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Equivalent number of uniform cycles versus earthquake magnitude

relationships for fine-grained soils
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First Author – Priyesh Verma

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Civil Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z4

Second Author – Ainur Seidalinova

Geotechnical Engineer
Klohn Crippen Berger
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V5M 4X6

Corresponding and Third Author – Dharma Wijewickreme, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Professor of Civil Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4
Tel.: +1 604 822 5112
Fax: +1 (604)-822-6901

Manuscript Submitted for

Possible Publication as an Article
in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal

November 26, 2018

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In the current geotechnical seismic design practice, the empirical correlation between equivalent
number of uniform cycles (Neq) of shaking and earthquake magnitude (Mw) forms an integral
part of liquefaction potential evaluation. The relationship, in turn, is used to derive the magnitude
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scaling factors that are commonly used in the field-based liquefaction evaluation procedures.
The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw) relationships
for liquefaction assessment was examined for fine-grained soils using time-histories ranging
from 5 < Mw ≤ 9 especially including the strong ground motion time histories from latest
subduction zone earthquakes with Mw > 8.0. The experimental database available from cyclic
direct simple shear (DSS) tests conducted on natural fine-grained soils retrieved from
undisturbed soil sampling was used to obtain the cyclic shear resistance weighting curves for the
study. The work presented herein has contributed to further improving the current models used
to represent magnitude scaling factor (MSF) values for large earthquake magnitudes and the
functional dependency of this parameter on soil type. The MSF-Mw curve derived for low-plastic
Fraser River Delta silt lies in-between the MSF curves derived for clean sand and clay,
resonating with the inferences that have been made that the silt behavior can neither be
considered sand-like nor clay-like.

Keywords: equivalent number of uniform cycles, low-plastic silts, liquefaction, fine-grained

soils, magnitude scaling factor.

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In the seismic liquefaction assessment of soils, the irregular cyclic loading history from the real-
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life earthquake is converted to the occurrence of some equivalent number of constant-amplitude

sinusoidal uniform loading cycles using a damage-based weighting curve. In their original work

on this subject, Seed and Idriss (1971) established that equivalent number of uniform cycles

(Neq) can be correlated with earthquake magnitude (Mw), and this in turn, formed the basis for

the magnitude (duration) scaling factors (MSFs) which are used in the field-based liquefaction

evaluations of soil deposits (Idriss 1999). The Neq versus Mw relationships and MSFs formed on

the above basis have been further studied by a number of researchers over the past two decades

(e.g., Liu et al. 2001; Boulanger and Idriss 2004; Green and Terri 2005) with respect to sands

without considering the potential for functional dependence of these relations on any soil

property. In recognition of such limitations and considering the findings from Idriss (1999),

Boulanger and Idriss (2007), Dahl (2011), and Kishida and Tsai (2014) as the basis, Boulanger

and Idriss (2015) further examined the results from cyclic shear testing for a range of soil types

and densities and proposed the new revised MSF relationships for use in practice. In this,

Boulanger and Idriss (2015) emphasized the need for additional validation of the observed trends

considering the dependency with respect to soil type and properties (e.g., considering fine-

grained soils and soil plasticity), particularly highlighting the value of employing data from

laboratory cyclic shear testing of undisturbed field samples for such validations.

In consideration of the above, it was judged appropriate to further examine the relationship

between Neq and Mw and the associated MSFs, using the weighting curves generated from the

laboratory cyclic direct simple shear (DSS) testing undertaken at the University of British

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Columbia (UBC) with respect to a number of fine-grained natural soils, and this paper presents

the key findings from this work. The earthquake ground motions available from current

databases for the magnitude range 5 < Mw ≤ 9 were used in this exercise; in particular, the strong

ground motions available from recent subduction zone earthquakes with Mw > 8.0 were included,
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thus covering a wider magnitude range compared to those used in the previous studies. The

above extended ground motion database was also used to validate/calibrate the extrapolation of

the current MSF relationships for sands, which have been developed using time histories for

earthquakes with Mw < 8.0.

In the following sections, the concepts pertaining to the development of Neq versus Mw

relationships is initially presented; this is followed by information on the cyclic resistance ratio

(CRR) characteristics available from the UBC experimental data on fine-grained soils. The

details on the earthquake time histories for developing equivalent number of uniform cycles and

algorithm used for computing equivalent number of uniform cycles are then described. A

detailed discussion of the findings with reference to Neq versus Mw relationships for different soil

types, the effect of soil parameters on these relationships, and the implication of the findings

with respect to the resulting MSF versus Mw relationships are presented in the subsequent


Representation of irregular earthquake as uniform cyclic loading

The cyclic shear resistance of a given material from laboratory element tests is typically

expressed as a relationship between the applied cyclic stress ratio (CSR) versus number of

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loading cycles (NL) to reach a certain cyclic strain amplitude criterion to define “liquefaction”

(the cyclic strain amplitude criterion for NL is defined later in the text); this relationship also

serves as the weighting curve for converting the irregular series of earthquake-induced cyclic

stresses into an “equivalently” damaging sinusoidal uniform stress cycles to evaluate the
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liquefaction triggering potential of soils (Seed et al. 1975). As proposed by Seed et al. (1975),

CSR is defined as: CSR = τcyc/σ'v0, where: (a) τcyc is defined (as a reference shear stress level)

equal to 65% of the peak cyclic shear stress arising on a given soil element from the loading

from an earthquake time history. In laboratory cyclic tests, τcyc would be equal to the constant

amplitude of sinusoidal loading applied on a given soil specimen; and (b) σ'v0 is the initial

vertical effective confining stress of the respective soil element in the field, or that applied to the

laboratory soil specimen of interest. The CSR versus NL relationship can be approximated using

a power law as:

CSR = a × (NL) ―b [1]

where a and b depend on the soil type, and b essentially represents the slope of the curve. The

Neq value determined for a given ground motion is strongly dependent on this slope of the

weighting curve.

