair, laughed, but because of the
contraction of the muscles in his stomach, half of his laughter was so painful to take
it back.

When he came to the hospital, the equipment was complete, and there were
many items available for inspection, so Ji Wang was relieved. I'm afraid that I won't
even want my life for the sake of privacy.

A series of examinations took a long time, and finally it was confirmed that it was
gastric bleeding. The high probability is due to his own poor condition and Ji Wang's
punch hit the stomach, causing external gastric bleeding.

Li Feng had been on the phone with the company all the time, and then came
over to Qi Boyan with embarrassed face: "Master Qi, there will be an advertisement
shooting tomorrow. The company means that the flight will be postponed for five
hours and will go to the airport at 11 o'clock tomorrow. ."

Ji Wang was shocked: "He has stomach bleeding? He still needs to fly!"

Li Feng whispered: "This is also something that can't be helped."

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's shoulder and said to Li Feng, "Go and ask Dr. Chen if
there is any emergency method."

Dr. Chen arrived in a while: "Mr. Qi, it's better to stay in the hospital for
observation in your condition to see if the bleeding is severe."
Qi Boyan said: "Sorry, I have a schedule tomorrow."

Dr. Chen had no choice but to say: "Then you can only take injections and
medications. You should pay attention to your physical condition these few days. If
you still have pain or have other symptoms, you have to go to the hospital for
examination immediately."

Qi Boyan nodded and agreed to this arrangement, and Dr. Chen went down and
called the nurse over to give Qi Boyan an infusion.

Ji Wang froze. It was he who beat Qi Boyan like this, but how could an alpha fall
because of someone else's punch? What exactly has Qi Boyan's body been like

Obviously I don't like drinking, why drink it!

He had a lot to say and wanted to ask. Before he opened his mouth, the nurse
came in and skillfully inserted a needle into Qi Boyan. After the nurse went out, Ji
Wang disagreed and said, "Is your company crazy about money?"

Qi Boyan leaned on the hospital bed, his face still not good: "Brother, don't make
me laugh, my stomach hurts."

Ji Wang said coldly: "Who is teasing you, the artists are like this, and I still want
to hurry up!"

Qi Boyan put the hand that didn't insert the pin behind his head: "No way, I
signed the right bet. There is only one year left, and there is still a 100 million

Ji Wang was speechless: "Except you, don't anyone else in your company make
Qi Boyan said earnestly: "I make money, but I am the only one who makes the
most money. To be precise, I should be crazy about money."

"Since you are in poor health, why do you want to drink?" Ji Wang didn't stop his

Qi Boyan sighed, turned over, lying on his side facing Ji Wang, even if this posture
made him feel stomach upset.

He stretched out his hand in front of Ji Wang: "Brother, my hands are a bit cold."

The infusion will cause the temperature of the hands to decrease, but not so
quickly. Ji Wang knew that this person was lying, but he still held it subconsciously.

The tentacles are warm and delicate, and there are thin calluses left by playing
instruments on their fingertips. This is the first time they have held hands since they
met again.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes, as if tired and wanted to sleep. Ji Wang didn't dare to
move, so he sat with Qi Boyan for a while, and his phone shook.

Take out the mobile phone, the caller ID is always burning. I haven't contacted
him for so many days. The first time I contacted him, it was this special situation. Ji
Wang didn't know whether he should answer it or not. Soon Qi Boyan opened his
eyes: "Whose phone number?"

Ji Wang wanted to release Qi Boyan's hand and go out to pick it up, but Qi Boyan
grabbed him: "Get it here."

If it were before, Ji Wang would definitely not have responded to this request.
However, now, he sent Qi Boyan to the hospital with a punch. He couldn't refuse,
so he accepted.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ji Wang greeted him without calling his
Ren Ran asked where he was, if he wanted to come out for a drink together.

Ji Wang glanced at Qi Boyan. He said, "I won't go out anymore, I'm not free."

Ren Ran said strangely: "Still busy so late? Song Ge said you asked for leave these
days, didn't you?"

Song Ge, a traitor, wanted to make do with the two of them, and leaked out his

Ji Wang casually found a reason: "For work matters, let's get together again next

Ren Ran said yes, Ji Wang heaved a sigh of relief. As soon as he was about to hang
up, he listened to Qi Bo's words: "Whose call is it?"

Probably because the environment here is quiet, Ji Wang’s mobile phone’s radio
is so good, Ren Ran heard it, and asked, “Who is next to you?”

These two people, Xu Shi Jiwang looked different, Qi Boyan sat up, and the hand
that inserted the needle pretended to move. When Ji Wang held his hand in panic
and neglected to take precautions, Qi Boyan snatched away Ji. Looking at the
phone, Qi Boyan sneered as soon as he looked at the caller ID on the screen of the
phone: "I said why I lied, it turned out to be him."

Qi Boyan pressed the phone to his ear: "He is here, very busy, so I don't have
time to talk to you."

Ji Wang wanted to grab the phone, but was pushed away by Qi Boyan, because
the movement was too big and the blood flowed back into the infusion tube. Ji
Wang stopped his movement in an instant.

Can only watch Qi Boyan arrogantly say to the phone: "You can't recognize my
"Ren Ran, you really haven't made any progress after leaving for so long."

"Is it that the warning six years ago didn't teach you enough?"

Upon hearing this, Ji Wang couldn't help but said: "Say it again, give me the

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang grimly, and finally returned the phone to Ji Wang

Ji Wang picked up the phone, and an angry voice came from the receiver: "Don't
think you can threaten me! I'm not afraid of anything!"

He interrupted aloud at the right time: "Let's talk about it next time, Ren Ran, I'll
hang up first."

Ren Ran was stunned: "Where are you! Are you with Qi Boyan? What are you
thinking in your mind! Didn't you hear what he just said? He is threatening me!"

Ji Wang still said, "I'm sorry."

Ren Ran hung up the phone angrily, Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan indifferently:
"What the lesson learned six years ago."

Qi Boyan was already lying back on the bed, and said a little irritated: "What do
you mean!"

Ji Wang squeezed the phone tightly, with blue veins showing on the back of his
hand: "Why, do you want to mark him again? Qi Boyan, how can you do this!"
Chapter 28
When Qi Boyan heard this, his first reaction was to show a surprised look, and his
second reaction was: "What mark?"

Yes, after so many years, Qi Boyan really has forgotten his wickedness.
Ji Wang's brain buzzed with anger: "Ren Ran's temporary mark on his neck! Do
you dare to say that you did it?! Qi Boyan are you a human! He is my best brother!"

Qi Boyan first heard the work, and then was accused of not being a human being.
He propped up his body and was equally angry: "So you dumped me on my birthday
because of this?"

Ji Wang found it unbelievable. It was difficult to understand Qi Boyan's three

views, and he also doubted his own perception: "Don't you think that temporary
markings are not markings! He is an omega! Do you know how to do this! For him?
What a terrible thing!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Boyan swept the bedside stuff on the floor: "He! He!
He! You are full of him! I will ask you, did you break up with me because of him!"

Ji Wang's chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his calf was hit by something
that Qi Boyan swung off wildly, causing pain.

"Isn't that enough? Just like Ren Ran said, you are a half-hearted scum! I am crazy
to be with you!" The words out of control due to emotions violently spouted from
Ji Wang's mouth. He couldn't take into account the current situation at all.

Qi Boyan can always explode him at will, just because he cares about this person,
he cares almost crazy!

After the words were smashed out, Qi Boyan seemed stunned. He looked at him
in a daze for a while, then suddenly laughed, the corners of his lips pulled out, but
his eyes didn't smile at all: "Yes, you're right."

Qi Boyan lifted the quilt and slowly sat upright, and stepped on the floor beside
the hospital bed: "I just saw one mark, why? I accidentally marked your beloved
omega, so sad?"
Ji Wang drew a sigh of relief. The unproven thing was finally said in the person's
mouth today. Ji Wang actually felt pain. He thought that he had been prepared for
many years, but he was almost suffocated when he heard the answer in Qi Boyan's

Qi Boyan forcefully pulled out the needle from the back of his hand, and blood
splashed on the snow-white quilt. Regardless of the pain in his stomach, he forcibly
stretched out his rickety back, and approached Ji Wang with blood and rich
pheromone in his hands.

Ji Wang didn't hide, and didn't want to hide anymore, until Qi Boyan's blood-
stained hand pinched his cheek, and heard the handsome demon in front of him,
he said in a depressed tone and presumptuous voice: "So, you should Be
interesting, let those omegas far away from you, don’t get close to you, then they
won’t be marked by me as a scumbag."

The word mark is very heavy. If the word has substance, then it must have been
ground by Qi Boyan's teeth at this moment, and it has been scattered all over Ji

Qi Boyan still said, God knows that Ji Wang, in order to control himself, don't
punch him again, he has exhausted all his strength.

"Hate me? You should hate me. Ren Ran is so good. He is an omega and matches
you. But what to do, you will never be with him in your life." Qi Boyan's tone
became gloomy , His expression showed a little cruelty.

Just like Ji Wang dared to be with Ren Ran, then he would immediately mark Ren
Ran. Every omega that Ji Wang liked could not escape this bad luck.

Ji Wang took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. When he
opened it again, he indifferently slapped Qi Boyan's hand away, so his fingertips
were stained with blood, and he didn't care: "Qi Boyan, you really let I am sick."
After speaking, he stepped back and saw that Qi Boyan had been set in place by
his own words, Ji Wang turned his head and walked out of the room without

When he came out, he saw Li Feng standing at the door, looking at him hesitantly.
Ji Wang bowed his head and walked hurriedly, vaguely hearing Li Feng calling him
behind him, Ji Wang ignored it.

He walked very fast, as if he was being chased by a ghost. He was indeed a ghost
or a demon.

Li Feng should have heard them arguing so loudly just now. After coming out of
the hospital, Ji Wang reluctantly regained his sanity when he was blown by the cold
night wind.

If it is not Li Feng who is outside, but someone else, then the matter between
him and Qi Boyan is at risk of being exposed. Ji Wang's life goes very smoothly,
except for a fall in love.

He didn't want to be ruined by a past and embarrassing relationship.

Standing downstairs in the hospital, Ji Wang couldn't help but want to smoke. As
soon as he took out the cigarette, the blood on his hand mixed with pheromone
puffed his nose. He tangled between smoking and not smoking, and finally bit the
cigarette holder between his lips and teeth, lit it, and took a bite.

With the smoke in it, he looked back at the quiet building. The light on the second
floor was in the direction of Qi Boyan. I don't know if Qi Boyan lost his temper again
and smashed a lot of things there.

When Qi Boyan just pulled out the needle, a lot of blood bleeds from his hand.

But there is no need for Ji Wang to worry about this. There are many people
around Qi Boyan, doctors, nurses, and Li Feng. Everyone can help Qi Boyan deal
with the wounds, but Ji Wang keeps it, but it makes Qi Boyan what he is. A bad
stomach is worse.

Besides, tonight, he really didn't want to face Qi Boyan again.

Although since the reunion, he has never wanted to face it once. Facing Qi Boyan,
he couldn't be completely cruel, and couldn't pass his own level. His heart was
constantly being pulled by torture, and it was very painful.

Walking out of the private hospital, there were no taxis on the roadside late at
night. Ji Wang was full of bitterness and walked aimlessly. When the phone called
again, Ji Wang glanced, not Qi Boyan he thought, but Ren Ran.

And the last thing he didn't want to answer was Ren Ran's call.

He and Ren Ran can't be brothers. Since six years ago, Ren Ran came to his house
pale with bandages wrapped around his neck. From that moment on, he and Ren
Ran could never be brothers again.

It can only be a friend, or the kind of friend who communicates with each other
but can't really make a deep friendship.

That night, Ren Ran suddenly came to his house. As soon as he opened the door,
he threw himself into Ji Wang's arms and cried. When he cried until he couldn't
open his eyes, he stopped Ji Wang, who was anxious to call the police.

To this day, Ji Wang still remembers Ren Ran's expression at that time, weakness
mixed with helplessness, he said forget it.

Ren Ran said it was just a temporary mark, and he was bitten by a mad dog.

What's more, he can't be sentenced temporarily, so he can only be condemned

morally. His reputation is not good enough. Alpha has not stopped fighting for him
before. Now this kind of thing is happening again, and the school will inevitably
have a headache.
Ji Wang felt that Ren Ran didn't want to confess the wrongdoer, so he had to
appease Ren Ran and let people sleep in his own room, and went to the living room
by himself, intending to discuss it with someone.

An omega is temporarily marked by an alpha. Although this mark will fade in a

week, it is very excessive for an alpha to do such a thing to an omega who is not his

Ji Wang was worried in the middle of the night and went to look at Ren Ran again.
He found that when Ren Ran was sleeping, the bandage on his neck was loosened,
and the familiar smell filled his bedroom again.

It is ridiculous that this smell has appeared in this bedroom many times because
of him.

Today, this taste comes from his best brother, Ren Ran.

Taoxiang is too rare, so rare that it is the only one in his social circle with Ren

Why is Qi Boyan's pheromone in Ren Ran's body? The peach flavor and Ren Ran's
own tea fragrance blend into a brand-new pheromone, which is far more touching
than the pheromone blending between the two alphas.

Ji Wang held the door, and for the first time he didn't have the courage to walk
in. His legs were shaking, his vision was shaking even more, and he almost sat down
on the ground. He wanted to grab Ren Ran and question him immediately, but he
couldn't. He only walked in slowly and carefully put away the bandage on Ren Ran's

Only then did he slowly walk out of the room. That night, he sat withered until
dawn and didn't close his eyes almost all night.
As long as he thinks about this, his heart is as if he is being roasted on a fire, and
he will be wiped out.

At dawn, Ren Ran left the door of the room and saw that his sitting posture was
almost the same as Ji Wang before going to bed, Ren Ran did not speak

Instead, he came to Ji Wang and sat down gently, with his arms lying on Ji Wang's
legs, his cheeks against the back of his hands. Therefore, his back neck and bandage
pierced Ji Wang's eyes almost immediately.

Ji Wang didn't push Ren Ran away, but Ren Ran said in a crying voice: "Ji Wang,
you really can't be with Qi Boyan."

Ren Ran didn't wait to answer. He only felt a hand pressed heavily on his head. Ji
Wang asked him, "Why, because do you like him?"

"How is it possible!" Ren Ran sat up abruptly, without concealing the disgust on
his face: "Because he is not worthy of you." I don't know what he thought of, Ren
Ran paled: "Qi Boyan is not as good as you thought. Okay, I have said so many times
about him..."

Ji Wang interrupted Ren Ran: "I know now."

He looked at the back of Ren Ran's neck without sorrow and joy, and repeated
the sentence: "I now... thoroughly understand."

Ren Ran followed his gaze and touched the back of his neck. He was stunned and
realized what he realized. He looked at Ji Wang and was silent for a while: "Will you
break up with him?"

Ji Wang looked away and did not speak.

Ren Ran pressed his hands on Ji Wang’s knees: “You must break up with him. It’s
no good for you to keep entangled with him. I’m seriously warning you that Qi
Boyan’s family is much bigger than you think. It's more complicated."

Ji Wang was in a daze, and he didn't know if he listened. Ren Ranshou touched
his neck again, and soon he noticed Ji Wang's gaze clinging to his neck.

Ren Ran gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Everything I do is for you, Ji
Wang, if it's someone else, I won't care about it, but you are different. I can't just
watch you jump into the fire pit."

"What is good about him, it's just a bad and half-hearted scum."

"Ji Wang, leave Qi Boyan, you can't continue with him anymore."
Chapter 29
In the end, what was Ji Wang's answer to Ren Ran? He said, Ren Ran, leave me

At that time, Ren Ran showed a very surprised expression, but Ji Wang couldn't
remember much after the quarrel.

He seemed to be trapped in a stress response, and the memories and all kinds of
memories of that period were not clear enough.

In this matter, Ji Wang believes that he is owed to Ren Ran. No matter what, his
good friend did not do enough. He did not give Ren Ran the result he wanted, nor
did he deal with this relationship.

Qi Boyan asked him in the ward just now if it was because of Ren Ran that he
broke up. Qi Boyan complained as if he had forgotten the reason for their real
dispute on the day they broke up six years ago.

It's not just because of any burning, it's just the last straw that crushes the camel.
Six years ago, Ji Wang didn't have the spine to verify, he just wanted to delay it a
little longer, trying to maintain a false stability, until he could no longer deceive

Ji Wang was awakened by the long sound of the car, and a dazzling beam of light
fell on him, causing him to withdraw his foot that had stepped on the side of the
road. On the opposite side of the sidewalk, the pedestrian indicator was red, but Ji
Wang did not notice.

He watched the cars coming and going, paused for a long time, then stepped
back and hid in the darkness, slowly squatting down, burying his face in his arms.

Song Ge waited until midnight at his home before calling Ji Wang: "Where did
you go in a hurry, what happened?"

Ji Wang's voice on the phone said dumbly: "Song Ge, I forgot your car somewhere

Song Ge was almost scared to death: "Isn't it! That car cost me bonuses for
several projects!"

Ji Wang sullenly returned him: "I will go back and find it for you now."

Hearing that Ji Wang’s voice was wrong, Song Ge said straightforwardly: "Isn’t
you crying if you lost it, brother, don’t have to, you can return me the latest model
after you become popular."

He bababara told Ji Wang about the latest models of heavy locomotives, and
finally he heard Ji Wang laugh and scold him to open his mouth, and finally heaved
a sigh of relief.

Song Ge: "Where are you squatting? I'll pick you up."

Ji Wang curiously said: "How do you know I'm squatting."

How can I not know, how many years old brothers, Ji Wang likes to squat down
and relax when he feels uncomfortable. I must have encountered something
outside, and I don't want to say it yet. Since the other party was unwilling to talk,
Song Ge would not ask.

There are not many bad things for adults. Brothers can talk about everything, but
they know better than others. Those are brothers.

In the end, Song Ge was not allowed to come, Ji Wang smoked half a pack of
cigarettes under the tree before he took a taxi to retrieve Song Ge's car, drove to
the other party's house, stayed there and slept solidly all day.

It's not a big deal, as soon as I wake up, I can pick myself up again.

Ji Wang continues to live his original life. It is time to go to class and work.

On the weekend of half a month later, Ji Wang formally joined the film crew of
On the Road. The shooting location of the first phase is on an island. You can get
survival supplies from the show team through games, or you can exchange food
with villagers on the island through labor.

All in all, it is a show that will be very bitter when it is suffering, and it is also very
sad to record.

However, in order to have a good effect on the show, and the show team also
wants to fry cp, Ji Wang looked at the officially recorded member list, which
contains two omegas, two alphas, and a beta.

When Ji Wang got off the car, there was already a person in the room assigned
to them by the program group.

The man was chatting with the show crew in full swing, trying to use
coquettishness to sell cuteness and ask the producer some benefits.
Ji Wang saw the other person's face clearly and confirmed the identity of this

He is a male omega named Duan Yinyu. He made his debut from the c position in
the variety show. He has a sense of variety. Recently, he has emerged in a talk show.
There is also a movie being released. The box office is good. He is an entertainer
with a good momentum in the industry.

Duan Yinyu yelled, and quickly stood up: "Finally someone has arrived."

He walked in front of Ji Wang and didn't see anything. He grabbed Ji Wang's arm
and accused him of the black-hearted program group: "You don't know, there is
nothing in this room, all rely on struggle, go to the mud pond, to the beach, to the
fields! It's dying, I feel like I'll be played by the show crew."

It was the first time that Ji Wang saw Duan Yinyu. He didn't expect the other party
to be in this way, but Duan Yinyu was good-looking. These complaints were mostly
smiling, which was not annoying.

After a while, there was a movement outside the door. This time it was one of
the big coffees invited by the show team, Zheng Qihong, who debuted for 30 years,
is an old opera and is a female omega.

Another beta also came in immediately. It was the well-known host Zhang
Muxian, who was the same TV station as the film crew. It was equivalent to digging
the post to do this variety show. The expectation of this variety show was visible to
the naked eye.

This makes Ji Wang feel even more strange, why does his little actor, an unknown
name, appear in such a place.

The four people who arrived first, under Zhang Muxian's active atmosphere,
were all kind and happy. Everyone has been in the entertainment industry for many
years, and naturally they will not show any bad appearance, especially in front of
the camera.
People are not there yet, so everyone can only wander around the house to
check the environment where they will live in the previous week and filming.

It is said that this issue also invited a flying guest, and the guest will not arrive
until tomorrow.

Since filming started, Ji Wang has looked at the door several times, and one
person after another came in, all of whom were prestigious seniors, why didn't Qi
Boyan arrive yet.

It's not because I miss it, but because I'm afraid that the other party will be late
for the first episode, which will give other variety members a bad impression.

Because it was a house let by the aborigines, in order to cater for the shooting, a
single house on the island with better conditions was chosen. The three-story
building has a large yard, and there are also vegetable growing places and chicken
sheds in the yard.

When Ji Wang lived in the country with his grandmother when he was young, he
knew the first time he would go to check the situation of the chickens to see if there
were any eggs. According to the urinary sex of the show group, the subsequent
game sessions will probably torture the guests.

I don't know if he can raise his hands more in view of the older Zheng Qihong in
their team.

As soon as I went to the chicken shed, there was a harvest. There were a few
eggs in the nest. Ji Wang was about to go to announce the good news when he
heard a movement from the gate, and Qi Bo said.

Unlike when the other guests came, Qi Boyan was full of arrogance from getting
out of the car to entering the house.
Wearing big sunglasses and a glamorous suit, stepping into this dusty house is a
sense of violation.

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan silently, always feeling that this person had been sent
to the countryside to participate in Metamorphosis.

Perhaps Ji Wang thought so alone, because the other guests gathered around
and greeted enthusiastically. After taking off his sunglasses, Qi Boyan smiled
apologetically and asked his assistant to give each teacher a gift.

The assistant is not Li Feng, but a new face.

The program team was cautious and said to Qi Boyan: "Food cannot be

Qi Boyan glanced at the producer in surprise: "Whoever delivers things will

deliver food."

Then all day, Qi Boyan regretted this sentence.

The program team was not so cruel to Zheng Qihong, and asked her to go to the
town to learn hand-dying cloth with the villagers, and all the others were sent to
the fields to dig lotus roots.

A basket of lotus root can be exchanged for a bag of rice. If you can catch fish, it
would be better. Meat dishes are solved. A group of four people went into the lotus
field like dumplings, and after a while they worked until their faces were muddy.

Ji Wang was fine, even swiftly digging out the lotus root and threw it into the
basket on his body. In any case, he has found a place in the program group, he can
do what others can do, he can help do what others can not do.

During the period, Zhang Muxian and Duan Yinyu were just like talking about
cross talk, digging lotus roots and having fun in bitterness. You come and I talk
Because it is stalky and funny, Ji Wang is like an audience, and he is also happy
to listen to it.

Duan Yinyu was walking and wrestling. He sank in the mud. His delicate face was
all spent, and he screamed as if a fish had entered his clothes. A series of out-of-
control swear words came out and roared. Said: "My Duan Yinyu innocent was
destroyed in the hands of a fish today! Come and help! It's going to get into my
pants! Ah!!!"

The scene was miserable and funny, Zhang Mu almost laughed, and Ji Wang also
endured a stomachache with a smile, and stepped forward to dig Zhang Mu out of
the mud.

But he underestimated the strength of Duan Yinyu's struggle, and this drag
brought him in directly. As soon as Duan Yinyu got out of the mud with his strength,
he was pressed back by Ji Wang and almost died on the spot.

At this time, the fish flew out of the clothes of the piece of music, like the god of
variety show, the fish tail slapped Ji Wang arrogantly and returned to Outian with
a bang.

Zhang Muxian directly supported the field next to him, unable to move with a
smile, Ji Wang held Duan Yinyu up in a good and funny manner, and said to Zhang
Mu first, "Brother Xian, stop laughing, come and help!"

Finally, Zhang Mu came over first, and the two dug up Duan Yinyu together, and
the three leaned against the bank to rest in embarrassment.

Duan Yinyu said bitterly: "I will change my nickname to my fans when I go back."

Ji Wang casually said: "What is your fan nickname?"

Duan Yinyu took a few muddy salivas in succession: "Fish meal, I don’t think it’s
good. Fish doesn’t fit me. And my name is Yinyu. I have three years of college
entrance examination and two years of simulation are more suitable for them. I will
study hard. !"

After such a disturbance, the program crew has captured a lot of material. On
the other hand, Qi Boyan, who went down to the pond with them, digs farther and
farther, just like an awkward and lonely teenager, not participating in the
excitement here at all.

However, several cameras have been followed by him all the time, taking pictures
of the work of the big stars in all directions.

Ji Wang glanced at him casually, and was about to withdraw his gaze, but Yu
Guangli found that Qi Boyan had fallen.

The man fell silent and was dull. He wanted to get up, but found that the lotus
roots were very sticky, and it was hard to take advantage of it.

Disgusting mud poured into Qi Boyan's clothes, making Qi Boyan who had a slight
cleanliness almost suffocated.

There was a rattling movement behind him, Qi Boyan didn't look back, but tried
to stand up again.

The visitor didn't help him at the first time, so he said something coldly: "It's been
so long after digging, so that's it?"

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan, who was sitting quietly in the field, without any
movement. After all, he reached out to help someone take off the basket on his
back. He was about to dig Qi Boyan out of the mud, but he felt the other's arm.
Avoiding yourself, although hiding is not obvious.

He looked at the photographers who had been shooting around and gritted his
teeth. He stretched his hand directly through Qi Boyan's armpit, and framed the
person like a child.
There is really no way, who called Daxing Qi is only eight years old this year,
awkward and naive.
Chapter 30
After helping the person up, Ji Wang walked back to Duan Yinyu and Zhang Muxian,
walking through the muddy Ou Tian, and joined the duo in the air filled with the
atmosphere of sand sculptures, and became a cheering audience.

In fact, he stayed with Qi Boyan and obviously had more shots. But Ji Wang didn't
want to. He didn't have the confidence to pretend to be a stranger to meet Qi
Boyan for the first time in front of the camera of the variety show.

After spending several hours in the lotus root field, everyone was sweating and
digging at the end. Everyone was digging together, tired, and speechless.

When the lotus root baskets were full, the four stubbornly crawled to the shore
and paralyzed to rest there.

Because of the rigid requirements of the program group, assistants and agents
cannot help during the filming process, so Qi Boyan's assistant can only be anxious
not far away, distressed that the skin of his star's star is tanned red in the sun.

Before his assistant Yi Dong called the boss and asked what to do about it, he saw
a person in the clay figurine group rising up and said to Director Jiang: "How can
these lotus roots be replaced with rice? Should I go to the village to change it?"

The person who got up was Ji Wang, an Alpha with plenty of energy.

Duan Yinyu, who was next to him, was dead, and he still mumbled: "I knew that
my agent wanted to murder me, and he actually stuffed me into this variety show
to plant rice seedlings in the fields. He is finished, and his year-end prize is gone,"

Qi Boyan also stood up: "It's not good to go to the village like this."

Zhang Mu first said, "Let's go back and take a bath anyway."

At the request of the guests, Director Jiang finally used the microphone to give
instructions for them to go back to take a bath. They could only wash for 30
minutes, then gathered in front of the house and set off to the sweet field market.

Thirty minutes? It takes more than ten minutes to get back into the house from
the mud field.

Duan Yinyu snorted and wanted to complain, but the person next to him quickly
took off his lotus root digging equipment, and the heavy clay clothes fell to the
ground, splashing a lot of mud, almost making Duan Yinyu's face.

He looked around and immediately said loudly: "Zhang Muxian! You are too
cunning! Wait for me!"

Omega started to take off the equipment in a hurry. Ji Wang has already ran out
in a pedantic manner. Qi Boyan was the third to finish off. When passing by Duan
Yinyu, Duan Yinyu was still pulling out the waterproof boots on his feet with

Feeling a shadow falling beside him, Duan Yinyu looked over hopefully: "Are you
going to wait for me?"

Qi Boyan smiled, causing Duan Yinyu to be in a trance, thinking, no wonder Qi

Boyan's fans call him for artwork.

Without waiting for Duan Yinyu to indulge in beauty, Qi Boyan left a sentence:
"Remember to take the lotus root back." Then he ran away in large strides.

Duan Yinyu almost died of anger, facing the other three bastards and leaving
lotus root: "Director Jiang! Are they honest! How can I carry three baskets with an
omega! I don't."

Director Jiang said the most merciless words with the most charitable smile: "If
you go back on your back, maybe you just don't have time to take a bath. If you
don't recite, then you are all doing it for nothing today."
Duan Yinyu cried and cried, bearing a basket of lotus roots on his back, and finally
saw the truth of this variety show.

There is no abo gender, no mutual help, only unconscionable teammates.

He carried a basket on his back with difficulty, and before he could start running,
he saw someone rushing back. Ji Wang stretched out his hand to pick up the basket
on the ground, and her boyfriend asked Duan Yinyu with great force: "Can you carry
so many backs?"

The piece of music was almost about to be moved by Ji Wang to return to tears.
He shook his head honestly: "I can't... Hope..."

Brother Yi Ren hasn't even spoken yet, his brother Wang has already galloped
away, leaving only a quiet sentence: "Come on, you are the best."

Duan Yinyu was so angry that he almost sat on the ground crying, and then heard
Director Jiang reminding him: "There are still twenty minutes."

Reluctantly, Duan Yinyu still ran back crying.

Ji Wang, who had gone and returned, was not what Duan Yinyu had imagined,
but his conscience came back to help.

It was only halfway through that he remembered that there were only two
bathrooms where they lived. Zhang Muxian must have snatched one. If he followed
the second one, Qi Boyan would be useless.

That person is a cleanliness habit, but now that he is covered in mud, he hasn't
happened for the sake of the camera. Once the young master gets angry and is not
good to the show crew, the shooting atmosphere will be ruined.

Ji Wang remembered that the lotus root was still at the edge of the field. The
sentence Director Jiang said, he gathered directly in front of the house and set off
directly to the Tiantian vegetable market. He realized the sinister intentions of the
program group and hurried back to get the lotus root.

On the way, he and Qi Boyan passed by, he felt Qi Boyan stop obviously, watching
him, Ji Wang didn't care.

When he brought back a basket of lotus roots from the field, Zhang Muxian had
already washed it clean, sitting on the porch, stepping on flip flops, and eating the
watermelon specially delivered by the villagers.

Ji Wang put the lotus root in the yard, greeted Zhang Mu first, and took a change
of clothes and went into the bathroom.

Although there are two bathrooms, they are just a simple cement room with a
thin wooden board in the middle. At first glance, the host knew that he was going
to shoot a variety show here, and the double bath room was temporarily

The sound of water was rushing, and the thin wooden planks could not stop
much movement. The cameras did not keep up, they were all in the yard. In this
showering place, only him and Qi Boyan are now the only ones.

Ji Wang took off his clothes, rinsed them briefly with water, and hung them next
to him, feeling a little pain in the clothes. It was Sister Hong who knew that he was
going to be on the "On the Road", and the brand sponsorship that she specifically
talked about spoiled people's clothes like this, which is not good at all.

I called sister Hong to talk about this in a while, hoping that the brand side would

He finished the shampoo and wiped it on his head, the foam slid onto his face,
making him close his eyes subconsciously.
The water was so great that Ji Wang didn't feel a sense of crisis until his back was
pressed against a warm body, and he felt the man's strong arms sticking out from
behind, firmly encircling his waist.

Ji Wang shook his body, quickly washed away the foam on his face, raised his
neck to avoid the spray in front of him, "Don't you know what occasion is this!"

Qi Boyan's hand hooked up a bubble from Ji Wang's neck, pushed the bubble
away on his body in a circle, and said in a nonchalant tone: "I know, I'm shooting a
variety show, so don't move."

In a small place, Ji Wang didn't dare to act rashly, let alone beat Qi thinly. Qi
Boyan grabbed the meat on his neck and grind it threateningly, but didn't really
bite it down, just licked it: "Did you have a good time with them just now?"

Before Ji Wang spoke, he heard Qi Boyan say: "Hurry up and wash, if Duan Yinyu
comes over, I don't care, what you say..."

Ji Wang stopped moving. He heard Qi Boyan mutter in his ear, "cowardly."

Duan Yinyu reluctantly rushed back in the last ten minutes. He fell off the basket,
and despite the fact that the lotus roots were rolling around, he directly grabbed
the melon in Zhang Muxian's hand and slashed his mouth fiercely.

Zhang Muxian was full of sweetness, and calmly said to Duan Yinyu: "Poor child,
eat slowly, there is still in the house."

Duan Yinyu slandered the old fox in his heart, and had to say thank you, brother.
After that, he dragged his exhausted body before halfway through the show, and
walked towards the bathroom.

Another bathroom is still being used, it should be Ji Wang, and Duan Yinyu
casually said: "Brother, I'm here, time is urgent, don't mind you."

Ji Wang didn't return him, and Duan Yinyu didn't care.

Duan Yinyu just turned on the water, and the sound of splashing water covered
the sound of things falling to the ground in the bathroom next to him.

He stopped the water: "Jiwang, are you okay? Did you drop something?"

Duan Yinyu waited for a while before hearing Ji Wang's voice, a little depressed,
a little hoarse: "It's okay, I accidentally knocked something down."

Time is running out, Duan Yinyu turned on the water again and quickly cleaned

But a thought arose in my heart, Ji Wang's voice sounded a little different in

private, as if... a bit sexy?

While thinking about it, Duan Yinyu heard the sound of footsteps leaving next to
him. He thought that Ji Wang had finished washing, and worried that everyone
would go to the front to gather. Duan Yinyu gritted his teeth and speeded up the
steps. He took a shower and got wet. The hair came out of the bathroom in a hurry.

At the same time, Ji Wang also stepped out of the other bathroom, and Duan
Yinyu said in surprise: "You just finished washing? I thought you were gone?"

He found that Ji Wang's lips were a little red, or more precisely, red and swollen.

Ji Wang's hair didn't dry, and he wrapped the dirty clothes in his arms with a bath
towel and held him firmly in front of him.

Duan Yinyu reminded: "Don't worry about the clothes, the assistants will come
over to deal with it later, I think the clothes of Brother Zhang and Brother Qi are
left in that basin."

Duan Yinyu is the youngest in the entire variety show, and he is his brother.
Ji Wang shook his head: "My assistant hasn't arrived yet, take it back to the room
first." After saying that, Ji Wang left in a strange posture. The dirty clothes in his
hands were piled around his waist, as if covering something.

Duan Yinyu had to go back to the yard. Zhang Muxian had already sat down
beside him with Qi Boyan, his hair was still wet, he tied a loose braid casually and
landed on the left side.

Among the male alphas, Qi Boyan is best seen with long hair. During the first year
of Duan Yinyu's freshman year, all the classmates around him were fascinated by
their words.

The first time I saw Qi Boyan's photo was in a magazine. In that mottled photo,
Qi Boyan's long hair was submerged in the water, and his eyes looked at the camera
with blurred eyes, like a fascinating water monster.

Duan Yinyu thought that Qi Boyan was also an omega.

He couldn't help stopping his gaze on Qi Boyan until the other person followed
him. He didn't know if it was Duan Yinyu's illusion. He clearly felt that Qi Boyan's
eyes were sharp for a moment, but he quickly disappeared.

Looking at it again, Qi Boyan smiled at him kindly, and even handed the fruit plate
over for him to eat.

Such a popular star released his kindness, Duan Yinyu immediately respectfully
reached out to receive it, just as Qi Boyan gave him not a fruit plate, but a trophy
at the award ceremony.

The three of them couldn't relax for long, and Director Jiang had already counted
down a few seconds at the door with the camera crew. Duan Yinyu quickly stood
up: "Where is Ji Wang? Why hasn't he come down yet."

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Ji Wang came from the direction of the
Duan Yinyu asked, "Didn't you go upstairs?"

Ji Wang replied: "I didn't feel my hair was cleaned, so I rushed again."

Duan Yinyu's hand accidentally slid over Ji Wang's arm and exclaimed: "It's so ice!
Have you washed cold water?"

Ji Wang said helplessly: "Well, the weather is too hot...the fire inside me is very

When it came to the last three words, Duan Yinyu could hardly hear a bit of
gritted teeth somehow.

The four were all together, and Zheng Qihong, who was going to dye the cloth,
also returned, holding a basket of cabbage distributed to her by the host who dyed
the cloth in her hand.

Director Jiang: "A villager sent me watermelons just now. Everyone has eaten it,

Zheng Qihong was puzzled: "What melon?"

Zhang Muxian quickly hid the melon skin behind him: "No, no, we didn't eat it."

Director Jiang ignored Zhang Muxian's lame excuse: "In exchange for
watermelons, half a basket of lotus roots were confiscated, as well as the lotus
roots that you left on the field and did not bring back. We have already returned
them to the owner of Outian."

Unexpectedly, the program group was in such a way. Everyone worked for the
whole afternoon and was so busy and lonely in order to come back to take a bath.
Fortunately, Duan Yinyu and Ji Wang came back with two baskets on their backs,
but they made Duan Yinyu out of pride and kept talking about Muxian, saying that
he was not doing business with melons, and would eat half a bowl of rice tonight.

Zheng Qihong separated the cabbage and lotus root a little, and said with a
foresight: "If you can't change many ingredients today, let's make a vegetable soup

Ji Wang agreed: "There are still a few eggs in the chicken shed, you can fry them
with soy sauce and serve them."

The only cook on the team looked at each other and showed a tacit smile.

The Tiantian Vegetable Market is a certain distance away from the village. The
owner generously lent his car, a blue dump truck, which is too gray to see the
original color.

The five people climbed up with each other's strength, Ji Wang went up first,
gave Zheng Qihong a hand, and pulled Duan Yinyu. Zhang Mu first came up neatly
by himself, and finally arrived at Qi Boyan.

As soon as Ji Wang wanted to sit down, he saw Qi Boyan stretch out his hand,
and Jin Zunyu was hanging out in the air. The "hot" Ji Wang didn't want to pay
attention to him, but when facing the camera, he had to pay attention. I can only
stretch out my hand to pull the person up, and then sneak away.

The car set off swayingly, and the merchants at the Tiantian Vegetable Market
had long been angry with the program crew, and not many people came to watch.

The five people were divided into three waves, one for rice, one for meat, and
another to set up a stall for some money.

The last difficult task was assigned to Qi Boyan by Zheng Qihong.

Zheng Qihong is older and he speaks with weight. Everyone consciously listens.
But Zhang Mu first said: "I am good at eloquence, or I will stay and set up the

Zhang Mu first took care of Qi Boyan. He saw that Qi Boyan hadn't gotten into
the shape yet, and worried that he would be alone and not speaking in front of the

Zheng Qihong replied: "No, you don't look good with Xiaoyan, don't worry, if
Xiaoyan is displayed here for less than ten minutes, the lotus root will be bought."

Duan Yin Yu wailed: "I see, lotus root Xi Shi!"

Regarding this nickname, Qi Bo said that he didn't mind: "Teacher Zhang, I can
just stay and set up the stall, you can change dishes."

Zhang Muxian took Ji Wang and left. The process of the two people's meat
exchange was not smooth. The boss may have accepted the suggestion of the
program group to help them cut the ribs, beat the meat, and add lotus root to
exchange three kilograms of ribs.
This temptation is really great. Ji Wang directly copied the knife and Zhang Mu was
stunned. He also asked the photographer to take pictures of his gorgeous

After the two exchanged meat, they returned to the stall where Qi Boyan was.
Qi Boyan was still sitting on the small bench, the stall in front of him was empty
long ago, and all his change was in the basket.

He also had an ice cream in his hand, which was given to him by the lady of the
roast duck restaurant behind him, afraid that he would be hot in selling vegetables.

Compared to the two of them being meaty, Qi Boyan was as leisurely as if he

were on vacation.
At this time, another kind old lady passed by, and she saw Qi Boyan and said with
a smile: "This baby is so good."

Zhang Muxian rubbed his hands like an old bustard who introduced his own girl:
"It's very good. If the old lady likes it, would you like to award something?"

The old lady took out a few tomatoes from her bag and put them tremblingly into
Qi Boyan's basket. Facing the elderly, Qi Bo said that he was more cramped than
usual, and he quickly stood up and said thank you.

I don’t know how the old lady said in the next sentence: "Oh, how come the little
girl is so tall."

Qi Boyan's face was slightly stiff, Zhang Mu first became dumb for a moment, Ji
Wang subconsciously pressed his lips, and squeezed his smile back.

It turned out that because Qi Boyan had long hair, the old lady regarded people
as a little girl. She still babbled that her grandchildren were exceptionally good and
wanted to introduce them to Qi Boyan.

Zhang Muxian quickly persuaded the old lady to leave before the scene got out
of control. The old lady said, "My grandson and grandson are 26 years old this year,
and I belong to the old village owner."

When Zhang Mu first persuaded the old lady to leave, Qi Boyan glanced at Ji
Wang: "What are you laughing at."

Ji Wang pretended to be serious: "I didn't laugh."

Qi Boyan sighed, "Just laugh if you want, just make me a tomato scrambled egg

When Ji Wang was cooking before, because Qi Boyan liked to eat, he also studied
how to make tomato scrambled eggs more delicious.
But thinking of the past, Ji Wang's expression could not help but faded, neither
saying good nor bad.

Zheng Qihong and Duan Yinyu also managed to return with rice. After only a short
period of time, Zheng Qihong and Duan Yinyu called their godmother son.

The freshly baked godson asked Qi Boyan: "Brother Yan, where did the ice cream
in your hand come from?"

Qi Boyan took a bite slowly and smiled sweetly: "Give it from the owner of the
roast duck restaurant."

After speaking, he faced Duan Yinyu's envious eyes and finished the ice cream in
two or two mouthfuls, not even leaving a piece of Pippi.

Duan Yinyu intends to support herself, saying that she is going to sing to the
owner of the roast duck restaurant, and to change an ice cream.

Even if he goes by himself, he has to pull Ji Wang: "Brother Wang, let's go ask for
ice cream together, godmother, if it succeeds, I will bring you a copy."

Zhang Muxian came late: "What about me?"

Duan Yinyu and Zhang Mu have become acquainted with each other: "Anyone
who only talks is not qualified to eat ice cream."

At this time, Qi Boyan took out the money from the basket: "We have money and
can buy it."

Zhang Muxian quickly grabbed the money and put it in his arms: "Oh, Xiaoqi,
haven't you found out how bad our program group is? This money has to be spent
on the blade, how can it be used to coax children to buy ice cream!"
Duan Yinyu wailed, and went up to grab money with Zhang Mu. Zheng Qihong
couldn't help but let them stop making trouble, and said to Qi Boyan and Ji Wang,
"You two are big brothers, don't you want to separate them soon."

Ji Wang and Qi Boyan just started to help. As soon as Ji Wang wanted to go in the
direction of Duan Yinyu, Qi Boyan slammed his shoulder on his shoulder. The other
party squeezed him away, stepped forward and lifted the band of music, and
dragged the elementary school with him. Like a chicken, drag people aside.

Zhang Muxian was also pulled away by Ji Wang, who arrived later, and he was
still saying: "Smelly boy, you are Sister Hong's godson, and I'm still Sister Hong's
younger brother! You should call me uncle!"

On the first day, everyone’s family status was sorted out, and we were living

With such a disturbance in the Tiantian vegetable market, the five guests were
no longer so embarrassed, and even found their own personal settings.

The eldest sister is like a mother Zheng Qihong, his uncle Zhang Muxian, the
honest and capable second brother Ji Wang, the beautiful and beautiful third
brother Qi Boyan, and the unbelievable son Duan Yinyu.

Duan Yinyu was still muttering when he got into the car: "How come I am a kid."

Back in the village, it was late at night, Qi Boyan went to take a bath again, Ji
Wang and Zheng Qihong were busy in the kitchen, Zhang Mu first went out to chat
with the neighbors, wanting to get some food back home, Duan Yinyu was sitting
in the yard Peel the corn inside.

The five people each have their own tasks, and the atmosphere is harmonious
and quiet.
Until the hot lotus root ribs soup and tomato scrambled eggs were on the table,
Jiang Dao, who was not doing human affairs, suddenly appeared and said to
everyone: "Before we eat, let's make a little game."

Director Jiang: "Except for Teacher Zheng and Teacher Ji who contributed the
most today, the other three members have to pass the game to get the
qualifications to eat."

Duan Yinyu was hungry and watched a table of dishes that he had to play a shit
game to eat. He almost rushed to fight with the director, but Zhang Mu quickly
grabbed the person.

The game is also very simple. Among the six cards, one is black, and the rest are
red. Those who are drawn in black not only can't eat, but they also have to cover
everyone with blankets.

If all three of them get red, they will all eat, and each will cover their own bed.

Maybe it was to create suspense and make the show more effective, so it came
out like this. When Qi Boyan came out of the bathroom, he found that the other
two had already been pumped.

Duan Yinyu grabbed the red card and thanked Tiandi, Zhang Muxian was already
filling himself with food, stacking the bowls high.

After Qi Boyan understood the rules, he flipped the cards at will. Who would have
thought that the probability of choosing one from six would fall on Qi Boyan's head,
everyone was shocked.

Zheng Qihong couldn't stand it: "Director Jiang, let me give you another chance.
Everyone has been busy all day tired and hungry. Wouldn't it be too much to eat
without even eating?"

Upon seeing this, Director Jiang let go and give another chance.
After the reshuffle, he still chose one of six, and Qi Boyan had a black card again,
as if he had been cursed.

The effect of this show was really there. After a while of noise, Director Jiang had
no choice but to say: "Then you can only take a bite. You can eat whatever you
want. After eating, Qi Boyan has to fold the bed."

Qi Boyan didn't matter, but the other guests were complaining about distress. Ji
Wang had already taken out the soup spoon and piled meat on it, trying to pile up
a bite as big as Qi Boyan's face.

In the end, Qi Boyan also ate a spoonful of egg-mixed pork ribs, and silently went
upstairs to fold the quilt.

Because there was one person who was not able to eat, everyone was obviously
not so happy when they ate, and they all united to the outside world, directed by
Dong Jiang.

Ji Wang stopped after eating a bowl. Zheng Qihong glanced at him and stuffed
him with a thermos: "Xiao Ji, you go up and help Xiao Qi."

Duan Yinyu pulled Jiwang and secretly said in his ear: "I secretly hid the jerky, you
secretly give it to Brother Yan for me."

Zhang Mu first gave out his apple, Ji Wang brought the members' love upstairs
to visit Qi Boyan. Director Jiang would be a human being, and he opened one eye
to their darkness, Chen Cang, and closed one eye.

Upstairs, Qi Boyan was fighting with the quilt silently. There was no photographer
in the room, only a few fixed cameras were shooting.

Qi Boyan, whose ten fingers did not touch the Yang Chunshui, would make a quilt.
After a long time, he almost put himself in the quilt.
Ji Wang stepped forward and pulled Qi Boyan out of the quilt hell: "Something
to eat."

Qi Boyan looked at the upright stolen goods in Ji Wang's hand: "Where did it
come from."

Ji Wangyan explained the origin of everything concisely and concisely, and finally
concluded: "This is everyone's care for you."

As he spoke, Ji Wang was swift in his hands and feet, and after a while he made
two beds: "Who sleeps in this room?"

Qi Boyan threw the apple on his hand: "Who else is there."

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan, and Qi Boyan showed a smile that you and I knew
well. Ji Wang thought to himself, what did he come up to do, let this person starve
to death here.

Qi Boyan said again: "They gave it to me, what about yours?"

Ji Wang: "What is mine?"

Qi Boyan: "Where is your love?" He deliberately said something ambiguous.

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan with soup, dried meat, and an apple in his hands. He
felt that there was no shortage of this person. He ignored it and prepared to leave
this bedroom to make other beds.

Then he was grabbed by Qi Boyan's wrist, Ji Wang flicked it twice, but he didn't
shake it off. He looked at the camera around him crampedly, and finally gave in.

He stuffed a piece of chocolate into Qi Boyan's hand and got something. Qi Boyan
released Ji Wang. He opened the chocolate and put the whole piece in his mouth:
"Brother's love is chocolate flavor, sweet."
Ji Wang was numb, thinking about it casually, but he couldn't sorrow, and he
couldn't beat him, what else could he do?

Anyway, if the show is to be broadcast in its entirety, Qi Boyan’s company will

not agree.

It is impossible for Qi Boyan's company to let him and Qi Boyan fry CP.
Chapter 31
Sure enough, Qi Boyan's elder brother's love made the photographers around him
look at each other. Ji Wang quickly said: "Okay, hurry up and eat my third brother,
Duan's nephew is waiting for you downstairs."

He tried hard to fool Qi Boyan's elder brother over, trying to create the feeling
that Qi Boyan's crazy words were only role-playing.

Although the program group has signed a non-disclosure agreement, even if

there is any scandal, someone will arrange to suppress it, but Ji Wang just minded.

Why did he want to, he didn't want to have any entanglements with Qi Boyan in
front of others, why did Qi Boyan have to break this balance again and again.

Ji Wang’s tone was blunt. Qi Boyan sat on the bed and looked at him for a while.
He stood up and said politely to the photographers: “Sorry, I want to change my
clothes. Can you wait outside for a while? Turn off the camera too."

The photographers asked the program team for instructions, and soon received
an agreeable reply. They turned off the cameras in the room and left the room one
after another.

Ji Wang also wanted to leave, but found that his shoes were stepped on by Qi
Boyan. Ji Wang wanted to close his feet, but Qi Boyan stepped on harder in the
Qi Boyan stepped barefoot on the toes of his shoes, and Ji Wang actually
wondered whether his shoes would stain Qi Boyan's feet after running so many
places today.

Soon he woke up, and once again annoyed his inertial thinking, when would he
put Qi Boyan aside, instead of the way he is now, he said that he was disgusting,
but subconsciously always put this person first.

Qi Boyan likes to pretend to provoke him nonchalantly. The last time I met in the
hospital, I pretended to be normal, and everything was fine this time.

In fact, they all knew that there was a problem, just like the mirror had been
broken to pieces, and Qi Boyan's behavior was to pick up the pieces in vain and put
them into the frame, turning a blind eye to the damage.

I also need to tell others that this mirror works, just as it used to be.

Can it really be as always? It's been a long time to lie, and everyone can fake it.

Ji Wang is not as good as Qi Boyan, he can't do it.

The last photographer who went out closed the door, and Qi Boyan glanced
around and made sure that the red lights of all cameras had gone out.

He just relaxed and leaned back, his arms bent on his elbows to prop up his upper
body, his feet moved away from Ji Wang’s shoes, went up, and got in through his
trousers. The cool toes hooked back and forth on Ji Wang’s calves playfully. Get it.

"Brother, it hurts me too much when you pinch me in the bathroom in the
afternoon, do you want to abolish me?" Qi Boyan softened his voice and whispered
in a complaining tone.

Ji Wang looked at him coldly: "So you're abolished?"

Qi Boyan put his hand on his lower abdomen: "No, it just hurts a little bit now."
In the bathroom in the afternoon, they all reacted a little because of Qi Boyan's
indulgence. Qi Boyan also shamelessly wanted Ji Wang to use his mouth, begging,
while lovingly pecked on his lips.

Facing Qi Boyan's blatant request, Ji Wang smiled. Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang

bluntly, and felt that the opponent's hand was holding him cooperatively.

Qi Boyan said in a daze, "Is today my lucky day?"

The intense pain that followed made Qi Boyan understand that it was not a lucky
day, but a good day.

He almost subconsciously grasped the things around him, only to endure the pain
of the "fatal blow" Ji Wang had given him.

Qi Boyan touched the shampoo and other objects, which was the movement
Duan Yinyu heard.

But Ji Wang himself, after hiding upstairs, realized that the fire would not be
extinguished for a while, so he had to go to the bathroom to flush again with cold

He wants Qi Boyan to know that the end of recklessness is to fight.

Ji Wang felt that Qi Bo's dishonest toes were still moving upwards. He
emphasized: "Do you want to do it again?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Boyan returned his feet honestly and said slowly: "No

Ji Wang glanced at the food next to him: "After you finish eating, go downstairs."

After speaking, he planned to go out, but couldn't help but add: "Also, don't
bother me anymore."
Although after finishing speaking, Ji Wang himself felt impossible. He could be
regarded as understanding Qi Boyan's virtues, and he couldn't beat him away, and
he couldn't scold him back.

Originally in the lotus field at noon, he thought that Qi Boyan's avoidance action
was angry, he didn't want to care about him, and he didn't bother to waste time on

In the past, Qi Boyan had a great temper. It was common to ignore Ji Wang when
he was in love. During that time, Ji Wang learned almost all the ways to calm people
in this world.

Begging for mercy, sweetly coaxing, spending thoughts and romance.

He had never spoiled anyone so much in his entire life, only Qi Boyan had a single

Ji Wang left the room, but Qi Boyan didn't call to stop him, so he walked faster.
He went to other rooms to tidy up everyone's blankets before going downstairs.

But Qi Boyan waited a while before coming down, still carrying a guitar in his

This is the arrangement of the program group, let Qi Boyan promote his new song
in the variety show.

There is a generous terrace in the yard to enjoy the cool air. Zhang Mu first spread
it with a summer mat, and then put a fruit plate with ice watermelon on it. Looking
up, it is a rare star sea in the city. The surrounding is quiet and there is no noise of
the city.

Duan Yin Yu Chong Jiwang beckoned, and when someone arrived, he stuffed him
a slice of watermelon.
Ji Wang held the melon, worried that they would accept the villagers’ kindness
again, and Dao Jiang would make things difficult for him: “Where did the
watermelon come from?”

Zhang Muxian said, "I bought it with money." After he saw Qi Boyan, he hurriedly
said in a loud voice: "Come on, let us give up the c position, let our handsomest
brother sit down and perform a song. "

Duan Yinyu quickly patted the position next to him: "Come on, I'm the c position

Qi Boyan held the guitar and looked at Ji Wang. Ji Wang immediately got up and
sat next to Zheng Qihong.

Zheng Qihong cared about Ji Wang as a junior: "Is you hungry, do you want to
stop eating in the kitchen? And soup."

Ji Wang suddenly shook his head: "No, I'm full."

Qi Boyan sat next to Ji Wang holding the guitar, not going to the so-called c

He plucked the strings at random, instead of performing his own new song, he
played a lot of songs suitable for the moment.

The breeze of the night, the croaking of frogs not far away, the scent of grape
vines, the sweetness of watermelon, and the clear singing, everyone stopped
talking for a while, listened in silence, and felt this rare peace.

Qi Boyan played and sang, and later he also played an old song. Zheng Qihong
was a little surprised: "You young people still like this song?"

Duan Yinyu has never heard: "What song is this?"

Zheng Qihong missed it: "It's been almost 20 years. This song is the last song a
friend of mine sang before leaving the circle."

Zhang Muxian vaguely remembered: "It's Lin Wanyan's song, my mother liked
her very much back then."

Zheng Qihong said sadly: "Yes, Wanyan was so popular at the time, and even
received the invitation of Director Chen, and almost acted in the movie "Forget
River". Unfortunately, she decided suddenly, saying that she retired and retired.
Can't stop it."

"Forget River" is a movie played by Zheng Qihong that year, so he also won the
best actress of that year.

Zheng Qihong continued: "Wang Chuan recommended me to Director Chen by

Wanyan. It can be said that without Wanyan, there would be no me who I am

I don't know when the singing stopped, and Qi Boyan's words sounded: "Sister
Qi Hong, you are so grateful to Lin Wanyan, did you find her later?"

Zheng Qihong was taken aback for a moment: "After Wanyan left the circle, she
was disconnected from almost everyone. I looked for her, but unfortunately I didn't
find it."

Qi Boyan lowered his eyes, his fingers hooked on the strings of the guitar, and
instead of playing, he squeezed into the flesh of his fingertips, masturbating hard.

Before he tortured the string, Qi Boyan felt his arm hit, and Ji Wang changed his
posture, not knowing whether the collision was intentional.

Zheng Qihong asked again: "Does Xiao Qi like Lin Wanyan? It's rare to see
someone like her at your age."
Qi Boyan loosened the strings and said in a relaxed and untuned tone: "I like it,
she looks so beautiful."

Zhang Muxian agreed with this, he was ten years older than Qi Boyan: "Yes, when
I first saw her on TV, I was young, and then I thought she was too beautiful."

"Is it the dream lover of so many people in that era?" Zhang Muxian said with

Qi Boyan did not continue this topic, and finally played the songs of his new
album, and Ji Wang secretly set his sights on Qi Boyan.

As time was getting late, Qi Boyan had abandoned the guitar long ago, lying on
the mat and watching the stars.

Everyone else was chatting, and he didn't participate.

It was Duan Yinyu who discovered that he fell asleep first, and Duan Yinyu
suppressed his voice and said, "Brother Qi is asleep, I'll go get him a coat and wear

Zhang Muxian: "Or wake him up, everyone go to sleep."

Ji Wang asked: "How do you divide the room?"

Zhang Muxian said: "Sister Qi Hong is of course her own room, a small one, I'll
have the same room with you, and let Xiao Qi's own room do the same."

Ji Wang hesitated, and Zhang Muxian said again: "But I think it's more
appropriate for you two alphas to sleep together. I often wake up at night and may
disturb you."

Duan Yinyu chuckles: "Zhang Muxian, do you have a bad kidney?"

Zhang Muxian couldn't help Duan Yinyu, a little bastard: "Pay attention to the
scale, we are a variety show suitable for all ages."

Ji Wang accepted the arrangement. He said, "You should go back to your room
to sleep first. I will sit here for a while."

Zhang Mu first nodded, Zheng Qihong was too old and couldn't stand it anymore.
He had already washed and entered the room.

Duan Yinyu brought a jacket over and covered it with Qi Boyan.

In one day, when the lens had enough weight, Jiang Dao let the other staff
disband and go to other places to rest.

This detached house is too small for the staff to live here.

Jiang guided the chicken thief and booked the only hotel on the island, and the
accommodation conditions were much better than the guests.

The crowd dissipated, and the yard became quiet again. The program crew didn't
change the phone to him, so he could only sit and watch the stars boringly, waiting
for Qi Boyan to wake up.

Then he heard a faint sob from beside him.

Ji Wang looked nervously, but found that Qi Boyan hadn't woken up, tears welled
up from his closed eyes, and his entire face was dripping in a short while.

Ji Wang stretched out his hand to push his shoulders, his voice trembling tightly:
"Qi Boyan, Qi Boyan, wake up!"

Qi Boyan was awakened by him and opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were moist, and his eyes were misty, not waking up from his dream.
Ji Wang lowered his voice: "Qi Boyan, have you had a nightmare?"

Qi Boyan slowly closed his eyes, as if he was about to return to his dream again:
"It's a nightmare... but it's not a nightmare if you dream of Ji Wang." His ending
sound was almost inaudible, making Ji Wang come closer. It was difficult to
distinguish it.

At the moment when he heard what Qi Boyan was saying, Ji Wang spent a lot of
effort to force himself to sit upright and stay away from Qi Boyan.

After a while, he stretched out his hand to pull Qi Boyan's coat, covering the
exposed arm of the other party.

After a while, he heard Qi Boyan's heavy breathing, and slowly and gently, he put
his hand on Qi Boyan's hand and touched his fingertips.

It's like a secret indulgence that no one knows.

In the dead of night, cicadas screamed, and it was the pestering mosquitoes that
disrupted this tranquility. After Ji Wang killed several of them, he decided to wake
up Qi Boyan, otherwise he would stay longer because he was afraid that he would
be anemic for a while.

I pushed Qi Boyan several times, but there was no movement. I somehow fell
asleep so badly. Is it too tired today?

After hesitating again and again, Ji Wang stretched out his hand and hugged the
person. Qi Boyan was lighter than he thought, but it was still very difficult to hold.
After all, it was an alpha, with height and muscles.

But other than that, this body seems to have no trace of excess fat. I don’t know
if it’s because of being a celebrity to manage the image. In order to look good on
the camera, I dieted to lose weight.
Even today, the show team didn't let Qi Boyan eat it. This person really didn't eat
it. He didn't seem to care much, as he was used to it.

It's really annoying to ruin your body because you are young.

The annoying hand wrapped around his neck and opened his eyes. Ji Wang
stopped and looked down into the other's sleepless eyes: "Are you kidding me?"

Qi Boyan didn't know how to repent: "Why, I didn't expect my brother would pick
me up?"

He was already very heavy, and Ji Wang was holding it hard, he sighed in a low
voice: "Come down by yourself, don't force me to throw you."

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan didn't get entangled. He slipped off Ji Wang, bent over
and picked up the guitar, and walked forward first.

Ji Wang rubbed his aching arm muscles due to excessive force, picked up the coat
that had fallen off a section of Yinyu, and followed Qi Boyan upstairs.

Qi Boyan went to bed honestly after washing the advanced room. Ji Wangben
also guarded that this person might block the camera and took the opportunity to
do something.

Now it seems that he thinks too much.

When I was really lying on the bed, sleepiness quickly struck. Before going to bed,
Ji Wang had a question in his mind that had not disappeared, and that was what Qi
Boyan had dreamed of before crying like this.

There was no dream. The next morning, Ji Wang was awakened by the
loudspeaker of the director Jiang outside the house. He told each guest to gather
in front of the yard within fifteen minutes.

This made Ji Wang feel that he was not in a variety show, but in military training.
Looking to the other bed, Qi Boyan was changing his shirt. Subconsciously, Ji
Wang looked at the surrounding cameras, red dots, at work. He felt a little
uncomfortable, but saw that Qi Boyan quickly changed his clothes and fished out
his long hair from the neckline.

Turning around, Qi Boyan met Ji Wang's darker face, and was startled for a
moment: "Are you uncomfortable?"

In my impression, Ji Wang did not get up, Qi Boyan did, but he slept in the
courtyard last night, and slept again after returning to the house. This has been a
rare sleep for Qi Boyan in recent years. Unexpectedly, it was obtained in a variety

When he was full, he was in a good mood. Qi Boyan walked to Ji Wang's bed and
threw something on his quilt: "Here you are."

After saying Qi Boyan, he went out of the room. Ji Wang picked up the thing on
the quilt. It was a candy, wrapped in colorful sugar paper, with a faint peach flavor.

Ji Wang didn't eat, but didn't throw it away, but put it in the bedside table.

After getting out of bed, there was a noise from downstairs. It turned out that
Duan Yinyu and Zhang Mu were rushing to wash the washbasin. Zheng Qihong
stood by another mirror leisurely and put on a light lipstick on his mouth.

Qi Boyan was sitting on the small bench next to him and brushing his teeth
silently, looking a bit dazed, a bit funny.

Duan Yinyu saw Ji Wang, as if he had found Fu Xing, spraying toothpaste, and
holding his swollen face: "Brother Wang! Look, Zhang Muxian always grabs me! For
the old and disrespectful!"

Zhang Muxian countered: "Do you know what it means to respect the old and
love the young, little frog."
This is to say that Duan Yinyu's eyes are swollen, and he has given a nickname.
There was no one, both of them were not young, and both entered the
kindergarten as soon as they hit.

Ji Wang ignored it. After brushing his teeth neatly, he rubbed his face with a
towel, and he was done. It looked the same as before makeup, Duan Yinyu wowed,
and then turned his gaze to Qi Boyan.

Sitting in the early morning sun, Qi Boyan washed off the saliva from his mouth.
The picture was like a carefully filmed advertisement for toothpaste.

Really hell, how come these people are not swollen, and the skin condition is still
so perfect, which beauty salon maintains it? He also wants to go.

Duan Yinyu, who started to worry about the skin condition at a young age, hit
Zhang Mu's buttocks on the top of his knees and was pushed out from the

Duan Yinyu said angrily: "I am an omega!"

Zhang Mu first washed his face quickly: "It's alright, omega, here you are."

Noisy and full of vitality early in the morning. At this time, Director Jiang's voice
intervened inexplicably: "There is one minute left. Those who are late will have
their breakfast cancelled today."

When Ji Wang heard it, he quickly asked, "It won't be another card game."

Qi Boyan didn't eat dinner, even breakfast, and Director Jiang was not afraid of
being torn by Qi Boyan fans.

Director Jiang lightly coughed: "It's not a card game, it's a team battle."
Zheng Qihong thumped his leg: "If it is too intense, my old arms and legs will hold

Director Jiang still respects Zheng Qihong: "Ms. Zheng who can't, I believe you
can do this game."

This game is the most classic, you come and I will guess.

Two people make the action, and then the other three guess the five questions,
and everyone will get a delicious breakfast provided by the program group, the
famous local fish porridge.

Teacher Zheng was naturally assigned to the guessing group. Zhang Muxian
believed that Ji Wang was born as an actor and his physical performance would be

This proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone, and Duan Yinyu offered to
raise his hand: "I'm okay, I'm good at dancing." After finishing speaking, he stood
up grandiosely, slipped to Ji Wang and smiled.

Ji Wang looked at Duan Yinyu as his own brother now, and patted Duan Yinyu on
the head: "Brother is awesome."

At this time, Qi Boyan suddenly said: "I want to try the gesture too."

Zhang Muxian said, "Everyone has a chance. If Duan Yinyu doesn't work, come
down, Xiao Qi, you come up."

Duan Yinyu bulged his cheeks: "You said I can't do it before I even started!"

Zheng Qihong coaxed: "Okay, let's get started, I can smell the fragrance of fish

Indeed, the fish porridge has already been set up by the film crew. The aroma is
bursting, making people hungry when they smell it.
The program group is caring, and the words are all related to the guests, so it is
easy to guess. The two successfully deciphered the two words. In the third time,
Zhang Mu first let Duan Yinyu down and Qi Boyan up.

At this time, the teleprompter popped up with two words "Wang Chuan".

Before Ji Wang could react, Qi Boyan stepped forward, holding his face first,
wrapping his temples behind his ears with his fingers, then clasping Ji Wang's waist,
and tugging in front of him.

This sudden performance made everyone confused, and Duan Yinyu snapped
back: "Love?!"

How could it be such a simple vocabulary, and when the guests guessed wrong
time and time again, Qi Boyan's actions became more and more excessive, even
holding Ji Wang's head, and going to kiss him on the forehead.

Ji Wang's expression changed, and Zheng Qihong's spirit came to light at this
moment: "Forget Chuan!"

Ding Dong, you got the right answer this time. Qi Boyan's interpretation is that
Zheng Qihong is in Wangchuan, at the moment of making love with the actor,
embracing each other and kissing the forehead.

Qi Boyan stopped kissing Ji Wang's forehead and slowly moved away. Ji Wang
can guarantee that he saw a pity in Qi Boyan's eyes.

For this camera, Ji Wang didn't dare to be too aggressive, and jokingly said to
Zheng Qihong: "Thanks to Sister Hong, otherwise I am really innocent today."

Duan Yinyu roared there: "Oh, if I knew I would not come down, I would also like
to play Wangchuan with Brother Wang."

Zhang Mu first pinched his ears: "Did you want to fall in love at a young age?"
Duan Yinyu covered his face shyly, Ji Wang dullly remembered, it seems that
there is a clause in the show contract that hints at the speculation of cp. Sister Hong
also said to him, but Ji Wang didn't take it seriously.

He was thinking about him as a small transparent role in the show, who would
scramble cp with him, never thought that this person is Duan Yinyu.

However, Duan Yinyu's performance was not annoying, natural and generous, Ji
Wang also cooperated: "Brother Zhang, please be gentle, our little ears are going
to be pinched for you."

Zhang Mu first sighed and stopped: "Is it safe to protect you? Go, go, let's say you
should come down, I want to go up to play Wangchuan."

Qi Boyan didn't move, Ji Wang was forbidden and looked at Qi Boyan. I didn't
know that he didn't see the slightest unpleasantness on Qi Boyan's face. Qi Boyan
even smiled and said, "Okay, Yinyu, come on."

Duan Yinyu waved his hand: "We have passed the Forgotten River, so you should
go up there. The province has been calling me at this level."

He is giving up the weight of the lens to Zhang Muxian. Since joining the variety
show, Zhang Muxian has been taking care of everyone, thinking about letting the
guests try their best to show in front of the camera, but he doesn't have too many
wonderful shots.

Everyone at the scene understood the care, so Ji Wang came down, and Zhang
Mu went up and continued with Qi Boyan.

Later, even Zheng Qihong went up to perform a show, and got addicted to tricks.

When Zheng Qihong was acting, Ji Wang's eyes glowed. If such a senior is here,
Ji Wang would feel it a pity if he didn't get the scriptures.
When he was wondering what opportunity to look for and Zheng Qihong for
advice, today's flying guest arrived at the scene.

The person here is Xiaohua, who has just come out of Qi Boyan's company in the
past two years, and Zhou Chuxue, Qi Boyan's younger sister.

Zhou Chuxue always took care of everyone. At the last stand, she was lined up
next to Qi Boyan. Regarding Qi Boyan, Zhou Chuxue shyly said in front of the
camera: "This is my most respected brother. It also helped me a lot of seniors."

Qi Boyan smiled at Zhou Chuxue, Zhou Chuxue's face immediately blushed,

Zhang Mu first became active, clutching his arms and saying, "What's going on,
what's going on! Isn't this "On the Road"? I thought it was back. It’s "Hundred
Percent Heartbeat"!"

The heartbeat is also 100% Zhang Muxian's program. Qi Boyan did not refute it.
When Zhang Muxian asked him what he thought of Zhou Chuxue, Qi Boyan's
expression remained unchanged and said, "A very hardworking girl."

The front was okay, but the little girl in the back sounded, how it made people

Zhou Chuxue was almost ashamed and turned into a red Zhou Chuxue.

Amid the laughter of everyone, Ji Wang was also laughing. He was suddenly very
grateful that he had chosen the path of acting. At least now, he can laugh like
everyone else because of his acting skills. There is nothing unusual.
Due to the requirements of the program group, you come to sign and I will guess
this game. The five of them successfully answered the correct answer within the
specified time, so the game is considered a success. Everyone has a breakfast.

Zhou Chuxue just came to this show. I don't know how difficult the show is about
eating. The guests watched everyone raise their hands to celebrate when they
heard that Director Jiang said that they could have a meal. She was still a little dazed
and didn't enter the state.

Qi Boyan whispered to her to clarify the rules of the show. The two whispered to
each other and the camera moved forward in time. Ji Wang and everyone laughed
at them, almost imagining that after the show was broadcast, the two people would
be dreamy in the later period. Love special effects.

As a new flying guest, Zhou Chuxue can enjoy breakfast once for free, but after
eating, he will have to rely on labor or competition to win the next meal.

The guide Jiang will provide a box with two ways to obtain food. If the guests are
drawn to work, that is, everyone works together. Finally, the top two contributing
members are selected for dinner, and the other people have to be like last night. ,
Six draws one.

There is another way to compete. Five fixed guests plus flying guests are divided
into two groups and compete with each other. Only the one who wins is eligible to
eat, and the one who loses can only watch.

Of course, Dao Jiang will not prevent mutual help among the guests. It is also
okay for the winner to share the food with the loser.

In other words, if you save the ingredients from the labor project, the guests are
self-sufficient, and it is not necessary to participate in the project provided by the
production team. The whole variety show has a lot of freedom, and it all depends
on how a few guests want to develop.

When five people can form a group, six people can only be grouped. After hearing
this, Zheng Qihong directly said to Director Jiang: "We have only become a family.
You can't wait to break us apart?"

Duan Yinyu held Zheng Qihong's arm in the past: "It's godmother, Director Jiang
is really sinister."
Director Jiang shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in the crowd, looking
like he was immune to all complaints.

Zhang Mu first clapped his hands: "Fish sliced porridge! Fish sliced porridge is
coming soon! I'm going to starve to death!"

Ji Wang took the initiative: "If you don't eat in the yard, I'll go in and bring out
the dining table, just like last night."

Qi Boyan left next to Zhou Chuxue: "I will move with you."

There were people who followed the filming, and the two of them didn’t say
much, that is, when moving the table, Ji Wang’s hand was touched by Qi Boyan,
and he slid from the back of his hand to the gap between his fingers, rubbing it
ambiguously. It looks like it was accidental, but it was intentional.

Ji Wang didn't dare to stare at Qi Boyan with his temper, so he could only
suppress the fire and move the table out with Qi Boyan.

On the way, he was still wondering, did the camera catch it, and what if someone
finds it out? While thinking about it, Zhang Muxian and Duan Yinyu moved out the
chairs together, and Zheng Qihong took Zhou Chuxue to serve everyone with
porridge and side dishes.

Qi Boyan naturally took a seat next to Zhou Chuxue. Zhou Chuxue gave him the
chopsticks first, and then whispered: "Brother, do you want sour radish?"

Ji Wang subconsciously clamped a piece of sour radish and put it in his mouth,
frowning as he was sour, his teeth would be softened by any pickling of this radish.

He was next to Zheng Qihong and Duan Yinyu was next to him. Duan Yinyu smiled
when he saw his expression: "Hope, brother, are you okay, drink some milk tea."

Milk tea is Zhang Muxian's craft. When Zhang Mu first went out for a visit
yesterday, the neighbor gave him a box of tea leaves. Zhang Muxian happened to
have milk endorsement on him, so he boiled it together and turned it into steaming
milk tea.

Faced with Zhang Muxian's speculative behavior, the program crew opened one
eye and closed one eye under the power of the sponsor's father, and let him go.

When the milk tea was brewed, Duan Yinyu said disgustedly: "I want to drink
pearl milk tea, not milk tea."

Zhang Mu was delighted first: "Then don't drink it!"

Duan Yinyu pleased: "How can I not drink it? Uncle cooked it for me personally."

Zhang Muxian gave him a slap in the face and gave him a sweet date. As a result,
Duan Yinyu only took a sip and his eyes glowed. It was really fragrant. Now he has
become the promotion ambassador of Zhang's milk tea and recommended it to Ji

Ji Wang also took a sip, and said in surprise: "It's delicious."

Duan Yinyu was praised as if he was the one who made milk tea, and said
excitedly: "Yes, I think Zhang Mu can change career first and open a milk tea shop."

Zhang Mu first filled Zheng Qihong with a cup, and put the sugar bowl beside him
intimately: "Sister Hong, I made your cup lighter. If it is not sweet enough, add some

They were harmonious here, and Qi Boyan and Zhou Chuxue sat together, so
they had to take care of each other. They are all artists from the same company.

This breakfast was successfully completed. After the meal, Director Jiang
arranged today's lottery.

The six of them are rock-paper-scissors. The winner goes to draw and decides
whether it is labor or a game today.
In the end Ji Wang won, and Duan Yinyu rubbed his hands and said: "Please, play!
I will become ugly if I go to the field to dig the lotus root."

Zhang Muxian looked at Ji Wang firmly: "Brother Wang, I rely on you today for
my brother."

Zheng Qihong patted the heads of both of them lightly, and said to Ji Wang: "Xiao
Ji, don't have the burden, we scold the show crew for bad draws."

Qi Boyan stretched out his hand: "Are you lucky to come to me?"

Ji Wang didn't dare to touch the "Son of the Chosen" who could hit the six
selections once or twice. He hurried forward and stuffed his hand into the tube
before regretting it, took it out, and slowly opened it.

When he saw the word game, he held the note and made a victory gesture:

Satisfactory results were obtained, and the guests' reactions were particularly
strong. Everyone wrapped Ji Wang like a player who welcomed the goal.

Qi Boyan ran in the forefront, and was the first to hug Ji Wang. Ji Wang even felt
that he was pinched by the opponent with his arms and lifted up a bit.

Holding too tightly, Ji Wang's nose was pressed against the message suppression
sticker on Qi Boyan's neck.

It smells very good, it is only Qi Boyan's taste, it has nothing to do with

pheromones, and it is clearly and accurately recognized by Ji Wang in the crowd.

Ji Wang, whose hair style was messed up, stood a little chaotically, and the slips
of paper he drew were rubbed by the sweat in his palms.
In the cheers, Director Jiang slowly said that he would be divided into teams to
compete in the game. One of the team leaders is today’s guest Zhou Chuxue, and
the other is Zheng Qihong, the most experienced person. The two women select
players in the form of rock-paper-scissors.

Zhou Chuxue won the first game. Of course, her first choice was her brother, Qi
Boyan, and Zheng Qi red dotted Duan Yinyu.

In the second game, Zhou Chuxue won. Zhou Chuxue's eyes circled around the
rest of the people, and finally fell on Zhang Muxian: "Zhang Muxian, I especially like
the "Hundred Percent" you hosted.

Zhang Mu first smiled and walked over, voicing: "How do I feel that I am going to
your team as the host, and I also congratulate the guests on the success of holding

Zhou Chuxue smiled shyly, covering her face. The rest of Ji Wang naturally went
to Zheng Qihong's team. Zheng Qihong held Ji Wang's hand: "Even if the rock-
paper-scissors win, I will choose Xiaowang. It's just right now."

This was heart-warming, and Ji Wang said to Zheng Qihong: "I will work hard."

The first game was archery that no one expected. Ji Wang would really feel that
the program group is not following the routine. When he first came to this island,
he thought it was just a healthy and leisurely variety show. Thinking of it is still

It wasn't until Jiang Cue arrived in Zhou Chuxue's latest movie, where she played
an archery girl, that everyone understood the purpose of this game arrangement.

The flying guests must come here to promote their new movie. No blame for the
elaborate arrangements of the show crew. Zheng Qihong said, “It’s been many
years since I shot the arrow last time. Xiaoji, will you guys?”
Duan Yinyu said: "I haven't learned it, but archery feels so cool. I want to give it
a try. Can the director give me a chance to practice?"

Zhou Chuxue took the initiative to say: "Yes, archery is very difficult, I haven't
practiced for a long time, hand-man."

Qi Boyan relaxed his fingers, preparing to warm up. The group of people divided
into cars and went to the archery sports shed built by the program team. A row of
targets stood in the distance, bright light, and equipment of different colors hung
beside it.

Duan Yinyu yelled, thinking that these bows and arrows are so handsome.

When Ji Wang played a supporting role before, he practiced archery specifically

for the role. His coach also said that he is talented and can go in the direction of a
professional athlete.

But Ji Wang is good at archery. He is not interested in being an athlete and

opening a new chapter in his life. He thinks acting is good, mainly because he makes
a lot of money.

The first round of the program group asked them to warm-up exercises first, but
also to do some warm-ups, so as not to strain their arms for a while.

Ji Wang's posture was quite standard when he warmed up, and the program
team was also very rigorous. Not only did he have archer finger guards, but also
arm guards and chest guards.

With a set of equipment down, Duan Yinyu said to Ji Wang's idiot: "Gosh, you are
like an assassin in the game. Have you ever acted in ancient costumes? It is the kind
of cold killer who has a deep crush on the protagonist."

Don't tell me, I just played in Qi Boyan's mv before, don't force me to say a lot of
I love you.
Zheng Qihong played a few arrows, and for every one that hit the target, she said
to her team members: "It's up to you, I really can't."

Duan Yinyu also put on his equipment and tried a few arrows. Although he was
able to hit the target, his results were average, and he hovered dangerously
between the white and black circles.

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation, and the three of them looked at the
movement and saw that Qi Boyan had just put down his bow, and the arrow he
released was in the tenth ring.

Zhang Muxian's grades are also good, so much better than Duan Yinyu. Zhou
Chuxue's performance was mediocre, but he was able to hit the target. She stood
beside Qi Boyan and praised in surprise, saying that the brother is amazing.

Duan Yinyu snorted with his nose, already very competitive: "We are also very
good! Not worse than you, I hope you come!"

Ji Wang took the bow forward, and in Qi Boyan's unexpected gaze, he got closer
and closer, and finally stood next to Qi Boyan, neatly pulling out a standard posture
and aiming at the bullseye in front.

At the moment when the arrow was released, the position where Ji Wang was
aiming moved slightly, letting go of his fingers, and the arrow pierced the air and
shot out, making a slight vibrating in the air.

The arrow hit the target with a muffled noise, followed by the sound of another
arrow falling on the ground. The arrow that Qi Boyan left on the tenth ring was hit
by Ji Wang's arrow and dropped.

Ji Wang put down his bow and smiled provocatively and presumptuously at Qi
Boyan for the first time. He raised his voice: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."
As soon as Ji Wang wanted to pull the bow to make a second arrow, his right
shoulder sank suddenly, and it was a piece of music that pressed him up.
The heartless Duan Yinyu patted Ji Wang's shoulder fiercely: "What's the matter,
your performance is too abnormal, you have shot on another target."

Ji Wang was slapped and pulled by him, worried that the equipment in his hand
would hurt Duan Yinyu, so he put down his things and was pulled aside by Duan

Duan Yinyu didn't seem to be heartless just now. Instead, he covered his own
microphone and said to Ji Wang in a low voice, "Brother, I know you want the show
effect, but you might be pinched by Brother Qi's fans like this."

His eyes were worried, and the reminder was full of sincerity, a rare kind of
warm-heartedness in the circle. At most, many people will just look on the sidelines
with cold eyes, without reminding them at all.

Ji Wang readily accepted, and calmly comforted: "It's okay, don't worry."

Duan Yinyu has a headache. Although this elder brother may become popular
after this variety show is broadcast, his agent has told him that Ji Wang has a vague
momentum, telling him that although he doesn't have to be too pleased, he must
not be hostile.

I don't know that Ji Wang and Qi Bo said something wrong. If you don't deal with
this, you can't deal with Qi Bo. It's not an egg hitting a stone, and it will be muddy
before it becomes red.

He was afraid that Ji Wang's mind was not clear, his face showed anxious
expression, and the dull hair on his head was pressed by Ji Wang: "Don't worry, he
and I are not as bad as you think."

After speaking, Ji Wang felt guilty. If the true relationship between him and Qi
Boyan was exposed to outsiders, it would be finished, but even Duan Yinyu could
see that they were wrong, and several other people must have noticed it.
But after only getting along for a day, how do you tell? All of them are human

Back at the shooting point, the excitement on Qi Boyan's face had faded. While
Ji Wang was talking to Duan Yinyu, he shot several arrows in a row, all of which
surrounded Ji Wang's red arrow.

Their different guests have different colors of arrows. Ji Wang is red, Qi Boyan is

Looking at it suddenly, the red arrow was already surrounded by the black arrow.
The arrows were evenly circled, and the intentions were obvious. This was in
response to Ji Wang's provocation. He wanted to circle him and trap him.

After being reminded by Duan Yinyu, Ji Wang converged intentionally. He only

glanced at the target, then looked away, carefully assessing the distance of the
target and the possibility of winning or losing.

Their team has little chance of winning, and the main enemies are too evenly
strong. One special meeting, plus two are still pretty good.

Thinking of this, Ji Wang felt that it was important to temporarily improve the
strength of his players.

Just when Zheng Qihong came over to ask him about his posture, he helped the
senior adjust his posture so that people can get the feel as soon as possible.

Duan Yinyu was shooting blindly in the narration, the targets were everywhere,
but few times he could reach the seven or eight rings, all of them drifted by at low

And Zhou Chuxue had practiced anyway, and by the time Director Jiang called to
stop, she had already achieved the seventh ring.
After Zheng Qihong was busy, she went to help Duan Yinyu. Duan Yinyu's posture
is incorrect, which is why he often shoots crookedly. Facing the omega, even if Duan
Yinyu doesn't tune in, it is impossible to think of his gender at all, Ji Wang still dare
not touch it.

He tried his best to be gentleman's hands and avoid touching the waist. Being
busy, there was a series of sounds of arrows hitting the target body.

Ji Wang turned his head, it turned out that Qi Boyan shot down the arrows on his
target, one after another, including his own, and even with Ji Wang, ruining the
original flamboyant graphics piled up with arrows. Net.

However, in Ji Wang's opinion, this child's profanity is quite a showy skill in the
eyes of others. Some people even observe Ji Wang's expression secretly, probably
thinking that this is Qi Boyan's arrogant counterattack against him just now.

Ji Wang pursed his lips and looked serious. The program group was happy to see
the result. Although the happy family fun was good, it was less exciting.

If the enhancement between alpha and alpha is competitive, there may be some
wonderful sparks.

The game officially started.

In batches, Zhou Chuxue played Zheng Qihong, Zhang Muxian and Duan Yinyu,
and Qi Boyan were at the same time.

In the first round, Zhou Chuxue took the lead. With a slender girl and an energetic
expression, facing the arrow target, Zhou Chuxue's face showed a rare seriousness.
Regardless of the technique, Ji Wang can see that this girl is ambitious in archery.

It is a pity that omega is greatly affected by her physical fitness in sports. She is
still a female omega, and she is also required to maintain her figure during filming,
and her muscle content is not enough.
The first arrow did not perform well, hitting the penultimate white circle with
only two points, Zhou Chuxue showed an annoyed expression.

Qi Boyan walked up and said a few words in his ear. Zhou Chuxue listened
attentively, staring straight at the target all the way, without revealing the obvious
shyness before.

After Qi Boyan stepped aside, Zhou Chuxue adjusted some subtle movements
and released the arrow again. This time it was much better than last time. He
entered the red circle with seven points.

A total of three arrows per person, and finally the total points of the two teams
are calculated.

Zhou Chuxue came down with three arrows, totaling fifteen points. She drooped
her head a little frustrated and returned to the team.

When it was Zheng Qihong's turn, she had a poor performance in practice, and
finally reversed and got 21 points.

Duan Yinyu immediately jumped up and celebrated happily, and Zhang Mu first
said: "Come on, as well as your brother Qi and me, why are they just having dinner."

Duan Yinyu ignored him, and next to Zheng Qihong repeatedly praised the
godmother for being awesome.

Zhang Muxian quickly shot three arrows and scored 23 points. Duan Yinyu then
played well and only scored 16 points.

The two teams clung to the points with a slight one-point gap. In the most tense
moment, Qi Boyan and Ji Wang played.

Qi Boyan suddenly raised his hand to ask Director Jiang for instructions: "How
about I get an arrow, he'll get an arrow?"
This approach is actually more fair than the order, and the pressure on the two
players in the game is almost the same.

Director Jiang agreed, and Qi Boyan took the lead to send out an arrow. This time,
he didn't mess around, and the arrow was in the tenth ring.

When Ji Wang opened his bow, he obviously felt the tingling sensation from his
fingertips spreading to his whole body, and the tingling sensation brought about by
the pressure had almost activated each of his cells full of competitive ambitions.

He forgot that the current is just a variety show, he only knows that he must have
beaten Qi Boyan here, he wants to beat him once, no matter what.

The arrow flew out, also hitting the tenth ring. Everyone quieted down
inexplicably and watched the game with bated breath, perhaps because neither
side of the game seemed to be joking, they were really competing.

The second arrow, Qi Boyan ten rings, Ji Wang ten rings, tied, the score was quite

At the last arrow, Qi Boyan didn't shoot immediately, but showed a relaxed
expression, and said to his teammates: "Why am I a little nervous? I feel that
Brother Wang might beat me."

Upon hearing this, Ji Wang couldn't help showing a serious expression, and
smiled and replied: "Don't worry, if we really win in a while, I will divide my bowl of
rice with you."

When Zhang Mu heard this, he quickly said to Duan Yinyu: "Boy, it's time to show
your filial piety."

Duan Yinyu folded his hands and said, "Have a hammer, and I won't even leave
you any scum." Duan Yinyu is a native of C city. When he arrived, he also made a
gesture of wiping his neck to Duan Yinyu.
Faced with this naive threat, Duan Yinyu rolled his eyes in response.

Zhou Chuxue raised her hands, clenched her fists and cheered: "Senior brother,
come on!" Zhang Muxian: "Little Qi, come on! Get the food!"

Qi Boyan raised his bow again, squinted his eyes, and without hesitation, shot
the arrow in his hand quickly and accurately, it was still ten rings!

This is almost certain to win, because the early Zhou Xue group has one point
more than Zheng Qihong's group. Even if Ji Wang shoots ten points now, he can't
catch up with this missing point.

The victory has been divided, Qi Boyan and the people in their group are already
celebrating, Ji Wang is still standing in his original position, Duan Yinyu shows a
disappointed look, Zheng Qihong touches him comfortingly, and said to Ji Wang:"
Xiao Ji, take this arrow seriously, too."

"Although our team lost, but you and Xiao Qi's victory and defeat have not yet
been separated." Zheng Qihong said this, but Zhang Muxian and Zhou Chuxue were
embarrassed to continue celebrating.

Because there are still people on the court who haven't finished the match, they
are really not good like this.

Qi Boyan's appearance has always been quite flat, and he is not excited about
winning. For him, winning is quite easy, without any sense of accomplishment.

He looked at Ji Wang's back. The man was not affected by Qi Boyan's victory. Just
like Zheng Qihong said, although their team had already lost, the victory or defeat
between him and Qi Boyan had not yet been determined.

Qi Boyan held up his hands with interest, wondering what kind of results Ji Wang
would shoot, probably a tie, he thought casually.
This time, Ji Wang took longer than the previous two rounds to prepare. He
pulled the bow out a full arc, and his tight forearms were full of power. Until the
force between the string and the arrow reached a certain limit, he Then he let go,
and the arrow shot out.

This time, his arrow almost hit the center of the bullseye.

However, Qi Boyan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes brightened,
staring at Ji Wang almost openly, without concealing his excitement and pleasure.

The assessing staff walked over and turned around the arrow shot by Ji Wang for
a few laps. After confirming it, they ran back in a hurry and began to discuss
urgently with the program team.

Others didn't know what was going on, Zhang Muxian said, "What's wrong? Is
something accidental?"

Ji Wang had already put down his bow and relieved his strength. He looked at Qi
Boyan, so why is sports exciting, because you never know what the ending will be
until the last minute.

At this time, the results of the program group’s discussions have come out. In
addition to hitting the tenth ring, Ji Wang’s arrow just hit the center of the tenth
ring, which is the bull's eye. In the archery competition, both sides had a tie with
the tenth ring. Later, the key to victory is determined.

To put it simply, Ji Wang defeated Qi Boyan, and the program group was
struggling with whether to hit the bullseye this time, whether or not to add points.

Upon hearing this, Duan Yinyu grabbed Zheng Qihong's hand and said, "Of
course! Brother Wang is awesome! This is a bullseye! How difficult is a bullseye!
You must get extra points!"
Zhang Mu first came out and said: "I also think that I get a bonus. Everyone is not
a professional athlete. It is already very good for this. I suggest a draw, whether
there is a good meal."

