Assessment 1 Strategy 1

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Strategy and Innovation

Assessment 1
Class: F-UOB-13F
Research a company and its operating environment to understand the strategic
issues facing the company and to assess how these might affect the company in the near
future. Please note the importance of picking a company with enough information and
sources to support your analysis. Selecting a publicly held company is recommended.
Part I - Present some basic information about the company. In addition, present
company mission, vision, strategy objectives and core competencies.
Part II – Research a company to create a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats (SWOT) analysis. Each SWOT category should have at least five items
identified. Then, generate feasible alternative strategies by aligning key external and
internal factors (develop four types of strategies: SO, WO, ST, WT). After completing
the chart, provide a written analysis of the information provided.
Part III - Using the information gathered from SWOT analysis, create a
Quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) for the company you researched. Use
Microsoft Word or a similar program to create your table. To conclude this part, some
strategies should be pointed out and be prioritized.
Part IV - Conduct research on corporate strategies and the affect they have on the
decision process as well as how a strategy or policy has been implemented. As you
explore the decision process, consider the following:
- How do corporate strategies influence the decisions made by the company?
- How has the company implemented a corporate strategy or a future policy
In order to pass the Assessment 1, you will need to:
- Deliver a report in which produce a detailed analysis that identifies the strategic
issues facing a company.
- Develop and support your analysis by ideas and techniques drawn from
academic theory and up to date research.
- The assignment submission is individual.
- When writing your assignment, be sure to include an introduction and
conclusion. Your assignment should be a minimum of six pages in length, and it must
be formatted in APA style. The title and references pages do not count toward the
minimum page length. To complete this assignment, a minimum of three reputable
sources must be used, and any information from these sources must be cited and
referenced in APA style.

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