As also explained by Boulanger and Idriss (2004), if two individual stress cycles having

different stress amplitudes named CSR1 and CSR2 are considered, then using equation [1], the

ratio of relative number of loading cycles NL(1) and NL(2), respectively, to cause liquefaction at

these two stress ratios can be expressed as,

NL(1) = ( )

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Since the laboratory-based CSR versus NL relationship is established using the identical strain-

based definition of unacceptable performance (typically the achievement of a shear strain

criterion in a cyclic shear test), it is rational to assume that the damage caused by one (1) cycle of

stress at CSR1 is equivalent to the damage caused by N cycles at CSR2. This would lead to the
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following expression,

N= ( ) (1 cycle)

This simple mathematical expression can, therefore, be used to convert an individual stress

cycle into an equivalent number of uniform cycles at the selected reference stress level (here

shown by CSR2). A similar mathematical approach is also suggested by Boulanger and Idriss

(2004). It is apparent from equation (3) that the slope of the relationship between CSR and NL

(i.e., the value of exponent-b) plays an important role in making these determinations.

Recognizing this factor, Seed et al. (1975) recommended deriving the slope of the weighting

curve by means of a series of simple shear tests (as it can closely mimic the earthquake loading)

for a particular soil type under investigation. After examining the laboratory cyclic shear test

data performed by Yoshimi et al. (1984) on Niigata sand obtained using high-quality frozen

sampling techniques, Boulanger and Idriss (2004) determined that an exponent-b of 0.337 would

be suitable for clean sands. For clays and plastic silts, they suggested an exponent-b of 0.135

would be appropriate based on an average value determined by using data from limited direct

simple shear test results. At that time, they developed this relationship without including the

functional dependency on any soil property. Kishida and Tsai (2014) more recently developed a

predictive model for Neq as a function of earthquake magnitude, peak ground acceleration, and

soil property. The strong effect of soil properties on Neq versus Mw relationships was also noted

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by Boulanger and Idriss (2015). After careful review of the available experimental data on wide

range of plastic fine-grained soils in the literature, they showed that the average slope of the

weighting curve could vary between 0.1 to 0.135 for fines content ranging from 45% to 100%

and plasticity index (PI) from 2 to 30, in turn, affecting the Neq versus Mw relationships for fine-
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grained soils. They also emphasized the need for additional validation of the trends for the slope

of the weighting curve obtained from laboratory cyclic shear testing of low-plasticity fine-

grained soils.

The work by Boulanger and Idriss (2015) have well advanced this topic further; the relevant

findings from their work are specifically considered in the evaluations in the next sections, and

they are not presented herein for brevity.

Cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) characterized from experimental data on fine-

grained soils

The comprehensive experimental database developed from advanced laboratory testing of

undisturbed field samples on fine-grained soils at UBC was used to select the appropriate

weighting curves for the current investigation. The database was developed from the laboratory

tests conducted using the UBC-DSS test apparatus. This device is a modified Marshall-Silver-

NGI-type DSS device (Silver and Seed 1971) that uses a cylindrical soil specimen and follows

the DSS testing methodology as described by Bjerrum and Landva (1966). The DSS test

apparatus was considered appropriate as it can effectively mimic the anticipated stress conditions

the soil mass would undergo during the earthquake loading (Finn et al. 1978). More specific

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details about the UBC-DSS device is available in Soysa (2015). The particle size distribution and

the average index properties of fine-grained soils for which the test results were available from

the UBC database are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1, respectively.

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Sanin (2010) conducted a series of constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on normally

consolidated undisturbed Fraser River Delta silt at different initial confining stress levels of 85,

100, 200, 300 and 400 kPa, and at different cyclic stress ratios (CSRs). Fig. 2 shows the

relationship between the applied CSR and the number of loading cycles to reach a single

amplitude limiting horizontal shear strain (γ) of 3.75%, NL (hereinafter referred to as shear strain

criterion). In cyclic shear tests, the attainment of the strain criterion is commonly used to define

the onset of “liquefaction” or unacceptable performance. Keeping in accord with the NRC (1985)

recommendations, the number of loading cycles to reach a single amplitude horizontal shear

strain (γ) of 3.75% under a given applied cyclic shear stress ratio has been used as the shear

strain criterion herein. The plotted data points for Fraser River silt fell within a single trend line

(slope with exponent-b of 0.154) and were found to be relatively insensitive to the confining

pressures. Sanin (2010) also conducted three constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed

field samples of Kitimat clay of PI = 17. The exponent-b was found to be 0.129 for this material

(Fig. 3).

