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The Effect of Media and

Influencers on Young People

and the Pandemic/Vaccine
Naomi Benjamin-Derrickson
Why I Chose This Topic
• It is a widely talked about topic in the US Currently
• There is a lot of information out there about it
What I Wrote About
• About the effects of the pandemic on the United

• Possible solutions to end the pandemic faster,

regarding the vaccine

• How young people aged 18-24 are an important

variable in ending the pandemic, and how society
influences this age group the most.
What it led me to
• That what young people view on the media and
from popular influencers can greatly affect their
opinions on the vaccine and the pandemic

• If more big influencers and celebrities came out

encouraging their fanbase to get vaccinated, it
could really make an impact

• If I was on the fence about the vaccine, and

someone that I looked up to talked about it
and encouraged it. It could possibly be my
reasoning for getting it.
My thoughts before
I never thought about the impact of the
media and influencers/celebrities on
society, especially young people

Now I believe that social media has a

bigger impact on societal norms than
we think.
What I found difficult about writing
the essay

To think of possible solutions

that could actually be effective,
and not just a waste of time.
What I Learned
• That people pay attention to what they read and see online, and it
influences their opinions on matters.
• Influencers and Celebrities have a big impact on young minds and on
society in general
• The many different solutions to get more people vaccinated, no
matter how controversial.
My Experience with the Vaccine
As soon as I turned 18, I made an appointment to get the vaccine. I saw
the vaccine as a way hinder the effects of the pandemic and get the
world back to normal. I had no doubts about it. Seeing people online
encourage it and take it as well definitely had a part in solidifying my

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