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val ko AEE ofanes fSquteed, Pree Pastelare, “Gunmetal Go, “Avenue TTummots ‘AUTO TRAILERS PREFABRICATED Tralers )21050. SHOMiaah ed, Gino A {SPIED Your own iralieg) Plans for ali despdo, unitate cntalog, 106. 125°, Wausau, Wisconsin. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES, MOTORSCOOTERS AND SUPPLIES MIDGET Racer, less motor $10; 1946 Whlzmet Gisz tna Gusninan 3b: James etoreycle $45: Indian 50; Smith mo- sheet $8; smotorbike” conversions $51.2 ‘engin $6, Fou baitoen tees 40 (Rall= ‘rier nly), Send 28¢ for catalogue Num Ber Talrey-itine Just out lusting tiese and Bundreds of other” bargains, th new Mid Used machines, parts, plans, War surplus, Ste. (ise by fies clnis mail). Midget MO- {ots Birectory. athens. Ohio. La usta, Harley, Lis Wings pin 28. Ballak, 811 N oth, Si. Lows So Mistourt MOTORGYCLE Magazine {ore Warldwi cgrerae., Zealy-sueritign 60, Same anteed, reconditioteg Keb. ew Orleans, Serviscyde Distribu- “WHIZZER In Schwing ime 20; j REBUILT Gasoline engi % ‘ssh.00, Cauttie! Moir Snaustetes, em Derance, Mich, ‘CYCLE Monthly moto a amagsrine, Koad tests technteal data for Slen and domestic.” Many’ iustrations. ‘Sdmpat copy aa. Oue seat $3.00. yds, iva, Los Angeles 99, ‘VELOCETTE Wins 1080 World Motor- nuh Sates la Sooked BW hh at Dey bax MAS Medel, si0n.t0 "0, hon Angeles: ‘Mail See ae 2 est Fico iva’ or Atwelen Callforaia puyele ant accumores send dling fF ist Bo, Michl- eae So, nerer tie Aacosmriinen Metco sa pee Peo ed fa Ed ae beac AVIATION | BOUD Eulett, Twister Dinlane. Draw i25:"rager mono Piss rawinas 3.0, Veenion W Pane, ga Tower Grove Ave., St. Louls 10, Mo. Roe eg ‘Pt. Worth, Texas. * a BATTERIES, GENERATORS BUILD From old 12 volt Dodie fener teh cio ate Hid alt ae. eed. “duntitions ‘Soo ‘Shien service, 132 P. Del Valle station ‘Ene Angeies 18, Call GENU[NE Edison tattorles. Light. Power Tea, Year guarantee Long’ fife Free literature Sas-day” Company. $00 ‘Tweth Avenue, Paterson, New Jerse. 54 POPULAR MECHANICS NICKEL Raison batteries, 374% to. 600 amoere hours sizes, “bong uicondlGonnd Bibra. “prot inuetesting ieratare. veley Sintth Co., Croton Falls 1, N.Y. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES TE ages, sere ba Ta wa. profitable buiiness--earn $20.00 aud sue Tua caecn aba hd a aa eet hae eet Se cere das gockelins Dena Be LAMP Paris—Sockels, wire, RAPS baieey pipes all parts) We ‘ Baio bage eaux wath chart Si ff Pirctiong SAOaP Clas, ae ee 17% TR, A See price, ‘Write ‘Mercury Electric Corpo- ‘Fallon, Tio Wyandotte, Kansas City 6, Mo, [SPREE Sed fer new catalog. Burgaing Eiubments or bud sour own kite Gaver ‘Snpesoe neapals” Attmnesa ‘wire, insulation. supplies Morton Elec Ti Service, Biaswend in AMPS —eiectrty el iam vay, Henn ete. Instructions 102 Rsher Lamp Seppe aE Haatern vemee e, Ee Haak oi Leu Ge BLE aeeige WET SRO inc WELDING, SOLDERING, PLATING ELECTROPLATING Salis and restifios, miitor Teslivering and chipped glass name: fe supplies. vonn Sprite, "V8, RHEOSTATS. 