Similarly, Soysa (2015) conducted a series of constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on normally

consolidated undisturbed low-plastic natural silt specimens retrieved from Serpentine River

sediments in Lower Mainland of British Columbia with a PI of 7. Fig. 4 shows the plot between

the applied CSR and the number of loading cycles to reach a single amplitude horizontal shear

strain (γ) of 3.75% for the tested silt material. The exponent-b was found to be 0.118, which is

significantly less steep than the exponent-b obtained for the Fraser River Delta silt. As per the

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available surficial geological information (Armstrong 1984), while both these soils were

deposited during the Holocene period, the upper layer zones of Serpentine River sediments

comprise of thick sequences of moderately to highly compressible fine-grained sediments with

localized organic soils and peat deposits of variable thickness, compared to the Fraser River
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Delta silt that originated from a buried channel-fill deposit. Although a specific reason cannot be

given, it is possible that the differences in the depositional mechanism could contribute to the

differences in soil particle fabric/microstructure for these deposits which in turn, may have led to

the differences in the exponent-b values with respect to cyclic shear resistance.

In essence, the CRR versus NL curves derived from experimental data compiled from the

UBC’s database as per above suggest that the exponent-b ranges from 0.118 - 0.154 for the

tested fine-grained soils. Boulanger and Idriss (2004) examined the cyclic test data from the

previous researchers (Moriwaki et al. 1982; Andersen et al. 1988; Azzouz et al. 1989; Lefebvre

and Pfendler 1996) and suggested an exponent-b of 0.135 for clays and plastic silts. They

suggested this value after averaging the exponent-b values derived from direct simple shear test

results on clays. Although a reasonable scatter in the exponent-b has been observed in the

literature, they used the averaged value for clay-like material for the sake of its practical

simplicity. More recently, Boulanger and Idriss (2015) studied the effect of exponent-b on Neq by

using the cyclic test data compiled by Dahl (2011) for a wide range of plastic fine-grained soils.

The study was made using a total of 42 ground motions between Mw ranging from 7.3 - 7.6.

After carefully analyzing the data, they found a general trend that the average exponent-b value

ranged from 0.1 to 0.135 for soils with a PI range from 2 to 30.

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These observations suggest that it is of significant practical value to examine the relationship

between Neq as a function of the b-exponent for different earthquake magnitude range and further

calibrate/validate the relationships developed by Boulanger and Idriss (2015).

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Earthquake time histories for developing equivalent number of uniform cycles

The earthquake database used in this study consists of a randomly selected 410 time histories

recorded from 31 different earthquakes with 5 < Mw ≤ 9 and site-to-source distance < 200 km.

These ground motions are from shallow crustal, and subduction earthquakes from worldwide

events including the recent Chile and Tohoku earthquakes. These earthquakes, in order of

increasing Mw, and other relevant information used in this study are shown in Table 2. A typical

earthquake ground motion is described using three orthogonal components of translational

acceleration time histories – i.e., using two horizontal and one vertical component. For this

study, only the horizontal components of the ground motions were used; the vertical component

of the ground motions was excluded. The shallow crustal earthquake time histories (Mw ~ 5 - 8)

used in this study were retrieved from the extensive database available on the website of the

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) center ( The

subduction earthquake time histories (Mw ~ 8 - 9) were downloaded from the Center for

Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD) website ( The records

downloaded from CESMD database were baseline corrected with a linear function and filtered

with a 4-th order band-pass Butterworth filter with cut-off frequencies of 0.10 and 25 Hz before

application in this study. This filtering process was considered in this study to remove the noise

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that is apparent in an actual raw earthquake time history data; the noise can arise due to deviation

from the baseline, high/low frequency contamination, and other trend errors. This approach of

processing the earthquake time histories to be more representative of the actual event has been

commonly used by number of researchers (e.g., Hudson 1979; Wilson 1998) including those at
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UBC (e.g., Amirzehni 2016; Bebamzadeh et al. 2016). No alteration in the original ground

motions was considered necessary for the records downloaded from PEER database as they were

already filtered, and baseline corrected by the owner.

For this study, all the selected earthquake ground motions were considered to be sufficiently

close to the free-field ground surface conditions. The effect of the variation of Neq with the depth

of soil profile was studied by Lee and Chan (1972). They showed that the computed Neq value for

any one site and earthquake remains approximately constant with depth. Therefore, the

earthquake time histories recorded at or near the ground surface were used and considered

reasonable to determine Neq for liquefaction analysis.

Algorithm for computing equivalent number of uniform cycles from

earthquake time histories

A computer code developed at the University of California, Davis, United States using

Mathcad2.0 (PTC Mathcad 2014) software was generously made available for this study by

Boulanger (2016). The provided code was modified and automated by the first two authors using

MATLAB2010a (MathWorks 2016) software to run multiple ground motions at the same time

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and to compute its corresponding Neq. Fig. 5 shows the flowchart of the algorithm used to

determine Neq in this study.

In its basic form, the code initially loads the irregular acceleration time series from the
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earthquake data file and then normalizes it with respect to its absolute maximum acceleration

value │Amax│. This ratio of acceleration at ground surface (A) with absolute maximum

acceleration at the ground surface (A /│Amax│) can also be interpreted as the ratio of cyclic

stress ratio to maximum induced cyclic stress ratio (CSR / CSRmax) for a given acceleration time

series from an earthquake (Green and Terri 2005). An acceleration time series normalized based

on this approach is presented in Fig. 6 to serve as an example.

It is important to note that the normalized absolute acceleration values below 10% of the

maximum were not considered in the present analysis. These acceleration values are considered

sufficiently low that their contribution in determining Neq can be neglected without significant

error. A similar cut-off was adopted by Boulanger and Idriss (2004). Lee and Chan (1972) also

avoided the use of ground motions having A /│Amax│< 0.1 g in their study. They stated that the

use of these small ground motions would unnecessarily mask the significant trend between Neq

and earthquake magnitude. Seed et al. (1975), however, recommended neglecting the

acceleration values below 30% of the maximum in their analysis.

