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Vocabulary 3
Where is it?


1 In pairs or small groups, make a list of what you saw on your way from the entrance of the
school to this classroom.


1 1 Listen to the conversations. What are the people looking for?

2 1 Listen to the extracts from the conversation and fill in the gaps.
1 It’s on the floor. The lift’s over there.
2 Then it will be on your right, the Men’s Shoes Department.
3 those stairs to the first floor.
4 Take the corridor .
5 Mrs Coleman’s office is the fourth door .
6 It’s Mr Aronson’s office.

Language focus

1 Tick (✓) the areas and things you have in your school.

security guards customer service area cash desk waiting area

management area call centre lift computers area
kitchen café store room toilet
teachers’ room exit water cooler first aid kit
library lost property box TV

2 Add any other places or things in your school.

© British Council ARB_A1_04_E012CEA_HO_v1.0

Vocabulary 3
Where is it?

3 Match 1–7 with a–g.

1 It’s next a from the cash desk.
2 It’s across b the café and Room 209.
3 It’s on the c to the first floor.
4 It’s the third d fourth floor.
5 It’s on the right between e corridor on the left.
6 Go up those stairs f to the lift.
7 Take the g door on the left.

Listen to these sentences. Which words have weak forms? How do you say them?
1. It’s next to the lift.
2. It’s across from the cash desk.
3. It’s on the fourth floor.
4. It’s the third door on the left.
5. It’s on the right between the café and Room 209.
6. Go up those stairs to the first floor.
7. Take the corridor on the left.
Listen and repeat.

4 In pairs or small groups, ask about the things and places in the key language box.
e.g. A: Where’s the library?
B: It’s on the ground floor next to the waiting area.
5 Draw signs for these directions.
Go up the stairs.
Go down the stairs.
Turn right.
Turn left.
Take the second right.
Take the second left.
Go straight ahead.
Go out of the building.


1 Work in groups. You are in your language school. Take a card with information about what you need
or want. Ask other people in your group where you can do it and ask for directions to that place.
2 In pairs, look at the map. Ask your partner for directions.

© British Council ARB_A1_04_E012CEA_HO_v1.0

Vocabulary 3
Where is it?


© British Council ARB_A1_04_E012CEA_HO_v1.0


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