674 Ohm, 150 watt. $14.00 5. yal onty 81-96 prepaid. Don Eng eerie 3502. Huron st, Pontiac 16: Mich, RH genergiot Peo pear aia, Sei: Si iae Hebd welders, how icc, Troy. Ohio, Jae Oe See 4a GPa, Bar tart A, aay seg, Bead 7 oe Le aay, Gs SOILD Your ow’ 100. ampere Gace plating. recite ata low "cost, ‘Stank ‘Guawa, Ke ie i ‘BUY Direst from factory, Welding and culling equipment: Ait muito ean Ghent fepaivec” Established 1919. Box St, Hamitten, Onto RADIATOR Repaiting, closing, ree ane. "Hom to equip amalf'shop at Tow cor. Row? Guiy S90 portpald: Radistor Service, ‘McBain, Mich. * MACHINERY. TOOLS, SUP! ee GpRDele, wi otar andoe pe Fa feai'0, uke new # shigpn in "lth btrec Philadel: 1 TPEGISION, Share couplings O71 Srp. Fanwoad, New’ soreey WHF WATCHMAKER'S Lathe with Racine Tens st ois See fies arto ae MACHINES For, your shop. 1 Tathe ane, mile’ mazantae, St Dati “agrei0" "ado", O60, coed conten, “nk Adama” street, Boston “3 ‘All sles: Dises, rolls. bets. ‘pllguer brushes reflieg’ Gymhasiam Seale. oot "satiny ishing machines, Discomt, iaucual, Kansas City 10, Missouri. 2 x, Sade cLenae ROTA Myke aoe, Be 2b enon tetas as eae rat ae a Sa eae eee egal coe ca iain pelea eee ee ee ey, fron, bronge bearings’ s87-50, motor $15.0 ee es BE al eae ao a Yeriical hand, gon d0-e" wont dveteaive, ‘threaded 135° 7 Adapter recess, Other ebuces to U6 alan fier Write for quotalion and Yewe iftere- Babi Wala Gadd, Neseett Chuck co “AUGER. Bit, Sensational new design. See patoy be aavertcen On Sule Se ENGINES, MOTORS, DYNAMOS REBUILT Gasoline engines $9.00, $90ib0, Gnutnel botor Sndustries! ‘Stance, Mich. rn ‘Midwest oat Company, Menor Mlcwest ‘pany, Menomonee Falls, Ged Bap EY Chambers St, New York 7s Neyet “BUILD Yaur own champion speed boa Do'what hundieds of others are doing Beales cen tee el eo “EXPRESS Cruse oF open, wy, 37, peeabrintec into sk a ishoemay Sat ree iealda™ RiGemitn Sie" ecandasle, "Bay Sis otis Tae Bay Gus Sok ache "TWENTY Plywood boat plans $1.08. Gat= auop bon Bulalne passe he Nida, Hehe PUNE Bae STEERING ‘Wheels, windshield Peach sti, Towed” pee” amples rae Beco auie, oiaee Suites, 11 "Commonwealth, eats Ba, Sakae oA crim mag es fing company, Department D, Newark 2. New Jersey ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT, BODY BUILDING COURSES HOME Turkish bath, portable, collap- ible, inexpensive, Pree information. Per= Splsiog SGU" ans" eh Btret, Ne Soa es, Weight. snorease has now een developed. Se eae So ato Lee eel DneY eect aeing GE a eka ae eb te ‘three yolum« smplete $2.25. Variety a, ae, Gene oft nee, Paar mare waa Cours “Bead: TAXIDERMY MODERN Taxideqmist Marazine, Gzeen~ eld Genter 2,'N ¥. Devoted entirely to Photos," sriielen, “methods. ‘Yeut's oubscristion, 81.00 ‘BINOCULARS, TELESCOPES, MICROSCOPES, MAGNIFIERS Tongro ge am ere fae SR GA US sal Hee aha Bion ingivs ENEW Periscope heass—cmtain Zi = phamedt bats, Bosra i. Macs Bef Sit" Banta toca, santa Mons, esiNorain ‘MICROSCOPES, Pocket pen pe 7 Pee aie One at eae $9.98. Pubuic Sport Shops, 118, len Street, Siuthdeiohls 2 Penns WAR Surplus bargains, Binoculars, tele- scopes sextant, mifions of lenses, lees replete. obeteg aay gaia ie ‘or bh ‘Cit Bend Si.00 for Pie ae Jes nth de Bazndiea. umocclan, S050, Othert amasin eee gee, See GUNS!, Nothing but, guns! If you are atorerteg Me ila patent shodgud thaok™ Inet" ‘modern ‘and mtique. firearms! m= Send te in stamps for suiiple €opy 80-page ‘seu monty” magizine "The American, Ribeman.” exclusively fing! Nau ‘WANTED—Firearas ani emt aryrenends wat eis, Bon ‘Somptete description, prices." Garinger, ‘Bberty Center. ‘MOUNTED Maine deer heads. Fin jmiens for camp or den, $30.0 cash. Ed Howe. Coopers brilis $3" Mfsine cee eae a uns and Gunsmithing. plus eopy $0 ODMR? bere ‘ifinas “ARCHERS.” Maix_yowr ova vow hls winter for next Sunimer's eslarment, ae Hraslone bs Soils, THY’ Bronawan, _ RISHERMEN — Nake Four owp Siakeys qithiour mien Pee ulgstiated: Soak Reading tistrunent Co,, Box ¥8. Reade GUNS, Amanitign Tit, Set over Be. RS vigiarg kanes