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JOBS! RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS 1951 GOVERNMENT and other Start ashighas$3,450 a Year (Veterans Get Specel Preference) Get Ready New for 1951 Examinctions City Mail Corriers, Post Office Clerks Clerks and Carriers now get $2,870.00 the first year of regular employment and automistically increase $100 year to $3,070.00. Open to Men— Women 18 to 50 Gierks and Carriers can be promoted to other postal positions paying as Bigh as $7,670.00. Railway Postal Clerks Railway Postal Clerks get $3,170.00 the first year of regular employment, being paid on the first, and fifteenth of each moiith. ($132.08 each pay day.) Their pay 1s automaticelly increased yearly to $3,670.00. Ad~ Vahice may be had to Ghief Clerk at $5,070.00 a year, Male Veterans only. “UNCLE SAN" 1 re TRAVEL FOR Ma 3 Days On ~ 3 Days Off — Full Poy Railway Postal Clerks on long rung usually work 3 aays and have 3 days of duty-oF in the same propor- {fon During’ thls off duty’ thelr pay consinues Just as {fotich' they ‘were ‘working. “They travel on pass hen on business, When they grow old, they are re= fred with '@ pension. Many Other Positions Many other positions are obtainable. Rural Carriers — Menograptiers-“‘Typinte “Patrol Inspectors —~ Assist ant Statistical Clerks—eve, ‘Those wishing these posl- Hons should qualify at once Get Free List of Positions Fil out the following coupon. Tear st off and malt it today—NOW, at once. ne Although ot government controlled, this can result in your getting © big paid government Job. 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U.S. school Of Music, 11 NOT Brunswick Bidg., | ricase don't contuse New York 10. | our method ‘with any NS” Gard ‘years | ‘aems. elaiping ‘The progress T have made is thril- ing. "I'm on Lesson Seven and ng of “Litbie Butereup” Ike maestro. The course 1s easy snd Ta 'B, de, Harttord, Caectient. Learn in Spare Time at Home ana then they made an amazing auteateryt trney lentusd about e wort seat ey olen eae eee esas punts tekibee 2! itnak eas aes nee aa Se time rney wrste to ibe oe Bee ae att car ie tase Soot Hn eratiuae snore mehod ed Pape ee Hee eed paattow 7S! _T? feos a ; eam, | u, § scHoot oF music oor ngyresuat?, Over 850.- 1 Ti Gianaeick Mldga New Fork 10, N. Ehis Simple, A-B8-o" way. y AM itr uit eRe Ga re nee pom Row, allvevar the world: [ jeeasaatrMau af nami, tren ie Seen Bes Te aon me oe, ag sie By sea {Fick or nuntber system. have found good time, popularity and the "key (2 Plays After 2 Months mone # ti ee on 1 hesitated before senting for swur = tae 204 Course beraise of an earier sx. Costs Only Few Cents | Xi are enjoying the thrilling | Gutta ‘Trumpet Cort Satisfaction of creating Oraan their own music. Taey ‘Teme Banio ee ey Mandoun Bian’ Accordion UKeIete Marmeny Detlence ‘@ Day cr from And that’s what you pire. can do, right now. Get | the proof that you, 00, j cy Sta ’ ean Hearn ‘to play” your | SOirer reso are unore To year at wae, parent mu stg courant: H favorite instrument — ‘Actual pupils? names on requet. quickly, easily, in spare JANUARY 1951 35 . in full color, on any surface! y ables you to cash in on established business where Pr Hjup to $5.00 or more an hour are being made, right 47 leexamine complete Plan and equipment without risk? PEF 288, write today for tree sample — Complete free details! Send NOW? mark, picture, prin vroven new method CALIF, ACADEMY OF SCREEN PROCESS DEPT. 21, 5100 SO. VERMONT AVE., LOS ANGELES 37, CALIF. EXTRA INCOME THE YEAR ‘ROUND ‘YOU'LL CATCH BIGGER FISH SUE RN a POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS. 200 E. Ontario Street, Chicago 1d AT E. E. VROOMAN, rk == 5S Before you make any effort to mar- BE ket your invention, you should take the first steps toward proceeding for patent protection. ‘The usual first step is to have a search of the