Zheng Qihong also said: "Yes, Director Jiang, let's eat together, isn't happyend

Director Jiang finally agreed to a tie, and everyone had lunch together.

This decision made the members of the two teams get together, and no longer
had the sense of opposition in the game.

Ji Wang put down the bow in his hand, and then he was hugged by Qi Boyan. This
seemingly reconciled hug between the opponent and the opponent after the game,
but in fact only he heard what Qi Boyan said in his ear.

"Brother, you look good at shooting arrows,"

In a confused and muffled tone, he said almost abnormal words: "I want to start
with my fingers and eat you bit by bit."

The man’s hot flashes wrapped Ji Wang’s earlobe,

Qi Boyan's body was hot, and his words were even hotter, almost melting on Ji
Wang's body, forming an invisible brand.

"No matter how you cry and struggle, I won't stop."

"Until we are completely united, you belong to me, only to me."
The blatant sexual hints in the words first made Ji Wang's back crumble, and then
endless panic surged. He seemed to froze, looking at Qi Boyan incredulously.

Even Duan Yinyu knew that to say something that shouldn't be said in front of
the camera, he had to cover the Mai on his neckline, how Qi Boyan did it without
Is it possible that this program group was run by Qi Boyan's company? So he can
be unscrupulous?

Qi Boyan let go of Ji Wang and couldn't help but laugh when he saw the other's
expression, very happy.

At this time, other people also ran over, the air was filled with joy, but Ji Wang
didn't dare to move at all, and subconsciously looked at the program crew, the
radio operator and the director.

The radio operator and his assistant really showed a strange look, looking
towards Ji Wang's side.

Ji Wang's heart was beating almost out of his chest, and the blood in his entire
body seemed to boil, wishing to grab Qi Boyan's collar and punch him severely.

At that moment, several hot topics flashed in his mind # Shocking! Qi Boyan came
out #, #八线透撞瓷当红流#, #明星光鲜亮丽的背#.

Will Qi Boyan's catastrophe that his company can't handle even the catastrophe
that Qi Boyan caused, will be hidden from now on.

The house he bought has not yet been repaid. If Qi Boyan is hidden by the snow
and has no place to live, he can give up half of his room. After all, the person who
made Qi Boyan say this is himself, and he is also responsible for it. .

But the mortgage hasn't been paid off yet, so are you still looking for a job?

Qi Bo said that he might be in debt, isn't he still gambled? How much will you
owe? His house price has risen a lot, and it will be a drop in the price if he sells it!

Qi Bo said nothing, what else can he do besides being a star? It's really irritating
to not cherish your career so much.
Ji Wang was so scared that his face turned pale, Duan Yinyu saw something
strange, and asked worriedly: "Brother? Are you okay."

Seeing this, Qi Boyan just wanted to say something, Director Jiang shouted with
the microphone: "Mr Qi, Teacher Ji, is there something wrong with your
microphone and you can't receive the sound."

Hell to heaven, but so. Ji Wang took a sigh of relief. His cold fingers touched the
radio equipment on his waist and found that the cable connected to the
microphone had been unplugged at some point.

I want to know who's the pot, the staff from the radio group came over to help
him and Qi Boyan re-adjust the microphones. He didn't watch Qi Boyan all the time.
If he could, he wished to quit this variety show.

When he was frightened, he was afraid that he would have a short life of ten

Lunch is to go back to the courtyard to eat. The most experienced master chef in
the village personally cooks and cooks local specialties. In addition to giving them
benefits, he also introduces the food culture of the village.

It was a distance from the archery range back to the village, and it was divided
into two vehicles. Ji Wang didn't want to say a car with Qi Bo, but things backfired.
As soon as he got in the car, Qi Boyan came up with him on the back foot. Zhang
Muxian was with him, and the other car was an omega.

He and Zhang Muxian stood side by side, and Qi Boyan sat at the end.

Ji Wang just wanted to close his eyes and rest, but Zhang Muxian took the
initiative to mention his archery just now. He asked Qi Boyan and Ji Wang where
they learned their skills.
Qi Boyan said modestly: "I have hobbies and hobbies. When I don't have a
schedule, I will go to play several times with my friends."

Upon seeing this, Ji Wang was too embarrassed to take a break. Everyone was
working. He said, "I learned it when acting. In fact, it won't be too difficult to find
the right skills."

Zhang Muxian smiled and said, "It seems that when this issue is over, I will also
go to the archery range to get some."

Ji Wang said: "The one I used to learn archery is good. The teacher is very good
at teaching. If you are interested, I will send you the address later."

"Okay, I haven't added your WeChat yet. When the director returns the phone
to us, I will add a WeChat." Zhang Muxian said.

In fact, they all added WeChat before the filming of the show. Obviously Zhang
Muxian's account is a work account and is managed by a dedicated staff. Now
Zhang Muxian means to add a personal WeChat account.

In the circle, plus private WeChat, some people regard this as a way to obtain

Some opportunities are in the chat, at the wine bureau, familiar people introduce
each other, and you can get a pretty good opportunity.

But this didn't include Ji Wang, who said he was noble or honest, he didn't really
want to take advantage of these opportunities in this way.

What's more, the company has to worry about things like resources. The artists
have already given so much share, so the company can't do nothing.

Facing Zhang Muxian's initiative, Ji Wang nodded naturally.

At this time, Qi Boyan said from the rear: "Then we also add a WeChat."
When he said this, no one knew who "we" was referring to. Zhang Mu first said
openly, Ji Wang paused, and hesitated to say yes.

Speaking of it, he did not have Qi Boyan's WeChat, and he didn't even store his
phone number. Qi Boyan was just a string of numbers on his mobile phone,
although Ji Wang had memorized this string of numbers.

I didn't memorize it deliberately, but I read it too many times, so I remembered

it in my head.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed, Ji Wang hit the leather chair
lightly with the back of his head, trying to cheer himself up.

Before I hit it twice, I felt that something was blocking the back of his head.
Turning his head to see, it was Qi Boyan's fingers, gently supporting the back of his
chair, and blinking innocently when he saw him.

Ji Wang was full of anger when he thought of what he said to himself just now,
and the bad behavior that he secretly pulled out his microphone and didn't speak.
He ignored the reason, tilted his body, and leaned his head on the windowpane,
wishing to stay away from Qi and cherish life.

Wordless all the way, each rest. By the time the scent of the food had overflowed
in the yard, Duan Yinyu and the others had arrived first to take their seats and serve
the rice with soup.

The three of them should have a good chat in the car. Zhou Chuxue and Zheng
Qihong talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was not so embarrassing.

The people in the village provided bacon fried rice, delicious seafood, delicious
in color, fragrance, and taste.
Ji Wang quickly regained his energy after eating half a bowl of rice, and found Qi
Boyan sitting opposite him, his eyes shining brightly while biting on his chopsticks.
This was the expression Qi Boyan would show when he encountered food he liked.

Just like the first time they went to the skewers restaurant, Qi Boyan disliked the
shabby decoration, but was conquered by the gastronomy.

However, Qi Boyan should not go there anymore, otherwise the store would
definitely become an online celebrity store, and his fans would check in.

He looked at Qi Boyan's most chopsticks dish again. It was fish. Should he go to

the village master for advice later, he didn't want to make it for Qi Boyan, it just
suits his appetite.

During the period, Zhang Muxian and Duan Yinyu interrogated, and the
atmosphere was lively. Several guests occasionally answered the conversation.
Everyone worked hard in business and filled their stomachs at the same time.

After the meal, Director Jiang asked them to take a break and wait for three
o'clock in the next activity before leaving. It's one o'clock in the afternoon, and Dao
Jiang kindly let them rest for two hours?

At this time, the staff came up to distribute mobile phones to them, and Director
Jiang coughed: "Today is the official announcement of the program group. You can
also take a look and participate as appropriate."

At this time, in the crowd, Ji Wang saw the shadow of Xiao Xu finally appearing.
Xiao Xu greeted him warmly, and Ji Wang smiled silently.

Artists rarely log on to Weibo by themselves, and assistants from each family step
forward, mainly looking at the artists, and don't like to like.

There was no camera nearby, and the six guests met with their assistants to
watch the publicity status of this variety show.
Said it was an official announcement, but in fact it was just a photo of the makeup
set, which dispelled the rumors or affirmed the rumors on the Internet.

The first episode is still being filmed, and the trailer will probably be cut out after
the two episodes are completed.

Xiaoxu clicked on the official WeChat account opened by the program group, and
a set of pictures has been posted on it. Although they were shot separately, after
excellent post-production techniques, the final result of the combined image is very

It was the complicated suit that Qi Boyan picked for him. It didn't seem strange
in the group photo, and it was unexpectedly suitable.

However, in the group picture, Qi Boyan and his stand are quite special. Their
body direction is slightly inclined towards each other. Although it is not obvious in
the group photo, they always feel a little intimate.

Ji Wang wondered if he was a guilty conscience. After Xiao Xu showed him the
photos, he wanted to put the phone away. Ji Wang raised his eyebrows and said,
"Show me the comments."

Xiaoxu said: "Forget Brother Ji."

Ji Wang said gently and hardly: "Bring it."

Xiaoxu had to give it. The official announcement issued by the program group
two hours ago has now been forwarded more than 50,000. Clicking on the
comments, most of them are the accusations of various fans, of course, there is
also hope.

He has come to participate in this variety show, and the company can never leave
him alone.
Swipe down further, and you can see some fans other than the accusation. One
comment has at least 800 replies, and the content of the comment is.

[Not listening to things outside the window: Only I think Qi Boyan and Ji Wang
match well? The others are all group photos, just like a wedding photo of the two
of them. 】

Clicking on this comment, the next group of replies were torn in blood.

[Aiqi Team Little Mint]: It's starting, it's starting, the 18th-line pheasant shouldn't
touch the porcelain of my home Qi Ye, OK?

[Listen to Qi Zhi's words]: Yes, right, right, only you, an orphan, before
broadcasting, CP fans dare to dance in front of the Lord, and be careful of your
family's wickedness to give back.

[Dairy Cow Xiaofang]: Why is Qi Fen's mouth so dirty upstairs? 】

[I run fast with my shoes on]: I think this pair of cps is quite good, anyway, it’s
not true. Just stop it, if your family master and the omega official announce it, do
you want it? Crying to death.

[Words I love you]: Take away our master Qi, Mint will not make an appointment.

[Soda Mint Coconut Liquor]: Actually, I quite eat Ji Wang’s Yan eh, and ran away
with the lid of the pot.

[A small button]: Upstairs, beware of excessive rot and be expelled from the fan
status. It is always known that peppermint powder is a group of mad dogs. Any
celebrity who is stained with their home will peel off if they die.

[Mother Xiaoji No. 1]: Take away Xiaoji from our house, and it’s just a photo,
what are you climaxing!
[Duck neck is short]: Real fans upstairs? I didn’t buy it. You’ve been on hot search
and buying marketing for three days and two days, and hyping up the most gentle
male second every day. I’m almost tired of vomiting. Unfortunately, I can’t become
popular even if I do this. Why, now I’m studying how to hug my thigh Is it?

Ji Wang wanted to look at it again, but Xiao Xu snatched his phone. Xiao Xu
looked embarrassed and said, "Don't look at Brother, there's nothing to look at."

In fact, those messages Ji Wang didn't feel much, but it was more certain that Qi
Boyan and his affairs should not be exposed, otherwise it would be of no benefit to

At this moment, he heard a cry of exclamation, and when he glanced at it, Qi

Boyan's assistant had a pale face, almost fainting.

At this moment, Xiao Xu turned on the screen, glanced, and raised his head in
shock, looking in the direction of Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang was uneasy and grabbed Xiao Xu's phone directly, and then he saw that
800 comments had been torn out, and the number of replies surged.

Then click to open the middle of the building, all the IDs are sent a series of
question marks.

In the latest reply, Ji Wang finally saw the real culprit who caused the riot.

[781 of love seven]: I rely on? ? ? ? Ye Qi actually liked this comment? ? ? Is he

hacked? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Qi Qi feels relieved]: I don’t believe it, it must be a routine to cooperate with the
program group! Qi Qi, you blinked when you were kidnapped!

Ji Wang was holding the phone tightly, only to feel that his blood pressure was
up, and he almost wanted to hold the back of his neck and fainted.
Even if Qi Boyan cancelled the like afterwards, the hand-swiping like spread quickly
in the form of screenshots. There is no hot search yet, probably because the
company intends to control public opinion.

Immediately after that, the comment that was liked was also directly deleted,
but I don’t know if it was deleted by the blogger himself or by Sina official.

There is a saying that the more concealed, the more ghostly it appears. Fans are
full of question marks. Qi Boyan's Weibo ad endorsement a week ago was flooded
by fans for an explanation.

Several other guests knew about this disturbance, and Duan Yinyu opened his
mouth first: "Brother Qi, you are on Weibo... it's so lively."

Qi Boyan's mobile phone was firmly held by the assistant, just like pinching a
bomb. Qi Boyan showed an uneasy feeling of doing something wrong at the right
time: "I just wanted to read the comment and repost it, but I didn't expect to
accidentally click the like."

His appearance of innocence is more powerful than his acting skills, as if his true
feelings were revealed.

If Ji Wang wasn't already familiar with this expression, he would really be

deceived by Qi Boyan.

Seeing Qi Boyan's worries, Zhang Mu first comforted him: "It's okay, Xiao Qi, the
company should help you with public relations, and I don't think it's serious, just
like your slippery hands."

After saying this, Zhang Muxian felt guilty, but to say that Qi Boyan deliberately
liked this, he didn't believe it. Although Ji Wang's people are good, his coffee rank
is really not high. It is mutual benefit to speculate on cp, and Qi Boyan and Ji Wang
to speculate on cp are unilateral poverty alleviation.
Ji Wang's phone shook frantically, and it was Sister Hong's call. He stood up, took
the call from Xiaoxu's hand, and walked aside to connect.

Sister Hong spoke very quickly and analyzed the pros and cons of this matter with
him. At present, the situation caused by this like is more harmful than good. If Qi
Boyan's public relations are handled coldly, it will attract a lot of black fans to Ji

But in the long run, if Qi Boyan really wants to bundle up to speculate cp, it will
greatly increase Jiwang's traffic.

Mainly alpha and alpha. True love fans find it impossible. Ordinary passers-by can
only eat as cp, and there are not many who really feel it.

Compared with the alpha and omega artists who directly determine the
relationship, publicity and cp are still a safe and effective way to quickly absorb

However, Qi Boyan probably wouldn't agree with him, and he was not a charity.
Why would he abuse his flow so much and hurt the hearts of his loyal fans.

Ji Wang listened for a while: "So what is the company's decision?"

Sister Hong was silent for a while rare: "The company wants you to take the
initiative to interact with Qi Boyan in the variety show."

Ji Wang understood: "The company plans to ask me to take advantage of Qi

Boyan's heat?"

Sister Hong said with difficulty: "The enthusiasm he brought is real. How much
money the company has spent on your marketing is not as big as this time."

Ji Wang committed a small act of smoking, rubbing his index finger hard with his
thumb: "Sister Hong, I only have a contract with the company for one year."
As soon as these words came out, all the voices from Sister Hong disappeared,
and they all understood that Ji Wang was unwilling, and even threatened to renew
the contract.

After the deathly silence passed, Sister Hong said, "I see, you will come back from
Variety Show on Saturday. Come to the company then, let's talk."

Ji Wang hung up the phone, leaned against the wall and raised his head. There
was a small sound of footsteps beside him, it was Xiao Xu.

Xiaoxu looked at him anxiously, Ji Wang couldn't say what he was okay now, he
only felt tired, and Qi Boyan was exhausting his patience endlessly.

This person always does what he wants, and does everything like this every time.
No matter what the reality is, he just does what he wants to do if he ignores the
mess caused by how many people have a headache.

Stepping on the bottom line to indulge, like a person who lives without a

It was like this six years ago, and it is still like this six years later, without any

Xiaoxu whispered: "Brother, what did Sister Hong say?"

Ji Wang raised his hand and rubbed his head: "Don't worry, the company will take
care of it." Rubbing his fingers again, he asked, "Are there any cigarettes?"

Xiaoxu's eyes widened: "Brother, this is in a variety show, what should I do if I get

Ji Wang pressed his temple: "Sorry, I'm just a little tired."

With the sound of footsteps, the person who most wanted to see walked out
from behind the wall and came to this remote and quiet corner of the courtyard.
Qi Boyan obviously heard their conversation just now. He said, "Don't smoke, I
don't like it."

Xiao Xu looked embarrassed, not knowing whether to leave or stay, Ji Wang took
the initiative: "Xiao Xu, you go ahead."

As soon as Xiaoxu left, Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan: "Do you like it or not, what
does it matter to me?"

Qi Boyan stepped forward: "Are you angry?"

Ji Wang raised his hand and gestured to stop. He tried to calm down and had a
conversation with Qi Boyan who came to the scene: "It's because you haven't
figured out the situation. We have broken up. We broke up six years ago. "

Qi Boyan frowned slightly: "I know, you don't need to emphasize it over and over

Ji Wang said seriously: "Do you really know? Why do I think you don't know."

Qi Boyan was obviously impatient. He held up his hands and showed a defensive
posture. This is because he did not want to listen to Ji Wang's next words, but Ji
Wang continued to say: "I still refuse to be obvious enough to make you feel that
we are between us. It's possible."

Ji Wang took the initiative to approach Qi Boyan: "We have long been

Qi Boyan's eyelashes trembled, he raised his eyes suddenly, his eyes full of
offensiveness, as if he would be here to bite Ji Wang next moment.

Ji Wang could obviously feel Qi Boyan's eyes cut across his neck dangerously,
causing a layer of sweat on his back. If Qi Boyan bit him here, he really couldn't help
Qi Boyan.
But soon, Qi Boyan's eyebrows softened again, and he said humorously: "It's
impossible that you can't decide by yourself."

He stretched out his hand to touch Ji Wang's face, and then to his neck, loosely
clasping it: "Actually, I have been very angry with you before coming to this variety

"How can you insult me so much because of Ren Ran's kind of stuff?" Qi Boyan's
words were harsh and his expression was cold. With the words, the strength on his
fingers gradually increased.

Ji Wang's eyes showed anger, but soon his mouth was covered by Qi Boyan. The
light peach scent in Qi Boyan's palm is a sign of this person's anger.

Because of the high mood, high-quality alpha pheromone will be secreted in

large quantities, even if a pheromone suppression sticker is put on the neck, it will
still leak a little.

Qi Boyan didn't want to listen to Ji Wang's words, much less to hear Ji Wang talk
about someone he hated.

So he didn't like Ji Wang very much. My brother always had people of this kind
or that in his heart, but he couldn't completely belong to him.

"Ren Ran said that I marked him, so you believed it?" Qi Boyan's voice could not
hide his disappointment: "I thought my brother was not such a stupid person."

Ji Wang trembled fiercely, he blinked anxiously, Qi Boyan denied this?

Even though he was dissatisfied with his current vacillation, Ji Wang still hoped
that Qi Boyan could say more, telling him that it was not, and it was just a
misunderstanding that Qi Boyan had never done it.

Since you haven't done it, why did you admit it last time in the hospital?
But Qi Boyan didn't mean to continue. He just released the hand clasped on Ji
Wang's neck: "Don't worry, my like will not cause you any trouble."

He looked at Ji Wang seriously, somehow, Ji Wang could see a little frustration in

Qi Boyan's eyes, as if Ji Wang had disappointed him extremely.

Qi Boyan let go of Ji Wang's mouth, and took two steps back: "I forgive you,

He said a lot on his own, and then left this unreasonable forgiveness. Ji Wang was
blocked from speaking. He wanted to ask a lot, and he wanted to say a lot.

It's a pity that Qi Boyan didn't give him a chance, but didn't leave soon. Just as Ji
Wang wanted to chase, he saw a lot of cameras. He stopped and didn't continue to
catch up.

Soon, Ji Wang knew what Qi Boyan meant that it would not cause him any

Qi Boyan’s new mv has a 30-second preview, and there is Ji Wang’s footage in it.
The general and the assassin are silently staring at each other while the candle is
shaking. One affectionate and one stunned. The camera switches quickly, with The
lines have been recorded long ago.

As long as you watch the entire movie, you can basically know that there is a
taboo emotion between the two of them. Zhou Chuxue's shots cut in at the right
time to make people understand that this emotion is only one-way.

In addition, the marketing account has released a little variety show Reuters. This
time, the hand slipping likes can basically be shaped as a new mv and a wave of
warm-up before the variety show.

The company also urgently contacted several fans and support clubs, asking
them to restrain their fans in the near future.
This is a lot of frightened Mint, who was waiting for the result, let out a sigh of
relief. Some of the emotional extremes have already scolded the company on the
Weibo real-time square.

[Mei Mint wearing a wig]: It’s not that I said that the marketing method of M
Division is too shit. The strength of Qi Ye and the results of the previous album are
obvious to all. Do you need to use this method to warm up?

[The apple dropped and picked it up and eat it]: Mr. M’s public relations have
always been so stupid, and I feel sorry for my family Qi Ye alone to drag the entire
aircraft carrier.

[Duck neck is very short]: Although the propaganda method is very subtle, it is
not like the praise from Master Qi, Ms nmsl.

[Routuan Tuan Tuan Tuan is very soft]: Although, Ji Wang is really handsome, and
he knocks quite well.

[Aiqizhizhi 781]: As long as I don't bind the hype, I am still very optimistic about
this little brother Ji.

Seeing that he couldn't help but grab the real time, Xiaoxu quickly grabbed the
phone back to his hand: "Brother, it's all right now, the matter is solved."

Ji Wang felt a little uncomfortable, the matter was resolved, but there were still
many problems between him and Qi Boyan that had not been resolved at all.

Because of something in his mind, Ji Wang did not perform well in the game in
the afternoon, and Zhou Chuxue's team scored a few points due to Qi Boyan's
wonderful performance. In the end, Zhou Chuxue's team qualified for dinner.

Zheng Qihong can only use yesterday's lotus root and vegetables to make a
simple bowl of soup.
During the evening meal, Duan Yinyu kept saying nice things to beg for meat.
Zhang Muxian made things difficult for several times. Finally, he returned with a
plate of meat and gave most of it to his godmother Zheng Qihong, and asked for
the minutes. Don't.

Ji Wang was already guilty of not performing well in the afternoon, and only said:
"You can just eat, I'm not hungry."

At this time, he heard the sound of knuckles knocking on the table, Qi Boyan
propped his chin and pushed a plate of fish to Zheng Qihong's table: "Play the game,
whoever wins can get a plate of fish."

Duan Yinyu was the first to respond: "What are you playing?"

Qi Boyan said casually: "You just got the meat, so you are not allowed to

Duan Yinyu said bitterly: "How is this!"

Qi Boyan's gaze fell on Ji Wang, his eyes bent: "Forget it, I won't make it difficult
for you. Truth or dare, answer a question truthfully, the dare is two hundred push-

When Zhang Mu heard it first, he couldn't help but pull off Qi Bo's words: "Will
two hundred be too much."

Duan Yinyu also said: "You first tell me what the truth is, you don't necessarily
have to tell you the password of your bank card."

Qi Boyan smiled: "In fact, this question is not difficult, I believe Ji Wang can
answer it very well.

"I once heard a problem. An out-of-control train is driving fast. There are two
tracks. One track has a little boy playing. One track is an abandoned track. If you
continue to move forward, it will hit the little boy. The boy will die; if you choose
to discard the track, the little boy will be saved, but a car will die."

"Now it's changed. The little boy has been replaced by an ex."

"Ji Wang, the fate of the predecessor and the fate of the passengers, which side
do you choose?"

Others don't know this question, but Ji Wangke understands the subtext behind
Qi Boyan's question too much.

This hopeless lunatic!

Duan Yinyu joked: "Of course it is the ex, why do you have to carry a whole train
of life for your ex? This question is too simple, thank you for being merciful."

Zheng Qihong: "This question is a bit interesting. Is it to save one or a hundred?"

Everyone was talking about their thoughts, but Ji Wang was the only one with a
slight expression on his face.

Qi Boyan stared at him: "Ji Wang, what's your answer?"

After looking at each other for a long time, Ji Wang finally moved. Just when
everyone thought he would answer, he stood up in silence and made a move that
surprised everyone.

He would rather do two hundred push-ups than answer this "simple" question.
In the end, Ji Wang didn't really do two hundred push-ups, even he thought, other
guests would also come up to complete the field. Qi Boyan still gave the fish to their
group, without asking Ji Wang's answer.

Zhang Mu first warmed up and said: "I can't tell that Xiao Ji is still a good man
with deep roots in love."
Ji Wang was actually in no mood to eat, but in front of the camera, he made a
delicious appearance of food, avoided the topic about his ex, and joked: "Isn't it
two hundred push-ups? , I can really do it."

Zheng Qihong was amused by him, and Duan Yinyu roared: "Then you go."

Ji Wang pretended to be serious and said to Duan Yinyu: "It's not that I can't do
it, but I'm afraid that after doing it, our team's only combat power is gone. What
about the next game."

Duan Yinyu said unceremoniously: "Come on, you, who is the black hole that lost
several games in a row this afternoon?"

Ji Wang pretended to be stupid: "Who, I played the game too seriously, I didn't
find it."

Zheng Qihong carefully picked the fish bones, and the fish was divided into the
bowls of the two younger brothers: "Don't make a noise, just come on next time."

After speaking, Zheng Qihong said to Zhou Chuxue: "Are you still short of people?
Can I go there."

Duan Yinyu hugged Zheng Qihong quickly: "Godmother! Where do you want to
go? Be sober, you are our captain!"

Zheng Qi hates iron and steel: "As long as my rock-paper-scissors skill is stronger,
I won't be reduced to where it is today."

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere revived. Later, Zhang Muxian
put forward a few classic debates of the same type. The guests had their own
opinions. A variety show almost turned into a debate meeting.
With the opening of the chattering box, the guests naturally started to chat. They
talked about the interesting things encountered in the workplace from the
constellation. Director Jiang did not interrupt and let them do it themselves.

Zheng Qihong will not talk about life philosophy under the elders' airs. She is a
very kind person, and people can't help being close.

Perhaps because she is not married, she has a very free mentality and is not too
attached to many things.

Zhou Chuxue was young and asked about romantic and love topics. She wanted
to know if Zheng Qihong had never met a heart-sick person for so many years, or
simply chose not to marry.

Regarding Zheng Qihong's love experience, the gossip magazine wrote about
everything in the early years. Some said that she and the director of Wang Chuan
were heartbroken after they fell in love, and never talked about feelings anymore.

Others say that Zheng Qihong has long been secretly married and gave birth to
children, and even said that Zheng Qihong does not like alpha or beta, but only likes

There are different opinions, and there is no exact statement.

Zheng Qihong said generously: "Of course, there are people who have met a
heartbeat. Just liking someone doesn't mean you want to marry him."

Just like a sudden desire to talk, Zheng Qihong said: "In fact, at this age, I
sometimes regret not being impulsive when I was young. I didn't do some things I
wanted to do, and people who wanted to stay didn't keep it. "

The words were ambiguous, and other people were sensible and didn't ask
After all, you can ask about your relationship experience, but if you have to figure
out who the other person is, you are a little bit crossed. If people don't take the
initiative to say, don't ask questions. All of you here are artists, not paparazzi gossip.

As a pure goddess, Zhou Chuxue naturally said that she had no emotional
experience. Although Ji Wang didn't have this burden, Xiao Xu, who was off the
court, had already raised his hand and crossed his arms, which meant that he
should not be involved in this topic.

Not to mention Duan Yinyu and Qi Boyan, many of their fans are girlfriends and
boyfriend fans, and would not like to listen to their idol's love history.

Even if everyone knows, love is human nature.

However, Zhang Mu didn't shy away from his feelings. When talking about his ex,
he only said that the friendship ended, and the two of them could occasionally
come out for a cup of tea.

Duan Yin Yuqi said: "Is there really such a thing as a peaceful breakup?"

Zhang Mu first wanted to play with his brain and was wisely avoided by Duan
Yinyu. Zhang Mu first withdrew his hands: "Because the relationship between the
two parties has faded and they feel unsuitable for being lovers, so they broke up
peacefully. On the contrary, those who have turned upside down after the breakup,
It means that you are still in love with the other party, at least one of them is still
in love, and all the movements made are because you don't want to divide."

After speaking, Zhang Mu first added: "It's just a personal opinion, not necessarily

Duan Yinyu was thoughtful, and Qi Boyan hadn't said anything since he brought
up this topic. Hearing what Zhang Muxian said, he chuckled.

Zhou Chuxue twisted her head and saw it, curiously said: "Brother, what are you
laughing at?"
Qi Boyan took out his guitar: "You continue to talk, I will accompany you?"

Seeing Zhou Chuxue still looking at him, Qi Boyan blinked: "Don't ask, if I haven't
talked about it, the 25-year-old mother is single."

Everyone burst into laughter, Qi Boyan plucked the strings and said, "But I really
want to get married. I want to get married when I'm eighteen."

This is a bit self-explanatory, but Zhang Muxian, who is used to being a host,
doesn't know how to pick it up. Qi Boyan said: "Now, maybe he will get married
when he is thirty."

Duan Yinyu cautiously said: "There are still five years, do you have a plan?"

Qi Boyan threw a wink at the camera: "Yes, if bigamy is not a crime, I will
definitely marry the mints."

Mint is the nickname of Qi Boyan's fans, and Qi Boyan played tricks to coax the

Ji Wang subconsciously held the piece of his chest and touched it. It was empty
and there was nothing. There is no necklace, and no ring on it.

Before coming to this show, he put it away and put it on the bedside table in his
home, on the bottom floor, where it was hidden tightly.

The ring is like a product that cannot be seen. In fact, every detail of the ring is
made by Ji Wang himself.

He melted the silver longevity lock left by his parents, and re-made a pair of rings,
using them as a meaningful ring as a gift to his future "daughter-in-law" by his
What he thought at the time was that although he couldn't give Qi Boyan a lot,
Qi Boyan had to have something in other people's homes.

But this was before Ji Wang thought that Qi Boyan was an omega, and after
learning that Qi Boyan was an alpha, his thoughts disappeared.

Legally, there is no policy on alpha and alpha, and omega and omega can get
married. Because there are too few special couples of this kind, even if there are
reports, they are all negative news.

After all, even if this type of couple has love, estrus and pheromone, these
uncontrollable instincts are more terrifying than external pressure.

After an omega chooses to be with the omega, what should he do when he meets
his destined alpha?

Yes, there is a 100% fit between alpha and omega, commonly known as the
destined partner. This bondage is purer and more binding than a marriage contract
and legal relationship.

It's not that there hasn't been news that after two omegas were together, the
parents of both parties were told that they forced one of them to tag with the
alpha, which led to the death of the two.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, news of that kind has less sympathy and a lot
more meanness, and others can hardly understand their love.

In reality, it is more that after alpha and alpha are together, they find that omega
is better, or after omega and omega are together, they can't control the instinct to
fall in love with alpha.

Over time, this kind of "same-sex" love affair is just a stimulus-seeking prejudice
in the quilt. It can't be true. Everyone is just for fun, and eventually they have to
return to normal people's lives.
Once upon a time, Ji Wang was also one of these normal people, until he met Qi
Boyan who pretended to be an omega to deceive him.

On the day when he discovered that Qi Boyan was alpha, Ji Wang had just passed
his nineteenth birthday, and Qi Boyan gave him such a big "surprise."

He was sitting under the soft quilt with a sore back and aching back. Qi Boyan
next to him covered his face with scattered hair, and a large area of red marks was
caught on his white back.

Ji Wang was stunned for a while, and finally dragged his nearly broken waist to
reach the bedside to get the cigarette box.

He quit half of his cigarettes for Qi Boyan, and smoked because of Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan woke up in the smell of cigarettes, bad temper and bad mood: "Did you

Ji Wang subconsciously pinched out the smoke, his body moved slightly, and he
felt something pouring out of his body... Ji Wang was silent, and said in a hoarse
voice: "You are an alpha."

Qi Boyan grabbed his hair, without the slightest sense of guilt that had always
deceived Ji Wang, he hummed loosely: "Yes, so."

Ji Wang found that he couldn't keep up with Qi Boyan's brain circuit at all. So
what is it, is that people who play rock and roll are more free and don't have basic
common sense?

Qi Boyan leaned in affectionately, still approaching Ji Wang's chest with his

cheeks and hugging his waist as before, just like every body is soft and soft and
attached to the alpha omega.

"Didn't you say that you love me? I'm not an omega, so you don't love me?" Qi
Boyan dragged a long tone, said this coquettishly, trying to get through.
Ji Wang pushed away Qi Boyan, but still couldn't accept it: "You let me think
about it."

Qi Boyan's face changed: "What else do you need to think about?"

Ji Wang had a headache and said: "My dream is to get married with an omega,
and I always thought you were an omega, but you..."

Ji Wang didn't say the next words, Qi Boyan understood everything.

He opened the quilt and got out of bed with a cold face, and his beautiful body
was exposed to the gentle light of the morning. This is a scene that often appears
in Ji Wangchun's dreams.

But in the dream, he didn't have a body that was taken apart.

Qi Boyan put on his pants roughly and zipped up: "I understand."

Ji Wang said uneasy: "What do you understand?"

Qi Boyan glanced at him indifferently, as if sitting on the bed was not a boyfriend
who had just spent the first night with him, but a stranger: "Don't you just want to
break up with me?"

Ji Wang was stunned, his blood froze like inches, and he couldn't even speak
smoothly: "Break up."

He said this very lightly. In fact, he merely repeated this vocabulary that made
him feel astonished, but Qi Boyan misunderstood the meaning.

Qi Boyan stooped to pick up his shirt, put it on, and buttoned it one by one:
"Okay! Whatever you want."
Six years ago, Ji Wang was only nineteen years old. He has experienced the change
of his boyfriend from omega to alpha, and now he is "broken up".

Unlike verbal impulse, Qi Boyan got dressed but didn't leave. He froze in place,
staring at the bed without a glance.

Seeing that Ji Wang still didn't move, Qi Boyan finally walked to the door and
slammed the bedroom door.

Ji Wang was about to get up and chase him, but was forced to lie back on the bed
by the pain of his waist.

His mind is now in a mess, and the impact is too great, he can't immediately give
the answer Qi Boyan wants, but this does not mean that he wants to break up.

The relationship between alpha and alpha is not a joke. Qi Boyan is young and
feels indifferent. Maybe he will regret it later. Ji Wang is older, and in this
relationship, he also consciously assumed a more responsible and patient role.

He couldn't help thinking about things that Qi Boyan didn't want to consider.

Besides, so far, Ji Wang is indeed angry about what he has been deceiving.

In addition, Qi Boyan felt angry about breaking up easily.

Because this shows that the relationship he valued, the other party doesn't care,
Qi Boyan's attitude is like a relationship that can be smashed on the ground at will
and ruined for others to see.

Ji Wang hates this.

He put the cigarette on again, took a sip slowly, sober.

The sound of footsteps went back and forth, the bedroom door was pushed
open, Qi Boyan appeared at the door, looking like he was about to swear loudly,
but in fact, this person was just coming in an imposing manner, but his tone was
weak: " Are you really going to break up?"

At this time, he didn’t dislike Ji Wang’s smoking, and Qi Boyan kicked off his shoes
and climbed into bed again: “Didn’t you chase me? When you dream of me, you
love me at first sight. I have never liked one in my life. People."

Qi Boyan repeated the sweet words that Ji Wang once said, without being shy,
but simply stating the facts, because he believed all these words of Ji Wang.

Ji Wang didn't know how to describe his feelings. Qi Boyan didn't seem to be able
to empathize with him, and he didn't even understand why he was angry and
uncomfortable. He said, "If these words are lying to you, what would you feel like."

Qi Boyan's face appeared angry: "You lie to me?!"

Ji Wang is like watching this silly kid: "You lied to me too."

Qi Boyan was guilty for a while, and then plausibly said: "I don't understand why
I am an alpha. Does this conflict with your liking for me. If you find out that I am an
alpha, you must break up immediately, then you just like me as an omega, no Like
me, you deceive my feelings, which is worse than if I deceive you to be an omega."

Ji Wang rubbed his temples: "Strong words are unreasonable."

Qi Boyan went quiet: "You can't break up with me." After saying that, he
whispered again: "You broke up with me, what should I do."

Ji Wang was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help looking at Qi
Boyan. The boy's eyelashes were lowered and he had no expression, but he had a
pitiful energy invisibly, as if he was really afraid of being abandoned by Ji Wang,
and he was so hard-talking just now. .

If it wasn't a matter of principle for deception, Ji Wang would definitely be soft-

hearted, and immediately hugged the big boy in front of him to coax him.
But Ji Wang held back: "You forcibly marked me last night. Alpha's body is not
used to mark, what if there is an accident."

Qi Boyan said immediately: "I checked a lot of information, and it said it won't
hurt Alpha's body."

This has come prepared, premeditated.

Ji Wang didn't know what to say for a while, and Qi Boyan lay down on the bed
holding Ji Wang again: "It's not easy for you to chase after me, so you shouldn't
cherish it."

Qi Boyan overwhelmed Ji Wang again, and pressed his cheek against Ji

Wangguang's naked belly, rubbing it gently: "Ji Wang, because I lied to you, don't
you like me now?"

He lay on Ji Wang and looked at Ji Wang sadly. It didn't take long before his eyes
were wet, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Ji Wang did not back down because of this: "I said, you have to give me time to
think about it."

After Qi Boyan heard it, the tears in his eyes disappeared like evaporation. He sat
up and scanned Ji Wang's whole body. From Ji Wang's bitten open neck, red-
scarred chest, and pinched out on his waist He licked his lips when he made

"How long do you want to think about it?" Qi Boyan asked.

If Ji Wang could be smarter at that time, instead of being reduced his sensitivity
by the environment and physical condition, he should realize that he had to flee at
that time.
"Now our problem is that you can't accept that I am an alpha, can you?" Qi
Boyan's hand got through the quilt and held Ji Wang's ankle.

He propped his hands on the bed, leaning on his knees and approaching Ji Wang,
his movements were elegant, but his words were arrogant and arrogant: "The
difference between me and omega is that it is different on the bed."

These words are too vulgar, and even change the concept. Alpha and omega are
different in all aspects, but Ji Wang can't speak, his face is already fainted with red

Just because Qi Boyan released a large amount of pheromone into the air, Ji
Wang who still had alpha pheromone in his body was unable to move.

Qi Boyan untied the neckline, impatiently opening them one by one, grabbing
the back collar roughly and casually and taking off his clothes.

Ji Wang's attitude towards Qi Boyan has always been gentleman and restrained.
Before last night, he had no chance to see all of Qi Boyan's body.

If he had seen it earlier, he would have the opportunity to discover that Qi

Boyan's body is not thin, with uniform texture, and full of explosive power when he
is strong.

Ji Wang had already experienced this now.

He lay on the bed, trying to reason with Qi Boyan: "You can't do this."

Qi Boyan snorted softly and smiled with a nasal tone: "I can."

He pressed Ji Wang again: "I can let you get the happiness that omega can't give
you, an unprecedented climax."
Accompanied by temptation and confident whispers, Qi Boyan caught Ji Wang's
hands and pressed them on the bedside. Ji Wang's fingers touched the cold black
tape on the bedside.

Ji Wang thought of Qi Boyan recording their love affairs last night, and then
destroyed the tape in front of him.

Although the record has been destroyed, the act of recording is still too
dangerous. The things entangled in his fingertips made Ji Wang's mind a little more
sober: "I said I didn't like it."

These words stopped Qi Boyan's actions for a moment, but it was only for a
moment. Qi Boyan casually grabbed his black tie from under the bed and
blindfolded Ji Wang's eyes: "Brother you will like."

He turned Ji Wang over and kissed the bite mark on the back of his neck with
satisfaction. This is a sign of alpha, and it is also a proof of his marking of alpha.

Qi Boyan sniffed the fusion fragrance obsessively, and put his arms around Ji
Wang's waist: "Brother, I like you, I love you."

This is the first time Qi Boyan said love, in a situation that Ji Wang never thought
would happen.

Ji Wang turned his back to Qi Boyan and knelt in a posture that forced his body
to open. His neck was red, his earlobes were red, and his shoulders were red. The
red was so cute that Qi Bo was confused and infatuated.

It is a pity that the owner of this body can be conquered physically, but the heart
is not.

Ji Wang lay on the bed and said solemnly, "It's useless to play a rogue, you know
there is a problem between us."

He did not wait for Qi Boyan's answer, but was "marked" again.
The laughter made Ji Wang come back to his senses, put his hand down on his
chest, and refocused his attention on the variety show shooting in front of him.

In fact, he didn't really hear what everyone said just now. He only vaguely
remembered that Zhang Muxian said to Qi Bo that he didn't expect him to be so
fond of fans. After the broadcast, fans will be very moved.

When Qi Boyan heard this, the photographer next to him said, "Come here a little

"Ments, you are very happy with what I said just now..." His tone stretched long.
Inadvertently, Qi Boyan seemed to look at each other with Jiwang, but soon, Qi
Boyan moved away. Opened his eyes.

He looked at the camera in front of him intently and showed a bright smile:
"Unfortunately, I lied to you."

"I must be the first to notify you when I am married, and you should hurry up and
give up."

"Don't think about the impossible all day long, study hard, work hard, and fall in
love." After torturing the fans, Qi Boyan picked up the strings again. This time,
"There is Everything in Dreams".

Zhang Mu didn't expect that Qi Boyan would turn his face when he said that he
turned his face, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

And Duan Yinyu was envious of Qi Boyan next to him, saying whatever he wanted
to say, he had no scruples at all.

He had asked his agent before, if he could go the same way as Qi Boyan, don't be
too cool.
The agent directly stunned Duan Yinyu: "Do you think that Qi Boyan's person is
set to go? You don't know that he is crazy for black fans! People who hate him and
those who love him are extremely extreme, don't look at his appearance. Scenery,
I feel that if something happens to him, he will definitely fall from the altar very

Duan Yinyu only feels that his agent is unreasonably worried. He has never heard
of Qi Boyan's bad habits that can ruin his acting career.

There may be more scandals, but these lace news are hard to tell whether they
are true or false. Besides, what's wrong with falling in love, Duan Yinyu himself
wants to talk about it, but he has no chance.

At this time, Zhou Chuxue took the initiative to ask: "Brother, I have been curious
about something for a long time. Does the tattoo on your wrist have any special

Ji Wang just got some energy back, and his heart beat again by the tattoo. It has
nothing to do with the meaning of the tattoo. I'm just afraid that the scars on Qi
Boyan's hands will make people look at it.

Qi Boyan didn't show too much, but instead covered his wrist with his hand: "It
does have a special meaning."

He looked down, rarely showing a gentle expression: "This is my patron saint, a

unique belief."
Regardless of the terms patron saint, faith, Ji Wang thought that he didn't have
much to do with him.

He stared at Qi Boyan's wrist intently, but the topic was quickly swept away.

There are many protective meanings of tattoos, Zhou Chuxue did not ask
It's just that this code can even be deciphered by him, so Qi Boyan couldn't have
thought of the fate of being discovered.

But even if Qi Boyan's score was really deciphered, what about it.

It is the artists in the circle who were photographed to meet together and enter
and leave the hotel, as long as they deny it to death.

Unknowingly, the variety show has been filming for three days, and in the next
few days everyone's physical strength is a little bit weak. Director Jiang didn't let
them play particularly exciting games. In the next two days, he focused on shooting
the ancient craft dyeing cloth in the village that was about to be lost.

So that the variety show has the meaning of inheriting the culture, plus the
amateurs in the mirror, it will be better to pass the review.

Qi Boyan flew away on the fourth day. His schedule was very full. He was about
to go to another city to shoot the commercial. The remaining guests could leave
after another day.

When he woke up in the morning of the fifth day, Ji Wang opened his eyes. There
was no one on the opposite bed, and he was in a daze for a moment.

There is a saying that it takes only 21 days to develop a habit, but it also takes a
while to correct a certain bad habit. A repetition of 85 days will form a stable habit.

And this point is obviously added and subtracted in Qi Boyan.

It took Ji Wang six years to correct his fascination with Qi Boyan.

It only takes less than a month to get used to Qi Boyan returning to his life.

Even after spending a few days on the show, Ji Wang felt unspeakable
disappointment when he saw Qi Boyan's absence today.
Maybe this is because of human nature, Ji Wang has given up condemning his
unchangeable vices. When we parted on the last day, everyone added a private
WeChat account and re-established a group.

This group has a completely different meaning from the previous program group,
but there are only four people in the group for the five-person program.

Duan Yinyu held his mobile phone and asked, "Who has Qi Boyan's WeChat

After watching a circle of guests, Zhang Mu first took the initiative and said: "I
have. We have collaborated on a music show before."

It turns out that they are old acquaintances, no wonder Zhang Mu first gave Qi
Boyan more attention in the variety show. Before long, a small group of five people
was drawn into one person. The head was a stick figure, and the outline of Qi Boyan
was outlined in three or two strokes.

Ji Wang fixed his gaze on the portrait for a while before slowly leaving.

Others don't know, no one knows the origin of this painting better than Ji Wang.
This painting was painted by Ji Wang, and their relationship was already a bit stiff
at that time.

It is not accurate to say that it is stiff, there is indeed something wrong, after he
discovered that Qi Boyan was an alpha.

Although at that time, Qi Boyan used strong means to make Ji Wang no longer
able to think about it, and the two continued to be confused and entangled, but
the problem was that they could not be covered up by ignoring means.

Whenever Ji Wang wants to have a good talk with Qi Boyan, the other party
always avoids this topic and asks that you care about my gender, not my person.
Ji Wang wanted to know why Qi Boyan pretended to be an omega, and made his
reputation so bad, and so many omegas and betas came here indiscriminately.

Qi Boyan didn't explain it, and refused to say it. It's like a mystery that can't be
solved. Over time, there will be qualitative changes.

I don't know if I felt the grudge in Ji Wang's heart, Qi Boyan's mood during that
time always changed greatly.

Sometimes he would deliberately act badly, wanting to stimulate Ji Wang, and I

don't know whether he wants to push Ji Wang away or tie him tighter.

On the day of the painting, Ji Wang originally greeted his friends at home, but Qi
Boyan called him and said that he would come over soon.

Ji Wang had to send his friends away in advance, and when Qi Boyan came in, he
could smell the mess in the air, omega and beta.

He held on to the door and did not change his shoes, but scanned the whole

The mess of snacks and beer on the coffee table, the gamepad on the carpet, and
the changed indoor slippers in front of them.

Ji Wang came out of the kitchen, holding a freshly washed rag in his hand.
Preparing to clean the house, he did not expect Qi Boyan to come so quickly.

"Why don't you change your shoes?" Ji Wang bent over to pack his things, but
still did not hear anything.

Looking back, Qi Boyan was standing at the entrance, his expression was
uncertain. Seeing Ji Wang's look, he slowly said: "They were all passed through by
If someone else said so critically, Ji Wang would definitely say that you love to
wear it or not, but this person is Qi Boyan, and Ji Wang inexplicably heard a little
grievance. His filter for Qi Boyan is too thick. It's hopeless.

"The ones you came to wear before were also worn by others." Ji Wang said

When these words came out, Qi Boyan’s expression was visibly more ugly. Ji
Wang actually didn’t quite understand why Qi Boyan only cares about this now, but
he still walked over and took off his feet: “Or else You wear mine, I will buy you a
new pair in a while."

After hearing this, Qi Boyan reluctantly hummed, but his mood seemed much
better. After putting on Ji Wang's shoes, he asked Ji Wang to bare his feet.

Ji Wang has become accustomed to Qi Boyan's exclusivity in such a strange place.

He first opened the window to ventilate, and he and a few friends had just smoked

Sitting on the sofa, Qi Boyan came across a denim jacket. The strong omega smell
on it made Qi Boyan more irritable: "Who was here just now?"

Ji Wang said casually: "A few of my friends."

Qi Boyan: "What friend, have I met?"

Ji Wang held on to the window rail and turned his head: "They are all friends from
my university." After speaking, he also saw Qi Boyan's coat: "Ren Ran forgot to take
the clothes."

Hearing this name, Qi Boyan raised his eyebrows: "Are you still fooling around
with Ren Ran?"

Ji Wang was uncomfortable with these two words: "He is my friend, you can be
more polite to him."
Qi Boyan calmed down: "He doesn't like me, are you still friends with him?"

Ji Wang was a little helpless about this naive speech: "He didn't dislike you." After
finishing speaking, Ji Wang paused: "He just doesn't understand you."

Qi Boyan said: "If my friends hate you, I won't associate with them."

This is very nice to say, but in this life, love is not everything, but he didn't preach
to Qi Boyan. He knew that Ren Ran and Qi Boyan couldn't get along. What he could
do was to stop the two from seeing each other.

One is a good friend for many years, and the other is a lover I like. Even Ji Wang
doesn't know how to balance.

Who would have thought that he had no relationship between mother-in-law

and daughter-in-law, but lost to his brother and boyfriend.

Before hearing Ji Wang's reply, Qi Boyan seemed even more unhappy: "Ren Ran
is still an omega, should you stay away from him?"

Ji Wang said calmly: "Before I knew him, he was not an omega. It's like I didn't
know you were an alpha before I knew you."

After listening to Qi Boyan, he grabbed the clothes on the sofa and threw it aside
like venting his anger. Then he stood up and walked out without saying a word.

Ji Wang was stunned: "Where are you going?"

Qi Boyan said blankly: "The air here is not good, and my stomach is upset, so let's
go now."

Ji Wang really made people leave like this, so he didn't have to do anything else
this day. He quickly grabbed Qi Boyan: "Go to my room. No one else has entered
my room."
Qi Boyan struggled twice and didn't break away. Just as he was about to say
something, there was a rapid knock on the door of the room. Ren Ran shouted
outside the door: "Ji Wang, my clothes are leaking in yours. Let me go in and get

The object of this quarrel came back, and both of them stopped moving. Qi Boyan
didn't leave, but looked straight at the door: "He doesn't know your password?"

Ji Wang mumbled: "Isn't it your birthday?"

"Why don't you tell him your password?" Qi Boyan asked.

This question is really puzzling, Ji Wang said strangely: "Why should I tell him my
home password."

Qi Boyan couldn't help but curled his mouth, and then tightened: "Go open the
door and let him come in and get it."

Ji Wang was sure that Qi Boyan didn't want to leave now, and he didn't know if
it was because of Ren Ran, he was stunned. In any case, just smooth it out.

Opening the door, Ren Ran smiled and said, "I have a bad memory. I always forget
things. The coats that fall on you should be able to fill your closet."

Then Ren Ran became dumb, and saw Qi Boyan standing in the room, as if he
had seen a ghost: "Why are you here?"

Qi Boyan didn't speak, but looked at Ji Wang. He really wanted to know how Ji
Wang would introduce him to Ren Ran.

Before Ji Wang spoke, Ren Ran looked stiff and said, "You Qi Boyan is a friend?
Why don't I know when it happened."
After speaking, he pretended to be relaxed and said: "You should tell me, it scares

Ren Ran walked to the sofa, picked up his jacket, and put it on him: "Ji hope you
will be okay for a while? So he drove us away in such a hurry."

He stared at Ji Wang closely, as if he wanted to know from Ji Wang's mouth that

Ji Wang's "urgent matter" had nothing to do with Qi Bo's words.

Qi Boyan broke his hope with a smile without a smile: "Maybe this urgent matter
is to meet with me. Didn't you come to find your coat? Put on your coat and you
can leave."

After Ren Ran heard this, he felt that Qi Boyan had started the attack first, and
he didn't need to be polite: "I'm asking Jiwang, not you."

Qi Boyan felt that Ji Wang didn't mean to speak, and a trace of disappointment
flashed in his eyes: "Forget it, I'm going to leave anyway, you talk slowly."

After speaking, Qi Boyan, who was a little apprehensive, smashed Ren Ran's
shoulders, didn't even look at Ji Wang, and planned to leave this place.

Immediately afterwards, he was held by Ji Wang. Ji Wang said to Ren Ran: "I
wanted to be stable for a while, so I introduced him to you. He is my boyfriend. The
urgent matter I said was indeed because I wanted to talk to him. See you."

He slowly pulled Qi Boyan to his side and stopped behind him: "Ren Ran, you go
back first, I have something to do with Bo Yan."

Ren Ran's lips trembled, and then he looked at Qi Boyan fiercely.

Qi Boyan trembled pretentiously, and took Ji Wang's arm: "Brother, he looks at

me like this, I'm so scared."

Ren Ran: "..."

Ji Wang: "..."
"Brother?" Ren Ran called out this name in a weird tone, Ji Wang couldn't help but
feel a little hot.

Qi Boyan was very upright: "I am younger than him, of course I call brother."

Ji Wang didn't take his arm out of Qi Boyan's arm. He apologeticly pleaded with
Ren Ran to leave, and Ren Ran stayed on. In case he quarreled with Qi Boyan, it
would be really hard to end.

Ren Ran looked at Ji Wang and forced Ji Wang to speak with the pressure of his

Ji Wang did not evade and sighed: "Ren Ran, Bo Yan is my boyfriend." He
repeated these words, adding weight, just like he asked Qi Bo Yan, he hopes Ren
Ran can also understand. Respect each other.

Ren Ran understood what Ji Wang meant. He clenched the jacket in his hand,
glanced at Qi Boyan again, and turned to leave. At this time, Qi Boyan suddenly
chased him up. Ji Wang thought that the other party was looking for trouble for
Ren Ran, and wanted to hold him back so that he would not be impulsive.

But he didn't hold it, quickly pushed Ren Ran out of the house, and then followed
out himself, closing the door with his backhand.

Ji Wang hurried over and opened the door to stop Qi Boyan from doing any
extreme behavior. When he opened it, he happened to hear Qi Boyan's ending:
" you better be honest."

"What are you talking about?!" Ji Wang was a little angry: "Ren Ran, did he offend
you? I'm sorry, I will take care of him."
Ren Ran looked blue and white, turned his head and ran into the elevator without
saying a word, ignoring Ji Wang.

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's collar and dragged the person into the room. This
posture made Qi Boyan feel very uncomfortable. After struggling twice, he was
frightened by Ji Wang's expression. He was not moved, just like a big dog that had
fallen away, and was lifted into the house.

Qi Boyan was pushed onto the sofa. He covered his arm and showed an injured
expression, but when Ji Wang thought of his weak and innocent appearance, he
was not very convinced: "I said, you should respect my friend. , What are you
threatening him to do! What is your holiday?!"

Ren Ran first knew Qi Boyan before him. In the beginning, Qi Boyan's name was
introduced by Ren Ran to him. Ren Ran has always had a bad impression of Qi
Boyan. Ji Wang is not quite clear about the past of the two people, and he wants to
figure it out today.

Seeing that it was pitiful and useless, Qi Boyan spread his hands and feet and
occupied the sofa: "I just told him, you are mine, let him be honest."

Ji Wang's forehead was irritated with a headache: "Qi Boyan, can you not be so

"Is there any misunderstanding between you and him? I know you, and I know
that Ren Ran, you are all good people, why can't everyone sit down and talk
peacefully?" Ji Wang sincerely hopes that these two people will be able to

Qi Boyan was a little angry when he saw Ji Wang, but he didn't say anything about
whether you choose me or your friend. He has always been like this, with many
means, both soft and hard: "How to talk, how much he hates me, don't you know?"

This made Ji Wang suffocate for a moment, and soon he calmed down and said:
"So you should tell me and I will help you mediate."
Qi Boyan pulled the pillow in his arms and lay down on the sofa: "Don't mediate,
I hate him, Ji Wang, you can't force two people who hate each other to reconcile
just because of your personal preference, even if it is really reconciled. , That's also
for you to pretend."

This sounded crooked, and unexpectedly there was a bit of truth. In the end, Ji
Wang started to reflect on himself if he interfered too much.

Maybe just like Qi Boyan said, even if the two reconciled, it was just for his peace
of mind to pretend to be, what should be hated or hated.

Ji Wang didn't force it anymore: "Forget it, as long as you don't fight in front of
me, especially you."

Qi Boyan kicked Xia Jiwang lightly, and said displeased: "Why do you only talk
about me?

Ji Wang grasped Qi Boyan's ankle, did not push it away, but gently squeezed it,
and said with soothing force: "He is an omega after all."

Qi Boyan snorted, took his ankle out of Ji Wang's hand, sat up and said, "Speaking
of which, you still care that I am not an omega."

Although Ji Wang did care, but the two things were mixed together, that is, Qi Bo
said unreasonably making trouble.

Ji Wang frowned and said, "I mean you fight him, you must have beaten him. If
you dare to fight Ren Ran, I have to go to the bureau to bail you, and the Omega
Protection Association will not swallow him. If you are wronged, let the prosecutor
sentence you to three to five years."

After Qi Boyan heard this, he felt that Ji Wang was still looking at him, with a
smile in his eyes: "What are you afraid of? My ID is also an omega."
Ji Wang always thought that Qi Boyan used omega pheromone perfume to
disguise omega, but he did not expect that the other party even had an identity id
of omega.

Probably because he was in a better mood, Qi Boyan grabbed his hair and said
disgustedly: "Same as identity, even this hair is forced to stay, which is annoying."

After capturing the information in Qi Boyan's words, Ji Wang immediately asked:

"Who forced you, what's the matter with the ID card being an omega?"

Qi Boyan opened his hand: "Hold me once, and I'll tell you."

Ji Wang had no choice but to comply with Qi Boyan's act of acting like a baby,
and put the person in his arms. Slippery hair fell on his neckline, and a few strands
mischievously slipped in through the gap and scratched on Ji Wang's chest.

There was already swelling and pain, and the hair made people tremble even
more. Ji Wang gritted his teeth to hold back, and his cheekbones were slightly red.

Qi Boyan raised his hand and tore off the restraint sticker on his neck. The peach
scent and the sweet taste would not make Ji Wang uncomfortable. After all, people
will adapt to it. He can already jump out of the alpha row. Different, to feel the
pheromone of Qi Boyan.

Holding the restraint sticker in his hand, Qi Boyan leaned his head against Ji
Wang's arms: "My mother wants me to be an omega, so I became an omega."

This reason sounds like an explanation of the reason, but in fact nothing is said.

Qi Boyan stretched out his hand and tore off Ji Wang's restraint sticker, hooked
Ji Wang's neck, sniffed behind the ears, feeling Ji Wang's taste: "I hate wine, but I
really like your pheromone. "

Ji Wang licked his neck with him: "Why does your mother want you to be an
omega? How old are you?"
Generally speaking, alpha and omega will diverge between the ages of thirteen
and sixteen, and eighteen years later, such as Ren Ran.

Qi Boyan didn't really want to say, he lightly bit Ji Wang, then let go: "Can we
stop talking about this?"

Ji Wang said: "Bo Yan, I am your boyfriend, you can't tell me nothing. Why do you
want to be an omega, does your mother think alpha is bad?"

Most people would rather their child be an alpha, after all, omega is too weak
and easy to be bullied.

Ji Wang once thought that if he has a child in the future, the child is an omega,
he should be upset, afraid that his child will be bullied by some bastard.

He has no such worries now, and he is slowly accepting that there will not be a
child who looks as good-looking as Qi Boyan in the future.

Qi Boyan lost his senses for a while, and seemed to fall into the memory, and
slowly said: "She hates alpha. I split up when I was thirteen years old. She..."

Ji Wang waited for a while, but did not wait for an answer, Qi Boyan suddenly
raised long eyelashes. There was nothing in his eyes, no emotions, and no thoughts.
He whispered to Ji Wang: "She wants to kill me. ."

"Ji Wang!" Zhang Mu first shouted from the side, awakening Ji Wang from his
memories, realizing that he was still in the variety show and surrounded by

He subconsciously clicked on Qi Boyan's avatar twice, and the WeChat popped

out to prompt, "Take a picture."

Ji Wang hurriedly wanted to withdraw, but found that this new feature of
WeChat was really annoying, why such useless things always appeared.
However, Qi Boyan did not respond to this interaction. Until the evening, Ji Wang
was tired and returned to the house where he lived. There was no response in
WeChat, and the reminder had long been overridden by other people's chat

Before going to bed, Ji Wang checked WeChat for the last time. The chat in the
group has already been swiped. Ji Wang participated in it and sent a few emojis. Qi
Boyan didn’t come to join him, and he didn’t interact in the group. Maybe It was
too busy to see.

He thought that Qi Boyan would add his own WeChat as soon as possible, and he
also thought about whether to refuse or not. As a result, he was not given the
opportunity to choose at all, and Qi Boyan did not add him.

It seemed that he was passionate and hopeless.

Obviously tired, Ji Wang didn't fall asleep. He tossed over and over in the bed,
suffering from insomnia until late at night, and then struggled to fall asleep.

There is thought by day, dream by night, and the content of memories during the
day is strangely continued in the dream.

After Qi Boyan’s amazing statement that she was going to kill me, Ji Wang was
overwhelmed, but Qi Boyan laughed out loud. He admired Ji Wang’s palpitations
cunningly and happily, and said:" I lied to you."

"How can this kind of thing be used to deceive people!" Ji Wang abruptly
withdrew his heart: "You scared me to death."

Qi Boyan replied casually: "It's so ridiculous, whoever believes it, you will believe
it. Don't always be so easy to be deceived."

After speaking, Qi Boyan refuted himself again: "No, if you don't cheat, you won't
have my turn to take advantage of you."
Ji Wang rubbed Qi Boyan's hair fiercely, making a mess of people's soft hair:
"Because I believe in you, I believe in everything you say."

Qi Boyan paused with a weird appearance: "I lied to you so many times, do you
still believe it?"

Ji Wang looked down gently, and kissed Qi Boyan's forehead: "Faith."

Qi Boyan asked seriously: "Why?"

Ji Wang moved his lips from Qi Boyan's forehead to the corner of his lips, and
kissed again: "Because I love you."

"I believe everything you say."

Love is blind, and it makes people willingly surrender.

Ji Wang opened his eyes, the feeling of the time still remained in his dream, deeply
in love, full of eyes full of that person. Returning to reality from the dream, I felt
full of sorrow.

Looking at the time, at five o'clock in the morning, Ji Wang couldn't sleep
anymore. He got up and did nothing, and went straight to the balcony to drink and
smoke, leaving his cell phone casually aside.

Although his house is not big, only this balcony has a nice view. In the past, Qi
Boyan liked to sit on the sofa on the balcony, play the guitar cross-legged, think
about arrangement, and drink peach soda from time to time.

At that time, Ji Wang thought it was very cute. His little boyfriend only drank soda
but not alcohol, and was not easy to be abducted.
Qi Boyan likes to eat sugar, all kinds of sugar, more often, Ji Wang thinks this
person is a child's taste, so he adds sugar to tomato scrambled eggs, which Qi Boyan
likes very much.

Ji Wang also wanted to make cakes for people. It's a pity that at the end of Qi
Boyan's birthday, Ji Wang didn't give cake, but broke up.

This is probably the most excessive thing Ji Wang has ever done. He always does
the right thing on the right occasion. I wouldn't embarrass anyone, but in the end,
he gave him the most embarrassed person.

I don't know how long he has been sitting on the balcony. Ji Wang's phone
vibrates. He picked it up and saw that the call at this time turned out to be Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan didn't expect Ji Wang to connect, and asked in a nasal voice: "Brother,
have you insomnia?"

Through the gray smoke, Ji Wang looked at the clouds and mist in the distance,
dyed pink purple by the rising sun, and hummed lazily.

It seems that because of the dream he had just had, he lost the strength to
oppose and resist, and Ji Wang no longer confronted Qi Boyan as before.

It is not accurate to say tit-for-tat, it seems that he is resisting from beginning to

end, and Qi Boyan is indifferent to his resistance.

Qi Boyan yawned a little on the other end of the phone: "I just finished my work
and I am sleepy."

Ji Wang took the phone to check the time. It was already 6:15, and Qi Bo said it
was all night. His company really used him to the death for the gambling
agreement. Is it good for them if the artist's health is broken?

Anyway, he is also the most profitable artist, can he treat it with care?
Thinking in my heart, but saying: "Don't call me."

Qi Boyan was not stabbed by these words, but laughed muffledly: "It's obviously
my brother who shot me first."

Qi Boyan saw the damn "take a shot", what's the matter, isn't it very busy?

When he was silent, Qi Boyan yawned again: "Brother, say goodnight to me."

Ji Wang hung up the phone. After a while, the phone vibrated again. It was Qi
Boyan's call. Ji Wang picked it up. Qi Boyan's voice hardened a lot: "Don't hang up,
I don't like you to hang up. ."

Ji Wang didn't speak, but Qi Boyan was still muttering: "If you hang up on my
phone, I'll just..."

"What about you?" Ji Wang wanted to hear how Qi Boyan could threaten him.

However, Qi Boyan didn't throw any threats as he thought. Instead, he said

softly: "I won't sleep anymore. If there are dark circles in the eyes later, I will tell Li
Feng that I was violent. , So sad that I can't sleep."

Ji Wang hung up the phone again. This time Qi Boyan didn't come to harass him,
but sent a text message.

"Brother, I love you, good night."

Ji Wang clicked on the delete button of the text message, hung his thumb in the
air for a long time, and finally chose to quit without looking at it, not seeing it and
not worrying about it.

The company invited him to a meeting to deal with his disobedience in a variety
show last time.
They wanted him to take advantage of Qi Boyan's enthusiasm. It was impossible
for Jiwang to do this. His agent Hong Jie did not show up, but the company's
executives came, and Jiwang only met Mr. Xu at the annual meeting.

Mr. Xu is kind-looking and good at speaking. He started talking with Ji Wang for
many years after joining the company. He said that although he hasn’t gotten much
better, the company has always been very optimistic about him. To be fair, the
company pushed Ji Wang to the trial.

Zheng Ya was the alpha that Ji Wang ran into in Sister Hong’s office before. No
wonder the other party felt that the other party was not friendly to him last time.
It turned out that Zheng Ya thought he had taken his role.

The configuration of this play was originally mediocre, and the director was still
a rookie, but it happened to be enthusiastic.

Ji Wang didn't know the curves inside, he just accepted the script from Sister
Hong honestly, and followed the process to try out the play.

Mr. Xu tried to make Ji Wang feel grateful. Ji Wang was very grateful for his
cooperation with the ground, but as long as he asked him to cooperate with the
hype, Ji Wang looked like he didn't make any progress.

"What's wrong with Qi Boyan? It's not about letting you bind to the female
celebrity to make hype. The Xia Zhen cp hype was so hot the year before last. Do
you know how much resources the two of them took? Xia Changyang directly
became the top performer. Look at others. What is the play now, Wangchuan
Director Chen's play!"

"Aren't you ambitious? Don't you want to act Ji Wang? The company is not trying
to force you to do it hard, but to make you go faster and smoother. Why can't you
understand the company's expectations of you?"

Mr. Xu is bitter, but Ji Wang interjects softly: "In Xia Zhen's combination, Xia
Changyang is on fire, what about Xizhen?"
This rhetorical question caused Mr. Xu to misfire. Back then, there was only one
person in the Xia Zhen group, and the other person retreated to study abroad after
a short period of time.

Fans are greatly distressed, and the most commentary in the circle about Yuzhen
is that Yuzhen is originally from a good family background, and it is fine if he is not
an artist.

Ji Wang calmly said: "Xia Changyang and Xizhen were both newcomers at the
time. Qi Boyan is different from me. He doesn't need to rely on cp to increase

"Besides, Mr. Xu, you should know how much his fans resented the popularity
after Qi Boyan slipped his thumbs up some time ago. Even if you really fry CP, are
you sure you won’t fry directly? How many resources have been spent by the
company? If I am confused, there is really nothing left."

Coming out of the office, Ji Wang let out a long sigh. In fact, few people know
that he and Xi are really friends, or friends who have a very good relationship.

I don’t know if it’s because of being with Qi Boyan. When he and Xizhen met in a
play, they felt an invisible similarity between each other. Later, Ji Wang understood
what the similarity was. They They are all alphas and like alphas.

Unlike Ji Wang, who was changed by Qi Boyan the day after tomorrow, Xizhen
never liked omega, and basically only fell in love with beta. She also secretly spent
time with alpha when she was a student.

When I met Ji Wang, Xi Zhen didn't even know Xia Changyang.

If Ji Wang knew what happened next, he would definitely prevent Xi Zhen from
fighting Xia Changyang's moths. Everyone thinks that Xia Zhen CP is a hype, but
they don't know that they are fake.
Xizhen's family situation is indeed good. Fortunately, he has a kind of innocence
and nobleness. Xizhen didn't retreat because he didn't have Xia Changyanghong. It
was after Xia Changyang was hurt so much that he left his identity as an artist
without reluctance and went to study abroad.

Until last week, Xizhen sent a photo with him. In the photo, Xizhen had a shy beta
and smiled brightly at the camera.

Yuzhen told him that he had talked about several alphas, and without exception,
the other party would always be attracted to omega. He doesn't know if this is
destined, alpha can't be with alpha.

Maybe one day, when he meets the so-called "destined", he will also become the
kind of alpha that he hates the most with only instinct.

Ji Wang still remembers Xizhen's expressions when he said this, he was bored
with feelings, and he also laughed at orientation.

When he returned to where he lived, Ji Wang saw a person at the door.

Since the last time Qi Boyan had a stomachache in the hospital, Ren Ran's call
was snatched by Qi Boyan, causing Ji Wang and Ren Ran to break up on the phone.
Ren Ran has not contacted him these days.

Ren Ran leaned on the aisle in front of his house, dressed in formal clothes, with
a cigarette in his hand, watching him silently.

Ji Wang didn't know what expression to use to face Ren Ran. Regarding marking,
Qi Boyan accused him of partial trust in Ran. In fact, Ren Ran never said who marked

If Ren Ran really said it, Ji Wang's mood towards Ren Ran would not be so
complicated today.
At that time, Ren Ran kept secret about that temporary mark. Ji Wang asked
several times. Ren Ran did not want to say more, let alone call the police for

He said to Ji Wang: "It's useless if you know who it is, you can't pursue him, and
you won't help me get justice."

At that time, Ji Wang only felt that every sentence of Ren Ran seemed to imply
that it was Qi Boyan.

Ren Ran didn't believe that Ji Wang would really pursue Qi Boyan, but now think
about it, if it is really Qi Boyan, why didn't Ren Ran say it? Ji Wang originally thought
that Ren Ran didn't want him to be sad, but now that he thinks about it, everything
is wrong.

Ji Wang couldn't say that Ren Ran had hinted to induce him to be suspicious. This
was because there was a problem with the trust between him and Qi Boyan, and
that he had no fundamental relationship with Ren Ran.

He entered the password to open the door, and Ren Ran followed in. The smell
of smoke on him is familiar, the one that Ji Wang used to smoke six years ago.

Ji Wang suddenly remembered that he taught Ren Ran to smoke. They and Song
Ge went out to play games in the Internet cafe. Song Ge couldn't help but fall
asleep. Ren Ran told him that he wanted to smoke, so Ji Wang let him smoke. Up.

The first time he smoked, Ren Ran coughed and tears came out, making Ji Wang
laugh for a long time.

Ren Ran said that things like cigarettes choked people at first, but I don't know
when later, I can't live without them.

Ji Wang brought out a glass of juice from the kitchen and put it in front of Ren
Ran: "Why come to see me when you are free today?"
After Ren Ran came in, he carefully looked at the furnishings in the room: "Come
to you for a drink."

"Don't drink it, I still have class in the afternoon." Ji Wang refused.

Ren Ran was playing with the cup, but before he said a word, Ji Wang suddenly
asked, "Ren Ran, who made your temporary mark six years ago?"

After asking, Ji Wang stared at Ren Ran's expression closely. He saw Ren Ran's
eyelashes trembling slightly, his expression a little nervous.

Ren Ran raised his eyes and noticed Ji Wang's inquisitive expression. He
reluctantly said, "Stop mentioning such a terrible thing."

Ji Wang: "Really."

Ren Ran stared at the juice on the coffee table: "Well, everything is over." He
paused and squeezed the cup in front of him: "It's all over."
As soon as these words came out, the two of them had nothing to say. Ren Ran no
longer accused Ji Wang of always having no principles on Qi Boyan's issue as before.

Ji Wang also stopped asking about the marked thing. After learning that Qi Boyan
did not do it, Ji Wang was really relieved, and he less burdened Ren Ran, at least Qi
Boyan was just facing him alone. Go crazy without hurting other people.

Ren Ran picked up the juice and took a sip. Suddenly, he raised his head and
showed a wry smile at Ji Wang: "You must think I am annoying now."

Ji Wang avoided his gaze: "No."

Ren Ran said quietly: "You are still blaming me for taking you there that day."

Mentioning "the day", all the bad memories came over. Ji Wang only felt that the
back of his neck was tingling, and there was a layer of sweat on his body. He
involuntarily pressed his hand on the back of his neck and grabbed it roughly: "If I
were you, I wouldn't do better than you."

Ren Ran: "Lying, you have not been willing to contact me all these years. I am
back. You are always uncomfortable when you see me. Sometimes I think, if I

Ji Wang interrupted him and said, "Don't keep talking about the past. What are
you going to do to find me today?"

Ren Ran was stunned and put down the juice cup: "I was impulsive when I was
on the phone last time. I shouldn't have quarreled with you."

This is to apologize. Ji Wang didn't expect Ren Ran to be soft first. It seems that
Ren Ran has also changed a lot over the years.

Ji Wang didn't know what to say to Ren Ran, he just said his thoughts, or the
sentence: "Ren Ran, you leave me alone."

These words dimmed Ren Ran's expression a lot, and Ren Ran grabbed his
trousers and kneaded the expensive fabric into a ball.

He lowered his eyelashes, clenched his teeth, and said slowly after a long time:
"How can I leave it alone? Why Qi Boyan provokes you is because of me."

"You are the person I brought over. The target he targeted at the beginning was
me. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't attack you." Ren Ran's eyes blushed: "Now he
dare to come back..."

He gasped with a big mouth, and finally his voice was almost trembling, and said
with a thousand pleadings: "Ji Wang, you should be a little clearer, why are you just
looking at him and no one else can walk into you? Your heart?"

Ji Wang rubbed his eyebrows: "Ren Ran, Qi Boyan and I have nothing to do with
Ren Ran: "Related! If it wasn't for the bar I took you to, he didn't misunderstand
our relationship, and he would not seduce you to play with you!"

To seduce and play with these two words is like activating a switch that is not
memorable. At this time, there was a flash of lightning and thunder outside the
window, and a sudden rain fell.

The sound of thunder, the dim balcony, and the rain falling on the back of the
instep from the unclosed windows, everything seems to be a complete
reproduction of the beginning of the "day" six years ago.

Unlike Ren Ran, who was sitting in front of him, Ji Wang was drinking at home
alone at that time.

After the same Ren Ran broke up that day, Ji Wang wanted to figure out what
was going on with Ren Ran's temporary "mark".

Helplessly, Qi Boyan couldn't get through on the phone, so he went to the bar to
look for it. The owner of the bar said that Qi Boyan hadn't come to sing in the past
few days, and he was also looking for it.

The boss asked Ji Wang: "Aren't you two close together? Why don't you even
know where he is?"

Where did Ji Wang know? He only found out now that he didn't know where Qi
Boyan lived, what friends Qi Boyan had, or who his parents were.

When I was shocked that I couldn't find that person, I realized how ignorant Qi
Boyan was.

They are lovers, not like lovers, as if the fog in front of them has been dispelled,
Ji Wang suddenly sees the various problems that exist in this relationship.

And Ren Ran...If Qi Boyan really "marked" Ren Ran, what should he do?
He is drinking one bite after another, will he break up with Qi Boyan? Can you
get justice to Ren Ran, why did Qi Boyan do this? Do you hate a person to the point
of a temporary mark?

Isn't it disgusting, but like it.

The alcohol went all the way down from the throat and burned into a piece. The
phone vibrated. Ji Wang immediately picked it up, thinking that Qi Boyan, who had
disappeared for a few days, finally gave him an answer, but the name displayed on
the screen was not Qi Boyan. , But Ren Ran.

Ji Wang connected and gave a feed. Ren Ran's background sound was a bit noisy.
Amidst the huge noise, Ren Ran said: "Ji Wang, are you coming here? I'm blue-

Blue Eye is a bar, but now Ji Wang doesn't want to go out at all. He propped his
groggy head: "I'm not going."

After speaking, Ren Ran hung up his phone. Ji Wang didn't care and continued to
drink. At this time, the phone shook and Ren Ran sent him a picture on WeChat.

In the smoky box, a table of wine bottles crooked, Qi Boyan sat in the center of
the sofa with a person in his arms, and the other party whispered in his ear. No
matter how you look at it, this photo shows With a fact.

Qi Boyan derailed.

Ji Wang threw the phone far away, covering his cheeks with a splitting headache.
He sat quietly for a long time, then stood up and picked up the phone.

It didn't matter, he kept comforting himself.

The mark of Ren Ran may have been bitten by others. Although the peach flavor
is rare, it is not unique.
The photo may be a misunderstanding, maybe Qi Boyan was only drunk, and he
was socially distancing away from him without defense.

Qi Boyan said that he doesn't drink, but today or what special day is it, so how
many drinks are there for fun?

Ji Wang was holding the phone and didn't even dare to open the photo again. He
ran downstairs quickly, got into the taxi, and let the master open his blue eyes, only
to find that he was wearing indoor slippers on his feet.

Countless doubts and speculations uncontrollably encroached on Ji Wang's mind.

While he was thinking about what would not be, he couldn't help himself to doubt.

His face was reflected in the car window, painful and distorted.

When he came to the door of Lanyan, Ren Ran stood at the door and smoked.
Seeing Ji Wang coming down from the taxi, he had such an expectation in his eyes.
He walked up slowly, tidying up the messy skirts of Ji Wang: "Brother Wang, don't
be impulsive."

This sentence ignited Ji Wang, his eyes reddened: "Where is he?"

Ren Ran seemed to be worried that Ji Wang might do stupid things impulsively,
he held Ji Wang's wrist: "You come with me, don't say anything, don't come out,
just listen to the side."

Ji Wang's body was trembling slightly, Ren Ran looked back, and saw that this
man, who had always been gentle and powerful, had an incredibly fragile
expression now, as if it could be broken with just a single blow.

Ren Ran couldn't bear to withdraw his gaze. He took Ji Wang to a small room.
There was only a layer of windscreen between the room and the box, but it was
enough for the people in the box to not see who was coming in here.
This small room is where the waiters stay, in order to provide timely service, and
in order not to stand under the eyes of the guests.

When Ren Ran came in, three or two waiters were adding wine and ice. He drove
the waiters out, picked up a bottle of wine, and finally took a look at Ji Wang before
pacing out.

As soon as he walked to the sofa, Ren Ran grabbed his arm by a pale hand and
yanked it onto the sofa.

Ren Ran seemed to have been accustomed to such things a long time ago, and
sat down obediently without any struggle.

The man laughed in a low voice: "Where have you been? Why didn't you come
back so long?"

Ren Ran unscrewed the bottle, poured a glass of wine for the man, and handed
it to him. The man avoided his lips, but his eyes fell on the opposite Qi Boyan: "I
heard that you are in a relationship with an alpha recently?"

Qi Boyan's face was rubbing against the neck of an omega with a beautiful face.
Hearing this, he raised his face in a daze, "What love?"

The man grasped Ren Ran's chin and pulled him in front of him: "Isn't this alpha,
a good friend of our Xiao Ran?"

"What's your name?" The man thought for a while: "Oh yes, Ji Wang."

Man: "Xiaoyan, you are an omega with alpha so early, do you want to get
pregnant soon?"

Qi Boyan laughed: "Pregnant? Am I crazy? It's him?"

The man’s voice is low, dumb and charming. When he listens carefully, it is two
or three points similar to Qi Boyan’s voice. He thoughtfully said: “You’ve never
interacted with alpha. Isn’t your omega like that? After I went to bed, I was
stubbornly desperate for alpha."

While talking, he touched Ren Ran's face, his cold fingertips were like a snake
letter, and he licked Ren Ran's earlobe.

Qi Boyan pulled the omega beside him into his arms and stabilized the delicate
lips. His kissing skills were very good, and after a while, the omega fell into Qi
Boyan's arms out of breath.

"Ji Wang is very interesting, very fun." Qi Boyan lazily said: "Doesn't Ren Ran
know that he is good to everyone."

"But the most interesting thing is that he is deeply in love."

"It's like a dog. He believes whatever I say. But do you know? He..." Qi Boyan's
finger ran across his lips: "It's the only one willing to let me on this omega, so Where
can I find the interesting alpha? If you want to play, I can give it to you."

Qi Boyan threw the words to the man opposite, as if Ji Wang was here with Qi
Boyan, it was a toy that could be thrown out at will. He said yes, then let it.

In the next second, Ren Ran overturned the coffee table in front of him, threw
himself on Qi Boyan, and threw his fist down.

There were screams, the falling sound of wine bottles, and many waiters and club
security guards poured into the small room. Ji Wang was knocked back and forth in
these crowds, and soon he was squeezed into a mess. In the box, then fell to the

There were a lot of fragments on the ground, and Ji Wang's hand happened to
press on one of them, and his heart ached.

The blood rushed out quickly, but Ji Wang didn't feel the pain, he turned his head
numb and looked at it blankly.
At the center of the farce, Qi Boyan was already riding on Ren Ran with bruises
on his face.

Ji Wang.
The two people who were fighting each other stopped, and the person who
dissuaded them took the opportunity to separate them. Ren Ran held the security
guard's hand, looked at Ji Wang on the ground, and shouted in a mute voice:

Ji Wang stood up in silence and drew out the fragments that had plunged into his
palm, blood drenched. The blood on Qi Boyan's face faded little by little, and
endless panic surged up.

A man applauded and laughed, "What's the matter, are you two here to make
me happy today?"

Ji Wang ignored the man, or in the whole box, Ji Wang could only see Qi Boyan.
He stepped forward slowly, feeling Qi Boyan's lips open and close, as if he wanted
to say something.

Every sentence of Qi Boyan could be heard clearly by Ji Wang, like a cruel and
humiliating flogging, which drew him into a complete body.

Because I love you, I believe everything you say.

He is in love like a dog, and he believes whatever I say.

It turned out that his affection was a joke that was trampled on.

His sincerity is to step on the rubbish that is broken and disgusting.

Qi Boyan stretched out his hand to touch him, when his elder brother had
overflowed his lips, Ji Wang raised his hand and waved it out suddenly. No one
thought that he would have a sudden attack. Qi Boyan didn't evade and was directly
beaten to the ground.

The power of alpha is far less than that of omega. Ren Ran just cracked the corner
of Qi Boyan's mouth. Ji Wang's punch directly swelled Qi Boyan's cheek and
bleeding from his lips.

When Ji Wang was about to kick again, he was rushed to the ground by security

He was pressed against the wall with his hands clasped tightly. In the chaos, he
heard Qi Bo's vague voice shouting: "Don't move him, let go."

At this time, the voice similar to Qi Boyan sounded again: "Send to the police
station and prosecute in the name of hurting the omega. Tell the bureau to
entertain this friend."

Ji Wang didn't struggle to resist. After a punch, he returned with an

overwhelming sense of suffocation. He couldn't make a sound and could not
breathe. Qi Boyan not only stomped his heart, but also crushed his spine.

He was like a trapped beast, his anger almost dried himself out, his eyes were
stinging, but he couldn't shed tears.

Ji Wang was pushed out of the box. He heard Ren Ran calling his name and
panicked, but Ji Wang was unable to respond.

His soul seemed to have left his body, watching the farce coldly.

In the police station, Ji Wang was taken good care of. He was hung in handcuffs
for interrogation like a heinous criminal, and all the parts of the violent beating
were hidden away from his clothes.
Ji Wang gritted his teeth and took a sigh of relief, without begging for mercy or
crying bitterly. Later, the person who tried him patted his face in amazement: "Your
alpha body is hard enough, you can't hold it with such a hit."

He swallowed the smell of blood in his mouth and closed his eyes. Perhaps he
should be grateful for the beating, at least the physical pain temporarily concealed
the mental torture, he will no longer recall everything in the box, every word.

It's like being caught out of a big dream, beating sober, and painful to
understand, like self-punishment, he must face reality and see everything clearly.

Bleeding from the handcuffed place, just when Ji Wang thought he was going to
stay here overnight, the door of the interrogation room was slammed open. Ji
Wang was taken out. He couldn't walk, and was framed out of the room almost

He probably thought he had fainted. He heard the people who came to him said
to the interrogator: "You really did it. I heard that the superiors were calling, and
Chen Ju was scared to death."

"What the hell, didn't Chen Ju say to greet us well? We are suffering from this
damned fight with the gods!"

"Who knows, I heard that it's all the Qi family..."

Ji Wang didn't hear the following words, and he fainted completely.

When I woke up again, I was already in the ward, and the air was full of the smell
of disinfectant. His wrists were covered with gauze, his internal organs were aching,
and there was a man lying in front of the bed, with long hair scattered on the snow-
white sheets. , A quiet sleep.

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan on the bedside indifferently for a long time, then
suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the man's hair, and violently pulled it back.
The excessive movement involved his injury. Ji Wang suppressed the pain, but he
tasted blood in his throat: "Who let you be here."

Qi Boyan, who was awakened by the rough pull, opened his eyes in panic. He
looked more like a patient than Ji Wang. Ji Wang didn't know how long he had been
in a coma, but it didn't take long.

But in this short period of time, Qi Boyan's eye sockets were sunken and black,
and the beating wounds were not dealt with, and they were swollen to the point
where half of his cheeks were distorted. It was really an ugly face.

It seemed that Qi Boyan was like a prisoner who had gone through a long

Ji Wang's hand slowly applied force, and Qi Boyan frowned. He did not let Ji Wang
let go. Instead, he whispered: "Your ribs are cracked. The doctor said you can't
make too much movement."

"I know you are very angry, but your health is important now, lie down first, OK?"
Qi Boyan softly coaxed, and slowly persuaded, Ji Wang suddenly let go of his hand,
like throwing away trash, waved Qi Boyan away. Hair.

A few broken hairs entangled between his fingers, enough to prove how violent
he was just now.

Ji Wang did feel intense discomfort, but he couldn't stand the culprit who dared
to appear before his bed even more than physically.

"Go away, before I do it." Ji Wang said tiredly.

Qi Boyan's finger fell on his arm. There were bruises all over it, so people barely
dared to touch it. He trembled: "Sorry, none of what I said was sincere."

"Don't worry, I will help you vent your anger. I will not let go of those who do
something to you."
Qi Boyan's eyes were gloomy and his tone was fierce.

Ji Wang almost laughed, and the thing that shouldn't be let go is Qi Boyan
himself, not to mention how stupid Ji Wang is that he still dares to believe Qi Boyan.

He opened his bloodshot eyes: "What? It's a pity to find that I can't play with me

"That's right, after all, there are too few alphas who are too cheap and willing to
be taken by others." His words are full of carelessness and contempt.

Qi Boyan's eyes were red: "You are not cheap, don't say that to yourself. It's all
my fault, brother, please hit me, I will definitely not hide."

Ji Wang was short of breath: "Go away, I beg you."

"During this period of time, I was considered stupid. I was fooled by you. I played
all the time. Now I can't play anymore. You should get acquainted and leave my

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's hand: "I didn't play with you, it was Ren Ran who
deliberately brought you to this box! He..."

With a snap, Qi Boyan's words were broken in his mouth, Ji Wang's slap was not
strong enough to make Qi Boyan hurt.

Ji Wang said dumbly: "It's up to now, you still dare to push things to others."

He seemed to see this person clearly for the first time. When the filter he loved
faded away, all the shortcomings and negatives of this person were exposed: "Why
are you like this..."

"How could I fall in love with such a person."

His ridiculous tone made Qi Boyan tremble: "I said, those words in the box are
not my sincere, how could I give you to others."

Ji Wang had a splitting headache: "Yeah, because they didn't know that you were
a damn alpha, like a dog, in a place where you've been urinated, no one would want
to step on it."

"Qi Boyan, that's not love, you don't know what love is." Ji Wang said every word.

Qi Boyan clenched his fists, and the veins were exposed: "I understand, I love
you, I know I love you."

Ji Wang didn’t want to argue with him anymore, Qi Boyan wanted to explain:
“The person in the box is my brother, and the relationship in my family is very our relationship cannot be discovered by him, I just..."

"You humiliated me and trampled on my self-esteem to protect me?" Ji Wang

didn't even bother to look angry. His tone was so light as to laugh, which was indeed
a very funny reason.

Qi Boyan seemed to be mad: "I didn't even know you would appear there!"

Ji Wang said coldly: "Qi Boyan, you can't say innocently that you didn't mean to,
and force others to forgive you after stabbing someone else."

Qi Bo's words showed Ji Wang's pitiful and hateful expression.

Ji Wang was no longer softhearted: "Do you know the whole thing, what is the
most disgusting thing about me?"

"You don't have a single truth from beginning to end. You are not an omega, but
you pretend to be an omega to lie to me."

"You have no basic empathy for hurting other people, and no basic morality for
"Qi Boyan, you are a monster, no matter how you pretend to be like, you are not
a normal person."

He almost turned all his anger and betrayal into a sharp knife in his words,
causing Qi Boyan to bruise his whole body. Only by looking at the other person's
pain can he relieve his anger.

But at the same time, he felt the same pain, every word he hurt Qi Boyan seemed
like Ling Chi on himself.

This is the biggest difference between him and Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan believes that all the faults today are because he heard the whole

But he didn't know, if he really loved someone deeply, how could he insult him
like that.

Qi Boyan stood up abruptly, embarrassed and injured. Ji Wang had never said
such a serious thing to him, and he couldn't accept it.

He walked around in the ward a few times, stepping heavily, like venting silent
anger, and soon he came to Ji Wang’s hospital bed: "You are still in anger, we will
talk later."

Ji Wang closed his eyes. If he could turn over, he would definitely turn his back
to Qi Boyan now.

The door of the ward opened and closed, and Qi Boyan left.

I don't know how long it took, Ji Wang didn't know if he was asleep, he only felt
tired and tired, his spirit was on the verge of collapse, and his body was lingering.

The door of the ward was pushed open again, and someone came to his bed.
It was Ren Ran, his eyes were red and swollen, sitting on the bedside, looking
sadly at Ji Wang.