TOFREES' Crow busting IR RRTOT. gilline, Decoys. ‘Toad "Woodward, Lamar, ates ‘MOLDS — (Fo; —fahermay's ake PEN Ae PM teate AS oat Baise a agen ae sot iaa Stas, 1 00 PROFUSELY Taran pager diate tnd megernpots carey Saeees: ‘New “York 21 |AINS. Firearms, binocula war relies, Catalog 0c. Smith Firearms, Hunnemede, New Jersey. BOOKS On every subject, Written Tn Popul Mechanics famous eisy-to-under- eg, household repairs, me ‘ouldgor sborts, photocrapry. ame Dulldlig’ and many others, Also booklets Se aneciie toolce stntad ca‘algn tree Popular ‘Mechanies Press, 200°E. Ontario, Ghheato Mh Th. PETS—DOGS, BIRDS, RABBITS, HAMSTERS, ETC. NATURALISTS Catalog 100. Reptile paiein ae Cuarpeeyn a0, Suivira Spe ies, Topeka 51, Ki SAGE, Guirce ‘ples Movey_malers Bookie tee. Taye, “BAek,maperie, RAISE Southern bred rabbits. Bootlet sreoe Tayen. Rabbitry, ‘Hapeville. Georgia: IGREASE Yeu cone by ruin de SPSAUE You, ome bmg has gr dal eae Ha Oe Hira ater Pie fe rag ae Se iat, PLANTS, SEEDS. NURSERY AND § Bea viel f TPs. fe Ryoaee, Ser Eer'inettie; Hide ret REE tats wiki Tr asl FARMS, FARM LANDS, REAL ESTATE : ‘FLORIDA Haat, fshine, tru grow soe Siaere, isco. iow Ha Had 6, Pye, Union Bula $5 MONTALY Bui 10 sareq near fown puice elu free atm GE, "Ear doa Mo, ae coBIG. Piss winter catalog? Warm and eplintry Teal estate batgain, good pictur Imany states, easy” terms, taany equi Feed meludcas “Por ‘special “servic, eas Feiuiranents,” desired location. ‘United 5 See ae wenneee ‘Ranches. _ Washing pipneotar Monon ane, lon aed Dubois, brpepdabls crops: favorable or Which "state, J. W i ee ST eee oa fete oes Heat eres Ste hee ere Gace in Nib 9h Tarma country real wotate-free! Yahtes felons Si Pride Wat's ok Puan ‘FLORIDA. Lakes Gounty “Gevelopments Zit "NO Bonth la ational Forest, Many” pretty “lakes, streams, pavement. Worlg’e best bass fishing wonderful hint= Inet Seider tree: Moward Worker, DeLand, ESGAUH "Ci Maine aa ASTMONOMICAL Tescipes bose: ASTROROMICAY, CSI. epual ore kad ce sao tapen £180 23's act. to Bowes. i aes tnifieaton)” Gleey Yolon, Su ie Blene Beivice, Dept: BT. River: MRERLECTING Telcos, Grom: oinee Esembied 195.00. Giiarantzed ‘ob- Eeevatory slearmom, Free information Skyscope, 418 Pilth Avenue, New York 1 RACCOONS.Mincs. Bred females. Haby gkunis, “Catalog, aie. “Shady Pur Farm, ineitelé. Minesa CCTREATISE On Bresiing and Rail gees al pee ee Chicago 18, Tilinois. 7 ‘Det ‘brgeding stor avall~ fay from ‘us and” save igh advertizing costs, ‘Write for tree in= Emation-" agetiew Mami Colony, Newilela. ¥. 3 $1.00, Lake Ontario Mink Rabel, ‘Road, webster, N. “HAMSTER Speclei—One pair bamste ein Ae page Instruction manual market Florida. HOMESTTES — 6300 ments. California's ‘ines! garden tect Sn Morro" Bay's Wengert i Sehing Munting. boating, Gatling. Perle sail etveat wate. temperate climate, con sue Super. Me Saabs Obie. alliornia. " 0 POULTRY, FARM SUPPLIES BABY chicks, champion mated. 62 ya rieties,. 7 eroises,.Theensed thapected Plocdtisteg, “Rush postal large ealored ‘Donk, fre, Tow prices” Berrys Farm, Route 12. Glarside 10 ‘and Yello lor eae fam Waterford. How, prices Bie cata bug bargain catalog tzee, Brownacape Com: | Free"information, ‘Pat's Haister ‘Farm, | {tee- Pleasant Hatchery, Pleasant Til DEER CTA ince Mar von: | em ing, "Pats Binet Mo. ial eseo RS: | | MAKE Bis money! Rake Chinchlia ab- | KNOW How t raise poultry for prot, He | Se Pi ee eited ior taut bigs | Read Poultry industry: Brery laave pack Jour o4.00; | bts, Coan masvete supplied (or your De” | Bik: helphal Mists itd peveaeet cee SPORTING G00DS, GUNS, FisHING TACKLE, ARCHERY, TRAPPING TNEW! Free catalog. Complete, easy-to- ed Klay other fie fishing loday iimiine Fackle Go," Bepk 2. 