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LECTURE NOTES IN MATH 210A Tnroductory Real Analysis First Semestser A.Y, 2022-2023 Math 210A- Nn 10:00 - 11:30 FS First Semestser A-Y. 2022-2023 CHARLES B. MONTERO, Ph.D. Instructor Math Dept., College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mindanano State University - Marawi TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FIELD AND ORDER PROPERTIES OF R 1.1. Algebraic / Field Properties/Axioms of R 1.2 Order Properties of R. 1.3 Absolute Value and the Real Line 2 COMPLETENESS AXIOM OF 8 2.1 Supremum and Infimum 2.2 Sequence of Real Numbers 2.3 Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weirstrass Theorem 24 The Cauchy Criterion 2.5 Limit of Functions 2.6 Theorems on Limits of Functions 3. A Glimpse into Topology in 3.1 Open and Closed Sets in R 4 CONTINUITY AND DERIVATIVE 4.1 Continous Functions : 4.2. Combinations of Continuous Functions 4.3 Uniform Continuity 4.4 The Derivative 53 53, 59 59 62 66 71 CHAPTER 1 FIELD AND ORDER PROPERTIES OF R Set of axioms that characterize B: « field axioms © order axioms © completeness axioms 1.1 Algebraic / Field Properties/Axioms of R (Al) a+b=b +a (commutative property for addition) (A2) a+ (b+6) = (a+b) +c (associative property for addition) (A3) a +0 = 0 +a =a (existence of the zero element) (Ad) a+ (-a) = (-a) +a =0 (existence of negative elements) (M1) ab = ba (commutative property for multiplication) (M2) a(be) = (ab)e (associative property for addition) (M3) a¢1=1ea =a (existence of the unit element) (M4) Fora 40, ae (4) = (4) ea=1 (existence of reciprocals) aa (DPMA) ae (b+) =ab +ac (distributive property of multiplication over addition) ‘Theorem 1.1.1 (a) Ifa,2€R with = +a=a then 2 = (b) Ifu,b ER with b£0 and ub =b then u= (c) IfaeR thenae =0. Proof: (a) = +a=a=>9 (2+a)+(-a)=a+(-a) = z+ (a+ (-a)) =a+(-a) (by A2) = =+0=0 (by M) = ==0 (by A3) (0) bab (wf) = 0) 1 = ulbe P (by M2) = u(1) =1 (by M4) = u=1 (by M3) (2) @+a00 = a(l) +000 = a(1 +0) = a(l) = a. Thus, by part (a) ae0=0.0 ‘Theorem 1.1.2 1 (a) Ifa £0 and bER such that ab=1 then b= = (6) If ab—0 then either a—0 or b—0. Proof: Suppose ab = 0. Suppose a = 0. Then we are done. Suppose a 4 0. Then + eRand a Assignment 1.1.3 [Abbas, Intishar] Prove that if a € RR satisfies a-a =a then either a= 0 or a= 1. Assignment 1.1.4 [Ampaso, Normia] 1 1\ (1 Prove that if a0 and b # 0 then 75 = () (3) Theorem 1.1.5 There does not erist a rational number r such that r? Proof: (by contradiction) Suppose there ig a rational number r such that r? = 2. Then 3 p.q€Z, q#0 such that ) = 2. Assume without loss of generality (WLOG) that p,q € Z* and p and q have no common factors other than 1. Since p? = 292, p? is even. This implies that p is also even. Since p and q do not have common factors, q must be an odd number. Since p is even, p = 2m for some m € N; hence, p= 2q? => (2m)? = 24? => q? = 2m? = @ iseven = q is also even; which is a contradiction. Thus, for all €Q, 1? £2. Assignment 1.1.6 [Cali, Monaiss Prove that there does not exist a rational number s such that s? = 3, 1.2 Order Properties of R. Let P be the set of positive real numbers. Then Ifa,be P then a+be P. Ifa,be P then abe P. (Law of Trichotomy) If a € P then exactly one of the following holds: a€P, a=0, -aeP, Definition 1.2.1 1. Ifa € P, we write « > 0 and say that a is positive. 2. Ia € PU {0}, we write a > 0 and say that a is nonnegative. 3. If -a € P, we write a <0 and say that a is negative. 