Ji Wang wanted to smile and say that he was okay. He couldn't laugh, and he
really couldn't pretend to be okay, so he didn't speak and closed his eyes tiredly.

Ren Ran whispered: "Brother Wang is all my fault."

Ren Ran: "Qi Boyan initially thought... you are my alpha, so I came to approach
you deliberately."

Hearing this, Ji Wang was not surprised or irritated.

No matter how bad the situation is, it won’t be too bad, pretending to be an
omega, approaching purposefully, humiliating behind, and... Ji Wang opened his
eyes, his gaze fell on Ren Ran’s neck that had not been removed. Gauze.

He said softly: "Enough, let me burn."

"This time... I am really awake."

Even if he understands that Ren Ran's starting point is for his own good, as long as
he sees Ren Ran now, Ji Wang can remember this extremely failed relationship and
his stupid past.

Just like self-protection after injury, subconsciously want to avoid all the trigger
points of those memories, whether it is things or people.

Although this is unfair to Ren Ran, Ji Wang wants to be alone now. He knows that
he is very selfish, but he can't be completely objective.

After refusing Ren Ran to come to accompany him several times, Ren Ran
seemed to understand what he meant and never appeared again.
Compared with Ren Ran, Qi Boyan obviously has no higher consciousness. He still
came here from time to time, talked with Ji Wang, and sent flowers and fruits to
the soup he cooked by himself.

Without exception, Ji Wang was thrown into the trash can, Qi Boyan's face
became ugly day by day. He didn't deal with the wound on his face. Ji Wang, who
had always felt sorry for him, didn't ask.

The wishful thinking to gain sympathy didn't start, Qi Boyan didn't move, so he
could only silently come over and stay in the ward. The two seemed to be playing
a game where whoever spoke first would lose.

It's a pity that Ji Wang didn't plan to play with Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan will come again
next time. There is no one in the ward.

Ji Wang changed the hospital and another ward. In order to clean up his life, he
asked Song Ge, who was studying in city b at that time, to help him contact his
relatives who were doctors at home, which was convenient.

He rarely asked other people for such things, which scared Song Ge to death.

The friend asked worriedly on the phone, thinking that he was seriously ill, and
finally he was relieved when he finally learned that Ji Wang was really sick. The next
day he helped Ji Wang deal with the transfer, and left a message on WeChat: "You
don’t like to do it. People, is there someone bullying my brother?"

Ji Wang asked amused: "Why, are you flying back to help me out?"

Song Ge: "I can help you hire eighteen big guys to clean up those who bully you.
I don't care about it. I'm a bata, but you can't beat your alpha. Wouldn't I go to

Thanks to Songge's blessing, Ji Wang's mood is a little better, but this little
happiness is like mud in the sea, and is quickly covered up by negative emotions.
Song Ge said, Ji Wang, if you are really unhappy in City C, come to me. We can
live together for a while.

This proposal made Ji Wang very excited. He can go directly to the internship now
in his junior or senior year, and may be able to leave here to continue living in a
new environment, where there is Song Ge.

Once this idea fell, it grew like roots, and Ji Wang even turned on his phone and
began to look at the ticket.

A failure in love can not crush him, but it can make him want to escape everything

Ji Wang stayed in the hospital for three days. On the fourth day, Qi Boyan found
him. He looked more haggard than before. He rushed to the hospital bed. Qi Boyan
wanted to hug but did not dare to hug him. Facing the obvious boredom on Ji
Wang’s face , He said dumbly: "I thought something happened to you."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were transferred to the hospital? I have been
looking for you for a long time." Qi Boyan pulled a chair and sat down with his eyes
fixed on Ji Wang: "Are you still not thinking about me?"

Ji Wang turned his face and looked out the window. He felt the warmth in his
hand, a familiar touch, but a different feeling. Ji Wang waved Qi Boyan's hand away,
hiding his hand under the quilt as if to avoid it.

As soon as this behavior occurred, Ji Wang himself became annoyed, and finally
opened his mouth to Qi Boyan: "Are you still not sure, I now..."

Qi Boyan felt as if he realized what Ji Wang would say next, and he stood up
abruptly: "I'm ugly now. Go back and wash, and come and see you later."

After speaking, as if fleeing, Qi Boyan left the ward, as abrupt as when he came,
and the sentence that made Ji Wang's mouth to break up could only be swallowed
into his stomach.
He believes that things like breaking up should be talked face-to-face to confirm
the wishes of both parties and look into each other's eyes, just like being solemn in
a confession and a sense of responsibility when breaking up.

Therefore, although he did not want to see Qi Boyan, he did not say that he broke
up on the text message.

Not saying it doesn't mean that I don't want to do it. Ji Wang originally planned
to wait for his body to recover a little before talking to Qi Bo.

Now it seems that Qi Boyan doesn't understand at all. Under such circumstances,
normal people should break up by default instead of entangled and thinking about
going back to the past.

The degree of trust will be overdrawn, and Qi Boyan's trust in Ji Wang has gone

Whether it was the ridiculous reason for humiliating him in order to protect him,
or still loving him all the time and caring about his words, Ji Wang didn't believe it

When Qi Boyan came back in the evening, he had taken care of himself, the
wounds on his face had been treated, and the swelling had disappeared. It just
looked like he hadn't had a good rest, and his heart was haggard.

Qi Boyan knew that Ji Wang didn't want to drink the soup he made, so he packed
up the hospital food.

The ward he previously arranged for Ji Wang was VIP, and the food was delivered
by a special nurse. Although Ji Wang lives in a single room, his treatment is not as
good as before.
Qi Boyan unfolded the small table and put things on the table. His caring behavior
was unskilled and clumsy. When the soup lid was opened, he spilled the soup

Ji Wang didn't say anything. He picked up the chopsticks, should eat, drink, and
was no longer full of rejection as before. This change caused Qi Boyan's eyes to light
up, and his mouth also showed a little smile.

Maybe it was because of his softening that Qi Boyan saw some hope. Qi Boyan
did not pester him to talk like before, but waited for Ji Wang to finish eating, and
then gently cleaned up his things. Set up a small bed next to his bed to accompany

At this time, Qi Boyan learned a little bit how to take care of others.

No one could have allowed him to take care of this before, but now Ji Wang
doesn't want to take care of it.

In the middle of the night, of course the spoiled Qi Boyan did not sleep well. He
woke up over and over again. In the middle of the night, he even sneezed. Ji Wang
opened his eyes. The Qi Boyan in front of him shrank on a wacky folding bed with
a very thin quilt.

He just closed his eyes again and said, "You quarreled me, go out."

Qi Boyan didn't reply, but quickly got up from the bed gently and out of the ward.

Ji Wang tossed on the bed and couldn't sleep. He got up and wanted to get some
hot water for himself. When he opened the door, he saw Qi Boyan sitting on a
bench in the aisle, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and it was very cold
throughout the hall.

In May, it was not completely hot yet, and it was cold in the middle of the night.
Qi Boyan saw Ji looking up, saw the thermos cup in his hand, stood up, took the
water cup in his hand, and said with a nasal voice: "I'll get you water."

The fingertips touched the back of Ji Wang's hand, and it was very cold.

When Qi Boyan returned the water, Ji Wang had already closed the door of the
ward and locked it.

Ji Wang was lying on the bed and heard the slight knock on the door. The
movement was very quiet, as if he was afraid of awakening the person in the next
room. After a few taps, the movement stopped.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

On the second day, Ji Wang was awakened by the nurse's voice. The other party
told him not to lock the door. If something happened in the middle of the night, the
nurse would have to find the key first, which was very troublesome.

While apologizing, Ji Wang asked the nurse if there was anyone out there when
he came in the morning.

The nurse checked his drips: "People? Who?"

Ji Wang shook his head: "No, I just ask casually."

In the afternoon, Ji Wang went to the hospital downstairs to bask in the sun. He
was still in a bad mood, but he also began to persuade himself to look away and
think about how to deal with Qi Boyan's affairs.

He sat on the bench, Qi Boyan came again, and found him with a guitar. Tong
Jiwang said that when he was thinking about him, he composed a song, and wanted
Jiwang to listen to it.

Ji Wang didn't say that he wanted to listen, and he didn't say that he didn't want
to listen.
He just felt that Qi Boyan seemed to have changed, but the actual situation
remained the same. His attitude is to expose those things lightly, as if they had
never happened.

Even if the reason is ridiculous, it must be rationalized with a little thought in

order to deceive people who want to deceive.

As Qi Boyan said, his family is very complicated. For one reason or another, he
would kiss other alphas in such a box and insult his boyfriend.

Even those scumbags caught in the bed in the film and television dramas, the
first time they choose to tell their lovers some coaxing lies.

If the lover is stupid, he believes it too.

Ji Wang wanted to believe it, but he was not stupid enough, and Qi Boyan didn't
want to spend his thoughts to deceive him.

Qi Boyan sat on the other side of the bench with his fingers flicking the strings.
He might have caught a cold. The young man's clear voice was a bit dumb, but he
had a different taste.

Ji Wang finally took a look at Qi Boyan, looking at the handsome profile face and
soft long hair, moving melody and charming eyelashes.

He felt a wave of hopeless heartbeat. A person he once loved so deeply made

him so sad, but he could not choose not to love him immediately.

If there is a switch in love, just turn it off, you can easily withdraw all the feelings.

If there is such a thing, Ji Wang is willing to trade everything for it.

After Qi Boyan finished humming the melody, he said to Ji Wang, "Brother, what
do you want to do from now on?"
Ji Wang ignored him, but Qi Boyan didn't care: "I want to be a singer, I only sing
the songs I want to sing, and then hide your name in every melody of mine."

Love words are very touching, but they have no temperature. No matter how
sweet fake things are, they are bitter in the mouth.

Qi Boyan felt that Ji Wang didn’t mean to speak, and didn’t care. He put down
the guitar and took out a flower from his arms. He didn’t know where to pick it and
hid it in his clothes for a while. Now he became sluggish. Of.

"It seems that I have been together for so long and I haven't sent you flowers.
They looked pretty when they were picked off. How come they are like this now."
Qi Boyan muttered to himself and placed the flowers in the middle of the bench.
He and Ji Wang Distance.

"My birthday is coming soon. Does your brother want to give me anything?"

On May 14th, Qi Boyan’s birthday, Ji Wang had prepared a gift a month in

advance, a pair of rings carefully made by him, for which he melted the longevity
lock left by his parents.

Now Ji Wang is sorry to his parents, because he used their relics, but will not give
out the ring.
The day Ji Wang was discharged from the hospital happened to be Qi Boyan's
birthday. He allowed the other party to follow to his home. The room was still the
same as he left half a month ago, and Qi Boyan had already asked someone to clean

When Ji Wang returned to the room, there were two small boxes on the bedside
table, which were gifts prepared by Ji Wang.

Unexpectedly, in just ten days, everything is right and wrong.

Qi Boyan sat in the living room and waited quietly for Ji Wang to change his
clothes and then quietly repeated: "Brother, today is my birthday."

Ji Wang grabbed his hair, and before he could answer, the doorbell rang. Outside
the door is a takeaway. Ji Wang placed the order this morning. He estimated the
time to be discharged in the afternoon for delivery. He opened the door to take the
takeout and took out the cake box from the thermal ice bag. It was small and

Since Ji Wang took the cake, Qi Boyan's eyes have been brighter and brighter,
and finally he seldom smiled happily.

He looked at Ji Wang and looked at him. He didn't dare to be too arrogant to be

happy at all. Instead, he leaned close to Ji Wang and looked at the cake.

It is the flavor that Qi Boyan likes. On the snow-white surface of the cake, there
is a big peach in the middle, and a piece of chocolate that says Happy Birthday is

Ji Wang put the cake down and went into the kitchen wrapped in an apron to
cook noodles. Qi Boyan followed bluntly: "Your body still hurts, or order takeaway."

Ji Wangyu finally said something amidst his busy schedule: "It's okay."

It's really okay. A bowl of noodles is made very quickly, and it's not a sumptuous
one. After serving it out, Qi Boyan was very satisfied and asked, "Is there only one

Ji Wang humbled with no expression, "You eat it."

After lighting a candle to make a wish, Ji Wang cooperated to sing a birthday song
for him. Everything was so peaceful, as if nothing happened. Everything was just
celebrating Qi Boyan's birthday and wishing him a happy nineteenth birthday.
As the candle blew out, Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan who closed his eyes and
wished. He liked the boy who had been with him for a year and ten months.

He wanted to give a chance, give each other a chance.

"Happy birthday." If these things didn't happen, Ji Wang might add, my baby.

Only when you have contrast can you feel sad, you can't do some things you can
do, and you can't say some things you can say.

Qi Boyan opened his eyes, his eyes were moistened with water: "Brother, I have
made a good wish."

Ji Wang nodded, as usual: "So now, can you give me a reason? The reason you
did that."

Qi Boyan knew what he was asking, and his face turned gray for a moment, as if
he was more reluctant to talk about what happened in the box than Ji Wang.

Ji Wang stared at Qi Boyan calmly, looking as if he was calm, but in fact only he
knew it, he didn't, his hands were hidden under the table, tightly clasped together,
shaking vigorously.

He slowly coaxed Qi Boyan to speak, and his heart became sour. If Qi Boyan didn't
want to make up a reason, he could help.

Ji Wang knew that if anyone next to him knew what he was doing in this
relationship, he would think he was cheap.

But Ji Wang didn't want to control other people, he was like a person about to
fall into the abyss, trying to hold the last straw.

He wants Qi Boyan to speak out.

Qi Boyan stared at the birthday cake: "I said, I can't let my family know about our
relationship, so I deliberately pretended not to care about you."

"There is also Ren Ran, he deliberately found you, just to let us break up! He is
from my brother's side, don't trust him too much."

Ji Wang didn't speak and listened silently, but the emotion in his eyes was so
obvious, Qi Boyan coldly said, "You don't believe me."

"Do you think what you said is reasonable?" Ji Wang said: "Even if it wasn't me
and let others listen, they would..."

"What's the matter with other people? I'm just asking you, do you believe me!"
Qi Boyan said dumbly.

He couldn't wait for Ji Wang's answer for a long time, and could no longer control
his emotions: "Since you don't believe it, why do you still ask!"

Ji Wang was short of breath and said: "Because I want to give us a chance!"

Qi Boyan stood up abruptly: "You don't want to give a chance at all, you just want
to blame me and resent me!"

"I've been apologizing to you. How many times do you want me to say I'm sorry
to forgive me, or you scold me, you go and tell Ren Ran that I am disgusting, a
monster that doesn't understand love, is that enough?!"

Ji Wang didn't flush his eyes with this bad tone, gritted his teeth and said: "Not
enough, how can this be enough!"

Qi Boyan's body trembled with anger. He looked at Ji Wang for a while, and then
said every word: "You just think I lie to you, what bullshit loves me, believes
everything about me, Ji Wang, you only It's the liar who can only speak nicely!"

Qi Boyan waved the cake off the table vigorously.

Ji Wang looked at the cake that fell on the ground, like a loud noise falling
invisibly in his heart, shattering his weak hope.

He realized how ridiculous that hope was now, because from the beginning,
there was no hope at all.

Qi Boyan didn't know that he was not only destroying the cake, but Ji Wang's
final salvation of the relationship.

Exhaustion swept over, Ji Wang seemed to be plunged into the deepest gloom,
and finally understood what it meant to give up.

He stepped back: "Qi Boyan, let's break up."

Memories are like healing on the surface. After digging out the bloody scar,
everything seemed to reappear yesterday.

Ji Wang paled in the thunder, he looked at Ren Ran in front of him: "I'm sorry,
can you go back first, I'm really uncomfortable."

Seeing his discomfort, Ren Ran stood up speechlessly, closed the window in the
room for him, and asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital. After being
rejected, he left the room with interest.

Ji Wang closed every window and found a mop to clean the water on the ground.
While it was being cleaned up, the house suddenly became completely dark and
the power went out.

The collapse of adults may be in an instant, Ji Wang's emotional out of control is

more due to Qi Boyan.

He threw away the mop and sat on the sofa, burying his face in his hands.

Ji Wang once let go of harsh words, he said that Qi Bo's words could be forgotten.
He removed the tattoo on his ring finger, but bought the house where the two
lived together.

In every corner of this room, there was a shadow of Qi Boyan.

When Ji Wang woke up in the middle of the night, he subconsciously touched the
other side of the bed, where it was empty and there was nothing.

When shopping, he subconsciously chooses Qi Boyan's favorite snacks.

In winter, I want to buy a pair of gloves for the person who has never taken good
care of his body.

Tomato scrambled eggs has almost become Ji Wang's preference, but Ji Wang
never put sugar.

And Qi Boyan disappeared completely in his life since that birthday.

Sometimes Ji Wang was thinking that it was Qi Boyan who wanted to break up,
and that person was more decisive than him.

He did not choose to go to city b, but to stay in city c.

Once he came back from a shopping trip and saw a person standing in front of
his room. Ji Wang walked over with his breath, and stopped a few steps away. With
a cautiousness that he didn't know, he asked softly: "Is that you? ?"

The man stepped out of the darkness and smiled at him. It wasn't Qi Boyan, but
the neighbor asked him to borrow the repair kit.

After that day, Ji Wang deleted all the contact information about Qi Boyan,
changed his mobile phone number, signed a new company, and devoted himself to
his acting career.
Just when he thought he would be able to put it down, he once returned from a
filming crew in a secluded mountain. He walked on the airport and was squeezed
by a group of girls with light signs and almost fell.

Each of them had those three words in their hands, Qi Boyan, this long-lost name,
unstoppably bombed into Ji Wang's life.

In a completely different and most inescapable way, Qi Boyan became a star, a

shadow that can be everywhere.

If there is a previous life, Ji Wang must have done a heinous wrong in his previous
life, and only in this life will he experience these emotional tortures.

Can't avoid, can't avoid, can't forget.

Ji Wang took a deep breath in his palm. He cheered up again and went downstairs
with his mobile phone on the light.

The elevator was out of power, and he picked up the stairs in the dark, no matter
what, this time, he would never collapse as easily as before.

Far away in the hotel in city b, Li Feng hurriedly carried a bag of things to room
3012. He knocked on the door, but nothing happened, Li Feng took out his card and
opened the door.

Turning on the light, he saw a large bulge on the bed, and only a pale hand was
exposed under the edge. The blue blood vessels were distinct and looked lifeless.

Li Feng's heart shuddered, and after putting down the things in his hand, he
rushed up and lifted the quilt.

Qi Boyan curled up in the quilt, sleeping with messy hair. He opened his eyes in
shock. He rubbed his eyes in confusion, "Have you bought the cake?"
After speaking, he sat up, stretched his waist, noticed the unrelenting heart
palpitations on Li Feng's face, and couldn't help but smile: "What are you afraid of,
afraid that I will die again?"

Li Feng didn't speak, Qi Boyan shook his head, picked up the phone and looked
at the weather in City C. It was raining heavily, and said to himself: "I don't know
what Ji Wang is doing."

"Have you taken today's medicine?" Li Feng checked the medicine box on the
bedside, and Qi Boyan waved his hand tiredly: "Take it."

Then Li Feng brought the cake to him, snow-white cream and a pink peach. When
Qi Boyan was in a bad mood, he would ask Li Feng to order one of these cakes and
send it over.

Qi Boyan took a few bites and couldn't eat much, because his stomach had been

Li Feng said, "Are you tired of eating, or change one?"

Qi Boyan said no, he looked down and thought for a while, and suddenly said to
Li Feng: "Have I ever told you that when I ate this cake for the first time, I could eat
it whole."

He smiled triumphantly, as if it was something to show off.

After speaking, Qi Boyan refuted himself: "It seems that he hasn't finished eating,
because it is broken on the ground. Even if you pick it up, you can't eat it all."

In fact, Qi Boyan is not sure whether he picked them all up.

He was crying a lot at that time, and the cake in his mouth was not sweet at all.

But he still wanted it, even if he knew that no matter which cake came later, it
was not the original one.
Just because he is Qi Boyan, he is willing to do useless work.
The shooting location of the second variety show is in the mountains. Ji Wang is a
bit convincing. It is either an island or a mountain, where to drill in remote areas.

This time, he took Xiaoxu from the beginning. Even though he didn't agree with
the company on the topic of hype, it did not affect the company's continued tilt of
resources to him.

Sister Hong said that now the company is very optimistic about him, thinking that
he has a better future than Zheng Ya. He even gave him a babysitter car, Ji Wang
has not encountered this kind of treatment for many years since his debut.

Originally, there was an extra life assistant, but Ji Wang declined.

With Qi Boyan around him, he can trust Xiaoxu, but he can't trust the new

It's not that I'm worried that the new assistant will go to the Internet to break
the news. People who apply for the job have to sign a confidential contract, mainly
because they don't want Qi Boyan's matter to be known by the company.

Xiaoxu followed him into the car, groping here and there, making Ji Wang feel
sad when he saw it: "You have worked so hard for so many years."

However, the object of his apology was only busy using the remote control to
play with the LCD screen in the car: "Brother Wang, our stingy company has lost
money. This nanny car won't be bought second-hand, right."

"There is a refrigerator here, Brother Wang, what do you want to drink."

Ji Wang was no longer moved, and even wanted to give Xiaoxu a brain collapse:
"I want to sleep, keep quiet."
It took a while to go up the mountain. This time, Jiang Dao didn't know where he
came to know the village. The buildings are very simple and the surroundings are
quiet and isolated from the world.

There are not many young people in the village, they are all old people. The air is
full of the smell of mud and flowers, and it is quite clean, suitable for staying here
for a while.

When he got out of the car, Ji Wang stretched out comfortably. During this time,
he had only this variety show and no other activities.

Because he had a good rest, Ji Wang was in a relaxed mood when he came to

He was still the first to arrive alone. Instead of letting them go directly to the
residence like last time, the program group sent the guests to Tanabe to gather.

There are six land deeds buried in the huge field. Which land deed is dug will
determine where you sleep tonight.

There are houses of the village chief with a good environment, houses in general
conditions, and an old house that is dilapidated and needs to be repaired on the

People came one after another. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and
they were greetings for a while. Contrary to Ji Wang's two issues being the first to
arrive, Qi Boyan is always the latest.

Qi Boyan is wearing bright-colored clothes today, with his hair up, light makeup
on his face, and the word "saobao" all over his body.

Of course, Ji Wang may only think so. Several photographers gathered around
and took different shots and clips on the scene where Qi Boyan got off the car. This
is the first look of "On the Road", and it must be taken with a faceless face. It won't
waste beauty.
The shining star was silly when he came to Tianbian, and watched the show group
angrily with Duan Yinyu, who had been complaining for a long time.

Director Jiang informed that tonight’s accommodation condition was to dig a

house deed in the ground, Qi Boyan sighed slightly: “I would wear my own private
server if I knew it. There will be more episodes of this show, and the brand will
block me. Up."

Of course it is a joke, no one can blacken Qi Boyan.

You must know that Qi Boyan is the best seller of this year, including his famous
perfume, with amazing sales.

The cosmetics, clothing, watches, and even a bag that he endorsed on the back
of the airport can spur a wave of enthusiasm.

Compared with some artists who are very stocky but cannot be favored by luxury
goods, Qi Boyan has a strange sense of contradiction. Cheap products love him,
luxury goods love him even more.

He can be grounded, but also surprisingly expensive.

Zhang Muxian comforted Qi Bo and said: "It doesn't matter, at least you have
brought us a new day and new eyes."

Duan Yinyu also looked at Qi Boyan, before he flattened his mouth for a long
time: "I am the omega, shouldn't the reasonable and beautiful settings belong to

Zhang Muxian said to him: "It's narrow, who stipulates that only your omega can
look good."

Finally, Jiang Toutou came to speak, everyone changed clothes for farm work,
and the clothes were provided by the villagers.
The clothes were decided by lottery, and Qi Boyan was as unlucky as ever and
got the women's dress and the red dress.

When Duan Yinyu saw the clothes in Qi Boyan's hands, his stomach was about to
burst with laughter, although the ones in his hands weren't much better. It was a
set of small-footed jeans and tights, a very energetic young man.

Ji Wang drew white short-sleeved trousers with a belt, and a pair of brown
leather sandals. He didn't get too entangled, so he went to the changing room set
up by the nearby camera crew to change into them.

When Ji looked out, everyone around him brightened up.

Originally, clothes with general texture and tailoring were justified by Ji Wang's
tall and straight body.

Anyway, handsome people are handsome when they criticize sacks.

The villagers who lent the clothes were watching the variety show and watching
with gusto.

The owner of Qi Boyan's clothes was standing next to him. Seeing that Qi Boyan
had long hair, he also gave Qi Boyan a red flower head and asked him to tie his hair.

Qi Boyan took the head flower and slammed his head indifferently. He saw the
woman return to the man who gave Ji Wang clothes just now. The two were still
holding hands. He squinted and said with a smile: "Are you a couple?"

The woman covered her mouth and smiled and nodded. Qi Boyan said, "You are
very good, and the clothes are good."

When Ji looked out, he heard Qi Boyan's sentence and couldn't help but glanced
at Qi Boyan. Only had time to see the back of the other person who went to the
dressing room with the skirt, and the pace was brisk. Those who didn't know
thought he had not got women's clothing, but high-definition.

Zhang Muxian also changed into the old sweater and pants, Zheng Qihong got a
set of men's clothing, her temperament and figure are good, and she looks pretty

The final highlight is of course Qi Boyan, everyone has changed, but he is still

Duan Yinyu was made by the spirit boy's costume like a little chicken, muttering
that he has no temperament.

Zhang Mu first pulled off his loose vest: "You can do it, I still have holes in this

Duan Yinyu immediately covered his eyes: "Ah! Your breasts, your breasts! I saw
something dirty!"

Zhang Mu was so angry that he almost locked his throat.

At this time, Qi Boyan, who was eagerly awaited by everyone, came out.

Duan Yinyu: "Rely... Is there any plug-in on your body! This is all right!!"

Zheng Qihong looked at Qi Boyan carefully, and suddenly said, "If you were born
a few years earlier, you would be suitable to play the "Guanyin" by Director Chen.

I saw that Qi Boyan's red dress was not only not funny, but his slender figure and
exquisite facial features showed an inexplicable ambiguity, very neutral.

Just like the Guanyin in "Guanyin", there is no gender distinction, pure beauty.

However, the beauty still wants to go down the field, draw a spoon of the digging
tool, and use it to dig.
Compared with the unlucky Qi Meiren, Ji Wang got the most European hoe.

Duan Yinyu took a small shovel and followed Ji Wang to dig, and said in a smooth
way: "Brother Wang, you are really good. Didn't you find that every time it is the
draw of the program group, you can get the best one?"

"Really?" As soon as Ji Wang's voice fell, the hoe hit the hard object. After five
minutes of digging the field, Ji Wang dug a box with a title deed.

The other guests were stunned, including Director Jiang and the production

Duan Yinyu stood up with arms akimbo: "What's the matter, you guys are putting
too much water?!"

Director Jiang had a discussion with the people in the production team before he
came out and said: "The arrangement of the program group is okay. The other four
people continue, and Teacher Ji can come over and open the box."

Duan Yinyu was so envious that his eyes were bleeding: "Really two killers of the
show crew."

Zhang Mu first praised: "What?"

Duan Yinyu: "Qi Boyan's beauty, Ji Wang's luck."

Duan Yinyu threw away the small shovel in his hand and grabbed Ji Wang's calf
as he passed by: "Brother! I called your brother, you help me dig one too."

Director Jiang went beyond this kind of cheating in time: "Teacher Duan, you
can't do this, you have to find it yourself."

In the end, it took more than an hour before Duan Yinyu dug up the box. He
raised his hands and celebrated as if he had gotten the whole world: "It's dug up!"
Not far away, Qi Boyan bent all the spoons and didn't make a move.

It is enough to prove that Ji Wang's luck is against the sky, not that the program
group deliberately released water.

In the end, five boxes filled with the blood and sweat of the digger were placed
side by side and opened one by one.

Duan Yinyu pinched Ji Wang's arm, and Ji Wang asked inexplicably, "What's the

"Luck a little bit." Duan Yinyu said solemnly: "Let me escape from entering
Europe! Ji Jinli!"

Ji Wang joked: "Then should you give me a confession?"

Duan Yinyu shook Ji Wang's arm, and made one that everyone could see. He
deliberately coquettishly said: "Oh, Ji Gege, don't be so stingy~"

Zhang Mu made a retching sound next to him, and Ji Wang subconsciously looked
at Qi Boyan. The man's sideburns were soaked, and the airtight long skirt was really
dull in this midsummer.

Qi Boyan looked down at the boxes, and didn't give him a look.

The house was separated, Zheng Qihong lived in the best house alone, and Duan
Yinyu and Zhang Mu were divided into the middle one.

The two of them hadn't lived together yet, and began to quarrel again.

Duan Yinyu approached Zheng Qihong and acted like a baby, clamoring to live
with his godmother, he sneaked over at night, and godmother opened the door for
Ji Wang stood there and smiled bitterly, Zhang Mu was very kind: "Anyway, Duan
Yinyu is gone, you two come over to my side to sleep, you live in a broken house."

Director Jiang promptly dismissed the guests' desire to help each other: "Teacher
Zhang, don't worry, we will provide tools to repair the house and will not let the
two teachers really sit on the ground."

Zhang Muxian had to give them a helpless expression.

Because it was late in the village, after another round of games in the evening,
the five people successfully ate the peasant meal.

After the meal, Ji Wang brought the repair box given by the program team, and
Qi Boyan carried the folding ladder on his back, and the two came to the broken

The environment of the house was really bad. Ji Wang observed the areas that
needed to be repaired for a while and found it to be fairly simple. He made a scene
before, in which he was a repairman, thanks to his immersion into the scene, he
learned a lot of strange skills.

Ji Wang carried the box and went up to the top of the building, and said to Qi
Boyan who didn't know what to do downstairs: "You go in and clean the bedroom,
and take the quilt out to dry."

Qi Boyan said obediently and entered the bedroom.

After Ji Wang simply mended the roof, Qi Boyan climbed up and sat on the edge.
The red dress was swelled on his lap by the wind. Ji Wang looked back and felt that
Qi Boyan was sitting very dangerously and would fall down at any time.

He twisted his eyebrows: "Come here."

Qi Boyan didn't say a word, and looked at the photographer downstairs:

"Brothers, go and rest. Today's weight should be enough."
After the photographers used the walkie-talkie to ask Jiang Dao's opinion, they
stopped work one after another and evacuated the ruined house.

Qi Boyan stood up and walked in Ji Wang's direction. Suddenly the soles of his
feet staggered. Ji Wang's heart almost jumped out. He slammed and squeezed Qi
Boyan's hand.

Qi Boyan stopped shaking again, and Chong Jiwang smiled as if succeeding.

Ji Wang didn't like this kind of accident. He sullenly wanted to let go, but was
firmly held by Qi Boyan. It's hard to pull it on, how can it be loosened.

Qi Boyan sat next to Ji Wang contentedly, and looked up at the sky: "Brother, do
you know that stars have sounds?"

Ji Wang checked his and Qi Boyan's microphones, and made sure that the lights
were not on, and they had been turned off, before he felt relieved.

He ignored Qi Boyan's words, but saw that the man raised his finger and drew a
few vainly on it: "You have found that there is no sign of music between each star."

Ji Wang looked around and looked at it for a while: "I don't think so."

"You're really not romantic." Qi Bo said.

Ji Wang wanted to take his hand out again, but still failed: "Did you know the first

Qi Boyan laughed: "I will name the stars."

Before Ji Wang said that he was not interested in this topic, he felt that his palm
was hooked by Qi Boyan: "The one next to the moon is Jiwang 1, and next to it is
Jiwang 2."
"I can count to Jiwang 52 at most."

"I composed these you into a tune, so that I have a lot of you."

Ji Wang finally pulled out his hand, under his perseverance.

He said coldly: "Crazy talk."

I don't know if his words stabbed Qi Boyan, who didn't speak for a long time.

Just when Ji Wang almost couldn't bear the almost suffocating silence, Qi Boyan
suddenly laughed: "Yeah, I've been crazy a long time ago, did you know that
The hand that Ji Wang was holding could not help but clenched tightly, as if he was
disgusted and wanted to keep something, the contradiction was fierce.

After Qi Boyan finished speaking, he lay down and watched the stars leisurely,
and did not say any useless romantic words with Ji Wang.

Yes, it's useless. No matter how romantic it is, it won't be effective, isn't it just

To be honest, I really hate Qi Boyan, but it's not that it's been so long, and I can
recall many good times.

Even if the breakup is ugly, the happiness you feel when you fall in love is not

It's just that Ji Wang didn't dare to know it was an abyss, and he jumped down
recklessly just like when he was young.

One fall is an accident, two falls deserve it.

Ji Wang knew his character, he couldn't hold it for long. So he could only force Qi
Boyan to leave by himself, he wanted Qi Boyan to understand that they could not
go back, and he was not the same Ji Wang he used to be.

Everything that Qi Boyan wants from him will never be there again, so why
bother to it?

Ji Wang stepped on the folding ladder: "Go down, and go to Zhang Muxian's place
to wash, it's late."

Qi Boyan ignored him, and Ji Wang stopped. He also didn't want to go to the
bathroom with Qi Boyan, worried that the same thing would happen last time.

Without following the photographer to shoot, Ji Wang finally realized some of

the beauty of this place as he stepped on the road out of the pile of stones. He liked
it here, and maybe he could live here for some time in the future.

After washing, Ji Wang began to make the bed he was going to sleep in. There
were two beds in the same room, and the air smelled unpleasant.

Ji Wang put on the mosquito repellent incense that Xiao Xu had given him,
thinking that he had never slept in such a harsh environment. When the show was
broadcast, Qi Boyan's fans felt much distressed.

He folded his clothes under the quilt to prevent the damp musty smell from the

Unlike the city, the summer in the countryside is hot during the day and cold at
night. Maybe it's because it's on a mountain and the altitude is relatively high.

It's impossible not to cover the quilt. Qi Boyan might really not cover it because
he is picky about the environment.

With a mess of thoughts in his mind, Ji Wang fell asleep deeply.

He was awakened by a sound of bird calls. Ji Wang rubbed his eyes and suddenly
saw that the ruined house was crowded with people. His heart almost stopped. He
wanted to move his arms, but he felt the heavy weight on his arms.

Looking down, Qi Boyan and him were squeezed on a bed, with a large coat on
top of his clothes, which should be Qi Boyan's clothes.

The quilt in the room had long been thrown on another bed, and Qi Boyan slept
with him, with two clothes on.

There is nothing more nightmare than this.

Ji Wang looked at these cameras, tried to resist the panic in his heart, and calmly
said: "What's the matter? Is there any activity when I come here so early?"

Qi Boyan, who was almost trapped in his arms, moved, and then hid his face in
his clothes impatiently, leaving only a little hair exposed outside the quilt.

A person walked in behind the photographer with a microphone in his hand. Xia
Changyang was someone who Ji Wang hadn't expected and never met, but had a
little understanding.

Xia Changyang is the flying guest in this issue. He has the embarrassment of being
bad at variety show on his face. He picked up the microphone and started singing.
This is the task assigned by Director Jiang to wake up the other five guests with
singing and go to the arranged place to gather.

The Qi Boyan in his coat moved, Ji Wang's heart trembled, thinking of Qi Boyan's
bad temper when he got up, he couldn't help but press Qi Boyan's head through
his clothes, trying to make people more sober. Buffer time.

Ji Wang tried his best to be courteous with Xia Changyang: "Hello, Teacher Xia."

Xia Changyang thoughtfully looked at the two people huddled together on the
bed: "So this is such a hard show?"
He throws out the stalk, and Ji Wang certainly has to answer: "Yes, "On the Road"
is well known, also known as "Adventures" and "Jiang Dao is not a man". If you
don't perform well today, you may end up. In such a miserable situation as the two
of us."

After speaking, he deliberately added: "The quilt is very damp. We can only sleep
under the covers to keep each other warm."

The ghost knew why Qi Boyan would climb onto his bed, but it was Qi Boyan who
did it, so Ji Wang was not very surprised.

He has probably been accustomed to the tossing of Qi Boyan.

During the chat, Qi Boyan finally got out of the bed, with messy hair and without
opening his eyes, he just sat quietly and said nothing.

Xia Changyang wittily said to the photographer who was with him: "Let's go to
the next one."

There was no camera in the room. After the other photographers were taken
away by Xia Changyang, only him and Qi Boyan were left.

Ji Wang suddenly opened his jacket and walked out of bed, trying to say
something harshly, but he felt that he slammed his fist in the cotton when he said
anything to Qi Bo.

If you don't say it, you feel angry, so you can only punch Qi Bo on the bed and
say: "Next time you want to do what you want to do, can you go through it in your

Qi Boyan still hung his head and ignored him.

Ji Wang couldn't get an answer, so he slammed the door and went out. After
washing my face with the water from the yard, I finally became more sober. He
changed his clothes, looked at the main house that was still quiet, walked over and

Without a response, Ji Wang pushed the door and walked in. He saw Qi Boyan
still sitting there in that posture. There were hurried footsteps behind him, and it
was Li Feng.

Li Feng saw Ji Wang in the room and said kindly: "Teacher Ji, you go to the
assembly first. It is enough for Qi Ye to have me here."

Ji Wang glanced at Qi Boyan, who was still irritated, did not stay in the house, he
wanted to find Xiao Xu.

Halfway through, I remembered that the microphone that I removed from my

body last night was still in the bedroom, and I had to go back to get it. The
microphone in the radio group had to change the battery of his microphone.

When approaching the bedroom, the door was not closed. He heard Li Feng say
in a slightly condemning tone: "You didn't eat yesterday, the doctor said, you are
in a very unstable state now."

Ji Wang stopped, he didn't know why he didn't dare to go in and made such an
eavesdropping behavior.

Qi Boyan is sick? Is it a sequelae of the last gastric bleeding? It's been a long time,
is it still hurting?

Li Feng whispered: "Master Qi, or I ask Sister Zhang if I can stop filming this
variety show."

Ji Wang's heart sank. Has Qi Boyan's health affected his work?

At this time, Qi Boyan's slightly dumb voice sounded: "Don't be silly, the contract
has been signed."
Li Feng was quiet for a while before he whispered: "You can coax sister Zhang for
this reason. She doesn't know. Don't I know?"

Qi Boyan didn't seem to want to talk to Li Feng about this: "Okay, don't be fussy,
give me the medicine."

Ji Wang deliberately increased his steps so that the people inside could hear his
movements. When they looked in again, both of them looked overwhelmed,
especially Qi Boyan, whose eyes he couldn't open just now were all rounded now.

He walked to the bedside table, picked up his microphone, and paused when he
turned around: "If the stomach is still uncomfortable, let's rest. If it is too serious
to work, wouldn't it be worth the loss."

After speaking, Ji Wang hurriedly left before he regretted it.

Today's process is the same as last time. The six people are divided into two
groups, and they are eligible to eat through games.

Those who lose have to go to the old craftsmen in the village to learn the craft
that is about to be lost.

Like the dyed cloth that Zheng Qihong shot alone before, it promotes intangible
cultural heritage and is full of positive energy.

The difference between this variety show and other variety shows is that the first
half is warm farming and health preservation, and in the second half, a special
feature related to the guests will be filmed according to different guests.

The first week of the last week's snow brought archery, this time Xia Changyang's
is even more exciting, it is racing.

After hearing this project, Zheng Qihong directly called to a halt: "Director Jiang,
I'm old enough. I don't like this kind of young people. I don't even have an ordinary
motor vehicle driver's license."
Director Jiang replied: "Teacher Zheng, don't worry, this is a special edition. Four
people will be selected from the guests and go to city b to shoot a new special

"There are practice fields and coaches."

Zheng Qihong: "So you can not choose me?"

Director Jiang smiled and said, "It depends on whether Teacher Zheng can win in
the game."

Zheng Qihong kept shaking his head: "No way, really no way, I can't do this."

Seeing that Zheng Qihong was really scared, Ji Wang took the initiative to say,
"Director Jiang, can I be a black knight?"

The black knight means taking the initiative to replace the opponent and accept

Racing is really a punishment for Zheng Qihong. She really has no confidence in
such an overly exciting project.

Zheng Qihong looked at Ji Wang gratefully, stretched out his hand to pull the
person over, and patted the back of Ji Wang's hand with relief.

Duan Yinyu wearing a hat was still sleepy. Hearing the words of Director Jiang, he
just wowed without a soul. Zhang Mu first stretched out his hand and pressed down
his hat: "Do you want a black knight?"

Duan Yinyu: "What black knight?"

Zhang Muxian: "Aren't you afraid of racing?"

Duan Yinyu was sober: "I look down on who! Have I played heavy locomotives?!
This kind of competitive event can't have me so much!"

Zhang Muxian: "Go and go, if I lose in a while, come and become a black knight."

Duan Yinyu: "You don't want to go?"

Zhang Muxian: "Well, I don't want to."

Duan Yinyu grabbed Zhang Muxian's arm and said with a smile: "It's OK, I'll cover
you, Brother Zhang, don't be afraid."

Qi Boyan was late. He didn't hear the arrangement of the program group. Zhang
Muxian took the initiative to talk to him for a while. After listening to Qi Boyan, Qi
Boyan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is there anyone who wants a black knight?
Such a fun thing, for sure. There must be me."

It was originally a punishment after losing the game, but everyone was eager to

Alpha is engraved with the genes for competitiveness and excitement, and high-
quality alpha is excellent even in terms of learning ability.

Many of the politicians and entertainers who are currently very active in society,
including major players in various industries, are alphas. This is an indisputable fact.

In the past, there were even omegas who had no inheritance rights, received
unequal treatment at work, and other discriminatory behaviors.

Even beta is better than omega.

However, with the affirmative movement in the past two years, the situation has
been much better.
The program team made a special series specially for Xia Changyang, which
obviously feels that Xia Changyang's weight is much heavier than Zhou Chuxue.

But thinking about it, it can be understood that Xia Changyang is a top player,
and Jia Wei is almost the same as Qi Boyan. Each is the pillar of each other's
company. The program team can invite Xia Changyang over, and naturally they
have to give full face.

The grouping was more obvious in the afternoon. Qi Boyan and Xia Changyang
each acted as captains to select players.

Still rock paper scissors, Qi Boyan deserves to be the one with the worst luck in
"On the Road". In the first round of Rock Paper Scissors, he lost.

Xia Changyang glanced around, and finally settled on Ji Wang.

Xia Changyang smiled charmingly: "Teacher Ji, I choose you."

Ji Wang didn't expect that he would be selected, but after all the selections were
selected, he had to come to Xia Changyang's team and heard Xia Changyang say:
"Regardless of whether the game wins or loses, I really want to have a game with
Teacher Ji on the track. "

Zhang Muxian played the host's instinct: "Has Miss Xia seen Ji Wang before?"

Xia Changyang said meaningfully: "Although I haven't seen it, I have long admired
the name."
Others didn't understand, but Ji Wang clearly understood Xia Changyang's
meaning. He knew Xizhen earlier, long before he and Xia Changyang fought CP.
Later, after Xizhen and Xia Changyang fell in love, every time they were unhappy,
they always went to Jiwang to drink.
As Xizhen's friend, he has never seen Xia Changyang. In a sense, this shows that
this relationship is not very stable, just like him and Qi Boyan, friends who know do
not agree, and friends who don't know have no chance to know.

Xizhen should have mentioned him to Xia Changyang, but he didn't know how to
mention him, called Xia Changyang so yin and yang.

Xizhen grew up abroad and made her debut right after returning home. She is a
sunny sweetheart. I am keen on skin contact and excessive sweet talk, and I am
even more cute and coquettish towards my friends.

But this is not to say that he deliberately teases someone, but that he has such a

Such a small sun fell miserably after hitting the peak of Xia Changyang. Ji Wang,
who had been warmed in this way, couldn't give Xia Changyang a good impression

Ji Wang stood beside Xia Changyang, looking at Qi Boyan, but found that the
other party was clashing with Xia Changyang, neither of them was easy to provoke.
Xia Changyang curled his lips at Qi Boyan, showing a provocative expression.

It seems that the relationship between the two is not good, Ji Wang thought.

This is even more vividly reflected in the subsequent games, where the two
captains clashed openly and secretly for several times, full of gunpowder.

Qi Boyan's group has two omegas. In the sports game, they are both at a
disadvantage and lose in a mess.

After losing the game again in the third round, Ji Wang saw Qi Boyan gently
pursing his lower lip, which was already a manifestation of his unhappiness,
probably because he was still on the show and did not dare to be too obvious.

Inexplicably, Ji Wang felt that Qi Boyan was wronged.

Up to now, Ji Wang attributed the struggle between Qi Boyan and Xia Changyang
to the rivalry between the two top streams.

But in the game of grabbing the ball, Xia Changyang accidentally tore off a strand
of Qi Boyan's hair, it was not a fight, and it was directly upgraded to hands-on.

Xia Changyang saw a strand of hair between his fingers, and was a little surprised
at first, but soon discovered that it was a wig. He looked at Qi Boyan and said with
no sincerity: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

The hair extensions are woven together with real hair. Xia Changyang can tear
off a strand, which means that at least a bunch of Qi Boyan has been torn.

Ji Wang knows so much about hair extensions because Song Ge’s girlfriend took
it. After receiving it for 20 days, he regretted it. He complained to Song Ge that his
scalp was red and swollen and had severe hair loss. He also blamed Song Ge for the
girl with long hair. , Is short hair bad?

The hair that Qi Boyan picked up because he liked long hair was torn off by

Ji Wang looked at the hair between Xia Changyang's fingers, only to feel very

Qi Boyan tore off the rubber band from his hair, but ignoring Xia Changyang's
apology, Director Jiang called to stop and called the makeup artist to tidy up Qi

As soon as the makeup artist combed Qi Boyan's hair, he screamed: "Mr Qi, you
are bleeding."

Qi Boyan touched it with his hand and calmly said: "It's okay, it's not serious. You
can tie me into a braid, otherwise it will be inconvenient to exercise for a while."
After the hair was tied, Captain Qi cheered Zheng Qihong and Duan Yinyu on the
team. He only cared about winning or losing in the game, not about minor head

Because of this accident, Director Jiang asked everyone to take a break, and the
radio team had to come over to change the batteries for the guests and fix the
microphones again.

At this time, Xia Changyang walked to Ji Wang's side: "Is Xi really okay?"

Ji Wang was not surprised that Xia Changyang would ask him about Xizhen. The
previous sentence of long-lasting name made people understand that Xia
Changyang cares about Xizhen's previous friends, and he cares about Xizhen's

"I don't know." Ji Wang said coldly.

Xia Changyang thought that Ji Wang was hostile to him because of Xizhen. He
said, "I have a little misunderstanding with Xizhen. Do you have his contact

Ji Wang didn't want to get involved in other people's feelings: "He rarely
contacted me after he went abroad, and I don't know the specifics."

For some reason, Xia Changyang was a little happy, and he didn't know what was
so happy.

But soon, Xia Changyang's joy disappeared: "It seems that he has left everything

Ji Wang thought that Xizhen left you alone. He and his friends are all well.

The assistant of the radio group came back and refitted Ji Wang and Xia
Changyang with microphones.
The game continued, and there was no suspense. Qi Boyan lost the team. The
first and second points were exempted from the qualification to participate in the
car, and the remaining four players must participate.

As the protagonist of the special series, Xia Changyang is also the person with the
highest points. He directly surrendered the eligibility for the exemption to Zheng

In addition to Xia Changyang, Ji Wang had the second highest score. Ji Wang
glanced at Zhang Muxian. Zhang Muxian told Duan Yinyu that he didn't want to go.

Zhang Mu first felt Ji Wang's gaze, smiled and shook his head, he chose to go.

In the end, Ji Wang didn't give up his spot, but he still chose to participate in the
racing special.

At the end of the recording that day, Ji Wang heard Duan Yinyu and Zhang
Muxian whispering: "Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, I didn't fight you for the gold medal."

Zhang Muxian was described as amused by him: "What is a death-free gold

medal, I can still be scared to death by the car."

Duan Yinyu said: "It's okay, you can drive slowly when you play, otherwise... Have
you ever played the initial d? Drive fast and hit far."

Ji Wang didn't hear the words behind, because he was hugged from behind, and
the man's hand was first pressed on his waist, and finally put on his shoulders, and
leaned relaxedly.

Ji Wang turned his face, and at a very close distance, Qi Boyan raised his
eyebrows, like a child who found his parents after being wronged: "Brother, he tore
my hair off."

"A lot of blood was shed." Qi Boyan's voice was low and dumb, not as clear as a
teenager, and he was spoiled, naturally not as lethal as before.
The "parent" who is puzzled by the style, Ji Wang proposed a practical solution:
"Next time you record the show, you should have your hair removed."

He looked at Qi Boyan's head: "It's so hot, aren't you bored?"

Qi Boyan didn't get the expected answer: "I'm not bored!

He didn't let go of his arm around Ji Wang, but walked in this position for a while.
Not far away, Li Feng had already drove the car over, ready to take Qi Boyan away.

Ji Wang recognized Qi Boyan's car and took the initiative to stop.

The topic about hair is not over yet, Qi Boyan said: "You don't like my long hair

Ji Wang wanted to answer, more than long hair, you and I don't like it anymore.

But he didn't say it, but was silent, as if stalemate with something invisible.

Qi Boyan sighed softly: "Forget it, see you in city b, Ji Wang."

The opponent's arm left Ji Wang's shoulder, leaving only a thin temperature. Ji
Wang was just thinking, Qi Boyan called his brother when he was happy, and Ji
Wang when he was unhappy.

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan's back, thinking a little distractedly. The man turned
his back to him, raised his hand and waved his hand to signal goodbye.

Tomorrow we will meet at the biggest racing track in city b. The guests will have
to take a rest for the night, but this rest falls on Qi Boyan, basically not. He will also
travel to other cities to shoot commercials.
Ji Wang took Xiao Xu back to the house where the two slept last night, and
packed his things. Xiaoxu took the two coats on the bed and said to Ji Wang,
"Brother Wang, isn't this coat yours?"

That was Qi Boyan's coat, and Xiao Xu pulled the coat in his hand. At this time, a
bottle of medicine fell out of the coat, fell on the ground, and rolled out.

Ji Wang walked over and bent over to pick it up, but the medicine was stepped
on by someone's foot, and up along the ankle, it was Li Feng's panting face.

The other party showed an ugly smile at him: "Teacher Ji, I forgot Master Qi's
coat here."

Xiaoxu walked over: "Is it this one?"

Li Feng nodded hurriedly, and Ji Wang looked at his feet: "You stepped on Qi
Boyan's medicine."

Li Feng quickly moved his feet, reached out to pick up the medicine on the
ground, and put it in his pocket: "Look at me confused, I'm sorry, Teacher Ji, I have
to hurry up to send Master Qi to the airport."

After speaking, Li Feng took the coat in Xiao Xu's hand and hurriedly left.

Xiaoxu wondered: "Is Li Feng often tortured by Qi Boyan? Then the bottle of
medicine rolled to his feet and he stepped on it directly, deliberately."

Ji Wang hummed, indeed quite deliberately.

He asked Xiaoxu, "Have you seen the name on the medicine bottle?"

Xiaoxu said, "There is no label on it."

Ji Wang put his doubts in his heart, and he asked Xiaoxu: "You were off the court
just now, did you see how Qi Boyan was hurt?"
Xiaoxu’s face was a little tangled, but he still told the truth: “The original hair
pulled off a large chunk, hurting the scalp, and the bleeding stopped for a while. It
hurts, but Qi Boyan can bear it, it seems that it’s not at all. It hurts how much Li
Feng's face turned dark."

As he said, Xiaoxu looked at his brother. He thought his brother would show
some aching expressions, but he didn't.

When the two arrived in the car, Ji Wang lowered his head and pressed his cell
phone. After a short while, a call came over.

Xiaoxu originally turned on the TV in the nanny's car, and when Ji Wang called,
he turned down the TV.

He heard Ji Wang say to the phone: "What time is it in America?"

Who, Xiaoxu put down the remote control.

In the next sentence, Ji Wang gave the answer: "Xizhen, I saw Xia Changyang

Xiaoxu raised his ears, and also raised the soundproof board in the car.

Ji Wang: "No, he didn't do anything to me."

Xi Zhen talked over there for a long time, Ji Wang kept listening, and replied a
few words from time to time. When he hung up, Xiao Xu said, "Brother Xizhen,
shouldn't you still want to get back with Xia Changyang?"

As a personal assistant to Ji Wang for many years, Xiaoxu also knows a little about

Ji Wang looked at him with surprise: "How is it possible."

Xiaoxu: "Then his call is..."

Ji Wang said in a slow voice: "It's all he is scolding Xia Changyang."

Xiaoxu: "..."

Xiaoxu: "Brother Wang, are you angry?"

Ji Wang looked at the silly child's expression: "What's wrong with me?"

Xiaoxu changed his questioning method: "Is it cool to hear Xia Changyang being

Ji Wang put the phone aside: "Unhappy." He closed his eyes and rested for a
while, the irritability on his face getting heavier and heavier.

Upon seeing this, Xiaoxu looked for Li Feng on WeChat: "Your scalp is all right,
Master Qi."

Li Feng replied: "It's bleeding, how can it be okay."

Xiaoxu thought, one or two are quite temperamental. Li Feng replied, "Why, does
your brother feel bad?"

Xiaoxu quickly said, "He isn't, he doesn't."

Besides, isn't it just a strand of hair loss? Is Qi Boyan the Princess and the Pea?
When his brother Wang was shooting a costume drama before, he rolled directly
down the hillside and got into the water the next day with a bruise.

What is a tough guy? This is a tough guy.

Before Xiao Xu finished his brother's great achievements and popular science
with Li Feng, he saw his brother open his eyes: "Xiao Xu, the wound medicine you
gave me before is pretty good."
"Of course, that's my grandma's unique secret recipe." Before Xiao Xu was proud,
he heard Ji Wang say, "Give Li Feng a bottle."

Xiaoxu: "..."

Ji Wang said not embarrassed: "I'll make up for you."

Xiaoxu: "...good."
Although it's a racing special, the entire shooting time is at least two installments.

Racing is not just a simple practice to start the competition, at least it has to go
through the qualifiers, semi-finals and finals.

Carry out various obstacle training before the competition, be familiar with the
track and safety knowledge.

Director Jiang gave a half-month time budget. When this special episode is
finished and the amount of the film is basically enough, the first episode of the
variety show can be cut out.

On the second day, everyone gathered at the Canghuo track in city b, where they
will conduct pre-match training. After the two members who can participate in the
official competition are selected, they will be transferred to the runway in city a.

Director Jiang proved with actions that we are serious about shooting variety

Although Zheng Qihong said that he would not come to participate in the
competition in the last issue, it is impossible for regular guests to absent directly
from work. Director Jiang persuaded Zheng Qihong and asked her to drive slowly,
just like learning to drive.
I really didn't want to drive, and became a mascot off the court, and Zheng
Qihong came.

A group of six people wore black racing suits, and their physical strengths were
fully demonstrated.

Duan Yinyu complained to the camera, saying that he did not want to mix with
the male module.

Qi Boyan stood in the same row with Ji Wang and Xia Changyang. Ji Wang, who
was sandwiched between two big stars, did not lose on the aura.

Duan Yinyu and Zhang Mu first said that when the show is on, maybe the barrage
will persuade them to make a three-group debut.

Zhang Mu first looked at himself who was about the same height as the male
model: "What about me?"

Duan Yinyu said in surprise: "Do you have any awareness that you, I, and sister
Qi Hong are all mascots."

I don't know that Zhang Muxian, who is classified as a mascot, actually took the
second place during the first test drive. The first is Xia Changyang, who has
experience in racing.

As for Qi Boyan, his driving style was unscrupulous, fierce and crazy, and he
nearly hit the guardrail next to the track several times at corners.

Ji Wang was fourth and drove very slowly, always behind Qi Boyan, watching him

There is a strong centrifugal force inside the car, which is not a small burden to
the body, but the moment everyone starts the car, the whole body's enthusiasm
will be ignited with the huge roar of the car. Nothing can be more exciting than
extreme sports. Human nerves.
The arena is changing rapidly. Just like a battlefield, a simple accident can bury
the victory in your hands, which is a great test of your physical fitness and

The best does not necessarily win, and the worst does not necessarily lose.

After a lap, everyone went back to the stage to watch the results, the display
screen and the thrilling playback of the guests during the driving process.

With a helmet in his hand and a relaxed smile on his face, Qi Boyan felt amused
when he watched his car crooked and twisted on the screen, causing gray fog.

The coach told him that his style was too reckless and he had to pay attention to
it, otherwise it would be prone to accidents.

Qi Boyan said nonchalantly: "I know, I will pay attention next time."

Ji Wang took his gaze back from the display, like a smoker, a little anxious.

The guests started the second lap of the game. This time, instead of starting
together as before, they set a new personal record.

The time ranking of the lap changed immediately. Qi Boyan did not converge
compared to the first time he ran, but he mastered the rhythm on the field very
quickly. Every time he turned a corner, the brake point was stuck accurately, and
the car was driving along the route. Almost perfect.

This made the coach couldn't help saying: "Student Qi is very talented."

Zhang Muxian asked: "Among the trainees you have taken with the coach, what
is Qi Boyan's qualifications?"

Coach: "Very good, if he is interested in becoming a professional racer, I will

welcome him very much."
Zhang Muxian did not favor one another and guided the coach to comment on
the strengths and weaknesses of each student.

Speaking of Ji Wang, the coach objectively said: "Ji's style is very stable, so it is
not easy to make mistakes. On the court, stability is sometimes a magic weapon for
winning. But I hope that he can give us in the following games. Bring unexpected

Zhang Muxian took the conversation: "As for our student Xia, everyone knows
that student Xia’s "Speed Crazy" will be released on September 15. Audience
friends, please look forward to our wonderful performance of Xia Changyang in the

The guests clapped cooperatively, and Duan Yinyu was almost laughing to death.
He secretly poked Ji Wang with his elbow and motioned to Zhang Muxian and Xia
Changyang with his eyes.

Ji Wang understood that when he arrived at Xia Changyang, Zhang Mu first used
the official cue of Xia Changyang's movie, instead of the coach commented on Xia

It is clear that this incident cannot be faulted, but in fact Xia Changyang has
missed a few shots.

Promoting movies and commenting on car skills can actually be carried out at the
same time, but Zhang Muxian skipped Xia Changyang and asked the coach to
comment on the next one.

This matter has no effect on the special edition, at most it makes Xia Changyang
feel badly. Xia Changyang can't be held accountable yet, and if he is held
accountable, he will appear to be small.

It seems that the strand of hair that Qi Boyan stabbed at more than Ji Wang's
heart yesterday.
The five of them have filmed two episodes of variety shows in a row, and
everyone has some feelings. At the critical moment, everyone is unanimous.

In the evening, everyone stayed at a hotel near the stadium.

Qi Boyan didn't come back. Ji Wang, who just came out of the bathroom after
taking a shower, heard Xiaoxu tell him this.

Ji Wang paused with the towel in his hand: "How did you know?"

Xiaoxu lifted his head from the screen in his hand: "Li Feng told me."

Before Ji Wang asked, when did you become so familiar with Li Feng, Xiao Xu
said: "Li Feng said the packed meals are cold, and Qi Boyan is still obsessed with
running laps, probably because he lost to Xia Changyang in the game. I want to beat
him in the car."

"Didn't Xia Changyang practice for a few months to make a movie?" Xiaoxu said,
his face was excited, as if he had thought of Xia Changyang's face being severely

Ji Wang twisted his eyebrows: "Naive."

Xiaoxu’s smile was stuck in the middle of the road, and for a long time he
whispered to Qi Boyan: “How can you be naive? This is called being competitive,
and being ambitious is a good thing.”

Ji Wang grabbed the towel and glanced at Xiao Xu: "When did you speak to Qi Bo
like this?"

Xiaoxu's eyebrows were tied into a knot, and he was almost wronged to death.
He didn't look at him at first, and he didn't even have a good face to Qi Boyan.
Brother Wang himself is always softhearted. As a young assistant, since Ji Wang
doesn't hate him, he certainly doesn't have to hate him.

Originally, Qi Boyan had no grievances with him.

After all, it's not because Brother Wang likes it himself. But the little assistant
dared not say this, for fear of being fired.

Ji Wang sat down and quickly finished the meal, then put the lunch box aside, got
up and changed into a set of outing clothes.

Xiaoxu: "Brother, where are you going?"

Ji Wang didn't look back: "Work overtime."

Where to go to work overtime, of course, is the racing track.

Even though the visibility of the track at night is not as good as during the day
because of the huge light in the stadium, it is still enough to see a red car galloping
on the track.

A huge roar echoed in the empty stadium, and the red sports car drove on the
track again and again as if tirelessly.

Ji Wang, who has driven a racing car, knows very well how much physical exertion
this sport consumes. In this way, Qi Boyan didn't know how to eat, so he was doing
it to death.

Li Feng was there and didn't know who to call. When he saw Ji Wang coming, he
held the microphone with his hand and said to Ji Wang, "Teacher Ji, are you here
to find Master Qi?"

Ji Wang walked to the cabinet where the car was stored: "No."
He is here to train, Guan Qi said something.

Qi Boyan is rich and willful, even if he crashes the car, he can still afford it.

The structure of the car is to prevent accidents, and the safety is very high. The
coach also said that even if people have reduced the danger to a certain degree, it
is not without risk.

When adrenaline soars, the driver will always ignore the risk and do some crazy
things for victory.

He calmly thought about what the coach said, but his actions were completely
the opposite.

Ji Wang stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out like an arrow. He was
very fast, and it didn't take long to catch up with Qi Boyan's red car.

Li Feng stared at the display screen in surprise. Ji Wang's blue car showed a side
that had never been exposed during the day. It was so powerful and swift, and its
speed was almost as crazy as Qi Boyan's.

The speed of the red and blue cars is already very fast to the naked eye, let alone
the two people in the car, and the things around them are barely clear, and they
are speeding by from both sides.

The only thing that can be seen is the only opponent, the sharp light reflected by
each other's bodies in the dark night.

It's not like practice, it's like two people challenge each other at the same time.

Qi Boyan led the way, and every time Ji Wang tried to overtake, he got stuck in
time, crushing Ji Wang's idea of trying to overtake each time.

When Ji Wang was on the next track, he made the act of overtaking from the
outside track.
Turning and overtaking is a very test of the driver's skills, one more point will spin
the body, and one point less will lag behind others.

Ji Wang's driving skills completely subverted the coach's view of him, and he was
eaten by the dog if he tried to win in a stable manner.

Ji Wang's car was almost about to hit Qi Boyan. When he was about to collide, Qi
Boyan stepped on the brakes ahead of time and drove out of the runway with a
bumpy head.

With just this mistake, Ji Wang suddenly overtook him, and the blue car drove
away, throwing off the exhaust gas of the red car.

After crossing the finish line, he drove a certain distance and stopped at the
inspection point. Ji Wang got out of the driver's seat and exhaled slowly, as if he
had spit out the boredom of these days.

He was sweating all over and the bath was for nothing. He stood by the car,
silently waiting for the red car to arrive.

The staff had already made preparations and drove Ji Wang's car into the
inspection point.

Before long, the red car also drove in. Qi Boyan got out of the car and took off
his helmet. His face was red, his hair was soaked in sweat, but his eyes were very

As soon as he came down, he looked straight at Ji Wang and strode towards him.

Ji Wang went to the changing room without looking back. In the changing room,
Ji Wang pulled down the zipper, revealing his back drenched in sweat, and he took
it off unconsciously, even if he heard Qi Bo's words coming in, even the sound of
the door being locked, he was not moved.
The sound of footsteps gradually approached him, and Ji Wang wiped the sweat
off his body with a towel, sipping a sports drink.

A hand was placed on his back, and his fingertips slid all the way to the tail bone
along the depression on his back.

Qi Boyan said in a low voice: "Brother, you deliberately beat me."

Ji Wang didn't slap Qi Boyan's hand open, but slammed the locker door shut: "It's
you who opened it too badly."

Qi Boyan laughed dullly, he reached out and grabbed Ji Wang's hair and licked it
all the way from the side of the man's neck to under his ears.

Savoring the smell of sweat, but like a strong aphrodisiac, Qi Boyan's breath is
hot: "Brother, you are too much, you know how hard this will make me."

"What kind of car are you driving? I'm all thinking about how to fuck you."
The vulgar language and hot breath, even the licking that crossed the boundary too
much, failed to make Ji Wang's expression waver.

It was him who was obviously stripped, his racing suit was still untied, and his
groin disappeared secretly from the edge of the black racing suit. With the ups and
downs of his breathing, the beads of sweat descended, making him so sexy.

He looked cold and abstinent, and said coldly to Qi Boyan: "So you lost."

Who is Qi Bo's words and lust, even he can't take care of himself in the game. Ji
Wang raised his hand and smashed Qi Boyan away, turned around and looked at
this person: "Let's compete in the finals."

Qi Boyan ignored the pain that was hit by Ji Wang's elbow, and stretched out his
hand to press on the locker behind Ji Wang's head.
With an enveloping gesture, he suppressed the person in his arms. He stared at
Ji Wang's lips and showed an arrogant smile: "Are you sure you must make it to the

Ji Wang's words were too crazy. Only two people entered the finals. Ji Wang
directly ignored Xia Changyang. The subtext is that even if this is a Xia Changyang
special, it won't be him who won the championship trophy.

Qi Boyan loved Ji Wang's arrogance to death: "Brother, if you want to compare

with me, you have to show up with a lot of color."

"If you didn't make it to the finals, or you lost to me in the finals, you have to
promise me a request." He stretched out his hand to hold Ji Wang's face, rubbed
the opponent's lower lip with his thumb, and applied a little force to make it ruddy.
The edges are pressed white.

Ji Wang's lips are always prone to swelling, so as long as he kisses, others can see
what he has done before.

Qi Boyan especially loves Ji Wang's lips, whether it was six years ago or now.

Ji Wang didn't care about Qi Boyan's small actions: "If the result of the game is
the opposite, you have to agree to my request."

Qi Boyan already knew what Ji Wang might ask for.

He looked at Ji Wang sternly, and then said after a long time: "Okay, I promise

"Don't you ask what my requirements are?" Ji Wang asked.

Qi Boyan asked, "Then you, don't care what my request is?"

Probably both knew what the request was, but this question was unnecessary.
Ji Wang pushed Qi Boyan away and changed his clothes: "If you want to beat me,
at least adjust your state."

It is best to avoid eating, excessive physical exertion, and other behaviors.

Ji Wang said casually: "Of course, if you lose because of your bad condition, I will
be happier."

After speaking, Ji Wang stepped out of the dressing room. Li Feng, who was
waiting outside the door, looked back and saw him come out. He was a little
surprised, probably because of how fast he came out.

Maybe they thought they did something else in it.

The bad actors have bad assistants.

Ji Wang left a sentence: "Bring him the meal, I think he should be in the mood to
eat now."

Back at the hotel, Xiaoxu saw him coming back, and said strangely: "Brother
Wang, why are you back?"

Ji Wang glanced at the time: "I have been out for an hour."

Xiaoxu seemed to be choked: "Is that so... so fast."

Ji Wang: "... Hurry?"

Xiaoxu shook his head: "No, no, unhappy, Brother Wang, you are not happy at

Ji Wang: "..." He was not qualified to say Li Feng, and Xiao Xu didn't go anywhere
Before the finals, everyone has to go through a long training and competition.
Even if Zheng Qihong is mentally prepared to be a mascot, he still tries to drive the

With the hot weather and heavy racing suits, Zheng Qihong was already
exhausted in the early stage. She suffered heat stroke within a week of filming and
had to retire from the race. In the later stage, he regained his vitality in the hall
where the event was watched.

There were a total of six guests. After Zheng Qihong quit automatically, only five
were left. One was eliminated in the qualifiers and two were eliminated in the
semifinals. In the end, the champion of the finals was born in the second selection.

After the guests practiced for nearly a week, the qualifiers began.

In order to prevent accidents caused by too many vehicles, the bicycle is driven,
and finally the ranking is based on time. It is more harmonious, and there is no need
for everyone's cars to compete with each other on the track.

The position of the ranking directly determines the starting point in the

The semi-finals are more exciting. Professional drivers will be added to make the
guests more difficult. The guests still have no chance to compete with each other.

The official duel is only in the finals, so no matter who makes it to the finals, they
will inevitably need a face-to-face confrontation.

The results of the qualifiers and the ranking of the first test drive have changed
greatly. Ji Wang climbed to the top, Xia Changyang second, Qi Boyan third, and
Muxian fourth.

Duan Yinyu was eliminated in the qualifiers and could only be a crowd of
onlookers with his godmother to watch the fierce match.
After Xia Changyang saw the rapid improvement of his companions' driving skills,
he said to Ji Wang: "I can't see it, are you hiding it?"

Ji Wang showed a slightly false smile: "It's all luck."

Qi Boyan was the last one to finish, and found that his ranking was so low, it
seemed indifferent.

Ji Wang knew that Qi Boyan didn't exert his full strength at all, did he really want
to win, or did he feel that the qualifiers went well?

This person knows that once he wins, the condition must be to let Qi Boyan stop
pestering him.

These days, they will come to the stadium at night to practice. It is common to
compete, and the win rate is half and half.

Today, Qi Bo said that he was five seconds late.

Ji Wang didn't like this self who was affected by Qi Boyan's every move. He felt
very annoying, and there was no better way.

When I returned to the hotel that night, my mood was still not very good. Xiaoxu
found out and asked him carefully what was wrong.

It stands to reason that I should be happy if I took the first place. It was enough
to hit Xia Changyang in the face.

Xiaoxu couldn't wait to take pictures of Xia Changyang's face, who was not
smiling, and smiled when he was upset.

Ji Wang started with an old-fashioned beginning, starting with my friend, and

ending with you saying whether that person didn't want to win at all.
After listening to Xiaoxu, he only asked him one question: "Then do you want him
to win, or do you want him to win?"

Ji Wang was stunned.

Xiaoxu found that he had missed his mouth, and awkwardly added: "I'm talking
about your friend, do you want to win?"

Ji Wang didn't react, but instead threw the question to Xiaoxu blankly: "What do
you think?"

Xiaoxu looked at Ji Wang with a little pity: "If you want to win, you won't have
this distress. Maybe this is the battle between reason and sensibility. Reason tells
you to win, but sensibility can't accept it."

This conversation did not bring much help to Ji Wang, or in other words, did not
shake Ji Wang's desire to win.

He thinks that this unpleasant feeling may be due to the frustration caused by
the only person taking it seriously.

In the semifinals, Qi Boyan was in a poor position because of his name. Not to
mention having won Xia Changyang. If he didn't play well, he might still be behind
Zhang Muxian.

As the first racer, Xia Changyang achieved an even better result than yesterday
and caught up with Ji Wang's personal record.

Ji Wang sat on the chair, his phone shook, and Qi Boyan, who was preparing, sent
him a WeChat message.

Qi Bo said: "Brother, give me some fuel."

Ji Wang: "If you lose here, it will be over."

Qi Bo said: "Do you think I will lose?"

Ji Wang: "You will lose."

He didn't tactfully state, but calmly stated a fact: "Qi Boyan, I can tell you my
request now."

Ji Wang: "You said you didn't agree to the breakup, so it's not a breakup. So now
I solemnly mention to you, let's break up."

Ji Wang: "My request is, you agree to break up."

Qi Boyan didn't respond to him. A shot of the man appeared on the screen. Qi
Boyan threw the phone in his hand to Li Feng, who was standing next to him. He
didn't know if he saw Ji Wang's text message.

However, Qi Boyan's usual smile on his lips was gone, he was no longer cynical,
and even a little gloomy.

He got into the car short and fastened his seat belt.

For some reason, Ji Wang felt a little flustered. He wrinkled his eyebrows

But now it’s too late to regret. As soon as the red light on the runway came on,
Qi Boyan's red sports car rushed out with a bang.

In front of them were other professional players. Seeing that the red car was very
strong from the beginning, they turned the steering wheel in an attempt to jam the
red car behind them.

Unexpectedly, the red car rushed past the cars of these intensive professional
players from various tricky and terrifying angles.
Of course, professional players have the element of releasing water. They are
just here to add some highlights to the show, and they are not for real

Players with this mentality encounter a madness, if you dare to block him, he
dared to hit your car. He didn’t dare to provoke him at all, and even was disrupted
by Qi Bo’s non-compliance. Seconds, the red car took the upper position from the
very poor opening position.

One lap, two laps, and three laps, the red car is getting faster and faster, and its
momentum is getting more and more fierce, almost without looking at the time,
you can know that he has surpassed Xia Changyang's record.

Xia Changyang's face gradually sank, and he probably realized that it was a bit
dangerous for him to enter the finals.

Duan Yinyu grabbed Zhang Muxian's sleeve and looked at Qi Boyan's car
nervously: "Brother Xian, is Bo Yan driving too aggressively? I feel like he is about
to hit the road rail several times."

I don’t know if it’s a crow’s mouth. When Qi Boyan was about to cross the finish
line and turned, he turned the steering wheel too hard. The left direction light
slammed into the guardrail. Smoke.

Just when everyone thought that Qi Boyan was about to stop at the finals, the
car that had just experienced the collision suddenly backed away, turned the front
of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and banged towards the terminal.

The plumes of smoke scattered from the body, which was frightening.

Director Jiang used the walkie-talkie to tell Qi Boyan to stop, but the people in
the car didn't care at all. He only saw the finish line in front of him and nothing else.

Amidst the exclamation of people in the spectator hall, the smoking red car
finally crossed the finish line.
Everyone's angle of view was opened, but Ji Wang stood up with a pale face and
ran to the location of the inspection point.
After running too fast, Ji Wang rushed to the inspection point, his ears rumbling,
like the sound of tire crushing left on the track just now, and his excessively nervous

There is no car at the inspection point, and Qi Boyan's car has not yet returned.

What happened? Did the car stop halfway through? Why do you still need to
drive a smoking car! Is it important that the game is alive?

If something happens...

Ji Wang clenched his fist tightly, trying to beat Qi Boyan, and even more to

I knew how impulsive Qi Boyan was. He must be the brake between the two of
them. Why couldn't he resist it.

Just as Ji Wang was about to run forward along the track at the inspection point,
the red car finally appeared at the end of the road and stopped crookedly on the
side of the road.

When Qi Boyan opened the door and got out of the car, the smoke on the front
cover of the car increased, and even a small spark appeared.

The maintenance staff arrived in time. The staff, doctors and photographers
surrounded Qi Boyan. He stood in the middle of the crowd and looked at Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan didn't say anything, and had too many expressions, but when the doctor
took his arm, he finally reacted and turned to leave with the doctor.
Ji Wang stood by the side of the road for a while before silently following. Qi
Boyan followed the doctor into the ambulance and was about to drive to a nearby
hospital for a checkup. Li Feng got into the ambulance together and was about to
close the door, but he didn't look far. Ji Wang of the office.

He stopped the nurse's closing the door and said something back. Ji Wang knew
that Li Feng was asking Qi Boyan, and Qi Boyan quickly gave the answer.

Because in the next second, the door of the ambulance was closed, the car left,
and Ji Wang was left in place.

The other guests arrived just now, and they were all asking Ji Wang, who came
first, what happened to Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang's mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what he had answered.

Due to this accident, Director Jiang ended the filming ahead of schedule and
pushed the individual match between Ji Wang and Zhang Muxian to be filmed

Let's take a look at Qi Boyan's physical condition. If Qi Boyan can't continue

recording, he must readjust the entire program plan.

When Ji Wang returned to the nanny car, Xiao Xu wiped his face with a wet towel
before he came back to his senses.

He clutched the towel and said a little depressed: "Xiao Xu, call Li Feng and ask
him how Qi Boyan is."

Xiaoxu picked up the phone and dialed out, waited a while before taking it down
and saying, "No one answered."

Ji Wang took out his mobile phone, but stopped.

Xiaoxu saw this: "Should I go back to the hotel or..."

Before Xiao Xu had finished asking, Ji Wang had already said, "Go to the hospital."

When rushing to the hospital, Qi Boyan checked inside, and Li Fenghou was
outside, talking to someone in the company to report the situation.

Xiaoxu originally wanted to ask Li Feng why he didn't answer his phone. Seeing
that the other party was so busy, he had no choice but to pull the unsaved Ji Wang
and sit down in the corridor.

This is a cooperative hospital arranged by the program team in advance, and the
result came out very quickly, with only minor contusions.

The internal structure of the car and the helmet and seat belt play a very good
protective role, protecting the driver from too much injury.

Li Feng asked the doctor again if he wanted to stay in the hospital for observation.
The doctor said that it was unnecessary based on the results of the examination.

Li Feng had to say something more, Qi Boyan had already got up: "I'm fine, let's
go back."

He stepped out of the doctor's office, saw Ji Wang sitting outside, startled, and
looked at Li Feng subconsciously.

Li Feng shrugged and shook his head, saying that he did not call the people, but
Ji Wang took the initiative.

When Ji Wang heard the movement, he stood up and didn't speak. The program
crew arrived, and the producer greeted Qi Boyan with warmth and concern.

God knows how suspense the program group is, for fear that Qi Boyan was really
hurt, and the news will come out at that time, and it will be the second thing that
it will not be torn. He is worried that it will affect the ratings and reputation of the
Even more worried that Qi Boyan’s company would stop cooperating directly in
the name of breach of contract.

The producer was sweating, and when Jiang Dao sent him, he repeatedly told
him to coax Qi Boyan well.

Fortunately, Qi Bo said that there was nothing major, and he didn't mean to stop

When Qi Boyan finished dealing with the producer, and then looked at the
corridor, Ji Wang was no longer there.

Li Feng leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Ji saw that you were busy, and
after asking the doctor about your examination, he left."

Qi Boyan hummed, lowered his eyelashes, the look on his face made Li Feng
unable to understand his current mood.

Li Feng looked at his appearance, and his heart became more and more
disturbed, especially the crazy scene on the racing track. He really should talk to
Sister Zhang and ask her to come forward and take Qi Boyan back for another

Maybe he agreed to Qi Boyan that it was not appropriate to get Ji Wang to shoot
the mv. After the day passed, Qi Boyan didn't see a good deal, but it became more

As if hearing what Li Feng said in his heart, Qi Boyan stretched out his hand and
took out his mobile phone from Li Feng’s jacket pocket. Just go and be an assistant
for Sister Zhang."

Li Feng sighed: "Yes."

Ji Wang lay on the big bed of the hotel with a script sent to him by Sister Hong.
The shooting time was December. At that time, the variety show was over, and he
could take over the TV series.

The role is very good, although he is still the second male, but the whole
production level is not instinctively comparable to the small screenplay that Ji
Wang has taken before.

The lead actor is still a popular first-line niche. Sister Hong means that although
there will be an interview, the director deliberately wants him to be appointed. Said
that he really likes an important color scheme that he played in Director Chen's
films, the woodcutter.

Yes, when Ji Wang first made his debut, Director Chen came to the school to cast
a cast, and Ji Wang went to try the show.

The woodcutter had his wife dead and spent many years on the mountain

It stands to reason that it should not have been a young kid like Ji Wang, who
knew that he would just break up, and his temperament was too suitable for a
woodcutter, so the casting director picked him out of the crowd.

Then Ji Wang was discovered by the current company and signed the contract.

Regrettably, Ji Wang’s debut was the pinnacle. Director Chen’s movie made him
win back one of the best newcomers, and now there is only one best newcomer
award in the family.

After that, the company’s resources were so average that it was tepid for many

Once on the stage, he held the trophy, thinking that he could really set foot on
the stars and have a bright world.
Later, I realized that it was just the brightest moment in his life.

Ji Wang looked at the script on the phone, and was upset that he was not in good
shape, and could not immerse himself in reading anyway.

In that case, don't force it. Ji Wang put down his phone and called Xiao Xu into
his room: "Didn't you contact Li Feng every day?"

When Xiao Xu heard that, before Ji Wang got into the subject, he consciously
explained all the things Ji Wang wanted to know.

Including Qi Boyan went back to the room directly after returning from the
hospital. He is now sleeping and hasn't gotten up yet.

After hearing this, Ji Wang said to Xiaoxu: "I have something to ask you."

Xiaoxu said in surprise: "Tian Lawang brother, what do you and I do to ask, as
long as you don't violate the law and discipline, I can help you do everything."

An hour later, Li Feng swiped his card and entered the house.

Qi Boyan was lying on the bed with the air conditioner turned on extremely low,
holding a pillow and playing with the phone.

All the light comes only from his mobile phone, which illuminates his face cold
and white.

When Li Feng turned on the light, Qi Boyan's eyes were forced to narrow and
adjust to the light. Seeing Li Feng holding a lunch box, he turned over and said, "I
don't want to eat."

"Xiao Xu brought it here." Li Feng said.

Qi Boyan turned over from the bed and sat up, and confirmed with Li Feng: "Xiao
Xu? Ji Wang's beta assistant?"
Although I don't understand why Qi Boyan still emphasized beta, Li Feng nodded
and said, "Well, don't you still want to eat it?"

He was a little bit ridiculous in his words, thinking that Qi Boyan would be
refreshed as long as he heard that it was related to Ji Wang.

If it weren't for this, Qi Boyan's current state would not be suitable for him to
meet with Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan did not show excitement, but slowly lay back on the bed and looked at
the phone: "He sent it, I must eat it?"

Li Feng: "Then I took it and threw it?"

Qi Boyan threw the phone on the bed: "Dare you."

Li Feng brought the lunch box over: "So why bother to talk about it, eat it,
someone sent it here specially."

Qi Boyan stared at the lunch box with bitterness and hatred: "Slap, give me a
sweet date."

Li Feng: "Who? Ji Wang?"

Qi Boyan took the lunch box and opened it. He thought it was an order of
takeaway, but Qi Boyan knew the taste and it was made by Ji Wang himself.

At this time, the phone vibrated. It was Ji Wang's message, and his tone was
polite: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things to you before the game. I am
very sorry that it affected your mentality."

"I heard that you have no appetite today, so I asked Xiaoxu to give you a dinner."
Qi Boyan's lips gradually curled up. He took a few mouthfuls, bent his eyes
contentedly, and looked at the apology on the phone screen, like a delicious meal,
matched with information, and finished the meal.

Li Feng watched by the side, he was somewhat relieved, and felt that Ji Wang
was Qi Boyan's rein and control keys. Qi Boyan's mood changed with Ji Wang.

Then he replied to Ji Wang: "Retract the requirements before the game."

Ji Wang sent him an ellipsis.

Qi Boyan put the lunch box aside and sent another WeChat message: "It doesn't
matter if you don't take it back."

"Because you can't beat me."

You are always so soft-hearted, so you are not destined to win.

On the second day, the match between Ji Wang and Zhang Muxian started again,
and the unbeatable Ji Wang in Qi Boyan's mouth broke everyone's record again and
was far ahead of the first place.

Xia Changyang had determined that he could not participate in the finals, and his
face was completely dark regardless of the camera.

When Ji Wang walked back holding his helmet, Duan Yinyu said to Ji Wang like a
little fan: "Brother, why are you so powerful? I'm almost obsessed with you."

Duan Yinyu: "You are a genius, and most people can't reach your level."

Ji Wang relaxed and said: "I'm not a genius, I just played this type of role, but I
actually practiced it in private for a few months."

Ji Wang never said this experience, and he didn't say it until now.
Compared to him, Qi Boyan is the one who has never practiced.

So the loser will not be him, but Qi Boyan.

From the beginning of this bet, Ji Wang had no intention of a fair duel.
Ji Wang said that the voice he had learned was not small, and Qi Boyan could
naturally hear it. He even wondered what expression Qi Boyan would show after

He didn't think Qi Boyan would be sad because of this, but when he thought that
Qi Boyan would restart the crashed car yesterday and desperately want to cross
the finish line, Ji Wang was not so sure.

Will this person feel uncomfortable, and will he be affected by a word of his?

Why does Qi Boyan want to behave like he cares a lot, always saying things that
make him misunderstand. But for the real misunderstanding, Qi Boyan still refused
to say, and he didn't even explain it.

If a blunt knife cuts the meat and tortured it back and forth, Ji Wang is tortured
and afraid.

Ji Wang waited for Qi Boyan, waited like a silly, and even called Qi Boyan after
the breakup, but never passed.

He managed to take care of his emotional injury, but this man returned.

Qi Boyan is a cigarette for him. Anyone who wants to quit smoking, the first step
is to discard cigarettes and survive the difficult withdrawal reaction to get rebirth.

He has no self-confidence to return to the state where there was no Qi Boyan

before, unless Qi Boyan is driven away from his life.
Qi Boyan didn't show the obvious reaction as Ji Wang thought, he just met Ji
Wang's gaze and showed a light smile. Just as he was not surprised by Ji Wang's

Ji Wang calmly retracted his gaze, at this time Xia Changyang got up from the
chair and walked towards Director Jiang.

There is a subtle sense of tension in the air, since Ji Wang's results came out.

Director Jiang was also embarrassed, and the producer leaned in his ear to speak.
There is no Xia Changyang in the Xia Changyang special. This is something that no
one expected.

No one dared to ask Xia Changyang, who has practiced for a few months to make
a movie, why he hasn't practiced for several weeks without the guests.

Director Jiang thought that Xia Changyang would surely make it to the finals. How
would he know that the private bet between Ji Wang and Qi Boyan was destined
to turn things into what it is today.

Qi Boyan's Yu Guang saw Xia Changyang's movements, but the smile on his lips
closed, and his body leaned forward slightly, which was a preparation movement.

Zhang Muxian had already approached there, just in case, he had to make a
round. Duan Yinyu's clothes were grabbed by Duan Yinyu. Duan Yinyu didn't let him
pass, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

Duan Yinyu believes that Xia Changyang must have a seizure, but it is also
embarrassing. If you are not strong enough, do you blame others for playing too

Xia Changyang when he is God? No matter how big the coffee is, it is just a flying
guest of "On the Road".
Duan Yinyu knew that if Xia Changyang had to make it to this final, it would be Ji
Wang who was sacrificed. This was enough to make him unhappy. He liked Ji Wang,
but didn't want Ji Wang to suffer this grievance.

Since Xia Changyang is willing to lose this face, let him go, why should Zhang Mu
go to the round in the first place.

Zhang Mu first saw what Duan Yinyu was thinking, and sighed secretly.

Everyone's eyes were on Xia Changyang. Xia Changyang's back was straight, and
he stopped halfway, and did not go to Director Jiang for an explanation.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and Zhang Muxian also ran laps off
the court. Although the results have come out, he also wants to try the whole

At this point, the result of the final came out. The entire program group had to
change venues, and the two finalists had to get familiar with the runway again. The
rest of the guests, including Xia Changyang, had already gone to rush away.

According to Xiaoxu, Xia Changyang's agent made a big fire on the program team,
and also hinted that the program team would edit and cut Ji Wang's results into Xia

But Dao Jiang was upright and didn't agree.

Ji Wang sighed somewhat.

After Xiaoxu finished the gossip, he immersed himself in playing with his mobile
phone, and then looked up in surprise: "The gossip has been updated."

"It's not that Director Jiang is upright, but Qi Boyan approached Director Jiang
and said that if you give up your qualifications to Xia Changyang, then he will stop
"Director Jiang had to bite the bullet and offend Xia Changyang."

"Xia Changyang's agent said that this Liangzi has forged."

Xiaoxu's statement like a relay made Ji Wang a little confused: "Where did you
hear it?"

"Li Feng." Xiao Xu's natural tone was like Ji Wang asked what an idiot question.

Ji Wang really didn't expect that Qi Boyan would actually help him, that person...
shouldn't he even hope he loses?

He was holding his mobile phone, and the last chat with Qi Boyan still remained
on WeChat.

Unconsciously, their dialogue has been able to decline. Once something starts, it
is not as difficult as imagined.

Ji Wang turned off his mobile phone and worked very hard in the next few days
of practice.

In a blink of an eye, it has come to the day of the final.

The weather is very hot, and the sun hangs high in the sky, as if to dry everything.
In this case, the engine is very prone to problems.

But racing is like this. In official competitions, luck is more important than
strength. Because your car is very likely to break down, leading to direct

The competition requires the contestants to register for which car they are.

Although this final is only a competition for the program group, Director Jiang
strictly followed the formal competition procedures to request two participating
According to the results of the semi-finals, Ji Wang’s starting point is first, and Qi
Boyan is behind.

The blue and the red cars are leaning back and forth, and the gap between them
is not big to the naked eye, but they can be very dangerous if they are placed on
the arena where every second counts. If you fail to overtake halfway, the basic loss
is set.

There are a total of six laps in the whole process, and there are many
opportunities to overtake, so the end is not yet determined.

Ji Wang stepped into the car, supported the steering wheel with both hands, and
stared at the red light in front of him closely. As the red lights lit up one after
another, when the last one was completely lit, Ji Wang's blue car instantly showed
With unprecedented explosive power, it has the upper hand from the beginning.

Duan Yinyu exclaimed in the viewing hall, only to feel that a blue shadow quickly
crossed the screen, but the camera didn't catch it immediately, and what followed
was a red shadow at the same speed.

In less than a few seconds, the two cars came to the first turning point almost at
the same time, and Ji Wang firmly controlled the internal road to prevent Qi Boyan
from overtaking.

But the red car trailing behind Ji Wang had no idea of overtaking at all. It followed
him like a shadow, always giving Ji Wang pressure from behind.

No matter how Ji Wang accelerated or how perfect the route he calculated for
the turn, the red car has not been thrown away.

No one knows better than Ji Wang himself. His performance now is better than
usual. Why is Qi Boyan... Didn't Qi Boyan pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger from
the beginning?
The hot and airtight racing suit will make Ji Wang's cheeks flush with heat, but
his heart beats wildly, not nervous, but excited.

This is the excitement and excitement brought by encountering opponents in the


On another track, the red car was like an unstoppable knife, and it slammed into
the blue car and the guardrail of the inner track.

However, because of the short distance, the body of the red car scratched a string
of sparks on the guardrail. This accident caused the speed of the red car to slow
down again, and the blue car took the opportunity to return to the front.