908 tn Avenue, New York City 85. ‘WAR Surplus 2 gun a canting dot aiming’ pein can be'meunt? Sao rites $5.90 Surplus ‘Discriostors, Sas Yi_Pianicinton, atiiwautee, ‘Wis. 'GEND ie For list either, rifles, anima pion, shotguns, handguns. oF éend 266 for ali ter Prayseth's, ‘Willmar, Adan, Seliervilie 15. Penna TEARN Up to 400 monthly. Raine An- i fapelsle, “Bperlence ” unneeetsty. ool Brings $8 pound. Plenty. market Felder eet fs Nowa ‘SPORTSMEN: 30 Pointers, _sstin straignt cooners, “combination” hunters fibblt and for hounds. Reauonatle, Eis Fee Ramsey Grek’ Kennels, Ramey, Ho ‘Praclisal feginning po wuccessfal ral yf ribine, a¥ "page, finirated booklet Dime. American! "Breeders ‘Asso- Bin, pec, Sa See aa ‘Penna. MINE alsin information Tree, Gom= pate: Lace Supsrior Mink Fam, Bipedor, Wisconsin. atest articles op breeding, feed: Ing and management, “Subscribe ‘Sow. 1 Pearide, dgers one dolar foley she Seriptions 41°00 ‘poultry. Indust Bept. Pat, 110"doylsion St. Borton 18, RAISE Turkeys the new war. Write for seetatomtoe, caitlin boi ake $1,000 in your own backyard, Address Texailenal Turkey Institute, Dept. 8. Cor POULTRY Farmers, “broiler growers, tuntey”‘Falsers' teed. the nev" Americas Bouts Sourgel for lategtidows ahd erente Frypronty ag Monthy. if 38. "inerican Be seh Soueh Clark Chicago. JANUARY 1951 ROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS TURN Tour qpare tine ino cash, Make qeecieniser Bahia peeitahie rey omen pret” Ro euteishs ot fect tvts equated New 991 Se-page ruins figurines sd tee, ofl tiny one fers) bing gombounds and dewey at Tinilie Riot AlPatl iinds of odie foten piney.” fares, finials buses and ced. Speclal &page section shave 6 cristae ile fore Feauy to woseninie ‘ul tuy thle gel at eale—tnas roils” Hungeeds doing ic: You eat end Sse today for eatslog and. wholesale Drive list, ‘Hefundable first order” Gearon Gosr pep, So0-BI, 3T &. Delalies, Chie {RAISE Pheasants on the $100 week plan. Uependent “biee’ deta: Great Central SGuine Management System, Columbus 118, TINEA ag IN) On sore oe eta, Sereaee Ser are in GSP a failzed miltary training. Covers ‘Fatine secvice, ‘Dept. Ga," bortiand 13, Sregsn. ABW, Becird Beane Wille Hramer, 1309 South Cheyenne, Tulsa 14, Okial “FOREIGN EmpoymentConstrastion amen bullding trades, mechanien, helpers. tile a ‘workers interested ii forvien dtvelopmen” proiees. Pipe, nes ai yetlneries ete: Transporialion "and ‘cuarlera furnlaped: High wages. Lastings rms actively work rolects fa. ‘rable “persia Gull -Alrea Alaska, Cane ., South, Am ad “How to Make Money With pit desthpes smane mete ‘hundreds of suesesefal craftes agme Worksho MAKE Money wiih. Frog free! “Specialties Wouse, Wiiting START Owa business. Make polish cleaners, flavors, ete, Stop. Betatle tree Sten 100,000 NYLONS, Rayons, cottons, 6 patsy up, Sania razor blades, complet Hock, Ui, 2c" Swert Company. “Chatta- sak At haa TR GR pane tae, Meenae See Fareed ce reer Suancmonen Sr La oN neat SP ier aah cade Bek Pa TOM sa ST Da etn aE [oo on ay ain ari past, Seale Sale Teta ree fees ae iat opr teper Meee ao AL lias "atin eat ies Ee ae pent Sas Be Bitiia lel SRESILVER Miron at tame ‘80. Ideal Service, Parke Ri 100 Raseing Mlustratea “fiteralare free. Box 1002, New Orleans 1 56 POPULAR MECHANICS ei eee ona ie ae, rae tion” forms, ete St? sme” Riri, Peace ey tes Soo Wale Hontil