The code, in the next step, removes all the data points leaving only the positive and negative

peaks of the normalized acceleration time series; the normalized acceleration time series with

positive and negative peaks derived from the time history in Fig. 6 are shown in Fig. 7. At this

point, the user can input the exponent-b value and the reference stress level (CSRref) required to

compute the Neq. Seed and Idriss (1971) and Seed et al. (1975) suggested to use a reference stress

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level (CSRref) at 65% of CSRmax and this reference CSR has been used for all the Neq

computations in this paper.

In the final step, the code computes the equivalent number of uniform stress cycles at the
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reference stress level by summing the corresponding absolute value for each peak (e.g., as shown

in Fig. 7) considered as a half cycle as shown in the equation below,

[( ]
CSRi b

│(|CSR |)│
1 i = all peaks max
Neq = ∑
2 i=1 CSRref [4]

As a way of cross-checking and verifying, the modified code was executed to reproduce the

previous results by Boulanger and Idriss (2004) using the same exponent-b values, CSRref, and

earthquake ground motions. The derived relationship between Mw and Neq from this study are

compared with those from Boulanger and Idriss (2004) in Fig. 8. For example, at Mw = 7.5,

Boulanger and Idriss (2004) estimated the equivalent number of uniform cycles for sand

(exponent-b = 0.337) to be 16.2 and for clay (exponent-b = 0.135) to be 30.8. At the same

magnitude, after exponential curve fitting, the algorithm used herein estimated the equivalent

number of uniform cycles for sand as 16.0 and for clay as 30.5. The small discrepancies in the

estimated Neq are believed to be due to some earthquake ground motions that were substituted for

the verification run. Nonetheless, the closeness in the estimated results confirmed that the new

code is performing to meet the intended purpose.

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Results and discussion

Using the approach defined above, the Neq values were derived for each of the available ground
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surface accelerograms, using the corresponding exponent-b values for different soil types

computed from the UBC experimental data as well as from available literature (for comparison).

An exponential trendline that would best-fit the generated data points was considered to obtain

the Neq versus Mw relationships.

Both the horizontal components of ground motions corresponding to a given earthquake event

were used as two separate input time histories in these computations; the vertical component of

the motion was not included. No consistent pattern was recognized in the computed values of Neq

between the two horizontal components of ground motion, and as such, both the derived Neq

values were used to derive the relationship between Neq and Mw.

The overall findings from this study are summarized in the following sections.

Effect of the selected Mw range on the Neq versus Mw relationships

The Neq versus Mw relationships derived for clean sand (exponent-b value = 0.337), clay

(exponent-b value = 0.135), and Fraser River Delta silt (exponent-b value = 0.154) are shown in

Figs. 9 through 11, respectively. Fig. 9 presents the curves with the data points to get an

appreciation for the scatter. Figs. 10 and 11 have been plotted without the data points for clarity.

It is important to be mindful of the effects this scatter has on these “curve-fitted” relationships

when they are chosen for engineering analysis and design.

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In a given figure, the best-fit curves obtained for Neq versus Mw relationships considering

different Mw ranges (of 7 < Mw < 8, 7 < Mw ≤ 9, and 5 < Mw ≤ 9) are depicted. The Neq versus

Mw relationships derived for all soil types are found to be sensitive to the different earthquake

magnitude range considered in the curve fitting exercise. Table 3 presents the Neq computed from
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the trend lines at Mw = 7.5 for different soil types. It is of value to note that the difference in the

Neq values obtained at Mw = 7.5 for a given soil-type are not significant for the curves drawn

with the magnitude ranges 7 < Mw < 8 and 7 < Mw ≤ 9, however, for the magnitude range 5 < Mw

≤ 9 the computed Neq values at Mw = 7.5 seems to higher for a given soil-type.

In spite of considerable scatter in the data (see Fig. 9), as expected, the general trend suggests

that Neq would increase with increasing Mw regardless of the soil type or the chosen magnitude

range. This correlation is also consistent with the findings from the previous researchers (e.g.,

Lee and Chan 1972; Seed et al. 1975; Idriss 1999; Boulanger and Idriss 2004, 2015).

As per Figs. 9 through 11, the current study predicts a lower rate of increase in the Neq with

respect to Mw when the earthquake magnitude range between 5 < Mw ≤ 9 is considered in

drawing the trend curve when compared with that for the 7 < Mw < 8 range. For clays (exponent-

b = 0.135), the lower rate of increase in the Neq values for magnitude range 5-9 could be

observed more prominently (see Fig. 10). In other words, the inclusion of subduction zone

ground motion with Mw > 8 in developing the Neq versus Mw correlation reduces the rate at

which Neq increase with Mw.

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Effect of soil type (exponent-b) on equivalent number of uniform cycles

It is of interest to further examine the effect of different soil types (i.e., exponent-b values) on the
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Neq versus Mw relationships as shown in Fig. 12. The curves shown in Fig. 12 were obtained by

exponential curve-fitting for the Neq values derived for the earthquake magnitude range 5 < Mw ≤


The trend from the fitted curves suggests that for a given earthquake magnitude, the value of

Neq would generally decrease with increasing exponent-b value. Again, as expected, for all soil

types, the Neq would increase gradually with increasing earthquake magnitude. Clearly, the

strong dependency of the Neq - Mw relationship to the soil types is well illustrated.