U. S. patent records con- ducted, so that I can report to you on the question of patentability. I shall be pleased to furnish you with information relative to patent proce- dure, upon request from you, and this will be without any obligation on your part. PATRICK D. BEAVERS (Formerly RANDOLPH & BEAVERS) Registered Patent Attorney 934 Columbian Building Se SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS "Proof of Invention™ Folder, mailed without Washington 1, D.C. TT al NVENTIONS Ww Cash-in on our connections with Prominent manufacturers and na= Honal distributors who come tous for new products, "We assist you ‘with your invention from idea stage through to developed prod= uct. Full Protection for you. Write for Booklet "P." ELO HOPMENT, co. ona LRSM om=Z> INC. Y. 36 INVENTORS IF YOU WISH TO PROTECT YOUR INVEN- TION, You should take steps to protect it by a _U. S. Patent. Write me for “RECORD OF INVENTION” form, CARL MILLER Disitasi tt wate eee ee Tad WOOLWORTH BLDG., 35th FLOOR, 11A NEW YORK CITY itr ' PATENT PATENTS fawira | BUSTAVE MILLER u.<’Si2eurs.seonner. "ATENT OFFICE 1922-1929 REGISTERED Patent Attorney and Advisor | PATENT ATronNEy US NAVY DEPT" 1900-1947 ATENTS ¢.A.SNOWE CO. REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEYS WRITE FOR INFORMATION TO 428 SNOW BunLDIRG, WASHINGTON 4, 0D, b. INVENTING FOR fi josiii casas ro mina PROFIT! fier Osi of ece eens he tarts aan aed INSTITUTE of AMERICAN INVENTORS Dent. 4, 631-E St, N.W., Washington 4, D. C. INVENTORS ‘Whether an invention 1s patentable ean be substantially determined by a search of the U. 8. Patent records, With- Out obligation, write for information explaining the steps YoU should take to secure @ patent, JOHN N. RANDOLPH Registered Patent Attorney 201 Columbian Building, Washington 1, D.C. POPULAR MECHANICS GEE what a build / Didr't it take a long prime to sales those muscles? No SIR! -ATLAS Makes Mscles Grow | Can Make YOU a New Man? attests!) a = Fe k Its Here's what ATLAS pears CHA did for ME! Here’s What Only 15 Minutes a Day Can Do For You DON'T eace how old oF young you are, wilh, When you deve your scength “iow: ashamed ot a fie, ew beautiful suit of muscle What's My Secret? Tension!” ‘That's the ticket! 1 . bive you no endgete contraptions Wo foch JANUARY 1951 37 Peas In the language of low-cost aa transportation CUSHMAN is THE “ig ey t lg word. It says everythi Plan purchase price—low upk: ery low operating cost—% cents per mile! You'll be money ahead and miles ahead to GO CUSHMAN this year. Get the facts now. Write DEPT. 1M at once for FREE illustrated literature. FREE! Folder Just Out. Pore cues Arty NEBRASKA IN 90 DAYS AT HOME Money-Making Career Open to Men and Women, 18 to 60 Hundreds of men and women between 18: $20 in elentifie Swedist ‘a big. demand fro ‘anaor dates earn latge full time thoes from these ‘n'thelr wn sities. Others mae good. tmoaed given In spare tine. rivate. ract capieted in 3 4 "Bezia Sour Anatomy Charts & Booklet FREE Enroll now and we. will iplude, at no extra exst, growing demand tor ‘Sena ‘the coupon at Baan cet ana State Conc act PRINT YOUR OWN POST CARD “The GEM STENCIL DUPLI- CATOR ‘saves money ;. gets resulis quickly! Hundred of tses for every type of busi nese and organisation. W Ship the GEM complete with all supplies, Guide Board for accurate printing and GO-page Book of ldeasacthe special low peice of only $8.50 (2 $13 value). Zg7ME A 7 ao ‘2st Year Use the GEM FREE at our expense! SEND NO. MONEY. Write and complete GEM outfic will be sent you postpaid, After ten days, send us onl $8.30 or return the GEM. You must besatishe: Dept. 48 UPTURED? Get Relief This Proven Way why try to worry along with trusses that gouge your ‘flesh—press heavily on hips and spine—enlarge open- ing—fail to hold rupture? You need the Cluthe. No | leg-straps or cutting belts. 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