T eee ee —< ener Pai raat Oats es ae usines. Amating sartruction-courae with formas, “8100. etpaids Nelkas Wor S6E"C" Cnieago 54. Tie cOEPISTS, Profitable Wares at hams tnvgematon 306: Soedabi“rodustries, Woot Elston Avenue, Ghicazo 30, Minoie. HAVE Pun! Make money] "Working with Weather" —St°page bouklt tlls how. ‘ble snformation “included: “Wildst-Cratt, 4s crosby. Chieago 10. MAKE Flexible molds] Gast_plaqies, Rooker. doocM Chestnut. Hantiten® Onis: nee erent 03°50. Texas. ee Sa Ta ae ae SE Tg Pony GTS TTS tuver\in Your pelghborhood and "earn Fa. for complete inktructions. ‘Worm Ranch, Hives Junction 2, ee we Tae ESR Stain in anda Shee ees $40.00, WEEKLY Made growing muah pom Gea iledDotnion patent BBigek, ree” spawn: | Roruy SP Yonge, ‘Toronto, Canada. ‘BOOKS, PERIODICALS, POSTCARDS so 2o3as tor yerly Hills, Calif. - EB neeer iCTURES Save Rarguch Suerte FSSTET ural Magacine Apeney, Grenada-ty Miss: SHONTERG| All cabjcis allan poses, Send rantet “Aslan ‘iavrence Ave, Charlestown 50, Mast, ‘WHAT Every Mason wants. We have aasonle books for Blue Lodge, Chapter ae fast FREE Novelty lists! 06 Police Ja-siteu,” (190 Main, Spring Valley, N.Y HARD-To-Find, Books supplied. Send wants. Pierce's, Winthrop. SELP-rspiaising Bibi Thustaied ir cular free. ‘Bor 445-P, Minneapolis, Minh. BOOKHUNTERS! All subjects. cend mst Jar HOOK Service, WO-P ast 118 MAGIC TRICKS. PUZZLES, JOKER NOVELTIES. MAGIC, ‘Tricks, Interesting Werature, supker Teard"trick Ios “ult Bilverton, 0: MAGIC Monthly. Year 256, Sample and ante ctsloge ren Mate Pactery, Aine PREG ret apd caion Woo. Targa ‘Magi, 606 80th Street, Brooklyn 9,8. yatic, Hindu ‘vase. Moitericus ‘sy mid-atn te ‘Sad 3.00, "Stratton Murrell ‘Prleks, Dept, Hs, €417 N. ith St, Phila deiphia 26, Penna. yemaine Howat ks, LEARN Magic, ventriloguism, mind- readin Wei tor nas und Se ee or ee “Bit PAGE Catalog, 1500 mayaition, Fee elif finmakern ‘gadgets. hobbies, sports, fdks, Jokes tinesavere” raciou athens int gO le Seinta Sith Ca: pany, Dept’ 318, Beizoit Aichlgn SESONPE From aay”tangtu seam onal Sees "wen Se prtetaaa SS ig aay wat EUECTIG Banu, xcitting Boas $00 TRICKS, "New 6 Pelee! Send only ‘iss for out tae ain tee god “awe fo Bietclang io pear Bipi tala fe fen dicate aes ‘Botglas Sinuiciand, Tessional page 1g eachide Of eat es So tel its Nob Detborn a Reruh Dese uals 00 acer Bima Eee os, Books, iaioe 100" a a STRGTS Tai, punch Boards. enters. Mobi Walnut, Phlindeioie |,28 CARD Tridks and qtalog 25e Sie dune Magic, Reval Su, Senos SS SUE WORLD'S. Larcest professional Beiadiy tulle cet ras aa a WN bene Peoria Bl (OLD STAMPS WANTED Will pay $100.00 cach for 1084 te snk stamnps, rosary” perf ee, uhutrated folders showin amici Vernon taker PR, Hist, ‘COINS, TOKENS, CURRENCY set asizeb auafter 31:00" eds quarto ist a Sat ant paren catalorae Se. Babe's, Bisontta Rie cot cams sane = aero ae ae 1860 conty, B86 cent” uncles SeoaeDR cee ot ae iad” BS had bend pr te Siok nko eetore 2 Wi fashington, D404, Boston, 100, DIFFERENT Coins. $9.00. 