In Fig. 13, the effect of exponent-b value on Neq from this study is compared with the results

from Kishida and Tsai (2014) and Boulanger and Idriss (2015), for the case of Mw = 7.5. As may

be noted, the values derived from this study match well with the mean values estimated by

Kishida and Tsai (2014), and they are slightly higher than those predicted by Boulanger and

Idriss (2015). The values for Neq for Mw = 7.5 decreased progressively and approached a

relatively constant value asymptotically with increasing exponent-b value.

It is of practical interest herein to examine the variation of Neq with the exponent-b for

different Mw levels as shown in Fig. 14. For example, this will allow the estimation of

approximate values of Neq for different design earthquakes corresponding to a particular soil type

in analysis.

The data from the present study also provides an opportunity to explore the potential

relationship between the index properties of the fine-grained soils from this study with the

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exponent-b parameter. Fig. 15(a) and 15(b) shows the variation of exponent-b values with the

plasticity index (PI) and fines content, respectively, of different soil types from the present study.

The same relationship examined previously by Dahl (2011), considering cyclic DSS test data on

a range of plastic natural fine-grained soils, are also superimposed on Fig. 15(a) and 15(b) for
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comparison purposes. Using this work by Dahl (2011), Boulanger and Idriss (2014) identified

that the average slope of the weighting curve for “clay-like” fine-grained soils could vary

between 0.1 to 0.135 for fines content ranging from 45% to 100% and plasticity index from 2 to

30. Evaluating the data from the present study, it appears that the exponent-b parameter of Fraser

River Delta silt (exponent-b = 0.154, PI = 4.1, fines content = 94%) is above the range identified

by Boulanger and Idriss (2014) for “clay-like” fine-grained soils but below than the “sand-like”

soils (exponent-b = 0.337). The other two fine-grained soils from the present study, the

Serpentine River sediments (exponent-b = 0.118, PI = 7, fines content = 98%) and the Kitimat

clay (exponent-b = 0.129, PI = 17, fines content = 100%), are within the general trend identified

by Boulanger and Idriss (2014) for “clay-like” fine-grained soils.

Fig. 15 (c through g) displays the variation of exponent-b parameter with the liquid limit (LL),

activity, water content to liquid limit ratio (Wc/LL), plastic limit (PL), and clay fraction,

respectively, of different soil types from the present study. As notable from Fig. 15(c), 15(d), and

15(e), the exponent-b parameter seems to decrease with increasing liquid limit (LL) and activity

[PI / clay fraction (%)] while it appears to increase with increasing (Wc/LL) of the soil types used

in this study. No definitive trend was noticeable for the exponent-b parameter with plastic limit

and clay content of the soil types used [Fig. 15(f) and 15(g)]. These observations made are based

on the data generated from limited number of soil types and more testing of other natural fine-

grained soils is required to arrive at robust conclusions.

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Neq versus Mw relationships for clean sand from different approaches

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The computed values of Neq from this study for clean sands (exponent-b value = 0.337 and 5 <

Mw ≤ 9) are compared in Fig. 16 with those from previous studies by Idriss (1999), Liu et al.

(2001), Boulanger and Idriss (2004), and Kishida and Tsai (2014). The assessed Neq values from

the present study lie in-between the values suggested by Liu et al. (2001) and Kishida and Tsai

(2014) for 5 < Mw < 8, and slightly higher than those proposed by Boulanger and Idriss (2004)

considering 7 < Mw < 8. Beyond this magnitude range (i.e., for Mw > 8), the current study would

estimate lower Neq values when compared with those extrapolated from studies by Idriss (1999),

Liu et al. (2001), Boulanger and Idriss (2004), and Kishida and Tsai (2014).

Implications for magnitude scaling factor

Using the computed values of Neq versus Mw from this study for different soil types

(considering different exponent-b values determined for the range 5 < Mw ≤ 9 as shown in Fig.

12), the values of MSF could be estimated as per Idriss and Boulanger (2008). Fig. 17 presents

the variation of MSF against Mw derived for clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337) and clay

(exponent-b = 0.135), and other low-plastic fine-grained soils from the present study. The MSF

curves derived from this study have slightly less steep curves than those derived by Kishida and

Tsai (2014) and Boulanger and Idriss (2015). The MSF versus Mw curve derived for low-plastic

Fraser River Delta silt lies in-between the MSF curves derived for clean sand and clay, in turn,

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resonating with the inferences that have been made that the silt behavior can neither be

considered sand-like nor clay-like.

Boulanger and Idriss (2015) used a total of 42 shallow crustal ground motions ranging from
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18

magnitude 7 < Mw < 8 to derive Neq versus Mw relationships for clean sand and the magnitude

scaling factors (MSFs) that are commonly used in the routine field-based liquefaction triggering

analysis. Using the computed values of Neq versus Mw from this study for clean sand (exponent-b

value = 0.337 for the range 5 < Mw ≤ 9 as shown in Fig. 16), the values of MSF could be

estimated. Fig. 18 compares these MSF values with those from Idriss (1999), Liu et al. (2001),

Boulanger and Idriss (2004, 2015), Cetin et al. (2004), and Kishida and Tsai (2014) for sand. As

may be noted, the effect of the differences in the Neq versus Mw relationships on the MSF values

are clearly visible; the MSF relationship for clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337) from this study

(taking into account the latest subduction ground motions) is less steep when compared with the

extrapolated MSF relationship by Boulanger and Idriss (2004, 2015).


