Popular Mechanics 01 1951-10

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CUI aT) SAVE GAS ? ma Nn Ve MILLION OTT RL RY CS WITH HANDY U-FIX-IT SHOE REPAIR KIT THE AMAZING GANE FLOW IN YOUR CAR | NEEDLE! R “D Li EVERY bis Ti ins Ped td F SS) ON ING OF THE EARLIES” solid, scarlet fruit, disease heavy yielder, ideal for a a, oe ed.and Nursery Catalog. Fl ‘and copy of Seed and 5 : RLALSHUMWAY SEEDSMAN, Dip. 124, Toco, ILL, | and better performan: pee Pee rote * i “Zip thw precious stones ond minerals in © mate of econ Bier eee ‘tind, shape ond polish wih precsion. Makejowelr ond ether ite wihthipro- Tenionolmods sw. ot heey, NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH CORP., Dept. Ji MOVIE PROJECTION ait MANAGEMENT +++ .says Leonidas Burgoyne of Chicago, Illinois, “Expert individual instruction in the fuly equipped shops of Greer Shop Training gave me the right start to gel my good paying i GREER SHOP TRAINING. . established 1902, is one of America's largest trade schools. Over 48,000 suc- cessful graduates. You learn by teaiing own, repairing and rebuilding. Day and evening classes. Mail this coupon today! _Say You Saw It in Popular Mechanics Model Railroading is more fun GREER SHOP TRAINING, D Genilemen: Please send me checked below. (Speci iF you ‘211,460 5. Stte St. Chi ion about trade Ihave if /ET ED or NON-VET CL than you imagine, and less Hi our ciicaco Hors Casopy, Fenner rerar expensive than you think! 1 CV AvTO MECHANICS ([] WELDING—ARC, GAS 1 - vise Bo kacinast | © 250,000 peor can't be. wrons.. They Bo Gremicieanon Gh nano Tux 1 fg aving eal fun ith the word's ‘ove courses epproved for Vets ond Clone Packed beck that ls how simple is Taiso tHe FoLLowinG HOME sTuDY couRSES 1 {Gifs Pk, tog Dow tnpatnay le CO REFRIGERATION: bieset Crasncs g - Puy state, this boo. tl ew Nome ge consiruetive this hobby 1s. Enioyed aad Snyone trom 7 to 70. Send 100 toéay for your cops of “Model Ralireading for You,” written by & GREER SHOP TRAINING ff MODEL ALROADER MAGAZINE 44 POPULAR MECHANICS new, easy way to.. STRIPE with PAINT Do Perfect Paint Striping at Homo with Now Kind of PAINT STRIPING TOOL ‘This smizing new Paint Striping 7 ales teensy todo expert sttping ent Saeaedauntnt _ ONLY ai ines the sarme way a proes SOC aLe Simply il Tabular ATTENTION @ Home Craftsmen dunt, thn fol are wating for! Rew Ba ost Sales Co. 324, Marigt It’s FUN to do MAGIC Dept. BA, 190 5. Wabech, Chicags & end Tey Ltt i] Pays it Buca) @ Learn ot hom @ Tells How Watchmakers in big demand. You train step-by-step under experts. You learn to take a watch apart—repair and pat in Perfect working order. 10 easy lessons fe furnish all tools, and a 15 jeweled watch, Practicemovemnent with first lesson. Turn spare time into cash— gg dents 18 to 65 have profited by our training. Low cost. Write Today for All the Foctt—Ne Obligction perhaps a business of your éwn. A licensed school. Stu. B14, 2879 lston ave. WATCH REPAIRING ™ JANUARY 1951 WE TRAIN-YOU AT HOME FOR RADIO TELEVISION JOBS ots wih SECURITY. Big demand for Seed abe ee ee ee eae stdet your own business! Fastest growing industry in-the count LARGE SCREEN Fa ae nineti fae” {TELEVISION RECEIVER ‘YoU GET A ROUND TRIP To NEW YORK CITY Foe Sma "a; Meokocene Seah ia teresa [FAN BLSCOMYIRT S| bom wavy from any pont ia |F2NcStomcieire sion by RETA, At our afinted ‘NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ‘FREE EMPLOYMENT HELP 1 SOUL CXEUTOR ERTA helps you corn oP ance BETS ee eee nd a open your own shen. a AFT A WH LAT Soedal RPEED-HE™ nacio, Communiesions prosram hlns yout REVTER SERVICH WATING BETERR BRET You oan na Sach turn mall Sead Garpon RODAYE RADIO TELEVISION TRAINING ASSOCIATION 872 Broad Stroet, Dent. 241, Newark 1. MJ. Moneta ‘1 wile learn | ee RAISE CHINCHILLA RABBITS! FREE» honed foalet WRITE TODAY! Say You Saw It in — _POPULAR MECHANICS PY dish School PY eb ayo Many ish in 2 Years No classes. No time wasted going to and from school. Progress as fast as your time and abilities permit. ‘Standard H. §. textts supplied. ‘Thousands enroll each year in this 53-year-old school. Send for FREE de- Seriptive booklet. VAMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept His I Drexel at s0th St, chicage'37, | Without obligation, please send FREE descriptive Booklet Name. Sa es 45 Presents its NEW 1951 Line of Mammoth New 19%,-Inch Latay foe ara 0c) BUY pincer FROM THE MIDWEST Grane 2, Ohio a2) CAM ey Jave 30%,t0 407, on Your New Home. {] Handsome Big CATALOGUE LEWIS MANUFACTURING CO. 46 TAKE ORDERS for Nationally