Ji Wang was in the heat, saw the red car in the rearview mirror, shifted gears and
stepped on the accelerator. The pleasure brought by the car swept his whole body
and stimulated his cerebral cortex. He even thought absurdly, if Qi Bo Yan really
won him, no matter how ridiculous the other party's request is, he can agree to it.

The premise is that Qi Boyan wins.

Two laps passed, and the two cars were still inextricably entangled together. The
battle was far from over. No matter how the red car tried to overtake, it would be
severely suppressed by the blue car for the first time.

Turning again and again, the red car launched an offensive countless times, like
a beast intolerant of lurking, with the brakes to tear everything apart, swallowing
the blue car in front.

However, the blue car is not a prey for the weak and small to be slaughtered. It
is strong enough to deal with all attacks, and its driving route is perfect to match
the skills shown by professional drivers.

This is hardly something that alpha's excellent learning talent can explain, or that
there is something that is enough to stimulate the blue car driver, forcing him to
perform to the extreme and show an unprecedented state.
Three laps, four laps, five laps!

This breathtaking battle gradually came to an end. During an internal race, the
red car crashed into the rear of the blue car. The two cars slipped to varying degrees
at the same time. At this moment, the red car seemed to see its prey finally A
weakness appeared, and it rushed forward.

At this moment, the screen just switched, the battle of the two cars disappeared
from everyone's eyes, and the people in the viewing hall screamed.

"What's the matter! Where's the car? Where's their car?!"

"Hurry up, it's about time!"

"Director Jiang? Brother photography? What happened!"

In the next second, the images of the two cars finally appeared in front of the
screen, but they were surprisingly side by side. They were close together on the
narrow road, with a desperate momentum and a potential for winning. Must get.

The two cars are like strangling each other, steel and iron beasts.

The last lap is left! There are still six turns! As long as in this turning, whoever has
a better route and turns better, whoever wins is the ultimate winner.

At the first turn, the blue car tried to suppress the red car, and the body collided
and scratched again, as if fighting each other, it was necessary to force each other

The red car showed an aura that was even crazier than before, holding the
momentum of dragging its remains to the end even if the body was shattered, and
refused to retreat one step.
At the second turn, the red car finally surpassed the dilemma that had been
suppressed for nearly six laps. For the first and most important time, the red car
fought back, surpassed the blue car, and rushed out.

Everyone in the viewing hall is cheering up in their hearts. The hall is quieter than
ever before. Everyone has forgotten that they are doing the show. They want to
comment and give a reaction. They are all watching, watching the end of the game,
and waiting for this time. The winner of the game.

Finally, the last turn came, and there was only one straight ahead. Only the
person who appeared at the end of the straight can know the result.

The next second, the camera switched again and came to the straight, making
everyone waiting, waiting for the first car shadow to appear on the camera.

This time, no one complained about the excessive lens arrangement of the
program group. After all, it made people hold suspenseful expectations and it was
even more interesting.

It didn't take long for the victor to appear at the end of the road, the dazzling,
wanton red.

Everyone stood up abruptly and applauded for this wonderful match.

It doesn't matter who loses or who wins.

Ji Wang leaned on the back of the chair, his whole body was soaked, and his
heartbeat hadn't eased down, but he was still beating too fast. This kind of beating
also mixed into the inexplicable heart palpitations.

Not long after crossing the finish line, Ji Wang saw the already victorious red car
not far in front of him, slowing down.

Just when Ji Wang was about to overtake him, the red car turned around in a
circle like it was slipping, and bursts of smoke were raised.
It was impossible for Ji Wang to see Qi Boyan's face, but at that moment, he saw
it, and even felt the too strong gaze.

Instinctively, he stepped on the brakes, but the front of the car inevitably
touched Qi Boyan's front.

The collision of the body was like an electric current, which quickly traveled
through Ji Wang's body. Ji Wang opened his eyes wide, and his heart seemed to be
severely pinched.

At that moment, he couldn't think of any words to describe Qi Boyan's madness,

and this dizzying, arrogant and provocative, yet romantically extreme car kiss.

It was not a physical kiss, it was a kiss between racing cars, but after Ji Wang got
off the car, he released too much pheromone all over his body, just like a bottle of
wine that hasn't been opened for a long time, and it produces a fragrance that is
enough to make people drunk and dreamy.

He stepped softly and approached Qi Boyan, who was already waiting on the side
of the road.

Qi Boyan didn't park the car into the inspection point, neither of them stopped
the car.

But to meet together in no one's place.

Qi Boyan opened his arms, seeming to feel that Ji Wang fell into his arms again,
feeling bound to win.

And he did hug it. He steadily hugged the body that returned to his arms. Qi
Boyan bit down the racing gloves, put his fingers into Ji Wang’s back collar, and
roughly tore it off. Microphone.

The next thing, he just wanted to tell Ji Wang.

Between the tightly fitting bodies, two equally beating hearts, echoing each
other, beating and approaching each other.

The surroundings seemed to be completely silent, only the heartbeat of each

other and Qi Boyan's voice could be heard.

"I won, my request is..."

"I will chase you this time, Ji Wang."

People should not make decisions when hormones are too high and pheromone is
overloaded. The suspension bridge effect brought by extreme sports requires only
a little excitement, and it can cause a grand fireworks in my heart.

Besides, Qi Boyan is really romantic. He didn't know what he had responded to,
only that Qi Boyan's eyes grew deeper and his fingers pressed against his cheek, as
if he was about to kiss him.

The sound of the drone made Ji Wang the first to find his sanity. He pushed Qi
Boyan away in a panic, escaped into the car, and drove to the inspection point.

When he got out of the car, he took off his helmet and his cheeks were as red as
heatstroke, but unlike people with heatstroke, his lips were full of blood, and he
was licked nervously and moisturized over and over again.

The staff at the car repair point were all comforting him. They gave him a high-
five, said that the game was exciting, and invited him to an official game. Duan
Yinyu rushed over like a small bomb and gave him a teammate. Hug.

Only halfway through the rush, Duan Yinyu was stopped by Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan
raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't congratulate me first?"

Duan Yinyu smiled and said, "Congratulations."

After speaking, he rushed in the direction of Ji Wang, and was dragged by his arm
again. Qi Bo said, "That's it?"

Duan Yinyu thinks this person is so unreasonable: "Otherwise, buy you a

celebration cake?"

After going back and forth, Ji Wang has already gone to the viewing hall, where
the program group is there. Today's race is over, and the half-month-long racing
special is coming to an end.

In the last time, Director Jiang asked everyone to make a self-summary, and some
sensational clips, what did everyone learn from this game, and what they got.

All in all, it is for everyone to submit a small essay.

The interview was filmed separately. After Ji Wang said his thoughts, he came
out and saw Qi Boyan playing with the gold medal of the program group in his hand,
leaning against the wall and waiting for him.

There were staff members all around, Ji Wang didn't speak, but silently passed
Qi Boyan, then stopped, and turned his head: "Don't you go?"

Qi Boyan just laughed. He quickly followed Ji Wang and said in a low voice: "I
thought you regretted it."

Regret it? It can't be called, but now that a decision has been made, don't
hesitate hypocritically.

He did not speak, his eyes were dazzled, and it was Qi Boyan who hung the gold
medal in front of him: "Send you."

"Why?" Ji Wang looked at the glittering gold medal.

Qi Boyan's answer is really full of his personal style: "Because it has my name on
it, so I send it to you."
Ji Wang didn't answer, Qi Boyan hesitated, adding to the bargaining chip to lure
Ji Wang to accept: "This is pure gold."

Ji Wang wanted to laugh a little, but he did not laugh, and pushed Qi Boyan's
hand away: "Keep it for yourself, this is your reward for winning the game."

Qi Boyan stepped forward and blocked Ji Wang's path. Ji Wang subconsciously

looked around, unknowingly that the staff around him were gone. Only him and Qi
Boyan were on this aisle.

He hung the gold medal on Ji Wang's neck: "I have received the biggest reward
in this game."

After speaking, Qi Boyan touched Jiwang's face, very restrained and did not go

After touching it, he turned and strode forward, walking in a hurry, actually trying
to leave Ji Wang behind.

Ji Wang was inexplicable, just looking at the back of him leaving.

Qi Boyan walked halfway, stopped again, turned around and asked distressedly:
"Why don't you ask why I am leaving?"

Ji Wang thought to himself, where can you go, not to go back to the hotel.

But thinking that Qi Boyan just said that he wanted to chase him, instead of
forgetting the past and being together again, Ji Wang felt that it didn't matter if he
relaxed appropriately and coaxed Qi Boyan.

Because of the word pursuit, it hit Ji Wang's heart.

The pursuit is slow and gentle.

The opportunity to clarify things from the past step by step also increases the
scrutiny and calmness of this relationship, enough to make people consider
whether to accept it.

This makes Ji Wang feel at ease and more acceptable than just marking it up and
even revealing his naked body.

This is how adults get along, and he is very happy that Qi Boyan has at least grown
a little bit.

Ji Wang said with a good temper: "Why are you leaving?"

Qi Boyan: "Because I want to kiss you." Without waiting for Ji Wang to express
any opinions on this, Qi Boyan said again: "But you will be afraid."

"Ji Wang, I will wait until you agree before I kiss you." After saying this, Qi Boyan
left, leaving Ji Wang dazed in place.

I don't know where Qi Boyan learned it, but he matured so much overnight? This
makes Ji Wang feel very unreal.

Qi Boyan, who matured overnight, returned to the car. Li Feng has been waiting
for a long time. Seeing that he finally came up, Li Feng went straight in: "The drone
captured the picture of you hugging each other."

Qi Boyan took out his mobile phone and said absently.

Li Feng continued: "Director Jiang said that your brothers are emotionally
moving, and they need a reconciling hug after finishing the race."

Qi Boyan smirked, with a weird tone: "Brotherhood?"

Li Feng calmly said: "Even if you really see something, no one dare to say it face-
to-face. But I suggest that Jiang Dao should cut it off. I liked it before, and there are
still people who are still scolding Jiwang."
These words just squeezed Qi Boyan's weakness, and he tweeted softly.

How else could Ji Wang be Qi Boyan's fate? How could a person grow up
overnight, but only learned to pretend to be more alike.

Before turning off the reading software in his hand, Qi Boyan tagged the Chapter
8 of Love Psychology: The Suitor, and then put down his phone: "I see, not next

After speaking, he said confidently: "Give me a copy of the footage captured by

the drone."

Li Feng: "..."

After the filming, Ji Wang was also invited to have a dinner with Director Jiang
and the program group.

The dinner was very lively, but most of the guests had already left because of
their own schedule.

Qi Boyan didn't come, I don't know if he has already left.

After the dinner, Ji Wang returned to the hotel and took a shower for the first
time, which washed away the exhaustion he brought during the game and brought
back his sanity.

Either way, feelings are not controlled by human will. Before the game, he was
still thinking about how to get rid of Qi Boyan. Not only did he lose the game, but
he also agreed to something completely contrary to his original idea.

After coming out of the bathroom, Ji Wang didn't blow his hair right away, but
stared at the gold medal on the hallway, reflecting on how he landed in the field
Xiaoxu swiped his card and came in, with food and people.

Ji Wang looked sideways, and it turned out to be Qi Boyan and Li Feng. Xiaoxu
stood at the door and did not immediately let Qi Boyan come in: "Brother, they
both bully."

Behind Qi Boyan was Li Feng with a detector. Li Feng raised his hand and said
hello. Seeing Ji Wang staring at the thing in his hand, Li Feng explained: "The
detector is to prevent secret recordings."

Ji Wang: "..." What has Qi Boyan experienced over the years, and didn't Li
Fengzhen graduate from the secret service school?

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang faintly: "I just want to come and see you."

"He wouldn't let me in." Qi Boyan accused Xiao Xu.

Xiaoxu: "This is my brother's room. Can you break into it casually?" Xiaoxu
thought he was loyal and did a good job.

Li Feng checked the surroundings and replied: "Master Qi, no secret shots, no
recordings, no problem."

Looking at the three people outside who weren't even the same, Ji Wang had a
headache: "Come in, it's not nice to be stuck here."

Ji Wang's room is a suite, two rooms and one living room, the small room is for
Xiao Xu to rest.

Qi Boyan winked at Li Feng as soon as he came in, and Li Feng stepped forward
and took Xiao Xu's shoulders and forcibly led Xiao Xu into the guest bedroom.

Ji Wang rubbed his temples, with a hint of blame, facing the prank: "What is this
Qi Boyan stepped forward and took Ji Wang's hand. He didn't feel how struggling.
He successfully led Ji Wang to the sofa, pressed the person down, and picked up
the towel to wipe Ji Wang's hair.

Ji Wang turned his head and avoided: "Let Xiaoxu come out."

Qi Boyan: "I am on the plane in four hours, just want to be alone with you for a

With that said, Ji Wang no longer insisted: "Have you packed everything?"

Qi Boyan did not sit on the sofa, but directly sat on the carpet, looking up at Ji

He seemed to particularly like this posture, watching Ji Wang leaning on the sofa
relaxedly, drips of water on his neck seeping into his clothes.

If he can, Qi Boyan is willing to help Ji Wang lick it clean, but unfortunately he


He forced himself to look away, his Adam's apple moved slightly: "I can go back
to city c in a week, will I go out for a date?"

Ji Wang didn't want to say: "Not good."

Qi Boyan choked, he couldn't control his gaze back to Ji Wang, and said
helplessly: "Didn't you have already agreed, let me pursue you?"

Ji Wang sat upright, elbows propped his thighs, and leaned slightly.

The ambiguous smell after the bath filled the two, with pheromones.

Qi Boyan's pupils shrank, only then did he realize that Ji Wang hadn't posted a
pheromone suppression sticker.
A drop of water followed Ji Wang's hair and landed on Qi Boyan's earlobe.

Ji Wang looked down at Qi Boyan, not knowing if it was intentional, his foot
moved slightly, almost stepping on Qi Boyan's crotch.

Ji Wang said slowly: "I promised your pursuit, but I still have the right to refuse

The roles are like swapping, Qi Boyan came to the weak side, and that pursuit
firmly bound him, drawing a clear line between him and Ji Wang, and he could not
move rashly, otherwise he would be taken back all his rights.

Ji Wang watched Qi Boyan fall to the ground, lowered his head, and suddenly
reached out and touched Qi Boyan's hair. The texture was far from what Qi Boyan
could compare six years ago. After becoming an artist, Qi Boyan was a common

However, Ji Wang didn't say anything, but rubbed Qi Boyan's scalp with his
fingers, followed down to the back of his head, exerted a slight force, forcing Qi
Boyan to look at him again.

Ji Wang whispered: "Before I meet next time, I hope you have already figured
out what you should use to convince me."

Qi Boyan didn't speak, he looked quite innocent, as if he really didn't know what
Ji Wang was talking about.

Ji Wang did not allow Qi Boyan to escape again: "I hope you understand that I
can give you the opportunity to pursue me again, and I can also take it back."

"I want to know what happened six years ago, including everything you have

He exerted a slight force, with a strong yet gentle force, holding Qi Boyan's face,
forcing the other party to look at him.
"Think about it, then tell me."

"If you can convince me, then..." His eyes fell on Qi Boyan's lips: "I can give you
what you want."
Ji Wang threw the bait, then let go of Qi Boyan's chin, and lay back on the sofa:
"Okay, let Xiaoxu come out."

He spoke in a lazy tone, until a hot hand held his ankle, Qi Boyan's palm was very
hot, and his fingers were so long that he could almost encircle Ji Wang's ankle bone:
"What do I want?"

Ji Wang lifted his foot and pulled it out of Qi Boyan's hand without much effort.
He lightly stepped on Qi Boyan's leg: "What are you talking about?"

Before Qi Boyan could speak, Ji Wang retracted his foot stingly and said loudly,
"Xiao Xu."

Before long, Xiaoxu struggled to stick out half of his body from the room. The hair
was messed up, and his face was red: "Brother, brother, are you okay."

"Li Feng, I warn you, you press on me again, and be careful I beat you to death!"
Xiaoxu shouted with outstretched teeth, and was dragged into the room the next
second, and the sound disappeared.

Ji Wang frowned, got up and walked in the direction of the guest bedroom,
opened the door, and saw that Xiaoxu was controlled by Li Feng on the bed using
the usual gestures of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and his mouth was covered.

Seeing Ji Wang's figure, Li Feng hurriedly let go of Xiao Xu and stood

apologetically next to him.

Xiaoxu was struggling to breathe: "God, I thought I was dying."

Ji Wang stepped forward to help Xiaoxu up: "Are there any injuries?"

Xiaoxu shook his head honestly. Li Feng suppressed him with skill. How long he
was dragged into the room was controlled by Li Feng with all kinds of strange

Li Feng actively explained: "I have control and won't get hurt."

Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu to move his hands and feet. After he was sure it was all
right, he looked at Li Feng speechlessly: "Don't do this next time, Xiaoxu is my
assistant after all."

"Yes, I'm sorry." Li Feng lowered his head.

This makes Ji Wang a little embarrassed. The person who issued the order was
Qi Boyan, who was wronged and indebted, but it was not about Li Feng's business.

At this time, the creditor Qi Boyan passed by the door and said to Li Feng: "Go,
go back and pack your luggage."

Ji Wang didn't go to send it. Xiao Xu stared at the two men and went out, then
hurriedly closed the door and released the lock.

Xiaoxu sniffed the pheromone in the air. It didn't feel as complicated as last time.
It seemed that Qi Boyan didn't do anything to his brother Wang.

Ji Wang went back to the room and put on the pheromone suppression tape,
then poured himself a small glass of wine to help sleep.

It is impossible to say that it is impossible not to lose, even if it is said that in the
next meeting, let Qi Boyan clarify everything, it is the time limit given by him on his
own initiative.

But Ji Wang hoped that Qi Boyan could make it clear now and dispel all his
But he knew that Qi Boyan could not be forced too tightly.

He took a sip of wine and clicked on Qi Boyan's WeChat. Qi Boyan's WeChat name
is very simple, it's a full stop, and the picture is still that simple stroke.

Ji Wang started to modify the remarks and changed it to a little bastard.

After that, he flew back to city c from city s where he was shooting variety shows.
The little bastard didn't contact him, and he was quiet on WeChat, very
unconscious of chasing people.

Ji Wang also put Qi Boyan away, went to class, and studied the script that Sister
Hong gave him.

The script this time is quite interesting. The role played by Ji Wang is not a
supporting role in the conventional sense. This supporting role is called Chen Baihe,
who suffers from schizophrenia.

To this end, Ji Wang did a lot of homework and moved a lot of spiritual books and
related film and television materials to his home.

He found that schizophrenia was different from what he had imagined. There
were many kinds of symptoms, and different people had different symptoms.

However, the common manifestation is that patients will have excessively real
hallucinations, delusions, and abnormal behaviors and thoughts.

Ji Wang’s character is called Chen Baihe. He is a typical tragic character. Before

he was eighteen years old, he looked normal. In fact, he experienced very big
trauma when he was a child. In addition to genetic factors, this disease has been
lurking until now. He broke out completely when he was nineteen.
Although this drama is an urban drama, the content also involves the campus.
Chen Baihe is the senior whom the heroine Xia Tian had a crush on when she was
a student.

Chen Baihe has very good grades and looks handsome. He is the dream girl of
many girls.

Xia Tian is beautiful, hearty and generous, and has money at home. She chased
Chen Baihe and held Chen Baihe, which made this young boy fall in love with her

But later, Chen Baihe's illness broke out and he did a lot of things that Xia Tian
could not accept. The two broke up and parted ways.

When he waits for adulthood, Chen Baihe, as the director, meets Xia Tian, who
has just joined the company.

However, the protagonist is naturally not Xia Tian, but Xia Tian's childhood
sweetheart Gao Yaoyi.

Since then, the entanglement of two men and one woman has started, and the
plot has been twisted and twisted. And Chen Baihe hasn't forgotten Xia Tian in
these years, but he is the second male and is destined to be the assist of the male
and female lead.

After Ji Wang sat on the sofa and turned the entire script, he was very moved.
Maybe it was because the role he got was Chen Baihe, and he was more empathetic
with this person.

A supporting role with a tragic color always makes people feel more pity and love.
Ji Wang specially compiled a notebook for Chen Baihe, and would write it in
whenever he thought of the details that could be added.

Such as Chen Baihe's preferences, speaking habits, small movements and the
person's emotions.
When setting up Chen Baihe Nong, Ji Wang kept flipping through the book,
forgetting to sleep and eat, and drank a lot of coffee. This happens every time he is
addicted to the script. The living room becomes his home base. When Ji Wang is
tired, he just wraps up a blanket and sleeps on the spot. When he wakes up, he
starts to read the script and do his homework.

Although the crew only started in December, there is still a month to go to the
director for an interview. Even if Sister Hong said that the role has been scheduled,
Ji Wang didn't want to deal with it with a casual mentality.

But after so many years of acting, Ji Wang is not casual about any role.

After a few days, Ji Wang’s beard had grown. Song Ge was doing academic
research abroad recently. He could only remind him to pay attention to his body
on WeChat. People could not kill him at home, so that Ji Wangyang was not
obedient at all.

Another day Ji Wang woke up, but kicked a person's body with his foot.

Ji Wang was not frightened, but shrank in the blanket and struggled for a while
before he muttered, "Song Ge? Are you back from abroad?"

Then he felt that he was being held down. Song Ge wouldn't be like that. Ji Wang
poked his head out of the blanket and saw Qi Boyan holding the script, pressing on
him and looking at him with a smile.

Ji Wang was taken aback: "You are so..."

Although Qi Boyan was pressing on him, his arms were still on the ground beside
him, and he did not put the weight on him completely, his voice was low: "Song Ge
actually has your password?"
Ji Wang coughed, and covered his face subconsciously. His beard was shaggy and
his image was really bad. He was reluctant to talk face-to-face with Qi Boyan at this

He moved his body, trying to get out from under Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan narrowed
his eyes, shoved the script to the side, reached out and wrapped the quilt on Ji
Wang's body tightly, and gathered it in the middle, like a Mexican roll, wrapping Ji
Wang in the quilt.

"I haven't seen you for so long, when my brother sees me, he wants to run?"

Ji Wang moved in the quilt with difficulty: "Stop making trouble, let me wash up

Qi Bo said not to let go: "Why does Song Ge have your password?"

Ji Wang gave up the struggle: "He sneaked a look."

Qi Boyan relaxed a little, and was still not happy: "Change the password." With
that said, remembering that Ji Wang's password is his birthday, he added: "It's still
0514, and the order is changed."

Ji Wang said perfunctorily: "Okay, you let me out first."

Qi Boyan changed his posture and sat on Ji Wang's waist: "Do you miss me?"

Ji Wang finally freed his hand from the quilt and patted Qi Boyan's knee: "Let me
get up, be good."

Qi Boyan was stunned, and he really got up obediently, and asked Ji Wang to go
to the bathroom.

Ji Wang shaved his beard in the bathroom and took a shower. After making sure
that he didn't smell any mess, he came out and looked at Qi Boyan who was sitting
on the sofa and was still reading the script.
"Are you here like this?" Ji Wang checked the time, ten o'clock in the morning,
which was quite early.

Qi Boyan turned the pages of the script: "There is an advertisement here,

shooting at noon, come and see you."

Ji Wang sat next to Qi Boyan, looked at him for a long time, suddenly reached out
his hand to hold Qi Boyan's face, and turned the person to his side.

Qi Boyan relaxedly let Ji Wang look at it: "Does it look good?"

Ji Wang: "How many hours did you sleep last night?"

Qi Bo said: "It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

This answer means that I haven't slept for long. Ji Wang disagrees and said:
"What are you still doing here? You should make up for it."

"I want to see you." Qi Boyan said confidently.

After that, he fell on Ji Wang's lap, changed his posture comfortably, and
continued to read the script: "You want to play Chen Baihe?"

"Yeah." Ji Wang pulled out the script from Qi Boyan's hand. He originally planned
to let Qi Boyan explain. But looking at Qi Boyan's bloodshot eyes, he said, "Go and

Qi Boyan closed his eyes and announced like a child: "I'm asleep."

Ji Wang pinched his ear: "Stop making trouble, really. What time do you shoot,
so let's go to bed first."

Qi Bo said: "Brother accompany me to sleep?"

Ji Wang: "Do you think it's possible?"

Qi Boyan sat up and said with a light smile: "Oh, then don't waste time sleeping.
You won't be with me."

"Let's chat." Qi Boyan took the initiative.

Ji Wang took a serious look at Qi Boyan: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, you can ask." Qi Boyan was very relaxed, but his body was very
dishonest. Not only was he sitting sideways on the sofa, his long legs were also bent
to clamp the sitting Ji Wang, as if he was occupying a territory. Of large animals.

Ji Wang didn't dislike him and pushed the person away. After thinking about it,
he decided to sort it out from the source.

"The meeting we met, I remember you didn't like me at first, was it because of
Ren Ran?"

Qi Boyan moved nervously and nodded dullly.

Ji Wang took a deep breath: "Why?"

Qi Boyan was silent for a while: "Because I hate him, he... is my elder brother's

Companion? The term is too retro, and Ren Ran's family is in good condition, so
where is it to be someone's companion.

Qi Boyan rubbed his forehead: "Really, the Ren family has sent Ren Ran to be Qi
Tian's companion since childhood."

"Qi Tian, that's my eldest brother." When talking about this person, Qi Boyan's
face gradually turned pale, and his lips trembled slightly, as if... that person was his
nightmare and the source of his fear.
Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's hand and silently gave strength, but Qi Boyan calmed
down quickly.

He told Ji Wang something about his childhood. When he was thirteen years old,
he once had a dog that he liked very much. It had white fur and droopy ears. Qi
Boyan named it Lele.

At first, his mother didn't want him to keep a dog, but after he begged, she let
him keep it. The dog stayed with him for a year, and then one day when he returned
home, he saw Qi Tian sitting on his dining table.

This man shouldn't be here, everything is too weird.

Ji Wang listened quietly, without interrupting Qi Boyan, nor questioning. For

example, why shouldn't Qi Tian appear in Qi Bo Yan's family? Are they brothers?

Qi Boyan said that the mother standing by the dining table was also very scared.
She was scared of this man who was only two years younger than her.

Upon hearing this, Ji Wang suddenly understood that it turned out to be a half-

In a daze, he suddenly thought of the "mark" on Ren Ran's body. From that mark
now, it seems that the biggest suspect should be Qi Boyan's half-brother, Qi Tian.

It is normal for the pheromone between brothers to have a high degree of


As memories passed, Qi Boyan's hand gradually lost its temperature: "He asked
me to eat with him that day. After the meal, Qi Tian asked me if it was delicious."

"I said it was delicious."

"He said..." Qi Boyan seemed to be able to feel the emotions at the time, his lips
trembled slightly: "It's delicious, there is a dish he prepared meticulously on the

"He let me eat Lele."

In an instant, Ji Wang got goose bumps all over his body. He had never thought
that someone would do such a vicious thing.

As if thinking of something, Qi Boyan said: "Now Qi Zhengsong who is in charge

of the Qi family group is my grandfather. He thinks that only alpha can control the
Qi family, so Qi Tian is very wary of me being an alpha."

Qi Boyan split into "omega". This was his mother's way of protecting him.
Although it was incorrect and the process was full of madness, Qi Boyan could
understand it.

"After knowing that I was split into an omega, my good brother gave me a big
gift, and he shut me up with an alpha in heat." Qi Boyan said this with a bit of
indifference on his face.

Ji Wang tightened his arms holding Qi Boyan abruptly: " old were you

"Sixteen." Qi Boyan said calmly, and patted Ji Wang on the shoulder at the same
time: "Don't worry, I'm fine, only the alpha will be a problem."

"But since then, he suspected that I was not an omega, and sent a lot of people
to me back and forth. I wanted to dispel his worries.

"Except for his people, everyone who is with me will not end well."

"I also hated myself at that time. I couldn't go to school. I was fooling around
outside every day."
"No one's normal life would be like me."

"But only in this way will my mother be safe, and so will I be safe."

Ji Wang couldn't help but said, "Where is your father? He just looked at your
eldest brother to you?"

Speaking of his father, Qi Boyan showed a complicated look on his face, unable
to tell whether it was love or hate.

Qi Boyan: "He said he really loves my mother, it's ridiculous, what he calls true
love is to coax my mother into a shameless third party."

"Then Qi Tian is already the heir that my grandfather valued. Even if he has to
look at Qi Tian and do things, how dare he come to help us."

Speaking of this, Qi Boyan also laughed at himself: "Isn't it terrible? The mess of
my family is even more terrible than the current three-streamed drama."

Ji Wang's face was ugly and said, "Does your eldest brother dare to do anything
to you now? This is a society under the rule of law. If it doesn't work, we will expose
him and go to the police! Create public opinion pressure..."

While speaking, Ji Wang himself felt how weak this was.

Under absolute power, covering a person’s mouth, pinching a person’s throat, or

even suppressing a group of people’s protests are easy tasks.

Qi Boyan patted Ji Wang's back with his backhand, and said comfortingly: "It's
okay, even if he wants to do something to me, he can't do it."

Qi Tian had a car accident four years ago. Qi Xiangnan who was with him, that is,
their father, died on the spot. Qi Tian is still lying in a high-level private hospital in
city b and has become a vegetative person.
He couldn't do anything anymore, and couldn't get up from that hospital bed and
tortured Qi Boyan.

The irony is that Qi Xiangnan and Qi Tian just had an accident, and Qi Zhengsong
didn't know where he brought back his illegitimate children, as well as the children
born to the illegitimate children, even with Qi Boyan, as alternate heirs.

Qi Boyan rubbed his face against Ji Wang's shoulder boredly: "I don't even want
to touch anyone who wants something from the Qi family."

"Ji Wang, I'm an illegitimate child, would you look down on me?" Qi Boyan asked
Ji Wang's hand in a low voice.

His existence is the proof of his mother's destruction of other people's families,
and Qi Tian's paranoid hatred for him is also born from this.

Ji Wang didn't say a word, he just did what he should do now, that is, hug Qi
Boyan: "No, people can't choose their own birth, adults, or children."

"Did you say that the derailment is a fault in the genes of the Qi family?" At this
point, Qi Boyan suddenly realized that he had scolded himself in, and quickly
emphasized: "I am different, I only like you, I have never Derailed."

"In the box that time, I kissed that person... because I wanted to protect you."

"I can't let Qi Tian know how important you are to me."

"Ji Wang, if you are the same as Lele... what should I do?" Qi Boyan looked at Ji
Wang, his pupils flushed slightly: "Then I will definitely kill Qi Tian and go down to
accompany you."

Ji Wang rubbed Qi Boyan's head, trying to use a relaxed tone to make Qi Boyan
stop talking stupid, but he couldn't say it. Qi Boyan's life experience was more
complicated than he thought.
A dog who would kill his brother, let him eat it, and let the alpha rape his brother,
can’t think about it with common sense.

What's more, in the box, Ji Wang had only beaten Qi Boyan, and was sent to the
detention center by Qi Tian to "greet" him.

Qi Tian's power is greater than he imagined.

Qi Boyan was still so young at the time. He wanted to protect himself, protect his
mother, and also protect him. What did he do to protect him from the detention
center? Ji Wang is even hard to imagine.

"You should have told me six years ago, even if I didn't understand or understand
at first, you said slowly, just like today, how could I not listen." Ji Wang said, but he
blamed himself: " It's all because I wasn't calm back then...I should be able to
handle it better."

Qi Boyan pulled away Ji Wang's clothes and lightly took a bite on his shoulder,
useless: "You believe what I just said?"

Ji Wang was startled, and said to Qi Bo in surprise, "Isn't it true?"

Qi Boyan was angry and funny and said: "Do you want to Baidu Qi Zhengsong,
and then see if Qi Xiangnan is dead in the news, and in which hospital is Qi Tian
lying now?!"

Ji Wang heaved a sigh of relief: "Then why are you asking me that?"

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang deeply: "Because I want to know, believe me or not."

"You said you love me, so I will believe everything I say, do you still believe it?"
Qi Boyan whispered, but he wanted to hear the sentence I love you.

Ji Wang did not say that I love you as he wished, but instead asked, "Did you
disappear because you were angry with me six years ago?"
"I can't get through your phone. Without your address, I don't even know what's
going on in your house, I can't find you."

Among their friends, Ren Ran was the only one who had intersections on both
sides, and it was even more impossible to tell him anything about it.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes: "I went abroad to study for two years after breaking
up, and I debuted when I came back. I was too busy."

"And when you broke up with me, it seemed that you didn't want to forgive me
at all. Even if I explained the matter to you from beginning to end, you would not
believe me, you would only think that I was lying to you. So these years... Dare to
come to you."

This made Ji Wang dumb. He couldn't help but remember that he did say a lot of
hurtful things at the time. They were all so young, and in the face of this
relationship, no one could say that he handled it perfectly.

"I'm sorry." Ji Wang said uncomfortably, distrusted at that time, and broke up on
Qi Boyan's birthday.

And... the misunderstanding of Qi Boyan marked Ren Ran, and the reason why
he credulously said that Qi Boyan was close to him.

The more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself, Ji Wang said: "I didn't
expect...Ren Ran would actually be able to interact with people like Qi Tian, and
lied to me that you had misunderstood that I was his alpha and deliberately
approached me."

When Qi Boyan heard this, there was no anger on his face, but a trace of
embarrassment was skipped.

He looked at Ji Wang hesitantly, and Ji Wang immediately noticed: "What's the

matter? Is it true that what he said is true?"
Qi Boyan didn't hesitate much, and said bluntly: "I hate him, but Qi Tian has done
a lot of things without letting him know."

"I hate these words, but Qi Tian may be really interesting to Ren Ran. Naturally,
he won't let Ren Ran know that he is a complete abnormality."

"I hate Qi Tian, and I'm annoyed to burn, so..."

Ji Wang's face sank: "So you really misunderstood that I was Ren Ran's alpha, and
deliberately approached me?"

He grasped the point.

Qi Boyan tried to quibble: "You were with Ren Ran all day. Besides, Ren Ran just
liked you, I..."

"Ren Ran doesn't like me." Ji Wang retorted solemnly: "And why are you so

Sure enough, no matter how miserable Qi Boyan's life experience is, his own
problems cannot be ignored.

But now Ji Wang can't blame anything at all.

How could he have listened to Qi Bo's remarks about the past, and then sternly
blamed something, it was too late to feel distressed.

Ji Wang sighed, "Forget it, don't mention it."

As soon as Qi Boyan wanted to say something, his phone shook. It was Li Feng's
call to remind him to record the show.

Ji Wang straightened out Qi Boyan's messy hair: "Go ahead."

Qi Boyan aggrieved: "But I haven't held you enough."

Ten minutes later.

Li Feng looked at Ji Wang, who was in the car with one hand covering half of his
face, and Qi Boyan, who was already resting in Ji Wang's arms, closed his eyes and
was speechless for a while.

Ji Wang said calmly: "I'll take you to the airport."

Li Feng: "...Are you reunited?"

Before Ji Wang spoke, Qi Boyan said, "No, I'm still chasing."

In fact, Li Feng didn't want to listen.

"My brother is so good, I want to chase him forever."

On the way to the airport, there was rarely a traffic jam, but it greatly shortened
the time that Qi Boyan and Ji Wang spent together.

In fact, he didn't get along very much either. Qi Boyan had been sleeping in Ji
Wang's arms, and Ji Wang had been staring at Qi Boyan's sleepy eyes, as if he
wanted to make up for the missing weight in six years.

This good-looking, proud, squeamish, pitiful and cute alpha is now his, in his
arms, holding him.

As long as he realizes this, Ji Wang will have a hopeless sense of infatuation and
fulfillment, his heart is filled with everything, and nothing else can be seen.

But... Qi Boyan said that he didn't come to him in the past six years because of
the quarrel and the misunderstanding between them, and because he was too busy
after returning home, so he didn't come.
As a result, six years were missed, which made Ji Wang feel uncomfortable and

He understood that if he missed it, he missed it, and the lost time could not be

And Ji Wang... just wanted Qi Boyan to give him an acceptable reason. Not only
Qi Boyan wanted to convince him, he also wanted to convince himself.

Now I know that when he was discouraged by this relationship, Qi Boyan was
also living in the cracks.

Faced with a very malicious brother, the messy life is tired enough, and there are
still so many people who want to protect.

They are not very old. Even if Ji Wang, who was only 19 years old, knew Qi
Boyan's difficulties, what could he help each other? He can only realize how
powerless he was at the time.

He is not as good as Qi Boyan imagined.

The car stopped, it was dark all around, and it didn't arrive at the airport. Many
people know Qi Boyan's itinerary. In order to prevent Ji Wang from being seen by
others, Li Feng deliberately asked the driver to park in a nearby parking lot and
asked Ji Wang to get out of the car.

No way, the assistant has to help the artist if he wants to fall in love.

Li Feng turned his head and saw that Qi Boyan was still asleep. He was surprised
at his rare good sleep, but he couldn't bear it.

Seeing the hesitation on Li Feng's face, Ji Wang personally awakened Qi Boyan.

Li Feng glanced at the time, before he spoke, he heard Ji Wang's short
exclamation, and then turned his head to see that the postures of the two people
behind him had changed.

Qi Boyan's long black hair hung down, covering Ji Wang's face. Soon, he leaned
down and didn't even need Li Feng to see where the two people were close, he
knew what Qi Boyan was doing.

They are kissing.

Qi Boyan, who said that he waited for Ji Wang's consent, to kiss, but within a few
days of making the promise, he was completely forgotten.

A moist, lingering, ear-red movement sounded clearly in the nanny's car.

Li Feng is fortunate that there are partitions in the rear seat and the driver's seat,
and they will be raised on weekdays. Anti-sneak shooting, protect all kinds of
privacy. The current situation is the privacy that needs to be protected most.

He opened the door and got out of the car, giving space to the two people inside.

The sound of the closing of the car door awakened Ji Wang, and the force in his
hand suddenly increased by a few points, finally pushing Qi Boyan away.

Qi Boyan's lips were ruddy, and there was a faintly implicated water glow on it.
His eyes were blurred, and he only stared at Ji Wang's mouth: "Brother, do it again."

Ji Wang was embarrassed by this blatant look: "What come, let me get out of the

Qi Boyan didn’t care about what Ji Wang said. He put his fingers directly into Ji
Wang’s mouth, just like a few months ago, after they met again after six years, Qi
Boyan used a bloody hand through The mask pressed Ji Wang's lips.
At this time, he successfully and unscrupulously broke into Ji Wang's mouth with
his fingers. He squinted to feel the touch: "Has your brother kissed anyone in these

Qi Boyan has a strange obsession with playing with his mouth. With the
presumptuous fingers between his lips and teeth, Ji Wang couldn't say a word

He could only helplessly and indulgingly at Qi Boyan, and said with his eyes that
he did not.

Qi Boyan pulled out his hand and put it in his mouth, his pupils flushed slightly:
"I know that my brother doesn't have one."

That low-pitched tone also revealed a dangerous tone, as if Ji Wang really did, Qi
Boyan would do even crazier things.

With the fingertips of the two men's saliva, he opened the hem of Ji Wang's
clothes, with an obvious intention to touch in.

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's hand across his clothes, trying to make this person more

He didn't understand how Qi Boyan could slept for a while, and he was in estrus
on the spot as if he had taken aphrodisiac in his dream.

"Didn't you say that you are chasing me? You can't go to bed when you are
pursuing it." Ji Wang gasped.

There was a clear shake on Qi Boyan's words, just when Ji Wang thought Qi Boyan
would say it, and when he didn't chase him, Qi Boyan slowly and reluctantly pulled
his hand out of his clothes.

Ji Wang was shocked, but he didn't expect that Qi Boyan's persistence in pursuing
him was more important than the current situation.
Therefore, Qi Boyan chose the former in one of the two choices.

"Brother, you bullied me." Qi Boyan said dumbly.

He pinched Ji Wang's waist through his clothes, and slightly maliciously rubbed
two of Ji Wang's most sensitive areas. Ji Wang's breathing suddenly became more
rapid and his neck was red.

In the end, who was bullying whom, Ji Wang raised his leg and clamped Qi
Boyan's thigh, and with a clever effort on his waist, he turned the person over and
pressed him under him.

When restraining Qi Boyan, he consciously avoided the opponent's long hair so

as not to pull Qi Boyan's hair.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes obediently, waiting for Ji Wang to kiss him.

Ji Wang couldn't help but jokingly said: "What are you looking forward to? When
pursuing people, you can't kiss each other casually. That's offense."

Qi Boyan opened his eyes a little depressed, and before he spoke, his elder
brother caught his chin.

Ji Wang, who said neither this nor that, bowed his head and kissed his lips.

Unlike Qi Boyan's prolonged kiss, Ji Wang was gentle and considerate, almost a

He left Qi Boyan's lips a little, and added: "But the person being pursued can do
whatever he wants, including kissing."

Qi Boyan clasped the back of Ji Wang's neck, pressed the person down again, and
offended Ji Wang's lips again.
He is not a gentleman, but a beast who always can't suppress his desire for

How could he bear Ji Wang teasing him like this.

The temperature in the car rose quickly. Just like Ji Wang said, he could do
anything to Qi Boyan, but Qi Boyan couldn't.

So Ji Wang unbuttoned Qi Boyan and left a deep hickey on the opponent's chest
near the heart.

Seeing that blush, it will turn into a trace of bruise tomorrow, Ji Wang said:
"Before the trace fades, come back to me."

Qi Boyan pressed Ji Wang's waist, forcing Ji Wang to feel his thirst. Ji Wang was
indifferent and his expression was extremely calm.

"What if you can't come back?" Qi Boyan muttered.

Ji Wang pressed his thumb against the hickey: "Forget it, anyway, I have been
very busy recently."

Qi Boyan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he almost gritted his
teeth and said: "Can't you come to me?"

Ji Wang bowed his head and kissed Qi Boyan's forehead: "It depends on your

Qi Boyan asked: "What kind of performance?"

"Eat well, get a few more sleeps, think about me before you get hurt on your
impulse." Ji Wang ordered word by word.

Ji Wang: "Like a racing car, use your own risky behavior. Don't do it again. I don't
like it."
Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's hand and kissed the scar on the ring finger: "Because I
wanted my brother at that time. I wanted my brother more than my life."

Ji Wang sighed, feeling unreasonable with Qi Boyan. He didn't know whether Qi

Boyan said this was true or not. If it was true, it would be really scary.

The two were sticky for a while, and Ji Wang finally got out of the car. At that
moment, there was a sense of relief that he finally got away from the clingy animal.

He nodded to Li Feng: "I'm sorry just now, I'll beg of you if I can't say anything."

Li Feng stopped his eyes on his chest and reminded him: "Teacher Ji, your

Ji Wang looked down, only to find that he had lost a button on his coat, and he
didn't know where it was.

He pressed down his clothes casually, and didn't pay much attention: "Go to the
airport, I'll take a taxi back by myself."

After Li Feng got into the car, he saw Qi Boyan throwing a button in his hand. Li
Feng looked at the color, which was exactly the same as that on Ji Wang's shirt.

"...What did you do to tear off Teacher Ji's button?" Li Feng really couldn't

Qi Boyan stuffed the buttons into his pockets: "It is said in the book that buttons
have special meaning."

What kind of book caused his family Qi Ye to be like this?

Li Feng rubbed his temples and inexplicably remembered that when he was
young, because of the popularity of an idol drama, the second button of every shirt
during that time would be removed in various ways, every time. The fear of being
able to go home with his chest open.

After the car that watched Qi Boyan left, Ji Wang returned home. He wanted to
clean up the house. These days, he was busy making scripts and the house was

Qi Boyan is such a person who likes to conduct raids so he can't always let him
see him every time he comes. The brother he likes lives in the trash.

Ji Wang cleaned up everything at home and outside, and finally sat down and
took out his mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Qi Boyan, asking this
person to talk to him after getting off the plane.

Putting down the phone, Ji Wang started unfinished work again, studying the
script and analyzing the characters.

He opened the book he had set up for Chen Baihe to organize people, only to
find that the fragment he wrote about analyzing Chen Baihe on the last page was
supplemented by Qi Boyan with a red pen.

Ji Wang's original words read:

In the ending, why would Chen Baihe willing to give up Xia Tian.

The narration of him in the script is very paranoid, so Chen Baihe has never
forgotten Xia Tian over the years.

That being the case, how could Xia Tian be handed over to others.

Was it because he was sick, or because he didn't love Xia Tian so much.

There may be regrets and nostalgias from student days, but Xia Tian is no longer
Chen Baihe's salvation.
Xia Tian sympathizes with Chen Baihe, but does not love Chen Baihe. They missed
it and can't go back.

But Qi Boyan's red handwriting is like this:

Perhaps it was because he was afraid of breaking the redemption that once
belonged to him.
Seeing this line of words, Ji Wang began to miss it again. In fact, he had been
thinking about it all the time. In the past, he was forced to stop thinking about it.
Now he doesn't need to be suppressed, and his miss starts to grow wildly.

He drew a five-pointed star next to the line of Qi Boyan. In fact, Ji Wang didn’t
like others touching his own things, but Qi Boyan was different. Every trace left by
Qi Boyan could make Ji Wang today. , Laugh from the heart.

Ji Wang took out his mobile phone, took a photo and sent it to Qi Boyan, praised
the other party's new ideas, and asked him about his itinerary in the next few days.

Qi Boyan didn't reply. He probably had already boarded the plane and turned on
the flight mode. Ji Wang was not so busy. It might be a bit difficult for Qi Boyan to
return to him before the trace disappeared, but it was more convenient for him to
go there.

It's less than half a month before the next "On the Road" shooting, so I can't wait
for this time.

Ji Wang complained that he was useless, and he was clearly aware that his
current state had quickly entered passionate love, and repeatedly reminded that
this love needs to be cautious, sensible, and calm.

But if these three words can be maintained, it is not love.

Qi Boyan was very busy, and the schedule he sent was densely packed with a
mute and coquettish voice saying that he would buy first class for his brother.
Ji Wang asked: "You don't have much time to go back to the hotel, what did I do
in the past?"

Qi Bo said: "Sleep with me." He was afraid that Ji Wang would misunderstand:
"Pure sleep, I won't go in."

At first glance, this passage seemed okay, but at the second glance, Ji Wang was
scorched by fire. He is an adult, a vigorous adult who wakes up in the morning.

At that time, without waiting for Qi Boyan to do something, he was afraid that
he would have already attacked the suitor first.

Song Ge, who returned from abroad that night, got stuck outside the door with
a souvenir specially bought for Ji Wang.

Entering the password incorrectly three times in a row, until Ji Wang was
annoyed by his movement out of the room and opened the door for him.

As soon as the door opened, Song Ge was bent over and stared at the code lock
stubbornly, trying to enter it again.

Ji Wang said: "Don't lose, the password has been changed."

Song Ge straightened up and asked inexplicably, "Why?"

Ji Wang took slippers for Song Ge, thought about it, and decided to go shopping
later: "Because I'm in love."

After speaking, Ji Wang took the key to the storage basket in the hallway: "Sit
down first, and I'll go out to buy something."

Song Ge was stunned by the news: "What? You dropped the order? Who! Who
abducted my family Jiwang! I knew that flashy entertainment circle, how could you
let this delicious little meat off? !"
Ji Wang said in a huff: "When did you become your family, and converge in front
of my boyfriend?"

Or is it a man? Song Ge is even more curious: "Is it Duan Yinyu?"

Ji Wang put on his shoes and a mask: "I'm out of the house."

Song Ge didn't even look at the indoor slippers Ji Wang brought him, and
followed directly behind Ji Wang.

Ji Wang just exploded with such a big surprise, how could he be alone, he was
curious to death.

He followed Ji Wang all the way to the supermarket. He had been annoyed by Ji
Wang eight hundred times on the way.

"On the Road" is just an omega, is it Zheng Qihong who has been in love for
years? Isn't it Ji Wang, do you like your sister?"

Ji Wang couldn't wait to plug Song Ge's mouth: "Okay, you will see him."

Song Ge rubbed his hands: "Sorry, I haven't seen any other celebrities except you.
Do you want to prepare an autograph?"

Thinking that Song Ge's girlfriend is a loyal fan of Qi Boyan, Ji Wang nodded
because he thought the signature could have been there.

As soon as he arrived at the supermarket, Ji Wang went to the daily necessities

area, bought new slippers, towels, toothbrushes, etc., and even spent money to
buy a set of extremely expensive silk pajamas.

Song Ge saw his sourness beside him, gritted his teeth: "Friends of so many years,
I haven't seen you buy me silk pajamas."
Ji Wang said calmly: "His skin is more delicate."

Song Ge: ...It means I'm rougher.

Looking at the size, Song Ge hesitated: "Will it be too big? You can't wear this size

Is it a bigger beta? Is it Zhang Muxian?

Song Ge guessed all the people in "On the Road", except for Qi Boyan, there was
almost no staff guessing.

"Who told you about omega." Ji Wang took a box of rubber bands and put it in
the shopping cart.

At that moment, a thought slipped through Song Ge's mind like a flash of light.
He took a breath and stared at Ji Wang in astonishment: "You, you! You! Qi..."

Before Song Ge could call out the name, Ji Wang covered his mouth. Ji Wang
whispered, "Don't be surprised."

Song Ge was already in a daze. He digested it by himself for a long time. Before
Ji Wang pushed the car to pay the bill, he didn't disturb Ji Wang quietly.

During the settlement, Ji Wang spent a lot of money, mainly because the things
he bought for Qi Boyan didn't look at the price, but only looked at the quality. The
balance of Alipay fell a lot, and Ji Wang didn't feel much distressed either.

Song Ge watched by the side, and finally suffocated a sentence: "You really like

Ji Wang put on the shopping bag and thought for a while: "I don't like it."

Song Ge seemed to be relieved, probably because Ji Wang, as an alpha, wanted

to be with another alpha, which made Song Ge very worried.
In the next moment, Ji Wang's words made his eyes go dark, and Ji Wang said, "I
love him."

When he said this, his eyes were straight ahead, only a little smile appeared at
the corner of his mouth, the words were very natural, and the love was easily

But Song Ge knew that Ji Wang was not someone who just said love. He knew
that Ji Wang always had a loved one in his heart, and he hadn't been able to forget
it all these years.

Ji Wang never said who that person was, so Song Ge didn't know until now.

Now that this person was replaced by Qi Boyan, Song Ge didn't know whether it
was a blessing or a curse.

I just think that the big stars have too many scandals, and they are too good-
looking, not very reliable.

But Song Ge is not the kind of disappointing friend, he just said: "Come on."

The two alphas are destined to be harder than others, and Song Ge’s blessing is
to come on.

This made Ji Wang looked at Song Ge with a little surprise: "You accepted it

Song Ge touched his sideburns: "That is, I have read books for so many years. It
is a good beta in the new era. As long as you don't like my girlfriend, I will bless

Speaking of his girlfriend, Song Ge said again: "Don't worry, I won't let Xia Yue
know before you make it public."
Disclosing this matter is too far away, at least not in Ji Wang's consideration now.
He didn't care, but Qi Boyan's loss was even greater, it was unnecessary.

After speaking, Song Ge regained his usual poor-mouthed character, and said
loudly: "How come I and Qi Boyan have such a fate! Even if my girlfriend likes him,
even my best brother is also fascinated by him. , Too much!"

In the evening, Qi Boyan sent a video. When he saw Song Ge passing by behind
him, his face sank. Qi Boyan glanced at the time: "Teacher Ji, it is already ten o'clock
in the evening. Can you explain why there is something else next to you? Man."

Okay, now Qi Boyan has added a teacher Ji, which he uses when he is jealous, in
addition to the two titles Ji Wang and elder brother.

"It's not another man, it's my friend Song Ge, a beta." Ji Wang turned his head
and said to Song Ge who was a little nervous not far away: "Are you going to come
over and say hello?"

Song Ge twisted over, looked at Qi Boyan in the camera of the phone for a while,
then suddenly turned his head to look at Ji: "Why is he so good-looking on the
camera? Is this a star?"

He wears thousands of pieces and doesn’t wear flattery, but this kind of praise is
immune to Qi Boyan. He critically looks at Song Ge, before he speaks, Ji Wang adds:
“He has a girlfriend and is an omega. ."

The crisis was resolved in one sentence, and Qi Boyan, who was worried that
various people would snatch his brother from him, showed a kind smile every day:
"Hello, I am Qi Boyan, Ji Wang..."

Song Ge: "I know, Ah Wang's lover."

Qi Boyan was taken aback, the smile on his face increased, and he repeated: "My
Song Ge rubbed his arms: "You don't know how much Ji Wang bought you today,
and he said he loves you..."

Ji Wang kicked Song Ge: "You can shut up."

"Don't shut up, Song Ge, let's add some contact information." Qi Boyan said

Ji Wang put his mobile phone face down on the dining table, glanced at Song Ge
warningly, and then picked up the phone: "Are you sure you want to chat with Song
Ge all night?"

Song Ge shook all over, and stood up consciously: "Okay, I'm going now, let's take
a video with you two slowly."

Ji Wang said strangely: "Don't you still want to stay and play games?"

Song Ge gave him an angry look: "Your boyfriend is important to the game? Let's
fall in love, silly Ahwang."

After speaking, Song Ge greeted Qi Boyan on the screen: "By the way, my
girlfriend likes you very much. Remember to sign me next time you meet."

After Song Ge left, Qi Boyan said to Ji Wang, "I like you as a friend."

Ji Wang hesitated and said nothing. After chatting with Qi Boyan for a while, he
couldn't help but said, "Why do you like Song Ge?"

Qi Boyan: "Is it good for me to like your friends? You always said that I don't want
to get along well with your friends."

Ji Wang: "I didn't say it was bad..."

Qi Boyan was surprised: "Brother, are you jealous?"

Ji Wang didn't deny it, and said bluntly: "Well, you have to add his contact

Qi Boyan opened his eyes slightly, and then became curved: "Because of this?"

Ji Wang said seriously: "I know there will be nothing between you, I just don't like
your eyes on others."

Qi Boyan was stunned for a while: "Brother... you don't seem to be like this

Ji Wang said gently: "I have always been like this, Qi Boyan, I have a lot more
exclusivity towards you than you think."
Qi Boyan's face seemed to blush, Ji Wang thought.

In the picture, Qi Boyan was lying on the bed, and Ji Wang found out that the
other party was in the hotel with a snow-white bed in the background.

Qi Boyan lay on the pillow and was silent for a while before he said bitterly:
"Don't recruit me, or I will be absent from work and fly to your house."

Ji Wang's heart moved as he was about to speak, Qi Boyan sat up suddenly:

"Someone is knocking on the door." He wondered: "Did Li Feng forget to bring the

"Remember to look in the cat's eyes and don't open the door to people casually."
Ji Wang said.

Qi Boyan smirked: "Am I a child, how could it be so unsuspecting."

Also, Qi Boyan has been an artist for so long, so he still has some basic
Qi Boyan moved with his mobile phone, and the screen was very shaken. Qi
Boyan has not opened the door yet.

Ji Wang heard a faint call on the phone, and someone called Qi Boyan's name
through the door.

The next second, the video was interrupted. Ji Wang snorted in his heart, and
hurriedly called back, but failed to get through. The phone showed that he was

Ji Wang replaced it with text and sent it: What happened and who was it?

Qi Boyan returned quickly: the director is here, and I will video with you later.

It's fine, Ji Wang said: You have a good chat with the director, don't be distracted
to return to me, let the director look bad.

Qi Boyan sat on the bedside, the light of the mobile phone fell on his face, the
cool light, the corners of his lips were smiling warmly, until he lifted his eyelashes,
the smile and petting on Qi Boyan's face faded away.

He looked at the person in front of him indifferently: "What are you doing?"

Fang Shengyun hugged his hand, stared at Qi Boyan's cell phone, and slowly said,
"Dad will let us go back to eat this week."

Qi Boyan didn't speak, he didn't even put Fang Shengyun in his eyes.

Fang Shengyun rubbed his forehead: "If you don't want to be sent back to that
place, be obedient. If there is a choice, I don't want to choose you either."

A faint resentment appeared on his face, but Qi Boyan did not respond as he
wanted, as if he didn't really care if he would be sent back to that place.
At this time, the door opened, and Li Feng hurriedly walked in. He stopped when
he saw Fang Shengyun, bowed his head and said, "Mr. Fang, Master Qi has to go to
the studio."

Fang Shengyun looked at Li Feng heavily, glanced from the bottom up, and
turned around to say to Qi Bo: "You better not make any illegitimate children."

"But who knows? After all, you are too." Fang Shengyun mocked.

Qi Boyan put his chin on, seemingly curious and simply asking, "Why don't you
go to the hospital and cry with my eldest brother?"

A big smile appeared on Qi Boyan's face: "If Qi Tianzhen can wake up from crying,
your Fang family will be over."

Fang Shengyun snorted coldly, and walked away. After Li Feng went over and
locked the door, he silently came over: "Why should you irritate him."

Qi Boyan lay back on the bed and picked up the phone: "He interrupted the video
of my brother and me."

Li Feng thought about the scene just now and hesitated: "Why did he look at me
and tell you not to make an illegitimate child."

Qi Boyan said casually: "Because beta can be born."

Li Feng: "..."

After Qi Boyan finally sent Ji Wang a voice message that he was going to the
studio, he put on a mask and hat, and said to Li Feng: "Well, you have a good face,
and you are also the top of the staff who voted for the most debut. There is even a
supporter. Yes, it is reasonable for Fang Shengyun to suspect that I am making your
stomach bigger."
Li Feng got goose bumps and rubbed his arms violently: "Stop talking, there are

Qi Bo said: "In fact, Sister Zhang wanted to sign you for a long time."

Li Feng said helplessly: "No, I prefer behind the scenes."

Qi Boyan smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you really want to make your debut,
the company has a dedicated risk public relations department that can protect

Li Feng took out the medicine from his pocket: "Have you taken it today?"

Qi Boyan reluctantly said: "No."

Li Feng brought water and waited for Qi Boyan to finish eating before letting him

The schedule for the next few days was very intensive. I heard that Jie Zhang had
even quarreled with the high-level team about the schedule, but there was no way.
Who told Qi Boyan to sign the bet.

Li Feng's phone shook, and came to WeChat. It was Xiao Xu who hadn't contacted
him for a while.

He smiled silently: "My kid, what's the matter?"

Xiaoxu: "Call me kid again and I will jump up and blow your head. Give me the
room number."

Qi Boyan moved on the chair and let out a dull breathing sound. Li Feng turned
around and said, "Can't sleep? Would you like to take some medicine?"

Qi Boyan closed his eyes and said, "How long can I return to city c?"
Li Feng: "Three days."

Qi Boyan didn't speak anymore, his whole body exuded a low level that was
visible to the naked eye.

This state remained until Qi Boyan opened the door of the room. The room was
very bright and the curtains opened wide.

Qi Boyan frowned and said to Li Feng: "Didn't you tell the front desk not to see
the light in my room?"

At this time, a voice came: "Don't like light?"

Ji Wang walked out of the room, wearing a white shirt, with his cuffs rolled up,
revealing his well-knotted wrists. There was water on his hands. They were just
washed hands after cooking.

I borrowed the hotel’s kitchen and simply made a bowl of preserved egg and lean
meat porridge. Because Li Feng said that Qi Boyan had a bad appetite, he didn’t eat
much yesterday.

Qi Boyan stood upright on the spot, his face was astonished, as if he hadn't
woken up yet.

Standing in the light, Ji Wang smiled and stepped forward: "Stupid?"

Before Qi Boyan spoke, Ji Wang gave his waist a strong hug, staggered a few
steps, and bumped into Ji Wang's chest.

The touch in the hand is clear, the smell is good, not a dream.

Ji Wang loosened him a little, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter
with this reaction, I thought..."
Before he finished speaking, he was kissed by Qi Boyan on the back of his neck,
ignoring that Li Feng was still there.

Xiaoxu came out with the porridge, and saw that his brother Wang was hugged
and gnawed, almost freaking out.

He put down the porridge, and just wanted to step forward to stop him, he was
held under his arm by the fascinating Li Feng, took it away, and escorted it into the
guest room.

Ji Wang pulled Qi Boyan's hair lightly, and barely found a little gap in the
passionate and delicate kiss: "Li Feng, they are all..."

Then he was kissed by Qi Boyan again, and pushed in. When he came back to his
senses, he was already on the sofa. Qi Boyan's hand was on his waist, and he passed
through the thin shirt. The high palm warmth hot on Ji Wang's body.

The enthusiasm at the beginning of the kiss has become full of intentions. Ji Wang
finally stepped back, raising his hand to cover Qi Boyan's mouth.

Qi Boyan kissed his fingers stickyly: "Brother, I want to do it."

Be a fart, there are other people in the room, Ji Wang's first thought was this,
and soon he realized that he had fallen with Qi Boyan.

This doesn't mean that if there is no other person in the room, he really intends
to sleep with Qi Boyan.

They are still in the pursuing stage, and Ji Wang, who strictly abides by the
boundaries, firmly pushed away Qi Boyan's face: "Sit down, I will leave after rubbing

Qi Boyan frowned and sat up aggrievedly, looking at Ji Wang again and again, as
if Ji Wang had bullied him.
Ji Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Drink porridge."

Qi Boyan brought the porridge over and stared at Ji Wang as he drank it, as if Ji
Wang was his congee, he would have an appetite after a few more glances.

A noisy sound came from the room, it was Xiao Xu who was cursing, and he was
quickly muted again, and could only make a muffled noise.

Ji Wangyang said: "Li Feng, let the child go, it's okay outside, you can come out."

After a while, Xiao Xu came out, with an embarrassing red on his face. He didn't
even look at Li Feng. He looked like he was annoying the other party and just
wanted to stay away.

Li Feng looked a little apologetic.

However, after a period of contact, Ji Wang has understood that Li Feng's

character is, sorry, sorry, next time I dare.

When the two assistants left wittily, when the room closed, Qi Boyan sat over,
and Ji Wang touched his head: "Has the place where Xia Changyang was torn off
last time?"

Qi Boyan didn't care much and said, "It should be all right."

Ji Wang looked through Qi Boyan's hair carefully and saw that the wound had
been scabs off, but the hair hadn't grown out yet.

"Will this piece be too long?" Ji Wang said to himself.

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan who heard this was like a bolt from the blue: "I'm bald?!"

Ji Wang quickly said: "No, how is it possible!"

Qi Bo said: "Damn Xia Changyang!" He gritted his teeth, then fell aggrievedly in
Ji Wang's arms: "Brother hug."

Although he didn't understand the connection between baldness and hugs, Ji

Wang still generously gave Qi Boyan enough physical contact.

Qi Boyan said quietly: "You and Xia Changyang have known each other before.
When I saw you were recording, their expressions were not quite right."

Ji Wang told the truth: "It's not an acquaintance."

They really don't know each other, their social circle only overlaps with Xizhen.

Qi Boyan narrowed his eyes suspiciously: "Really... Xia Changyang is not a good
thing. If you meet him next time, remember to stay away from him."

Ji Wang mumbled perfunctorily: "Aren't you sleepy? I'll sleep with you for a

Li Feng said that Qi Boyan only slept for less than three hours yesterday.

Qi Boyan curled his eyebrows and said: "You don't want to talk to me when you
come to see me?"

What is unreasonable harassment? This is unreasonable harassment. Didn't Qi

Boyan say to buy first-class cabin and let him come to sleep with him?

Although Ji Wang was not in first-class class this time, he was in economy class
at his own expense. He spent two hours waiting for the flight and three hours flying.
All day was spent here.

Qi Boyan said he could not sleep or sleep, and finally fell asleep with his arms
around Ji Wang's waist obediently.
He looked good when he slept, Ji Wang didn't sleep much, just stayed with him
in silence and looked at him.

He couldn't stay with him for too long, he was going back that day, and he had
to go to the company for a meeting tomorrow, so I couldn't let Sister Hong know
that he had left city c.

When getting out of bed, Qi Boyan moved uncomfortably, Ji Wang quickly put a
pillow into Qi Boyan's arms.

Qi Boyan hugged the pillow with a smile on his face, not knowing what good
dreams he had.

Ji Wang removed the necklace from his neck, and the two rings slid down the
silver chain and fell into Ji Wang's palm.

After gently putting it on the sleeping person, he left a note for Qi Boyan.

In case the other party couldn't see it, I used a sticky note and stuck it on the back
of Qi Boyan's hand.

1. Do not post in Moments.

Second, no Weibo is allowed.

Three, don't show off with others.

In case of violation, the reward will be withdrawn.

Ji Wang didn't arrive in C city until 10 o'clock in the evening in Beijing. The mobile
phone that had just touched the flight mode instantly popped up a lot of
information prompts, all from Qi Boyan.
He walked and watched, there was Qi Boyan's self-portrait, Qi Boyan's acting like
a baby, and the other party's sassy sentence: "I'm still pursuing you, you're going
to wear a ring for me, okay." "

"Brother, Li Feng saw the ring by himself, I didn't show it off on purpose."

"It's so annoying, I want to post on Weibo, can I post on Weibo, you will
confiscate other rings, I have a lot of rings here."

"I want to take my brother with me. If I miss you, I can take it out and kiss him."

"Brother, I love you, I love you, and I love you."

After reading these nasty words, Ji Wang only replied one of them: "You can't
post on Weibo."

Qi Boyan answered quickly, as if waiting for Ji Wang's news, he sent a rabbit

crying expression.

Ji Wang retracted the phone with a smile, and saw Xiao Xuhun in front of him not
staying at his home, almost being caught by the elevator door.

"What's wrong? It feels like you haven't spoken on the plane?" Ji Wang asked.

Xiao Xu was still wandering, and was startled by Ji Wang's voice: "What?"

Ji Wang: "I ask..."

"Kiss?! What kiss?! That's not a kiss! My tongue didn't touch!" Xiaoxu retorted

Ji Wang said thoughtfully: "Oh, you kissed someone."

Xiaoxu suddenly blushed, "No, it's all an accident, brother, I like girls, omega girls,
beta girls, I don't have any feelings for boys at all!"
"Really?" Ji Wang said: "The person who kisses is still a man."

The more the explanation, the worse, Xiaoxu's own guilty conscience, self-
confidence, all the secrets were shaken out, or actively exposed.

Ji Wang looked at Xiaoxu for a while, and suddenly said helplessly: "Xiaoxu, next
time you want to keep things secret, don't take the initiative to say it, even if
someone else asks you about it, just pretend to be stupid. ."

"Look, I guess who you kissed now." The big boy in front of him, who has been
with himself for several years, is so innocent.

Ji Wang knew that because Xiao Xu was in front of him, he relaxed and revealed
his true appearance. The harsh and mature side is directed at outsiders.

Xiaoxu doesn't know how to lie. He has been very good at playing the company
for him over the years.

This time following him to find Qi Boyan, he was not in the scope of his duties,
but was worried about what he was doing again by Qi Boyan, because he still didn't
know the exact relationship between him and Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang faced Xiao Xu who was flushed: "Li Feng bullied you?"

Regardless of whether this person is Qi Boyan's assistant, if he is really bullied, Ji

Wang must help Xiaoxu get justice.

Xiaoxu panicked and shook his head: "No, it was an accident. Moreover, Li Feng
reacted more than me and wiped his mouth a few times." As he said, Xiaoxu
became unwilling: "It's like he was taken advantage of by me. What!"

Ji Wang smiled and rubbed Xiao Xu's head: "Okay, next time you stay away from
him. I will also tell Bo Yan to tell Li Feng not to drag you into the small room all the
"What dragged it into the small room, it feels a bit strange... By the way, brother
Wang, are you and Teacher Qi together now?" Xiao Xu asked softly.

"Well, I have already been together." Ji Wang said, "but he said he wanted to
chase me, and he looked very cute when he worked hard and didn't want to

Xiaoxu's face was already red, but seeing Ji Wang's smile made his face even
more red. After his brother fell in love, the hormones multiplied, making people
dizzy with a smile and glowing handsome.

He covered his eyes: "Don't, brother, keep the charm on the camera, I promise
not to bend!"

Ji Wang smiled and scolded him for nonsense, then turned his head and flipped
his cell phone. Ji Wang’s mobile phone had a privacy screen attached, and it looked
dark from the side. When Ji Wang clicked on his mobile phone, he suddenly took a

It looked like a headache, and he sighed heavily.

Xiaoxu didn't know what happened, but Weibo paid special attention to push a
new Weibo. Xiaoxu clicked in and took a look. Qi Boyan posted a photo with the
word good night attached to the text.

The yellow convenience sticker on the photo is folded into a love heart, and the
traces of the pen on the back can be vaguely seen. Under the suppression of the
pixels, the first two characters can barely be seen.

There were over 10,000 comments in an instant, and fans responded in

succession below.
Don't let this person show off the ring, but show off the note ingeniously, right?
Ji Wang clicked on WeChat and posted a screenshot of Weibo with a punctuation

Qi Boyan is quite righteous: I didn't show my ring, do you want to confiscate the
small note?

In the end, of course, I followed Qi Boyan. Otherwise, what else can I do?

Stop frightening him, Ji Wang is already thankful.

But that night, Ji Wang also posted a circle of friends. There was no picture, and
only one sentence, good night.

On the weekend, the crew of "On the Road" got together again. When Qi Boyan
got out of the car, there was a pleasant smile on his face, and his condition looked
better than in previous episodes.

This time it was his turn to be the first to be at the shooting location, and he was
no longer the one who was late.

The second one was Duan Yinyu, Qi Boyan chatted with him indoors for a while,
seemingly inadvertently, he raised his hand to lift his hair, Duan Yinyu was flashed
by his hand.

Duan Yinyu: "...has it been popular to wear so many rings recently?"

I saw that all of Qi Boyan's five fingers were wearing rings, only the ring finger
was relatively simple, and the others were brand rings with small diamonds.

This is how many endorsements I have eaten in one breath, so hard.

Duan Yinyu was a bit envious and jealous: "If you can get off the ground in a
while, you must take off your ring."
Qi Bo said, "Does it look good?"

He stretched out in front of Duan Yinyu, his fingers were almost poking Duan
Yinyu's face, and Duan Yinyu hurriedly said: "It's so beautiful, very shiny, and

However, Qi Boyan didn't seem to be very satisfied after hearing his praise. As if
silently questioning Duan Yinyu's taste, he didn't find the best looking one.

After each guest arrived at the scene, Qi Boyan's luxurious right hand flashed his
eyes. Until Ji Wang came, Qi Boyan finally stopped repeating the action of wiping
his hair, and seriously asked the director: "Is there any hard work today?"

Director Jiang was also quite afraid that Qi Boyan would toss the ring away during
the shooting: "Yes, you have to go to the sea, you should take the ring off."

Ji Wang stood beside Qi Boyan and didn't speak, but took a deep breath when he
saw Qi Boyan's hand.

After Qi Boyan took off the ring, he told Li Feng to guard against the little assistant
next to Ji Wang. What if Ji Wang asked the little assistant to come over and grab
the ring.

Li Feng thoughtfully said: "I don't think so, Xiaoxu avoided me all the way today
and won't deliberately lean over."

Qi Boyan said: "You have offended him, don't bully the assistant, my brother will
be angry with me."

Li Feng: "Don't worry, Master Qi, I know it in my heart."

The theme of this issue is to protect the ocean. In addition to removing trash
from the beach, we also need to learn about seafood and introduce endangered
animals that may be confused and prey to the audience.
In order to protect the ocean, the program team will obligate the guests not to
apply sunscreen that is harmful to the ocean in some projects going to the ocean.

If you want to go into the sea, try to wear a diving suit, swimming cap and

The program team also arranged a project. Due to garbage pollution in the sea
near here, there are a lot of garbage that is harmful to marine life on the seabed.

Guests can try their best to clean up when diving.

One piece in the nautical mile is equal to four pieces on the shore.

Only when the guests have collected ten bins of rubbish can everyone get a good

The rules were clear and simple, so the guests were divided into three groups
again, one group who had passed the diving certificate went to the sea, and the
other group was picking up rubbish on the shore.

Of course, the two people with diving licenses, Ji Wang and Qi Boyan, were all
assigned to the sea group. Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan's glowing white skin in the
sun: "Are you going to get sunburned? Or stay on the shore."

Qi Boyan was finally able to team up with his brother, and no one wanted to
separate them.

"It doesn't matter, black spots are masculine." Qi Boyan put his hand on Ji Wang's
arm: "The skin color like Brother Wang is what I like."

Ji Wang glanced at Qi Boyan silently and warning, Qi Boyan silently retracted his
hand, like a warned dog, clamping his tail.

After Qi Boyan put on the equipment, he said to the camera: "Actually, I have
forgotten how to dive. I hope Teacher Ji can take me with him later."
After speaking, Qi Boyan turned his head and said, "Teacher Ji, can you?"

Ji Wang was a bit speechless. He had already passed the diving certification, and
he pretended not to know anything: "Then you have to be behaved in a while."

Qi Boyan said innocently: "I've always been pretty good."

The place to go to sea needs to be driven in a small boat for a while, and there
are divers and photographers from a special salvage team to follow them.

Ji Wang went into the water first, and Qi Boyan, who was still sitting beside the
boat stepping on the water, stretched out his hand and motioned to the other party
to grab him.

The diving goggles pressed half of Qi Boyan's face, but couldn't suppress the
smile on his lips. Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's hand, and went into the sea with a plop,
and then choked on the bitter sea because the posture of the launch was too fierce.

The nineteen-year-old Qi Boyan is most afraid of hardship and hardest to bear.

It was just a small cold back then, and Qi Boyan could fight guerrilla warfare with
Ji Wang, saying that he never took medicine and didn't take much medicine since
he was a child, and he has not survived it.

While speaking stubbornly, his throat became dumb after coughing, which made
Ji Wang feel distressed.

Qi Boyan not only didn't eat, but also wrapped himself in a quilt in an attempt to
use it as a protective shell.

Finally, Ji Wang forcibly peeled off the quilt and filled it with medicine, expressing
he was very unhappy. It's better to be kissed, Qi Boyan said naively, after the kiss,
Ji Wang suffered with him.
Qi Boyan, who was choking on water now, just coughed a few times without
much reaction.

Ji Wang said, "Isn't it bitter?"

Qi Bo said: "It's okay."

Ji Wang glanced at Qi Boyan suspiciously, and then realized that this was being
recorded by the show crew, and it was impossible to say that Qi Boyan's person
was set in front of the fans.

Didn't the fans still call him Master Qi, who is just a coquettish.
The undersea world is very magical. In addition to the trash that can be cleaned,
many weird things can be found. Ji Wang even picked up a few mobile phones,
probably someone who came here to swim. He put it on his body in a waterproof
bag, but accidentally. Missing.

In addition, there is a string of pearl necklaces and ancient coins, which are like
treasure hunting, which is very interesting.

However, mobile phones are considered hazardous garbage, and the batteries
inside can cause serious pollution to the sea.

Just like sunscreen can cause coral bleaching, the impact is in all aspects, and it
evolves into a vicious circle.

What they can do and what they are doing is to talk to the audience about the
seriousness of ocean pollution. Enhancing everyone's awareness of environmental
protection is not only for nature, but also for human beings.

At this time, Qi Boyan swam next to him, trying to grab his hand.

Everyone can't speak under the water, and can only use their body movements
to express their meaning.
Ji Wang thought there was something wrong with Qi Boyan, so he stretched out
his hand cooperatively.

Then he saw Qi Boyan holding a ring and putting it on his hand.

Ji Wang was taken aback and didn't dare to pull his hand back immediately,
fearing that the ring would fall into the sea and would never be found again.

The photographers around also recorded the scene honestly with underwater
cameras. Qi Boyan didn't finish wearing the ring, and put an abandoned watch on
Ji Wang’s hand, just like dressing up for Ji Wang, and found something good.
Hanging on Ji Wang's body.

This also made him wear the ring at first, not so abrupt.

After being in the water for nearly five hours, when the two people came ashore,
they were free from the buoyancy of the water, and the soreness in the muscles
became very clear.

Ji Wang sat on the bow and removed his diving goggles. He must be unsightly
now. There is a high probability that the red marks around his eye sockets are
pressed by the swimming goggles.

He looked at the ring on his ring finger that was too suitable and looked new. He
knew that it was different from the other objects Qi Boyan hung on him. It was not
fished out of the sea, but it was given to him by Qi Boyan. His ring.

Qi Boyan also emerged out of the sea, and was pulled up by the staff. He took off
his swimming cap and dangling his wet hair: "Brother Wang, if the program team
doesn't give us food, we will take these What about selling things, five to five cents
for the money?"
Ji Wang knew that Qi Boyan was only doing show effects, but he still curled up
his right hand subconsciously, as if he was really afraid that Qi Boyan would sell the
ring on his hand.

When Qi Boyan saw this, he smiled suddenly, his skin was stained with water,
and his wet skin reflected the light, so beautiful that Ji Wang wanted to kiss him on
the cheek.

Xi Tzu appears in the eyes of the lover. If the target is originally Xi Tzu, then in the
eyes of the lover, it must look good.

No one can understand the throbbing at this moment better than Ji Wang. He
can only avoid his sight and look at the sparkling sea, afraid that his eyes will reveal
his fascination with Qi Boyan.

Returning from the beach, the other three people on the shore also collected a
lot. Everyone was finally able to sit down and eat the meal given by the show group.
Although the show group was more cruel when calling the guests, it was really
generous in terms of food.

A table of seafood feast, large lobsters, crabs, abalones and scallops. The guests
were all hungry, and they all ate and chatted, talking about interesting things that
happened just now.

After all, it's a variety show, so everyone can't just eat it and let the audience
watch them eat. If you don't say a word, the scene will be very boring.

Duan Yinyu was next to Ji Wang, and suddenly screamed: "Why do you have more
rings in your hand."

Ji Wang didn't expect Duan Yinyu to have such sharp eyes and good memory, so
he immediately found him with an extra ring.

"Bo Yan fished in the sea." Ji Wang explained.

He had changed the ring finger ring to the middle finger just now. It was a bit
tight, but it didn't get in the way.

Duan Yinyu curiously asked, "Why is that in your hands?"

Qi Boyan said, "Because I have enough rings."

Everyone remembered that when he came over today, Qi Boyan's five fingers
looked like rings, and couldn't help but laugh.

Duan Yinyu distinguished the ring carefully: "It looks a bit of a sense of age."

Ji Wang didn't study the ring and raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?"

Duan Yinyu clicked on the letters on the ring: "This is a limited edition of the LW
family for 14 years. It is known as the true love ring. At that time, the price was
fired into a sky-high price."

"But after so many years, now this limited ring is very difficult to find on the
market. It's very interesting, I don't know who the owner of this ring is, and what
kind of romantic stories have happened." Duan Yinyu said.

What Duan Yinyu remembered: "By the way, the inner ring of the ring should be
engraved. This kind of limited edition generally provides engraving services for

Ji Wang was sweating down at the time, and he was afraid that the ring would
be taken off, and the two letters jw were engraved on the inner ring.

Just when Ji Wang didn't know what to do, Qi Boyan took the initiative to speak
with Duan Yinyu to bring the topic away.

I don't know if the others in the room have seen anything. Afterwards, every time
Duan Yinyu wants to ask about the ring in Ji Wang's hand, he will often be averted
by others.
In the afternoon, everyone played a small game indoors. The pictures provided
by the director were used to identify the endangered animals.

After several rounds of games, Zheng Qihong said that it is not difficult to recite
the lines.

After the game, Director Jiang suddenly said to them that they can take a break
after participating in the last session. Today, the first issue of "On the Road" was
launched on the platform. Guests can watch it here, and they will truly record
everyone's watching. Response.

This is Ji Wang's first variety show. Whether he has played well or not, in fact, he
has no bottom in his heart and can't help but feel a little nervous.

The people in the program group brought in screens and projectors, and
arranged for them a warm viewing environment.

As the staff went in and out of the arrangement, he felt another person's hand
on the back of his hand, casually and mischievously, and briskly pressed a piece of
music on the back of his hand, as if the back of his hand was a piano. .

All five of them were behind the rectangular table. Zheng Qihong was wearing a
skirt, so the square table was covered with a tablecloth, and there was a small
blanket on her lap.

The camera couldn't take pictures of them under the table, and Qi Boyan was
sitting on his left hand, who was also the one who unscrupulously touched his hand.

Qi Boyan's fingers slid ambiguously along his joints, and then came to his finger
joints, and pushed his fingers in with slight force. The movements were not pure,
and they were not just pure contact.
Because very quickly, Qi Boyan's finger was pulled out and pushed in again,
squeezing the flesh between his fingers back and forth, which fully explained the
subtext hidden in this touch.

With several cameras, even with people all around, Ji Wang clamped his fingers,
but couldn't stop Qi Boyan's strong penetration. Finally, his fingertips reached his
palm, and he hooked up gently, numb. Itchy.

Ji Wang couldn't help but look at Qi Boyan, warning with his eyes, can this person
not converge? !

Flicking fingers in his palm again indicated that Qi Boyan didn't want to constrain
at all.

Ji Wang had no choice but to raise his hand, and put his fingers on the table. Duan
Yinyu finally remembered about the ring and took his hand casually: "I almost

It was time for a break at this time, and Duan Yinyu's movements were relatively
casual. Without any evasiveness, he took off Ji Wang's ring and looked towards the
inner ring.

Ji Wangxin almost stopped beating, but he didn't see any surprised expression
on Duan Yinyu's face. The other party even said directly: "jby?"

jby? Not jw? Ji Wang's heart sank. This was really what Qi Boyan was looking for
in the sea. He would be wrong, thinking that this was a ring that Qi Boyan gave him

Before Ji Wang's face showed disappointment, Duan Yinyu wanted to put the
ring on his own hand.

As soon as Duan Yinyu was about to put it on, Qi Boyan took the ring in his hand.
Qi Boyan pretended to be petty and said: "This is my personal property. Next
time the program team won't provide food, I will sell it."

Duan Yinyu cooperated and said: "I knew I was going to sea too, maybe I'm all
rich now."

After Qi Boyan took back the ring, he didn't return it to Ji Wang, as if he was angry
that Ji Wang was robbed of the ring so casually.

Ji Wang felt a little bit irritated, what was so angry, it wasn't the ring for him, it
didn't make any sense.

The staff arranged the projection, and the first variety show was broadcast. The
combination of editing and bgm is still a bit embarrassing between the guests in
the first period, but it is not completely lacking in laughter.

However, Ji Wang found that when he and Qi Boyan were in the same frame, he
looked really embarrassed.

The two people didn't talk very much, seeing that the relationship was not good.

It turns out that the emotions are so obvious in the camera, as if every look in
the eyes reveals evidence that the two parties are not close.

So that in the late archery competition, it looks like two alphas are facing each

Although the program team also edited the warm shots of him and Qi Boyan, it
was obviously not enough. Ji Wang could imagine how many Qi Boyan fans pinched
him after the show was broadcast.

After watching the first issue of "On the Road", today's filming is over. Guests can
go to rest individually and choose the room they like.
Ji Wang didn't care much about the sleeping environment. After the other guests
had finished the selection, he left the room for him.

After assigning the bedroom, Ji Wang changed clothes in the room. As soon as
he took off his shirt, he heard the sound of the door being opened and closed.

A hand touched Ji Wang's chest from behind, but Ji Wang didn't move.

Qi Boyan was dissatisfied: "Aren't you worried about other people?"

Ji Wang grabbed his hair: "Who dares to come in so recklessly? Besides, your
pheromone is too strong today."

He turned around and touched Qi Boyan's pheromone suppression sticker: "Is

your susceptibility period coming soon."

The susceptible period is commonly known as the alpha estrus period, not as
fierce as the omega, but it should not be underestimated.

Qi Boyan squinted, enjoying the feeling of Ji Wang touching him: "I'm about to
arrive, and I have already asked the company for leave."

Ji Wang thought for a while, took out another suppression sticker from his
backpack and put it on Qi Boyan's neck.

After the double layer of restraint was pasted, the peach smell that was not
obvious was completely covered up.

Qi Bo said with joy: "Why, I'm afraid that my smell will radiate, so I will provoke

Ji Wang solemnly said: "Just in case."

Qi Boyan took out the ring from his pocket, but Ji Wang didn't answer it: "I don't
wear someone else's ring."
"Who said it was someone else?" Qi Boyan said.

Ji Wang glanced at the inner ring of the ring: "jby, this is not..." Wait...jby?

Suddenly, he realized something and looked at Qi Boyan with a bit of


Qi Boyan took his hand and pushed the ring on Ji Wang's ring finger again: "Ji
Boyan, does this name sound good?"

"How about I be your Mrs. Ji?"

Ji Wang was speechless for a while, Qi Boyan wrapped his arms around Ji Wang's
waist, his nose was trembling back and forth near Ji Wang's cervical glands, his eyes
were blurred with desire, and his voice was burnt muffled: "So brother, come and
help me through my susceptibility period."

"I am your Mrs. Ji, this is your obligation."

Qi Boyan's susceptibility period broke out early, when filming the guest special.

The guest of this issue is Zheng Qihong's old friend, Wang Chuan's actor. So the
filming location was in the film and television city, and it was originally arranged for
everyone to reproduce Wangchuan.

But no one expected that on the night of the filming in the studio, Qi Boyan's
susceptibility period had arrived earlier.

Although Qi Boyan has taken measures in advance, the susceptibility period this
time is obviously more serious than before.

Even the beta is a little bit uncomfortable to be suppressed by the alpha

pheromone, not to mention the other alphas in the crew, the blue veins on the
neck are coming out.
Fortunately, the protective measures in the omega on weekdays in the crew have
been done very well, no one is induced to start estrus, it is still a surprise.

Director Jiang immediately stopped the filming, dispersed everyone, and gave
everyone a day off.

The higher the quality of the alpha, the more obvious the symptoms of the
susceptible period, as if this is the price for them to obtain a better physique than

In fact, in general, normal people are not so tossed. In addition to solving the
susceptible period by physiological means, another way is to take medicine to pass
it. Drugs can at most alleviate the impulse by half, and you have to take the rest on
your own.

Many alphas will choose the former method, which is a sexual partner.

However, even if Qi Boyan's susceptibility period is more fierce than others, he

is still a public figure and has to maintain his image.

Therefore, he cannot let the outside world know where he goes during the
susceptible period.

After Qi Boyan was sent away, Ji Wang stayed in the hotel for a while. He waited
for the WeChat message sent by Li Feng before he left from the back door of the
hotel. After half an hour, fully armed, he finally came to the place arranged by the
company for Qi Boyan.

The villa halfway up the mountain has complete equipment to isolate

pheromone leakage, a security environment that prevents sneak shots and
tracking, and a house with items that Qi Boyan is familiar with.

There are things to replenish physical strength on the first floor of the villa, and
the preparations are really complete.
Ji Wang followed the stairs up to the second floor, Qi Boyan's clothes were
scattered on the ground.

At the door of a half-hidden room at the end of the corridor, the warm light was
ambiguously spilled on the carpet, and the tie reflected the satin light, lying outside
the door, like some kind of guidance.

The strong, turbulent alpha pheromone radiates out from the room if it has any

Like an invisible hand, grabbing Ji Wang's clothes, pulling his body, asking him to
take the initiative to step into the room trapped in the susceptible alpha.

Ji Wang silently stepped on the carpet until he came to the door. He bent down
and picked up the tie. At that moment, a pair of hot hands suddenly stretched out
from behind the door and strongly hugged Ji Wang's waist. .

As if the ribbon was a bait to lure prey, Qi Boyan captured his alpha.

Ji Wang was carried on his shoulders by Qi Boyan and strode onto the bed.
Although the alpha action during the susceptible period was rude, the action of
letting him down was somewhat restrained.

He fell into a pile of clothes, the styles were familiar, and even made Ji Wang feel
incredible. The clothes on the bed were all the costumes that Ji Wang wore in
playing the role these years.

All of them were once attached to Ji Wang's skin, soaked in Ji Wang's sweat and
pheromone, and finally washed and returned to the crew, but his clothes remained.

Qi Boyan only wore a bathrobe, red tide glowing from his collarbone to his chest,
and the pheromone was released publicly. He satisfactorily looked at Ji Wang falling
in these clothes. He had imagined this picture countless times before him. Finally
realized at this moment.
Ji Wang stretched his foot and stepped on Qi Boyan's lower abdomen, preventing
the opponent from trying to move forward.

He drew up a school uniform with his fingers, and even the name tag of his
character at the time was on his shirt. It was Xia Chengsong, the second male of the
show that made him hit.

Ji Wang shook the clothes and smiled: "Qi Boyan, are you a pervert?"

Qi Boyan's eyes fell deep and heavy on Ji Wang's neck, and when he found that
there was an omega protective ring there, his pupils shrank slightly: "Take it off."

Ji Wang followed his gaze, and touched his finger on the protective circle: "No, if
you bite, tomorrow the whole crew will know that it is me who will accompany you
through the susceptible period."

Qi Boyan was very anxious. He grabbed Ji Wang’s ankle and dragged the person
to him. The heat he exhaled almost condensed into a white mist, enduring instinct,
Qi Boyan murmured like aggrieved: " Brother, please."

Ji Wang sighed and unbuttoned his shirt: "Except for the neck, you can do
whatever you want."

As soon as the voice fell, he was thrown over by the hot alpha.


In Qi Boyan's loose bathrobe, the cost, which is too proud even in the alpha,
seems to be bigger and thicker than it was six years ago.

Alpha, with his hot desire, pressed his trousers against him as if he was greedy,
and only drenched the fabric on the back buttocks before pulling on Ji Wang’s
trousers vigorously, wishing to rip his trousers open. So that I can go directly in.
Ji Wang saw through Qi Boyan's thoughts. He grabbed Qi Boyan's hair and
ordered: "You can't come in directly."

Then he might not even be able to walk tomorrow.

Soon, he regretted making this request, and Qi Boyan was even more perverted
than he thought.

He had nothing but the student uniform, and there was a moist and loud sucking
sound from underneath. It was Qi Boyan who separated his legs and licked the
place where he was about to endure the desire.

This is too shameful. Even before, Qi Boyan has never done such a crazy thing.
The alpha in the susceptible period cannot be easily provoked.

This thought flashed through Ji Wang's mind, but it was too late.

Alpha raised his flushed face, his lips flushed, he licked the water stain on his lips,
and wanted to kiss Ji Wang.

Ji Wang pressed his mouth and turned his face away. Qi Boyan laughed in a low
voice: "Brother still dislikes his own water?"