The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw) relationships

for liquefaction assessment was examined for fine-grained soils using time-histories ranging

from 5 < Mw ≤ 9; the strong ground motion time histories from latest subduction zone

earthquakes (Mw > 8.0) were specifically included. The experimental database available from

cyclic direct simple shear (DSS) tests conducted on natural fine-grained soils retrieved from

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undisturbed soil sampling established at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

was used to obtain the cyclic shear resistance weighting curves for the study.

The effect of the considered earthquake magnitude range and soil type on the Neq versus Mw
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relations were examined. For a given earthquake magnitude, Neq values were found to decrease

with increasing “slope” of the laboratory cyclic shear resistance curves (i.e., exponent-b value of

the weighting curve) revealing a strong dependency of Neq on different soil types.

It was found that the exponent-b parameter of Fraser River Delta silt was above the general

range of exponent-b values identified by Boulanger and Idriss (2014) for “clay-like” fine-grained

soils but less than “sand-like” soil (exponent-b = 0.337). As such, the MSF-Mw curve derived for

low-plastic Fraser River Delta silt lies in-between the MSF curves derived for clean sand and

clay, resonating with the inferences that have been made that the silt behavior can neither be

considered sand-like nor clay-like.

The work presented herein has contributed to further improving the current models used to

represent magnitude scaling effects in liquefaction assessments. In particular, the outcomes

provide insight into the MSF values for large earthquake magnitudes and the functional

dependency of this parameter on soil type.

The MSF relationship for clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337) from this study (taking into

account the latest subduction ground motions) is less steep when compared with the extrapolated

MSF relationship by Boulanger and Idriss (2004, 2015). It is important to note that these MSF

relations are based on Neq versus Mw relationships developed by curve-fitting to results from

analyses that provides a significant scatter.

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Experimental data presented and used for the analysis in this study were developed from the
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cyclic DSS tests conducted in the geotechnical research laboratory facility at the University of

British Columbia by M. V. Sanin, and A. N. Soysa as a part of their graduate research work

under the supervision of the third author. We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Ross

W. Boulanger, Professor, Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, University of

California, Davis for generously providing the Mathcad computer code in support of this study.

The research funding provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada (NSERC) is also gratefully acknowledged.


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List of symbols

Neq = equivalent number of uniform cycles

Mw = earthquake magnitude
NL = number of loading cycles to reach a single amplitude horizontal shear strain of 3.75%
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γ = single amplitude horizontal shear strain

τcyc = constant amplitude of sinusoidal loading
σ'v0 = initial vertical effective confining stress
Gs = specific gravity
Wc = water content
A = acceleration at ground surface
Amax = maximum acceleration value at ground surface

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List of abbreviations

CESMD = Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data

CRR = Cyclic resistance ratio
CSR = Cyclic stress ratio
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CSRref = reference stress level

CSRmax = maximum induced cyclic stress ratio
DSS = Direct simple shear
LL = Liquid limit
MSF = Magnitude scaling factor
NGI = Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
PEER = Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research
PI = Plasticity index
PL = Plastic limit
UBC = University of British Columbia

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List of tables

(exponent-b values).
Table 2. List of earthquake ground motions used in this study.
Table 1. Index parameters of fine-grained soils used in this study.

Table 3. Neq computed from the trend lines at selected Mw = 7.5 for different soil types
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List of figures

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of fine-grained soils considered in this study.

Fig. 2. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed
specimens prepared from normally consolidated Fraser River Delta silt at various initial
confining stress levels – extracted from Sanin (2010).
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Fig. 3. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed
specimens prepared from normally consolidated Kitimat clay at σ'v0 = 80 kPa – extracted from
Sanin (2010).

Fig. 4. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed
specimens prepared from normally consolidated natural silt – extracted from Soysa (2015).

Fig. 5. Flowchart of the algorithm used to determine Neq in this study.

Fig. 6. An example of a normalized acceleration time history – 2002 Denali Earthquake, Alaska
(Mw = 7.9) K204 Station (360°) – downloaded from PEER database (

Fig. 7. An example of a normalized acceleration time history with positive and negative peaks
after neglecting the amplitudes less than 10% of │Amax│for the time history shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 8. Relationship between Mw and Neq from this study (left) compared with the results
obtained by Boulanger and Idriss (2004) (right). (Note: Nsand = Neq computed for sand with
exponent-b = 0.337 and Nclay = Neq computed for clay with exponent-b = 0.135).

Fig. 9. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw)
relationships derived for clean sand (exponent-b value = 0.337) considering different magnitude

Fig. 10. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw)
relationships derived for clay (exponent-b value = 0.135) considering different magnitude

Fig. 11. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw)
relationships derived for Fraser River Delta silt (exponent-b value = 0.154) considering different
magnitude ranges.

Fig. 12. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw)
relationships derived for different soil types (shown by different exponent-b values) considering
5 < Mw ≤ 9 range.

Fig. 13. The effect of exponent-b on the equivalent number of uniform cycles for earthquake
magnitude Mw = 7.5 considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.

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Fig. 14. The Neq and exponent-b relationship developed for various earthquake magnitude
considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.

Fig. 15. Variation of exponent-b parameter with index properties of the fine-grained soils from
this study.

Fig. 16. Neq versus Mw relationships for clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337) from different
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Fig. 17. Variation of magnitude scaling factors against earthquake magnitude for clean sand,
clay, and other low-plastic fine-grained soils considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.