100 dit etent bilig sia.” coins ana bile, $36, ‘Siishn, ot #3, 8. ‘ati: Mo INDIANHEADS, 2) Different, si. ree ange ist pairray “Compan, Hye, TLUSTRATED Guin, collecting mation folder Je. Gewitt, S150" Shia 40: ‘OLD Money, wanted, Will pay if 10 PER" Yas Wh bart td Got ‘batfalo We pay cash premiams for May ipod ut rod to You. Numiamatic Dept. 20, Fort. Worth, ‘Texas, inion Clark. o raet Outen golechart ek Ba nine, and two yooden sickels, 100. Lat oid ASSORTED Indian pennies. $1.80: 682 Salambian half-doliar! ies ‘COINS Wanted. will pay up to $2000 for Bitton UY oo Hurd ootimisass Oho, FREE! Forelgn cain, tanknote and coin ealiectors ustiateg, catulox to approval Service palicants. Send 30 postage.” Tal fam Colfico, Speineneld 20, Mass eae ine Band PaeEe tage sisal sige "ult be delighted ita Ses or feng B. Max Meni 370 Goin csiabifament in 8. amare ‘ SPE CaP ae Bec Hla en Nora ‘Shultz, Sait Lake 9, Utal STAMP COLLECTING reg Book” fuuntateat ttre “RES ford, He, ‘GIANT “Approvals, BOGE, 306 2 "up. Beaute sets Wahi's ‘Ekenanee HivoB rarrayut, Cheago 31, Hi 100 DIFFERENT Pree, 10% discount on ail foprovals. Holstra Stamps, West Mid- Kenmore, Rien muaaine Guet scar SE Ia GR noe eee Brrraatinns ea 102, ‘Maine. 7 [FREE — Tistgted_ cation ord, 500 STAMPS For only lic) This mara moth value includes” alrmalis, pictorias: Bp te dhe eccht Rise, approvaie Beatie Stamp Company. Camden 80. New York: ZOUNDS! Ama Eee with approvals! Suscn, Visto, 2 Rn SG, wi quell approvals. ardel ‘Bower, Santa Pe, New Mexico ‘FIFTEEN Different old U.S._senk_for 106 to. ee ‘Applicants. Dotald Brune tr, bo5 8 Uuton Berect, bangnuter weEREE! ($10,000 Airmail! “Madnexscari Tieton Bareee, Seraey Che Re sersex: TRAINS! Tis! Tra train unge mad packet s08 tere ate ‘dept Mn Eaicar Bey adeee Benmore, “pane! Pree Thi af Tine Unled Sater Freterick, Bila Groen wire, Lanenster, AMAZING, i Siates ‘Otter! 300 United Ae, ode Se Ma atee gata ee Doe pal “applicants! IRE Hee, Riveie, Stamp Co. Camden. New York. fee, prafunty Hhusttaced Garelon Cae “uPREE 100 DIeIgaE 3OrIg up "Soudawartie Weston oe agente Penny appreval,eeeyonk (piensa RE pra Seale eee ey se aat aie Boe Bringese Blizabeth, Hitler, ee, £5 UE.U: isce eanige see tet Spee Me eet low, 740C Hegney, Bronx 96, N.Y: mate Beton, 330 Veneer = Sto i peers PT ror aA EAP : Seo 1 contains ot Seat “BELIEVE It or Hot 23 West indies stimp: are yours for the ask the Beautiful plcioriaia. yeh and. 200 Sehiuty, includiag free monthly magadine, Sa sete ee ee Pee ee rey age P Ba Genet iaseat, Giant Central, New Cocuiat Ei awy aera Rae woe Be ‘Approval Bargains. Write De- partment, Pat, Huet Tuner, Memphis 7, SCOREAN, War “asus 1 i, Knott, 404 East 76th ork SCARCE Bahawalpur sublee wi free 10 approval buyers. ‘Pymouth PF, Bell, Call, ‘REQUEST Fine used U.S. approvals also blocks,” Harold Holub, 18° Ee ig6th St, are "08, Meriden Gotnsticats Gouninemoratives, igre World wide anova ‘Wie, S00 Second, Prankiort, Onlo. RESON tee ati! lial “uit” DIEFERENT Worldwide, Se, Anproy- alge Stearns, Box 60-8, ‘SAN Marino —100 diferent cataloging jompAny SSPORTS Ber provals. Wirth, ‘STAMP. et, Bout as Tone thes Be ‘Norelentowa Goan. sine Guuy tree! SERB Sallsa, Pusudene, Call FREE Fumo honarcans tot "Fn aoa Forks ety ane: Presidential set s al of 06 stampy tre to css Ene a a aera, ta hove slamps and fan particulars, Soro slang ch 148 Nasa St BDL, New York. FREE, Five fordgn sete. stoi, ais2 Buna, Lousviie 10% ac, Jc, APPROVALS! | 12. coles'da'Rinewale, Dustaia st, Re Re bees jana ene, BEET fete eek SALE $88 Coeovasins dno, $1.00. Weatherby, Medina. Ohio. gga Herat Sai OUR Paes Sate, 8. ‘Bseine: Wisco one with Tres treet, Phila “TERRIFIC Approval ea fig, uteminee’s, od ‘ven “CBLNEW Zealynd md 35 Dulsh Tyaleg a gies “Ree ht ee Belenia, NY. z Srn0 FRANCE Ane CBonies RERPE TS. ulilean Sammy Go, “bitiston 306, AN Wl Row Yore 38. ¥. 8 gRereiem sad coins, Fr, sk. Vow, 100 DH. Brit Coins 10e wih | ~ 100 DIFFERENT From 00 differen; | Sige. isi EAlegheny, Philips prlaide approvals!” ‘Peldn, 1890 2. 