Advertised NYLONS|: GUARANTEED NINE MONTHS NEWCARS is much as inone week Bars Eas Veterans: Course approved for Veterans’ Training NEWSPAPER INSTITUTE OF AMERICA, | Tae Te 2:7.) AMERICAN TRADE SCHOOL = AY AMERICAN TRADE SCHOO /7// MN POPULAR MECHANICS $200 GROSS IN MY FREE BOOK! MAIL COUPON FIRST WEEK! | sercmzes ave ed UC eee a eg ness for YOUR OWN “atees| YoU will want to investizat opportunity” like. that honest and courteous. ae Siccacd in YOUR, OWN Every Machine Guaranteed and Easy to Own No Shop Necessary p the custom ich and highly effielent er ts Fostering Se bi « HOUSE, LAWN MARKERS oo: 7. ‘osm CRAFTPLANS ep Ph oT acoll 3 Orr tel SE TT pte PROFITS I with amazing, beautiful new PEARL finish we Marvelous new finish can be applied permanently to any #3) surface, siving a lovely, lustrous PEARL coating in beauti- ful colors to thousands of objects. YOU can start right in your own home WITHOUT ANY EXPERIENCE turn. ing out these lovely PROFITABLE things and make a BIG INCOME—up to $5.00 per hour to start, The market for PEARL-KOTE finishes is TREMENDOUS—in the ficld of baby shoes covering alone there are 5 million new cus- tomers every year. Don’t regulate your life to the other fellow's whim E YOUR OWN BOSS. Grasp this PPORTUNITY of a lifetime TODAY, Get all th E details right now SEND TODAY. Find out _for KOTE can do for you, x " A a IGA aviary i ee VT right to get tt FACTS stl z eERE 12111 W. Menchestor ‘Angeles 47, Colif FULL TIME | —BUT do it NOW 1 eee te PEARL-KOTE CO. pert [EIR 2111 W. MANCHESTER (RAS ee U a e ARe Ls City___zone__Stet JANUARY 1951 47 “My selling time actually shows me a profit of '20°'25H0UR with Science's New Midget Miracle, the PRESTO Fire Extinguisher 30) y of Montana. Many others “cleaning up’ — so can YOU! [IS is am mazing new kind of oi SER i ee, see ct PERE Sci meas foe Sa atte ‘Show it to owners of homes, cars, boats, farms, ete., and to stores for re- sale. Make good income. C. S. Melious made $175 in just first 5 days. C. Kama, $1,000 a month. Write for FREE sales Kit. No obligation. MERLITE INDUS- TRIES, Inc., Dept. Si, 201 East 16th St., New York 3, N.Y. IN CANADA: Mopa, Co., Inc., 371 Dowd St., Montreal 1, P. Q. Cif you want a regular Presto to wie as a demon fHrator, send $2.50. Money back If youl wish.) ee In Defense & In Industry Jewelry- Stone Setting “3 High-Paying Trades in 1 Career” Serve in Emergency — Profit in Industry Increasing needs in indusiry—defense—the trades—For Moroughly aimed’ men. Write for catalog and full information—also in- ‘quire about chronograph and correspo WATCHMAKING Engraving courses. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY KANSAS CITY SCHOOL OF WATCHMAKING 1218 Admiral Blvd. Kansas City 6, Missouri Please send me, without obligetion, compl formation on training in the above courses. eC 7 Boss Make Hundreds of $ Spare or Full Time Work NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Here is the ideal business with no previous fer blarspriced eauipmecnt to bug A besiacs that lit retura dollars for” the pennies you YOU CAN CAST ANYTHING ‘With Flexible Mold Making end Ornamental Easting, an amazing. fact-packed book, you de: n°oderus pester” taitation “masts of any other casting: material using ¢ mars Selous new progess, “ou can make ash tras Roveliies, garden ‘and lawn ornaments. and Hundreds 9f other mighly” profitable items mutch ‘oven, ake Urue-towife fulisiieed bass ‘of Sour Helghoors and friends NO EXPENSIVE MOLDS TO BUY | Yay buy high-priced molds trom others? y bow ou can. make Jour oWn, molds imitation ‘mardie fet cupyrichted formulas, complete inatruc= ong thd devaued nowsis-dorlt phovograpna | the Yew snexpentive matsrinis sau meee rhs che" only Book printed tn’ Ameries today Saat tontaine Instructions for making prot MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ‘tart on your road to extra sneome and ine dependendo today. Send only "600 far your Sepak Ride Mold Moking and Oraeoten cP" ctina:" Compete tatitaction giaran {cedar your money refunded: withis seven POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS, Depf.46 200 £. ONTARIO ST., CHICAGO 11, ILL. Nah TS TRAILER COACHES *° AUTO RACING © 4th Edition ° Inctutes elght working, drawings amumeme= ORDER ON COUPON ==eenenm POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS, Dept. 31, 200 E, Ont Remittance for 1 Chlcage B Atto Racing, ath Ealtion 5 Auto Racing, Sth Edition 48 i i a "5 ‘Check if Veteran G. |. Approved ADDEES: POPULAR MECHANICS

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