4, Ifa € PU {0}, we write @ <0 and say that a is nonpositive Definition 1.2.2 1. Ifa—be P, we write a > b or b borbb a 2. a bandb>c thena>c. Ifa>b thenate>b+e Ifa>bandc>0 then ca > cb. 4. Ifa>b and e <0 then ca < ch. Proof: 1 a-beP and b~ce P= (ab) +(b-e) EP =>a-ceP arc, 2 a-bEP =4a-b=(ate)-(b+ EP Sp aterbte a-beP and ce P= ca—ch=c(a—W EP => ea > eb. 4. a-bEP and ~ce P= ch—ca=-cla—b) € P = b> cae P =ca 0, then a=0. Proof ; Suppose on the contrary that a > 0. Take ¢ = : ‘Then ¢ = $ > Oand we have 0 <= 3 0. Hence,a=0. Assignment 1.2.5 (Amer, Moh’d Faiz H.) If a,b © R such that a > b and 0 0, thena=b Theorem 1.2.6 If ab > 0 then either i) a > 0 and b > 0 or ii) a < 0 and b<0. Proof: Suppose ab > 0. Then a #0 and b 4 0. By Law of Trichotomy, cither a > 0 or a <0. fa >0 then 2 > 0. Thus, b (3) (ab) > 0. ha <0 then i <0; s0 that b= ) (ab) <0. Assignment 1.2.7 (Abbas, Intishar) [fab < 0 then either i) a <0 and b> 0 orii)a>0 andb <0. Solving Inequalities. Example 1.2.8 Determine the following sets. 1 A= (re R:2r4+3<6} Solution TEAM MISC HM SBEHeSS ‘Therefore, A= {= eR:irs 20 B={rER:e+ar>2} Solution TER oe ter Pee +e-2>0 <> (x-1)(z+2) >0. ‘Then either (w= 1) >0 and (x +2) >0; that is, a>land >-2—>4r>1 or (x1) <0 and (x +2) <0; that is, wal Therefore, B={xeR:r>IU{reR:2 <2}. = (00,2) U (1, +00). 3. o={rer etal +2 Solution Qr+1 Qn+1 (x=1) < reC a= gy ISO Gay 0; that is, w-24>-2<0<1 or (x= 1) >0 and (© +2) <0; that is, 2 >1 and © <—2 which is never satisfied. Therefore, C = {x €R:-2< 2 <1} =(-2)1) Theorem 1.2.9 Suppose a,b > 0. Then the following are equivalent: (i) a 0. Since ab > 0, a+b > 0. Thus, BH b—a)(b+ a) > 0; hence ? > a?, that is, a? < #. Suppose a < 6. Then b? — a? > 0, that is, (b—a)(b+a) > 0 Since a,b>0, b+a>0, it follows that b—a > 0; hence a < b. Since a,b > 0, Ya, Vb > 0. Replacing a by a and b by Vo in the equivalence of (i) and (i), we have Va < vb = (Va? < (VP esack OO Theorem 1.2.10 [f a,b > 0 then Vab < 3(e +b) with equality occuring if and only ifaa = 6. Proof: Suppose a,b > 0. Consider the following 2 cases: Case 1: Suppose a # b. Then Va, Vb > 0 and a # Vb. Thus, (\/a— Vb)? > 0; that is a-2vab+b>0. Hence, 1 Vab < 5(a+0) Case 2: Suppose a = b. Then a=Ve Ze +a) Hence, in either case, ab < 3la +6) On the other hand, if ab = EG +b) then 2 1 1p 2 2 (Vaby? = y(a+8)] ab ql + 2ab +67] = dab = a? + 2ab +0? =a? -2ab+P =0 = (a-b=0 a= a Assignment 1.2.11 [Ampaso, Normia] Prove that if @ and y are rational numbers then sr-+y and sry are also r nal numbers, Assignment 1.2.12 [Cali, Monaisa] Prove that ifr a rational number and y is an irrational number then «+ y is irrational, If in addition, x 4 0 then show that ay is an irrational number, 10 Assignment 1.2.13 [Amer, Moh'd Faiz H.] Let K = {s+tv2:s,t € Q}. Show that 1. If 1,22 € K, then 2; + x2 € K and x, -1, € K 2. a AO and x € K, then + eK. Assignment 1.2.14 [Abbas, Intish 1. Ha 0, lal=40 if a=0, -a ifa<0. Theorem 1.3.2 For all a,b €R, ¥ [ab] = |allo| @ ii) (al iti) Ife >0, then \a| 0,6 <0, then ab <0, so that jab] = —ab = a(—b) = |al|d|. The cases to consider. If a > 0,b > 0, then ab > 0, so that |ab] = ab other two cases are treated similarly. 2. Since a? > 0, we have a? = |aa| lalla] = al? 3. If fal < c, then we both have a < cand —a < c; that is, -e Sa Sc. Conversely, if -e < a 0 and n € N, show that a 0. Assignment 1.3.9 [Amer, Moh’d Faiz H.] Prove that if x,y,z €R and x < —2| y < 2, show that |x — y|+|y 13. Assignment 1.3.10 [Abbas, Intishar] Find all « € R that satisfies the in- equality [dr — 5| < 13, Assignment 1.3.11 [Ampaso, Normia] Find all x € R that satisfies the equa- tion Jr +1] + |e — 3 Assignment 1.3.12 [Cali, Monaisa] Sketch the graph of the equation y = lel —|e-1| Assignment 1.3.13 [Amer, Moh’d Faiz H.] Sketch the graph of the equation lyl = |e Assignment 1.3.14 [Abbas, Intishar] Sketch the graph of the equation |y| + lel =1 Assignment 1.3.15 [Ampaso, Normia] Show that if a,b € R then max{a,b} = 3 (a+ b+ |a min{a,b} = = (a+ |a—))

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