88 gita,approval | 34, Bana. Eieveland Baio. (JUMBO, Plgmy. Wiempnd omer aueee "FRY Our quality approval, Hefergnees | | FREE Check list for tntemaonal AV- | lamps de. packed, excit= A wer EeSRp: "Raven “Andover, Ee He pass, ae Muntanicohae= | lealyraidersn appreraie Mimeure Bt yee ee 3 “andor Pete Pe aoe ear, Gao pone 01 ALL Different —Oniy i861 Beautiful collection: ives, triangles, y pages. Han, Abs. ais ston V7 2 gut eontury alumina, airmall. june ees, Ides Approvals. isa8 ‘Bast Hea et Wiss 3. " Set complete, Netheriande, Scout Bite Joan Fiutiaa, Chieage By, imate, a eTAMP. Matures teach, pospald ‘200 Australia, 160 raatl, 260 Betgium, 3sb ‘Denmark 252 Canada,” $0) Bullish,’ 350 Branco, "2000 rreiand, 600 Germany’ 40 aly, 300 Neher ns, Brilierind, 18 Mex fer, 15148 MéGee, Ki “SAPPROVALS. Bea send ate png. st "eo. Whe ‘complete sets, singles. Ward, oh belt Sal ‘NICARAGUAN, ‘Triangles 0 wiih ap: ie Bast Makcoon ae SaaS, Viger preen ean: fielé, Clistonnill Sta., Newark 8. NJ. RUSSIA 48, itferent, only. ici Ap is peldded, Sagi. Box 44, "mes quate Station, New York 16 = Too OLD U.S tata Tag, Si _Roash Stamps, 51 Chestnut, Mansfisid, Ohio. SURPRISINGLY, Delightfully, different approval service. "0. Ben, 0 samp EU, S exciaaivaly Glades ot Sox tol, Slant it” rida. tion Scimpmart, Hartiort agpoterale Rhewue, e861 Gti aver mireal 36, Canada, ae sels, al the. approvals ‘ We Sn Roe AERP fe ed Rew York 1 = - Corset, stamse Sina 19° Sour Fete eapy Galas itiidon stamp Co. Litton 9, Ni ‘PORTUGAL 0 Ditierent 106. Retien- ek etiglen Ave tie, Her York ovals ae fr Racin ea cee ae he gang Atle, Eada ert SPREE. Thuetaied Ti | covers. Jackson Stam} US. stamps, bs, Lewistown, Mont: ae ETE ek ia Ss ie eS Skee ie. aA aT de q "Box 862; GD. Ridings, ge ues, TUL, STAMPS, For eigen i eae SET SORES las abadenn 1 Eat ‘5. (1847) government, rele UNITED Stalag stamps nearly 100 yea gl, Hoougull set, other, fuataieae isan ont Wakoedas Bow 2728 iiesghte JANUARY 1951 3ST FREE Collection—Over 100 different stipe” of the. workescontmemoratives, Bila ince Boras, gttwrm al te aparoral Buyers: slso Scott fnternational “Albus STAMPS Wanted. Collections, gupll- ire Stun utock nl at Gana. de for printing; bay cuteient it bargain. Wh: pave sours wanted. Vantoy ‘Shick, Eebanoa, pen pubte sine ToT Ey Ba Wea Seer, f pee ee Bear uberis se wh Say’ Satgiaton.euagastiod ‘sae Bernie dead et | Sacer reas pera : ‘$2, Bell, Californie. ____________ | triangie, approval applicants, aM. | Bays, | soldi, ‘wader, Bass Camera: 301 DIFFERENT Given 9 apegoval ap- | Avalon ’ Stamp “Company, " Springield, Gombans, ‘Bept AG" TW We Maason St ies aaa, So om | BE arama gira, | PROROMURIES. Yau opaina ee 3 Feta | pADPR ORS GN | gt ORE a gE PT A PRERE | EE AE S| Si aa RE é “BARGAIN: Assortment triangles, Dor- ie ee subg Ae Ri appraraa-ekinin, 2803 Honiatel Fos dite oo ior aR inGOMPLETE, Ranavel oe, oer com memoratives Se" yin United States ap: ovals, Locust, Stamp Co., Box 3508, Peoksisit, New York. |_SUFT Nicaragua basrball approval ae oo re ee oa approvals Huighe, Bor Bt BordlaadS, reuon "25 FRENGH Colonies pisarials So with approvals. Potomac, "Washington 15, D.C. 100 WORLD 10e ye. Approx = wood, 1385-P No, Dearborn, Chicago 10. fi 10 ASSORTED. 0. 's, Gomaemorauiye yee AME UTR ar sani Be Aiierletns 3 Al far S00, Ident Stamp toe 7 ‘Ria POSITIVELY Greatest five omer Tate cote international. 