"Shut up." Ji Wang tried to reprimand in a harsh tone, but the same voice full of
desire did not sound very convincing.

Ji Wang was turned over, Alpha's body was tightly pressed against his back, the
fiery, huge desire slapped his back, intensively teasing back and forth on the two
waists of his waist.

He slowly lowered his body, and he didn't have a false estrus, he didn't feel
annoyed by Qi Boyan's pheromone, and even... he even felt the reawakening
emotion deep in his body.
It wasn't until Qi Boyan tried to insert that Ji Wang could barely find some
consciousness. He pushed his hand back and only pressed Qi Boyan's solid lower
abdomen, and he muttered, "Condom."

Qi Boyan caught his hand: "I want to insert it, and I will cum inside. Until your
genital cavity is penetrated by my semen."

Ji Wang struggled to twist out of Qi Boyan: "No, it will be very uncomfortable to

get the genital cavity, don't..."

Alpha's genital cavity has no fertility function, but it still has it. It is hidden deep
and will be very uncomfortable when touched.

The next second, Ji Wang was inserted fiercely. He raised his neck and his entire
face including the end of his eyes was red.

Before he even exclaimed, his voice was smashed by the fierce sex. The alpha on
his body was like a beast that had been hungry for a long time, greedily and
frantically tasting his own delicacy, until the desire in his abdomen was slightly

Ji Wang was crushed under his body, violently torturing his most vulnerable
place. The back acupuncture point was repeatedly opened, the lower abdomen was
hit and numb, and he almost lost consciousness.

The buttocks were red, the nipple was pinched and rubbed, and kisses were

Qi Boyan held his earlobe, licked the end of his eyes, bit his chin, and muttered,
"Brother, brother!"

Finally, he had to occupy his groaning and gasping lips because of the excessively
strong pleasure.
Wrapping the tip of his tongue, licking his upper jaw, obscenely in and out of his
mouth, assaulting with his own tongue, just like pinning his acupuncture point, until
Ji Wang's whole body is touched, what should be touched, and what should not be
touched , Have been possessed by Qi Boyan until now.

The intercourse between alphas is full of animality, and there is almost no time
for relaxation. Soon after the injection, it became hard again, stirred the semen in
the body, and inserted it violently again.

Spurring the semen, Qi Boyan continued to push in forcefully. He broke Ji Wang's

buttocks and sent himself to the deepest place in a circle until Ji Wang's lower
abdomen showed his shape.

Ji Wang grasped the bed sheet, his body tensed and arched up, until his genital
cavity was hit hard, he opened his wet eyes, reached out his hand to clasp Qi
Boyan's neck, and warned in a mute voice: "No..."

The place was squeezed away forcefully, and the severe soreness caused Ji
Wang's hands to lose strength, and Qi Boyan caught him again and buckled his

I barely pulled it out, and pounded it again and again, until the semen was
smashed into the genital cavity from the depths, and gradually infiltrated. It was a
depth that could not be reached for cleaning, and any alpha would not be allowed
to be taken. Invasion site.

Ji Wang looked at the ceiling in a daze, Qi Boyan was fucked by Qi Boyan from
the inside out.

The smell of sweat and semen, the separated legs, and the flushing junction.

The strong peach scent combined with his pheromone, filled the whole room.
Everything is far from over, because Qi Boyan has come to an end. In his body, the
place that shouldn't be violated, uses animality and instinct to completely open Ji
Wang's body.
Ji Wang kicked his leg and struggled hard, but was suppressed even more
forcefully by Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan kissed him, kissed him, softly coaxing no one to believe: "It doesn't hurt,
it won't hurt for a while."

"Let your brother get into the knot for a while, so you won't be angry."

The words of the man on the bed are not credible, and Qi Boyan's so-called knot
is just to make Ji Wang knot in his own hands.

He pinched the place where Ji Wang's roots swelled, and while shooting in Ji
Wang's body, he said with pity: "Poor brother, it is destined to not make omega
pregnant. These can be mine, your ejaculate semen, your knot. It's all mine."

Qi Boyan withdrew from Ji Wang's body, and the sky had already revealed a faint

The person under him has already fainted, with tooth marks on his shoulders,
waist, and hips.

In the messy crotches, streams of semen flowed out from shivering.

Qi Boyan squinted dangerously and happily, and continued to stuff Ji Wang’s

body with his hands: “Don’t waste it, brother has to keep my things...Although
brother can’t get pregnant, who knows, brother Can you be pregnant after you get
it through?"

The author has something to say: "..." @池家的猫猫 The canteen is only open
for one day
The mints once launched a poll with the title of "What kind of situation do you want
to see the most in Qi Boyan".
If they can see that they are only wearing bathrobes, with their long hair casually
gathered on their right shoulders, and the joyful Qi Boyan remaining on their faces,
this option will definitely be ranked in the top three.

However, this is destined to be a landscape that only one person can see, but Ji
Wang, who is almost immobile on the bed, doesn't want to look at the beauty
standing on the bedside at all.

Qi Boyan came over with a bowl of porridge, frowning his eyebrows, but not
much apology in his eyes, and said softly, "Brother, have some porridge."

Ji Wang grabbed the sheet in front of him, moved his body, lowered his waist,
painful and unbearable.

He took a deep breath and said to the culprit: "Give me painkillers."

After all, Ji Wang is a strong and healthy alpha. After a whole night of spoiling, he
can barely sit up. He glanced at his chest and was silent for a while: "Take two more
band-aids, or I won't be able to wear clothes."

Qi Boyan's gaze was attracted by Ji Wang's chest, and he settled for a while,
obviously very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Ji Wang felt that gaze, and his voice sank: "Go ahead."

"Don't be angry, I'm going now." Qi Boyan put down the porridge, turned around
and took the medicine kit.

Ji Wang sat on the edge of the bed for a while, and when he stood up, his face
was dark because he felt...

When Qi Boyan returned, he found that his brother was no longer in bed.
With the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, Qi Boyan sharply noticed
that there were obvious dark marks on the gray foot blanket beside the bed, and
even a little dripping on the wooden floor.

He snorted regrettably, used a blanket to randomly settle the remnants on the

wooden floor, and then threw it into the washing machine.

After pressing to clean, Qi Boyan came to the bathroom door, the door was not
locked, and it opened with a light twist.

In the hazy water vapor, the histories that came into view looked at the back
washed by the hot water. There were tooth marks everywhere, bleeding, some
bruises, and traces of the conquest everywhere.

Under the wide shoulders is a handful of narrow waist. Ji Wang has a perfect
posture with strong and tight muscles. This is the reason why he can still stand up

But when he took a closer look, Ji Wang's thighs trembled slightly, which proved
that just standing like this was also very difficult for him.

When Ji Wang heard the door opening, he didn't look back. However, he can
guarantee that if Qi Boyan dared to come up to estrus, he would definitely get a

Fortunately, Qi Boyan was still acquainted. After putting down the bath towel,
he didn't do any extra work. He just said to Ji Wang, "Brother, do you need help?"

Ji Wang wiped the water off his face: "Need, solve it by yourself next time in the
susceptible period, don't pull me down."

Qi Boyan smiled slightly, but did not agree, but he left the bathroom with
sensibility, and obediently packed his things outside.
When Ji Wang came out of the shower, he found Qi Boyan was stacking up the
dirty costumes on the bed. He curled his eyebrows and said, "What are you doing?"

Qi Boyan kept moving in his hands: "Clean up the room."

Ji Wang had never seen Qi Boyan doing housework, but those clothes were
folded well. Ji Wang walked over and picked up one, still feeling a little moist in his
fingers: "Why do you fold it without washing it?"

Qi Boyan stared straight at the clothes in Ji Wang's hand, and asked with luck,
"Can you..."

Ji Wang didn't wait for him to finish: "No!"

Qi Bo said: "But..."

Ji Wang: "No but!"

Qi Boyan aggrieved: "It is instinct to build a nest with your partner's smell and
clothes during the susceptible period. After washing, there will be no pheromone
for you."

Ji Wang indifferently grabbed the clothes in Qi Boyan's hand and moved to the
laundry room.

Qi Boyan followed: "Brother, don't toss about your back pain, take a porridge and

When the washing machine was in use, Ji Wang moved his clothes back to the
bathroom and threw them into the bathtub, soaking them thoroughly.

Qi Boyan showed an expression of heartache, and didn't dare to stop, so he could

only watch silently beside him.
Ji Wang looked at those clothes, but his anger that had been tossed by Qi Boyan
all night disappeared.

In fact, there is always a hurdle in his heart that he can't get past, that is why Qi
Boyan hasn't come to him all these years.

Qi Boyan would tell him about his experience. At that time, Ji Wang was so
distressed that he couldn't sort out the loopholes in that rhetoric for a while.

Perhaps subconsciously, he didn't want to let himself think deeply.

But he was always puzzled, that's why Qi Boyan wanted to allow him to
misunderstand, not to explain to him, and even after meeting again, he never tried
to defend the things of the year, even if he was treated roughly and coldly.

It wasn't until the extreme that he finally revealed some of his past.

This is so unreasonable. Is it because you don't trust him? You think you won't
be forgiven by telling him these things?

There is still another concealment, or... the worst case is that Qi Boyan is lying.

Feeling uneasy, lingering.

Therefore, whether it is to buy Qi Boyan cohabitation supplies, or to give away

the ring six years ago, including tonight, accompany Qi Boyan through the
susceptible period, it is Ji Wang's solution to his anxiety.

It is to take practical actions to tie people to yourself.

Qi Boyan collected all of his costumes, tattooed the sheet of music with his name
hidden on his wrist, boldly and frankly saying miss, desperately pursuing, and this
14-year-old ring in his hand.

It turned out that he was not the only one who prepared the ring six years ago.
Qi Boyan said that he wanted to get married when he was eighteen, and that it
was him.

These are all factors that allow Ji Wang to regain his trust in Qi Boyan bit by bit.
This is the real opportunity for them to start again.

He finally believed Qi Boyan's rhetoric, not that he didn't care, but he didn't dare
to look for it.

It's not that I don't love, it's just that there are worries and fears.

I believe that Qi Boyan loves him no less than him.

Ji Wang looked at the drenched costumes, as if he could not forget Qi Boyan, Qi

Boyan had been watching him, so he collected all the costumes for each of his plays.

He turned his back to Qi Boyan: "You should hold me when you are susceptible,
rather than pity these clothes."

"So next time I am susceptible, my brother will accompany me?" Qi Boyan asked
in surprise.

Ji Wang did not deny it.

Qi Boyan suddenly stretched out his hand to hold him in his arms, with a lot of
force, he felt a little numb according to his soreness.

Gradually, even the earlobes on Ji Wang's cheeks became red.

He said all the nasty things in bed, but he always showed innocence in
unexpected places.

Contradictory and charming little lunatic.

Ji Wang bit Qi Boyan's earlobe and didn't dare to use too much force: "But next
time you have to take medicine, you can't make me half to death like this time."

Qi Boyan was short of breath, wondering if he remembered what happened last

night. Ji Wang soon determined that Qi Boyan had remembered it, because Qi
Boyan had resisted him.

Ji Wang pushed the person away a little disgustingly, changed into the clothes he
wore when he came, and glanced at the room before leaving.

Focus on the overturned sofa, the shifted dressing table, and the floor-to-ceiling
mirror full of fingerprints.

The bed with torn sheets is not to be seen. The headboard of the bed seems to
be knocked a little loosely, and there are marks on the wall.

Ji Wang looked at the endgame of the house, his cheeks flushed, and he was
sorry for the bedroom that was swept by a typhoon.

"Is this the house your company rented for you? You have to pay the owner for
the new furniture." Ji Wang estimated the amount and planned to pay half.

Qi Boyan raised the sofa and sat on it: "This is my property."

"How could I sleep with you in someone else's bed?" Qi Boyan was surprised as
if Ji Wang said something strange.

This makes Ji Wang feel a bit complicated. He is still struggling to pay off his
mortgage, and Qi Boyan has already unscrupulously engaged him in his property.

Ji Wang took the painkiller, and even put a pill plug in it, so that he could heal

These behaviors were all done in front of Qi Boyan, and ignored the other party's
hot eyes on him, and the behavior that he wanted to help.
When Ji Wang put on his pants and planned to leave without expression, Qi
Boyan reluctantly followed: "I'll go with you."

Ji Wang: "No."

Qi Boyan pursed his lips and looked at him with a complicated expression: "You
couldn't move when you first woke up. Are you all right now?"

The corners of Ji Wang's lips twitched, and he raised his hand to pinch Qi Boyan's
chin: "You know you want to record the show, and you are trying to keep me out
of bed?"

Qi Boyan's eyes were erratic: "No, it's all because of the susceptibility period, I
can't help it."

Ji Wang didn't let go of Qi Boyan's chin, but used even more energy: "Don't make
me angry, I still remember that you didn't use a condom, but you also deliberately
ended up last night."

Did not even clean up for him.

Qi Boyan was trained, and he slumped not to speak.

Ji Wang let go of his fingers, and soon reddish fingerprints appeared on Qi

Boyan's fair skin. He warned: "Don't come here, little bastard."

When Ji Wang came out of the villa, his back had been straightened, and there
was no trace of his exposed neck.

After Li Feng's worried gaze fell on him, he was taken aback for a moment, and
then turned into admiration.

Ji Wang said uncomfortably, "I'm going back to the hotel first, so let's go there
Xiaoxu drove over to pick him up. When Ji Wang got in the car, Xiaoxu's eyes fell
on him like a spotlight, scanning back and forth.

Ji Wang said awkwardly: "Don't look, concentrate on driving."

Xiaoxu made a sound and didn't start immediately, but tremblingly handed the
cushion on the co-driver's seat to Ji Wang.

The round sunflower with a small round hole in the middle is a small prop that
Xiao Xu thoughtfully prepared for Ji Wang.

Ji Wang didn't answer, he didn't know whether to maintain his dignity or accept

Seeing that he hadn't moved, Xiaoxu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He took
out a pack of supplements from his bag. On the red packing bag, Shiquanda Tonic
Soup was printed. With approving eyes, he said to Ji Wang: "Tired Come on, Brother
Wang, quickly drink a bag to replenish your body."

An earnest look, and Dese's tone.

Just before writing on his face, my brother Wang is awesome and did a great job.
Ji Wang didn't hesitate much, and took the Ten Complete Tonic. He really needed
a tonic. After drinking the bad-tasting tonic, Ji Wang lay down in the back seat to

He wasn't sure if he still had enough energy to deal with the shooting today, but
Qi Bo said it was too cruel.

When he returned to the hotel and confirmed that Xiaoxu had only started to
film yesterday's content at night, Ji Wang fell asleep peacefully. When he woke up,
he found that it was dark, and Xiaoxu didn't come to wake him up.
Moved, it felt as if someone was holding his arm around him, his warm arm was
around his arm, and his breath leaped shallowly on his shoulder.

The taste similar to prunus persi is in the room, it is the taste of Qi Boyan's
pheromone blending with him. Ji Wang immediately realized who the person in his
arms was.

Qi Boyan's voice murmured in the darkness: "Brother, are you awake?"

Ji Wang turned on the light, and Qi Boyan under the light closed his eyes tightly,
not adapting to the light, and opened his eyes after blinking a few times. The
eyelashes were warm and looked cute.

He endured it, but still did not hold it back, and kissed Qi Boyan's eyelashes. Qi
Boyan opened his eyes completely now, and put his arm around Ji Wang's neck,
making people kiss his mouth.

After being sticky for a while, Ji Wang finally broke away, and was going to check
the time with his mobile phone.

There were two mobile phones on the bedside table, Ji Wang picked up one
casually, and the alarm of that phone also rang. The alarm noted: Take medicine.

Take medicine?

Qi Boyan wanted to sleep with his brother's arm, but was slammed in front of
him with his mobile phone. Ji Wang asked him, "What medicine are you taking."

Thinking of the scene of taking medicine several times, Ji Wang paused: "It was
vitamins before, but stomach medicine last time, what about this time?"

Qi Boyan yawned and didn't care too much: "Suppressant, this alarm clock is
scheduled for susceptibility, so I forgot to turn it off."

He sat up from the quilt and had to kiss Ji Wang, but Ji Wang avoided it.
Qi Boyan's eyes darkened, forcibly pressed Ji Wang's chin, kissed his lips, and
said, "Don't hide from me, I don't like it."

Ji Wang frowned, thinking about something. He looked at Qi Boyan and slowly

said: "If you feel unwell, you must tell me, you can't hide it from me."

Qi Boyan pinched Ji Wang's cheek amusedly: "What is there to lie? I wish my

brother would love me heartily, thinking about me and loving me all day long."

After speaking, Qi Boyan lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He only wore a pair
of sports pants. His upper body was pale and strong, like a cold cast, not a healthy

He walked freely in Ji Wang's room, and took out Ji Wang's sweater from the
hotel closet, put it on his body, and sniffed the collar in front of Ji Wang: "I like it."

Ji Wang has taken offense to such an idiot's behavior. After putting a restraint
sticker on himself, he called Qi Boyan over.

Qi Boyan walked over and squatted in front of him, showing the back of his neck

Just when Ji Wang concentrated on putting restraint stickers on Qi Boyan, Qi

Boyan suddenly said, "Do you want to mark me?"

He raised his eyelashes, expecting: "You haven't marked me yet."

"It's not that you don't know, the mark between alpha is useless." Ji Wang said

Somehow, Qi Boyan became angry.

Ji Wang didn't coax him, but first chose a variety show for a while, and went to
the bathroom to make a hairstyle.
When he took care of himself and came out, Qi Boyan's face was completely
black: "It's useless for the alpha mark, but it's useful for oemga, right?"

Ji Wang didn't understand why Qi Boyan suddenly found faults. Physically

speaking, this sentence was also correct.

"Do you want me to tag you?" Ji Wang had to follow Qi Boyan's brain circuit.

I didn't know that Qi Boyan said, "No need." He said that, but his face was always
covered with clouds.

Ji Wang tried to understand why Qi Boyan was angry: "The mark only exists
between alpha and omega. For me, my mark has been given to you, and it is
impossible to give it to other omegas."

Qi Boyan's expression gradually eased with his words: "When did you mark me?"

Ji Wang raised his hand and clicked on the ring on his ring finger: "This is the mark
I gave you."

"The mark that will not disappear." Ji Wang said: "And why do you keep
mentioning other omegas, do you have suspicious husband?"

"Since you have investigated who I have passed by over the years, then you
should know that I have always been alone, not with anyone else."

With that said, Ji Wang picked up the phone and sent a message to Li Feng, asking
him to bring over the clothes that Qi Boyan wanted to wear on the variety show.

Qi Boyan can set off directly after finishing the arrangement here.

Qi Boyan said seriously: "You liked me as an omega at first."

"I ruined the life you originally wanted to have, the life of a normal person. You
also are disgusting and deceived that you are an omega." In the second
half, Qi Bo's tone became heavy, and it was obviously him. Things I care about very

The memory of those quarrels swept over six years ago, and Ji Wang remembers
it clearly.

He had said that Qi Boyan was disgusting, was a monster who didn't understand
love, and deceived him to be an omega, without a word of truth in his mouth.

It was Qi Boyan who did the wrong thing, but it was him who said the wrong

It should be clear that Qi Boyan has already explained the past, so he has to
confess his thoughts.

"Yes, at first I knew that you weren't an omega. I felt very uncomfortable, but I
never thought about breaking up because of this."

"I just don't like to be deceived, especially the one I love."

"Even now, it's annoying."

Ji Wang approached Qi Boyan step by step: "But something you said was wrong.
It doesn't matter whether you are alpha, beta, or omega at the beginning, it makes
no difference to me. Because I will still like you, regardless of you. What gender is

He held Qi Boyan's face: "Don't think about solving everything by yourself. No

matter what happens, let's face it together."

"Just like before, you were afraid that your brother would hurt me and wanted
to protect me, but we broke up."
"Since we are going to be together again, the previous way of getting along must

Qi Boyan looked at him deeply, with trembling lips, as if he wanted to say

something. At this moment, the door of the room was knocked, and it should be Li

He wanted to open the door, suddenly stopped, turned and walked in front of Qi
Boyan, reached out his hand to grab the opponent's hair, tore off the restraint
paste that had just been applied, and bit against the back of his neck.

Pheromone entered the wound from the canine tooth and quickly invaded Qi
Boyan's blood. The pheromone blended briefly, making people dizzy.

Ji Wang only released a little pheromone, and he didn't expect to trigger Qi

Boyan's false estrus.

Perhaps for Qi Boyan, the mark is a sense of security, so Ji Wang will give him
such a sense of security.

He didn't want to be unhappy.

Licking off the peachy blood, Ji Wang's cheeks were flushed from Qi Boyan's
pheromone. He put on the restraint sticker again and gasped gently, "Does it hurt?"

Qi Boyan suddenly stretched out his arm around his waist and buried his face in
his arms: "It doesn't hurt."

Ji Wang patted Alpha's head: "I'm going to open the door, Li Feng is here."

Qi Boyan said dullly: "Let him go, I want to hold you for a while."

Ji Wang couldn't help but smile and said, "What are you acting like, the show
crew has been delayed for a day, you are an artist, and you are responsible to
Qi Boyan let go of Ji Wang sullenly, and said in a low voice, "I see, let them in."

Outside the door, not only Li Feng, but also the makeup artist and assistant
makeup artist he brought with him. Li Feng motioned with his eyes and asked him
if he could let outsiders in. It was as careful as a hair.

A man ran in the corridor, Xiao Xu holding a suit of clothes, and seeing a bunch
of people standing at the door of Ji Wang's room, he stopped the car blankly:
"What's the matter?"

Thinking of Qi Boyan appearing in his bed unconsciously, Xiao Xu still didn't know
what was going on, which made Ji Wang feel a headache.

Ji Wang turned his body sideways: "You can go in first."

Xiao Xu was stunned: "Brother Wang, is Qi Boyan inside?"

So how did Qi Boyan get in? Li Feng asked the makeup artist to go in, and the
assistant entered the room with the mobile hanger full of clothes.

Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu: "You didn't let him in?"

Xiaoxu quickly said: "I didn't! Li Feng mentioned it, but I didn't agree. I want to
let you rest..."

At this time, Li Feng awkwardly took out a room card from his pocket and stuffed
it into Xiao Xu's jacket pocket.

Xiaoxu's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Li Feng angrily.

Ji Wang wanted to say forget it. Anyway, it was Qi Boyan who came in. It didn't
matter, so he listened to Xiaoxu's grievances: "How can you steal my things! I
believe you so much!"
Li Feng explained: "I didn't steal it. You fell into my room. I just didn't pay you
back in time."

However, Xiaoxu sulked and stopped talking to Li Feng. He turned his head and
saw that Ji Wang had changed his clothes, and said in a low mood: "Brother Wang,
I got the sponsor's clothes. Do you want to change it?" ?"

Ji Wang took the clothes in his hand: "Thank you."

He turned around and planned to go to the guest bedroom to change his clothes.
Yu Guangli caught Li Feng's arm and was thrown away by Xiao Xu.

Xiaoxu looked soft, but he would actually explode, but even if he was angry, his
temper came and went quickly. Thinking about the misunderstanding between him
and Li Feng, he should be able to resolve it properly.

It's just... how did Xiao Xu's room card fall into Li Feng's room?

This thought just flashed through Ji Wang's head, and didn't care too much.

After getting dressed, Qi Boyan sat in the room and asked the makeup artist to
apply makeup to him. The assistant was doing Qi Boyan's hair.

With outsiders around, Ji Wang didn't dare to make any moves that were too

He was sitting on the sofa next to him, just like every husband waiting for his wife
to make up and go out, with nothing to do but to play on his mobile phone.

After a while, Qi Boyan's makeup was done. In fact, it was not much different
from his usual makeup. After all, beautiful women put on makeup very well, and
there is almost no need for touch-ups.

Qi Boyan said, "Brother Wang, come here."

Ji Wang walked over: "What's wrong, do you need something?"

Qi Boyan asked, "You don't wear makeup?"

In fact, Ji Wang has just put on a little bit in the bathroom. He doesn't like too
heavy makeup, but even thicker makeup will become very light under the camera.
It only serves to enhance the complexion.

Qi Boyan grabbed Ji Wang's wrist, pulled the person to his side, looked at it
carefully, and suddenly showed a subtle smile: "Is there something shortcoming?"

Before Ji Wang could answer, Qi Boyan raised his hand and rubbed his thumb
across his lower lip at will.

The thumb with the light-colored lipstick pressed Ji Wang's lips, leaving the color
wiped from his mouth on Ji Wang's lips.

Ji Wang was stunned. His lips were slightly numb. If you look closely, his lips are
actually a little swollen.

The kiss is swollen.

The people around avoided their eyes.

Only Qi Boyan was smiling: "Sure enough, it looks better like this."
After putting on makeup, the makeup artist took his assistant down. Ji Wang's lips
were still hot, and the fire that Qi Boyan lit on it made him feel anxious. He didn't
know whether to sip or lick it. In any case, he didn't dare to move in front of

To Qi Boyan, he was already unable to discipline him. This person's reckless

temper was not a matter of a day or two.
As soon as the makeup artist left, Ji Wang asked Li Feng: "Is that the queen of
your team?" The subtext is, is it yours? The kind that has signed a confidentiality

Li Feng said clearly: "Yes, Teacher Ji, don't worry."

Qi Boyan changed his position and squeezed onto the sofa where Ji Wang was
sitting. He wanted to sit next to others: "Brother, you are always so nervous, but
you want to cover it up. It's better to relax."

Ji Wang almost laughed angrily: "How to relax and be crazy with you?"

Qi Boyan didn't say a word, holding the phone, poking his finger quickly at the

It seems to have been like this since just now. I have been playing with the mobile
phone, as if there was something in it that attracted him particularly.

Ji Wang glanced at it, did not hold back, frowned and said, "What happened?"
The main Qi Boyan didn't use his mobile phone much.

Qi Bo said without raising his head: "A little thing, don't worry."

Ji Wang found that his screen was the homepage of Weibo, and his heart jumped
fiercely: "What are you doing?"

Li Feng seems to know what Qi Boyan is doing: "Teacher Ji, don't worry too much.
The company has recently changed Qi Ye's Weibo password. He can't log in

This bear kid is so bearish that the company is forced to make the best plan, and
even the number is confiscated.

Speaking of this, Qi Boyan and Ji Wang said: "Brother, this broken company
knows to bully me."
There was a lot of meaning in the words that made Ji Wang vent his anger.

Ji Wang nodded in agreement: "The company has done a good job, keep it going."

Qi Bo said: "..."

Ji Wang: "So you are logging into the trumpet?"

Li Feng added next to him: "Does Master Qi have a trumpet, or your support

When his assistant broke the news like this, Qi Boyan was not only not ashamed,
but also raised his chin slightly, as if waiting for Ji Wang to praise him.

Ji Wang didn't boast, he wanted to see what Qi Boyan was doing with his
trumpet. Qi Boyan lifted the phone directly, not letting him look at it: "Brother, we
still have to keep a little privacy between us."

Ji Wang had no choice but to say: "Don't quarrel with people on Weibo, even if
it's a trumpet, try not to."

Throughout the ages, how many celebrities have been smashed, it's a big deal.

As if being said to have been on his mind, Qi Boyan said unnaturally: "I didn't
quarrel, I just told the truth and reasoned."

Ji Wang ignored him, and it was normal to use a trumpet to decompress. He knew
a lot of artists, almost one of them.

Qi Boyan was not in the same car as him. Xiao Xu had been waiting in the car for
a long time, and when Ji looked over, he glumly reminded him of the precautions
for making up the shoot for a while.

Ji Wang asked him: "Have you quarreled with Li Feng?"

Xiaoxu reluctantly said: "No."

Ji Wang hummed, "Well, go and ask Li Feng and me, what is Qi Boyan's trumpet?"

"Huh?" Xiaoxu opened his mouth, unable to believe his brother Wang's request.

Ji Wang said, "Didn't you quarrel with Li Feng? You dare not talk to others?"

"Who wouldn't dare anymore." Xiaoxu said with anger, and succeeded in Ji
Wang's aggressive strategy, took out his mobile phone and pressed it.

This made Ji Wang breathe a sigh of relief, and it wouldn't be good if Xiaoxu and
Li Feng became stiff. Ji Wang still hopes that the two of them will have a better

After a while, Xiaoxu sent a screenshot to Ji Wang. The picture above was a photo
of Ji Wang when he first debuted. He was wearing a school uniform, with filters
added, and it was tender and tender, and his face was painted with a lovely pink
color. Little blush.

id: Xiao Qiqi from Ji Wang's family

Ji Wang: "..."

Xiaoxu is also very subtle, staring at this trumpet, and said with difficulty:
"Brother Wang, I know this number..."

Xiaoxu: "It's still one of the few live fans who will follow you since your debut."

Xiaoxu looked at Ji Wang in awe. Ji Wang looked a little hairy by him: "What's the

"Brother, how did you make the big star be so devoted to you?" Even Xiao Xu
had to admire Qi Boyan's endurance.
Xiaoxu also wants to learn two ways to fall in love. He has been single for so many

Ji Wang ignored him, and instead posted on Qi Boyan's trumpet Weibo.

The business is very good, with a lot of live fans and abundant materials. He dug
up Ji Wang's participation in various dramas and cut them into videos.

But that's the state of only fans in the early days.

Yesterday, the first issue on the road came out. It was a good fan, and it became
a cp fan.

Xiao Qiqi of Ji Wang's family just posted a video with superb editing skills, and he
and Ji Wang just cut out a big drama in the past and present life. If Ji Wang is not
the person involved, Ji Wang will be moved.

Also given the name cp, miracle love.

God fucking miracle.

After two thousand comments, when I clicked it on, it was all tearing.

Ji Wang's Xiao Qiqi, the subcutaneous master Qi Boyan single-handedly singled

out many fans, and sometimes even fought with the mint who heard the wind.

He didn't attack with words, but said some irritating truths.

Sometimes he deliberately tried yin and yang. His own archery skills were not
good, and his performance in the show was too delicate, making Mint half angry.

If Ji Wang didn't know that this was Qi Boyan's trumpet, he really thought he was
a young girl who had just left for summer vacation.
What did Qi Boyan do, and even scolded himself when he got crazy?

Ji Wang couldn't stand it anymore, he opened WeChat and took a screenshot of

Weibo: "Stop posting."

Qi Bo said: "?"

Qi Bo said: "Li Feng is a traitor."

Ji Wang thought that Qi Boyan knew, it turned out that Li Feng gave it under the

Ji Wang: "Don't talk about yourself, don't quarrel with fans."

Qi Boyan: "I didn't quarrel, I was telling the truth."

Ji Wang: "Don't post it, I don't like it."

This time, Qi Boyan didn't reply. When Ji Wang refreshed his Weibo, he found
that the cp video had been commented on, and the forwarding was increasing, but
Qi Boyan did not post it again.

After thinking about it, Ji Wang returned to him: "Be good."

Then cut back to the large size, Ji Wang rarely did impulsive things for a while. He
used a large size to pay attention to Ji Wang's Xiao Qiqi, and saw that it became a
sign of mutual relations, Ji Wang quit Weibo.

As for the many speculations and conspiracy theories triggered by this, Ji Wang
didn't bother to take care of it either.

When he came to the film and television city where the variety show was filmed,
Qi Boyan had arrived. He sat in a chair and waited for the other guests. He didn't
put down his phone, but laughed while watching.
Before the people in the recording team came to put on the microphones for
them, Ji Wang walked over and wanted to sit down with Qi Boyan. Xiao Xu quickly
moved Ji Wang's chair over.

When Qi Boyan saw Ji Wang, he bent his eyes and smiled: "Are you paying
attention to me?"

Ji Wang was so happy to see him: "Do you like it?"

Qi Bo said: "I'm so happy, is this the success of star chasing?"

Others can take this seriously, and let Qi Boyan say it. Qi Boyan has not only
succeeded in chasing the stars, he also put his stars to sleep.

Qi Boyan returned the phone to Li Feng and said, "Although my brother didn't
care about it, but you told me the trumpet without my consent, this month's salary
still has to be deducted."

As soon as Li Feng said this, Xiao Xu looked nervous and said, "Why?"

Li Feng glanced at Xiaoxu, then lowered his head and said, "Okay, Master Qi."

Xiaoxu's mouth opened and closed, but it was a matter between the artist and
the assistant. He couldn't even say anything. He could only look at Ji Wang with
help-seeking eyes, and wanted Ji Wang to say something.

Ji Wang gave a dry cough, and received the hint from his little assistant, and said
to Li Feng: "How much you deduct, report the number at that time, and I will give
you a red envelope."

When these words came out, Qi Boyan smiled helplessly: "No, how can there be
such a thing."

Ji Wang raised his eyebrows: "Why, you still want to pay me a red envelope. My
bank card shouldn't be turned in yet, right?"
If they continue to indulge their conversation, the scene will start to bubble up,
and the bitter master Li Feng came out and braked in time: "Master Qi, go and
check the process with Director Jiang."

"Forget River" is a classic old movie before, even if it is remade, it will definitely
not be able to surpass it, so Director Jiang did not want to reproduce the classic

But at any rate the male and female leaders of the year are here, and you can
shoot a serious one and a less serious one.

Variety shows, while paying tribute to the classics, they have to be stubborn.

Among the guests, there are three actors, and the other three sing and dance to
host Duoqi Development.

Still divided into two teams of pk, playing different scenes in Wangchuan.

The old movies in the past were very daring to shoot, and they were the works
of major directors, and the plot was quite exciting.

The main line is that in that turbulent era, Grandma Xu firmly carried the Xu
family, and even later made great contributions to the war of resistance. The
emotional line was the widow grandma of the Xu family and her childhood
sweetheart Mr. Song.

The two have never actually behaved deviantly. Director Chen is best at showing
pictures from details, and his relationship was hazy and lost by him.

The last two people's closest contact was nothing but a hug, a kiss on the

Grandma Xu did not remarry, and Mr. Song was unmarried all her life.
Zheng Qihong and the old actor Chen Qishan reproduce the classics, and Duan
Yinyu and their group are responsible for making soy sauce and acting as supporting

Zhang Muxian is the team leader today, so he will arrange the role assignments.

Three men, one beta and two alphas.

To be fair, Zhang Muxian said: "Let's draw lots. Whoever wins which role will play

Ji Wang originally thought that the big grandmother of the Xu family played by
Zheng Qihong felt that only Qi Boyan was suitable for her appearance.

I don't know if the paper is pulled out and opened, he is Granny Xu.

The scene to be performed is the scene where Grandma Xu is discussing business

with people in the business field. Some people take advantage of her and pinch her
ass. She takes out a knife from under the cheongsam and chops her fingers.

Qi Boyan looked at the note in his hand and showed an unkind smile.

He unfolded the note and faced the camera. The role he wanted to play was the
cannon fodder who pinched Xu's ass, Sanye Wang.

Ji Wang was silent, then turned to ask Zhang Muxian, "Are you going to change
with me?"

Zhang Mu shook his head hurriedly: "No, I have no meat in my butt."

I just didn't say, your ass is up, here you come.

Ji Wang: "..."
Ji Wang with his buttocked butt was taken by the makeup artist to dress up. He is
tall and handsome, even the makeup artist doesn't know how to start.

When he waited for the upper body of the cheongsam, Ji Wang opened the
curtain of the dressing room and came out, and the makeup artist was obviously

Ji Wang was wearing the largest size cheongsam, a tight-fitting black cheongsam,
because Grandma Xu was not yet in her filial piety period.

Without the pillar of Xu Dashao, the only person in the Xu family who could come
out to support the scene was the widow Grandma Xu.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Sanye dared to insult the Xu family so

The makeup artist couldn’t help but stop looking at Ji Wang’s chest. It’s not to
blame her for looking randomly, but because the buckle of the cheongsam was
swollen by Ji Wang’s chest muscles, and the back waist was connected to the
buttocks. Perfect curve, under the chest-to-hip ratio, the waist looks thinner.

The fly in the ointment is that the arms have obvious muscle contours, so the
makeup artist simply found him a piece of black fur.

After the makeup is carefully applied, red lips and thick eyelashes, and a wig that
appropriately covers the outline, the final effect is really amazing, but the
temperament is not like a widow.

But even when Grandma Xu dared to pull a knife from her thigh and chop a man's
finger directly, Grandma Xu was not like an ordinary widow.

The makeup artist brought high heels, but Ji Wang didn't put them on
immediately. He was really not used to it.
The waist and hips of the clothes were also tightened too tightly, forcing him to
not even step too far, so he was afraid that he might accidentally tear the fork of
the cheongsam.

This is not over yet, when the makeup artist finally took out the stockings, Ji Wang
was embarrassed for a while. But he is a good actor and never has much opinion
on costumes.

Holding the thin stockings, the door of the dressing room was knocked open.

Dressed in a dark long gown and wearing decorative glasses on his face, Qi Boyan
stood outside, the surprise in his eyes almost overflowed the frame of the frame
and flooded in front of Ji Wang.

This made Ji Wang feel very uncomfortable and couldn't help but glance in the

He thought it was strange for him to be like this, but it seemed that Qi Boyan
liked it?

The makeup artist handed the garter belt that prevents the stockings from sliding
down to Ji Wang: "Mr. Ji, you can put on this yourself. There is also a prop of a knife
next to it. You will remember to insert the knife here after a while."

The makeup artist very professionally pointed to Ji Wang where the knife could
be inserted on the black garter, and finally took the makeup case and left, and went
to apply makeup to Zhang Mu.

In this variety show, except for Qi Boyan who has his own team, everyone else
uses the makeup artist provided by the crew.

As soon as the makeup artist left, Qi Boyan turned his gaze on Xiao Xu, who was
holding a mobile phone for three consecutive shots: "You go out."
Xiaoxu was still looking at the photos on the phone, and raised his head upon
hearing this: "Why?"

Qi Boyan didn't want to talk nonsense with him: "Li Feng!"

Xiao Xu glanced at Ji Wang, and when he saw Ji Wang nod slightly, he reluctantly
said: "I know, I'll go out now, you call Li Feng what to do."

Li Feng didn't do anything to him, just appeared beside Qi Boyan, as if he would

come up and drag Xiao Xu away as long as Qi Boyan ordered him, and he was eager
to try.

Xiaoxu glared at him when he passed by Li Feng, Li Feng smiled, and when Qi
Boyan entered the dressing room, he closed the door for them.

Ji Wang sat in the makeup chair, unpacked the stockings, and began to study how
to wear garter stockings.

Qi Boyan's eyes lit up and said, "Isn't my brother good at wearing it? I will."

Ji Wang glanced at him, and said in a calm tone: "Why would you?"

Learned from which woman.

Qi Boyan was aware of the danger in Ji Wang's words and quickly proved himself
innocent: "There was an mv before, I passed through this."

Ji Wang curiously asked: "Which one?" But soon he felt that he was talking
nonsense. When Qi Boyan just debuted, he would go to the visual department.
Every mv was a show, like women's clothing, he has been tired of playing. Up.

Qi Bo didn't answer, but took the garter stockings from Ji Wang's hand: "First put
this on and then put on the stockings. This is to be put on the outside of the
After speaking, Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang's skirt with expectant eyes.

Ji Wang didn't squeeze too much, and directly grabbed the hem of the
cheongsam and lifted it up. The beautiful scenery Qi Boyan hoped for did not exist.
What appeared in front of him was a striped boxer shorts, covered tightly, and
nothing could be seen.

Qi Boyan disagreed and said, "I will draw a knife from my thigh for a while, this
boxer briefs will be in the mirror."

Ji Wang asked back: "Do you want me to show more in front of the camera?"

This sentence dispelled Qi Boyan's thoughts, and then looked at Ji Wang's boxer
briefs, no matter how he looked at it, "Is there any longer?"

"Hurry up and put it on for me." Ji Wang urged.

He was afraid that Qi Boyan would spend too long with him in the dressing room,
and that others would come to look for it, and the influence would not be good.

Qi Boyan curled his lips: "Can't brother be gentle with me?"

As he said, he bent over, put the garter on Ji Wang, thanks to the boxer briefs,
the scene that should have been tempting, was completely ruined.

Ji Wang took off the stockings and sat on the makeup chair to wear them. Qi
Boyan took the silk stockings in his hand, and Qi Boyan squatted down naturally,
putting Ji Wang's feet on his knees.

Because he was so natural, Ji Wang forgot to reject him for a while.

The stockings start from the toes, pass through the ankle bones, and stretch on
the thighs, drawing a slight sensuality at the base of the legs, giving the whole leg
a matte texture.
Across a layer of silk stockings, Qi Boyan's palm was attached to Ji Wang's leg
from beginning to end, following the outline, all the way up.

The fingerprints of Ji Wang's legs were faintly visible, which were left by Qi Boyan
last night.

The sock clip stretched out and jammed the edge of the stockings. Qi Boyan's
index finger reached into the edge of the stockings that had been drawn in, and
struck it out a little bit.

The fingertips slid across the base of his legs, leaving a slight itchy, Ji Wang
stretched on the toes of the stockings and couldn't help but curled up, feeling that
the whole process was too long.

After putting on his right leg, Ji Wang grabbed the remaining left socks in his
hands and asked to wear them by himself.

Qi Boyan only said: "What if it is torn? These stockings are more fragile than you

Ji Wang stopped and watched Qi Boyan take the stockings out of his hand and
put them on for him.

Qi Boyan carefully looked at the pair of long legs in silk stockings in front of him,
and found it suitable for Ji Wang.

He raised his head and asked Ji Wang: "Do you want to put on high heels now?"

Ji Wang said, "No, I'll wear it later when I shoot."

Qi Boyan smiled: "That's just right."

He took out a pocket watch from his gown, took a look at the time, and then
opened his long gown, his voice low: "Big grandma, the little one needs to borrow
your feet. It only takes a while."
After speaking, Ji Wang's feet were caught, and pressed against the shameless
place that bluntly pressed his feet.

As if he was afraid of him being shy, Qi Boyan covered Ji Wang's feet with the
hem of his clothes and hid the hidden place underneath. He chuckled, "Don't worry,
grandma, you won't break your stockings."

Outside the door, Li Feng and Xiao Xu guarded both sides of the door, like two
door gods.

Xiaoxu glanced at the time, it seemed that half an hour had passed.

He didn't talk to Li Feng for half an hour.

If it was Xiaoxu before, he would definitely have to worry about whether Brother
Wang was doing something bad in it.

However, after knowing that Brother Wang was not the one who was doing bad
things, Xiaoxu was relieved a lot, anyway, Brother Wang was not bullied.

And Li Feng...Xiao Xu glanced at Li Feng secretly, but was caught by Li Feng's gaze.

He quickly withdrew and refused to look again.

After another twenty minutes of silence, Xiao Xu and Li Feng received a message
from the camera crew on their cell phones, reminding them that the two teachers
can go to the scene.

As soon as Xiao Xu wanted to knock on the door, Li Feng held his hand.

As if it were hot, Xiaoxu quickly withdrew his hand and looked away. Li Feng was
startled, and explained: "Ye Qi definitely doesn't want to be disturbed. It would be
better for me to knock on the door."
Xiaoxu lowered his eyes: "What if he gets angry with you?"

The smile on Li Feng's lips became more obvious: "It's okay."

When he knocked on the door to inform the two people inside that they were
going to the shooting scene, there was a loud noise in the room, as if the chair had
fallen down. After a while, Ji Wang opened the door, looking at them

After Qi Boyan slowly wiped his hands with wet wipes behind him, he threw it
into the trash can and helped Ji Wang's fallen chair up.

Ji Wang said to Xiaoxu without looking back, "Let's go."

He paused when he was walking, and Xiaoxu asked what's wrong?

Ji Wang gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, but the stockings are a bit slippery."

Xiaoxu didn't wear the stockings either. I don't know what it was like: "Why don't
I ask the makeup artist for two anti-slip stickers?"

Ji Wang said awkwardly: "No need."

It's just that the stockings on the soles of the feet are soaked, and there is a strong
sense of existence through the thin fabric.

These high heels have to be bought from the show crew, and there is no way to
be regarded as a pervert.

After coming to the scene, Ji Wang concentrated on memorizing the script. He

thought he had no talent for funny, and all he could do was to play the role of
Grandma Xu well.

What's more, there is a camera, Qi Boyan can't go anywhere, no matter how

foolish he is.
Unexpectedly, he underestimated the arrangement of the program group.

Their group not only has to perform Wang Chuan, but also complete the game
tasks arranged by the show group at the same time.

The first time he started shooting, Qi Boyan showed a frivolous expression,

because he was good-looking, that frivolousness just became romantic.

Qi Boyan used the cigarette stick in his hand to reach Ji Wang's chin, and said
unhurriedly: "Did grandma cry last night?"

Ji Wang fended off Qi Boyan's cigarette stick: "Wang San, I am here to ask you
today if you have detained our Xu family's goods."

Zhang Muxian's role is a friend of the dog friend with Wang Sanye.

And his first task as the first one to do is to bite the flask with his teeth, fill the
glass with wine, drink it by himself, and speak successfully.

When Zhang Muxian's mission was over, Qi Boyan grabbed Ji Wang's hand, and
in his warning eyes, successfully pulled Ji Wang, who was close to his height, into
his arms.

His palm was slid all the way against Ji Wang's back, and finally stopped on his
hips, without catching, he just patted gently, and then said with a smile: "Big
grandma is really charming, really called Wang, soul Dreaming around."
The teacher in charge of Qi Boyan in the radio group took a breath, blushed, and
was really stunned by Qi Boyan's voice and whispers.

Not to mention Ji Wang, who was subjected to a hormonal attack at close range,
but apparently this kind of attack didn't work for Ji Wang. He pushed Qi Boyan
away, and then began to mutter with no expression on his face.
Yes, his task is Liu Laoliu at the age of 66 to say it in one sip, and there can be no
typos, otherwise it will be a failure of the task.

But this jingle was too long, Ji Wang was stuck in the middle of his recitation, the
director counted down ten seconds, and finally judged that the mission failed.

When Ji Wang walked in aggressively for the second time, he could not step on
his high heels, and while falling down, he pulled off the belt of Zhang Muxian in
front of him, almost taking off Zhang Muxian's pants.

Zhang Mu first grabbed his trousers and said dumbfounded: "It's more than 30
years. It's the first time someone dared to pick my pants in front of so many people.
It was almost unsafe for the night."

The director is very satisfied. The more accidents in this group, the better. I didn't
want them to perform well.

In fact, when assigning the combination, the director hesitated whether to let Ji
Wang go to Zheng Qihong's group.

No matter how you think Ji Wang, as an actor, shouldn't be in the comedy group.

But now the director still wants to see the chemical reactions produced by
different combinations, gritted his teeth and let Ji Wang be thrown into this group.

I didn't expect to be unexpectedly interesting.

Maybe it was because Ji Wang was really serious about acting, so when the
accident happened later, there was contrast and it would be more laughable.

After several shots, accidents continued, and the film crew laughed constantly.
Variety shows are like this, the director will not let the staff silence, but make them
The staff also represent the audience to a certain extent. Even the staff do not
laugh, how can they make the audience laugh.

After tossing to and fro until three o'clock in the middle of the night, Qi Boyan
couldn't stir, and Ji Wang's buttocks were also rubbed and swollen. Not to mention
Zhang Muxian, his teeth couldn't be used anymore.

After the recording ended, the guests went down to remove their makeup, and
Ji looked into the dressing room, kicked his shoes and limped on the chair to rest.

The fall in high heels was not a variety show. It was really not standing firm and
twisted to the foot.

But what an artist can do is to bring happiness to the audience, and you can't
really say it hurts in front of the screen.

And to Ji Wang, this injury is a trivial matter, and Ji Wang would not have paid
attention to it before.

It's just that today is special, this body that has been tossed hard, coupled with
the pain, is really tired.

After Ji Wang put on sports clothes, he could not wait to sleep directly in the
dressing room.

He really fell asleep too, and he didn't even remove his makeup. The body is
ordering him to rest, and he is in desperate need of energy recovery.

When I woke up again, I felt a cold sensation in my ankle.

Ji Wang opened his sore eyes and saw Qi Boyan's side face. He looked at his ankle
intently. He wrapped a towel in his hand with a full ice mineral water and applied
ice for Ji Wang.
Qi Boyan was also tired, Xiao Xiao yawned, and pulled the hair on his cheeks
behind his ears: "They are all laughing."

Ji Wang just woke up and didn't slow down, and when he became more sober,
he knew what Qi Boyan was talking about.

This person is a few years old and still so childish, but Ji Wang couldn't bear the
blame, and only felt warm in his heart: "Because of funny, isn't it the way to do
variety shows? That's the term? The body is funny?"

It doesn't matter if it hurts or not, it doesn't matter whether it's embarrassing or

not, just funny.

Qi Boyan changed his hand and continued to apply ice to Ji Wang. Ji Wang sat up,
pushed Qi Boyan's hand away, and squeezed the fingertips of his opponent,
completely cold.

Few people know that Qi Boyan, who only knows that he pursues good-looking
clothes, regardless of temperature, is afraid of cold and heat.

Without any hesitation, Ji Wang opened the hem of his clothes and pressed Qi
Boyan's hand in to warm him.

Qi Boyan wasn't surprised. It was like this before, and Ji Wang's pain was almost
inscribed in his subconscious mind.

No one has ever treated him so well, even if he is attracted by his appearance at
first, he will soon be scared away.

At first approaching Ji Wang did have a purpose, but then he guarded it carefully,
for fear that Ji Wang would be scared away like everyone else.

Qi Boyan is not a good person, but he is willing to play the person Ji Wang wants,
and he can pretend to be what Ji Wang wants.
He climbed onto the sofa and got close to Ji Wang's arms. Under his palms was Ji
Wang's lower abdomen that was undulating because of his breathing.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes, it was so warm, he liked Ji Wang's body temperature,
the sound of calling his name, the look in his eyes, the taste of Ji Wang, everything
about Ji Wang.

Ji Wang only felt that the hands in his clothes were gradually being
presumptuous. Qi Boyan opened his eyes and looked at him greedily, but said
innocent requests: "Just kiss."

Qi Boyan gradually suppressed Ji Wang's body, and said bewildered: "After the
kiss, let me mark it again, brother. There was no mark last night. I want to be
separated from you for a week. I have to leave some on you. What."

Ji Wang was not tempted, he pulled Qi Boyan's hand away from his clothes:
"Okay, stop making trouble, this is the dressing room."

Qi Boyan daunted and refused to get up: "It's okay, Li Feng is guarding outside."

"He's your assistant, not a bodyguard." Ji Wang poked Qi Boyan's forehead,

shaking his brain: "Be nice to Li Feng, don't deduct wages at all times."

Qi Boyan covered his forehead and asked, "Do you think Li Fengshuai?"

Ji Wang didn't care about Li Feng's appearance, but when he thought about it
carefully, he was very handsome. He rarely followed Qi Boyan, but there was no
sharp contrast, which was rare among ordinary people.

After hesitating for a second or two, Qi Boyan seemed to have caught the handle:
"You think he is handsome!"

In this tone, it seemed that he caught her boyfriend cheating, which was really
There was a knock at the door, and it was Xiao Xu's voice, asking Director Jiang if
he would go to dinner tonight.

Qi Boyan still rested on Ji Wang, and said lazily: "Don't go, I'm leaving soon, you
stay with me."

Ji Wang didn't hesitate much, so he chose not to go.

The two of them returned to the hotel together, Ji Wang was the plane
tomorrow, Qi Boyan was tonight, Li Feng was busy in and out, and Qi Boyan knew
that he was lying on the sofa holding his brother.

Afterwards, Ji Wang couldn't stand it anymore, and pushed Qi Boyan away to

help Li Feng pack his luggage and fold his clothes one by one.

Qi Boyan’s suitcase was lying in the corner. Ji Wang walked over with a stack of
clothes. As soon as he opened the suitcase, he heard Li Feng screaming: "Wait!"

Several unlabeled medicine bottles rolled out of it, rolling on the hotel carpet,
and the pills were rattling.

Li Feng walked over quickly, only to find that Ji Wang picked up the medicines
without any discoloration, and said to Qi Bo, "I heard that you can't eat more
vitamin tablets. It's better to eat vitamins."

Qi Boyan lay on the sofa and replied: "How can you be free, brother, don't be
busy, didn't you all sleepy just now, come and lie down with me for a while."

Ji Wang stuffed a bottle of medicine back into his suitcase, put the stack of
clothes in, and said to Li Feng, "It's this suitcase, right?"

Li Feng's expression has returned to nature, and he nodded: "Mr. Ji, you can listen
to Master Qi, I will clean up, otherwise I will not be familiar with the classification
at that time, and it will be inconvenient to find it."
Ji Wang had to stand up, no longer caring about the luggage, nor returned to Qi
Boyan's arms, but chose to simply make a sandwich for Qi Boyan in the kitchen in
the suite.

He knew that Qi Boyan would go to the airport and have something to eat in the
VIP lounge. But at this point, what you can eat in the VIP room is probably dim sum
instant noodles. Might as well eat the sandwiches he made and add a carton of milk
to protect the stomach.

Ji Wang was busy in the kitchen, and Qi Boyan ran to the dining table to look at
him with his chin supported.

Cutting the tomato, Ji Wang said, "The last time I had a stomach bleeding, have
you gone back for a review?"

Qi Bo said: "After the review, there are no major problems."

Ji Wang: "Really? Have you ever done an introspection, show me the film."

Qi Boyan directly called Li Feng: "At Li Feng's."

Li Feng: "Teacher Ji, I will post to Xiaoxu's WeChat in a while." He doesn't have
Jiwang's WeChat account, so he can only contact Jiwang through Xiaoxu.

After making a sandwich, Qi Boyan still had some salad dressing on his mouth
after he ate it. Ji Wang wiped it away and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Qi Boyan nodded contentedly: "As long as my brother makes it for me."

Ji Wang gave a sullen laugh and licked the salad on his fingertips into his mouth.
It was not sweet, but rather salty.

Qi Boyan finally opened the milk to drink. After drinking, Ji Wang accompanied
others to the airport.
When he returned to the hotel, he handed the remaining sandwich to Xiaoxu:
"Try it."

Xiaoxu didn't doubt that he was there. He took a bite, and his face turned blue.
He vomited out: "Brother, do you put too much salt in it, and it's too unpalatable."

Ji Wang: "Is it unpalatable?"

Xiaoxu bluntly said: "It's unpalatable, and it's unpalatable to our friendship for so
many years. I can't violate my heart and say it's delicious."

Ji Wang said, "But Qi Boyan said it's delicious."

Xiaoxu: "..." How did this make him answer: "Love makes people blind?"

Ji Wang's face gradually sank: "It's not him who is blind, it should be me."

He sat on the sofa, stared at his ankle, and didn't speak for a long time.

Xiaoxu knew he was in a bad mood, and as soon as he took out his mobile phone,
he heard Ji Wang say: "Don't tell Li Feng."

Xiaoxu's hand shook, and his brother Wang was so keen that he felt a bit
exaggerated sometimes.

Ji Wang took out his mobile phone, Xiao Xu threw away the ruined sandwich, and
saw his brother Wang sitting on the sofa and took out something from his pocket.

After the phone got through, Ji Wang said to the other side with no expression:
"Song Ge, I remember that you have a senior who works in the institute, right?"

"Well, it's not a big deal."

"It's just that I have some medicine here. I want to know what the ingredients
are and what are they for?"
Xiaoxu saw that there were some pills in Ji Wang's palm.

When Ji Wang hung up, Xiao Xu asked carefully: "What's wrong, what

Ji Wang squeezed his hands and said, "It's okay." He seemed to comfort Xiao Xu,
more like comforting himself: "Maybe... I think too much."
Back in City C, Ji Wangxian met Song Ge at the hot pot restaurant, handed the
medicine he had stolen to Song Ge, and entrusted the other party to do this.

Song Ge chatted with him and asked him how he had been with Qi Bo recently.

Ji Wang didn't answer immediately, but took a sip of wine first: "I always feel...
he is hiding something from me."

Song Ge didn't know the entanglement between Ji Wang and Qi Boyan. Until
now, Song Ge didn't understand why Ji Wang and Qi Boyan were together. The two
felt like people in different worlds.

Song Ge didn't know what happened before, so he could only start with his own
thoughts: "It's like this between lovers, let alone lovers, there are such little secrets
between people."

"If he really doesn't want to say it, don't worry about it."

"As long as it's not a big problem like derailment, I think everything else is fun."

Song Ge comforted him softly: "Let’s just say my girlfriend. I have been with her
for almost half a year before I know she likes to chase stars. I never told me before
because her shit ex thought that she had a brain problem in chasing stars. ."

Ji Wang drank another sip, his eyebrows relaxed a little: "Hope."

"Although I think it may be my problem, I don't trust him enough." Ji Wang
reflected on himself.

Song Ge sighed: "Who tells Qi Boyan to be so evil and so red, who can be
controlled by ordinary people!"

After speaking, Song Ge felt that he was too mean: "Of course you are different.
I think you are good everywhere, and you match him very well."

Ji Wang poured wine for him: "Okay, did I say anything."

On the second day, Sister Hong called him to the company for a meeting to
analyze the word-of-mouth impact of the first issue of "On the Road".

Another is to criticize Ji Wang for paying attention to Ji Wang's Xiao Qiqi without

The penalty is the confiscation of the Weibo account and the inability to log in in
the near future.

It has been a week since "On the Road" was broadcast.

Overall, it is not as good as the company imagined. The main reason is that the
company hopes that he will attract another wave of fans through variety shows, so
as to fix the traffic brought to him by previous school dramas.

It's a pity that although Ji Wang has been on the hot search several times, they
are all tied up with Qi Boyan's name.

Especially in the archery segment, the controversy is the most controversial. The
Mints believe that Ji Wangbo is out of position and is transparent and hard to find
a sense of existence.

Could it be that Ji Wang is the son of x Si exiled outside? Brother Si Yi has been
sucked so many times, why don't you care!
Qi Boyan's black powder thinks that the mints have big faces, they are the main
dishes, and they must be given away, and they are not allowed to be beaten in the

You go, you go, but Ji Wang shot down the arrow of your family's righteous

The two groups of people were torn into one group, and the program group
deliberately added to the flames in order to build momentum. In the end, there
was a fan-black battle and passersby watched the excitement.

At this time, silently, another wave of fans was born.

It's a cp fan, there are still a lot, and even the super chat and tag are already done.

Archery is regarded by them as a classic fragment of entering the pit.

Double A is strong, and it's life and death.

Sister Hong repeatedly and Ji Wang promised: "This time is definitely not the
company's work. I asked you if you could accept marketing with Qi Boyan. You all
showed that you might not renew the contract to show your attitude. How could
we go against you? Willing to do this."

Ji Wang took the phone of Sister Hong, clicked on the tag named #祁纪之恋#,
and came to the square. The first popular video was [Wang Qi on the Road].

Open the video, which contains various clips from the first issue, with pink fonts
added to the video, and briefly and rudely count how many times Qi Boyan has
watched Ji Wang.

I saw the pink number continuously x1, x2, and finally came to x35.
The Qi Ji party in the commentary is like the New Year, eagerly waiting for the
second issue of "On the Road" to bring them more food.

Before Ji Wang continued to look at it, Sister Hong confiscated the phone: "Don't
look at it, so I don't feel bad."

Sister Hong thinks that Ji Wang is unwilling to market with Qi Boyan, and maybe
she is a bit prejudiced against Qi Boyan.

That being the case, wouldn't it be bad for him to look at this.

Little did she know that Ji Wang, an artist under her, logged onto Weibo with a
trumpet when she left the office, followed Chaohua, and clicked on several fan

In fact, Ji Wang is not very resistant to the speculation of CP and business,

because this will not necessarily reveal the relationship between him and Qi Boyan.

He just didn't like to use Qi Boyan's behavior.

Sitting on the way home, he also transferred Na Wang Fuqi's video to WeChat
and sent it to Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan returned the news to Ji Wang within half an hour: Husband!

When he saw the news, Ji Wang was exercising on a treadmill and almost fell.

He stopped the treadmill, wanting Qi Boyan not to talk nonsense, but staring at
the husband, he found it very cute.

Very good, next time you can listen to Qi Boyan calling him with his voice.

When it was late, Ji Wang used his computer to open the web page and entered
the names of Qi Zhengsong and Qi Xiangnan for the first time. The results presented
on the web page were almost the same as Qi Bo said.
On the Internet, you can find news about Qi Tian and his father Qi Xiangnan who
died and were injured in the car accident, but Qi Boyan was unnamed, as if he was
not from Qi's family.

But think about it, if Qi Boyan wants to make an announcement, or the Qi family
wants to make an announcement, Ji Wang won't wait until Qi Boyan has told him
about it.

Keyword links, Ji Wang saw a post discussing Qi's affairs.

It is said that Qi Xiangnan once committed suicide with a woman, but that woman
died, Qi Xiangnan did not die.

Since then, Qi Xiangnan's spirit has not been very good. It is rumored that the
father and son were able to have a car accident because they had a dispute in the

Speaking of a nose and eyes, it's like going to the scene and knowing everything
in person.

Ji Wang couldn't stand it anymore, he quit the forum, regretting what he checked
today. If Qi Boyan knew about it, he would definitely think he didn't believe him

Although Qi Boyan didn't say it, Ji Wang knew that for Qi Boyan, his trust was
very important, and it was tied to love.

Ji Wang quit the webpage, Qi Boyan's family affairs, wait until Qi Boyan wants to
talk about it, and then tell him.

Later, Ji Wang made a video call to Qi Boyan.

Failed to get through, Ji Wang turned to leave a message. Qi Boyan may still be
working and did not answer.
After a while, Qi Boyan told him that he was busy, so call him later.

Ji Wang didn't wait for the call, he fell asleep.

On the second day, Ji Wang received a message from Xiao Xu and Song Ge at the
same time. Xiao Xu asked him if he wanted to use a car today, and Song Ge called
him out for dinner. The two were so diligent that Ji Wang was inexplicable.

But when Ji Wang got on Weibo, he would understand why.

The news of Qi Boyan and Fang Shengyun's secret meeting in the same
community was filmed. Qi Boyan changed a few cars and arrived at the
underground parking lot. Fang Shengyun came to pick him up, and the two entered
the same villa together.

Residents in this community are either rich or expensive. It stands to reason that
there will be no such sneak shots.

It's a pity that the paparazzi are pervasive, so how can they fail to dig if they want
to dig. It's just that this kind of news is usually reviewed by the artist company first,
and then paid for the photos. It is rarely exposed directly like this.

Unless the price is not agreed.

Ji Wang looked at the photos, clicked and zoomed in repeatedly, trying to

distinguish Qi Boyan from the low-pixel mosaics.

In fact, he has no sense of reality up to now, and he even feels that the paparazzi
has made a mistake. How could Qi Boyan be with Fang Shengyun? They have no
reason to be together.

At this moment, Qi Boyan's call came, shaking eagerly again and again.

Just because Ji Wang slept in flight mode before, no one could contact him.
After answering the phone, Ji Wang heard Qi Boyan tremblingly: "Why don't you
answer my call!"

When Ji Wang heard Qi Boyan's voice, his heart sank suddenly, and his temples
began to tingle faintly. He didn't say anything but asked, "Is the person in the
picture you?"

Qi Boyan paused for a while on the other end of the phone before saying, "It's

His gaze fell inadvertently on the wooden floor in front of him, and the sun shone
on the ground through the screen windows. It was warm, but Ji Wang felt that his
whole body was breathless.

Qi Boyan said softly: "Brother, it's not what you think, I have nothing to do with

It took Ji Wang a long time to find his own voice, and said dumbly: "Really?"

Qi Bo said: "Well, the elders ate together and called us to accompany us."

Only then did Ji Wang feel the warmth of his limbs, and the blood walked back
to the heart, making it beat again vigorously.

Qi Boyan said: "The company should be suppressed. It may be Fang Shengyun's

intention. It is not one or two times that tied me to the hype." There is obvious
boredom in his voice.

Ji Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and he confirmed again: "You didn't lie to me."

Qi Boyan laughed, and his voice was distorted through the phone: "I didn't lie to
you. You didn't answer my call. It really scared me. I thought you really believed
these messy reports."
"Brother, you also know that few of these paparazzi reports are true."

"How can you not believe me?"

Qi Boyan was wronged.

Ji Wang held the phone and tried to explain, "I didn't believe you. Now if you say
that you have nothing to do with you, I will believe it."

Ji Wang: "As soon as I woke up, I was overwhelmed by your scandal, and I
couldn't turn my mind."

Qi Boyan's environmental sound was very messy. He heard someone on Qi Boyan

say that Mr. Qi, it's time to start shooting.

Ji Wang took the initiative: "Go ahead." Then he hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, Qi Boyan and Fang Shengyun’s public relations manuscript

came out, accusing them of false information on the Internet, claiming that they
were attending the same gathering, not the secret meeting as written in the report.

But as for the relationship between the two people, and why they attended the
party together, neither side gave any more explanations.

Ji Wang would have thought that this would cause an uproar among Qi Boyan

Unexpectedly, everyone is very orderly, brushing and not spreading rumors, the
elder brother will recognize it when he is in love, and there is no need for paparazzi
to arrange objects.

And Mint said more bluntly that since Qi Boyan's debut, there have been no one
thousand but eight hundred people who have been rumored to be rumored.
All of them are serious, their fans are not tired, just eat melon, don't be too

Qi Ji's love is more stable in the super words.

Few people even ate this melon. Some who ate it only uttered one sentence, aa
is true love, ao is an accident.

Just like the whole world, only Ji Wang took this matter seriously.
Ji Wang's mood is not good, but it is not bad either. In the entertainment industry,
boyfriends are still traffic, gossip and lace are common.

If this is unacceptable, then the relationship will definitely not continue


Compared with these discomforts, Ji Wang is even more reluctant to lose.

So there is no better way except trust.

Ji Wang tried to make himself want to start. After returning to Xiaoxu and Song
Ge's news, he threw away his mobile phone and concentrated on studying the

If you are in a bad mood, you have no appetite to eat, but there is food delivered
to your door at noon.

Holding a few lunch boxes, Ren Ran opened the door and said that it was his
mother's own soup. After that, Ji Wang stuffed his hand, put on slippers, and
walked into the living room.

It hasn't been a long time to see, Ren Ran looks like this, Ji Wang is not good to
continue to be indifferent.
What's more, after he talked with Qi Boyan, he knew that Ren Ran was not wrong
at the time. It was true that Qi Boyan's family situation was complicated because
he misunderstood that Ren Ran's alpha was close to him.

It's just that too much interference in the relationship of others makes it easy to
put yourself in an awkward position.

Ji Wang looked at the heavy soup in his hand and sighed. He said to Ren Ran who
was already sitting on the sofa: "Why are you here?"

Ren Ran took off his jacket, put it away, and glanced at the scattered books and
scripts on Jiwang's coffee table: "I'm afraid you will hide at home and cry because
of Qi Boyan."

Ji Wang suddenly didn't know what to say.

Ren Ran turned on the TV and lay down halfway.

He has no expectations for Ji Wang's love life, and he doesn't even bother to say
bad things about Qi Boyan.

Even because of this matter, the Cold War has been separated for many years,
and now we are together again, what else can we say.

Ren Ran finally understood the fact that it didn't make sense to quarrel with Ji
Wang who was obsessed with it, it would only make the distance between them
farther and farther.

Ji Wang poured out the soup: "Do you want to drink it?"

Ren Ran: "No, I drank it at home."

Ji Wang poured himself a bowl and sat at the dining table to drink. Fortunately,
there was still the sound of the TV in the room, otherwise he would fall into an
awkward silence.
Ren Ran lowered the tone of the TV: "You look pretty good."

Ji Wang: "It didn't matter at all. Qi Boyan called me and said that they just
happened to be called to eat together because the elders had an agreement."

Ren Ran: "Really?"

Ji Wang looked at Xiang Ren Ran: "Do you know something?"

Otherwise, Ren Ran wouldn't come to his door. He thought that when Ren Ran
came this time, he would tell him that Qi Boyan was wrong, but he didn't know if
Ren Ran did.

Ren Ran stared straight at the TV, his lips moved, and finally only said, "I don't

Ji Wang didn't continue to ask. He didn't like to talk about others behind his back.
If this person is still Qi Boyan, then he is simply dancing in his minefield.

Even after breaking up with Qi Boyan, he didn't like to say that Qi Boyan was not.

Besides, they are now together again.

Ji Wang originally wanted to ask Ren Ran a little bit if he knew about Qi Boyan's
mother. But then he thought about it, this kind of thing is more suitable for me.

The two chatted for a while, the topics were scattered, and both were distracted,
and there was something in their hearts.

Ren Ran didn't stay at his house for too long, just came over to look at him, but
before leaving, he looked at Ji Wang for a while, but he still didn't say anything and
planned to leave.
Seeing Ren Ran walking to the door, Ji Wang suddenly said: "Ren Ran, was it Qi
Tian who marked you six years ago?"

Ren Ran froze and turned slowly: "Qi Boyan told you about Qi Tian?"

Ji Wang didn't look at him: "Yeah."

Ji Wang: "At that time, he pretended to be that way to protect me. You...don't
worry too much, he is sincere to me."

Ren Ran curled his lips and smiled, not warm, slightly mocking.

Ji Wang didn't like this kind of smile, just as Ren Ran felt that he was so stupid,
with a sense of pity that made him uncomfortable.

Ren Ran put on his shoes: "Ji Wang, I have reminded you many times, but in the
end, I was like the villain who tells the truth."

Ren Ran: "I don't want to worry about some things anymore, I wish you

Ji Wang pursed his lips: "If you and Qi..."

"Impossible!" Ren Ran interrupted directly if he knew what Ji Wang wanted to


Ren Ran said loudly: "Even now, I think he is a bastard, not worthy of you."

Ji Wang rubbed his temples with a headache, Ren Ran didn't look back: "And you
have made a choice many years ago. You chose him and pushed my friend away."

"Feelings and friendship cannot be confused." Ji Wang tried to reason with Ren
Ren Ran said solemnly: "Actually, you and I know that we can no longer be
friends, we can't go back to the past."

After saying this, Ren Ran opened the door and left, without even giving Ji Wang
a chance to continue speaking.

He walked extremely fast, as if he went slower, he would regret it.

If Ji Wang doesn't feel anything, it's impossible.

Ren Ran represents his youthful friendship, those times, lost will be
uncomfortable, the mood is very bad.

It's not that they haven't been in contact over the years, he doesn't care about
their relationship for a long time.

If this is the case, Ren Ran returns to China and Song Ge reconnects them, and Ji
Wang will not cooperate.

Probably there is still a glimmer of hope in the subconscious. After all, these years
have passed. Everyone has grown a few years old and matured a lot. Some things
may be forgotten.

After all, I can't forget it, Ren Ran can't...Neither can he.

In a bad mood, Ji Wang couldn't read the script. He drank two cans of beer and
ran to sleep. He felt that Qi Boyan and Ren Ran had made an appointment, and
they would work together to make his mentality.

It was dim, and was awakened by the tramp of a can, and almost thought that a
thief was in the house.

Ji Wang's heart beating wildly, turned on the light and went out of the living
room, still carrying a baseball bat in his hand.
In the hall is Qi Mingxing, who is dragging his suitcase and wearing sunglasses at

He stood in the middle of the living room, stepping on the slippers Ji Wang
bought for him on his feet, staring at the cans under his feet with a calm face.

Turning his head to see Ji Wang's posture, he took off his sunglasses and smiled:
"Is this to be served by family law?"

Ji Wang put down the baseball bat: "I thought I was a thief."

"Aren't you filming, what are you doing with a suitcase?" Ji Wang put down the
baseball bat, picked up the beer can on the ground, and threw it into the trash can.

Qi Boyan didn't answer, but asked: "Why are you in a bad mood after drinking?"

Ji Wang answered dullly. He planned to go to the kitchen to get a rag and clean
up the beer traces on the floor. Before taking two steps, someone hugged his waist.

Qi Boyan hugged him from behind: "My brother is in a bad mood, what should I
do? I'll give you two blows to vent my anger?"

He kissed Ji Wang's ear in a small mouth, and said softly, "Why don't you answer
my call?"

"Fell asleep." Ji Wang was telling the truth. Those two cans of beer were
comparable to sleeping pills and made him fall asleep.

Qi Boyan said dumbly: "My brother scared me, so he flew over overnight."

"Do you want to go back tomorrow?" Ji Wang asked.

After getting the answer that it was not tomorrow, but that he would fly back in
a while, Ji Wang became angry: "You don’t have a clear priority. If you can’t make
a call, then call again later. I will be filming tomorrow. What are you tossing about?
It's all spent on the plane, do you need to rest?!"

Not only did Qi Boyan fail to reflect on Ji Wang's scolding, he was quite confident:
"So in the future, my brother will have to answer my call."

Ji Wang broke his hand and turned to stare at Qi Boyan's eyes: "It's just that you
don't answer the phone. Why are you so exaggerated? You think you have done
something wrong and have a guilty conscience?"

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang frankly: "Without guilty conscience, I don't think I

have done anything wrong."

Ji Wang: "Then what are you in a hurry, but also fly back specially."

Qi Bo said: "You are in a bad mood." Taking advantage of Ji Wang's

unpreparedness, he stole fragrance from his lips: "So I came back to coax my

After hearing such words, how could Ji Wang still be able to get angry: "I don't..."
He felt Qi Boyan's distrustful eyes, and his tone weakened: "Well, it's a bit
uncomfortable, but it's not. Both. If I believe you, I can still digest this emotion on
my own."

Qi Boyan pinched Ji Wang's waist, and put his hands in his clothes. He came all
the way, not just to collect kissing interest, but to get the principal.

On the grounds that Ji Wang drank secretly to relieve boredom, he carried people
on his shoulders, returned to the bedroom, and began to undress.

Ji Wang propped up his body and patrolled Qi Boyan's clean body for a while,
making sure that there were no extra traces before he said, "Aren't you going to
catch a plane?"
Qi Boyan stepped off and said: "There are still two hours left, enough time to
come once."

I thought Ji Wang would be unhappy, but I didn't expect Ji Wang to be more chic
than him. He took off his home pants at random, and his eyes fell on the bedside
table: "There is a set there, your size."

Just like asking the king to enter the urn, Ji Wang pressed Qi Boyan under his
body and rode on his waist. He moved slowly, swaying at will, controlling Qi Boyan,
not giving people pleasure.

This doesn't stop there. He tied the opponent's hands with a tie and rubbed Qi
Boyan's lips. He whispered and coaxed: "Can you open a location for your mobile

At that time, Qi Boyan was in control of everything, sweating all over, and that
little happiness was like scratching one's boots, which made people very happy.

At this time, Ji Wang wanted his life, and he could give it away.

He panted: "Brother, don't torture me."

Ji Wang leaned over and kissed Qi Boyan's lips: "It seems that I have also become

How can a normal person want to control all the other side's whereabouts,
because of anxiety, because of urgent need.

The tie slipped off, and Qi Boyan turned Ji Wang down and pressed him down.
He didn't rush to move, but just said, "I will give you what I want, brother."

After the matter was over, there was not much time left to go to the airport.
Qi Boyan brought the luggage he brought deliberately and asked Ji Wang to put
it in his home. When the guests came, he knew that there was another owner in
this home.

Regarding Qi Boyan's move, Ji Wang only felt that this person was naive and cute.

The affair of nearly two hours caused Ji Wang's physical strength to be

temporarily overdrawn. He lay on the bed, slowly adjusting his breath. Qi Boyan
put on his clothes and came to hug him again, with a smile on his face: "I like the
way my brother is jealous."

Jealousy is ugly, what is good-looking, and what is worthy to like.

The back of Ji Wang's neck was still hot and painful, because Qi Boyan took a bite
on it, broke the skin, bleeding out, and the tip of his teeth went deep into the gland,
which was an unscrupulous mark.

Qi Boyan's nose brushed Ji Wang's earlobe, dyeing it redder: "It doesn't matter if
my brother is angry with me, as long as he doesn't leave me."

Ji Wang's eyelashes were wet with sweat, and he couldn't open it. He closed his
eyes and said softly, "As long as you don't do anything that disappoints me."

Qi Boyan didn't answer immediately. Ji Wang moved his body and felt the
strength to hold his hand increased: "You will not leave me."

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's hand: "Why, you are sure that I love you?"

Qi Boyan's voice was hoarse after the affection, very sexy, and whispered like a
joke, softly falling in Ji Wang's ear: "Because if my brother wants to run, I will lock
you up. So you go anywhere. I can't go, I can only stay by my side."
Qi Boyan left, and Ji Wang rested on the bed for a while before getting up with his
sore and weak body. Being slimy and uncomfortable, Qi Boyan never liked using
Although I can't get pregnant between alpha, cleaning up is very annoying.

But he can understand why Qi Boyan is keen to get in, probably because of the
monopoly of alpha, who always wants to leave something on his lover.

It's like a mark, like a bodily fluid.

After taking a shower, Ji Wang opened the suitcase that Qi Boyan left behind,
pajamas and regular clothes, bath towels and skin care products, and a doll.

The little bear is bashful, for a certain age, and a little familiar.

Ji Wang stared at the little bear for a long time, finally remembered, and laughed

This was their first date. The two young men went to the video game city and Ji
Wang spent all the coins on his body and grabbed them.

Qi Bo said that it was ugly, holding it with two fingers, and reluctantly said
something against Jiwang's liking.

Ji Wang caught the little bear, and even if he didn't like it, he took it back, and
just gave it to someone else.

He really thought so, not angry.

Hearing that he was going to give it away, Qi Boyan snatched the doll over
unsatisfactorily and said: "Mine is mine, even if I don't like it, I think it's ugly, it's
mine, and it's not my turn to touch it."

At that time, Qi Boyan’s desire for exclusivity was beginning to emerge. Ji Wang
thought, how could he really think that Qi Boyan is an omega, his character, and
slender physique, vaguely revealed the pressure, has already surpassed him as an
alpha. .
The little bear has the fragrance of laundry detergent, his limbs are wrinkled, and
his bib is broken. Ji Wang can imagine how Qi Boyan cleaned up the bear. It should
be thrown directly into the washing machine and exposed to the sun with a clip.

Poor bear.

After packing up Qi Boyan's things, this house looks more popular than before,
and Ji Wang is quite satisfied.

After a few days, Ji Wang called Song Ge and asked him when the medicine would
show results.

Song Ge answered his call and was very sorry for him, and explained to him that
there was an international academic conference recently. A senior was admitted to
the hospital with a sudden illness. He was arrested by his tutor to replace him. The
medicine was still in his dormitory and could not be delivered temporarily. Get out.

After he returns to China, he will contact the people of the research institute

Song Ge: "Sorry, or let Ren Ran help you. I remember his family has a way to do
this. Maybe you can get the result sooner."

Ji Wang said helplessly: "Does he have the key to your dormitory? The medicine
is still in your dormitory."

Song Ge: "Yes, hahaha, I forgot, my girlfriend has the key to the dormitory, do
you want to get it from my girlfriend?"

"Forget it, wait until you come back." Ji Wang made a decision.

In fact, Ji Wang was also a little scared about the results of the medicine. He was
afraid that the medicine was not a vitamin or a stomach medicine, but a cure for
an incurable disease.
What should he do? Just imagine that Qi Boyan is seriously ill. He feels weak in
his limbs and his heart is throbbing. He can't bear to lose Qi Boyan.

But even though Qi Boyan was thinner than before, he didn't seem to be
seriously ill, so he didn't have to scare himself.

But why does the sense of taste fail? If it doesn't fail, how can I eat that terribly
salty sandwich without a different color?

Is it really as Xiaoxu said, just because he did it and didn't want him to be
disappointed, so he pretended not to be salty?

Then Qi Boyan can consider moving to the ranks of actors, so he can bear it.

Two days before the shooting of "On the Road", Qi Boyan ended his work early
and came to his house.

When I arrived, I went straight to Ji Wang's bed, sleeping dimly, with a stamina
and black eyes.

Li Feng, who was with him, said in a low voice to Ji Wang that Qi Boyan
compressed the schedule very tightly and finished the work ahead of time.

Ji Wang twisted his eyebrows in disapproval: "Why is it so urgent? Have you

persuaded him?"

Li Feng smiled bitterly: "Persuasion is useless."

"It seems that the gambling agreement is about to be completed, but Master Qi
is still not satisfied and wants to be faster." Li Feng said.

Ji Wang didn't know what Qi Boyan was anxious about. According to Li Feng, the
company that signed the gambling agreement with them requires that the
completion time is the end of the year, and it is only September, and there are still
three months left.

It is enough anyway, why rush for success.

Ji Wang said: "What about the other people in the company? You can't really rely
on him alone to make this money."

Li Feng hesitated, but the person in front of him was Ji Wang. Some things were
still clear: "On the surface, the company signed Master Qi and used him to make a
bet against him. In fact, the real boss behind this company is Master Qi. . So no
matter what, this bet, Master Qi must be completed."

Ji Wang suddenly realized that this kind of celebrities in the circle promoted
themselves to capital through gambling.

It is even said that many popular stars nowadays will find ways to consolidate
their wealth once they have the conditions.

After all, no one can guarantee that he will be popular for a lifetime, and only
rely on being an artist to make money.

Gambling is a more risky way to increase wealth. If you are successful, you will
have to bear huge debts. The risk is extremely high, and it is easy to affect your
reputation during the gambling process.

Qi Boyan was able to start a company and drop tens of millions in principal. This
did not surprise Ji Wang, after knowing that he was a child of the Qi family.

There was just one thing that Ji Wang couldn't understand. He looked at Li Feng:
"Do you know why he chose to be an artist?"

Since you can start a company, why bother to be an artist yourself.

To be honest, Ji Wang didn't think that a family like the Qi family would be happy
to see his heirs become stars.

He also asked casually, but he did not expect Li Feng to take a deep look at him:
"Because Teacher Ji, you are an actor."

Ji Wang was stunned. After digesting Li Feng's words, he said with difficulty for a
long time: "Because of me?"

Li Feng lowered his eyes, hesitated for a while. He rarely said such things, his tone
was full of embarrassment, but he insisted: "If you can, I hope you can always be
by his side."

This sentence Li Feng said very solemnly, almost a request.

Ji Wang looked at Li Feng complicatedly: "You..."

Li Feng raised his eyes, noticed Ji Wang's expression, and said amusedly: "I have
no other feelings for Master Qi, Teacher Ji can rest assured."

Ji Wang looked away awkwardly, he did not control his imagination.

Li Feng said earnestly: "Ye Qi is my benefactor, I hope he can live well."

Ji Wang curiously asked, "What's the matter?"

However, Li Feng seemed unwilling to say more, Ji Wang didn't force it.

The Qi Boyan inside fell asleep, not knowing that the two outsiders broke his
heart for him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qi Boyan finally woke up, and as soon as he woke
up he began to cry hungry and wanted to eat the noodles made by Ji Wang. This
time Ji Wang didn't put too much salt. Seeing that Qi Boyan was eating deliciously,
he couldn't help asking: "This noodle is delicious, or the sandwich last time?"
Qi Boyan raised his eyelids and said lazily: "They are all delicious."

Ji Wang hesitated for a long time, but still did not ask, but Qi Boyan seemed to
feel something, and added: "The last sandwich, brother really made it deliberately."

Ji Wang said twice: "I didn't perform well last time. I won't do that again."

Qi Boyan took a sip of the soup: "Really, I thought I was too much in bed, so you
took revenge on me."

Ji Wang didn't know what to answer, but his heart finally settled down.

It turned out that Qi Boyan was not unable to eat, but just pretended to be
delicious, which made Ji Wang who deliberately tempted, a little more guilty.

After eating, Qi Boyan, who slept for a long time, was in good spirits and even a
little excited: "Brother, I will take you to a place."

He grabbed the key, put on the disguise, fake beard and thick-soled glasses, so Ji
Wang wanted to laugh.

Qi Boyan helped the frame of the mirror: "Who told me to wear a mask, someone
would recognize me at a glance, otherwise, it won't work."

Together with Qi Boyan wearing a camouflage, the two got into the car that Qi
Boyan drove, a low-key car. After driving for an hour, we drove into a high-end

Ji Wang knows that the price is very high here, and the residents are either rich
or expensive.

"This is your property too?" Ji Wang asked.

Qi Boyan held the steering wheel: "The place where I lived when I was young."
Speaking of this, Ji Wang couldn't help but sit tightly: "Will you come here so
late?" Qi Boyan didn't mention his mother, and Ji Wang didn't know Qi Boyan's
mother's condition.

It's just that the woman who committed suicide with Qi Xiangnan on the Internet
is Qi Boyan's mother?

He asked tentatively, "Don't I need to buy some gifts?"

Qi Boyan drove into the underground parking lot: "My mother has been away for
many years, you don't need to prepare."

Ji Wang stopped talking.

Enter the villa from the underground parking lot, turn on the lights, there is no
dust in the house, it seems that someone cleans it regularly.

The decor is simple and the colors are cold. Qi Boyan slid his fingers across the
wall: "This room was too gorgeous before, I didn't like it. After my mother died, I
took it all apart and reinstalled it again."

He turned around and asked Ji Wang: "Do you like it?"

Ji Wang could only nod his head.

Qi Boyan smiled. He grabbed Ji Wang's hand and carried it from the basement to
the first floor.

Ji Wang originally thought that the environment in which Qi Boyan grew up could
be seen here. Unexpectedly, it was renovated, and now there is no trace of that

This room is vaguely weird, but Ji Wang can't tell where the weirdness is.
After he turned a few times, he finally found a strange place: "Here... why is there
no window?"

Qi Boyan sat on the sofa and turned on all the lights at home with the remote

A home without any clutter is a bit deserted, no matter how bright the light is,
you can't feel the warm breath.

Qi Bo said: "There are windows, which need to be opened by remote control."

Sure enough, when Qi Boyan pressed the button in his hand, the window that
resembled the wall color slowly opened, then closed again, and then slowly

If there is no remote control, there is no way to open it manually.

When Ji Wang saw this design for the first time, he frowned and said, "It's better
to replace it with one that can push it away."

Qi Boyan said: "I like this."

Ji Wang didn't say anything. Although the transparent glass window was good, it
was easy to see the inside. When the paparazzi deliberately took photos, the
window did not have the function of protecting privacy.

This kind of window is just right, and nothing will be photographed.

Qi Boyan sat up from the sofa and smiled and pulled his hand: "Go to the second
floor. There is a room I specially prepared for you. You will like it."

Ji Wang followed Qi Boyan's intentions and followed the others, and found that
the room Qi Boyan said he would like was the layout of Ji Wang's house six years
At first glance, Ji Wang thought he was back in his little room again.

Qi Boyan looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for a compliment from him.

Ji Wang rubbed the other's head: "You make it the same, what surprises can you
have? Give me a different style anyway."

Qi Boyan sullenly said: "Don't you like it? I thought you would like it."

Ji Wang walked in casually and sat down. There are no windows in this room and
it is airtight. Ji Wang actually doesn't like it very much.

Later, he visited other rooms, and there was a music room filled with musical

Ji Wang asked: "Do you practice here usually?"

Qi Boyan picked up a guitar and played a piece of music before he said: "Yes, this
house is very soundproofed, and no one will hear it."
Ji Wang's heart was always filled with a weird feeling, and even his face became a
little subtle.

Qi Boyan noticed it and came over to hug him by the waist: "What's the matter,
do you really dislike this house?"

His expression was quite sad, it seemed that if Ji Wang said he didn't like it, he
would be very sad.

Ji Wang had no choice but to say: "It's okay, I feel I need to redesign it."

"You can put a piano in the hall, and then change the sofa to a larger and softer
one. Don't you like lying on the sofa?" Ji Wang said.
Instead, he took Qi Boyan with him and walked down together, talking about his
thoughts as he walked.

"The design of this kind of privacy window is quite good, and its practical
transparent window and then filming, it is almost the same effect." He still
entangled the window.

Reaching out and knocking on the border of the same color as the wall, Ji Wang
said, "When the sun is over, I can sit here and peel the orange for you to eat."

Looking back, Qi Boyan's dazed expression, Ji Wang hesitated: "Don't you like
what I mentioned?"

"It's just that I simply hate that I force you to eat fruits." Ji Wang said amusedly:
"Fruits are more nutritious than vitamins, so don't always refuse to eat them."

"The picky eater." As he said, Ji Wang stepped forward, gently hugging Qi Boyan
in his arms, gently shaking his body with his arms, coaxing him to speak: "Is
something wrong? Do you want to tell me."

Qi Boyan breathed heavily, and then trembled for a long time: "I like your

Ji Wang let go of Qi Boyan and looked at the other's face: "What happened?

Qi Boyan raised the corners of his mouth, shook his head, keeping his eyes on
him, with a strong greed: "What's the matter, you can peel the orange for me now,
I want to eat it."

There are really fruits in the refrigerator, all tasted by Jiwang. When he was
peeling the oranges, Qi Boyan called Li Feng. Apart from changing the sofa,
remember to move the piano on the second floor to the first floor.

This is to implement all the opinions of Ji Wang, can not wait.

Ji Wang broke off a petal of orange and stuffed Qi in his mouth: "Don't worry, I
don't have a plan to move now. Do you want me to move?"

Qi Boyan looked at him with his mobile phone, instead of returning to Li Feng, he
replied to Ji Wang: "What else needs to be changed?"

Ji Wang stretched out his hand and asked Qi Bo to ask for a mobile phone, and
the other party obediently gave it to him.

In addition to pianos and sofas, windows need to be made, and home furnishings
can also be more to add warmth.

It was very late to end the call, and Qi Boyan slept for a while and was not very

He persuaded Ji Wang to sleep, and forcibly took a mandarin duck bath with

Coming out of the bathroom, Qi Boyan entangled Ji Wang to sleep together.

Ji Wang's biological clock standard will be sleepy when it arrives. Even though the
posture was awkward, he still fell asleep, waking up suddenly in the middle of the
night, Ji Wang wanted to turn over, but felt the force of the arm around his waist,
trying to hug him tighter.

Reluctantly opening his sleepy eyes, Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan in front of him
vaguely. The man looked down at him. In the dim brightness of the bedside lamp,
Qi Boyan's face was sober, unlike being awakened by him. As if watching him stay
up all night.

When he first woke up, his mind was in confusion, Ji Wang said dumbly: "Can't
you sleep?"