Fig. 18. The variation of magnitude scaling factors against earthquake magnitude for sand.

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Table 1. Index parameters of fine-grained soils used in this study.

Fraser River Delta silt Kitimat clay Serpentine River sediments
Soil Property
(Sanin 2010) (Sanin 2010) (Soysa 2015)
Water Content, Wc (%) 35 – 40 35 -38 38 – 53
Liquid Limit, LL (%) 30.4a 37a 41a
Plastic Limit, PL (%) 26.3a 10a 34a
Plasticity Index, PI (%) 4.1a 17a 7a
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Unified Soil Classification ML CL ML

Specific Gravity, Gs 2.69 2.70 2.77
a – average values
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Table 2. List of earthquake ground motions used in this study.

Number of Site-to-source
Earthquake (year of occurrence) Mw
Stations* Distance# (km)
Imperial Valley-07 (1979) 5.01 16 10 – 50
San Francisco (1957) 5.28 1 11
Lytle Creek (1970) 5.33 9 12 – 104
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Point Mugu (1973) 5.65 1 18

Coyote Lake (1979) 5.74 10 3 – 21
Livermore-01 (1980) 5.8 4 17 – 36
Oroville (1975) 5.89 1 8
Norcia, Italy (1979) 5.9 3 4 – 32
Friuli, Italy-02 (1976) 5.91 4 11 – 42
Santa Barbara (1978) 5.92 1 27
Parkfield (1966) 6.19 4 9 – 18
Managua, Nicaragua-01 (1972) 6.24 1 4
Friuli, Italy-01 (1976) 6.5 4 33 – 103
San Fernando (1971) 6.61 35 1 – 194
Borrego Mtn (1968) 6.63 1 129
Cape Mendocino, CA (1992) 7.1 2 16 – 42
Hector Mine, CA (1999) 7.13 2 56 – 66
Duzce, Turkey (1999) 7.14 6 6 – 169
Calidran, Turkey (1976) 7.21 1 51
Landers, California (1992) 7.28 9 21 – 90
SMART1(45) (1986) 7.3 2 39
Tabas, Iran (1978) 7.35 2 2 – 14
Kern Country, California (1952) 7.36 1 115
Manjil, Iran (1990) 7.37 6 50 – 175
Kocaeli, Turkey (1999) 7.51 7 4 – 146
St. Elias, Alaska (1979) 7.54 2 5 – 72
Chi-Chi, Taiwan (1999) 7.62 12 12 – 102
Denali, Alaska (2002) 7.9 4 43 – 140
Chile Iquique Offshore (2014) 8.2 1 170
Chile Earthquake (2010) 8.8 6 69 – 171
Tohoku Earthquake (2011) 9 47 75 – 196
* - Two horizontal components of the ground motions per station;
# - Site-to-Source distance range
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Table 3. Neq computed from the trend lines at selected Mw = 7.5 for different soil types (exponent-b
Mw Range
Soil Type
7 < Mw < 8 7 < Mw ≤ 9 5 < Mw ≤ 9
Clean sand (b = 0.337) * 15.0 15.0 18.0
Clays (b = 0.135) * 29.4 29.0 32.0
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Fraser River Delta silt (b = 0.154) # 22.6 22.6 25.2

* - exponent-b values as suggested by Boulanger and Idriss (2004);
# - exponent-b values from this study
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Percent Finer (%)






Particle Size (mm)
Delta Silt

Fraser River

Kitimat Clay


Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of fine-grained soils considered in this study.

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Cyclic Stress Ratio [τcyc /σ'v0], CSR

85 kPa
0.3 200 kPa
300 kPa
400 kPa
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exponent-b = 0.154

0.1 1 10 100 1000
Number of Loading Cycles for γ = 3.75%, NL

Fig. 2. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed
specimens prepared from normally consolidated Fraser River Delta silt at various initial
confining stress levels – extracted from Sanin (2010).

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Cyclic Stress Ratio [τcyc /σ'v0], CSR

80 kPa


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exponent-b = 0.129

0.1 1 10 100 1000
Number of Loading Cycles for γ = 3.75%, NL

Fig. 3. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on undisturbed
specimens prepared from normally consolidated Kitimat clay at σ'v0 = 80 kPa – extracted from
Sanin (2010).

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Cyclic Stress Ratio [τcyc /σ'v0], CSR



Soysa (2015).
Number of Loading Cycles for γ = 3.75%, NL
200 kPa
150 kPa
100 kPa

exponent-b = 0.118


Fig. 4. Cyclic stress ratio versus NL from constant-volume cyclic DSS tests on
undisturbed specimens prepared from normally consolidated natural silt – extracted from

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Fig. 5. Flowchart of the algorithm used to determine Neq in this study.

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Normalized Ground
Acceleration, (A /│Amax│)


Time (seconds)


Alaska (Mw = 7.9) K204 Station (360°) – downloaded from PEER database
Fig. 6. An example of a normalized acceleration time history – 2002 Denali Earthquake,

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Normalized Ground
Acceleration (A /│Amax│)



shown in Fig. 6.
Time (seconds)
Positive Peaks
Negative Peaks


peaks after neglecting the amplitudes less than 10% of │Amax│ for the time history
Fig. 7. An example of a normalized acceleration time history with positive and negative

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7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw


7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 8. Relationship between Mw and Neq from this study (left) compared with the results obtained
by Boulanger and Idriss (2004) (right). (Note: Nsand = Neq computed for sand with exponent-b =
0.337 and Nclay = Neq computed for clay with exponent-b = 0.135).

