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i) The term environment is used to describe the surrounding area of which a

lifeform resides within.
ii) When pesticide is used in overabundance some excess pesticide mixes with
rainfall and other bodies of water that can enter marine environments, this
introduces pollutants in the form of the chemicals in the pesticide into the

b) Two ways that conflict may arise over the use of a country’s use of marine resources
1) Disputes of the ownership of borders and territories in the ocean with
neighbouring countries.
2) Poaching and hunting of protected marine life.

i) Three strategies a government may use to promote sustainable development of
their countries marine resources are:

Strategy #1: Creating education programs accessible to the country’s citizens that
will detail what actions to take that will protect marine environments.

Justification# 1: A significant portion of marine pollution is directly caused by

the ignorance of everyday persons, by bringing awareness to these people they
will be capable of avoiding actions that harm marine environments.

Strategy #2: Mandating laws that protect endangered marine environments from
human interference.

Justification# 2: By reducing human interaction with some marine environments

dangers like overfishing are combated.

Strategy #3: Fund and support charity groups that assist in the removal of waste
from marine environments.

Justification# 3: This supports groups that are already taking action to protect
marine environments which will allow the groups efforts to be more efficient.

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