He tried to concentrate and wanted to talk to Qi Boyan. But sleepiness was

raging. He didn't hear Qi Boyan's answer. Instead, the bedside lamp went out, and
the words that fell in his ear were so soft, Qi Boyan said go to sleep, and hummed
a peaceful sleep tune to him softly.

When I woke up the next day, all the privacy windows were opened, and the sun
fell into the room. Ji Wang was in a good mood.

He went from upstairs to downstairs barefoot, and finally arrived in the

courtyard, and finally saw Qi Boyan sitting in a chair.

Dressed very little, hugged his knees and stared at the glass garden in the

It can be seen that the glass flower house used to be very beautiful, but the
flowers and plants inside were dead, deserted, and no one cleaned it, as if it was
placed deliberately.

Because everything in the yard is pretty clean, except for the flower room.

Ji Wang walked over and sat down with Qi Boyan. He thought that Qi Boyan
would turn his head and smile at him, and shook his hand to say good morning, but
he didn't.

He had no choice but to take the initiative, Ji Wang moved his position, sticking
to Qi Boyan, stretched out his hand to embrace the person: "What are you looking

Qi Boyan still looked at the flower room, sinking into memory, and said softly:
"That's my mother's favorite place. There are a lot of flowers. When that man
comes, she always likes to pick a handful in it."

"Later she found that the man lied to her, and she destroyed the flower room.
After so many years of hard work, she said that if you don't want it, you don't want
"Except for the flower room, she wants to destroy even the things related to that
man." Qi Bo said with no expression on his face, saying things that seemed to have
nothing to do with him.

Even things related to that man include him.

His body temperature is very low, probably because he got up too early and
didn't know how long he had been sitting in this autumn morning.

Ji Wang didn't interrupt Qi Boyan's memory, but took off his coat, wrapped Qi
Boyan, put the person in his arms, and rubbed Qi Boyan's cold hands.

His movements made Qi Boyan's face disappear, and he focused his gaze on the
person in front of him again.

Qi Boyan said: "Brother, you said she likes it so much, how can you be willing to
ruin it."

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's finger and pondered for a long time: "Maybe he is
sick in his heart."

Depression, bipolar disorder, it's possible.

As Qi Boyan said, his mother was not happy, and the act of ruining the flower
room might be a kind of out of control. In a depressive environment for a long time,
it is impossible not to get sick.

Ji Wang thought of what Ji Wang had said to him six years ago. At that time, Qi
Bo said it was just a joke, but now think about it, the possibility of it happening is
too high.

After Qi Boyan split into alpha, his mother wanted to kill him. Is it true or not?

At that time, Qi Boyan was so young, could he really bear so many things?
Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan, but found that the other party's face was very pale:
"Have you had breakfast?"

"Is my stomach upset? How long have you been sitting here!" Ji Wang was

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang anxious for him, and was quite happy. He obediently
held Ji Wang's hands and left the yard.

He looked back at the flower room as he walked, and finally, slowly returned his
gaze to Ji Wang.

Boil the noodles and fry eggs. Ji Wang’s mobile phone was placed aside, and Li
Feng’s contact information was added to WeChat to confirm Qi Boyan’s itinerary,
whether he could take a break, or he was just playing capricious and absenteeism.

After the breakfast was cooked, Qi Boyan finished eating, and shouted that he
had a headache and asked Ji Wang to press him.

Ji Wang sat on the sofa, holding Qi Boyan's head in his arms, gently rubbing and
squeezing it slowly.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes and said, "Will your brother always treat me this way?"

Ji Wang said, as an answer.

Qi Boyan was still not satisfied: "Do you love me?"

Ji Wang gave the answer he wanted as he wished: "I love you."

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang and pressed his hand, his eyelashes trembled, his eye rims
turned red.

He slowly opened his eyes and fixedly looked at Ji Wang: "Remember what you
said today, you said you love me."
Ji Wang couldn't bear it anymore, Qi Boyan was very strange since yesterday:
"What's the matter?"

Qi Boyan is like a child with a lack of security, turning his face and burying it in Ji
Wang's chest: "That mad woman, she is indeed sick, and wants to take Qi Xiangnan
and go with her."

"Of course Qi Xiangnan wouldn't be willing to accompany her to death. She died
alone, in that flower room."

Ji Wang didn't believe in ghosts and gods. He didn't feel scared when he heard
that people had died in the flower house. He only felt distressed.

He wiped Qi Boyan's eyelashes and felt the wetness of his fingertips: "It's okay,
I'm here, don't be afraid."

Qi Boyanru was switched on by his words and continued: "They all said that Qi
Xiangnan was the victim because a woman almost died."

"She was crazy, so everything she did was wrong."

"Even her love is wrong. It is destined to hurt everyone she loves."

Ji Wang couldn't help tightening his arm around Qi Boyan: "Did she hurt you?"

He asked subconsciously, but felt the body in his arms stiff, as if he had heard
something that made him feel uncomfortable.

Ji Wang realized that perhaps in Qi Boyan's eyes, the mother is that special
existence, and he loves her just like every child who instinctively loves his mother.

It was he who said the wrong thing.

He was hesitating whether to apologize, Qi Boyan said: "She wanted to come,
but she couldn't do it."

Qi Boyan kissed Ji Wang's chest through his clothes: "If you really love, how can
you be willing to hurt."

Ji Wang was still talking, but he felt the phone in his pocket shook.

He didn't want to manage, and couldn't hold back the other party's persistent

Ji Wang had no choice but to pick it up, and as soon as he was connected, Sister
Hong asked him where he was going, whether he was with Qi Boyan.

This question made Ji Wang stunned. It was true that he and Qi Boyan were
together, but how did Sister Hong know.

Seeing that he didn't speak immediately, Sister Hong said anxiously: "You will
come back to me immediately now, the paparazzi have taken pictures of both of

Ji Wang only panicked for a moment, and soon calmed down: "Have you taken
an intimate photo?"

Sister Hong said, "No."

Ji Wang: "Then don't worry. We are both alphas. Even if we stay overnight
together, we can announce that we are staying with friends. Don't worry too

Unexpectedly, one day, they are all alpha identities, but they become umbrellas.

Sister Hong said solemnly: "Really? It seems that you have admitted your
relationship with Qi Boyan?"
Ji Wang quickly reacted: "Sister Hong, did any paparazzi really take pictures of

Sister Hong: "No, I lied to you. Xiaoxu is with me, you are now! Immediately!
Immediately! Come to the company for me."

Ji Wang looked at the phone dumbly, he was hung up by Sister Hong.

It is also to blame for his guilty conscience, so that Sister Hong easily exploded
the truth.

Qi Boyan sat up from his arms, his eyelids still a little red and swollen, and said
dullly, "What's the matter?"

Ji Wang told the truth: "My agent seems to have discovered our relationship."

Qi Boyan: "Are you leaving now?"

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan hesitantly, without speaking.

Qi Boyan took the initiative: "It's okay, you go."

Ji Wang kissed Qi Boyan's eyelids: "I will come back to you after I solve the

Qi Boyan sent him to the underground garage. Before Ji Wang got into the car,
he looked back at Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan waved his hand at him and said goodbye to

Ji Wang pressed the car door and didn't move, but slammed the door shut and
strode towards Qi Boyan. He hugged the other person and kissed the man's lips,
only to end the deep kiss breathlessly. Ji Wang said, "Wait. Me."
After the car drove out of the garage, Ji Wang saw in the rearview mirror that the
garage door remained open, and it had not been closed by the owner for a long

It was like a silent and reluctant farewell.

Sister Hong was waiting for him in the office, with a cigarette in her hand, her face
sinking like water.

Xiaoxu stood aside, frowning and dejected. He didn't hide it from Sister Hong, he
should hide it, instead of showing timidity in his nervousness, asking Sister Hong to
see what was wrong at a glance, and after a few coercive questions, it appeared.
He couldn't help Brother Wang.

Ji Wang glanced at Xiaoxu, knowing that Xiaoxu would not betray for no reason,
how could Xiaoxu be as good as Sister Hong.

He didn't think about how long he kept it, but it was unexpected that he leaked
it out so quickly.

Sister Hong took a deep breath and stared at the artist who had felt relieved since
her debut.

If you don’t fall in love, you don’t pretend, you can endure hardships and be
serious, you don’t complain or make trouble, can you not worry about it?

I have never thought that there is thunder behind the worry, not an omega but
an alpha, so that it is not an unknown amateur, but a top-notch!

That is Qi Boyan! Fans can overwhelm their company with one mouthful of spit
on the stars, not to mention the fact that you are a small artist.

Sister Hong only felt that her temples were dull and throbbing. Why was it
because Ji Wang was just when she thought this artist would be able to get up and
have a bright future.
If so, why bother to get so many resources for Ji Wang.

There are several artists under each agent. She has already put Bao Quan on Ji
Wang, and now she is telling her that this is a risk stock? !

Ji Wang finally spoke, saying that they were all alphas. As long as no intimate
photos were taken, no one would doubt their relationship.

Sister Hong pinched out the cigarette: "Really? What did Qi Boyan like about the
storm, and what did you say on Weibo that followed CP fans? Do you think I'm

Ji Wang has been with Sister Hong for several years, and it was the first time she
saw her being so upset: "Just don't admit it."

Sister Hong turned around in place for a few times: "What if he is photographed?
He can afford it, can you afford it! Do you have any bargaining chips to play with

"Not playing." Ji Wang said.

Sister Hong smiled angrily: "Not playing? Ji Wang, how old are you, not seventeen
or eighteen, you need me to teach you what to do and not to do!"

Sister Hong was furious, scolded Ji Wang for a full half an hour, and then pulled
Xiao Xu out to scold him, and even wanted to fire Xiao Xu who had cheated on him.

Ji Wangli protected Xiaoxu and finally said to Sister Hong: "Sister Hong, I know
what you are worried about. I will renew the company's contract, and I will not
break up with Qi Boyan."

Sister Hong's face changed as she was about to speak, Ji Wang said: "As long as
we don't plan to make it public, we won't make it public."
He was sure, Sister Hong was relieved a bit when she thought that this person's
love partner was Qi Boyan.

The target is top-tier companies, both good and bad, and the disadvantages are
not mentioned. The advantage is that top-tier companies have more mature
methods to deal with scandals than they are, and they are more willing to spend

To put it bluntly, the sky is falling and there is a tall man blocking him, Qi Boyan
is fine, what can happen to Ji Wang.

What's more, I don’t know how many celebrities have been secretly dating in
these years. If they are bitten to death, they can’t admit it, unless the opponent
gets hard evidence and deliberately wants to mess with you.

Sister Hong had a terrible headache: "Does Qi Boyan know about this?"

Ji Wang didn't say a word for a while, Sister Hong covered her face: "He is also
hiding it?!"

"You, you, don't let others die when the time comes, and you want me to come
and collect the corpse for you." Sister Hong hates that iron can't become a steel

To be honest, if Ji Wang really fails, Sister Hong can continue to train the next
one, and there will never be a shortage of newcomers in this line.

But she and Ji Wang have the friendship accumulated over the years, almost the
same as her siblings, so Sister Hong is so angry that Ji Wang secretly concealed her

She drove both Ji Wang and Xiaoxu out of her office. Xiaoxu said with a sad face:
"Brother Wang, will Sister Hong talk to the higher-ups."
After the high-level officials learn about it, their attitudes may be polarized, and
the interests of businessmen are prioritized. No one would consider Ji Wang's life
and death.

Sister Hong wouldn't have thought of anything that Xiaoxu could think of.

Ji Wang said, "No."

He said with certainty whether he was sure or believed in each other's friendship,
Xiao Xu couldn't guess, and he didn't dare to guess again.

After a few days, Xiaoxu saw that there was no rumors in the company, and he
knew that Sister Hong hadn't said that she, like him, chose to keep secrets together.

The fourth filming of "On the Road" restarted, and the second filming added a
racing project. It was divided into several installments. As the episode of the variety
show was broadcast, Xiaoxu was the one who felt the growth of Ji Wang's
popularity most.

There are more live fans, stronger stickiness, and advertising endorsements
come to the door, it seems to be popular overnight.

But Xiaoxu knows that there is no such thing as an overnight success, but after
years of steadfastness, he should have achieved something.

Li Feng beside him was busy typing, busy handing over work with people all day
long, and an assistant did more than an agent.

This makes Xiaoxu a little envious, I don't know when he can be as busy as Li

During the shooting, Li Feng approached Qi Boyan and said a few words, and then
went to the producer. When Li Feng came back, Xiao Xu said, "What's the matter?"
Li Feng shook his head hurriedly. Soon Xiaoxu knew what had happened. Qi
Boyan needed to fly away to do other activities and would not be able to return to
film variety shows until two days later.

Although the face of the producer on the road was ugly, he didn't say anything.

After the end of this variety show, Qi Boyan also participated in the performance
for a total of three days. The day he returned to filming, he flew away on the same

Xiaoxu saw his brother under the camera and silently looked at Qi Boyan's back.

That made Xiaoxu hope that he would never fall in love, or that he would not like
another person so much.

I like to hurt him and worry about him.

Li Feng's face was visibly haggard, and there were several times when he
returned to Xiaoxu late at night with news, enough to see how busy Qi Boyan was,
as if there was no time to rest.

Xiaoxu told Ji Wang about this, and saw Ji Wang pick up his cell phone and
cigarette, and went to the balcony to make a phone call.

The cigarette was not smoked, it was just set aside.

It seems that after being with Qi Boyan, his brother Wang’s addiction to
cigarettes has returned.

Xiaoxu knew that if the call was not made, Brother Wang would definitely smoke
to relieve his worries.

Fortunately, the phone got through, and Ji Wang talked outside for a long time,
and Xiao Xu felt incredible for a long time. Isn't Qi Boyan very busy? Why can I talk
to Ji Wang on the phone for such a long time?
Before he could understand, Ji Wang relaxedly returned from the balcony and
put the cigarettes in the box.

Ji Wang noticed his expression and raised his eyebrows and asked him: "What's
the matter?

Xiaoxu didn't understand and said, "Is it all like this when you are in love? You
just haven't seen each other for a few days."

He thought that Ji Wang was upset and unhappy because Qi Boyan was too busy.

There are no artists who are not busy, everyone is busy.

Ji Wang knocked Xiao Ji on the head with a cigarette case: "What are you talking

Xiaoxu clutched the place where he was knocked: "Obviously, you are not happy
when Qi Boyan is gone, isn't it just because you can't bear him?"

Ji Wang told him that he didn't understand. Xiao Xu was not convinced, and felt
that he understood, but Brother Wang always had so many things in his heart that
Xiao Xu could not have known all of them.

He chatted with Li Feng on WeChat, secretly inquiring about what Qi Boyan was
up to recently, and whether he would return to city c. Every time he got a negative
answer, Qi Bo said that he wouldn't come back, he was busy.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching soon, and his brother Wang has no
other relatives except his grandmother. Grandma was far away in the country, and
Brother Wang couldn't go back immediately.

What's the use of falling in love, boyfriend can't accompany you to spend the
Mid-Autumn Festival.
Xiaoxu took the moon cakes and went to visit Ji Wang. Ji Wang's house was
deserted. When Xiao Xu came to the house, Ji Wang simply cooked a bowl of
noodles, thinking that he would settle for dinner.

This caused Xiaoxu's eyes to panic acid, and his nose was flushed, which made
Xiaoxu very distressed.

Ji Wang looked at him inexplicably: "What's the matter with you?"

"Brother, I'll come to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with you." Xiaoxu sniffed,
took out the mooncake and cut it open for Ji Wang to eat.

The phone vibrated, and Xiao Xu took it out to see that it was a photo sent by Li

Qi Boyan's company is having a celebration party. Congratulations to him for

successfully completing the bet.

In the photo, Qi Boyan looks like a dog, dressed in a suit, surrounded by people,
champagne ribbons, handsome men and beauties.

In reality, his brother Wang is wearing plain pajamas and eating plain noodles.

Comparing the two, Xiao Xu shed tears.

Ji Wang didn't know Xiaoxu's sadness, but watched the time frequently, then
looked at WeChat. The strong fragrance came in the kitchen, Xiao Xu sniffed, the
smell of chicken soup.

He was very pleased that Brother Wang finally did not treat himself wrongly.
When he was greedy by incense, the doorbell made a loud noise, and Xiaoxu went
to open the door, but he almost fell back due to the smell of alcohol.

Outside the door is Li Feng, and on his shoulders is Qi Boyan, a drunk heartbroken
The photos were still bright and beautiful just now, but now they appear in front
of Ji Wang's house and become a little pitiful.

The chicken soup turned out to be boiled for Qi Boyan!

Brother Wang behind him took a few steps forward, hugged Qi Boyan, moved
people into the bedroom with Li Feng, and repeatedly asked: "He hates wine so
much, how can he drink."

Li Feng said dullly: "The other people in the company, as well as the investor's
partner, can persuade him, but Master Qi can't refuse all of them."

Ji Wang was busy back and forth, wiping his face with a towel, giving people
medicine and water, and halfway through, Qi Boyan grabbed his neck and kissed
him on the bed.

Xiaoxu was shocked by the impact of the scene in front of him, and
subconsciously rushed forward. Behind him, Li Feng quickly grabbed his collar with
his hands and pulled him out of the room.

Li Feng: "What are you doing?!"

Xiaoxu struggled a few times and didn't break free, but could only pray for his
brother to be temperamental.

Facts have proved that Ji Wang doesn't have such a thing as temper, and he still
does whatever he wants. On the second day, below the collarbone, the marks were
spotted and terrible.

Xiaoxu asked for concealer to cover up a little for Ji Wang. They were about to fly
to the b city for an audition. Brother Wang deliberately went back to the room
before he left. Standing at the door, Xiao Xu could only see Qi Boyan who was
sleeping heavily in the quilt, and Ji Wang falling on his forehead. Kisses.
So cherished, so nostalgic.

While waiting for the flight, Ji Wang handed over his cell phone to Xiao Xu, who
wanted to concentrate on reading the script for the upcoming audition.

Xiaoxu was holding the phone and didn't know what was going to happen in two

When the explosive news came out, Ji Wang and Xiao Xu were both on the plane,
in flight mode.

None of them knew, and no one expected that the astonishing news, like a
blazing prairie fire, spread throughout the entire network.

Hot searches on Weibo, major news, and all places with Internet have updated
this matter.

It firmly occupies the first place in the hot search on Weibo.

Qi Boyan Fang Shengyun is engaged.

As soon as he got off the plane, Ji Wang just slept briefly on the plane, his eardrum
was hurt by the air pressure.

The girl in the front seat of him turned on the phone and suddenly took a deep

Information ringtones come and go, and they are all sounds of connecting to the
Internet after landing.

Ji Wang put on a mask. Before he took the sponge from his ears, he heard the
girl in the front seat cry.

I don't know what happened, could it be a broken love?

Coming out of the plane, he turned his head to talk to Xiao Xu, only to find that
Xiao Xu's face was pale and his pupils trembled, as if he had experienced a severe
mental shock.

Ji Wang pulled off an earplug and asked him what's wrong.

Xiaoxu said it was okay, his stomach was a little uncomfortable, he might be
airsick, and he would go to the nanny car to take a pill later.

God knows how scared Xiaoxu is at the moment, and his heart is blown to pieces
by the news that he just turned on the phone.

Qi Boyan, this beast! Scumbag! How dare he! Yesterday he was still holding his
brother Wang, but today he was engaged to Fang Shengyun!

How long did he maintain the relationship with Fang Shengyun? Did his brother
Wang be tricked into being a junior?

Xiaoxu wanted to cry, but he suppressed it.

The only thing he is fortunate now is that Brother Wang’s mobile phone is with
him, and before the audition, Brother Wang will concentrate on reading the script
and can’t play mobile phones.

In this way, Brother Wang can know the news later, at least after the audition is

If you see it before the audition, you don't have to think about what the audition
will be like.

Xiao Xu pressed Ji Wang's cell phone for a long time to turn it off for him.

Li Feng’s name popped up on WeChat, and the other party called him a voice call,
but Xiao Xu didn’t want to answer at all. He was now disgusted with Qi Boyan, and
even angered Li Feng.
Pulling the person into the blacklist, clicking on mute, Xiaoxu sent Ji Wang into
the nanny car, fearing from which corner Ji Wang learned this amazing news.

His brother Wang was lucky. Xiao Xu looked at the closed door of the audition
room and walked around anxiously until Sister Hong called him.

Sister Hong went straight in and asked him how Ji Wang was, and the movie
didn't affect the audition. Even though Sister Hong's words were full of business
affairs, the voice full of tension and suppressed anger still betrayed her emotions.

Xiaoxu took a deep breath: "No, I didn't let him know that his mobile phone is
now with me."

Sister Hong: "Good job, if you have any questions...remember to call me and I'll
go over immediately."

Xiaoxu said yes.

One hour later, Brother Wang came out of the audition room. It may be because
of the need to take on the role, the forehead is covered with sweat, and there is
fatigue between the eyebrows.

But the relaxation in the eyes is obvious. Xiaoxu wanted to ask him how it turned
out, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Ji Wang consumed a lot of energy and patted him on the shoulder: "The director
asked me to have dinner with him later."

This meant that the audition was successful, but Xiao Xu couldn't say any

Finally, his ugly face caught Ji Wang's attention.

Ji Wang looked at him worriedly: "Is it still very uncomfortable? Did you eat
something wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Xiaoxu shook his head: "Brother... listen to me first, maybe things are not that

Even Xiaoxu felt that this was against his intentions, and broke the news about
the marketing account of Qi Boyan and Fang Shengyun’s engagement, along with a
photo of Qi Boyan wearing a ring to Fang Shengyun, as well as an invitation to the
engagement banquet, and the time on the post.

It was four years ago, before Qi Boyan debuted, he and Fang Shengyun were only
21 years old.

Both were under the legal age of marriage and could only get engaged.

That means that Qi Boyan was lying to his brother Wang from the beginning.

That bastard!

Xiaoxu tried hard to organize the language, but no matter what he said, he felt
that his words were so pale, and he didn't even believe what he said.

It may be a p-picture, or it may be a fake. Fang Shengyun and Qi Boyan have

reported several scandals, and this time is the most outrageous one.

Engaged? How could it be possible that Qi Bo said that he would not have his
career. To put it seriously, it was to deceive fans and be obsessed with it.

Xiao Xuxu persuaded himself babblingly, as well as persuading Ji Wang.

Just watch Ji Wang's expression change from dumbfounded to unbelief, even

shaking his head, and saying to him: "Where do you seem to be gossip..."
That being said, Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu's hand for the phone to be so cold and the
temperature faded.

Looking at the Weibo icon, Ji Wang hasn't clicked in, as if it was a cannibalistic
monster. With just one step, he would be chewed in with his bones.

The tears that Xiaoxu had endured for a long time burst into his eyes, and he
muttered: "Brother!" He wiped away the tears with the back of his hand: "Don't
look at it, OK."

Ji Wang didn't answer him. He just pointed his finger and entered the page.

Xiao Xu didn't know what Ji Wang saw. He only felt that the blood on Ji Wang's
face disappeared, and the sweat that had stopped on his forehead gushed out
again, it was virtual sweat.

Ji Wang's heartbeat was faster than ever before, and there seemed to be a black
whirlpool under his feet, slowly pulling him down.

Qi Boyan's green face, short hair, the ring on Fang Shengyun's hand, and the date
on the invitation card pierced Ji Wang's eyes one by one.

Ji Wang dropped his hand and the phone fell to the ground.


Li Feng, who was far away in City C, also experienced a frightening storm a few
hours ago.

After he received the news of the exposure of the engagement, he immediately

entered the bedroom to wake up Qi Boyan who was still asleep.

Qi Boyan was shaken awake by him. Hearing what Li Feng said, and learning that
the news of his engagement with Fang Shengyun was now spreading everywhere,
his first reaction turned out to be: "Where is my brother?! Where is my brother!"
Li Feng was at Ji Wang's home at nine o'clock. In order to make it easier for him
to pick up Qi Boyan the next day, Ji Wang gave him his card one day in advance.

He doesn't know where Ji Wang has gone, but this is not the point now!

Li Feng said: "Master Qi, you have to talk to the company first and let them
suppress the news! Now the photos and invitations uploaded on the Internet are
real, and it may be that Fang Shengyun broke the news."

Qi Boyan pushed Li Feng away and hurriedly searched the room without any
trace of Ji Wang.

"Where is Ji Wang!" Qi Boyan shouted with red eyes, his expression becoming
more flustered.

Qi Boyan seemed to persuade himself: "My brother said he loves me, he won't
let me explain. If you say it well, he can understand me, right?"

His shaky eyes fell on Li Feng, begging for an answer from the other's mouth.

Seeing that Qi Boyan's expression became more fragile, Li Feng gradually

collapsed, his expression stunned: "Qi Boyan, have you been taking medicine
lately?" He didn't even call Qi Ye, even his first name and last name.

Qi Boyan ignored him, instead ran into the bedroom, picked up the phone and
tried to call Ji Wang. But it's impossible to do it. The incoming calls and messages
are swarming, and there is no stopping vibrations and ringing tones.

Hanging up one, the other plugged in again, almost squeezing his phone to the
point of paralysis.

In this case, even Qi Boyan's phone number was leaked out.

Li Feng gritted his teeth and found out Xiao Xu's mobile phone number to dial.
Qi Boyan stared at Li Feng closely, as if Li Feng was his only hope.

The long wait passed, Li Feng put down his phone and shook his head at him.

Qi Boyan smiled reluctantly: "It may be because you called, so you didn't

Li Feng was silent. They all knew that if they didn't even answer Li Feng's phone,
it would be even more impossible to answer Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan stubbornly held his mobile phone, refused to drop all calls, and finally
successfully dialed Ji Wang's mobile phone number in the gap.

He got the same result as Li Feng and couldn't connect.

Li Feng approached him with a water cup and medicine: "Take the medicine first,
then take a deep breath and calm down."

But it didn't work. What Qi Boyan didn't want most now was to take medicine!

He pushed Li Feng's hand away, and the glass shattered to the ground with a loud

Qi Boyan stubbornly held the phone and clicked on WeChat, but his hands were
shaking so much that he could hardly utter a word.

He said to Li Feng: "Come here, come and help me input it, I can't do it now..."

Li Feng sighed and took the phone speechlessly: "What do you want to say."

Qi Boyan seemed to have a lot to say, but when it came to his lips, all the excuses
were so weak: "I was wrong, I should... tell him earlier."

The fact that there is a marriage contract is enough to crush all explanations.
How could Ji Wang endure this? Qi Boyan knew better than anyone.

So he considered many ways, and he wanted to solve this matter before Ji Wang
knew it.

The worst choice is that house. He doesn't want Ji Wang to leave him, just like

He will lose his hope, again, again, and thoroughly.

Li Feng waited for a long time without waiting for Qi Boyan's voice. When he
looked up at Qi Boyan, he found that the other party's expression was not right. Qi
Boyan walked past him out of the room and into the living room, standing there
straight, looking at the door.

A large swath of blood fainted on the ground, which Qi Boyan stepped on after
stepping on the debris.

The injured person seemed ignorant, just staring in the direction of the door.

In this case, even if Ji Wang is here, there is no way to talk about it.

Li Feng walked over, just about to speak, Qi Boyan suddenly looked happy: "The
phone is here."

Li Feng was taken aback, before speaking, he quickly realized something, and his
whole face sank because the worst had happened.

Qi Boyan's face recovered a little ruddy, as if he had regained some vitality.

He took his mobile phone from Li Feng's phone and pressed it to his ear: "Brother,
you scared me to death, why didn't you answer the phone? When I woke up, why
were you not by my side."
Li Feng moved his fingers. He stared at the mobile phone sticking to Qi Boyan's
cheek, his throat was like a boulder and he couldn't speak at all.

But Qi Boyan has already started to explain to Ji Wang on the phone, narrating
over and over again that I will settle the engagement. Do you believe me?

I knew that you would believe me.

The phone in Qi Boyan's hand kept vibrating, it was a caller ID that didn't stop.

He didn't care about it anymore, instead he talked with his "brother" intently.

At the same time, with every step taken, the blood on the ground grew more and
more, staining the carpet he and Ji Wang bought together.

The glass went deep into the flesh, but Qi Boyan was ignorant, he even laughed
sweetly, and the "Ji Wang" on the phone said softly: "Because I love you, so I believe
what you say."
In the airport, Ji Wang walked quickly. Holding the phone with a cracked screen in
his hand, the gap between his fingers was painful.

He urgently bought a plane ticket to fly back to city c in the most recent time.
There is no economy, only business.

Forty-five minutes ago, he had a terrible expression and badly said goodbye to
the director, saying that something happened at home and he had to rush back

The director nodded in understanding and sent them to the airport.

But Ji Wang couldn't wait any longer. He rushed out of the audition venue like
the wind and stopped several taxis. Finally, he got on one of them, and his sleeve
was caught by Xiao Xu.
Xiaoxu panicked: "Brother, calm down!"

Ji Wang thinks that he is now sober and knows what to do.

That is to immediately go back to C City to find Qi Boyan, catch the missing person
in front of him, and listen to him personally explain.

Ji Wang pushed Xiaoxu's hand away: "You go back to the hotel to pack your
luggage, I'll go to the airport to book tickets first, and meet at the airport later."

As for whether Xiao Xu could catch the plane, Ji Wang didn't know, he only knew
that he couldn't reach Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang turned to ask for Li Feng's number with Xiaoxu.

However, Li Feng's phone number has not gone any better, it is being connected
all the time.

Ji Wang spoke to Qi Boyan on WeChat and left a message to Li Feng.

However, until he boarded the plane, Ji Wang could not receive any reply.

He even wondered if the engagement was real, Qi Boyan actually had no reason.

Those love and desires are lies and deceptions.

Negative emotions swept through until Song Ge's call dragged him back into

Ji Wang pursed his lips and looked at the caller ID and didn't want to answer. At
this moment, he didn't want to hear any words of sympathy or exhortation.

Why should he be sympathized? The truth has not yet been figured out, so why
one or two sentenced him to death.
Ji Wang didn't answer, Song Ge directly hung up. In the next instant, a report was
sent to Ji Wang from WeChat.

It was a drug report. Ji Wang watched it for a few seconds, and then laughed at
himself suddenly. He thought, there should be no worse situation than it is now.

Without hesitation, he clicked on the file.

The flight attendants in the aisle patrolled back and forth, reminding passengers
to fasten their seat belts and adjust the seat backs.

When she patrolled in the business class, she saw a handsome passenger wearing
a mask and blushing eyes as she stared at the phone.

The passenger looked straight at the screen, as if he had received extremely bad
news from it, a result he could not bear.

The stewardess wanted to remind him that he should turn off the phone, it was
visible, and he didn't even know whether he should step forward.

After hesitating, the passenger has put down his cell phone.

He sat in a daze, until the bag in his arms slipped to the ground, he was
awakened, uncontrollably raised his hand to cover his face.

The man did not cry bitterly, nor did his body rise and fall.

It seemed that all emotions were converged into the body at that moment, and
there was difficulty in silence.

The depression and sadness could not be hidden, from the faintly visible wetness
between the fingers to the whitening finger bones.

People can't help but feel choked.


Li Feng sat in the ambulance and answered one call after another. From the
company to the media he knew, and then to the various program groups related to
it, not only him, the entire company, and even the crisis public relations
department were answering the phone to deal with this. Accidents.

Yes, the accident.

It’s so good to conceal it, and the marriage contract is concealed for so long.

Li Feng knew of the contract signed by the Fang family and Qi Boyan when they
got engaged.

Qi Bo said that if he chooses to cancel the marriage contract in the future, he will
give the Fang family a certain amount of compensation, and the amount in the
contract is astronomical.

An illegitimate child of the Qi family who does not know whether he has
inheritance rights, the Fang family is also betting.

And Qi Boyan chose to bet against him from the beginning. In addition to letting
himself have the capital to challenge the Qi family, a large part of the reason was
due to this contract.

The Fang family was unwilling to dissolve the marriage contract at this time, and
even did not hesitate to expose it. The purpose was very obvious, that is, it was
greedy and unwilling to accept it.

Only a part of the dissolution of the marriage contract can be obtained. If the
marriage contract is not dissolved, when Fang Shengyun gives birth to a child in the
future, he inherits all.
Li Feng gritted his teeth with resentment and tried to stabilize his emotions. He
changed his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and saw Ji Wang's news among
countless information red labels.

Since adding Ji Wang, Li Feng has put people on top, one on top, and Xiao Xu who
pulled him into the blacklist.

Ji Wang asked him where Qi Boyan was and why he didn't answer the phone.

Li Feng didn't know what to return, and told Ji Wang where they were? This is
what Qi Boyan doesn't want Ji Wang to know.

He had just got out of the ambulance when Qi Boyan's attending doctor, Doctor
Fang, came to face him.

Qi Boyan, who was tied with a restraint strap and injected with a tranquilizer,
was quickly pushed in by the nurses and disappeared into Li Feng's field of vision.

This nursing home is designed for special people, powerful and celebrities, and
has first-class confidentiality skills.

Doctor Fang took Li Feng to his office and asked Li Feng carefully about every
detail before and after Qi Boyan's onset.

Li Feng didn't know when Qi Boyan stopped taking the medicine, and why the
onset was so sudden this time.

Obviously, Qi Boyan's vision and auditory hallucinations had ended two years

Qi Boyan's desire to heal is stronger than anyone else.

Because he knows that only by rejecting Ji Wang in the illusion can he embrace
the real Ji Wang.
When Dr. Fang listened to what Li Feng said about the racing session, his face
sank: "I guess at that time, he should have stopped taking the medicine."

Li Feng was stunned, then he took a sigh of relief, and Doctor Fang held his
forehead: "Have you not noticed such obvious self-harm tendency?"

"I thought... it was just a variety show effect." Li Feng said.

Doctor Fang rubbed his eyebrows: "As well as the concert earlier, the patient
never drank alcohol. Not only did he drink a lot of alcohol, he didn't even care about
stomach bleeding. This is also a self-abuse tendency."

"And doing activities almost without rest, how long has his sleep disturbance

Li Feng's expression was sad: "For a long time, it took medicine to barely sleep."

Dr. Fang drew a circle on the paper with the tip of his pen: "I think it would be
better for Mr. Qi not to meet his lover for the time being."

Li Feng shook his head subconsciously and did not agree, but he knew that the
doctor's decision was probably not wrong.

Qi Boyan's recurrence, every step of the inducement, originated from Ji Wang.

Li Feng's phone vibrated again, and the caller ID was actually Ji Wang.

He wanted to hang up, but somehow, he thought of Qi Boyan's behavior of

holding the phone tightly after taking the tranquilizer. He couldn't help sighing, and
after signaling to the doctor, he went out to answer the phone.

Li Feng tried his best to keep his voice as usual, but he heard Ji Wang's tired and
hoarse voice: "I'm at the entrance of the nursing home, and they won't let me in."

"How could you?" Li Feng even suspected that he had heard it wrong.
Ji Wang: "I opened the location of Qi Boyan's mobile phone and can find out
where he is. You come out first and take me in."

After hanging up, Ji Wang stood at the entrance of the nursing home, ignoring
the guard's vigilant sight.

His eye sockets were so sore that he blinked with a slight sting.

The character Chen Baihe, whose audition for Ji Wang is over, suffers from
schizophrenia. He did his homework and didn't know anything.

Carried for life, easy to relapse and aggressive.

And... depression.

At the moment when he saw the drug report, Ji Wang could no longer help
looking for clues in his memories. How could he easily believe that Qi Bo said that
the scar on his wrist was caused by a car accident.

The weakened stomach has no sense of salty and bitter taste, and even feels
numb to pain.

Obviously there are so many unusual places, why hasn't he discovered it?

Will Qi Boyan's disappearance over the years have something to do with this?

At this time Li Feng finally appeared and hurriedly walked towards him. When he
saw his appearance, Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and soon lowered his
eyelashes and said: "He just suddenly got sick...He has a stomachache. The doctor
is treating him, so don't worry too much."

"I want to see him." Ji Wang said directly.

Li Feng showed an ugly smile: "Teacher Ji, don't embarrass me, now this special

"I said, I want to see him." Ji Wang forced one step forward: "Li Feng, I don't want
to be rough with you."

Alpha's vaguely out of control pheromone dissipated, and Li Feng's face was
green: "Teacher Ji, calm down."

Li Feng's uncooperative reaction made Ji Wang's intuition wrong: "Where is he


Li Feng gritted his teeth, this meant that even if Ji Wang acted on him, he would
not speak.

"Li Feng, I know what medicine Qi Boyan is taking." Ji Wang trembled: "So... don't
lie to me, he is currently being treated for what disease."

Li Feng was stunned. He didn't even know if Ji Wang was scamming him, but
wanted him to tell the truth.

Ji Wang was surprised enough to find here, let alone medicine.

Soon Li Feng realized that what Ji Wang said was true, and the chance to succeed
should be that time packing his suitcase.

Li Feng looked at Ji Wang with complicated eyes: "You come with me."

Qi Boyan didn't get far away from Ji Wang, he was in the building next to him.

The snow-white ward, the transparent observation window, and the

unobstructed scene, can even see the restraint straps that grind the wrists red.

Alpha's long hair fell to his cheeks, soaked with sweat, covering his cheeks.
That good-looking, powerful and proud Qi Boyan is now tied to the bed in
embarrassment and weakness, unable to move.

Ji Wang was about to open the door, he felt that many people stopped him in
the process, and they were all pushed away one by one until he finally reached the
hospital bed.

Qi Boyan's eyelashes were hanging down, his eyes were slightly open, and his
breathing was so soft.

His out-of-focus eyes followed the hands on his cheeks and the familiar breath,
falling dullly on Ji Wang's face.

Then Qi Boyan closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see him.

Tears flowed down the bridge of Qi Boyan's nose and dripped onto Ji Wang's

Qi Boyan opened his mouth and wanted to talk to him.

Ji Wang almost had to press Qi Boyan's lips to hear Qi Boyan's weak volume,
begging him: "Brother, don't look at me..."

With just this sentence, what Ji Wang wanted to say was all dumb in his throat, and
he couldn't say it anymore.

His arm was pulled by the nurse, and several people pushed him out of the ward.

Ji Wang seemed to have lost all his strength, and his heart was so dull that he
could barely breathe.
He kept his eyes on Qi Boyan on the hospital bed, but the man kept his eyes
closed, and even buried his face deeper in the pillow, not wanting Ji Wang to see

Li Feng took him aside and said something softly. Ji Wang couldn't hear him, only
Qi Boyan on the hospital bed was in his eyes.

He looked away with difficulty and dazedly, and then he saw Qi Boyan's feet.

It's full of blood and hasn't been cleaned yet.

He thought he had made enough preparations on the plane and cried enough.

But the facts tell him that it is far from enough. He couldn't see Qi Boyan like this
at all, he couldn't bear it.

He covered his eyes, pushed Li Feng away, and stepped back vainly, almost sitting
on the ground.

Li Feng grabbed him to support him, settled him on a chair in the corridor, poured
another cup of hot water, and stuffed it into Ji Wang's cold hands.

The two people sat in the corridor in silence. Doctors and nurses went in and out.
Ji Wang kept his face down so that no one could see his expression.

Li Feng leaned back on the chair, thinking that Ji Wang would ask him something,
such as about the engagement.

But when Ji Wang finally spoke, he only asked himself the only thing he cared
about: "When can I go in and see him."

"Wait, wait until his condition stabilizes." Li Feng didn't dare to say, the doctor
might not allow the two of them to meet.
Ji Wang didn't speak any more, just stared at the ground blankly, not knowing
what he was thinking.

Li Feng finally swallowed some words and selectively informed Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan's mother also suffers from schizophrenia, and her direct blood relatives
have a high heritability. Qi Boyan developed the disease four years ago. Before I
came to see Ji Wang, his condition had stabilized a lot.

Doctors say that it is rare to control the condition so quickly like him.

This is the first relapse, probably because of stopping the medicine.

This treatment should not be very difficult. If you stay in the hospital for a month,
you may be discharged.

Li Feng tried to explain: "Schizophrenia is not as scary as ordinary people think.

As long as you take medicine on time, you don't need to take medicine even when
your condition improves."

He said that Qi Boyan had to be engaged to Fang's family because of his family,
but the marriage contract had been agreed long ago and could be cancelled.
Originally, after the gambling was over, it should be cancelled.

It's just that the Fang family chose to break the news, and none of them expected

Ji Wang covered his forehead, where the pain was terrible: "Four years ago...even
if it was genetic, what might have happened? Why was he sick?"

Li Feng did not answer, Ji Wang realized something: "Why did he relapse today
because of me?"

Li Feng sighed for a long time: "Teacher Ji...The illusion of Master Qi is you."
Ji Wang didn't seem to react, and looked at Li Feng blankly, as if he didn't
understand what he was talking about.

Li Feng: "Four years ago, when I first discovered something was wrong, no one
realized that he was sick."

Qi Boyan was acting too normal, even if he was forced to make a marriage
contract with Fang Shengyun, he managed to leave himself a way out.

Be organized and think clearly.

He even plans to start his own company, and he also considers how he should go
in the future.

Li Feng was already working with Qi Boyan at that time. One day, he told Li Feng
that he had contacted Ji Wang.

When Li Feng finally discovered something was wrong, Qi Boyan had been with
this illusion for several months.

He was stuck in it, unable to extricate himself.

Until he was admitted to the hospital, took medicine, and even received
electrotherapy, Qi Boyan was still obsessed with thinking that the Ji Wang around
him was real and how could it be fake? This is his brother.

It was Doctor Fang's proposal that finally made him sober.

He told Li Feng that there are very few hallucinations like Qi Boyan. However,
each patient's situation is different, and the patient needs to realize that it is an
illusion in order to get better.

A good solution is to let him face the truth.

Speaking of this, Li Feng looked towards Ji Wang: "Do you remember that four
years ago, you won the Best Newcomer Award for Director Chen's film?"

At that time, Qi Boyan was in the audience, it was his reunion with Ji Wang in the
true sense.

On the dazzling stage, the brilliance of the sky seemed to fall on Ji Wang, and he
smiled and kissed the golden trophy in his hand.

Li Feng accompanied Qi Boyan, watching Qi Boyan stare at the stage almost


He told Li Feng that his brother's appearance has changed a lot.

"Become... not like the people around me anymore."

Qi Boyan's hand was always half-raised, as if holding a person invisibly.

At that moment, Qi Boyan found his "truth".

So he released the hand of "Ji Wang" beside him, raised his hand and gently
hooked the outline of Ji Wang on the stage, which was far away from him.

"It's still pretty, as if it will shine."

Li Feng whispered these things that Ji Wang might not know.

Actually, I didn't want to justify Qi Boyan, but I just thought that Ji Wang might
want to know.

"Speaking of which, the first time I found out that there was something wrong
with Master Qi, he gave me your phone number."

"Fortunately, your phone number is already empty, otherwise I can't find out his
fault so quickly."
Li Feng tried his best to use a relaxed tone, although what he said was not easy.

When Ji Wang heard this, he suddenly remembered that Qi Boyan had appeared
where he lived for the first time and asked him, have you changed your phone
number? I called your previous number for several days.

Therefore, after Qi Boyan was cured, he should have discovered that it was an
empty account.

Why do you ask this question, is it because it has never been better?

Ji Wang nervously told Li Feng about the matter: "Will he have relapsed since

Hearing this, Li Feng shook his head with a wry smile: "It's not like that... Actually,
Master Qi, he never played that number four years ago."

"In all his auditory hallucinations, you took the initiative to call."

"The doctor has said that perhaps he had already known subconsciously at that
time that your phone will no longer get through."

"If he tells you that you can't get through on the phone, this is actually a sign that
he is fine at that time, and he can clearly distinguish between reality and illusion."

But now, it's the thing that really can't distinguish between reality and illusion.

It was already the second day when Ji Wang was allowed to enter Qi Boyan's

Qi Boyan just finished the mec without convulsive electric shock, lying on the bed
fainted, because of the effect of the drug, his thinking is very slow, and his speech
is very difficult.
But today he is more decent than yesterday.

It's not like a lunatic who needs to be tied up to stay mad.

The mentally ill.

But now, it doesn't seem to be any better.

These thoughts turned slowly in Qi Boyan's head. He opened his eyes and saw
that for only one night, Ji Wang, who was haggard, was sitting in front of the bed,
holding his hand and putting him on a ring.

Ji Wang's fingertips left the ring and came to the tattoo covering the scar. Such a
wound was cut with a sharp knife.

Under the raised scar, there is a slow pulse, which beats under Ji Wang's fingers.

He felt that the pulse seemed to be quickening, so he raised his eyes and met Qi
Boyan's gaze.

Qi Boyan blinked tiredly, unable to speak, so he could only hook his fingers twice
in his palm, like a naughty response and a weak confession.

Ji Wang held his hand and didn't let go. Knowing that he couldn't speak, he said
to himself.

Ji Wang: "I didn't deliberately not answer your phone yesterday. I went to
audition in city b. That's the script you've seen, Chen Baihe, I got the role."

"You can't make calls on the plane. You should leave a message on WeChat.
Remember next time. Don't call again if you have important things."

"Look at you, I'll be away for a while, and you will make yourself like this. What
should I do on the road next time? I also thought about how to secretly kiss you in
a variety show, behind everyone's back."
Qi Boyan heard what Ji Wang said, his lips moved, as if he wanted to laugh, but

Ji Wang didn't cry, his tone was calm, and his mood was calm: "The doctor said
you have to be hospitalized, get well soon."

Qi Boyan seemed to be a little anxious, his fingers gently tucked Ji Wang's

fingertips, trying very hard to speak.

Ji Wang leaned over and kissed Qi Boyan's forehead: "Don't cheat on the me you
imagined. The real me is here, right in front of you. I can touch it, touch it, and I
won't coax like I did before. You, say so many nice things."

He stepped back a little and kissed Qi Boyan's lips again. At that moment, a little
bit of moisture landed on Qi Boyan's cheek and slipped into the sideburns.

Qi Boyan knew that Ji Wang was crying. But he couldn't even raise his hand to
wipe Ji Wang's tears.

Ji Wang gently pressed Qi Boyan on the bed and buried his face in the opponent's
neck, which was a silent hug.

Holding Qi Boyan, Ji Wang whispered: "I can't stay here with you all the time. I
won't call you when I'm away. Remember, it's not me who called you."

Qi Boyan seemed to realize something. His body was tight and wanted to hug Ji
Wang, but he couldn't move at all because of the power of the medicine. He
frowned in anger, and Ji Wang couldn't see it.

When Ji Wang got up, he felt Qi Boyan's fingers still hooking him weakly.

Qi Bo said intermittently, and finally said the words from his mouth: "Don't, go."

Ji Wang grabbed his fingertips, his eyes were red and he didn't speak.
The door of the ward was knocked and pushed open. Doctor Fang and the nurse
were standing outside the door. Doctor Fang said politely to Ji Wang: "Mr. Ji, you
go back first. I will inform you of the next visit."

Ji Wang didn't move, and the next moment, he bit on Qi Boyan's neck in front of
the doctor and nurse.

Information poured in, blood poured out, Doctor Fang stopped drinking loudly,
and the nurse came over to pull the person in fright.

Ji Wang licked the blood on his lips, and said to Qi Bo on the hospital bed: "Before
the mark disappears, come back to me."
Ji Wang came out of the ward, and the disguise faded away calmly.

He told Qi Boyan to return to him before the mark disappeared.

In fact, even he himself was not sure whether Qi Boyan could find some strength
from this sentence.

Doctor Fang told him yesterday that patients with schizophrenia, it is best not to
meet with people close to them until their condition has stabilized. This is not
conducive to their stability.

Now Dr. Fang added: “Just like what was marked, Mr. Ji had better not do it again
in the future. Pheromone may affect the performance of the drug.”

Although Doctor Fang was polite, Ji Wang knew that he was warning him.

Ji Wang understood Dr. Fang’s attitude very well. As the attending doctor, he had
to give priority to the patient’s condition rather than his emotions.

If family members don’t trust the doctor, who can come and treat the patient?
Through the glass window, he looked at Qi Boyan inside. The other party was
lying on the hospital bed. Because of the restraint, he didn't even have the strength
to look at him.

The blood of Qi Boyan remained in the mouth, the rich pheromone taste.

He had never wanted to retain the taste so much.

But now he must be strong, Qi Boyan said that he is his patron saint. Ji Wang
didn't think he was, but now he wanted to become the person who guarded Qi

If possible, he might irresponsibly turn off all his work, just to stay with Qi Boyan,
as long as Qi Boyan needs him.

From yesterday to now, guilt has filled Ji Wang's heart.

He knows that this kind of emotion is wrong, but he can't control it. Anyone who
sees his lover become like this, especially knowing that the reason for the lover's
episode is himself, and he can't calm down.

Li Feng probably understood his feelings now, and he specifically asked Ji Wang
to do something.

For example, go to Qi Boyan's house and pack his clothes, because Qi Boyan may
have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Li Feng said, if possible, it is best to take some photos. Because after the mect is
done, part of the memory will be damaged.

Years ago, Qi Boyan had forgotten a lot of things as soon as he finished

electrotherapy. He wanted to retrieve his memories and could only rely on photos,
but found that there were so few photos of him and Ji Wang.

Li Feng: "So after the reunion..."

The next thing, even if Li Feng didn't need to say, Ji Wang understood.

That was after the reunion, the set of pictures that Qi Boyan took with him was
the selfishness of Qi Boyan.

The feeling of missing memories is not good, and the treatment is also
uncomfortable. The only sweetness in life was lost by Qi Boyan himself.

He asked Li Feng, if his brother knew what he was like now, would he come back
to him?

Then Qi Boyan said again, don't let his brother know.

Just as my father had been crazy infatuated with his mother in the early years,
but in the end, when she fell ill, his father looked at her like a monster.

It's not their fault to be sick, it's just that they can't control how others feel about

What do you do if your lover doesn't love you anymore? Are you crazy to stay, or
stay in his memory in the best appearance?

Qi Boyan said that he didn't know how he would choose before, but now he
knows when he is sick. That is to never let Ji Wang know, he doesn't want Ji Wang
to sympathize with him.

Li Feng pulled out from his memories and smiled bitterly: "Looking at what I said
unconsciously, I will send you the address of Master Qi's house using WeChat. The
password for the door is 94814."

This password is Ji Wang’s birthday. This string of numbers is not just the
password for the house, but also Qi Boyan's password for everything.
Qi Boyan once joked with Li Feng, if one day he goes crazy like his mother and
loses his life, then maybe he can leave everything to Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan rarely had anything in his life, and Ji Wang was the only one he wanted,
the one he wanted to occupy.

He also wants to be the most important person in Ji Wang's life, at least the most
memorable person.

If he left everything to Ji Wang, then his brother might be able to remember him

When Ji Wang heard this, he suddenly remembered what Qi Boyan had always
said with confidence before, what I know you didn't forget me, I know you love me,
and I know you never forget me.

Is this really convinced that Ji Wang hasn't forgotten him, or is he persuading


How long it took six years, Ji Wang also said that there is nothing he can't forget,
he will meet better.

Qi Boyan had remembered these words for many years, so it seemed to be

emboldened, but actually fragile.

Only because he couldn't get through the phone, he relapsed again.

Ji Wang is not in good spirits and can't drive, so he can only ask Xiaoxu to pick
him up.

He was too tired and had several nightmares last night, all about Qi Boyan's

Ji Wang hoped that Qi Boyan's tattoo on his wrist would be useful. Every time Qi
Boyan wanted to do something stupid, he would stop when he looked there.
Ji Wang is willing to make a tape tied to Qi Boyan's wrist to keep him firmly by
his side.

When he came to the windowless house, Ji Wang stood in the living room,
thinking that he and Qi Boyan once conceived the scene of two people living
together in this scene.

Everything seemed like a world away, and it didn't take long for it to pass.

He thinks there will be a chance, Qi Boyan will always get better and come back
here again.

At that time, he would really peel the oranges for Qi Boyan to eat. They could
take a lot of photos and leave a lot of memories.

They are also shooting a variety show together, and those Qi Boyan can show
them, not the pitiful ones, there are not a few photos when they want to

This is a vibration on his phone, and it is a WeChat sent by Li Feng.

Li Feng told him on WeChat that maybe next time he came to visit Qi Boyan, he
could bring him a peach-like cake.

Then came a picture.

Li Feng said that Qi Boyan liked this cake every time he was in a bad mood.

The moment Ji Wang saw the photo, he was almost speechless.

This peach cake was a breakup gift he left to Qi Boyan, but Qi Boyan used it to
spend so many years of suffering.
Ji Wang wanted to replace this cake with more things, not this cake that
symbolized the end.

In fact, he is not good to Qi Boyan at all. If he is good, then Qi Boyan should not
be in the hospital now, but should be by his side.

Ji Wang slowed down for a long time before he cheered up again.

He packed his clothes for a long time in the room and covered them with his

Ji Wang knew that Qi Boyan would like it. This time Qi Boyan didn't need to look
at his back from a distance, but really felt everything about him.

He folded his clothes and put them in his bag and sat in the huge room, feeling
deeply that he could do so little for Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang found a few books for Qi Boyan, downloaded a lot of movies on the
tablet, filled his pockets with candies, sticky notes on every page in the book, and
all the words he ordered were on the sticky notes.

Because Qi Boyan can't touch his mobile phone for the time being, these notes
are all what Ji Wang wants to say.

He took the bag back to the hospital and handed it to the nurse.

The nurse was one of the people who stopped him just now, and obviously still
remembered the action he had marked Qi Boyan just now.

She looked strange, Ji Wang noticed, but now he can't think about regrets or

He only does what he wants to do and can appease Qi Boyan.

At this time, a person came to face him, Fang Shengyun, the culprit who caused
this uproar,

Fang Shengyun raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw him, a little surprised,
probably because he did not expect that Ji Wang dared to appear here.

Ji Wang had the same mentality as him, he didn't expect Fang Shengyun to dare
to come over.

For omega, Ji Wang has always been polite,

But obviously, Fang Shengyun is not on the list that Ji Wang wants to be treated

He looked cold: "I don't think Bo Yan doesn't want to see you now, please come
back, Mr. Fang."

Fang Shengyun folded his hands and said to Ji Wang, "Did you make a mistake? I
am his fiancé, and I am the one who is most qualified to visit him."

"Besides, if he likes me, he won't lie in it now, like a waste."

These words forced Ji Wang to approach Fang Shengyun. He said: "If you dare to
speak rudely to him, even if the Conservation Association takes me to court, you
will not be able to get out of here today."

Fang Shengyun didn't seem to be afraid, but the actual steps had already receded

He glanced across the monitor in the hallway and said to Ji Wang: “Here people
come and go, don’t do things that you regret. Besides, if he doesn’t get engaged to
me, you think you can see him like this Right?"

Ji Wang paused. He knew that Li Feng had something to hide from him. For
example, why did Qi Boyan get sick?
If it was caused by their breakup, why did it happen after two years?

Why did Qi Boyan never contact him in those two years?

You know, Ji Wang waited for Qi Boyan for a long time.

Fang Shengyun continued: "Don't treat me like a bad person. Qi Boyan should
thank me. There were so many people for me to choose, but I chose him. That's
why he was saved, didn't he?"

"It's interesting to talk about something. Do you know how Qi Boyan got sick?"
Fang Shengyun's eyes lighted slightly, as if he was talking about a topic he likes very

Ji Wang felt that it was wrong instinctively, but he didn't stop Fang Shengyun
from continuing to speak.

Perhaps Qi Boyan, and even what Li Feng had concealed until now, is finally about
to be revealed at this moment.

Fang Shengyun held his chin and chuckled. He saw Ji Wang's eagerness to know
the answer, and he also satisfied him.

"Don't you know? The punch you gave Qi Boyan in the box made Qi Tian discover
his alpha, so he was put in a mental hospital."

Fang Shengyun whispered: "That mental hospital, but an industry owned by Qi

Tian, does not undergo anesthesia for electrotherapy there. How do you think Qi
Boyan is crazy? He was tortured crazy alive."

"It's you who sent Qi Boyan into hell with his own hands."
The purpose of what Fang Shengyun said was to make Ji Wang collapse. If Ji Wang
left Qi Boyan because of this, it would be more in his mind.
His marriage contract with Qi Boyan cannot end now.

What bullshit really loves, Fang Shengyun never believes in this, he only believes
in the benefits, and each gets what he needs.

In fact, the Fang family wanted him to give up Qi Boyan from the very beginning,
because Qi Boyan was inappropriate.

What's more, the other party also suffers from schizophrenia that may be passed
on to the child, so it is not a suitable marriage partner.

But Fang Shengyun wanted to Qi Boyan. He saved Qi Boyan. Qi Boyan should be

grateful to him, not yin and yang. All these years, his heart and mind have been to
dissolve the marriage contract for the sake of observance.


What is good about Ji Wang?

Fang Shengyun looked at the person in front of him, his haggard and handsome
face, and a fiercely shaken look, all of which made Fang Shengyun very satisfied
with the words just now, the lethality he possessed.

However, Ji Wang's face was shaken only for a moment, and soon he lowered his
eyebrows, and the other party Sheng Yun said, "Where is your purpose for telling
me these things?"

"If, as you said, I personally pushed him into hell, then I should use my second
half of my life to be responsible for him." Ji Wang said calmly.

Fang Shengyun's face changed slightly, as he was about to say something, then
he stared at him and fell straight behind Ji Wang, as if there was someone who
should never have been there.
Ji Wang followed his gaze and turned his head and saw Qi Boyan, who was pale,
sitting in a wheelchair and silently staring at the two of them.

Qi Boyan raised his hand and said to Ji Wang, "Come on..."

He still struggled to speak, saying both words for a long time.

No one knows when Qi Boyan came out, let alone how long he listened to it.

Ji Wang walked over: "Where is the nurse? Can you come out now?"

Qi Boyan's hand directly touched Ji Wang's thigh, and took out the phone from
his pocket.

Ji Wang was a little nervous and wanted to stop it. Because Qi Boyan's
hallucinations originated from the mobile phone, the doctor should have ordered
not to touch the electronic equipment when starting treatment.

But Qi Boyan's hand was so weak that Ji Wang now regarded Qi Boyan as a
ceramic doll, and he couldn't touch it, for fear that it would break when touched.
He didn't dare to snatch Qi Boyan at all.

Qi Boyan clicked on his mobile phone, entered the password, and successfully
typed out a paragraph: Don't believe a word of what he said.

Looking at this line of words, Ji Wang lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Qi Boyan grabbed Ji Wang's hand and shook it weakly.

Ji Wang calmed him softly: "I don't have a letter, please send you back to the
ward first, okay?"

At this time, the nurse hurriedly came and was shocked to see Qi Boyan out of
the ward on her own.
The nurse just took a blanket for the patient, but he didn't expect Qi Boyan to
get out of bed on his own. It was obvious that he didn't even have the strength to
raise his hand in the morning. It was amazing perseverance.

Qi Boyan was not completely restricted from moving. On weekdays, patients also
need to go out for a walk. There is a wheelchair next to the bed. When Qi Boyan
needs it, the nurse will push him out for a walk.

If the symptoms are relieved later, and the medication does not need to be so
heavy, you can act on your own.

He put the blanket on Qi Boyan's lap, looked at Ji Wang and Fang Shengyun,
embarrassed: "Doctor Fang has said that the patient cannot meet with their family
members recently."

Fang Shengyun stared at the male nurse: "Do you mean his family members or

The male nurse can surf the Internet, and of course he also knows the
relationship between the three in front of him. He didn't want to answer this
question. Qi Boyan held the phone in one hand and typed in another sentence: I
want to be alone with this person for a while.

After showing the nurse the words on the screen, he raised his finger to Sheng
Yun below.

The nurse hesitated, Qi Boyan continued to input: If you don't listen to me, then
I will be transferred immediately.

The nurse had no choice but to say: "I will first ask the doctor what I mean."

Fang Shengyun stepped forward and said in a low voice: "It seems that you have
not got a bad brain. You know that the person you should talk to most is me, not
your old lover."
The nurse called another female nurse in the corridor and asked her to look at Qi
Boyan and trot to find Doctor Fang by herself.

Ji Wang knew what Qi Boyan said on his phone was not just for the nurse, but for

Talking alone means that he cannot be present.

Qi Boyan didn't use his mobile phone. Instead, he held Ji Wang's hand against his
face, and slowly said, "Brother, brother... believe me?"

Ji Wang was silent for a while: "Does the cell phone need to be with you? You
need a cell phone to talk to him, right?"

Qi Boyan nodded with a smile, and Ji Wang said: "Then I will go down and smoke
a cigarette. Is there enough time for two cigarettes?"

Qi Boyan kissed the back of his hand, and Ji Wang had to leave. When he passed
Fang Shengyun, he saw Fang Shengyun smile triumphantly at him.

Ji Wang's eyes darkened, he gritted his teeth, and strode away.

The greening of the sanatorium is very good, the scenery is beautiful, but Ji Wang
has no time to appreciate it. His head is now full of Fang Shengyun's words.

In the box six years ago, he did beat Qi Boyan out of blood. There was a rich
pheromone in his blood. At that time of chaos, Qi Tian was also there, and it was
indeed very likely that he knew Qi Boyan was alpha.

When Qi Boyan told him about Qi Tian, the fear was not only because Qi Tian
was a pervert, but also because Qi Tian once locked him up for torture?

How long has it been tortured? How tortured again!

Fang Shengyun is not necessarily lying to him, it is very likely that this is the case,
otherwise why Qi Boyan always refuses to be honest about the things of the year,
because this is the truth! He killed Qi Boyan!

Because of him, Qi Boyan was ill, and he became what he is today!

This terrible thought pressed him like a mountain, and he could barely breathe.
He took out the cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it in his mouth.

Soon he tasted the smell of blood. I don't know when he bit his lip. He wanted to
light a cigarette, but his hand was shaking terribly, and the lighter fell. Ji Wang
didn't pick it up, but smashed it to the tree next to him.

After repeated heavy blows, blood poured out, and Ji Wang even wanted to use
it to vent.

However, the severe pain did not ease his emotions. His head hurts more than
his hands, almost exploding.

Fang Shengyun upstairs scanned Qi Boyan's ward, and focused on the restraint
belt on the bed for a while.

He stretched out his hand to squeeze the restraint belt, and felt the quality:
"What are you going to do now? Although the Star Way has been ruined for most,
but generously admit that the marriage contract is at least like a man."

Fang Shengyun heard the sound of the wheelchair rolling, Qi Boyan ignored him
at all, went to the window, opened the curtain, and looked down.

Not knowing what he saw, Qi Boyan frowned tightly, and when he looked back
at Fang Shengyun, his eyes had completely changed.

In front of Ji Wang, he was as meek as a sheep, but towards Fang Shengyun, he

was the most terrifying evil dog.
Malicious pheromone instantly filled the room, and normal alpha would not do
this to omega.

He looked pale and backed away, he forgot that Qi Boyan was never a gentleman,
nor a normal person, but a mad dog.

Now that the mad dog had shown his white teeth, if it hadn't been for Qi Boyan
who had just been treated now, he would have no doubt that the man directly
pinched his neck.

Qi Boyan didn't use his mobile phone to input, and said every word: "You know,
it's illegal to kill someone with a mental illness."

It seemed that he was not simply warning him, but he wanted to tear his throat

Fang Shengyun was timid, his stomach was clumped up by Qi Boyan's

pheromone, and every inch of his exposed skin was prickling, even his hairs were
standing up.

Qi Boyan snorted, and Fang Shengyun was actually scared when it was clear that
he was the person in the wheelchair.

"If you don't withdraw all the news replayed, the video of Qi Tianche's passive
hands and feet will be sent to Qi Zhengsong immediately."

Qi Boyan spoke slowly. He was afraid that Fang Shengyun could not hear clearly,
and he deliberately bit every word very clearly.

Fang Shengyun opened his eyes wide in amazement, his pupils trembled, and Qi
Boyan supported his chin: "Actually, I don't hate you, anyhow I didn't get my hands

He suddenly realized something: " design me!"

Before I said more, the door of the ward was slammed open, and Doctor Fang
stood outside the door with a bad face: "Mr. Fang, please remember to register at
the front desk before you come to visit the patient next time. Our nursing home is
not easy to get in and out of. Place, there are other patients who live here, they are
all distinguished guests of our sanatorium!"

Fang Shengyun gritted his teeth with anger, and was about to walk away when
he saw the expressionless Ji Wang behind the doctors and nurses.

The fire in his heart suddenly diminished a bit. What if Qi Boyan was arrogant,
what if he was a mad dog, he was not willing to put on the reins, and the other end
was held in the hands of the man in front of him.

And he has successfully pierced a knife in this man's heart.

He was very curious, only the guilty love, and the guilt that can arise as long as
he sees this person, how long can such a heavy feeling last.

Ji Wang ignored his provocative gaze, passed him, and walked towards Qi Boyan
step by step.

Fang Shengyun turned his head, the nurse glanced at him, and slowly pushed the
door of the ward.

In the last field of vision, Fang Shengyun saw that Ji Wang had come to Qi Boyan,
squatted down and looked up at Qi Boyan as if he was looking at him, with only Qi
Boyan in his eyes and no one else.

Fang Shengyun frowned subconsciously, and the door was completely closed.

Suddenly he was not so sure. Some people could let go of their heavy feelings
because of their guilt in order to make themselves breathe.

But this man named Ji Wang...Fang Shengyun felt invisibly that he and Qi Boyan
had the same thing in them, and they were both crazy.
Even if Ji Wang looked more normal than Qi Boyan.

It's also... A normal person sees that his lover is engaged, and the object is not
himself, and even knows that the other person is still suffering from schizophrenia,
and what happened in the past, and he stayed with his lover so calmly.

They are all lunatics, so they are all crazy!

Before leaving the ward, Doctor Fang glanced at Ji Wang. Ji Wang wanted to get up
and leave with wit. But his hand was pulled by Qi Boyan, and Qi Boyan stared at the
wound on his hand without speaking.

"Xiao Nan, you go and treat Mr. Ji's wound." Doctor Fang said to the male nurse
beside him, and said with Ji Wang: "Mr. Ji, if you want psychological consultation,
our hospital has a special counselor to help."

This is a high-level private nursing home, let alone a psychological counselor,

even if a patient wants to eat a French meal, there will be a dedicated chef to make
it for him.

It is common for the family members of patients to have psychological problems.

Especially the family members of schizophrenia, every time they think the patient
will get better, they will relapse again. Repeatedly changing from hope to
disappointment is a very torturous thing.

Family members must learn to ask others for help whenever they can’t support

Doctor Ji Wangchongfang smiled: "No need."

Doctor Fang didn't force it. This was just the beginning, and it was normal not to
accept help.
He didn't mention that Ji Wang went out. When Xiao Nan came to tell him about
the situation, he heard Qi Boyan's bright threat.

Qi Boyan is his patient, and he was also treated here before. Knowing that this
person's temper should follow, Dr. Fang said, "Mr. Ji, you can stay for another

The wound on Ji Wang's hand was handled well, and the skin wound was cleaned
before putting on a bandage.

Qi Boyan sat next to him and watched Xiao Nan's every move. If his gaze was real,
Ji Wang's hand shouldn't let him stare through.

After handling the wound, Xiao Nan consciously lifted the medicine box and left
the ward, and also helped them close the door.

After the door closed, Ji Wang sighed softly.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the increasingly sore temples, but he heard
a hoarse voice, Qi Bo said: "I'm sorry."

Ji Wang was slightly startled, he didn't understand why Qi Boyan wanted to

apologize to him.

Qi Boyan looked at his hand: "I'm fine if I don't get sick."

Ji Wang's nose was sore, he said, "What are you talking about, sickness is not
something you can control."

Qi Boyan didn't look up, Ji Wang got down from the chair and squatted in front
of Qi Boyan's wheelchair, asking Qi Boyan to look at his face: "Don't worry, I don't
believe a word of what Fang Shengyun said."

Qi Boyan stared at Ji Wang's anxious face: "Don't get hurt in the future."
"For me, let alone." Qi Boyan showed a tired look, his current body would not
allow him to talk too much.

The sequelae of electrotherapy is very uncomfortable, and he has been holding

on till now.

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's hand against his face: "I know, not next time."

"May I take you to bed and rest?" Ji Wang said.

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan took his hand out of his face and patted the calling bell
behind him.

Ji Wang thought that Qi Boyan was uncomfortable, did the auditory

hallucinations appear again? Isn't he in front of Qi Boyan now? Another "him"
popped up?

Some words are said, others will probably think that he has a problem.

But he really didn't like Qi Boyan's "illusion", he hated Qi Boyan's love for this
"illusion". Even if this illusion was imagined by Qi Boyan, it couldn't be.

The nurses came quickly, thinking that Qi Boyan had a problem. How did he know
that as soon as he entered the ward, Qi Boyan pointed to Ji Wang: "I have a fever."

Ji Wang touched his forehead, thinking that the temperature was all right, but he
did have a headache and was upset. Now it is a bit hard to talk to Qi Boyan.

He didn't want Qi Boyan to see that he was shaken by Fang Shengyun.

Qi Boyan is already sick and very sensitive. If he showed something wrong again,
it might affect Qi Boyan's condition.

Ji Wang tried his best to endure, and even acted in front of Qi Boyan.
The nurse took his temperature, and gasped when he saw the temperature: "It's
already thirty-nine degrees, don't you feel it wrong?"

Ji Wang: "Can you get a fever shot? I have other things this afternoon."

Nurse: "In this case, infusion is better. Can you push other things?"

"Infusion, lose here." Before Ji Wang could speak, Qi Boyan had already arranged

In the end, Ji Wang called Sister Hong and said that he was currently suffering
from a high fever. Can the shooting in the afternoon be postponed for an hour? He
rushed over after the injection.

The shooting in the afternoon was the endorsement of a game. It was not easy
for Hong Jie to get this endorsement. It is said that the management side looked at
his image in Qi Boyan mv and found it appropriate.

Even Ji Wang felt that this reason was unreliable. With Qi Bo's words beside him,
the management could actually see him?

Sister Hong clarified the truth in one sentence: "They can't invite Qi Boyan, and
Qi Boyan's schedule should be up to next year."

But that was before the engagement scandal came out. I don't know if Qi Boyan's
image and follow-up resources will be affected now.

Ji Wang was full of thoughts, and didn't even know when Qi Boyan pushed him
onto the bed.

The bed in the VIP ward is large enough to accommodate two people lying down.

Ji Wang turned around and lay on his side facing Qi Boyan: "Did the nurses here
have signed non-disclosure agreements?"
Otherwise, how could Qi Boyan be so obvious, almost blatant.

Qi Boyan held his hand, his eyes half-closed: "Yeah."

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Ji Wang touched Qi Boyan's face with the needle still

They were all sick to the same bed, which was a bit desolate.

"My love is so beautiful," Ji Wang said softly.

That day, he saw Qi Boyan tied to the bed for the first time.

Qi Boyan cried and begged him not to look, he knew what Qi Boyan meant. He
didn't think Qi Boyan who was sick was ugly, nor would he be afraid. When he saw
Qi Boyan like this, all he could feel was heartbreak and sadness.

Ji Wang has suppressed this kind of emotion for several days, and even now, it
still cannot be resolved.

Qi Boyan closed his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, not very

When Qi Boyan woke up, Ji Wang beside him was no longer there. He sat up
slowly, touching his face that seemed to have the warmth of Ji Wang's palm
remaining, and he lowered his eyes to wonder what he was thinking.

When Li Feng opened the door and entered, he saw this picture.

"Mr. Ji has gone, Xiao Xu came to pick him up." Li Feng took out several books
from his bag and put them on the head of Qi Boyan's bed to pass him the time: "I
just confirmed with Doctor Fang. After that, he said that you may not need to stay
in the hospital for so long this time."
"Fang Shengyun has already issued an announcement, and they have denied the

"The company has decided to send a lawyer's letter to those who broke the news
first. On the surface, it is a warning and an explanation to the fans."

Li Feng took out the tablet, and opened several files in the catalog location: "This
is the copy for Weibo. Look at it. The public relations department has given three
plans. You choose one."

Qi Boyan leaned on there with no strength: "I just finished mec."

It means that Li Feng asked him to deal with so many things at this time, and it
was very embarrassing for him.

Li Feng took the tablet back, and the ward was quiet for a while, and Li Feng
suddenly said: "Doctor Fang said that your relapse is not serious this time, and that
your condition has been brought under control in time, and the treatment effect is
better than any other time."

"I think you still have the energy to talk to Mr. Fang Shengyun alone this morning,
otherwise there will not be such a response. Since we are going to start solving this
matter, we should simply finish the work all at once, public opinion, etc. No."

Qi Boyan stared at Li Feng speechlessly for a moment, reached out his hand to
take the tablet, and read the PR copy on it.

Li Feng: "Master Qi... Did you really hear the auditory hallucination yesterday?"

Qi Boyan knocked his fingers on the tablet to stop, and quickly selected the plan.

He put the tablet into Li Feng's hand: "You know how scared I am for

Electrotherapy without anesthesia makes life worse than death.

Li Feng also had this kind of fear and shadow, and he dispelled all doubts in an

He looked at Qi Boyan, and his doubts gradually disappeared. Even now, Li Feng
would feel flustered and dizzy when he saw the electrotherapy equipment, not to
mention Qi Boyan who had experienced much more electrotherapy in that hospital.

How could Qi Boyan bring himself back to feel this again because he saved Ji

Li Feng held a tablet: "Mr. Ji is not in a good condition."

"He looks worried about you."

Qi Boyan closed his eyes: "When I get better, everything will be back on track."

Li Feng hopes so.

Qi Boyan said with a darkened expression: "Also, all the project leaders that Fang
Shengyun contacted, go and talk about it."

Li Feng was stunned for a moment: "You mean..."

"Ask them, choose me or Fang Shengyun."


Ji Wang, who had just finished shooting the game, was sitting on the court to
replenish glucose, and his body temperature had not yet receded. Pain medicine
and cold medicine can not be taken at the same time, so his headache will not be

Xiaoxu walked towards him quickly, bent over and said to him: "Brother Wang,
the person you asked me to pick up is out."
Ji Wang lit a cigarette and used nicotine to relieve his discomfort at this time.

The people outside walked in, dressed in business and windbreakers, who had
been taken over by Xiao Xu from the company.

On WeChat, Ji Wang was almost eager to meet him, which surprised Ren Ran.

Ji Wang spit out his cigarette lightly: "Sorry, I need to be refreshed, don't mind."

Ren Ran walked over, asked Ji Wang to take root, and clicked on the light pump:
"I came to ask about the engagement?"

"The engagement is real. Even if you don't believe me, I can only tell that it is
real." Ren Ran's tone was straight, without any incitement, and without emotion,
as if he was talking about something he was no longer interested in. .

Ji Wang pinched out the cigarette in his hand, his eyebrows didn't even wrinkle:
"In that box six years ago, did Qi Tian discover that Qi Boyan was an alpha because
of me?"

The action of letting smoke and smoke stopped, slowly turned his head and
looked at Ji Wang.

Ji Wang didn't know today, he asked whether Ren Ran was right, but he knew
what happened back then, except for Qi Boyan, only Ren Ran was left.

Ren Ran looked at him for a long time: "Who told you this?"

Ji Wang: "Just leave it alone, just say yes?"

The cigarettes were held in a ball in his palm, and his face was still calm, not
wanting Ren Ran to see that something was wrong.
Ren Ran pressed his knuckles down his eyebrows: "What are you talking about?
How could Qi Tian know that Qi Boyan is alpha because of you."

"I punched him in the box that day. He bleeds, didn't he?" Ji Wang stared at Ren
Ran's face, trying to tell if the other party was lying to him.

After waiting for a long time, Ren Ran finally spoke.

"No, Qi Tian didn't know that Qi Boyan is alpha because of you." Ren Ran didn't
look at Ji Wang, just stared at the ground and said in a low voice.
"Ren Ran." Ji Wang lowered his voice: "Look at me, say it again."

Ren Ran curled his eyebrows and turned his face to Ji Wang: "You are looking for
me to talk about him, right? There is nothing else to say?"

Ji Wang was taken aback by Ren Ran's tone, and Ren Ran continued: "I said it
wasn't you and I didn't believe it!"

"I didn't believe it." Ji Wang eased his tone: "Then how did Qi Tian discover that
Qi Boyan was alpha?"

"Qi Boyan exposed himself." Ren Ran stood up: "Okay, I don't want to mention
him anymore. There will be things in a while, so let's go first."

"Wait a minute." Ji Wang said anxiously: "Do you...know about Bo Yan being
locked up by Qi Tian back then?"

Ren Ran's motion of holding the door handle stopped, showing a look of surprise:
"Close it?"

Seeing that the surprise on Ren Ran's face did not seem to be false, Ji Wang
loosened his clenched fist, and he sweated out a hand: "He shut Bo Yan in his
private hospital and kept torturing him..."
Ren Ran was shocked and stunned: "How could it be possible that Qi Boyan was
also Qi Xiangnan's son anyway. He was locked up and Qi Xiangnan didn't care?"

Soon Ren Ran realized something: "Do you think you caused him to be locked up
by Qi Tian?"

Ji Wang didn't speak.

Ren Ran squeezed the phone tightly: "You asked me if I knew Qi Boyan was
locked up. You suspected that I knew about it a long time ago, but kept it from

Ji Wang: "I didn't mean that, I just..."

"You just think that Qi Tian and I hurt your sweetheart!" Ren Ran said loudly.

This is what Ji Wang didn't know how to refute.

Ji Wang didn't know how much Ren Ran knew about that year.

But Qi Boyan once said that many things Qi Tian did were hidden from Ren Ran,
and that Ren Ran might be really unclear about this matter.

His question was very sad.

As soon as Xiao Xu brought back the coffee he had bought, he found that the
person he was going to entertain rushed out of the lounge and left angrily.

He pushed the door carefully, Ji Wang sat in a chair, holding his head with a

Xiaoxu put the coffee down and didn't ask much. Ji Wang stretched out his hand
and touched his pocket, Xiao Xu reminded: "Brother, you just got the fever off,
don't smoke."
Ji Wang stopped, and he asked Xiaoxu: "If you wronged your friend, what should
you do?"

Xiaoxu: "Of course I apologize."

"The other party doesn't accept it?" Ji Wang said.

Xiaoxu: "Then keep apologizing until that person calms down."

The person Ji Wang needed to apologize rushed out of the lounge and came to
the stairwell. He stopped walking until there was no one around, turned on the
phone, and hesitantly dialed a number he thought he would never get through.

It was this number that sent him a text message at noon, telling him that Ji Wang
might find him.

If Ji Wang had any questions about that year, he would tell Ji Wang the answer
he denied.

At the bottom, Qi Boyan, the name of the person who sent the message, was also

When Ren Ran received this text message, he even wanted to smash his phone
on Qi Boyan's face, wondering why Qi Boyan asked him to deceive Jiwang.

Do you think he will listen to him?

But what Qi Boyan asked him to deceive Jiwang was not an engagement.

He knew the truth of the matter. Fang Shengyun who was also in the box that
day, including Qi Tian, who was still lying on the hospital bed, knew about it.

At the moment when the pheromone belonging to Qi Boyan dispersed in the box,
Qi Tian's expression was instantly distorted.
He now understands why Qi Boyan would ask him to deceive Jiwang.

Because they all care about Jiwang, they have no choice but to deceive.

He is the one they all want to protect.

The phone connected, it was Qi Boyan's voice, not very smooth, and said slowly:
"Did he look for you?"

"Well, according to what you said, I told him no, Ji Wang might not believe it."
Ren Ran didn't expect that one day he would talk to Qi Boyan calmly.

At this moment, they all have the same purpose, to temporarily ease the tit-for-
tat and calm the conversation.

Ren Ran asked hesitantly, "You...were locked up by Qi Tian?"

Qi Boyan was quiet for a while, and said harshly: "You can ask Qi Tian."

Ren Ran suffocated, and forced the fire down: "Where is it? What did he do to

Qi Tian’s hospital was exploded after he became a vegetative, and many people
were illegally detained in it, and the treatments used were quite terrifying.

There are even people who can't stand the torture and commit suicide.

If it weren't for Qi Zhengsong to come forward to suppress this incident, and the
head of the hospital, Qi Tian, had become a vegetable, he might have made a lot of
noise and went on the social news.

Why Qi Tian opened such a hospital, Ren Ran still doesn't understand. Now I only
feel that the hair is standing upside down, maybe Qi Tian likes to see people being
Ren Ran and Qi Tian grew up together since they were young, although in front
of Ren Ran, Qi Tian has always been quite normal.

But playing crazy in private, and even the torturous hobby in bed, Ren Ran has
heard of.

So that after Fang Shengyun and Qi Tian got engaged, every time they saw Qi
Tian, their faces were as white as paper.

I don't know what happened. After Qi Tian became a vegetable, Qi Boyan became
engaged to Fang Shengyun.

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan would have entered such a place...

Ren Ran closed his eyes: "You don't hate brother because of this."

There was a sneer on the other end of the phone, as if he didn't bother to answer
Ren Ran's question.

Ren Ran grinds his teeth, sure enough... he still hates Qi Boyan: "Anyway, if you
concealed his engagement before, the fools were true back then, and after
becoming a star, gossips are all over the sky. Hope he..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Ren Ran stared at the phone, almost annoyed that he would throw it to the
ground. Enduring his anger, Ren Ran edited a long text message to warn him that
if he wanted to be with Ji Wang, he would take care of the mess around him.

There will always be him behind Ji Wang. If one day he breaks Brother Wang's
heart completely, he will surely snatch Ji Wang back as soon as possible.

The text message was sent to Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan also responded quickly, with a neat word: Get out.


At night, Ji Wang came to the hospital again. Only after a while, he wanted to see
Qi Boyan.

Others came, but couldn't enter Qi Boyan's ward. The nurse refused to let him
in, saying that today's visit time has passed, and the patient is resting, so it is best
not to disturb.

Ji Wang had to leave.

He walked to the garden downstairs, where the flowers were scented at night
and the moon was full in the sky. It was Mid-Autumn Festival, but his lover could
not meet him.

On the second floor is Qi Boyan's ward, the light is slightly on, Ji Wang puts his
pocket in his pocket, and coughs lightly. The breath seems to be warming up again,
my body aches, and my eyes feel a little uncomfortable when I see the wind.

But Ji Wang didn't leave, but waited quietly downstairs, thinking about waiting
for him to leave after the light turned off.

I don't know if I watched it for too long, and I was a little dazed. He actually felt
that the curtains in the ward seemed to move a few times. Soon he knew that it
was not he who made a mistake, but that the curtains were really moving.

The window opened, and Qi Boyan's figure appeared behind the window.

Qi Boyan saw him because his body was almost sticking to the window, and he
even wanted to open the window.

The windows of the ward cannot be opened completely. This is because for fear
of the patient's escape, only a small gap can be opened. At most, the hand can
reach out to feel the wind.
Outside is a small balcony. When the patient's condition improves a little, the
door leading to the balcony can be opened for the patient to come out to bask in
the sun.

When Ji Wang reacted, his body had already moved.

Following the luxurious retro exterior wall of the sanatorium and relying on his
superior motor nerves, Ji Wang flipped down to the second floor in twos, and
successfully reached the balcony in Qi Boyan's surprised eyes.

Ji Wang hasn't done anything like overcoming the wall for a long time. When he
was young, he did it to skip class.

He patted the ashes on his hand, and Doctor Fang's instructions had been
completely forgotten by him.

Ji Wang knew that it was not good to do this. Qi Bo said that tomorrow he should
change to a higher floor, to a place where he would not be able to climb when he
couldn't help himself.

Qi Boyan stretched out his hand from the gap and whispered: "Danger!"

Ji Wang shook Qi Boyan's hand: "Do you hate it?"

Qi Boyan laughed, "I like it."

Ji Wang said gently: "Why don't you sleep? How is your body feeling, is it still

Qi Bo said: "It doesn't hurt."

Ji Wang knew that Qi Boyan was still struggling to speak. He pressed his finger
against Qi Boyan's cheek through the window: "Doctor Fang will be angry if I know
it, shouldn't I show up."
Qi Boyan's forehead touched the window, just at the position of Ji Wang's
fingertips: "I miss you."

Ji Wang: "Then you get better soon, and when you come out, I will accompany
you whatever you want."

Qi Boyan stretched his eyebrows and looked very happy.

Ji Wang decided that no matter what Qi Boyan asked next, he would realize it.

He was so distressed that he couldn't wait to give him all to Qi Boyan.

It is Qi Boyan who wants to show his affection, and asks him to change his
WeChat couple portrait as before, or post a suggestive Weibo, he can do it.

Qi Boyan squeezed Ji Wang's fingertips tightly, his beautiful face was shrouded
in moonlight, separated by a layer of glass windows, as delicate as a painting.

The person with the most perfect appearance says the most blunt words: "I want
to do it."

Ji Wang choked: "The medicine you take will not..."

"Impotence?" Qi Boyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he said a long
paragraph: "I will be impotence, so I will do it lightly. This time you will not faint, I
will Do it twice less."

Qi Boyan was well-behaved, and even Chong Jiwang showed a sweet smile.

It seems that he is the most considerate person in the world.

"..." Ji Wang was speechless for a while.

Whose impotence is only done twice less, isn't it impossible to do it at all, is it

After waiting for a while, Ji Wang still relaxed: "It seems that you are indeed much
better, and you will be joking."

Qi Boyan said innocently: "No kidding."

Through the glass, Ji Wang knocked Qi Boyan's forehead: "Get a break early, take
medicine on time, and listen to the doctor."

"Are there any rewards?" Qi Boyan actually bargained with him.

Ji Wang bent over and kissed Qi Boyan's fingertips, raised his eyelashes and
looked at Qi Boyan, his eyes deep: "Yes, wait for you to come out, you can do it as
many times as you want."

Now it was Qi Boyan's turn that he couldn't speak, and the door was knocked.
The nurse heard his voice and thought he was hearing hallucinations again.

Ji Wang turned up the railing, looked back at Qi Boyan, and finally disappeared
on the balcony.

The nurse walked in and saw him standing at the window: "Did you just talk?"

Qi Boyan still pressed his hand on the window, and he asked the nurse: "Did you
see the person below?"

The nurse looked in the direction he was pointing: "It's Mr. Ji, hasn't he been
away for a long time?"

Qi Bo said: "Look...this time it is no longer an illusion."

On the day Qi Boyan was discharged from the hospital, Ji Wang did not come to
pick him up. Li Feng dressed him from the inside out, fearing that he would be
recognized, and told the paparazzi to photograph him.

If it is known that Qi Bo said that these days he is not sheltering from the limelight
but in the hospital, then there will be another explosion of news, one after another,
one after another.

Qi Boyan stood outside the car and didn't want to move. He was wearing clothes
with a remnant of discipline today, and confirmed with Li Feng again and again: "He
really didn't say to pick me up?"

Li Feng threw the luggage into the trunk: "I have asked Xiaoxu several times.
Teacher Ji is filming today."

Qi Boyan said nothing.

Li Feng: "Go back to rest for a day today, the plane at 4 o'clock in the morning.
You were already busy, and you still went to grab Fang Shengyun's job. In the next
three months, you don't want to rest."

Qi Boyan took out his mobile phone and checked it on WeChat. Their
conversation still stayed yesterday. He told Ji Wang that he was discharged from
the hospital.

Ji Wang returned him with an ah, okay.

What does it mean to be okay, does it mean not to pick it up?

Qi Boyan put on his sunglasses and was speechless. Li Feng occasionally moved
his gaze from the tablet to Qi Boyan's face, a little bit like to laugh.

When he arrived at the residence, Qi Boyan closed the car door with his left hand
and clicked on the WeChat call with his right hand. He didn't expect to be able to
connect. He just wanted to let Ji Wang see it and called him back. The two have not
contacted him today.

When he was on the basement floor, Qi Boyan heard the sound of music coming
from the first floor. It was his album song.

Qi Boyan helped the door and turned back, and Li Feng gave Qi Boyan a
meaningful smile: "Master Qi, take a good rest."

Li Feng watched Qi Boyan walk upstairs quickly, closed the garage door for them,
and left in a good mood.

At this time, Qi Boyan, who was standing on the first floor, was in a good mood,
and the picture in front of him was really satisfying.

There was no window in the room, only a light yellow atmosphere lamp was lit,
Ji Wang was lying on the big and soft sofa, without pants, only a Qi Boyan shirt on
him, barely covering his lower abdomen.

Between the slender fingers resting on the armrests, there is a lit lady's cigarette,
fruity and peachy.

After holding the script in his other hand, Ji Wang stuck out half of his face and
looked at Qi Boyan who was standing upright at the top of the stairs: "Stupid?"

"You and Li Feng lied to me together." Qi Boyan said so, but his tone didn't sound
unhappy. No one would be unhappy to see his lover dressed like this.

Ji Wang took a cigarette and slowly exhaled: "You don't lie to me as many times
as you do."

These words made Qi Boyan pause, somewhat frustrated.

He strode forward and was about to pounce on Ji Wang's body on the sofa, but
Ji Wang stepped on his lower abdomen with his feet: "Don't make trouble, I'm
reading the script."

"Dress like this to read the script?" Qi Bo said in disbelief.

Ji Wang put out the cigarette. The lady's cigarette tasted too weak, and she
couldn't get used to it. It smelled good. Ji Wang had a preference for everything

"Are you hard?" Ji Wang casually rubbed Qi Boyan's crotch with his toes.

Seeing Qi Boyan's successful stiff face, Ji Wang put down the script: "If you can't
do it, hug it."

When someone was wronged and pressed himself on the sofa, and threatened
to grind his neck with his teeth, Ji Wang followed Qi Boyan's hair and said, "You
can't bite."

Qi Boyan let go of his teeth: "Why do you want to dress like this if you know you
can't do it?"

Ji Wang opened the script again: "Don't you like it? I thought you would be
pleasantly surprised."

"By the way, I found something interesting in the bedroom on the second floor."
Ji Wang said solemnly.

He sorted them out and put them next to the sofa.

Qi Boyan blinked: "What?" It seemed that he didn't know what Ji Wang was
talking about.
Ji Wang pushed Qi Boyan away and reached out to open the box. There are many
things inside, red string handcuffs, chain anklets, and even anesthesia spray that is
prohibited on the market.