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Expon. w≤ 9
5 < M(Magnitude 5-9)

Equivalent Number of Uniform

7 < M(Magnitude
Expon. w< 8 7-8)
40 Expon. w≤ 9
7 < M(Magnitude 7-9)

Cycles, Neq
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5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 9. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude (Mw)
relationships derived for clean sand (exponent-b value = 0.337) considering different
magnitude ranges.

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Expon. w
5 < M(Magnitude 5 to 9)

Equivalent Number of Uniorm

7 < M(Magnitude
Expon. w
< 8 7-8)
Expon. w
≤ 9
7 < M(Magnitude 7 to 9)

Cycles, Neq
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5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 10. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude
(Mw) relationships derived for clay (exponent-b value = 0.135) considering different
magnitude ranges.

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Expon. ≤9
5 < M(Magnitude 5 to 9)

Equivalent Number of Uniform

45 w
7 < M(Magnitude
Expon. w
<8 7-8)
Expon. w
7 < M(Magnitude 7 to 9)

Cycles, Neq
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5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 11. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude
(Mw) relationships derived for Fraser River Delta silt (exponent-b value = 0.154)
considering different magnitude ranges.

Page 43 of 49
For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.

Expon. (Natural
Serpentine Siltsediments
River (b = 0.118) UBC experimental
(exponent-b database)
= 0.118) UBC data

Equivalent Number of Uniform

Expon. (Kitimat
Kitimat Clay (b = 0.129)
clay (exponent-b UBC
= 0.129) UBCexperimental
data database)
80 Expon. (Clay (b = 0.135)
Clay (exponent-b Boulanger
= 0.135) andand
Boulanger Idriss 2015)
Idriss (2004)
Expon. River Delta
Riversilt (exponent-b
Delta = 0.154)
Silt (b =0.154) UBC UBC data
experimental database)
Clean (Sand
Expon. sand (exponent-b = 0.337) Boulanger
(b = 0.337) Boulanger and Idrissand Idriss (2004)

Cycles, Neq
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18

CSRref = 0.65(CSRmax)
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 12. The equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) versus earthquake magnitude
(Mw) relationships derived for different soil types (shown by different exponent-b
values) considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9 range.

Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18
For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.

Equivalent Number of Uniform

Cycles, Neq



This Study


magnitude, Mw = 7.5 considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.

Kishida and Tsai (2014)
Boulanger and Idriss (2015)


Fig. 13. The effect of exponent-b on the equivalent number of uniform cycles for earthquake

Page 44 of 49
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For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record. Page 45 of 49

Equivalent Number of Uniform

Cycles, Neq



considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.
Magnitude 9.0
Magnitude 8.0
Magnitude 7.5
Magnitude 7.0
Magnitude 6.0
Magnitude 5.0


Fig. 14. The Neq and exponent-b relationship developed for various earthquake magnitude

For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record. Page 46 of 49

0.2 0.2 0.2

(a) (b) (c)
Exponent-b 0.16 0.16 0.16

0.12 0.12 0.12

0.08 0.08 0.08

Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18

0.04 This study 0.04 This Study

This Study 0.04
Dahl (2011) Series2
Dahl (2011) Series1
This Study
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 50 100 0 20 40 60
Plasticity Index, PI Fines Content (%) Liquid Limit, LL (%)
0.2 0.2 0.2
(d) (e) (f)
0.16 0.16 0.16

0.12 0.12 0.12

0.08 0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04 0.04

This Study Series1
This Study Series1
This Study
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 10 20 30 40
Activity Wc/LL Plastic Limit, PL (%)



This Study
0 20 40 60
Clay Fraction (%)

Fig. 15. Variation of exponent-b parameter with index properties of the fine-grained soils from this study.

Page 47 of 49
For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.

Kishida and
andTsai (2014)
Tsai (2014)
70 Idriss

Equivalent Number of Uniform Cycles, Neq

Liuet et
Expon. (This (410
This Study Studytime
Ground Motions))
60 Expon. (Boulanger
Boulanger and (2004)
and Idriss Idriss (2004))

Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18





4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 16. Neq versus Mw relationships for clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337) from different approaches.

For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record. Page 48 of 49

Clean sand (exponent-b = 0.337)
1.5 Fraser River Delta Silt (exponent-b = 0.154)
Clay (exponent-b = 0.135)
1.4 Serpentine River sediments (exponent-b = 0.118)

Magnitude Scaling Factor, MSF


Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18





5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 17. Variation of magnitude scaling factors against earthquake magnitude for clean sand,
clay, and other low-plastic fine-grained soils considering 5 < Mw ≤ 9.

Page 49 of 49
For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted manuscript prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from the final official version of record.

This study (exponent-b = 0.337); 5 < Mw ≤ 9
Idriss (1999); 5 < Mw < 8.5
Liu et al. (2001); 4.7 < Mw < 7.6
2 Boulanger and Idriss (2004); 7 < Mw < 8
Cetin et al. (2004); 5 < Mw < 8
Magnitude Scaling Factor, MSF

Kishida and Tsai (2014); 4 < Mw < 8

1.5 Boulanger and Idriss (2015); 7 < Mw < 8
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND on 12/01/18


5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Earthquake Magnitude, Mw

Fig. 18. The variation of magnitude scaling factors against earthquake magnitude for sand.


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