Said it is a sex toy, in fact there are no more practical things, such as whip candles,
rush or lubricants.

There is only binding, no fun.

"What is this box of things, do you want to commit a crime?" Ji Wang's tone was
slow and stressful.

Qi Boyan stretched out his hand and pulled out a bundle of red rope: "This one
must look good when tied to my brother."

"If you don't agree with me but use me, it's a crime. My brother played a
policeman role, can he put on a uniform and arrest me on the bed?" Qi Boyan
straightened the red rope in his hand, and Okinaki smiled Say.

Ji Wang raised his eyebrows: "I'm serious, what is this box."

Qi Boyan threw away the rope and wrapped his arms around Ji Wang's waist:
"Don't you know? It's used to lock you up."

Ji Wang didn't expect Qi Boyan to admit it so simply, and he was taken aback.

Qi Boyan picked up Ji Wang's clothes with his fingers, and directly pressed his
favorite place on the bed, forcing Ji Wang to snorted.

Ji Wang's face flushed, and he didn't stop Qi Boyan's actions: "Why shut me

Qi Bo said: "Because I'm afraid you will leave."

"I'm worried that you know about Fang Shengyun, just leave me and run away to
a place I will never see again." After Qi Boyan made Ji Wang's famous place, he still
wanted to bite.

As a result, Ji Wang covered his mouth and forcibly raised his face. Ji Wang said,
"Are you serious? Do you want to lock me up?"

Qi Boyan only had one pair of eyes exposed, and said calmly: "Are you scared?"

Ji Wang didn't answer immediately.

Qi Boyan kissed Ji Wang's palm: "Don't worry, I can't hurt you."

"I won't pull you to death like my mother." Qi Boyan broke Ji Wang's hand and
said softly.

He held Ji Wang's lips: "Even if I die, I won't let you have anything to do."

Then there was a sudden pain in his lips, and Ji Wang bit him. The wound was
close to the inside, and Qi Boyan tasted his own blood.

Qi Boyan licked his lower lip: "Brother, I don't mind if you leave me a mark, but I
will be on the camera soon, this wound is too ambiguous."

"Afraid of exposure?" Ji Wang asked what he would not ask.

Qi Boyan propped up his body, his hair fell on Ji Wang's neck, chest, and the place
where he was flushed.

"Do you want to make it public?" Qi Boyan's eyes brightened, as if as long as Ji

Wang nodded, he would immediately send a message on Weibo to inform the

Ji Wang couldn't laugh or cry, he shouldn't ask Qi Bo to say this.

He should have understood Qi Boyan's answer long ago, and Qi Boyan couldn't
wait for the whole world to know the relationship between the two of them.

"Not for now." Ji Wang said.

Qi Boyan touched Ji Wang's leg and rubbed back and forth on the skin that felt
so good, even though he was weak at this time: "Why bit me?"

"Because I don't like what you just said." Ji Wang replied.

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's hand touching his thigh and drew it in front of him,
staring at the scar on his wrist for a moment: "When did it happen?"

Qi Boyan lowered his wrist and didn't want to let Ji Wang look at it.

Ji Wang: "Will it be locked up?"

Qi Boyan's gaze went from Ji Wang's eyes to his lips, carefully looking at every
place on his face, and successfully found the pain that Ji Wang had hidden well.

After so many days, Ji Wang never recovered.

Qi Boyan said in a tone that didn't care very much: "At that time, his mind was
not very clear, and he did a silly thing. I regretted it as soon as I opened it. I covered
his wrist and came out to look for Li Feng. He was taken aback by me."

I don't know if it was because of this incident, Qi Xiangnan finally came to the
hospital to see him and said he was sorry.

Before long, something happened to Qi Tian.

Qi Boyan didn't know that Qi Xiangnan would also be in that car, but for the news
of Qi Xiangnan's death, to be honest, Qi Boyan didn't feel anything.

Unfortunately, Qi Tian did not die together.

Maybe he is not a normal person.

In order to prevent Ji Wang from entangled in the matter of his suicide, Qi Boyan
turned to other topics: "Li Feng and I are roommates in the same ward, and he is
also quite unlucky."

"I offended people when I was in college, and I was brought in. I didn't even finish

"Later I brought him out. I meant to let him go to school, but he refused, saying
he wanted to make money, so I let him be my assistant."

Ji Wang still stared at Qi Boyan's wrist and didn't follow the topic.

"Is my brother so distressed that I don't know what to do?" Qi Boyan said.

Ji Wang replied, "Yes, what do you say?"

"Marry me." Qi Bo said the impossible without changing his face.

Ji Wang replied: "Okay."

Qi Boyan just mentioned it casually, never expecting that Ji Wang would agree.

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's waist, rolled over and pressed the person under him:
"Do you want a child? r a national artificial womb, if you want..."

Qi Boyan didn't even think about it: "No."

Ji Wang: "Why?"

Qi Boyan: "I know you must be a good father. You will spend a lot of energy to
take care of that child. But I am the only one who occupies all your attention."
These words were headstrong and straightforward, and Ji Wang smiled lightly:
"Are you jealous with your children?"

"No?" Qi Boyan said frankly.

Ji Wang: "Nothing is impossible, I like it for this reason."

They leaned on the sofa and chatted, unknowingly, they hugged each other and
fell asleep.

Ji Wang had been having nightmares for a week.

During the day, he made a very normal appearance. Only when night came, the
nightmare followed.

He could always see Qi Boyan tied to the hospital bed in his dreams, his face
turned pale and struggling with pain.

No matter how hard he tried in his dream, there was nothing he could do.

He ran continuously until blood was stamped on his feet.

The lifeless Qi Boyan lay on the ground, a lot of blood pouring from his wrist.

Ji Wang has dreamed of this scene many times, and each time is a new torture.
He stretched out his hand to catch the bloody wrist in the dream, but in reality, he
also grabbed a hand.

Wearing a ring on the ring finger, warm, beautiful, hand on his waist.

Ji Wang slowly exhaled, seeing Qi Boyan's sleeping face, he was glad that he had
not awakened Qi Boyan.

But the next second, Qi Boyan opened his eyes and looked at him quietly.
"What did you dream of?"

"Nothing." As soon as the voice fell, Ji Wang's voice still trembled, and he brought
the fear in his dreams to reality.

He stretched out his arm and hugged Qi Boyan tightly, sweating on his forehead,
just like the rest of his life.
After taking a shower, Ji Wang put on Qi Boyan's bathrobe, but he didn't tie it, and
walked to the living room like that.

The advantage of this villa without windows, he now realizes, that is, no matter
what you do in this house, even if you mess around in the living room, you don't
have to worry about being photographed.

With wet hair, holding a water cup in his hand and a few pills in his palm, Ji Wang
came to the sofa to supervise Qi Boyan taking the medicine.

Qi Boyan was sleepy-eyed: "Eat it later."

Ji Wang stuffed the pill in his mouth. Qi Boyan noticed his movement, and his
eyes opened instantly. Before Qi Boyan could react, Ji Wang leaned over and kissed
Qi Boyan’s lips, and put those pieces together. The bitter pill crossed into the
opponent's mouth.

Qi Boyan quickly rolled the pill away from the tip of Ji Wang's tongue and pushed
Ji Wang away: "This medicine has an impact on normal people. Don't eat it

Ji Wang handed the water cup to Qi Boyan: "Really."

His disapproval appearance successfully caused Qi Boyan's displeasure. Qi Boyan

didn't catch the water, and swallowed the pills in his mouth: "Don't give me
medicine like this next time."
Ji Wang put down the water cup: "Understood, don't be angry, quickly clean up,
Li Feng will come to pick you up soon."

After speaking, he tied his belt and hid his wet body in the bathrobe.

Only then did Qi Boyan realize that he had missed a great springtime, Ji Wang
turned to leave, Qi Boyan only had time to touch the hem of the satiny bathrobe.

The scent of shower gel remained in the air. Qi Boyan didn't know if Ji Wang was
intentional. He didn't have any firewood and tried to set the light on fire, but he
couldn't burn it anyway.

At this time, Ji Wang had no fascinating thoughts in his mind.

The bitter taste on the tip of Ji Wang's tongue lingered, he was thinking, such a
bitter medicine... Qi Boyan took it for many years.

He knows that his current state of mind is not good and not positive enough. It
doesn't make sense to entangle the things that have already passed. He should
cherish the present and care more about his blunt words. As he said, even promises
to marriage are all right.

Qi Boyan had to leave him back then because he had no choice but to love him,
even more than he thought he would pay for this feeling.

Over the years, he is not the only one who has been obsessed with it.

But now it seems that the reason why Ji Wang prefers Qi Boyan not to come to
him after breaking up is because he doesn't love. Rather than being locked up, ill,...I
was afraid of crushing him, so I dared not approach him for a long time.

Today, when Ji Wang looked through Chen Baihe's script, he saw the words and
phrases that Qi Boyan had left on the script.
Same disease, same breakup and reunion. Qi Boyan believes that the reason why
Chen Baihe dare not approach the heroine is that he is afraid that his condition will
affect the other party.

Qi Boyan thought so too, so he waited until he recovered before coming to him.

But has Qi Boyan ever thought about what Qi Boyan should do if he changes his
heart and he is with others?

This is unthinkable. The heart aches and pains when I think about it.

A lot of thoughts flooded his mind, noisy and noisy, almost making Ji Wang
unable to calm down for a moment.

The quality of sleep is extremely bad, which affects the quality of the body. The
low-grade fever one week ago has continued to this day, and it is still not good. In
the body class today, I routinely said that I had lost five kilograms.

Xiao Xu was stunned. Sister Hong called and asked him if he was in a bad mood
and was on a hunger strike recently.

Ji Wang didn't go on a hunger strike, he just ate less, and repeatedly checked the
hospitalization video sent by Li Feng during the meal.

Look at Qi Boyan strolling around reading, eating and sleeping. There are five
videos a day, each of which is three minutes long, Ji Wang is not enough.

I can't wait to turn it into a monitor and keep recording Qi Boyan in the hospital.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will become a pervert first, Ji Wang thought

The online turmoil about engagement gradually subsided with the news of
various rumors, Fang Shengyun’s new movie was about to be released, and this
incident was characterized as a malicious hype.
The mints captured Fang Shengyun's Weibo and created a keyword that Fang
Shengyun got out of the entertainment circle.

Ji Wang didn't know what Qi Boyan had talked about with Fang Shengyun. Fang
Shengyun's party did not post any blogs except for the announcement that day,
and did not make any counterattack to the form on the Internet.

But after all, the engagement is true, it is not good to force Fang Shengyun to be
too tight. If the other party ignores the threat and insists on hammering the
engagement to death, it will be of no benefit to Qi Boyan.

According to Li Feng, Qi Boyan also snatched several endorsements from Fang

Shengyun, including an important film and television resource.

On the way to send Qi Boyan to the airport, Ji Wang persuaded Qi Boyan who
was nestled in his arms: "Forgive others and forgive others."

Qi Boyan looked dangerous: "Who told him to talk nonsense to you."

Ji Wang originally thought that Qi Boyan and Fang Shengyun had other
grievances, but how did he know that it was only for this: "Just for this? I don't
believe those nonsense that he is talking about."

"He deliberately makes you uncomfortable, isn't it?" Qi Boyan touched Shang
Jiwang's face: "Who makes you uncomfortable, I will make him uncomfortable."

Ji Wang didn't know what to say, the lesson is not, nor is it boasting. Extreme
personality, knowing mistakes and not correcting them.

"Okay, don't toss him anymore and take a step back. Back then... he rescued you
from the hospital, didn't he." At this point, Ji Wang was still very grateful to Fang
Even if Fang Shengyun had malicious intent towards him, this was normal. Fang
Shengyun is Qi Boyan's fiancé. He is Qi Boyan's ex-boyfriend and is now incumbent.

It would be strange if Fang Shengyun liked him.

After hesitation, Ji Wang asked in a low voice: "Does he like you?"

Qi Boyan showed a face, what kind of expression are you talking about: "How
could it be possible that he would be willing to be engaged to me at the time,
because among the grandsons of the Qi family, apart from me, there are only
sixteen and six years old. He is. It will be twenty-three, and I am the only suitable

"Moreover, he used to be Qi Tian's fiancé, and he has been marked as Qi

Zhengsong's illegitimate son, that is, my second uncle disagrees with his son being
engaged to such an object."

Ji Wang didn't expect that Fang Shengyun would be marked by Qi Tian: "Don't Qi
Tian like Ren Ran...?"

Qi Boyan said with disdain: "He was a scumbag. Didn't you wronged me and
marked Ren Ran before? What does that pheromone taste like?"

Ji Wang: "Peach flavor."

Qi Boyan frowned in disgust: "That's it, Qi Tian's pheromone is 97% similar to

mine, and we all inherited Qi Xiangnan."

Ji Wang: "Qi Tian not only marked Fang Shengyun, but also temporarily marked
Ren Ran?"

"It should be." Qi Boyan replied.

"Qi Tian is now a vegetable, what about Fang Shengyun's mark?" Ji Wang asked
Qi Boyan put his arms around Ji Wang's neck: "Are you concerned about Sheng
Yun too much?"

"I'm just curious." Ji Wang said.

Qi Boyan simply said everything he knew: "He was pregnant with Qi Tian's child,
and I don't know how it happened and miscarried."

Qi Boyan used a nonchalant tone to explode violent material: "When Qi Tian

became a vegetable, Fang Shengyun washed the mark off and became engaged to

"It's a pity that Qi Tian has no chance to wake up, otherwise I really want to see
his expression when he knows this."

Qi Boyan said with a bit of joy: "His omega finally chose his most disgusted
brother." His omega also wanted to kill him himself, but unfortunately he didn't kill

After hearing this, Ji Wang saw that Qi Boyan was too proud, and added: "It
seems that you are quite happy to be engaged to him."

Qi Boyan's expression changed: "I don't have one."

Ji Wang: "Actually, Fang Shengyun is quite pitiful. He was marked at such a young
age, and he lost his own child and alpha."

Seeing the pity on Ji Wang's face, Qi Boyan coldly snorted: "Can you correct the
problem of sympathy as long as you see omega?"

Ji Wang didn't expect that Qi Boyan would be able to fight him so quickly: "When
will I..."
"Anytime." Qi Boyan interrupted: "In the show you often help Duan Yinyu with

Ji Wang felt quite wronged: "I also helped Teacher Zheng Qihong carry things,
why don't you say it?"

"Zheng Qihong doesn't like alpha." Qi Boyan retorted.

Ji Wang was caught off guard again and was gagged: "Didn't she talk to the
director of Wangchuan?"

Qi Bo said: "No, she talked to my mother."

Ji Wang was shocked and exhausted today: "Who is your mother?" He even
talked to Zheng Qihong. It turns out that Zheng Qihong really doesn't like alpha just
like the rumor.

No wonder being single for many years and never married.

Qi Boyan seemed to remember that Ji Wang didn't know who his mother was,
and he didn't mean to hide it: "My mother's name is Lin, and her name is polite."

Ji Wang coughed out, and it took a long time to come back: "Lin Wanyan, Queen
of Shadows?"

Qi Bo said: "Well, in fact, she might as well continue to fall in love with Zheng
Qihong, so she doesn't have to meet the scumbag Qi Xiangnan." She also lost her

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's face: "Then there will be no you."

Qi Boyan said: "That's the same, this is probably the only thing Qi Xiangnan did
for me."
Ji Wang stared at Qi Boyan's face, looking up and down, and Qi Boyan raised his
eyebrows and said: "Why, do you look at me like Lin Wanyan?"

Ji Wang has seen Lin Wanyan's movies, and his grandmother especially likes Lin
Wanyan's songs.

If you have a chance, take Qi Boyan back to the countryside to see his
grandmother and tell your grandmother that Qi Boyan is Lin Wanyan's child.
Grandma will definitely be very happy.

Lin Wanyan has a very high musical talent, which is also passed on to Qi Boyan,
what about the face?

He remembered Lin Wanyan's looks, so he carefully distinguished Qi Boyan's five

senses, where they looked like Lin Wanyan.

Qi Boyan said wearily: "I am not like her, I am like Qi Xiangnan, carved out of a

Ji Wang comforted: "Maybe this is why your mother likes him."

Qi Boyan laughed: "Then should I thank him?"

Ji Wang: "It's not necessary. If you look like Lin Wanyan, you will also look good."

Qi Boyan touched his face: "I have been asking about something for a long time."

Ji Wang said softly: "You ask."

Qi Boyan: "Do you only like my face?"

Ji Wang: "..."

The author has something to say:

Ji Wang looked embarrassed, and Qi Boyan's face, who was waiting for an answer,
grew darker, as if he didn't feel that his question was unreasonable. Ji Wang
believed that if he didn't give the other party a satisfactory answer, Qi Boyan was
afraid that he would be entangled until the next meeting.

"No, when you first met you sang on the stage, the light was very dark, then you
would not be able to see your face clearly, and you would think you sang very

"Later I thought, I must see you." Ji Wang said plainly, he was not good at talking
about love.

What's more, Qi Boyan has a good-looking face and superb temperament, which
is the condition for love at first sight.

However, after getting along with each other, it was natural to gradually fall into

Ji Wang: "There are so many good-looking people in the entertainment circle, I

only like you."

This is the big truth, if he likes all the good-looking people, wouldn't he see one
love one, no special thing.

For Ji Wang, there is only one relationship. Whether he is relentless or paranoid,

he only likes Qi Boyan.

The car came to a halt slowly. As an invisible light bulb in the car, Li Zou finally
turned back from the front seat and coughed: "Two people, we are in the place."

Qi Boyan hugged Ji and looked at his face, kissed him several times, and finally
took a bite on Ji Wang's cheek: "I want to make you smaller and take away,
wherever I go, you follow me. "
Ji Wang's heart moved, he and Qi Boyan both work in the entertainment
industry, and are destined to gather less and more.

Just like today, Qi Boyan had just been discharged from the hospital, and they
just met each other, and after sleeping in their arms, they were about to celebrate
their parting.

Before Ji Wang could say anything, Qi Boyan put on a hat and mask, opened the
door and got out of the car, walking very smartly, without the stickiness of the car.

In the fifth issue of "On the Road", the filming was postponed because of Qi
Boyan. When we reunited again, everyone was in a tacit understanding and did not
mention anything on the Internet in the past few days.

When the filming of this period is over, the first season will be over.

Each filming can be divided into several episodes. There are twelve episodes in
the season of "On the Road".

Perhaps it was the filming of the final episode of the first season. The director did
not arrange flying guests, but wanted to make a sentimental farewell episode.

No one knows if there is a next season, and even if there is, it may not be these

Variety show substitutions are all too normal, especially Qi Boyan, who has
received a lot of announcements, and Zheng Qihong, who is gradually unable to
keep up with his physical strength, including the host Taizhu Zhang Muxian, who is
here to help support the stage, and the recent re-release of the album Duan Yinyu.

Realizing that this is the last issue, everyone was quite heavy at first, but later
regained a relaxed atmosphere under the arrangement of the game.
Director Jiang did not torture them in the final episode, and the game
deliberately released water and allowed them to negotiate terms with the program

The shooting location was in a minority village, and there was a bonfire party at
night. The local aborigines wore ethnic costumes and danced around the bonfire.

The hospitable villagers pulled up the guests and asked them to dance to the

The music of the ethnic minorities is desolate and melodious, full of amorous

The sparks of the bonfire leaped in the warm light, Qi Boyan tied a pigtail with
bells on the ends of his hair. It was worn by a local girl who played with Qi Boyan
and tied his pigtails in her spare time.

The bell kept ringing between the dance moves, and Ji Wang wanted to laugh
when he saw it.

Qi Boyan noticed the smile under his eyes and boldly stepped forward and held
his hand.

Holding hands is not obvious when everyone is dancing, even if it is obvious, Ji

Wang will not reject Qi Boyan.

He is now in a state where he will let the other party do whatever he wants no
matter what Qi Boyan does to him.

Qi Boyan took his hand and consciously jumped into the female step, turning the
other's hand in a circle in front of Ji Wang, his pigtail almost flew to the tip of Ji
Wang's heart.

The camera shot them, and Ji Wang actually felt a sense of sorrow. In any case,
a few months ago, he would never have thought that he would have another day
holding Qi Boyan’s hand. He watched this person laugh in front of him. Happy, no

After the dance, Ji Wang went to help Zheng Qihong deal with the ingredients
won in the competition. Beef and vegetables can be grilled, plain noodles and eggs,
and a pot of hot noodles can be cooked.

Ji Wang cut the meat swiftly, while chatting with Zheng Qihong.

Zheng Qihong: "Xiaowang, when I will take a break, after the recording is over,
you come to me and I have something to tell you."

"Okay, Sister Qi Hong." Ji Wang replied, not knowing what Zheng Qihong was
asking for him, so he had to talk about it in private.

After hearing the gossip of Zheng Qihong and Lin Wanyan, Ji Wang now has a
brand new feeling for Zheng Qihong.

The oo love of that era was more difficult than it is now, and Lin Wanyan broke
up with her later.

Why did Lin Wanyan stay with Qi Xiangnan later, apart from the face, does it have
anything to do with the pheromone fit?

It is impossible for alpha to find a destined, 100% fit object in alpha.

The same can't be done with omega.

It is rumored that once you encounter such a person, you will be lingering in your
dreams. When you see the other person, you can immediately feel how strong each
other's attraction is.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, Ji Wang was dazzled by love. He firmly

believes that true love is supreme and that people cannot be completely controlled
by the senses and instincts.
Now it is not as certain as it was in the past. I don't know if I am getting older,
and there will be more worries and greater fears about the future.

As it approached late night, the recording finally ended, this time everyone had
their own room. After taking a shower, Ji Wang checked the time with his mobile
phone, and was about to go to Zheng Qihong's place to listen to what matters to

You can't talk to the camera, you need to talk privately, it's definitely a business.

At this time, the door was pushed open and closed again. Qi Boyan acted a guilty
conscience. He came in very lightly. He twisted his head and smiled at Jiwang: "I'll
make you keep your promise."

What promises, about Ji Wang’s blank face is too obvious, Qi Boyan said: "I know
that your alpha is not credible."

"..." What is your alpha? Ji Wang felt that Qi Boyan was attacking
indiscriminately, regardless of whether it would hit him or not.

Qi Boyan hugged his hand: "Remind you, what did you promise me in the

Seeing that Ji Wang was still unclear, Qi Boyan let go of his hand disappointedly:
"I really don't remember..."

Ji Wang walked towards him at this moment. Qi Boyan just stretched out his hand
to hug Ji Wang, but Ji Wang's hand crossed him and completely closed the hidden
door: "Come in and remember to close the door, otherwise what happened? To

It was like they were cheating... although they were indeed cheating.
Qi Boyan watched as Ji Wang withdrew his hand from his waist, and dropped it
on his head, rubbing it: "Okay, I have something to do now. Go out and wait for me
in bed."

"Wait in bed?" Qi Boyan repeated meaningfully.

Ji Wang said casually: "Well, I'll kiss you again when I come back."

Qi Boyan's eyes lit up: "What, do you remember?"

In the ward, Ji Wang and Qi Boyan said that when he got better, they kissed
everyone behind their backs in the show. Qi Boyan found him and waited for Ji
Wang to fulfill his promise.

Ji Wang remembered it when Qi Boyan came in, but likes to tease him to see how
he cares.

Qi Boyan let the door open: "I'll wait for you to come back." After the rising tail,
he suddenly smiled badly: "Husband."

Ji Wang almost fell, and finally held the door. When he turned around, he found
that Qi Boyan had quickly lay on his bed, patted the pillow: "Go early and return

"Is only kissing tonight?" Ji Wang confirmed.

Qi Boyan's face turned dark, knowing what Ji Wang's subtext was, saying that he
couldn't be tough.

Before he could reply, Ji Wang left the room and went straight to Zheng Qihong's

He knocked on Zheng Qihong's door, and the sound of footsteps came quickly.
Zheng Qihong opened the door with a mask on, and said to Ji Wang, "Come in so
fast, come in and sit."
Zheng Qihong picked up the sponsored milk tea on the table, found a cup and
poured it to Ji Wang as a treat: "I came here to ask you, did you act in Lao Chen's
movie? Why didn't you tell me? ."

Ji Wang held the cup Zheng Qihong gave him in both hands, and smiled shyly:
"The film was performed many years ago, so I'm sorry to come out and say it."

Zheng Qihong: "Why are you embarrassed? I watched your acting. The acting
skills are very good. It will be much better than when I made my debut. The first
time I acted in Lao Chen's movie, I went back to cry every night and was scolded by
him. ."

This made Ji Wang a little surprised. Although Director Chen was harsh in the
impression, he would not be so scolding and crying for the leading actress.

Zheng Qihong leaned on the table: "He is old now, and his temper has improved.
When he was young, he became very hot, making people want to put the soles of
his shoes on his face."

It seemed that Zheng Qihong and Director Chen had a very good relationship. Ji
Wang immediately realized why Zheng Qihong came to him today. Of course, it was
not just gossiping.

His heart thumped instantly, realizing the point of today.

Zheng Qihong noticed his face: "It seems you know what I want to tell you."

Ji Wang grabbed his pants and licked his lower lip nervously: "Mr. Zheng..."

"Don't call me Teacher Zheng, just call sister Qihong like before." Zheng Qihong

Zheng Qihong: "Old Chen is preparing a new movie. The martial arts film has a
double male lead. Shooting will start soon. The originally scheduled male second
has an accident and there is no way to come. I recommended you to Old Chen. How
about you? Are you interested in trying the mirror in the past?"

Ji Wang opened his eyes abruptly, and his mind was stunned by the good news
from heaven. He was breathing fast and was about to open his mouth, but in the
next second, the words paused on the tip of his tongue and he didn't say it for a
long time.

Zheng Qihong thought he would immediately agree. Seeing that he did not
speak, he said gently: "Go back and think about it. It's just an audition. Don't be too
psychologically burdened. If you are interested, I will ask my assistant to post the
script tomorrow. Here you are."

"But even though it is a male second, because it is a double male lead, the weight
is very heavy, and it is almost the same as the male one. You don't need to pay too
much attention to the fan position. Sometimes a good role is more important than
the fan position." Zheng Qihong .

How can Ji Wang care about the fan position, especially in Director Chen's

He is really unworthy.

Ji Wang quickly got up and thanked him again and again. Thanks to Zheng Qihong,
he was embarrassed: "It's your acting skills that make me recommend it for you. If
I recommend people who are not good, Old Chen will definitely scold me."

After walking out of Zheng Qihong's room, Ji Wang stood in the corridor for a
while before slowly walking towards the room.

Director Chen is a great director. At that time, he won the best newcomer of the
same year with just the role of a woodcutter.

This time, the role is heavier than the woodcutter of the year, and he is the
second male lead in the double male lead!
This role was released, and it was all resources for various people to grab their

With Zheng Qihong's relationship now, and getting an audition opportunity, it

can be considered a good start.

But what Ji Wang didn't immediately agree to was that Director Chen had a quirk
in shooting. He liked to shoot in closed sessions.

What is retreat shooting is that when shooting the entire movie, the actors
cannot leave the shooting location. In addition, the drama of any age must be lived
in the state of the age.

For example, in ancient times, there were no mobile phones and tablets, and the
actors' mobile phones would be confiscated from the beginning.

Outsiders are also not allowed to visit the class for the sake of confidentiality.

Can't meet, can't connect. If you really auditioned for this role, this would be
equivalent to a complete loss of contact.

He can't see Qi Boyan, nor can Qi Boyan see him.

Qi Boyan became ill because of him, and now he is so fragile, how could Ji Wang
leave him at this time.

Returning to the room with great anxiety, Qi Boyan got up from the bed and
walked towards him. First kissed him on the mouth, and saw that Ji Wanghun was
unwilling to give up, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? What

Ji Wang slowed down, shook his head, and subconsciously said that there was
nothing wrong.
Qi Boyan lowered his face and stared at Ji Wang for a while: "I suddenly

Ji Wang: "What do you understand?"

Qi Boyan said: "It turned out to be concealed...this is the feeling."

In the past, Ji Wang wanted nothing more than empathy, and many places hope
that Qi Bo's words can be changed.

Ji Wang now asks for nothing but Qi Boyan's health, peace and joy.

Hearing Qi Boyan's emotion, he felt a little heartbroken. Qi Boyan now

understands the feeling of being concealed. And behind Qi Boyan hiding from him,
there are countless distressing secrets.

For example, until now, Ji Wang dare not think about whether what Fang
Shengyun said is true or false.

Fang Shengyun can never be a kind reminder that Ji Wang knows what his
purpose is, and if he is burdened with too heavy guilt in a relationship, sooner or
later there will be problems.

Ji Wang pretended not to care and digested it alone.

He hugged Qi Boyan's waist: "I didn't want to hide it from you, but I didn't think
about how to say it."

Qi Boyan stared at Ji Wang's face carefully, and said for a long time: "Don't say it
if you don't want to."

After speaking, Qi Boyan seemed to really not care, took Ji Wang's hand and lay
on the bed with him.
The village was very quiet at night and the night breeze was very cold. Qi Boyan
stretched out his hand to cover the two of them with a blanket. Alpha was both tall
and mammoth, and the blanket could not cover two at a time. His feet were
exposed, entangled and sticky. Goofy.

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's tail bell in his palm. If he were to change to the previous
Qi Boyan, it should have started to cause trouble. Thinking back to the reunion, Qi
Bo said that he was tolerant, beating and scolding.

It is clear that Qi Boyan is the one who has been wronged. He knows that all he
needs to disclose is to make Ji Wang change his mind and regain his love.

Ji Wang can understand why Qi Boyan didn't do this, but understanding doesn't
mean accepting. If he can, he can't wait to suffer the suffering for Qi Boyan.

He grabbed Qi Boyan's hand and put it on his face, and decided: "Sister Qi Hong
came to me and told me that there was a play and wanted me to audition."

Qi Boyan traced his eyebrows: "What's wrong with this kind of thing."

Ji Wang: "I'm just thinking that there should be no time later, so I won't go to the
audition, and I have to refuse Sister Qi Hong, which is not very embarrassing."

"If you are embarrassed, you just say it's not a coincidence, there's no schedule."
Qi Boyan didn't understand what's so tangled about this matter: "If you really can't
speak, just ask your agent to tell Zheng Qihong. You don't want to audition. , It

Ji Wang said, he brought his face close to Qi Boyan and kissed the corner of the
other's lips: "There will be a chance in the future."

After the recording of the show on the second day, Ji Wang declined Zheng
Zheng Qihong's expression was astonished, as if she couldn't believe that Ji Wang
would turn away this opportunity.

Ji Wang said that he still had a TV series in the later period, and he had negotiated
with the director there. The company also helped him with a lot of advertising
endorsements recently. Director Chen closed the filming there, and he really
couldn't cooperate in the time period.

Zheng Qihong: "I understand what you mean, but does your company know that
it is Director Chen's movie?"

She really couldn't believe it, and even thought that Ji Wang's company was too
unreliable. This is Chen Sheng's movie. How can it be compared with resources such
as TV dramas and advertisements.

If the filming is done, the cafe will be able to go up, and the follow-up resources
are not comparable now.

How can you lose the watermelon by picking up sesame seeds?

Ji Wang is still saying: "And I may be able to audition. Director Chen must know
more actors better than me."

Zheng Qihong: "It's just an audition. You have to try it first. If you fail, you will
talk about it later. Or if you call your agent, I will tell her. What's the matter with
your company, why don't you think about your future at all? ."

Ji Wang's face was blank, and he apologized to his agent and told her to carry the

No matter who knows this matter, he will probably call him crazy.

Zheng Qihong saw that Ji Wang was embarrassed, she calmed down: "Don't
worry, Xiao Ji, I will communicate with your agent."
"Communication what?" Following the voice, it was the hand on Ji Wang's
shoulder, Qi Boyan.

Zheng Qihong couldn't help but said to Qi Bo: "Bo Yan, tell me about Xiao Ji. I
asked him to call his agent to me, but he refused. Their company didn't let Xiao Ji
audition for Director Chen's film, too. It's shameful."

After Qi Boyan appeared, Ji Wang felt bad.

He froze and listened to Zheng Qihong pouring everything out, and Qi Bo said
Zheng Qihong: "It's really unreasonable."

Qi Boyan hooked Ji Wang's neck: "Sister Qi Hong, don't worry, I'll talk to him
again, maybe he will change his mind in a while."

Zheng Qihong nodded: "Success, Xiaoji, please consider it again. With such a
good opportunity, how can you know the result if you don't try it."

Ji Wang lowered his eyes and responded softly, and with Qi Boyan's strength, he

Qi Boyan took the people directly to his nanny car, closed the door, and only
them were left in the car.

Ji Wang avoided Qi Boyan's sight and was extremely embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was Director Chen's movie last night?" Qi Boyan
used a very strange tone to force Ji Wang.

Ji Wang rubbed the bridge of his nose. Gu left and right said to him: "It's not a
role that I can get from an audition. Both you and Qi Hong believe me too much."

No one knew that Qi Boyan held his face and forced him to look straight at
himself: "Even if you may not be able to get a role, why don't you even try the
"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Qi Boyan forced Ji Wang as if his eyes
were real, scrutinizing.

Ji Wang also wanted to find a reason, saying that he had no time and no schedule.
But these words couldn't be said under Qi Boyan's sight, and in the end they could
only tell the truth, including the way of filming by Director Chen.

It's useless to lie to Qi, and he can't cheat anymore.

He analyzed the pros and cons with Qi Boyan, only to find that there was only
one drawback, and they could not meet each other.

Ji Wang said softly: "You have just been discharged from the hospital, and the
situation may not be stable. Last time you just didn't contact me, you became ill.
This time I really want to pick up Director Chen's movie. When you have a problem,
I can't help it. What should I do if I am by your side for the first time?"

Qi Boyan seemed unbelievable: "Because of this?"

When Ji Wang saw the appearance that Qi Boyan thought he was absurd, he
knew that his statement must not be understood by his lover.

"Moreover, which round of Director Chen's movie has come to me?" Ji Wang
laughed at himself.

Qi Boyan pressed his eyebrows down, and this time he was really upset: "Why is
it not your turn? Are you not good at acting or look bad? Not to mention the second
man, you can be the first man."

He stood up suddenly: "I'm going to make a call."

Ji Wang hurriedly grabbed his wrist: "What are you doing?"

Qi Boyan said: "Watching Chen Sheng's movies lacks investment." He turned his
eyes to look at Ji Wang: "Brother, this role must be yours."

"Don't make trouble." Ji Wang couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you not sure about the
point, I don't want to go!"

Qi Boyan held him backhand: "It's not clear that the point is you, why don't you
play it?"

Ji Wang: "I said, I don't want to leave you now!"

Qi Boyan disagreed and said: "You are the one who makes trouble, not me."

Ji Wang could think that Qi Boyan might not accept it, but he didn't expect that
Qi Boyan's attitude actually made him feel sour and empty.

What is sour is that Qi Boyan is so sensible, for his sake, what is empty is that Qi
Boyan knows where he is going, and the two don't know when they can get in

It's not a matter of ten days, it's four months short and six months long.

Isn't it okay if Qi Boyan hasn't seen him for half a year?

But in this situation, Ji Wang had no choice but to say: "Don't do that. Director
Chen hates bringing money into the group the most. I just go to the audition."

Qi Boyan stopped then, sat back in his chair, and hugged Ji Wang sweetly:
"Brother must be fine."

"Do you really mind? I may not even be able to call you." Ji Wang repeated.

Qi Boyan: "You have said it three times."

Ji Wang's heart stalked: "If you get sick..."

"I have a doctor and I have medicine." Qi Boyan replied.

Ji Wang was in a complicated mood. He felt like being kicked and kicked by his
spoiled wife during the wedding period and being kicked out of the house.

Qi Boyan raised his eyelids and saw Ji Wang's unpleasant expression: "I know
what you are worried about, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. I don't want
you to give up this opportunity in Chen Sheng's movie because of me."

Ji Wang sighed: "It may not be able to audition."

Qi Bo said: "I haven't tried it again, how do you know you can't try it."

In the end, Ji Wang accepted the script given by Zheng Qihong, and Chen Sheng
was very satisfied with him, and the contract was finalized and he appeared as the
second man.

After Hong Jie learned the news, she immediately helped him communicate with
the crew of Chen Baihe's role. If she can postpone her entry into the group, it will
be postponed.

Hearing that Ji Wang was going to play the second male in Chen Sheng's movie
over there, he immediately agreed to the extension.

Just kidding, if Ji Wang wins the big prize with this movie, his worth will be
different. This contract will be earned. Of course, he won't disagree.

On the day he joined the group, Ji Wang understood why Qi Boyan asked him to
audition so readily.

Qi Boyan made three orders to Xiaoxu and asked him to be optimistic about
Jiwang, make daily video calls and communicate online.
Ji Wang: "Didn't I tell you before that you can't use mobile phones in Director
Chen's crew."

Qi Boyan said: "It's because you can't use a mobile phone, and it's not that Xiaoxu

Ji Wang: "In front of Director Chen, I can't play these clever things."

Qi Boyan stared at him incredulously: "You really don't plan to contact me?"

Ji Wang: "..."

Xiaoxu looked left and right, and whispered: "Would you like to write a letter?
Wasn't it all like this in ancient times? By letter?"

Li Feng raised his hand and covered Xiaoxu's mouth.

Until Ji Wang got into the nanny car, he turned his head, Qi Boyan still had a dark
face, and still didn't have Ji Wang into the group, really intending to recover from
the loss.

Ji Wang thought for a while: "I will finish filming my scene sooner and come out
to find you."

Qi Bo said: "You don't care about me at all."

Ji Wang: "..."

Qi Boyan said: "Does it need to be so honest? No one will know if you contact me

Ji Wang: "Director Chen..."

Qi Bo said: "Shut up."

Ji Wang shut up, he stretched out his hand to Qi Boyan, and wanted to kiss him
before parting. As soon as he moved his face to the side, Qi Boyan lightly sideways,
avoiding it.
Ji Wang got into the car with great anxiety, Qi Boyan avoided his kiss and didn't
want to send him to the airport.

Ji Wang turned around from the car until the car drove out of the underground
parking lot, and he could no longer see Qi Boyan.

This is not the first time Ji Wang has traveled far, but it is the first time he is so
worried, reluctant and sad.

Ji Wang looked at the mobile phone in his hand: "Let's hide one."

Xiaoxu: "Brother, when you filmed the woodcutter, Director Chen directly used
the signal jammer. This time, in order to prevent the actors from using their mobile
phones, there must be more tricks."

He sighed softly, and Xiaoxu comforted him: "Brother Wang, he will understand,
which one in this industry is not a long-distance relationship?"

Ji Wang sent a message to Qi Boyan on WeChat, saying that he would try his best
to contact him, but that was not possible. The correspondence that Xiaoxu said was
OK, and he would send it to their home.

Qi Boyan didn't reply to him.

He flew for two hours and arrived at City S. Just after landing, Ji Wang received
news from Qi Boyan.

At first glance, he didn't calm down, but he was afraid that this was the last
contact. Qi Boyan said: "The letter will be sent to SF Express, and it will arrive on
the same day."
Ji Wang smiled when he saw it, and replied.

Chen Sheng's film was shot in S City and shot in many places later. Chen Sheng
paid attention to the texture of the real scene and did not like post-production.

On the way back to city c, Ji Wang thought about that time, maybe they could
meet each other.

He is not so honest, saying that if he doesn't need a mobile phone, he really

doesn't need it. It's just that Chen Sheng is watching closely. In order to prevent the
use of his mobile phone, let alone his mobile phone, Xiao Xu's mobile phone is
afraid that it will also be taken care of.

Moreover, Chen Sheng is more serious, the most taboo actors are not obedient.
Therefore, Chen Sheng rarely used traffic, and even the big names he held out, if
he didn't cooperate with him, he would not look back and use it a second time.

Xiaoxu’s worries are not unreasonable. As soon as he arrived on the set, Ji Wang
went through a body search and handed in his mobile phone directly. Xiaoxu’s one
was almost searched. For some reason, he had to keep in touch with the company,
otherwise something would happen. The words that couldn't be dealt with were all
said, and finally the phone was reluctantly left.

This martial arts movie is an original script. Two young heroes with very different
personalities, who have just come out of the river and lakes, get together with a
murder case in the villa, and finally have a bit of emotional entanglement with the
sick young master omega in the villa.

On the first day, I was reading the script, and on the second day I started to live
as a role. The costumes can’t even be taken off in the next play. At most, they
should be light and breathable. Anyway, you have to get used to the feeling of
wearing costumes, and you will have details when you perform roles. .

Chen Sheng didn't expect these young people to be able to play like old play
bones, so he cultivated their sense of play in the most basic way.
The person he is most satisfied with is Ji Wang. At the beginning, he didn't want
to choose this actor who has been in his career for many years and has acted in his

Chen Sheng is keen on cultivating new talents, and he believes that when Puyu
develops, people will be surprised.

Especially in the eyes, the older actors who have acted for a long time, the harder
it is to find their fledgling, unadorned agility.

The second man had a temporary accident and it was difficult to find someone
to replace it.

At this time, Zheng Qihong recommended Ji Wang to him, and Chen Sheng
hopefully asked him to come over for a try, but in the end he was so surprised.

He remembered Ji Wang, and even said he was deeply impressed.

Ji Wang, who was only in his early twenties, had a non-discipline background, but
he portrayed a woodcutter in his forties who was in his forties and vicissitudes of

Ji Wang, now twenty-six, is full of vigor, and the sixteen or seventeen-year-old

boy has a completely different role and temperament, but Chen Sheng has a
completely different feeling.

He thought that this actor would have changed a little bit after being immersed
in the entertainment circle for so long.

Now it seems that the eyes are still very similar to before, but not so much.

At that time, Ji Wang was dead, but now Ji Wang is rejuvenated, and he doesn't
know what happened to him.
No matter what good things happen to him, Chen Sheng is lucky, and he decided
to set his sights at the moment.

He arranged for two young heroes to live together, eat and live together.

Three leading actors, two alphas and one omega, two newcomers, only Ji Wang
is not.

The alpha who plays another young hero is called Shengli, and the other omega
is called Shiyao.

Sheng Li and Ji Wang live together. He is a good tempered person. He is also

enthusiastic. It is the first time he shoots a movie, and he is the leading role of Chen
Sheng. He feels very worried and asks Ji Wang for help and psychological relief from
time to time.

Ji Wang was able to help, so Sheng Li quickly became acquainted with Ji Wang.

Another starring Shiyao, Ji Wang is not very familiar.

What's more, Shiyao's eyes looked strange, a little dodge, not to mention
proactively approaching him.

Ji Wang nodded and said hello to Shiyao in the first few days. The rest of the time,
he was basically alone, or he was studying the script with Sheng Li.

At night, sneak into Xiaoxu's room and call Qi Boyan.

Filming has not yet started, just preliminary preparations, and Chen Sheng hasn't
fixed it yet.

But Ji Wang was still very nervous, just like a good student was kidnapped by a
bad student to cheat. After being here for so long, the only video of the call made
Xiaoxu guard the door.
Qi Boyan picked it up quickly, the background sound was noisy, and he didn't
know where it was at the event. His face was covered with sparkling sequins, which
made him look like a real person.

He hid in a quiet corner, and said to Ji Wang, "Didn't you say not to call me?"

Ji Wang said honestly: "I miss you."

One sentence coaxed Qi Boyan into heart. A few days before there was no video
call, Ji Wang used his own Polaroid to take pictures of the studio every day, write
down a sentence or two, and send it to their home by SF Express. .

Ji Wang said, "Have you received my photo?"

Qi Bo said: "I have received it."

Ji Wang: "Why don't you write back to me?"

Qi Bo's tone stretched very long, with a little willfulness: "Because it's very busy."

Ji Wang lowered his eyes: "Okay."

Separated from the phone, Ji Wang believed what Qi Boyan said. Qi Boyan must
be busier than him. He was hospitalized and rested some time ago, and he should
be on his way now.

Ji Wang exhorted: "No matter how busy you are, you have to eat well. I heard
that there are a lot of precious medicinal materials.

Qi Boyan's expression is a bit subtle: "Aren't you angry if I don't reply to you?"

"You said you are very busy." Ji Wang said softly: "Don't force yourself too much,
you can sleep longer if you have more time."

Qi Boyan suddenly showed a big smile: "Just kidding, I will respond to you."
Qi Boyan’s response was not a letter. The next afternoon, two dining cars drove
to the crew and invited all the staff to have afternoon tea in the name of Ji Wang.

There was also Ji Wang’s photo on the dining car, pulling the bar, and the corner
marked Ai Jiwang’s Xiao Qiqi.

Xiaoxu knew who sent it at a glance, thinking that Qi Boyan, the number one fan,
would really have enough money.

The dining car was filled with Ji Wang’s favorite foods. Xiao Xu took a plate and
sent it to Ji Wang’s resting place.

Ji Wang sat in a special chair with a sun protection tent on top. He was eating Qi
Boyan's mind and flipping through the script by the way. Today is the first scene.
Everything is difficult at the beginning, so it is very important.

At this time, Shiyao walked over, holding an ancient umbrella in his hand, wearing
a white robe, very temperamental.

Ji Wang felt a shadow falling on his script and couldn't help but raise his head.

Shiyao stood looking at him, hesitant to speak.

Ji Wang smiled subconsciously: "Mr. Shi, what's the matter?"

He thought that Shiyao had a question on the script to ask him, so he was polite
and gave him Xiaoxu's chair: "Sit down and talk."

Shiyao sat down, his fingers turning white while holding the script, and his voice
was quiet and trembling: "Mr. Ji... don't you feel it?"

Ji Wang didn't know why: "What?"

A little pink appeared on Shi Yao's face: "Mr. Ji... you are my destiny."
Ji Wang's first reaction when he heard this sentence was, is there such a sentence
in the script?

He turned the script twice: "Which page is it on?"

Shi Yao was startled: "What page?"

Ji Wang: "Which page is your destined line just now? It's strange, I didn't see the
script. Is it yours?"

Shiyao's entire face flushed, he thought Ji Wang didn't understand: "I mean, our

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Ji Wang's eyes.

Ji Wang is the alpha of a gentle gentleman. This is what Shiyao heard when he
entered the crew.

It took less than a week for the opponent to join the group and received praise
from many people.

Director Chen Sheng trusted him, Sheng Li admired him, and even the staff were
full of praise for him.

Whenever someone praised Jiwang, Shiyao's heartbeat couldn't help speeding

up, as if he was also praised.

One thing, from the moment they met, Shiyao can be sure.

They are omega and alpha pheromone that fit perfectly, and only the destined
partner will have the induction and attraction.
In the box that day, Chen Sheng came in with Ji Wang, and the moment he
greeted them, Shiyao's whole body temperature rose suddenly, and even the back
of his neck was faintly hot.

Not only because Ji Wang is handsome and charming, but everything is a reaction
from his instinct.

Later, in order to prove what he thought, Shiyao asked the makeup artist for a
piece of clothing that Ji Wang wore when trying on makeup.

Whether or not Alpha has a suppression sticker, his clothes still have pheromone
in them.

At the moment when he smelled Ji Wang's pheromone, Shiyao's waist was sore
and his legs were soft, and the thirst in his blood made him take a larger amount of
inhibitor that night than usual.

Alpha and omega, which are 100% compatible, are attractive in both directions.

Shiyao didn't believe that Ji Wang had no feeling for him at all.

Just like now, Ji Wang's eyes looked at him, so cold, even with a little harshness.

Ji Wang said in a slow voice, "If it's not a matter of the script, I don't need to say

Shiyao was anxious: "Teacher Ji!"

Ji Wang stood up and frowned, "There is one thing that few people know about,
but I think you might be interested."

"That is I already have a destined partner, that person...not you."

Shi Yao is only nineteen years old this year. He had a relationship with him. He
thought he was lucky. He was about to turn twenty years old when he met his
destined alpha.

The probability of a 100% fit is so rare that many people may not be able to
encounter only their own alpha or omega in their lifetime.

Shiyao thought that Ji Wang felt the same way, but never thought that Ji Wang
would already have a lover.

He confessed that he was broken in love...

There are a lot of things to say in my heart, Shiyao is unwilling to give up like this,
but when your destined object has a lover, what should you do?

Shiyao held the script, stood up silently, lowering his pale face: "Yes, I know
Teacher Ji."

What else can I do? Of course, it is to maintain the boundaries of friends.

Otherwise, he would fight for it now, Shi Yao couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

It's really hard to tell him to give up, so all he can do is wait.

But since that day, Shiyao's chances of seeing Ji Wang have been even less. There
are not many early scenes between them, basically he and Shengli, or Ji Wang and

If it is not the same scene, in order to save time, two camera crews will be shot

Shiyao is mostly in Group B. As for the script, he is the third male.

He didn't think that Ji Wang had to avoid himself in this way, didn't he seem to
care about it.
If Ji Wang is really as firm as he said, shouldn't he be treated objectively and
treated as a small actor in the same group?

At this time, Ji Wang actually didn't think about anything. He was very busy every
day, memorizing words and acting, pondering the script, and taking on the role.

Occasionally after the end of the play, in the empty bamboo forest, looking up at
the half moon, you will especially miss Qi Boyan.

What is Qi Boyan doing now? Think of Qi Boyan's face, his hair, peach-flavored
pheromone, and the satisfaction of holding it up.

I want to sleep on the sofa with my arms around, I want to have sex.

Ji Wang touched his neck. The temperature under his palm was too high. It was
obvious that the susceptibility period was not so fast. This time, it seemed to be
coming early, probably because of the omega in the crew that fits him perfectly.

Ji Wang did avoid Shiyao a little bit, but it wasn't because he was afraid of being
shaken by himself. If a person empathizes just for instinct, what is the difference
from a beast.

More physiological reasons. He checked on the Internet and found that alpha
and omega, which fit too high, are often together, and their pheromones will
invisibly influence each other, which in turn induces omega's estrus and alpha
susceptibility period.

No one wants to be in estrus all the time, but it doesn't matter if this impulse is
directed at the lover.

It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone, or I would go back to the hotel and
watch Qi Boyan's photos come.

Wait, will there be Qi Boyan on the TV?

No matter how Mr. Chen was, he couldn't take down the TV in the hotel. He
would go back later to see if there was a signal.

With this thought in mind, Ji Wang walked back at a brisk pace.

The first time I thank my lover for being a big star, I might be able to see it on the
TV when I miss it.

Xiaoxu came to pick him up, with a subtle smile on his face, as if suppressing
something. Ji Wang saw it at a glance. After spending many years by his side, Ji
Wang said, "What happened, so happy?"

"Ah, no, it's just that the news that you were making a movie about Director Chen
was released recently, and our support club has recruited a lot of people. I am
happy for you, Brother Wang!" Xiaoxu said.

Ji Wang said, "Did you get the consent of Director Chen to release this news? In
case Director Chen wants to keep it secret..."

"Of course, Sister Hong has already talked with the crew's announcement, and
Director Chen has no opinion. Even if it's Director Chen's movie, I need to promote
it a little bit in the early stage." Xiaoxu took it for granted.

This is not the early era when there was no self-media. Of course, the propaganda
that can be used must be used.

But Xiaoxu was not so happy today, but he had to keep it secret.

Ji Wang just got downstairs in the hotel, but didn't go up again. He bought a lot
of fruits from the hawker.

Xiaoxu felt that the fruit was not fresh at night, and Ji Wang just wanted the old
fruit seller to go back to rest early, so he bought all the remaining strawberries and
took them to the elevator.
In the elevator, Ji Wang gave Xiaoxu half a bag of strawberries and said, "Did you
buy the inhibitor I asked you to buy for me?"

Xiao Xu frowned and said, "Is there an enhanced version? I have asked the
doctor. The doctor said that the side effects are relatively serious and it is not
recommended for you to take it."

Ji Wang: "Buy it and use it first, in case you need to use it."

Xiaoxu: "Isn't it half a month left? Did I remember the time wrong?"

Under normal circumstances, the susceptibility period of alpha occurs only once
in three months, which is not very frequent, but when encountering omega with a
high degree of fit, the frequency will be greatly increased.

Ji Wang didn't tell Xiaoxu about Shiyao. He didn't want a second person to know
about this matter, it would increase the risk of reaching Qi Boyan's ears.

Qi Boyan is too sensitive. Once Qi Boyan learns about it, he doesn't know what
the little madman will do.

Especially now, when the two of them can't meet each other, the other party
knows that there is such an omega in the same crew.

Just thinking about it, Ji Wang felt that it was enough to drink a pot.

It's not that I don't believe the other party, but there are too many accidents in
the world, and there are even more dog-blood incidents of alpha and omega, which
I can't hear on weekdays.

If something unexpected happened, let alone Qi Boyan, Ji Wang himself couldn't

imagine the consequences.
While talking, he had already come to the door of the room, Xiao Xu took out the
room card, opened the door, and just opened a gap, Ji Wang was still saying to Xiao
Xu: “It’s best to get the medicine tomorrow. I’m vulnerable. The time may be
ahead, so be prepared as soon as possible."

The smile on Xiaoxu's face could no longer be restrained, and he grinned

instantly: "Yes, Brother Wang."

Ji Wang felt something was wrong, and looked at the room number. This was
Xiaoxu's room. He just wanted to ask what was going on. The familiar smell came
to his nose before the sight.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xiao Xu's face in disbelief. Xiaoxu couldn't
hold it anymore, and pushed the door open: "Li Feng didn't let me say it."

Unexpectedly, Ji Wang held down his hand in the next second, lowered his voice,
and looked around: "What should I do if I was discovered by the crew?"

Saying that, Ji Wang's eyes are like the joy and surprise of fireworks blooming,
but there are not a lot of them at all.

The door was opened from the inside. It was Qi Boyan who had waited for a long
time. He was tied up with a loose braid, wrapped in light-colored pajamas, and
water drops across his neck. There was no restraint sticker, and the pheromone
came out frantically. .

Ji Wang immediately pressed Qi Boyan's shoulder and pushed him in with a look
of surprise.

The door closed behind the two of them, and Xiao Xu wisely didn't go in. He took
out his mobile phone and prepared to communicate with the doctor again.

The shoulder was stopped by someone, and he turned his head to see that it was
Li Feng.
Li Feng rubbed his head: "Go to my room to watch a movie. They must be unable
to get out of the room for a while."

Xiaoxu did not pat Li Feng's hand away: "I want to eat crayfish."

Li Fengle said, "Okay, I'll give you some."

The atmosphere in the bedroom, at this time, as Li Feng had expected, was very

As soon as Ji Wang pushed Qi Boyan forward, he was pressed backhand on the

wall, the suppression sticker on his neck was torn off, Qi Boyan's pheromone
flooded the sky, almost overwhelming Ji Wang.

His lips are occupied, the sound of the entanglement between his lips and tongue
is ambiguous and grinning, the hot chests are squeezing each other, and the
thumping heartbeat almost responds to each other through the flesh.

Ji Wang's cheeks are red, his breath is hot, and Qi Boyan's body under his palm
can feel the strong texture through a thin layer of cloth.

Follow the back, fall on the waist, against the crotch.

Ji Wang finally returned to his senses and broke free from Qi Boyan's sticky kiss.
He looked down breathlessly, and then stared at Qi Boyan with his moist and red

Qi Boyan wanted to kiss again, but Ji Wang covered his mouth.

In a short time, because the kiss was too hot, Ji Wang's lips were slightly swollen:
"Did you stop the medication?"

Qi Boyan licked Ji Wang's palm: "The doctor said it's okay."

He pushed away Ji Wang's hand and put his arms around the opponent's waist,
his thighs spread out from the edge of the bathrobe and pressed into Ji Wang's
legs: "I heard the susceptibility period just now? What susceptibility period?"

There were questions on his lips, but Qi Boyan didn't hide the interest in his eyes,
he knew it was Ji Wang's susceptibility period.

Ji Wang didn't let Qi Boyan pass the test so easily: "Where's your phone? Connect
me to Doctor Fang's call."

Qi Boyan sighed, muttering that the good atmosphere was ruined by Ji Wang.

Having said that, Qi Boyan took out his mobile phone sensibly, and intimately
dialed Dr. Fang's number to Ji Wang.

Doctor Fang received it quickly, and Ji Wang politely confirmed with the other
party. After learning that Qi Boyan's condition had stabilized and the amount of
medicine had indeed been reduced, Ji Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind him, Qi Boyan looked like a big sticky cat, rubbing his arms around Ji
Wang’s waist, and kissing the back of his neck again and again, as if he was going
to give all these missing moments through endless physical contact. Compensate it

If it weren't for the occasional alpha canine teeth to buckle his skin and flesh, and
eagerly to mark him again, Ji Wang would really think that there was a harmless
slime behind him.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Boyan put his slightly hot palm against his face,
turned him to him, and took a bite on his face, with very little force and no traces.

"Should you not be surprised to see me?" Qi Boyan said dissatisfied.

Ji Wang turned around and hugged Qi Boyan, and hugged it hard: "It's really
pleasantly surprised."
Qi Boyan snorted with satisfaction, and in the next second he was taken two
steps by Ji Wang and pushed hard onto the bed.

Qi Boyan was a little shocked, never expected Ji Wang to be so proactive.

As soon as he propped up his body, he saw Ji Wang pull away the ancient
costume he was wearing, with too many straps, and he was not very impatient to
untie it.

Fortunately, for daily convenience, Director Chen asked them to wear one piece.
After opening the neckline, Ji Wang climbed into the bed: "Here you are, I don't
need medicine during the susceptible period."
Ji Wang embraced such a good thing, and Qi Boyan certainly wouldn't refuse.

He leaned on the bedside for a while, waiting for Ji Wang to fall into his arms.

I didn't know that Ji Wang climbed halfway, then picked up the phone, lowered
his head to edit the message and send it out.

Qi Boyan was unhappy. As soon as he straightened his waist, Ji Wang, who looked
down at his phone on his shoulders, stretched out his hand and pressed it back.

Ji Wang informed Xiao Xu about the susceptibility period that he might be

passing, and asked him to ask for leave from Director Chen for a few days.

After sending the message, Ji Wang threw the phone aside and flung off his open
robe at will. His pheromone is so strong, it vaguely oppresses Qi Boyan, like an
invisible hand, gently clasping the other party, no Easily hurt, and can't break free
at will.

The alpha in the susceptible period will be a bit more fierce than usual, and Qi
Boyan raised his eyebrows with interest when seeing Ji Wang like this again.
He raised his hands and surrendered: "Brother, you stay a little bit weaker, I'm
more fragile than you think."

Ji Wang pressed Qi Boyan’s knees and tilted his head to reveal his neck. He still
looked aggressive, but the invitation he sent made Qi Boyan’s blood heated up. He
said, "Bite me. ."

He didn't want to hurt Qi Boyan because of his susceptibility period and instinct,
so Qi Boyan could put him into a state of "pseudo-estrus", making him weak.

Qi Boyan straightened up, and put his arms around Ji Wang’s back. His hands
followed the curve of his back, holding the two shoulder blades all the way up,
rubbing the sweaty skin loosely twice, and finally buckled the reddish back. Neck.

Alpha's glands are hidden under his palm, not shown to outsiders, only
vulnerable parts that are obediently exposed to him.

What could be more satisfying than this, the joy of conquest, the showing of
weakness by the strong, and the submission of lovers.

Qi Boyan took a deep breath, feeling the rich aroma of wine in the air: "Brother,
are you sure?"

At this time, he turned upside down as a gentleman, and had never considered
his opinion before.

Ji Wang was so sensitive that his body was tingling all over because of the
susceptibility period about to break out.

The temperature of Qi Boyan's palm and the thin cocoons left by his fingertips
playing musical instruments were many times clearer than usual, irritating his skin.

The nerves in the back of the neck jumped all at once, and Ji Wang frowned,
feeling that he was sweating faster, and the pheromone was so strong that he felt
dizzy: "You hurry..."
His voice stopped in his throat, his skin was severely pierced, and a large amount
of pheromone poured into his glands. This was the most direct mark. Attacking the
glands was enough to bring down any alpha.

In contrast, other pains were no longer called pains. Ji Wang felt that his strength
was slowly losing, his vision was blushing, and soon... even his sanity was lost.

All that can be felt is that the pheromone fought for a short time in his body, and
then quickly merged with him, setting off a enthusiastic wave from his body.

His body is enough to adapt to Qi Boyan, whether it is pheromone or other things.

In a daze, he heard what Qi Boyan was talking about and asked someone's name.

When a man is the most impatient, don't ask him questions, otherwise asking
everything is provocative, especially Ji Wang, who has been marked by Qi Boyan
and has prompted the early arrival of the susceptibility period.

Obviously his body should have been in a state of weakness, he still turned
vigorously, suppressing Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang blinked, the sweat on his eyelids soaked his eyelashes, his chin was tight
and trembling: "If you talk nonsense, I will tie you up."

Qi Boyan was stunned.


Ji Wang has indeed lost his reason, he is like a beast, relying on his body's instinct
to dominate everything.

Reason slowly returned to his body after half an hour.

He felt that his whole body was scorching hot, and the immense joy from deep
in his abdomen almost made him groan. He screamed out happily, even swearing,
completely unlike him.

When Ji Wang's waist is exerting force, the muscles of his lower abdomen will
tighten obviously, and his sweaty waist will sway up and down with force, like a
beast that is extremely difficult to be tamed, or a beast in estrus.

His thighs clamped Qi Boyan's waist tightly, and he seated his body down firmly.
Every time he fell, he could hear the fascinating pleasure from his crotch.

He finally opened his eyes, and in his swaying field of vision, there was Qi Boyan
with his hands tied up. When he lost his mind, the red string that came out from
nowhere firmly bound the alpha in front of him.

Ji Wang looked down again, his hips smashed Qi Boyan's thighs red, and the other
party's words rose thicker than before, and they were straightly embedded in his

As if he felt his movements slow down, Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang's eyes, and
finally found the soberness in the opponent's eyes, and said anxiously: "Brother,
untie it for me."

The action that Ji Wang stopped, resumed again, this time without hurries, and
completely in accordance with his own rhythm.

Bumping his buttocks in small frequency, swallowing deep and squeezing back
and forth, making a blushing movement, he casually only solved his desires, and
did not untie the rope for Qi Boyan.

With his gaze, he traced the lover in front of him who made him obsessed with,
his Qi Boyan was so bad that he didn't know where it came from, so that he was
unwilling to give Qi Boyan so much pleasure.
Seeing him lingering, Qi Boyan said aggrievedly: "Brother, you don't hurt me at

Ji Wang chuckled in a low voice, dyed with sexy hoarseness, and was soaked in
different voices by desire: "Am I not hurting you now?"

He pressed Qi Boyan's waist and abdomen, supported the two chest muscles,
provocatively intensified his rhythm and strength, and the mattress shook.

Obviously it was Ji Wang as the bearer, and Qi Boyan felt that it was himself who
was almost going to be fucked in the mattress now.

Ji Wang has completely ignored him, his sweaty hair is dangling, and there is a
faint sourness in his muscles, but this can be almost ignored in the dopamine
caused by sexual desire.

He slammed down hard, and the contents in his body entered deeper and
deeper. He seemed to hear the sound of water, which came from his body.

A thought slipped through his mind. As an alpha, is it really okay to be done so


Soon, this thought was dispelled from Ji Wang's mind by more joy.

For all the ways to find happiness, you can't hesitate to shame.

Even if there is, it will have to wait for him to be satisfied.

Waves after waves are about to reach their peak, Ji Wang buried his flushed face
in Qi Boyan’s neck, bit a strand of his lover’s hair, and wanted to shoot out from
the stimulus from behind, under his body. Suddenly, Qi Boyan's body became
severely stiff, and Qi Boyan's anger finally reached his ear.
Ji Wang paused. He looked down in confusion. He himself was so hard that he
stuck straight on his lower abdomen, the front end of which was red and dripping
with water.

The strangeness between his legs and deep in his abdomen made him regain his
sense of sanity.

Qi Boyan was angry, his chest was undulating, and his eyelids were reddish.

Ji Wang hesitated: "Are you..."

"No!" Qi Boyan shouted loudly, but the end of his eyes became even more red:
"It's all to blame you!"

Ji Wang wanted to hold back his smile, and his lips trembled slightly.

He slowly lifted his body, enduring the sensation of semen pouring from his body.
He stretched out his hand to untie the rope on Qi Boyan's wrist, and saw the trace
of being strangled, and it hurt a little.

Qi Boyan silently followed his movements and finally gained freedom.

His brother coughed slightly, his hot body was still close to him, and said to him,
"It's okay, maybe it's because you are still taking medicine."

Ji Wang tried his best to search for comforting words in his mind. He was only
begging for mercy when he was on the bed before. Today Qi Boyan came out so
quickly, which may be a shame for Qi Boyan.

Ji Wang stretched out his hand to hold himself, intending to solve it with his

Qi Boyan shook off the red rope in his hand and pressed him again.
Ji Wang opened his eyes in surprise, and asked a question that shouldn't be
asked, and even made him regret the question until the next day.

"Can you still be hard?"

Soon he knew whether Qi Boyan could harden. Alpha's rapidly rejuvenating

sexual organs slammed into his body, with a strong anger, with a strong force that
he could not bear, fiercely Pounding his most sensitive part.

He didn't even let go of the closed genital cavity, and forced him to orgasm
abruptly, but he didn't stop.

Only then did Ji Wang know that he should not provoke the alpha who is on the
verge of madness.

Especially this alpha is also called Qi Boyan.

During the refractory period after ejaculation, the genital cavity was violated, and
the semen seemed to have been poured into it. Obviously, it was impossible to get
pregnant. The feeling of being invaded to the deepest part was daunting.

Ji Wang pressed his lower abdomen, and under his skin was the shape of
unscrupulously smashing the sexual organs, as if it was lying on his palm through
his lower abdomen, and banging.

"Calm down...ah, ah! I just shot it! Wait, wait!" Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's wrist
with his backhand and intermittently begged for mercy.

However, Qi Boyan had red eyes, wanted to kill him, or wanted to eat him,
pressing his hands hard, arching his waist and limbs.

Qi Boyan held his earlobes, and Alpha's moist and hot gasps covered his cheeks.

Qi Boyan apologized softly to him.

Contrary to words, the act of going in and out of his body arbitrarily, without a
little apology, nasty and savage, with the most primitive instinct of alpha, opened
his genital cavity, formed knots in his body, and poured semen.

After apologizing, Qi Boyan laughed in a low voice: "If my brother can't be

satisfied, then I should be guilty of death."

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's back and slammed his fingers in. He couldn't even
speak his words clearly: "Stop...satisfied, ah! Satisfied!"

Qi Boyan bit him hard, and once again poured the pheromone that made the
alpha false estrus: "But I don't have one!"

In the chaotic and crazy affairs, Ji Wang's last thought was...

In the future, Qi Boyan will never be allowed to shoot early.

Otherwise, he is definitely the one who gets fucked.

Sober again, it is already two days later. During this susceptibility period, they
hardly got out of bed.

Every corner of the room was filled with their smell, and the sun outside the
window rose and set.

During the period, Li Feng sent ao estrus special nutrient for them to prevent
their physical strength from being unable to keep up.

Li Feng knocked on the door outside, inside Qi Boyan hugging Ji Wang and kissing
at the entrance, indulging uncontrollably.

By the third day, Ji Wang was soaked in the smell of peach wine from the inside
to the outside, and he was thoroughly immersed in it.
Xiaoxu asked him four days off, and he and Qi Boyan spent three days in the

Ji Wang's susceptibility period was longer than before, and it used to only take a
day to end.

Although Ji Wang didn't check it out, he probably understood why this happened.
It was nothing more than Shi Yao.

When he entered the bathroom, he knew what he had done at a glance at his
walking posture, his feet couldn't close together, and his pace was slow.

Putting a jar of water in the bathroom, Ji Wang took out a cigarette.

Quitting smoking is difficult and the progress is long. Especially when Qi Boyan
can't be seen in the crew, Ji Wang will smoke a peach-flavored lady's cigarette,
assuming that it is Qi Boyan's pheromone, inhale his lungs, and wrap him up.

Now I feel that this taste is not like Qi Boyan's pheromone, and nothing can
compare to Qi Boyan.

Smoke has the effect of relieving pain and temporarily awakening the mind.

So Ji Wang bit the cigarette, stepped on the toilet with one foot, and cleaned
himself up amidst the rustling of water.

After doing a good job of cleaning up, Ji Wang put a medicine plug in it as he did
last time. When he got out of the bathroom, his posture returned to his previous
normal form, but his movements were relatively small.

At the very least, it didn't look like it was too difficult for someone to walk in
before entering.

As soon as he opened the door, he was hugged by Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan was full of sleepiness. As the main force for the past three days, he
yawned softly: "Why don't you call me when you get up."

After speaking, he pressed his lips to Ji Wang's uncomfortable neck, and kissed
softly back and forth.

In addition to Ji Wang's neck battle, Qi Boyan also had a lot of marks on his neck.
There were tooth marks on the throat, side of the neck, and even on the back of
the neck.

Qi Boyan peeled off Ji Wang's bathrobe, put his hand on the part that was
repeatedly touched by him, looked down, and finally opened his eyes soberly:
"Have you taken medicine?"

Ji Wang rubbed the end of Qi Boyan's eyes with his hands warm with steam,
"Well, I also filled the bathtub for you. You go in and soak in, otherwise you will be
tired when you go to the plane for a while. "

Qi Boyan rubbed Ji Wang's waist and replied at will: "Why should I leave?"

Ji Wang reacted: "You didn't come here secretly?"

Qi Boyan used a distressed and mischievous tone: "Brother, if you hadn't thrown
me down three days ago, then I should go and meet Director Chen."

Ji Wang was surprised: "Why are you...wait, did you get the role?"

Qi Boyan put on Ji Wang's clothes again. They can't do it now. Li Feng has already
booked a restaurant for him to have dinner with Director Chen in the evening.

"It's not a role, I'll sing the theme song for this movie, and by the way, I will
appear in friendship."

"I also invested some money, and now I am considered a minority shareholder
of this movie."
Ji Wang understood what he meant, and Qi Bo said that he used money to smash
himself into this movie.

Chen Sheng hates bringing money into the group the most. Maybe the footage
shot by Qi Boyan will end up being cut by Chen Sheng.

What a pitiful thing, I have been shooting so hard for so long, and I haven't had
a few shots yet.

And Qi Boyan's acting Ji Wang has already seen in mv, even if Qi Boyan looks
good everywhere in his eyes, but the acting really does not meet Chen Sheng's

What if Qi Boyan was severely scolded by Chen Sheng! He was afraid that he
could not help but quarrel with Chen Sheng for Qi Boyan.

That's really messy.

Qi Boyan unconsciously bypassed his worried brother, stepped into the

bathroom to take a bath, and asked Huan Jiwang to help him get a bath ball. It was
in his bathroom. It was fun and delicious. Come out. The bubbles are the colors of
the rainbow.

Ji Wang took the bath ball and put it in the living treasure in the bathtub. He
asked, "You come here, don't you have any comments from the company?"

Qi Boyan held his face with wet hair and looked at Ji Wang who was sitting on
the edge of the bathtub: "Don't worry about me, now I can do whatever I want,
even if I rest for a while."

Ji Wang: "Aren't you very busy some time ago, just hurry up the schedule when
you leave the hospital."
"That would have robbed Fang Shengyun's resources and had to do it." Qi Boyan
regretted it a little, otherwise he wouldn't have to wait until now to find Ji Wang.

Ji Wang: "How much did you invest?"

Qi Boyan said the number, instantly making Ji Wang's eyes black.

Tens of millions is indeed not a very large number for this movie, but for Ji Wang,
it is enough.

He didn't get the same amount of pay for making this movie.

And Qi Boyan didn't have to come, it was for him to see him, and he spent money
at all costs.

Qi Boyan played with the rainbow bubble in the bathtub and wiped pink on Ji
Wang's face: "I believe my brother will definitely help me earn the box office."

Ji Wang covered his face and sighed deeply: "Can you discuss it with me in
advance before you do something next time?"

Qi Boyan said frankly: "You are forbidden to contact you with your mobile phone.
How can I discuss it with you?"

Ji Wang choked silently for a while, and it was obvious that he had used Xiao Xu's
cell phone to find Qi Boyan secretly before, how did he call him no contact, what
else did he not allow? That was because the rules in the crew were too strict.

"What role are you playing?" Ji Wang asked.

He had read the entire script, and he really couldn't think of any extra character
that could be played by Qi Boyan.
Qi Boyan said casually: "I don't know, it seems to be a person who only appeared
in memories in the love and hatred of the previous generation, right? The former
owner of Yijian Villa?"

Ji Wang quickly extracted the character setting of the village owner in his mind.

With one's own strength, it stirred up the disputes between the rivers and lakes,
and shattered countless hearted Yijian Zhuangzhu, referred to as the ancient
version of the heart arsonist, the flower heart radish.

The important thing is that Ji Wang's role is an illegitimate son of Zhuang

mainstream who is outside.

He is Qi Boyan's husband outside, so he has to call Qi Boyan's father in the play?

What kind of messy ethical relationship is this.

Qi Boyan didn't read the script, but when he saw that Ji Wang's expression was
wrong, he immediately asked.

After getting the answer, Qi Boyan showed a pityful smile on his lips: "I read the
script before I came here, so we can play some other tricks in the past few days."

Ji Wang: "Don't even think about it."

He suddenly remembered that when Qi Boyan first came, he asked him the name
of a person. At that time, his mind was full of bed matters, and he didn't catch it.

Ji Wang asked Qi Boyan whose name he said.

Qi Boyan scowled and made a gesture of catching the adulterer: "Why don't you
tell me, you live with Shengli."

Ji Wang was a little confused and said, "Chen Sheng asked us to cultivate our
feelings, and we are all..."
The remaining sentence that we are all alphas, Ji Wang swallowed it back in time,
but couldn't stop Qi Boyan from guessing something.

"So what, I'm also an alpha, you can't live with him anymore." Qi Boyan's
expression became serious when he said this. He was not joking, he minded.

Ji Wang didn't argue with him much: "I see, in fact, the relationship has been
cultivated pretty much now, and it's time to live in a separate house."

Qi Boyan didn't stop there. He stretched out his arm around Ji Wang's waist and
dragged the person into the bathtub. A lot of water gushed out of the bathtub
bearing the weight of the two men. Ji Wang leaned in Qi Boyan's arms: " I just
changed the medicine."

"Why did Shiyao steal your clothes?" Qi Boyan continued to ask, without much

If it is said that he and Sheng Li lived together, Xiao Xu revealed to Li Feng, it is


Shiyao steals his clothes? How did he not know this, and how did Qi Boyan know?

Originally, Ji Wang was a bit grateful that Qi Boyan didn't ask Shiyao's name.

Now that Shiyao is asked, Ji Wang will inevitably be a little nervous: "What are
you talking nonsense, when did Shiyao steal my clothes? And... how did you know
about this?"

Qi Boyan leaned under Ji Wang's bathrobe from the water. With a few actions,
he made Ji Wang grasp the edge of the bathtub, flushing on his face: "Don't...don't
do it."

The other party did not listen, and his strength increased a bit, Qi Boyan
whispered: "There are my people in the crew, so I know."
How can this crew have someone who is like Bo Yan? What's more, he just came
out to make a scene and work normally. Does Qi Boyan need to find someone in
the crew to watch him?

For Qi Boyan's approach, most people should be scared at this time.

Fear that lovers have too strong desire for monopoly and control.

But Ji Wang is not only not afraid, but also thinks that he is not enough to give Qi
Boyan a sense of security.

And the facts proved that he did hide from Qi Boyan that Shiyao and him were a
perfect partner.

Qi Boyan said softly: "Brother, why are you guilty?"

Ji Wang's back stiffened, and he thought to himself that his expression shouldn't
be revealed just now.

Actors are natural liars, and they can use their acting skills to disguise themselves.

So Qi Boyan was testing him?

Ji Wang hesitated between speaking and not speaking.

Now he finally understood why Qi Boyan didn't want to tell him something.

Put yourself in this position and think about it, what would Ji Wang think if the
person who met Omega was Qi Boyan in a closed crew today?

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's hand underwater and tightened his heart suddenly,
which he couldn't imagine.
Not because he was unwilling to confess, but because he was afraid of how Qi
Boyan would react after he said it.

Even if Ji Wang promised Qi Boyan a hundred sentences, he would never leave,

Qi Boyan might not believe it.

Although Ji Wang didn't know it, Ji Wang was even more worried about Qi
Boyan's reaction when he learned about it.

Do you think that what Ji Wang wants to choose is a normal life, a destined
omega, rather than Qi Boyan, an alpha?

Maybe the next step is to bring Ji Wang back to the villa and lock it up again.

Ji Wang wasn't afraid to lock it up or something.

He was afraid that Qi Boyan would be unhappy, and even more afraid that Qi
Boyan would be sad.
Ji Wang didn't answer immediately, but turned to ask Qi Boyan: "Why send
someone to look at me in the crew, don't you believe me?"

He had to know how uneasy Qi Boyan was about him, and then answered

Qi Boyan's chest moved a little away from his back, and his breathing was heavy.
It was clear that the atmosphere before was good, but now it is surprisingly quiet,
with a tense sense of confrontation in the air.

It was Ji Wang who conceded the defeat first. He leaned back. Qi Boyan didn't
expect that he would relax his body so suddenly and hurriedly opened his hand to
catch him.

"Did you find someone to look at me because you couldn't get in touch?" Ji Wang
offered Qi Boyan a step.
When it’s not Chen Sheng’s movie next time, you can contact him. Will Qi Boyan
still find someone to watch him?

Ji Wang wasn't sure, and didn't want to ask. Anyway, that's what happened later,
and he could find another reason for Qi Boyan and give him a step.

Still very tired, Ji Wang yawned softly: "If you want someone to look at me, just
look for it. Remember to find someone reliable?"

Qi Boyan's voice was a little low: "Don't you mind?"

Ji Wang slammed Qi Boyan's shoulder with the back of his head, as if

remembering a punishment that didn't hurt at all: "Now I know I'm afraid, so why
did you just say it casually?"

Qi Boyan dragged him by the waist, fished him out of the bathtub, peeled off the
wet bathrobe, twisted and sprinkled, and washed away the bubbles on Ji Wang's
body: "Didn't you tell me? Keep it from you."

So, can you be honest if you find someone to follow you?

Ji Wang now feels that Qi Boyan should be grateful that he is in love with him.

Ji Wang is slowly accepting what Qi Bo said good and bad, and even rationalized
his behavior for others.

Because it hurts and feels soft.

"I don't have much contact with Shiyao." Ji Wang took the initiative to confess.

He turned around and flushed out the bubbles for Qi Boyan, fearing that the
other party's body would be cold when wet: "He seems to have a higher match with
my pheromone, so it's a bit misunderstanding."
Ji Wang tried his best to speak calmly: "What age is it, who will stay together for
the level of pheromone fit."

"I won't, because the person I love the most is an alpha." Ji Wang bowed his eyes.

Qi Boyan's cheeks were a little red, and he was a little bit complacent: "Say you
love me again."

Ji Wang didn't say anything. Instead, he stepped out of the bathtub and took out
the medicine from the sink, ready to take it a second time.

Qi Boyan wanted to chase him, but he had to wash all the foam on his body.

After a rush, entering the room filled with him and Ji Wang's pheromone, Qi
Boyan's heart settled again.

Ji Wang changed his clothes and lay down: "Go and see Director Chen, I want to
rest for a while."

As he spoke, Ji Wang's eyes almost closed: "Don't worry about acting... I will help

Qi Boyan covered Ji Wang with a quilt and kissed softly on the cheek.

He touched Ji Wang's hair, his eyes deep, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After leaving the room, Qi Boyan took out his mobile phone. Before meeting
Director Chen, he had to meet with someone.

The phone was dialed, and it didn't take long for the other party to appear in the
coffee shop downstairs of the hotel, with a separate box, suitable for meeting.

Qi Boyan didn't cover up the marks on his neck, so that the people who came in
took a breath: "Cousin, do you need to be so arrogant?"
"Aren't you afraid of being photographed by paparazzi?" The man came to meet
in a very low voice, with a black hat and mask, dressed as if he were a thief.

Qi Boyan hugged his hand: "Ji Wang said that his pheromone and Shiyao's
pheromone are only in a relatively high degree of compatibility."

The visitor took off his mask, revealing a handsome face. He has a righteous and
handsome appearance, a pleasing look on the screen.

It was because of the temperament between his eyebrows and eyes that Chen
Sheng chose him as the male lead.

This person is Shengli.

Sheng Li took off his hat and rubbed his hair: "Is that what brother said?"

Qi Boyan tapped his finger on the desktop: "Who allowed you to call his

Sheng Li felt that Qi Boyan was inexplicable. He didn't know the relationship
between Ji Wang and Qi Boyan.

Even Sheng Li didn't understand why Qi Boyan wanted him to stare at Ji Wang. It
made him always feel guilty when facing Ji Wang.

But I have to help, otherwise his mother will definitely miss him.

When Qi Boyan had an accident, his mother cried day and night, always feeling
that she hadn't taken care of the last child left by his sister.

In the face of the terrible Qi family, there is not much he can do at all.

Sheng Li: "Well, is that what Teacher Ji said?"

When Qi Boyan heard Sheng Li's change, he was relieved with satisfaction:

Sheng Li hesitated: "Strange, I clearly heard Shiyao say that it was destined at the
time. Did I hear it wrong?"

Qi Boyan's eyes instantly became cold, and he looked at Sheng Li with horror,
almost thinking that this cousin was about to start to fall ill again.

"Destined?" Qi Boyan slowly said these four words.

Sheng Li's tone was so gloomy that he was a little trembling: "Cousin, calm

Qi Bo said: "Who is destined to do with him?"

Sheng Li suddenly understood: "Brother! So you like Shiyao!"

Also, Shiyao is pretty good-looking, and his temperament is still soft. It is an

omega that makes people easy to feel pity when they see him.

However, Shiyao's good-looking is placed next to Qi Boyan, which is obviously

not enough.

To use an analogy, Shiyao is the little white flower, and his brother is the piranha
who can only be seen on the outside.

Hearing Sheng Li's words, Qi Boyan's face became even more ugly: "He is the one
who fell in love with my husband!"

Shocked Sheng Li to the point of lagging behind, Qi Boyan went away, not even
wanting to drink coffee with the eyeless Sheng Li.

That night, Ji Wang was awakened by Xiao Xu, and he found a high-collared shirt
to cover his neck.
Xiaoxu told him that because Qi Boyan entered the group late and missed the
opening banquet, Director Chen only called out a few leading actors and producers,
as well as the screenwriter, and simply had a meal to introduce to everyone.

After Ji Wang put on his clothes, Xiaoxu took a small puff to cover his neck for a
long time: "When this crew is over, I'm going to class."

"What class?" Ji Wang asked strangely.

Xiaoxu: "Film and television special effects make-up." He was serious and serious
in his heart.

Ji Wang almost coughed out, a little embarrassed: "I will pay attention next time."

Xiao Xu faintly said: "Brother Wang, it's useless for you to pay attention to this.
Li Feng will make special effects. He cleans Qi Boyan's neck clean, without any

He wasn't convinced anymore, as if he couldn't compare with Li Feng, which

made him feel frustrated.

Ji Wang had no choice but to say: "Well, you go to study, I will reimburse you for
your tuition."

I cleaned myself up, put a pheromone on it all the time, and sprayed some
pheromone deodorant, which suppressed the rich smell on his body a lot.

The place to eat is a quiet Japanese restaurant, and a table is beautifully filled
with expensive sashimi.

Everyone spoke softly, being kind to each other.

Ji Wang thought that Chen Sheng would make an appointment at a lively hot pot
restaurant to have a drink and chat with the filmmakers.
I don't know if it was because of Qi Boyan, so he chose this kind of place

Ji Wang couldn't understand Chen Sheng's psychology, but he could smell Qi

Boyan's body. He didn't conceal the complex pheromone aura in his body at all.

If the taste of peach wine seems to be absent, you can smell it very clearly in this
Japanese restaurant that doesn't taste much.

Not as good as a Japanese restaurant...

Just as Ji Wang thought so, Chen Sheng raised his hand and greeted him.

Everyone was sitting together, only Qi Boyan had a vacant seat next to him,
probably because he was not familiar with everyone, and no one dared to sit with

Ji Wangluo sat behind Qi Boyan, put his hand under the table, and gently shook
Qi Boyan's hand.

Chen Sheng said: "Xiao Qi, this is Jiwang. At a young age, his acting skills are very
good. If you don't have any problems, you can ask him for advice. You young people
should communicate more and get to know each other."

The producer said to Chen Sheng: "Xiao Ji and Bo Yan have known each other
before, and they have participated in the same variety show."

Chen Sheng suddenly said, "That's it!"

Seeing that Chen Sheng's attitude towards Qi Boyan was not bad, Ji Wang
couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He pulled his hand from the table and
poured a glass of wine for Chen Sheng: "With Director Chen, why should Bo Yan ask
me? The best teacher."
Chen Sheng laughed loudly and seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

The meal was over between talking and laughing. Chen Sheng became drunk and
stared at Qi Boyan with red eyes, with a little nostalgia.

When the producer noticed it, he took Director Chen away and sent him back to
the hotel.

Ji Wang whispered in Qi Boyan's ear: "What's the matter with Director Chen?"

Qi Boyan looked down, his tone was neither high nor low: "He knows I am Lin
Wanyan's child."

Ji Wang understood, no wonder Qi Boyan was able to bring money into the team,
and he had such a good attitude.

At this moment, Qi Boyan suddenly raised his hand and held his waist. Ji Wang
was startled and looked at the other two people on the table subconsciously.

The director and producer are gone, and the screenwriter has long since left and
returned to the hotel to change the script. Only Sheng Li and Shiyao are left.

Shiyao's expression was not right from now on, holding the wine glass in his hand
for a long time, and did not take a few sips.

Qi Boyan's hand touched Ji Wang's waist ambiguously, and then raised his glass
to Shiyao and said, "I don't know what your name is yet?"

At first, Shi Yao didn't realize that Qi Boyan was calling him, until Sheng Li, who
was beside him, hit his arm and almost spilled the wine in his hand.

"Hello, Teacher Qi, my name is Shiyao, the time is far away."

Qi Boyan smiled with interest: "Really, the name is good, and it sounds pretty."
Ji Wang's action of holding sushi stopped, and then put it into his mouth, chewing

Shiyao glanced at Ji Wang suddenly, and seemed to have the courage to say: "Mr.
Qi, the perfume on your body... is quite special."

Qi Boyan: "Do you like it? Do you want me to give you a bottle?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Wang put down his chopsticks and made a soft, crisp
sound with the chopstick pillow.

Obviously he didn't say much, but Sheng Li still saw that Qi Boyan and Shi Yao's
eyes immediately focused on Ji Wang.

It was the first time that Sheng Li saw Ji Wang's expressionless face. His
expression was faint, which made people feel nervous.

Thinking of Qi Boyan's husband, Sheng Li inexplicably felt that he alone was

redundant at this table, but it was very exciting.

Finally, Sheng Li waited for the owner of the dog-blood love triangle to speak

Ji Wang turned his head, but said softly to Qi Boyan: "Don't give it away."
It was the first time Shi Yao saw Qi Boyan, and before that, he could only see this
brilliant star on TV.

Before coming, he told several friends that he was about to see Qi Boyan, and his
friends were more excited than him. They asked him to autograph, call for a group
photo, and remember to send it to the group.

Shiyao was infected by the excitement of his friends. When he saw a real person,
he really felt that the other person was dizzy when seeing him. He was a real star,
with outstanding temperament and impeccable temperament.
However, Shiyao didn't feel the speed of heartbeat or the heartbeat because of
this beauty.

Ji Wang is different to him in the end.

He told his closest friends what was destined to meet him, and described the
various physiological changes he had experienced after meeting Ji Wang, and his
friends laughed at whether he was a nymphomaniac.

If he is simply a nymphomaniac, then why does he feel so happy when he faces

the equally good-looking Qi Boyan.

It's a pity... Ji Wang already has a lover.

Ji Wang also took four days off, saying that he was unwell. Shiyao didn't know
what happened, and he was a little worried, so he didn't dare to visit.

Shiyao didn't dare to entangle himself cheekily after being rejected by Ji Wang.

Hearing that tonight’s dinner will appear, Shiyao will sweat his palms as soon as
he thinks about it.

Until he got up and went to the bathroom, passing by Qi Boyan, he smelled the
ambiguous pheromone on his body.

Among the fusion flavors, the one that impressed him the most was Ji Wang's

Shi Yao is like a bolt from the blue, I can't believe it.

No one can recognize this pheromone better than him.

Isn't Qi Boyan alpha? How could this be?

When the director and screenwriter both left, Qi Boyan spoke to him cordially,
complimenting his nice name. Shi Yao finally plucked up the courage and asked

He waited for Qi Boyan's answer. If Qi Boyan's answer made him breathe a sigh
of relief, then Ji Wang's answer made him understand everything.

The words full of exclusivity, and between the two people, could not tolerate the
eyes of others.

After Ji Wang said that he was not allowed to send it, he clipped a piece of sashimi
and placed it in Qi Bo's words. At the same time, he politely said to Shiyao: "He's
joking, don't ignore him."

Shiyao said with difficulty: "What's the joke?"

Ji Wang glanced at Sheng Li.

Sheng Li knew that Ji Wang was worried that there was another him on the table.
He wanted to tell him, leave me alone, just say whatever you want, as long as I
don't exist.

Ji Wang calmly said: "I don't have this perfume."

Shiyao pressed the tabletop to get up, but nearly fell. Sheng Li next to him helped
him: "Are you okay."

He shook his head sadly, walked out of the box, and left quickly.

After a while in the box, Qi Boyan poked his chopsticks into the sashimi, turned
his head and asked Ji Wang, "Why is he looking like he is broken in love?"

Ji Wang's head was big, and he quickly conceived the reasons to use in his mind,
so that Sheng Li could be perfunctory.
At this time, Qi Boyan stretched out his hand to pinch his chin and turned his face
toward him. Qi Boyan said, "I'm asking you what you are doing. What do you keep
looking at Shengli for? Think he is handsome?"

Ji Wang: "..." is really unreasonable!

Sheng Li said awkwardly at the opposite table: "Cousin, don't scare Teacher Ji."
It's pitiful to be tortured by his brother's spirit.

Ji Wang came back to his senses and looked at Sheng Li in surprise.

Sheng Li smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Ji, I didn't deliberately conceal it from you.
My cousin didn't let me tell you. I also knew that you were my brother's boyfriend."

Qi Boyan said coldly to Sheng Li: "If there is nothing wrong, you can leave."

Sheng Li rolled his eyes, got up and exited the box.

Ji Wang thoughtfully said: "He is your little spy?"

Qi Boyan played with Ji Wang's fingers: "Hurry up and hold my hand like just

Ji Wang didn't shake hands, and instead pinched Qi Boyan's face: "What's the
matter with your body, do you want to tell everyone in the world that we have

Qi Boyan endured the pain and smiled: "Can you?!"

Ji Wang: "Of course not!"

Originally, Qi Boyan just talked casually, but now the focus is not on this.

Ji Wang saw that Qi Boyan's face was reddened by him, so he quickly let go, and
touched it lightly: "Don't cry if it hurts?"
"Why did Shiyao look like a broken relationship? You gave him hope?" Qi Boyan

Ji Wang: "How is it possible? I told him I have a lover."

Qi Boyan was dissatisfied and said, "That means he is not dead to you."

Ji Wang said, "What do you mean by complimenting him in front of me and giving
him perfume?"

Qi Boyan said innocently: "It's just normal social etiquette."

Ji Wang didn't make a sound, but wiped his hands with a wet towel. As soon as
he put the towel off, he got up and went back to the hotel.

Qi Boyan panicked, and hugged Ji Wang's waist quickly, which is not a big deal,
even a pair of long legs clamped the person firmly, like a koala hugging a tree, his
tone was aggrieved: "You can't be angry with me."

Ji Wang said nothing, and Qi Boyan was even more aggrieved: "You lied to me,
saying that it is a good fit, and it is clearly a complete fit."

"I didn't lie to you." Ji Wang tried to explain: "He said that it fits perfectly, I don't
feel it at all."

Qi Bo said: "Then you are still angry with me because of him?"

Ji Wang was speechless again, feeling a headache for Qi Boyan and not knowing
where to start.

"I'm not angry." Ji Wang explained.

Qi Bo said: "Then why are you leaving me behind?"

Ji Wang helped his waist: "Because I was fucked for nearly three days, I was
worried that someone would be making things difficult for the director. I hurried
over tonight. I was so tired that my waist was about to break. Now I want to go
back to rest."

Qi Boyan loosened his hands and feet clearly, changed his way, tried to pick up Ji
Wang, Ji Wang pushed Qi Boyan's face, and refused to accept the hug: "You are
crazy, you want to hug it back. I'm already Let Xiaoxu move my room out of
Shengli's room."

After the two got out, they got in the same car. Unexpectedly, the next day, it
was rumored by the marketing account that Qi Boyan would secretly meet her
boyfriend late at night. In the photo, Qi Boyan's hand was on Ji Wang's waist and
his posture was very intimate.

However, this matter reversed very quickly, and after Ji Wang's identity came
out, the rumor would be self-defeating.

This made Ji Wang feel a little puzzled, why the target was him, everyone didn't
believe it.

In his free time waiting for shooting, Ji Wang sat outside the studio and read the
script. Xiao Xu reported the situation on the Internet. He was very relaxed. He said
happily to Ji Wang: "Not only is there no one on the Internet, but netizens also say
that this is Qi. Bo Yan's most unreliable scandal."

After Ji Wang listened, his face was mostly black.

He knew that his mentality was wrong. He didn't want to make it public, and
hoped that someone would believe that they were true.

A piece of snow-white clothes came to Yu Guangli, and when he looked up, Ji

Wang was amazed.
Qi Boyan wore a white ancient costume and was suave and graceful. The makeup
effect made his amazing beauty even more aggressive.

He was holding a folding fan in his hand, and came over to pick Ji Wang's chin:
"This son is a very good-looking man, do you want to enter my Zhuangzi and be my
eighth concubine?"

Ji Wang raised his eyebrows: "Little concubine?"

Qi Boyan curbed his frivolousness and put down the fan honestly: "In the main
room, you are not a concubine."

Seeing this, Xiaoxu quickly found a reason and left the scene with wit.

While still shooting, Ji Wang didn't dare to be too presumptuous, but reached
out and grabbed Qi Boyan's belt ornament on his waist, and pulled hard, forcing Qi
Boyan to walk a few steps towards him.

Today, Qi Boyan doesn't have such a complicated taste, only a faint smell of

It is strange that Qi Boyan is such a madman, but the pheromone is so sweet.

"Then should I call you a fraternity?" Ji Wang wrapped his fingers around Qi
Boyan's belt a few times before lowering his voice.

Qi Boyan didn't expect that Ji Wang would flirt with him in public. Only he could
do this kind of thing before.

After Ji Wang finished speaking, he didn't wait for Qi Boyan's answer. He looked
up suspiciously, but saw that Qi Boyan stretched out his hand to cover half of his
face, with thick makeup, only the end of his eyes could see a little redness, and his
ears. It's already red.
This surprised Ji Wang, what he said was not as good as Qi Bo said in case, how
could he make this person so ashamed.

This made Ji Wang feel a bit bad for no reason. He touched Qi Boyan's belt again
and adjusted it: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. It's better to meet
my husband and me. Tonight, I will live in the bridal chamber and live up to the

After Ji Wang teased Qi Boyan, he wanted to let go. As a result, his hand was held
by Qi Boyan's hot palm.

Qi Boyan called his name in the play: "Song Shaoxia, why wait until tonight?"

Ji Wang saw Qi Boyan bulging under his white robe, and when he looked at Qi
Boyan's eyes, he was full of lust.

The last time he saw this look, Ji Wang was forced to step on Qi Boyan for a long
time with his feet in stockings.

This time...

Ji Wang hurriedly withdrew his hands, and said with a serious face: "Don't make
trouble, it's my turn soon."

Qi Bo said: "Let Xiaoxu inform you."

Ji Wang: "Everyone said no, and I got everything done with my headgear, what
should I do if you soil the costume?"

Qi Bo said: "I have a kit in the nanny car."

Ji Wang: "Sweat, makeup will be spent, no way."

Qi Boyan said: "Li Feng can put on makeup, and he can make up for you. I will
control myself and not cry you."
Ji Wang: "Absurd! This is Chen Sheng's movie. It would be terrible if it were

Qi Bo said: "If I go out like this, Chen Sheng will find out immediately."

Ji Wang: "It still doesn't work. You can do it for a long time."

Qi Boyan hadn't spoken anymore, Ji Wang was relieved a bit, and he didn't know
that he thought that Qi Boyan's susceptibility period had come again, so he couldn't
stand the spurring.

Although his turn was not so fast in this scene, but after indulging Qi Boyan once,
this person was used to making an inch and didn't know how terrible the request
would be afterwards.

Qi Boyan suddenly touched Xia Jiwang's face and felt restrained, so that outsiders
could not see anything. But his gaze was focused on Ji Wang's lips, and he said
meaningfully: "In fact, if you do a good job, it will be a good solution to this matter."

Ji Wang was sweating on his back, and he subconsciously raised his hand to cover
his mouth: "What are you thinking about, no."

Qi Boyan's fingers touched the back of his hand, gently inserted between his
fingers, and pressed the moist and soft lips inside.

"Brother, I'm fast, not long at all."

After meeting Qi Boyan, Ji Wang never saw anyone more brazen than him.

She's also pretty cute, Ji Wang thought.

Obviously, during the susceptible period a few days ago, that accidental early
release made Qi Boyan angry and angered for a long time.
Now in order to meet my own needs, I don't mind the question of whether I am
happy or not.

The set was not easy to pull and pull, and they got into the same nanny car one
after another.

Qi Boyan said that this car was a nanny car, but it was actually a RV, spacious and
bright, with a bathroom, a bed, and a small dining room.

Ji Wangzhen has never seen Qi Boyan's car on set, after all, this person was very
low-key when filming "On the Road".

After getting in the car, Ji Wang looked around. Qi Boyan opened his robe and
unfastened his waist tie, not forgetting to show off, "Because I want to see you, I
drove this car here."

He sat on the bed and opened the small drawer beside it, which contained
everything needed, including the spray to eliminate pheromone afterwards.

Ji Wang slowly untied his girdle. Seeing Qi Boyan looking at him in surprise and
expectation, Ji Wang added: "I'm just afraid you will stain my clothes and don't do
anything else."

Wearing only his shirt, he came to Qi Boyan and squatted down. Qi Boyan already
stared at Ji Wang with crimson eyelids, it was a manifestation of excitement, and
also a shy congestion.

If he didn't know what to do next, Ji Wang would think he was taking advantage.

Qi Boyan's costumes have excellent texture, and Chen Sheng pursues perfection.
The costumes must stand the test of the big screen.

The texture of the hem in his hand is very good, cool and silky, if it is not white,
but red, it would be good, Ji Wang couldn't help thinking, it would be like lifting a
red hijab.
In the imagination, it is very solemn and dignified, but in reality, it is an extremely
nasty thing.

Ji Wang's lips are very beautiful. As the only place with soft lines in his heroic
facial features, it greatly enhances the exquisiteness of his entire face.

Qi Boyan has a room of recorded video tapes, all of which are clips that appear
in various film and television dramas at these ages.

He was the most angry, and he felt the most wanting to stop. The movie that
even accompanied him through the susceptibility period was a small-cost literary
film starred in by Ji Wang.

Inside, Ji Wang plays a male prostitute. Different partners always wear

exaggerated and complicated costumes. Ji Wang is always clean and tidy. His white
shirt is rolled up, revealing his pale wrist bones and slender hands holding

It seems that he does not eat the fireworks in the world, but has fallen into the
mortal "young master".

He was not so tall as the person who did this business, but his temperament
caused waves of customers to flock to him.

Every time he can leave with guests as long as he can't stand on the street for
three minutes.

The heroine in the film is also a prostitute, this is a low-level movie full of
depression, hysterics, and darkness.

But when Ji Wang is photographed, the light is always bright.

The director mentioned in the later documentary because he is the love of a

prostitute, her dreams, and all her fantasies.
There are particularly overly passionate scenes and a lot of kiss scenes.

Ji Wang's moderately thick lips enthusiastically kissed the heroine's chin, neck,
and the back of his hand.

In an overly real sex scene, the expression Ji Wang showed to the camera, Qi
Boyan had seen it, was exactly the same as Ji Wang showed on his bed.

After watching this film for the first time, Qi Boyan smashed everything in the
room. He was so mad that he wanted to drive Ji Wang back, and would no longer
allow him to act like this.

He couldn't help thinking over and over again, whether Ji Wang really did a fake
scene, did he fall in love with the actress, and whether the passion scene was a loan
or a real shot.

The renovation of old houses is not a matter of one or two days.

Since many years ago, Qi Boyan has been preparing and designing, considering
every aspect of the details, trying to create the perfect cage.

If Ji Wang hadn't waited for him, he had fallen in love with other people. If Ji
Wang didn't accept him at all, he would have no love for him.

If Ji Wang wants to leave him...

Fortunately, Ji Wang chose him in the end.

He is the only one who can touch Ji Wang like this now.

Ji Wang squatted in front of Qi Boyan, feeling that Qi Boyan's grip on the back of
his neck was a little bit stronger.
His glands were repeatedly pressed and rubbed, and Qi Boyan gently grasped the
skin covering the glands with his nails. It was a bit itchy, but not painful.

Qi Boyan's other hand was touching his teeth, the inside of his lips, the middle of
his tongue, and occasionally stretched inward, as if to test his bottom line.

Ji Wang was playing with his mouth closed from ear to ear, his saliva overflowed
from the corners of his lips, his Adam's apple slid up and down, his fingers tightly
grasping the cloth on Qi Boyan's knees.

Thinking of the possibility of wrinkling the expensive costume, he drew it down

again, holding Qi Boyan's boots.

The sensation of being touched deep in the throat is uncomfortable, and when
the fingers are wrapped in saliva, it cools slightly when you draw it out, and then
you can feel the warmth inside the mouth more vividly.

Soon, Ji Wang's lips showed an overused red.

Qi Boyan thought of the male prostitutes in the literary film again. The Ji Wang
inside had a different complexion from the present. He was too pale, his lips were
bright red, and his face was light makeup soft and handsome, showing a little
powdery air.

Perhaps the director thinks so.

Even if he wears the cleanest white shirt, even if his temperament is outstanding,
from his facial features and eyebrows, he can still see the subtle influence of
occupation on him.

It's like a nicely packaged cheap gift.

But Qi Boyan felt that if he were a director, he would definitely not shoot like
His Jiwang doesn't need makeup, he just needs to be like his current appearance,
and enough people can be crazy for him.

The film failed to be screened in theaters, and was eventually cherished by Qi

Boyan and used it over and over again on certain occasions.

The literary film also had a complimentary poster and the shirt that Ji Wang wore.
For a long time, it was stained with marks.

The clothes are okay, but the poster can't be saved. Especially the area on the
cheeks was watered and wrinkled and mottled.

Now in front of Qi Boyan, there was such a mottled face.

Qi Boyan bit the hem of his clothes and swallowed all the sounds. Ji Wang sat
down on the carpet in embarrassment and coughed softly. His makeup was really
spent, but he was not angry with Qi Boyan. Ji Wang was already Be mentally

He didn't dare to look at Qi Boyan. Now the man was full of sexiness after being
satisfied, which made his face hot.

Ji Wang got up and opened the refrigerator, found a bottle of ice water and drank
a whole bottle, then took out the wet wipes and cleaned his cheeks in front of the

The white shirt can't see much, but the whole body is covered with strong
pheromone, but it can't get rid of it.

When Ji Wang was holding the spray to disperse the smell on his body, he heard
Qi Boyan asking him: "What were you thinking about when you filmed "Dying"?"

Ji Wang was washing a wet towel, ready to clean himself up for Qi Boyan.
Hearing this, he reacted. He was very impressed with this film, and he
remembered it immediately.

"Dying?" It's an early film, haven't you seen it?" Ji Wang sat next to Qi Boyan and
handed the towel over.

"What can I think about? At that time, the acting skills were not good. I had to
find a way to borrow some feeling from other places."

As soon as Ji Wang finished speaking, Qi Boyan's eyes reddened, and he looked

like he was about to cry, and he looked like he was gnashing his teeth.

He threw away the wet towel and put Ji Wang on his bedside: "You really did a
fake show with that woman."

Ji Wang couldn't help frowning and said, "What are you thinking about in a

Qi Boyan's answer was that he slapped his throat fiercely.

Originally, the deep part of his throat hurts. No matter how good the temper is,
Ji Wang is a little angry.

What Qi Boyan said turned his face and turned his face, without any signs.

The door of the nanny car was knocked, and Li Feng's voice came from a small
voice: "Mr. Ji, you are about to start shooting."

Qi Boyan turned a blank face, as if he caught a man cheating, but this cheating
was in the six years since they were separated. He was neither reasoned nor held
accountable, and stuck in his stomach at one breath, unable to go up and down. ,
Suffocated to death.

Ji Wang grabbed his shoulders, but Qi Boyan twisted and began: "You go, isn't it
about to start shooting soon?"
Like an angry little daughter-in-law, she barely scolded a guilty man.

Ji Wang's throat still hurts, so he has to coax people. It's not too difficult: "What
fake drama is really doing, it's nothing."

"Where else can I borrow some feelings? Besides you, how can anyone lend me
feelings." Ji Wang said too quickly, and his throat started to hurt again.

After Qi Boyan reacted, he confirmed with a smile: "Really?"

Seeing Qi Boyan turn from dark clouds to clear, Ji Wang got up and adjusted his
robe and got out of the car.

He found out that Qi Bo said that it was a three-point color to open a dyeing

Good point, what about "Dying to Death".

Although he did have a lot of intimate scenes in it, but the actor profession is like
this, is it that Qi Boyan will be angry whenever he sees him in this type of scene in
the future?

Li Feng didn't know if he had received Qi Boyan's instructions a long time ago. He
carried a cosmetic bag, set up an actor chair, and even set up a parasol. It was
extremely considerate.

Seeing Ji looked out, he first handed over a glass of ice drink before starting to
make up for others.

Ji Wang thanked him softly. Hearing Ji Wang's hoarse voice, Li Feng took out a
box of throat lozenges from his pocket and said to him: "Teacher Ji, this is what Qi
Ye usually uses, and the effect is very good."
Qi Boyan made his debut as a singer, and the things that moistened his voice
were definitely better than normal.

Ji Wang took it happily, and sighed again that Xiaoxu and Li Feng could get closer,
and it would be even better if they could learn half of Li Feng's.

He was patching up his makeup, and Qi Boyan followed out of the nanny car.

He stood next to Ji Wang obediently, and leaned to his ear to ask if there was
pain in his mouth.

Ji Wang glanced at him coldly: "What do you think."

Qi Bo said: "It won't hurt next time."

Ji Wang: "Yes, it won't hurt next time."

After speaking, Ji Wang's teeth overlapped, making a crisp sound, as if he was

about to bite something.

Qi Boyan smiled bitterly: "Brother, how long have you been pampering me, don't
you hurt me now?"

Ji Wang was too lazy to speak, he really should let Qi Boyan know what pain is.

As soon as this thought flashed, Ji Wang remembered that Qi Boyan knew what
pain was. He had endured even the most painful torture, when Ji Wang was not by
his side.

Fang Shengyun did indeed plant a thorn in Ji Wang's heart, but Fang Shengyun
did not expect that the effect of this thorn would be the opposite.

If he understands Ji Wang better, he should know that this person is completely

There is no option to choose to separate from your lover for the sake of feeling
well in your heart.

The result was that Ji Wang had almost no bottom line in front of Qi Boyan.

Even if Qi Boyan annoyed him, the suffering Qi Boyan had endured could
instantly make Ji Wang angry.

The final outcome is to spoil Qi Boyan.

If Fang Shengyun knew this was the consequence, he would rot in his stomach at
that time.

And Qi Boyan just finished speaking, somewhat frustrated.

He said that Ji Wang didn't care for him, and that the corners of Ji Wang's red
eyes and the ends of his eyes were all caused by him.

Although Qi Boyan was not good at coaxing people, he was keen on acting like a
baby, and when he was about to say something, Ji Wang held his hand.

Ji Wang's eyes were gently closed, and Li Feng was applying a layer of makeup
powder for him.

Qi Boyan pursed his lips and smiled: "Aren't you afraid of being photographed?"

Ji Wang's finger circle was on Qi Boyan's ring finger: "Where is the ring?"

Qi Boyan pressed his chest and realized that Ji Wang couldn't see it, so he
squatted down and pressed Ji Wang's hand to his heart: "Hid this."

The costume was so thick that he couldn't feel it. Qi Boyan grabbed his hand and
stretched it in. Ji Wang broke free: "If you know what it means, just accept it."
"I don't know, I want my brother to teach me." Qi Boyan said without thinking.

He speeded up the movements of Li Feng's hands, and restored Ji Wang's

makeup in threes or twos.

Ji Wang got up from the chair and said to Li Feng, "Thanks for your hard work."

It was really hard. When I met an artist like Qi Boyan, I would like to come to Li
Feng with 18 martial arts, and I often feel powerless.

Li Feng smiled politely: "Ms. Ji is satisfied."

Ji Wang's filming of his own scene went smoothly. When it was over, it was still
dark, so he went to visit Qi Boyan, who was filming in another group.

Today is Chen Sheng in Group B, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

As soon as he arrived in Group B, Ji Wang felt wrong from the silence in the air.
Normally, if Chen Sheng went overboard, the staff at the scene would behave like
this, cautiously, and didn't dare to breathe.

Ji Wang asked the staff next to him what was going on.

Only then did I know that Qi Bo said so many times that just a scene of crying
with an old lover in his arms made Chen half to death.

To say that Qi Boyan is not like holding a dying old lover, but like holding a
passerby. He also suspects that the blood of that passerby has stained his new

This is harsh and even more exaggerated. Chen Sheng said to Qi Bo, don't cry if
you can't cry, so as not to let the audience be embarrassed by you out of the
Qi Bo said expressionlessly, and the actress in his arms was embarrassed, and
Chen Sheng shouted again: "Go down and adjust your emotions and come back. If
you don't perform well again, stop acting!"

These words made Ji Wang's face changed, thinking that when Director Chen
accepted Qi Boyan into the group, why didn't he think about Qi Boyan's acting

Now that people are here, what is the use of cursing? Of course it is to train him
well, teach him how to act, what to look at when, what is the current mood, and
how to show it.

Ji Wang is now like a parent who cares about his children, blaming the teacher
for being too strict and worrying about the children's emotions.

Fortunately, the child didn't seem to have any feeling for Director Chen's
scolding. He stood up from the ground and patted the white robe that was blood
and dirt.

As soon as Qi Boyan left the shooting location, he saw Ji Wang standing in the
crowd. As soon as the two looked at each other, Qi Boyan's expression changed,
and he looked aggrieved.

Ji Wang's heart squeezed tightly, and hurried forward. Qi Boyan returned to the
actor's lounge and waited for Ji Wang.

Li Feng has put down the curtain of the resting shed and guarded the door just
in case.

Qi Boyan aired his dirty hands in front of Ji Wang, lowered his eyes, and
whispered in a low voice: "The hands are very dirty. I will go back to filming in a
while. I can't hold my brother anymore."

Ji Wang couldn't stand this, and quickly reached out and hugged Qi Boyan: "I can
hug you."
Qi Boyan said: "Am I very embarrassed because my acting skills are so bad."

Ji Wang knew that although comfort was useful at this time, it was meaningless.
He pulled the chair next to him and sat down: "Show me your script."

Qi Boyan has already made notes for today's scenes, and it is covered with
various markers, which seems to have worked hard.

Ji Wang began to tell Qi Boyan the drama, let him sort out the emotions that
should be in the moment, how to interpret the sadness with layers instead of

And the most important thing is to substitute some real emotions, such as a lover
who has truly died.

Ji Wang speaks the drama well and says that he is dead.

Qi Bo said, his face blackened: "What are you talking about!"

His voice was a little loud, and Ji Wang was shocked for a moment. Qi Boyan
replied: "My love is you, who is living well, right in front of me."

Ji Wang said amusedly: "Don't I just make an analogy, don't be so serious."

Saying don't take it seriously, Qi Boyan became frivolous and lowered his voice:
"You can die, unless I kill him."

Ji Wang rolled up the script in his hand and knocked Qi Boyan on the head
severely: "No more nonsense, I won't teach you."

Qi Boyan covered his forehead: "I see, teacher."

When Qi Boyan called the teacher, I always felt something weird.

Li Feng stood by the door, his face numb, and his mind was full of thoughts of
leaving this tent full of love and sour smell.

Sure enough, Qi Boyan, who had been instructed by Ji Wang, finally revealed his
true feelings when he tried to shoot again. He held the actress in his arms tightly,
and cried silently, whether in the camera or the atmosphere of the scene. All were
moved by this cry.

Chen Sheng yelled reluctantly, and even murmured to the producer next to him,
that being good-looking means taking advantage.

After all, who doesn't like beauty in tears.

The director's microphone was not turned off yet, and this whisper spread
everywhere on the set, making Chen Sheng a little embarrassed, only when nothing

After finally getting off the scene, Qi Boyan abducted Ji Wang to his RV and
hugged him. He was still in his emotions. As long as he thought of his brother in his
arms, he almost didn't cry.

Ji Wang rarely sees Qi Boyan with a red nose.

He sat in Qi Boyan's arms, like a comforting pillow, and occasionally kissed several
mouthfuls on the other's wet cheeks.

Qi Boyan finally stopped his emotions and buried his face in Ji Wang's neck: "The
acting is so uncomfortable."

Ji Wang: "We won't act next time, okay?"

"Not good!" Qi Boyan's voice was still dull: "Who asked you to come to Chen
Sheng's crew? The old man has so many things and his temper is not good."
Ji Wang touched his hair: "Li Feng told me that the first time you realized that
you were sick was at my awards ceremony."

"You said I look good, as if I can shine."

"But that was my best time. After that, I never had a work that I could get."

"Bo Yan, even if I am truly public, I am not the one who can be worthy of you."

It was the first time Qi Boyan heard Ji Wang say such things. In his heart, Ji Wang
was always the best.

Qi Boyan: "Who dares to say that you are not worthy of me?!"

Ji Wang hurriedly calmed Qi Boyan, who had become agitated, and patted the
tight back of the other party: "No one said, I think it is."

"Qi Boyan, it's not just you who think I'm good-looking, you are also very in my
eyes..." Ji Wang couldn't say more, too shy.

It's like a god, full of light.

When he didn't want others to mention that Qi Boyan's partner was him, he felt
sorry for Qi Boyan.

Even if the relationship between them has always been criticized, he still wants
to be a person worthy of his words.

Even if it will be made public one day, he still wants two people to face the huge
public opinion and doubts together, instead of hiding behind Qi Boyan and doing

Qi Boyan listened in silence, and finally only said childishly: "We mean the two of
us, there is no one else, and other people's opinions are what matters to us. Take
care of themselves."
But he also understood what Ji Wang meant, and Qi Bo said, "Forget the
future, if you want to act, just do it. Films like "Death" will have fewer contacts."

Ji Wang didn't say anything, Qi Boyan knew that Ji Wang hadn't agreed. But this
kind of thing is always done slowly.

He is not in a hurry, Ji Wang will not be able to escape him in this life.

At this time, the door of the RV was knocked, Qi Boyan frowned and said, "Li

"It's me." Not Li Feng, but Chen Sheng.

Ji Wang quickly got up from Qi Boyan's legs and went to open the door.

After Chen Sheng saw Ji Wang, he said clearly: "I'll just say how the stinky boy
suddenly opened up. It turns out that you made up the lesson for him."

Ji Wang quickly stepped back and gave up the position where Chen Sheng had
come up.

Go to the small kitchen of the RV and make tea for Chen Sheng.

He respects Chen Sheng very much, these actions are all subconscious. Qi Boyan
was not happy when he saw it. He sniffed from his nose and looked at Chen Sheng
and said, "Why, I didn't scold enough on the set, you want to chase here to scold?"

Upon hearing Qi Bo's unrelenting words, Ji Wang almost fell the teacup in his

I don't know that Chen Sheng seems to have not been offended, and he naturally
said: "Without a ten-thousandth of your mother's talent, it's all ruined by your dad's
Qi Boyan counterattacked: "So what, my mother looks at her face."

Chen Sheng said disdainfully: "What's the use of looking good! Superficial!"

Qi Boyan agreed with him: "You said Ms. Lin is superficial? I think too."

Chen Sheng was angry: "What Ms. Lin, she is your mother! The brat is not filial at

They say something to you, and Ji Wang even thinks that they are too familiar
with each other, and they seem to have been in contact with each other a long time

If you only met on the set and didn't communicate like this, it would be like an
old acquaintance you haven't seen for a long time.

Probably because Ji Wang's eyes were too surprised, Qi Boyan turned around
and explained: "Brother, I forgot to tell you, I was brought into the circle by Old
Man Chen, he is my half master."

Speaking of this, Qi Boyan is still a bit disgusted.

Chen Sheng disliked him more than him: "Who is your master, your terrible acting
skills, don't call my name, shame me!"

Qi Boyan relaxed and said: "So I am very self-aware, am I not being a star or an

Chen Sheng snorted and said to Ji Wang: "Xiao Ji, come here, don't get too close
to him."

Qi Bo said that he would not do it, and Ji Wang brought the tea to the two of
Qi Boyan pointed to himself, then pointed to Ji Wang: "Do you know who I am

Chen Sheng sneered: "Who else can it be."

Qi Bo said: "Didn't he play the little fragment woodcutter before you?"

Ji Wang was mentioned abruptly and couldn't help taking a sip from his teacup
to ease his embarrassment.

Qi Bo said: "I am his dead wife!"

With a puff, Ji Wang spit out all the tea in his mouth.
Ji Wang really wanted to tie up and beat the shocking Qi Boyan, but obviously he
didn't have the energy now.

He was so busy coughing that he was choked to death.

Qi Boyan patted him distressedly on the back and whispered: "Why are you so

As soon as the voice fell, he saw his brother glared at him fiercely.

Qi Boyan stared at Qi Boyan's back slightly, and felt that Ji Wang's angry look was
also pleasing to the eye.

Chen Sheng angrily rebuked: "Smelly boy, was it the one you kidnapped! Ji Wang
was so honest, he was cheated by you at first sight."

His tone was harsh and severe, and he didn't mean anything discriminatory.

Ji Wang covered his mouth, forcibly slowed down, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Director Chen, it's not what you think, it's him I pursued first."
Chen Sheng didn't expect that this was what Ji Wang was anxious to refute. He
was speechless for a while, and then said for a long time: "At that time, Qi Boyan
dumped you? Did you act so real?"

Qi Boyan can clarify this: "He dumped me, not me."

Director Chen was even more speechless, he really didn't understand the world
of young people.

He pointed to Qi Boyan: "When you enter my crew, you will act honestly. If you
don't understand, you will ask your boyfriend, his acting is much better than you,
enough to teach you."

Chen Sheng: "If it's okay, don't bother me. If it's not for Wanyan's face, I won't
let you tarnish my scene."

Qi Boyan said: "If you didn't hold Ji Wang here and don't let him use his mobile
phone, you thought I would come."

Ji Wang almost couldn't get up with a breath, and Qi Boyan dared to say anything
like this.

Isn't this taking Chen Sheng's director as a trifle to fall in love?

I didn't know that Chen Sheng was not offended when he heard this. Instead, he
looked at Qi Boyan up and down for a long time before he said: "It doesn't look like
Wan Yan, but when you fall in love, it looks like he doesn't care about it. "

Chen Sheng: "If she had acted in my "Forget Chuan" back then, she wouldn't be
able to..." The words are full of pity for Lin Wanyan.

Director Chen's eyes were a little moist, and Qi Boyan was not very emotional:
"She chose it herself."
Ji Wang felt that Qi Boyan didn't like to mention his mother, but he didn't say any
more irritating things.

Qi Boyan hugged Ji Wang's waist, and suddenly asked Chen Sheng: "If you still
lack people in the next play, you can consider my Jiwang, I can invest."

Chen Sheng glanced at him: "I don't lack your broken money."

Qi Boyan widened his eyes: "Director Chen, you are swollen."

Chen Sheng looked at Ji Wang: "I still have a script in my hand. It is a male lead
role. If you want to act, remember to audition at that time."

Ji Wang didn't expect the two men to set up an audition opportunity in a few
words, so casual, like a pie from the sky, he was dumbfounded.

After Chen Sheng left, Qi Boyan held Ji Wang with his eyes bright and said: "Is
your brother happy? If you are happy, give me a kiss."

It would be better if he could do it, but Qi Boyan didn't dare to say it, for fear that
Ji Wang would beat him up.

Ji Wang frowned and said, "That's not good. Director Chen rarely uses the same
actor for the second time." Still the male lead.

Qi Boyan retorted: "He used my mother as the heroine in almost every play."

Because that was Lin Wanyan, the goddess of an era, how could Ji Wang compare
with her. He felt very frightened, and feared that Chen Sheng was reluctant because
of his favor.

Qi Boyan said: "Furthermore, you have acted in his play for the second time. If
you don't have the strength, he won't use you casually."
As he said, Qi Boyan rubbed his head against Ji Wang's chest: "When my brother
stands high enough and thinks he can open it with me, let's open it again."

Ji Wang felt a little bit sour when he heard this. He felt that Qi Boyan had
accommodated him a lot and was so sensible.

"Wait a few more years, your current fans may not be able to accept that you
really fall in love, you are still so young." Ji Wang said.

The rumors of the last engagement turmoil are enough to prove how terrible it
is that Qi Boyan is not single.

Qi Boyan was dissatisfied and said: "It's not too small." In all respects.

Ji Wang: "Also, I know you are very familiar with Director Chen, but the words
you just said... are too sudden."

Qi Boyan frowned: "I can accept not to disclose it to the public, but you let me
hide it from people I know. Do you not want anyone to know about our relationship
and engage in unseen underground love?"

With such a big pot being buckled down, Ji Wang was in a hurry.

Ji Wang: "I just think you can choose a more suitable way to tell Director Chen."

"What is my dead wife, you tell me not to talk nonsense, but you do whatever
you want." Ji Wang said.

Qi Boyan's expression was slightly relaxed: "Old man Chen can't talk nonsense.
Before, a paparazzi dug up what I lived in a nursing home, but he helped to suppress

Although Qi Bo said an old man Chen, when talking to Chen Sheng, the tip of the
needle was to Maimang, but the intimacy between the words is enough to explain
that Chen Sheng is an important person to him.
Trustworthy and can rely on.

If someone loves Qi Boyan, Ji Wang will only be happy. He hopes that Qi Boyan
will have a lot of love.

Ji Wang snorted softly: "What about underground love? The people around me,
my assistant, and even my agent know your existence."

Qi Boyan: "If you want everyone I know to know you, I am completely..."

Before Qi Boyan said something more exaggerated, Ji Wang stopped in time: "No,
just keep the status quo and just let the flow go."

In love, there are people who are crazy about showing affection, and there are
people who try to keep a low profile in order to take into account the influence.

The couple Qi Boyan and Ji Wang hold completely different opinions on this

"I listen to my brother." It was Qi Boyan who made a concession first, pretending
to be well-behaved, and got to Ji Wang's ear and said something.

After Ji Wang listened, his earlobes were slightly red, and he hesitated: "There
will be a fight in a few days."

Martial arts movies are indispensable to play, almost most of them are, in order
to shoot beautiful play, the physical fitness requirements of the actors are very

Qi Boyan made a disappointed look: "I'm leaving in one week."

What he said was not a lie. As a supporting role, Qi Boyan didn't have much role
in the scene. He stayed here for two weeks and was forced.
Originally, Qi Boyan wanted to come for a month, but was blocked by everyone
in the studio.

The boss is in love and is dizzy. If he doesn't do business, the people under him
also have to eat.

Ji Wang compromised, and nodded his own mouth: "Like today, can I use this to
do a good job for you."

Qi Boyan raised his eyes and said okay.

On the second day, Ji Wang put an ice pack on her mouth for a long time before
she came to make-up.

Along with it, there are obvious tooth marks on his neck.

The disappearance is marked again, layer by layer. You can’t mark it

permanently, just repeat the mark over and over again.

It is the most savage possession and the strongest love.

Sometimes Ji Wang feels that Qi Boyan's behavior is more like a true character
than his alpha instinct.

It's like if he couldn't be the person who marked Ji Wang, then he would be the
one who left indelible marks on Ji Wang.

No one can except him.

Six years after leaving, Ji Wang never fell in love with anyone. Ji Wang didn't know
if Qi Boyan had investigated this matter. If Qi Boyan didn't ask, Ji Wang couldn't

In fact, Qi Bo said that there is no need for a sense of crisis, Shiyao cannot be a
Now he won't have any omega anymore, his life has been rewritten the moment
he met Qi Boyan.

During the period when he and Qi Boyan decided to break up, Ji Wang made a
lot of efforts to erase the traces Qi Boyan left on him.

Facts have proved that he can't do it, no matter if it takes a few more six years.

The day Qi Boyan left the crew, the weather was very cloudy. Ji Wang has been
rare for a few times, but his mood is not right. Today's scene is a juvenile's joy,
idiotic and funny.

Ji Wanghuan couldn't get off, let alone amusing. He knew that qualified actors
should not be affected by emotions in real life, but he couldn't help it.

Fortunately, he quickly recovered his condition, because he couldn't find Qi

Boyan until the filming was finished.

After the end of the scene, Ji Wang hurried back to the hotel. As soon as I entered
the entrance of the lobby, the rain crackled down. Qi Boyan dressed tightly,
wearing a hat, masks and glasses outside his sweater and cap, which made it strong.

Ji Wang trot over and did not immediately hug the other person with restraint.
He was afraid that there would be paparazzi around. Qi Bo said that Chen Sheng's
crew was no secret.

In the past few days, the crew also called in security guards to clear away batches
of paparazzi.

Qi Boyan only showed his eyes: "You recognize me that way?"

Ji Wang: "It's weird not to recognize you."

Qi Bo said: "I want to take you away."

Ji Wang sat down on the sofa with him: "You can live with me."

Qi Boyan was stunned: "What?"

Ji Wang said naturally: "Why, don't you want to live with me?"

Of course Qi Boyan wouldn't want to: "Then I moved things over?"

Ji Wang felt a little embarrassed when he thought of Qi Boyan's clothes that

almost took a few rooms to complete.

"Don't move all over, or wait for me to buy another set, you move again, now
that set is a bit small." Because the house that Qi Boyan lived with was the reason
Ji Wang wanted to buy it.

Even if he keeps denying it on his lips, he still knows one thing in his heart.

Buying this house is his waiting.

He will always be there, and Qi Boyan, who has left, will be able to find him in his
original place no matter when he comes back.

Even at that time, he wasn't sure if Qi Boyan would come back, and he didn't
know if there was any point in doing this.

But some things do not have to be meaningful.

Fortunately, Qi Boyan proved that what he did was meaningful because he


This person who left him a few years ago finally returned to his arms again.

Ji Wang took out the ring from his clothes and put it on his hand.
When Qi Boyan saw him doing this, he smiled and tore off the gloves from his
hand, revealing the ring on the ring finger, and said, "I have it too, I have worn it
long ago."

Ji Wang looked at him tenderly and praised: "Very good, would you like to reward

Qi Bo's words seemed to be embarrassing: "Here? It's not good."

Ji Wang calmly said: "This reward can also be realized here."

Qi Boyan looked forward to: "What is it?"

Ji Wang held Qi Boyan's hand casually, as if talking about a normal thing, and as
if discussing the tone of today's weather.

He said to Qi Boyan: "When this drama is over, we will get married."

After speaking, Ji Wang thought that he would reap a Qi Boyan that weeping with

Qi Boyan may even hug him regardless of the occasion, and then they will like to
mention the hot search tomorrow.

But what he never expected was that Qi Boyan didn't make any movement. Ji
Wang turned his head and looked around. He saw Qi Boyan's overly calm face and
the sight of what this person was looking for.

Ji Wang is a little nervous, isn't Qi Boyan unwilling?

Hasn't the matter of marriage been mentioned before? He thought Qi Boyan

would be willing.

Qi Boyan closed his gaze from the shuttle circle around, and then suddenly
realized: "I see, is the hidden camera right?"
"How did my brother learn this trick? I chose to do this kind of thing in the hotel
lobby." When he said that, the corners of Qi Boyan's mouth were slightly raised,
and his eyes were looking at him expectantly.

Ji Wang didn't keep up with Qi Boyan's brain circuit: "What hidden camera?"

Qi Boyan said that you shouldn't hide my expression from me: "Will there be a
group of people who jump out with flowers, and then you go inside and dance to
me for a marriage proposal?"

Ji Wang: "..."

Qi Boyan looked at Ji Wang's face, trying to find the correct guess direction from
his expression.

"Are you going to sing on the stage, marry me while singing, and kneel down to
hand the wedding ring?" Qi Boyan looked around and hesitated: "There is no place
to hide the stage."

Ji Wanghan is all down.

Qi Boyan didn't know what he thought of, took a breath, and pretended to be
shocked: "Couldn't you tell me on Weibo..."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on it, and quickly found Ji
Wang's Weibo.

There is no true confession that Qi Boyan thought.

After one idea after another was rejected, Qi Boyan took back his phone, and
finally took it back and said the most reliable guess: "Did you buy a wedding ring
again? Actually, you have already given me the wedding ring. , I also bought a pair
without spending this money."
As soon as he said this, Qi Boyan saw Ji Wang's pupils tremble, and he quietly
moved the palm of his hand back.

Qi Boyan realized something, and asked with difficulty: "Then... where is the

Ji Wang asked with a weak voice, "Do you think it's too late for me to buy it for
you now?"

Qi Boyan left.

Before leaving, he didn't seem to be upset, and he was still in the nanny's car.
Tong Jiwang said, "Brother, this marriage proposal is very interesting."

He said Qi Boyan and smiled, like words from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, Ji Wang always felt that the relationship between him and Qi Boyan was
sometimes fierce and sometimes frightened. Ji Wang wanted to stabilize their

In fact, I just asked for marriage on an impulse.

Because he really couldn't like Qi Boyan anymore, he was like the first time he
saw Qi Boyan, but it was the first time that he met, and even the child's name had
been figured out.

It feels like the time has come, and you can get married now.

Only after a while, when both of them are free, they will go to get the certificate,
and by the way the honeymoon.

Unexpectedly, Qi Boyan misunderstood that he was prepared, and it was still a

romantic surprise.
It takes a lot of extravagance to dance enthusiastically, and it takes a ring to
surprise and be engaged.

This made him feel that his proposal was too casual, and it was easy to be
misunderstood by Qi Boyan as his attitude towards marriage was casual and he
didn't want to worry about it.

Anyway, it's regret...I regret that my intestines are almost blue.

With a hot mind, he did an extremely impulsive thing.

He went back to the room and took off his costume, then put on a strict outfit,
took Xiao Xu's car key, and stepped on the accelerator to the airport in the other's

Xiaoxu was sitting in the passenger seat and was about to vomit because of the
bumps. He didn't expect that Ji Wang could take the posture of a racing car, so he
could fly at high speed.

"Traffic...Oh, obey the traffic rules!" Xiaoxu endured the rolling stomach and
tried to remind Ji Wang.

After arriving at the airport, Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu anxiously: "They should have
passed the security check. What should I do if they can't get in?"

He was holding a bunch of flowers, bought on the road.

Xiaoxu said simply and rudely: "Buy a business class ticket and return it at that

It's not that you don't want to buy ordinary air tickets, but Qi Boyan must be in
the VIP hall. Without a ticket, the flight attendant will not let you in at all.

After buying the ticket, Ji Wang quickly passed the security check, while calling
Qi Boyan.
I'm afraid that for one second at night, this marriage will not end because of his

Qi Boyan answered quickly: "Brother, I'm at the airport."

Ji Wang: "Where are you?"

Qi Bo said: "Waiting for the flight."

Ji Wang: "I asked which VIP room you are in."

Qi Boyan seemed to realize what Ji Wang was doing, and said in surprise:
"Brother, you..."

Ji Wang suppressed his rapid breathing. He had just ran in all the way, fearing
that he would be late, so Qi Boyan got on the plane and left him.

"I'm here for you." He said softly.

There are not many people in the VIP room, probably because it is late at night.
There are very few people in the waiting room. You can see where Qi Boyan is at a
glance, because it is too conspicuous.

Not far away, there were a few people holding SLRs, constantly patting at Qi

Qi Boyan held the phone, as if telepathically, raised his eyes.

Seeing the huge bouquet of flowers in Ji Wang's arms, Qi Boyan's mouth opened.

Li Feng next to him subconsciously covered his eyes, thinking, how well, even
Teacher Ji is not normal.
Li Feng stood up and took the security guard to politely persuade the fanatical
fans who kept filming away.

The fan reluctantly said: "I also bought a ticket to come in, why don't you let us
sit here?"

Li Feng didn’t answer, and the security guard stepped forward with pressure.
Several little girls were reluctant to stand up. One of them looked back at Qi Boyan
and suddenly raised his hand and said, “That fan went over. Why don't you rush?!"

Li Feng: "Because that's not a fan."

Known as a fan, Ji Wang handed the flower to Qi Boyan. There were several
security guards beside Qi Boyan, who all looked at him with vigilant eyes.

Qi Boyan didn't take the flowers in Ji Wang's hand, but instead grabbed Ji Wang's
hand and dragged him to his side.

Ji Wang was forced to sit on the sofa, because he was holding the flower with
one hand, and his balance was not well maintained. As a result, his body tilted and
he almost fell into Qi Boyan's arms.

The follow-up fans not far away haven't left yet, but he came with flowers,
enough to make people think about it.

Qi Boyan took the flower in his hand and placed it on the table in front of him.

He rubbed Ji Wang's fingers in his palm, and said to the security guards:
"Brothers, go get something to drink. I want to talk to my friend."

Ji Wang's hand pointed out a bit of sweat, which was moistened in his palm. His
brother was so nervous and did something that he wouldn't normally do.

Without waiting for Qi Boyan to speak, Ji Wang first apologized: "I'm sorry, I'll
take it back."
Qi Boyan's unformed smile froze, his eyes showed some doubts: "Huh?"

Ji Wang pulled his hand from Qi Boyan's palm: "The proposal I just said, take it
back, don't take it seriously."

He wanted to say that he would do it again when I was ready, but he didn't expect
Qi Boyan in front of him to suddenly stand up, leave a sentence of you, come with
me, and turn around and leave.

Ji Wang had no choice but to follow, and when he looked back, both security
guards followed.

They didn't go into the toilet, they just stood outside.

When he reached the alpha-only toilet room, Qi Boyan yanked Ji Wang in, closed
the door, and released the lock.

Qi Boyan pulled off the mask forcefully, and his forehead fell in front of him. His
eyes were now dark and full of gloom. He pressed Ji Wang and clasped the
opponent's hands. The pheromone spilled out of control, which was enough to
prove his current mood. How bad.

Ji Wang was so suppressed by him, feeling a little uncomfortable for a while,

unable to speak.

He frowned, but was misunderstood by Qi Boyan.

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's face in his cool hands, and said softly, "Why do you regret

Ji Wang finally took a breath, but inhaled more pheromone.

He saw Qi Boyan's restraint stick open a corner, and he wanted to stretch out his
hand to suppress it, but he was firmly controlled by Qi Boyan.
Qi Boyan said: "Why don't you want to marry me? Are there any concerns?
Brother, you know, I can do everything for you, and I can help you solve anything
you worry about."

"Because of my illness?" Don't be afraid, I don't get sick easily, and even if I get
sick, it won't hurt you. "

"It's still talking about worrying about the Qi family, don't worry, I will solve the
Qi family's affairs."

"Or do you mind public opinion? I can..."

Before Qi Boyan finished speaking, Ji Wang suddenly leaned over his face and hit
his lips hard.

The feeling of blunt lips and teeth was a bit painful, Ji Wang took the opportunity
to free his hands and pressed Qi Boyan's restraint sticker: "Boyan, don't be afraid."

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's wrist again, and this time he lessened his strength a lot.
Looking down, Ji Wang's wrist quickly showed red and swollen finger marks.

Ji Wang hugged Qi Boyan and kept saying: "Don't be afraid."

Qi Boyan froze, and it took a long time to whisper: "Why don't you want to marry
me? I think I have a bad temper and wayward, and do I often lie to you?"

Ji Wang increased the strength to hug Qi Boyan's body: "I don't want to marry
you, can you just listen to what I said."

He released the hand that was holding Qi Boyan, leaned back and looked at Qi
Boyan's face.

Qi Boyan's eyes turned red, not what he thought, crying with joy, but being
scared like this by him.
Ji Wang felt that today's timing and behavior were terrible.

"By taking it back, I mean wanting to propose again, not regretting it."

Qi Boyan stared at him with red eyes: "Don't lie to me."

After speaking, Qi Boyan also added a special sentence: "Don't forget that I still
have that villa."

Ji Wang was about to die helplessly by Qi Boyan, so he was imprisoned and

warned at every turn.

Qi Boyan blinked slowly and shrank the wetness in his eyes.

Ji Wang said quickly: "I will prepare a better marriage proposal, not as casual as

"The dancing and singing you want...I may have to learn for a while." Ji Wang

Qi Boyan looked a little low, maybe it was too exciting to be overwhelmed in a

short period of time, and his spirit was overdrawn.

Ji Wang coaxed in a low voice, "Do you think it will work?"

Qi Boyan whispered: "No."

Ji Wang: "Why?"

Qi Boyan said: "...There will be fireworks."

This kind of Qi Boyan made Ji Wang feel how Qi Boyan felt when he was seventeen
years old.
At that time, Qi Boyan was like this, always asking people to coax.

In any case, I couldn't think that when Qi Boyan chased him many years later, he
could endure hardships this way, and still be so bearable. Keep the grievances and
illnesses that you have suffered, and conceal them strictly until you can't keep

Qi Boyan now looks much better.

Ji Wang only hopes that the other party can return to the way it used to be as
soon as possible, no matter what he needs to do.

When Qi Boyan boarded the plane, Ji Wang didn't follow. There must be many
fans waiting at the boarding gate.

With flowers, the back of Qi Boyan walking on the road looked extremely happy.

Ji Wang came out of the airport and found Xiao Xu in the parking lot. When he
got into the car, he saw Xiao Xu looking down at his mobile phone. When he was
coming, he said to him: "Brother Wang, Qi Boyan has posted another Weibo."

After speaking, Xiaoxu stretched out his phone to show him. It was a photo facing
the windowpane of an airplane. Qi Boyan took his own reflection, and he could
vaguely see him holding a bunch of flowers with a message of good night.

What Xiaoxu felt that Ji Wang had to see was that even the reflection in Qi
Boyan's photo could clearly see the ring on Qi Boyan's ring finger.

Some people have pointed out the comments, and some people say that this
good night is basically a real love.

Who doesn't know the subtext of good night is that I love you.

Ji Wang's mood was quite calm, because Qi Boyan had promised that he would
wait for him to stand high enough before making it public.
Before, Qi Boyan was like a mine that didn't know when it would explode, but
now this mine has been changed into a time bomb, a kind of countdown.

Although it is still very thrilling, it makes people know.

As long as the artist does not consider making it public, it will not be made public.

No matter how widespread it is, it can be regarded as a false scandal.

On the way back, Xiaoxu drove, and Ji Wang used his mobile phone to read Qi
Boyan's comments, and logged in to the trumpet to prevent slippage of his hand
and like it.

[Aiqi Team Little Mint]: Damn, Master Qi wouldn't really be in love, right? The
ring finger is a wedding ring, right? I don't believe it, this must be a brand
endorsement, waiting to refute the rumors.

[Yan Yan I love you]: That must be an endorsement. Didn't you read the photos
before Qi Ye? He didn't think it mattered before sending it out. Didn't you say it all,
his love will definitely be made public directly.

[Cats can eat]: I don’t know why I have a strange instinct, this time it may be true.

[One bite, one elite monster]: It's just being in love. The celebrities want to show
off their urinary sex, express love, send a secret signal, and send landscape photos.
Believe it or not, this Weibo will be deleted by the c company immediately.

[A small button]: Is this Qi Boyan's professional attitude? When an idol dares to

fall in love, he should get out of the entertainment circle.

[Listen to Qi Zhi's words]: Upstairs is a idiot black fan. When did my master Qi
become an idol? Do you think he has the consciousness to be an idol? Who abuses
fans all the time? !
[Beauty by the catty]: After being laughed to death by black fans, will an idol not
release a new album for two years? He also went to research and development
perfumes, design costumes, run variety shows, shoot bad scenes, and stay away
from business all day long. Does Qi Ye know that everyone loves his talent and his
face, not his variety shows and trash acting skills!

[Career Fan]: Lord, let me call you Lord, pity the poor child, whether you are in
love or getting married, what about the new album? ! Where's the new song? No
more songs, your little mints will run away.

[A small button]: Are you sure they are his fans, aren't they black fans?

[I set off fireworks for Qiqi]: Hahahahaha, the job black upstairs questioned that
he was not black enough.

[My lord, I have a word]: I just said it straight, Qi Boyan is in love, and we will not
be fans, but if he does not release the album, I will climb the wall.

Ji Wang put away his phone, and for the first time began to wonder if he really
got the image of Qi Boyan in the eyes of fans.

How do you feel that Qi Boyan's fans laugh at Qi Boyan, even more ruthless than
Qi Boyan's black fans.

What about the girlfriend's fans? One or two seem to be career fans.

When Xiaoxu was waiting at the red light, he would peek at Ji Wang's expression:
"Brother, the public opinion on the Internet is okay."

His eyes fell on the ring on Ji Wang's right hand: "Or let's put the ring away."

Ji Wang shook his head: "Xiao Xu, how long is my contract with the company?"

Xiaoxu: "It's been half a month. Didn't Sister Hong renew the contract you
discussed with you with the script last time?"
Ji Wang: "Help me contact Sister Hong. The contract can be renewed. I have the

Xiaoxu: "What?"

Ji Wang: "I am getting married."

Xiaoxu almost didn't hold the steering wheel. He looked at Ji Wang in shock, then
turned to look at the road ahead: "With whom?"

After speaking, he felt that this question was stupid. Who else could he talk to,
besides Qi Boyan?

Is not it! Is Brother Wang serious?

Ji Wang's next words fully explained that he was not joking.

Ji Wang: "I have to talk to the company. I don't intend to conceal the fact of
marriage, but I will not disclose who it is."

Xiaoxu: "No, brother, your career is just on the right track. How can you..."

Ji Wang: "Xiao Xu, do you think I am an actor or a trafficker."

Xiaoxu didn't say anything. In fact, Ji Wang did already have a reputation, but in
the film and television industry, traffic is not everything, there are still barriers,
acting is the last word.

What's more, in recent years, in the movies and TV series played by the traffic,
the management has become more cautious in their choices, and they are more
inclined to give some big ips to more powerful actors.

Even if the actor gets married publicly, the reaction of fans will not be too great.
Fans of actors pay more attention to the works, look forward to new dramas, and
rarely interfere excessively in the private lives of actors.

So many actresses and actors, even if they get married and have children, if they
come back as soon as possible and come up with new works, they will soon return
to the public eye.

Unless the company does not intend to simply let Ji Wang be an actor, but wants
to promote him as traffic.

A flow that is likely to be replaced at any time and will pass in a few years.

Not everyone is Qi Boyan.

Xiaoxu had no choice but to say: "Then you can have a good talk with Sister

So a week later, Ji Wang, who was still filming on the crew, sent a Weibo to the
company’s public relations.

Explain that you already have a boyfriend and have a stable relationship. Maybe
you will choose to get married this year or next year, hoping to get your blessings.

As soon as this Weibo was published, Ji Wang's friends reposted it one after
another and quickly became popular. Even Chen Sheng, who was in the crew, came
over to him in surprise and asked him what was going on on the Internet.

Ji Wang said honestly: "Director Chen, I asked the company to send it for me. I
didn't play with a mobile phone."

Director Chen: "Is this the focus now?! Why did you suddenly say that you are
going to get married."

Chen Sheng said angrily: "Are you playing with my disciple?!"

The first thing he thought of was that Ji Wang was about to marry someone else,
his face turned black, blowing his beard and staring.

Ji Wang looked around, his voice was low: "No, I just married him and went
abroad to get married."

Chen Sheng reacted, "Have you decided so soon?"

Ji Wang smiled softly: "It's upset, I waited for him for eight years."

From the first meeting, he wanted to marry Qi Boyan.

Director Chen couldn't understand the current young man, he waved his hand:
"I will ask the assistant to return the phone to you in a moment, and somehow I
will answer the blessing call from a friend."

Ji Wang thanked the director. He really should use his mobile phone. I think Qi
Boyan should have exploded his mobile phone by now.

Sure enough, when Ji Wang got his cell phone, there were many missed calls on

It was just such a coincidence that as soon as he turned on the screen of his
mobile phone, Qi Boyan's call jumped out, and he did not know how to dial a few
times persistently.

Ji Wang connected, and asked in a casual manner: "Have you eaten dinner at

When Qi Boyan heard Ji Wang's voice, he couldn't hide his happiness and said,
"Brother, you are not honest."

Ji Wang raised his eyebrows: "What am I not being honest?"

Qi Boyan: "Why can you post on Weibo saying that you want to get married, but
I can't? Do you have any other marriage partners?"

This tone sounds like asking Jiwang, is it possible that you have other little babies
besides me.

Ji Wang was so cute. He raised his eyes and saw himself reflected in the French
windows with a smirk. He coughed softly, "I said you can't make it public, but I
didn't say I can't."

Qi Boyan was even more aggrieved: "You have double standards."

Ji Wang: "Well, I have double standards."

Qi Boyan acted like a baby for a long time, and finally recovered some normal
tone: "Does it affect you if you make it public? Your job and your company are still
there, what did they say?"

Ji Wang: "They agreed. This is the condition for my contract renewal."

Qi Bo said: "Your contract has expired? Why don't you come to my studio."

Ji Wang: "It's best not to do business together between husbands and wives." He
said solemnly: "I will fight."

Qi Boyan quickly accepted this statement: "Anyway, I can help you with the line.
If you don't come, don't come."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Wang logged on to his Weibo account to see the
current public opinion situation.

As he expected, although a lot of people are pitying his early marriage, the
mainstream is still blessing him and congratulating his sister-in-law for finding a
good man.
After marriage, my sister-in-law remembers to show up and let them recognize

Ji Wang used his trumpet to give those fans a little like.

At this time, his special attention reminder on Weibo jumped out, and Ji Wang's
Xiao Qiqi posted a blog.

Ji Wang followed the reminder to click in and take a look.

Xiao Qiqi of Ji Wang's family: Yes, I can't help it. Ji Wang's wife is me. Thank you
everyone, he and I will be happy.

Poke out popular comments.

[Wang Zicheng Long]: A few dishes, drink like this, when will the ingredients be

[A deer egg]: Get out of the way, my urine is hot, and I wake her up.

[Super hot fan]: I blame you for talking nonsense, Ji Wang is busy making me
happy now.

[Crumpled paper towel roll]: Although, Seventh Sister, it is a boyfriend and a

husband who I want to see, and the gender is wrong.

Ji Wang liked the crumpled tissue roll and left a comment.

[July 8th is my lucky day]: Husband.

After Ji Wang left a message, he immediately received a call back from Qi Boyan:
"Is that id you on July 8th?"

"How did you know?" Ji Wang asked back.

Qi Boyan: "Brother, isn't the time when we met on July 8th?"

Ji Wang relaxed and said, "So you still remember it."

On July 8, the day he first met Qi Boyan was also the destined time when he met

Shiyao said that he would never make a mistake. Ji Wang was destined to him.
This may be a physiologically formed judgment.

In the same way, Ji Wang would not mistake his destiny, it was a psychological

The filming cycle is shorter than imagined and smoother than ever.

Three months later, Ji Wang was completed, and he was finally released from the
isolated environment without internet.

The last time he and Qi Boyan met, it was already a month ago.

Qi Boyan came to him once, and he almost couldn't get up to film the next day.

Ji Wang and Qi Bo said that he could not be so indulgent when he was filming.
Even though he is a rough-skinned alpha, he couldn't shoot the fight perfectly the
next day after such intense exercise.

After getting out of the airport, Xiao Xu didn't let him get out of the car
immediately, but made a phone call. It didn't take long for a team of security guards
to ran over and walked around the car, waiting for Ji Wang to get out of the car.

Ji Wang carried a bag and looked at Xiao Xu in surprise: "What's wrong? What
are you doing?"

Xiaoxu said honestly: "Brother Wang, you'll know in a while."

Ji Wang: "Don't, it's too embarrassing. I don't need so many security guards. Did
the company arrange it? Not many people know me."

Xiaoxu knew that this might be because Ji Wang hadn’t been online for too long.
He said, “Brother Wang, the reputation of “On the Road” has exploded. The TV
series you have played before have been turned out to watch. Now all major
platforms It’s your TV series dominating the screen."

Ji Wang: "Does the company operate?"

Xiaoxu: "I have been in the circle for so long, do you think the company has the
ability to engage in such a big battle."

The variety show "On the Road" is really popular with metaphysics.

In the early days, most of the audience went to Qi Boyan, but when they came
to the variety show, Ji Wang was attracted by fans instead.

When all kinds of cp were hot, it broke out that Ji Wang had a stable boyfriend
and was about to get married.

The knock on CP ceased, but at this time a strange force came to the fore, and
they all regarded Ji Wang as a candidate for the national husband.

It is said that Ji Wang's boyfriend must have saved the universe in his previous
life, and he has only got a fairy boyfriend in this life.

Ji Wang made it public at this time, but it attracted their attention.

In "On the Road", Ji Wang showed all kinds of excellent skills, strong physique,
and sometimes gentle and contrasting personality, and soon gathered a wave of
extremely sticky fans.

In addition, the program group deliberately speculates on the program, and the
multi-party capital enters the water, creating an unprecedented lively scene.
More and more passers-by are coming off the stage, the major marketing
account players are beginning to make contributions, and the Weibo is unwilling to
swipe the screen, once there is a feeling that this variety show will become one of
the most popular variety shows of the year.

All in all, in this wave of marketing, Ji Wang has earned the most.

It's not that he immediately became popular with everyone, but his popularity is
now a record high.

When entering the airport, Ji Wang soon knew why there were so many security

The flash of the shooting, shouting his name or screaming from her husband,
colorful light boards and banners, crowded and crowded.

Ji Wang was dumbfounded. He had never seen this kind of battle before. The
company didn't know if it had been anticipated, and bought him first-class cabin,
which used to be economy-class.

In a scream that almost made people tinnitus, he said loudly, "Be careful, don't

He was trapped in the middle by security, and he had never experienced such an
exaggerated scene.

Finally succeeded in coming to the VIP room, Ji Wang was messed up and looked
a little confused.

Seeing him like this, Xiaoxu couldn't help but smile: "Brother Wang, wake up."

Ji Wang took a sip of water before he came back: "What's the matter with them?"

Xiaoxu: "What's the matter, that's all your fans."

Ji Wang said blankly: "It wasn't so exaggerated before, is it arranged by the

Fifty yuan a person, spend money to buy a group of performances, creating the
appearance of many people coming to pick up the airport.

In the early years, Sister Hong wanted to make arrangements for him, but he
sternly refused.

Ji Wang couldn't bear this embarrassment, if today's wave of fans are real...

Ji Wang asked Xiaoxu: "Then I can't quietly find Qi Boyan in the future?"

Xiaoxu patted his forehead: "My brother, Qi Boyan is much redder than you. See
when he was looking for you and was discovered."

Ji Wang retorted: "I have been photographed several times."

Xiaoxu: "I was photographed. No one believes it anyway. What are you afraid of."

When these words came out, Ji Wang didn't speak to Xiao Xu for a long time.

When the airport took off, Ji Wang couldn't help but look forward to seeing Qi
Boyan while sitting on the plane.

But when he just landed, he received a call from Qi Boyan, saying that his
shooting had not ended successfully, and the director temporarily added a few
scenes and couldn't come back.

Ji Wang was quite lost, but he could understand it. He was in the crew for such a
long time. Qi Boyan waited for him for a long time. Now that he came out, he should
have waited for Qi Boyan.
When I went home at night, the room was lit. When Ji Wang opened the door
happily, he saw Song Ge and Ren Ran sitting inside. The two of them were actually
sitting on his coffee table, drinking beer and eating peanuts. .

From surprise to disappointment, Ji Wang asked Song Ge to wow, "Do you want
to be so obvious, brother?"

"Why didn't you say a word when you came?" Ji Wang took off his shoes and
walked in.

Ren Ran squeezed the peanut shell in his hand firmly: "He thought we were Qi

Song Ge: "Yes, how does it feel to be in love with a big star?"

Before Ji Wang spoke, Song Ge said again: "No! Ji Wang is also a big star now.
How do you two big stars feel about being in love?"

Ren Ran patted the peanut shells in his hands and stood up: "Okay, I was
originally pulled over by you today. I'll be okay in a while, so let's go."

Song Ge: "Don't, I said everything, Qi Boyan also let you go."

"Where?" Ji Wang asked strangely.

Song Ge excitedly said: "Qi Boyan invited me to his concert. The location is very
good. In the first row, he asked me to bring you. Just when I was with Ren Ran, I
pulled him over."

Song Ge: "Qi Boyan is really nice to us. He said that Ren Ran and I are both your
good friends, and your good friends are his good friends."

When these words came out, not only was Ren Ran's mouth twitching a little,
even Ji Wang covered his face slightly dumbfounded.
Didn't Qi Boyan hate Ren Ran the most? How could he invite Ren Ran to his

Song Ge stood up and said, "No, I have to change my clothes. I hope you can lend
me your handsome denim jacket."

Ji Wang: "In the room, take it by yourself on the right side of the closet, don't
touch the one on the left, it's thin clothes."

It took Song Ge for a long time before he entered the room and said he wanted
to look up at the wardrobe of the big star.

As soon as Song Ge entered, nothing was left in the living room.

Ren Ran lowered his eyes and put on his jacket: "I'm leaving, how could Qi Boyan
want me to go to his concert, deliberately seeing that my joke is almost the same."

When Ren Ran passed Ji Wang, he stopped: "My family has opened a branch in
country m. I will go to work there soon. I shouldn't return to China in recent years."

Ji Wang said calmly: "I wish you a smooth journey."

Ren Ran: "There is one thing I haven't said before, I..."

"Needless to say." Ji Wang interrupted him aloud.

Ji Wang: "I really regarded you as a friend back then."

Ren Ran's eyes were reddened: "What about now."

Ji Wang: "I can probably guess what you want to say, and you should also know
what my answer is."

Ren Ran laughed self-deprecatingly: "I am the one who appeared in your life
After speaking, Ren Ran left the house without waiting for Ji Wang to answer. Ji
Wang slowly sat on the sofa, opened the beer, and took a sip.

The taste of the wine is a bit bitter, not very good.

Song Gla opened the bedroom door. He didn't have a denim jacket on him.
Instead, he held his hands and said a little heavy: "When did you know that he likes

Ji Wang looked at the beer in his hands: "Some time ago, when I cleaned up my
house and gave Bo Yan a place to live, I accidentally discovered that Ren Ran’s
eighteen-year-old would give me a birthday gift. There was a note in it that said I
love. You."

Song Ge: "If you found this note at that time, would you like him?"

Ji Wang looked up at Song Ge and shook his head slowly: "No."

Song Ge sighed, his friends have been like this for many years, and he felt a little
heavy: "So sure?"

Ji Wang: "Well, because I will meet Qi Boyan later."

Song Ge also kept asking after learning about Qi Boyan and Ji Wang's love affair,
only to realize that they were young, and they reunited.

He was suddenly shown affection by Ji Wang. Song Ge knew that the next answer
would definitely make people feel goosebumps, but he couldn't help asking: "Did
you not meet him at the age of nineteen? What happened when you were eight
years old?"

Ji Wang took it for granted: "Even if I'm twenty or twenty-one, I still meet now, I
will definitely be the same as before, and I will like him immediately."
Song Ge: "So what?"

When Ji Wang thinks of Qi Boyan, he can't help but smile: "So, fortunately, I met
him when I was very young."

"Fortunately, when I met him, I was single."


Song Ge: "What else?"

Ji Wang: "Otherwise, I might become a scumbag of empathy."

Song Ge's scalp exploded.

He stood up and entered the house to change a suit. Song Ge said sourly, "What
do you change, you are already dressed handsomely."

Ji Wang: "Qi Boyan should be messing around again at the concert."

Song Ge: "What do you mean?"

Ji Wang: "He will not specifically call you and Ren Ran, just to show you a

"If this concert is a place that any Ran can go to, it means that he must have a big
trouble at the concert, let Ren Ran watch, he will still be satisfied."

Song Ge didn't understand even more: "What the hell is it?"

Ji Wang took off a coat of Qi Boyan, put it on her body, and smiled thoughtfully:
"Maybe there will be fireworks at the concert...?"
Song Ge watched as Ji Wang changed a whole set of clothes, got his hair, and finally
put on a mask to cover up his handsome face.
The concert didn't start so quickly, but Ji Wang was ready to go out now. Song
Ge said, "Aren't you just coming back, don't you take a break?"

Ji Wang: "What's the rest? It's the right thing to stop a little madman in the past."

Song Ge: "Isn't it just a firework? Many star concerts will have various stage
special effects. Fireworks are just a small matter."

Ji Wang: "You don't understand."

Song Ge: "Could it be that he still wants to shout your Jiwang's name publicly on
stage, saying that he loves you."

Ji Wang imagined the scene and felt that Qi Boyan was very likely to do it, but he
wouldn't do it like that: "He won't call my name, but he might say he loves me."

Song Ge's face wrinkled into a ball: "Okay, don't show, I'm not a single dog, I'm
almost dead by show."

Ji Wang and Song Ge drove to the concert site. The stage has been set up, there
is a long line outside the venue, and the staff is crowded. Ji Wang is almost
recognized. His alpha's tall figure and overall temperament are really eye-catching.

Fortunately, Song Ge had heard Qi Boyan's instructions, and successfully found

the staff, avoided everyone, and led to the backstage. Qi Boyan was preparing in
the dressing room.

At the door of the dressing room, Song Ge didn't go with him. He was very self-
aware, and asked Ji Wang to go in alone under the pretext of talking to Li Feng.

Ji Wang pushed the door and entered, just in time to meet Qi Boyan's lifted look
in the mirror.
Qi Boyan's makeup today is stronger than what Ji Wang had seen before. He put
on eyeshadow, drew eyeliner, and his hair was slightly curled, hanging loosely
behind him, with long shining earrings tucked by his ears.

The clothes are even more exaggerated. There is nothing in the white suit jacket,
and the chest of the collarbone can reveal full chest muscles with a slight

There are tattoo stickers on the neck, and a large area of black English letters
arrogantly occupy the entire neck.

Ji Wang looked at Qi Boyan's sulky dress, but it didn't look like a serious marriage
proposal suit.

As soon as Qi Boyan approached, Ji Wang smelled a faint smell of wine.

He frowned: "You drank."

Qi Boyan's lips were also very shiny, rosy and plump. In the next second, the
beautiful lips were attached to Ji Wang's mouth, and he asked Ji Wang to taste the
residual wine smell in his mouth.

After finally being released, Ji Wang's lips were stained with the other's lip glaze,
and they flashed like Qi Boyan's lips.

Qi Boyan said, "Do you think this taste is familiar?"

Ji Wang licked his mouth: "It's a bit familiar."

In fact, he didn't taste anything. The key is that Qi Boyan didn't drink at all before,
so why did he drink?

Qi Boyan seemed to see the question on his face: "I hated tobacco and alcohol
at the time, just because I had had enough of these things with Qi Tian."
"It was my brother who made me like a wine again. It is your pheromone taste.
Every time I drink it, I feel like tasting my brother's taste."

During the words, Qi Boyan's hand had already lifted off the shirt under Ji Wang's
jacket, and he reached out and touched it in: "Come here in my clothes on

Ji Wang indulged his wanton groping: "Don't like it?"

"Like! I like it to death." Qi Boyan said with satisfaction.

Ji Wang grabbed Qi Boyan's hand and pulled it out of his clothes, and a black tape
on his wrist fell from his cuff.

The slender and fragile black tape reflected a dim light under the lamp. Ji Wang
wanted to take it down, but Qi Boyan raised his hand to avoid it: "This is my lucky

"Does your lucky charm have to be the sound of my bed calling?!" Ji Wang
couldn't stand this.

Even if everyone didn't know what the tape in Qi Boyan's hand was, Ji Wang felt
strongly ashamed of exposing this secret affair to the public.

"It was only recorded once that year. Why haven't you used it up yet? Is this thing
so strong?" Ji Wang went to pull the tape on Qi Boyan's wrist. Hug.

Qi Boyan leaned in his ear and threatened him in a low voice: "If you grab any
more, I will record a new one here before taking the stage."

"You know, after I finish it, the sound will be better."

Qi Boyan's remarks were too brazen, but Ji Wang couldn't help his earlobes get
Qi Boyan after sex, the clear voice will be mixed with ambiguous dumbness,
listening to the sexy temptation, actually nasty and brutal.

Ji Wang stopped robbing him, he firmly hugged Qi Boyan, and asked the other
party in a low voice, why he invited some of his friends over.

Qi Boyan: "Can't I invite my brother's friends to the concert?"

Ji Wang knew that Qi Boyan would not be able to speak, he said: "Don't do
impulsive things on stage."

Qi Bo said: "I am very impulsive now." I want to do it.

Qi Boyan didn't say the last two words, otherwise Ji Wang would definitely not
hug him again.

Qi Boyan is very fragrant. Cosmetics, styling water, wine and pheromone make Ji
Wang feel that the Qi Boyan he is holding is like holding a large dessert, so sweet
that he can't stand it. , Will feel a pity.

He opened his mouth and took a bite on Qi Boyan's neck, without force and
leaving no trace: "Don't forget what you promised me."

Ji Wang didn't bite Qi Boyan hard, but Qi Boyan bit him recklessly, and poured Ji
Wang from the inside to the outside with pheromone, turning it into his own alpha,
looking at all his exposed skin. All dyed thin red because of themselves.

Qi Boyan grabbed the cool earlobe: "Brother, brother, my brother."

He just simply called Ji Wang, and if he didn't answer him, he seemed to be acting
like a baby, even if he knew that Ji Wang was dizzy and his heartbeat was
accelerating because of the pheromone at this time, and he couldn't hear what he
When Song Ge was waiting outside the door, the other party's black mask was
still piled on his chin, revealing a pair of excessively red lips.

Before being looked at again, Ji Wang pulled up his mask and blocked half of his

Song Ge couldn't feel the changing pheromone taste on Ji Wang's body, only felt
that the perfume sprayed by the other party was too thick.

"You go in, why do you spray a perfume out?" Song Ge just asked, seeing the
tooth mark on Ji Wang's neck, he immediately understood.

Song Ge: "Don't you know that the alpha hurts? You bite and bite all day, and
you still don't leave a scar. Even a real omega can't bear so many marks."

Ji Wang: "So I am not omgea." He said casually: "He can mark as many times as
he wants."

Song Ge said speechlessly: "Can love be a painkiller?"

Ji Wang smiled and said, "Perhaps it can be true."

Qi Boyan arranged a very good position, very close to the stage, almost to the
extent that he could reach Qi Boyan's toes.

This reminded Ji Wang that when Qi Boyan was the lead singer, his lover came to
a bigger stage and was loved by more people.

The prelude suddenly sounded, and the melody was very fast, a tune that Ji Wang
had never heard before.

The huge screen lights up, and everyone starts screaming.

Suddenly, the lamp dimmed until all the light was harvested in one beam and fell
in the middle, and Qi Boyan appeared in the center of the light.
The surrounding screams suddenly exploded into a higher scale. In this
environment, it is inevitable to be infected by everyone's emotions and become

While roaring, Song Ge leaned into Ji Wang's ear and gave him popular science
to his unqualified lover: "New song! Qi Boyan announced a new song at this

Ji Wang: "Is it not your girlfriend that is his fan? How do you know so clearly."

Song Ge: "The one near Zhu is red, and the one near Mo is black!"

Song Ge: "Ah ah ah ah, Qi Boyan is so handsome! Dad loves you!!"

Ji Wang: "..." I wanted to punch someone, but held back.

There was still a certain distance from the center of the stage to the audience. Qi
Boyan and the dancers danced while singing, but didn't mean to come in the
direction of Ji Wang deliberately.

The whole concert lasted for a full two hours.

There was also a small part of interacting with the audience in the middle. Qi
Boyan kept throwing towels, drinking water bottles, and dolls until he stepped in
the direction of Ji Wang, and he threw a bunch of flowers.

Ji Wang subconsciously stood up and picked it up. He thought he might not be

able to grab it. As a result, even though everyone around him swarmed, he didn’t
mean to grab him. After Ji Wang sat back in his seat with the flower in his arms, he
saw Qi Boyan. Throw a wink at him.

His expression was broadcast clearly on the big screen, which caused another
wave of screams.
Ji Wang looked around, and found that several of the people sitting around were
actually staff members, and there was also an audience member who didn't even
take off the security uniforms. Is this to arrange the audience in this range to be his

Just to let him receive a bunch of flowers?

Ji Wang found it absurd, but also amused. Several stages of the subsequent
singing and dancing were completed on the stage in front of Ji Wang.

The choreographer was very irritable, and he was very popular in seducing things.
He twisted his hips and flicked his wet hair. Finally, he made a big move. He took
off his white suit jacket and exposed his tight abdominal muscles. Make all fans
scream that the brain lacks oxygen.

Ji Wang had no face to look at, Song Ge was booing and whistling next to him,
taking a mouthful of his father loving you, and helping him break Ji Wang's hand to
show him Qi Boyan.

After Qi Bo finished speaking, his clothes returned to his formal appearance as

soon as he wore on, and the light on the stage followed the change.

A piano rose in the center, and Qi Boyan breathed out into the microphone and
announced: "This is the last song in my new album. This concert is also the first
concert of my new album."

He sat in front of the piano with his hands on the black and white keys, and simply
struck a melody.

After repeatedly tapping this melody three times, with a bang, a grand fireworks
exploded in the dark and silent night above the stage. The fireworks turned into
notes one after another and gradually disappeared into the dark night.

That is the melody played by Qi Boyan.

This melody is tattooed on Qi Boyan's wrist and engraved in each piece of music,
representing Qi Boyan's mark and a symbol of Ji Wang.

Qi Boyan picked up the microphone: "I once told you that if I am in love, I will
definitely notify you."

The screams weakened, everyone was stunned, breathing quickly, and some
even cried directly, and many people were yelling not to.

Among these people, of course Ji Wang is included.

He thought that Qi Boyan had been obedient, and he thought he had stopped Qi

But no one can stop Qi Boyan, except Qi Boyan himself.

When the last note disappeared, Qi Boyan's voice spread through the huge sound
to every corner.

"Brother, listen carefully."

"This song has something I want to say to you."

"Then I love you, no one will love you more than me."
"You said you are crazy! Before you get mad together, can you tell me this agent, I
will be scared to life for ten years! I have been with you for so many years, no credit
There is also hard work, you can't stimulate me so much!"

Sister Hong yelled on the phone, Ji Wang had a headache and held her forehead,
comforting the other party: "Bo Yan didn't say who it was. He just made his love
affair public, not us."

At this moment, he was sitting in an inconspicuous car, waiting for Qi Boyan to

come to meet him after he threw away the paparazzi.
Li Feng just called and said that it might not be so fast. As soon as Qi Boyan's love
affair is revealed, it is big news. The paparazzi staring at him will be dozens of times
more than usual. Everyone wants to rush to engage in it. Big news.

The scene of the concert turned into tens of thousands of people crying, crying
loudly. The scene was really shocking, and the conscience of the culprit called Ji
Wang was really painful.

At the concert just now, at the moment when he heard Qi Boyan's confession, Ji
Wang's heart was as if fireworks exploded that day, and no one would bring such a
strong feeling to Ji Wang in his life.

A top celebrity, open his love affair when he is in the limelight.

If it wasn't for the protection of Ji Wang, I'm afraid it was the brother that
sounded, but he would also be replaced by Ji Wang's name.

After finally stabilizing Sister Hong's emotions, Ji Wang hung up the phone and
let out a long sigh.

He was far from the calmness that Sister Hong thought, and his calves were still
trembling slightly. It is impossible to say that you are not afraid of the storms that

Worrying about affecting Qi Boyan's star journey is even more critical.

In any case, he is used to being an unnamed actor, and he will be beaten back to
his original form. The mortgage has been paid off, and he still has savings in his
hand. There is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't know how long he has been thinking about it, Ji Wang heard a few knocks
on the car door, and there was a fat man with a hood standing outside.
Ji Wang stopped at a parking corner of a shopping mall. Qi Boyan stood outside
the window and took off his hood. Only then did Ji Wang know why no one found
out that it was Qi Boyan.

This is even the special effects makeup, in order to hide the body shape, it also
adds props to disguise the fat body shape.

He quickly opened the lock and let people come up.

Qi Boyan also felt that he was so ugly. The first reaction when he got into the car
was to cover Ji Wang's eyes: "Don't look, let's go home."

Ji Wang laughed: "What makeup did Li Feng put on for you?"

Qi Bo said: "Well, it's a succumb to staying by my side as an assistant."

Ji Wang started the car while laughing. Qi Boyan took out his mobile phone.
There was no message or call on it. Ji Wang took the time to look at it and felt it
shouldn't be.

Qi Boyan noticed and shook the phone in his hand: "Newly bought."

Ji Wang: "When did you buy it?"

Qi Boyan: "I bought it the day I was going to find you."

At the beginning, Ji Wang didn't realize what Qi Boyan meant, until the next red
light, he wanted to understand: "I bought that mv before?"

In other words, Qi Boyan was already prepared to make it public, even if he

hadn't chased Ji Wang back at that time.

This self-confidence may be due to strong obsession. Ji Wang couldn't help but
laugh, but also wanted to cry. This complicated mood had troubled him all night.
Qi Boyan saw the moist under Ji Wang's eyes: "Brother doesn't scold me?"

"Why scold you?" Ji Wang's voice trembled a little, and he held back the tears
that came up.

Qi Boyan took out a ring from the pocket on his chest, ready to pick up Ji Wang's
right hand and put it on the ring finger, only to find that the ring was already worn

Ji Wang has never removed this ring since he disclosed that he has a boyfriend.

Qi Boyan put on the ring anyway: "Wearing two rings on one finger is so beautiful,
you deserve to be my husband."

Ji Wang: "Don't you have another hand?"

Qi Bo said: "Yes, in addition to the left hand, you will also have to wear the right
hand. I will check it all the time."

They returned to the villa where Qi Boyan lived. It was not that they didn't want
to return to Ji Wang's house, but for safety reasons, Qi Boyan's residence was
better secured. Many celebrities lived here and they couldn't get takeout.

As soon as he got home, Qi Boyan closed all the windows in the house and began
to take off Jiwang's clothes in the hallway.

He wanted to do this a long time ago, and started thinking about it from the

The two-hour concert did not exhaust the physical strength of this alpha, and the
public excitement had not faded from Qi Boyan's blood. Everything in front of him
was too beautiful, he was afraid that it was his hallucinations.

He longed to hug, mark, tear and enter.

To taste Ji Wang's blood, his pheromone, his hot body and everything.

Can prove that these are true.

The person in his arms is also real.

When Li Feng called, the whole room was filled with the smell of pheromone
blending. It was Ji Wang who stretched out his sweaty hand and picked up the

Qi Boyan took it away again and threw it away, until another fierce lust was set

The movement in the room didn't stop slightly until the sky lighted up.

Qi Boyan was firmly pressed on Ji Wang Khan Jinjin, and refused to come out like
a child.

Then his head, dazzled by desire, finally saw something that should have been
discovered long ago.

He took Ji Wang's left hand and took off the ring. On the ring finger, where the
tattoo was once, and the skin that has been removed, a string of letters is printed

Still the original pattern, the Spanish name, mortífero.

Seeing Qi Boyan staring straight there, Ji Wang whispered: "I originally wanted
to make it public later, so I didn't make it so obvious. In fact, I even wanted Wen Ji
Boyan, Mrs. Ji's name."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wang frowned slightly. He pushed Qi Boyan's

shoulders and shrank towards the head of the bed: "No, you are not in the
susceptible period, why are you so fierce every time."
Qi Boyan was caught by his ankle, dragged the person in front of him, and pressed
it again.

"Mr. Ji, it is your responsibility as a husband to meet Mrs. Ji's needs."

Ji Wang's ring finger was bitten in a circle, and the tooth mark was circled along
the tattoo.

Qi Boyan said: "I'm going to learn tattoos."

Ji Wang: "What did you learn to do?"

Qi Boyan held Ji Wang's buttocks: "No one will see or discover my name here.
Only I can see, touch, and lick."

After speaking, Qi Boyan was kicked by Ji Wang.

It hurts so much that Qi Boyan returned to Ji Wang's body even more fiercely.

The morning sunlight dyed the sky a pinkish blue. Ji Wang put on his pajamas and
stood in the yard with a pair of flower shears.

With a cigarette in his hand, he didn't smoke it, it was time to quit.

He has to learn not to like things that Qi Boyan doesn't like.

The wind was blowing and the ankle was a little cold, Qi Boyan walked out from
behind the door and held Ji Wang's waist.

He just took a shower, and Ji Wang was gone, standing in the courtyard.

Qi Bo said: "Why are you standing here?"

Ji Wang raised the big scissors in his hand: "Do something I should have done
long ago."
Qi Bo said: "What?"

Ji Wang pointed at the flower room with scissors: "Aren't you afraid of that

For so many years, I dare not touch or clean up.

It's like an old scar that can't heal.

Qi Boyan was afraid of there, so afraid that even the windows were closed.
Although Qi Bo said that the window was to imprison him, he changed it into that

Ji Wang guessed that the more reason was probably because Lin Wanyan
committed suicide there.

Qi Boyan hugged Ji Wang: "Let's go in."

Ji Wang didn't move: "If you want to stay there, we will stay. If you don't want it,
my brother will help you level it."

It was the first time for him to use his brother's self-proclaimed name, and he
was not used to it, but at this moment, he felt that this name was more suitable
and could give Qi Boyan a sense of security.

Ji Wang can do everything for Qi Boyan, solve the things he is afraid of, the
problems he is worried about, and the future he wants.

Qi Boyan shook his eyelashes and stared at Ji Wang for a long while before
whispering, "Don't stay."

Ji Wang pressed his head and hugged the person into his arms. He felt Qi Boyan's
tears wet his shoulders. He didn't say don't cry, just whispered: "Okay, I will help
you push Flat it."
The house, which symbolized Qi Boyan's nightmare, had been flattened and
ended in less than a day.

When the workers were operating the tools and making a huge noise, Qi Boyan
was staying in Ji Wang's small home, drinking the sugar water his brother boiled for

Recently, he is also treating the problem of losing the sense of taste. The taste is
coming back little by little, and the first thing he tastes is the sweetness.

When he tasted the faint sweetness, he was kissing Ji Wang, who had a lump of
fructose in his mouth, which was peachy.

The facts have proved that the flowers bloomed in the sun can bloom more

When the summer of another year came, the news of Qi Boyan's public love affair
had gradually disappeared, and there was no longer the exaggeration of half a
month of bloodbaths.

There are all kinds of speculations on the Internet, from Qi Boyan’s partner in his
debut, to the scandal, and even Ji Wang.

Director Chen told him that when the martial arts movie was shortlisted for the
well-known Golden Movie Award in China, Ji Wang was filming the third movie he
collaborated with Director Chen.

His role is a flower farmer.

Ji Wang didn't even take off his dirty gloves, so he first said congratulations to
Director Chen.

Chen Sheng sighed: "I've got so many nominations, what's the congratulations?
It's yourself that should be congratulated."
Ji Wang couldn't open his eyes because of the summer sun. He said in a daze,
"What do you mean?"

Chen Sheng: "Congratulations, Xiaoji, since you won the best rookie, you may
have won the best actor."

Without waiting for Ji Wang to reply, Chen Sheng hurriedly added: "Although it
may be just a nomination."

Ji Wang's shovel dropped: "Director Chen, don't lie to me!"

Chen Sheng: "You little bastard, what good is it for me to lie to you, waiting for
Qi Boyan to tear down my old bone."

Chen Sheng: "Speaking of what that brat is doing to make a movie recently, he
wants to be his own boss behind the scenes?"

Ji Wang: "Yes, he wants to try something else. I think it's pretty good. He is very
talented in everything."

Chen Sheng: "Don't keep blowing, as long as you have something to do with the
movie, he can't do it."

Ji Wang: "He can't do it, don't you still have a master, you can't teach?"

Chen Sheng: "Oh, what's the matter with the lights, I'll go ahead and give you a
week off, and we will go to the awards ceremony."

On the night of the awards ceremony, Ji Wang and Qi Boyan were backstage,
sharing a dressing room.

Ji Wang was fine, but Qi Boyan was very nervous. After putting on makeup, I
walked around the room.
Qi Bo said: "Old man Chen is so popular, no one secretly tells him who is the best
male protagonist?"

Ji Wang was picking the color of the bow tie, and he glanced at Qi Boyan after
hearing the words: "Don't talk nonsense, how can Director Chen know what the
result is. His movie is also shortlisted, and it is not normal to keep him secret."

Qi Boyan sat on the sofa anxiously, and pulled his bow tie: "Why is it more
nervous than the first time I took the golden microphone."

Ji Wang: "Come on, help me pick a bow tie."

Qi Boyan walked over and picked a color similar to his own bow tie. He is now
sparing no effort to show affection, even if it is only secretly.

At this time, the silver hairpin from Qi Boyan's hair fell off and fell under the
dressing table.

When Ji Wang bent over to pick it up, and was about to hand it over to Qi Boyan,
the two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

They all remembered that when they first met each other, Ji Wang picked up Qi
Boyan's hairpin, and he didn't return it.

Now, he also didn't return it, but stuffed it into his pocket.

Ji Wang: "Just treat me as a lucky charm."

When in the audience, he and Qi Boyan were seated together, because Qi Boyan
also participated in the movie.

The protagonists of this movie are all sitting together.

Their shoulders are next to their shoulders, their legs are touching their legs, and
their hands are tightly clasped under the chair under the cover of their

Nominated movie clips are shown on the big screen. There are several actor
candidates, and every one of them looks better than Ji Wang to win awards.

When the clip of the best actor freezes into Ji Wang's picture, Ji Wang is stunned,
but the people around him react first, all smiling and applauding him,
congratulating him.

Sheng Li, who was next to him, gave him a hug for the first time, and then he was
hugged by Qi Boyan's shoulders.

When Ji Wang stood up dazedly, everyone around was laughing.

He looked down, and it turned out that he was still holding Qi Boyan's hand
tightly, and was almost about to take Qi Boyan to the stage to win the prize.

The judges on the stage also joked about Ji Wang, asking him how he came up
when he came up, and why he had brought one with him.

After Ji Wang came to power, he responded humorously: "Because a person is

afraid to leave, I have to bring a family member."

His words sound like a joke, but in fact, there are not a few people in the circle
who know that he and Qi Boyan are married.

Just conceal it from the public.

However, a lot of wind has leaked out this year, and fans have picked up a lot of
common items used by the two.

Such as clothes, hats, jewelry, backpacks.

Although the master didn't admit it, Ji Wang was already guessing who the
"brother" was, from the most inconspicuous candidate to one of the most powerful

What's more, Ji Wang is wearing a dress designed by Qi Boyan tonight.

He stood on the stage and wanted to say a lot.

I thanked the director and the crew, and finally there was some time left.

Ji Wang took the microphone: "Finally, I still have something to say to my family."

"This came very late, I hope you don't dislike it."

"That's... Qi Boyan, I love you."

The audience was silent for a second, and then thunderous applause. Qi Boyan
looked at him with eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe that Ji Wang on the
stage would actually say such a thing.

Ji Wang put down the microphone and walked slowly down the steps, his pace
getting faster and faster.

There is a nebula under his feet, and the direction he is heading is the most
beautiful spring.


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