4, Sorecing aire world. concains etait ese apace Scott's ep Standard “Phtlatel elon Eanes for dorelgn ‘apprevals Decent Bhroauth Spneiauy Con. Dent ‘10, Bell, Califor ox its BES RAR, 5 oe Sera GE ‘Amerieas. British Colonies. ond, Noth: a es ing ike then! $13 mixed spbrova eat ‘Gpouicants. Kessel oT omg oe oat, Wr water meee Sabeens tt ene cere ERPOMEIA Raut sta ase orREE, eats aT Bieoared mini ontlown stamp 4 reper ‘ifonawk, ‘Box’ 824) Albany, ew ARE) 60 Dilterent. Javanese Gianpai ‘Approvals. star cStamps, 203, Wileea, Jamestown, New York. NFTED Stat ‘ovals complete cov ‘erage. fine quality, atisactive prices, Sem- fhofe’Stamps Bat 1128°P. ‘Coral Gables, Fiona 300, DIFFERENT Given free with TPastare Ye. Winaser Stamps, 1105 Blase, Cliteago 31 Berk, East 8 ‘S100 DIFFERENT Hitlers, Rogaygi Oe betle, Hat te foe Suchey. 08 Lialow Bide: Bustos 9: oh REE—Cubs Feosevelt jue abd pins tunied catatog Liteton Stampa Litdeton SSDUTEREIT , 5,15 No agp. ie No approvals. berg. Box. #44, Appleton, 9000 DIFFERENT te Each Gordon Davison, Box 10105, Manchester. NoH. PRE Philatelic, supply list. Pennr_ap- provale, on gequest. Heed, Box $80, Chi ‘hai Base. 80, PENNY Approzala (hat sallaty, Nell Groubers, BY" Stul-y, Poileaeiphia 48, Penna ‘U. S_ Price Tigh Send postaee. State ‘gleing Service, 1235 Park Ding, Pir Burgh 28, Peni 58 POPULAR MECHANICS FREE! 100 Worldwide diferent stamps Bie O ace bargain Vist sent with tpprovals "Glavicwands ne gu DPTOPAIS: MAGNIFIER, Big stamp maging Orsi yMgONmmenontce: plas cntsed #5008 Foreign Legion, diamond, giant, and cther Worthwhile stainps. Everything tree to ap oral” bujers- Capital Suatp) COnIpany, tlle Rock 2, arkensas. "ARMENIA, Ten bicolored waza, value 196 Wee to‘spproval butets. Apey Stays, Box 28a, Mia 13, Flori, ANTIQUES, RELICS, INDIAN GOODS, Sunes TADIAN Beadwork, “buckskin. beads teathets, moccasins, wigs, s direct from Indians! prices reasonable; ‘4 FINE Ancient Indian agrawheads $1.0 pitla “Hise “temahamey "62.90, "het “Tiee: Teat's, Glenwood, Arkinsas 'SPEARAEAD, “Arrowhead, _birdpoint, inner, aie, enle scraper: 6130. Cain ing frog tseners Uk South ist. Bele- ‘ihe! Hine: PRECIOUS STONES, MINERALS EMOUFTING, Silypreratt _guthori uigianted marstine tals how. Gut'iaaks, make Jewelery.” 160 ade every sue lus: {rating inpidary, eaniment, efering ome for collectors, sutra, Post brine ier ‘they Eepidaty dournal, Box 122 Nocd 28, Cat ‘eLOW, Priced prosoecting Geigy counter. wlleee Highest, a ‘Guar Emeed operation." Pree literature’ Batson Blectronics, 108 s."Siih Street, Omaha, ‘SAMPLE Of beautiful high grade Heme ulgron ave 90 conte ae Gaohig Tht Yulean ‘Street, iron ‘Motintsin,” Michigan, collng mate ‘or ‘Bent snd Gems i080 Abbott Sts, Sau Dieys 1, Cali. MINERAL Treasure locators, Geer prices Payment plan ‘available. free fit- Grature.Haner Research Lab. Tae, Palo AGATES, Cutting machines, mgantings. ries list. ‘north West Gems, Bow 3 Tacoma i, Wash. ROSE, Quarts, Jesper, as logue Quarter, Gemea, ‘Wisconsi ‘GEMSTONES, Mineral specimens. Every yatiely. Eawest prices. Postecrd brings free Seok, “Pluauner's, nese" Bacon San Biego 7, Califernia. HOBBIES AND COLLECTIONS Tp ae EPG sa AR SR EP EE a ae Sm bier pei oes Te a RoR SHEED. natin cc = 10g seas see ba MULTI NORBY, Neri engineer metas ae sir isiiade ee ca aes URC ER hhc ate Set ema corerars TBikhart Take. eines: (o-2 SSI ak. MWe, Wastington 4 ‘CAMERAS, PHOTO SUPPLIES TToneOn Te ne ae Gane Bes, Be Sane Sr ee ois Se foams i PRS eee fe Boe iir Bare Feith straar i 30: infrared fata, 30s, Preciae PHOTO FINISHING 1 BEAUTIFUL Hi-glou print ewative aud Calargiog cobpen ht Se oan ne dese On cing hat "OTe Rade ee oy eae Daeg! Medea are ter bookie. "Rational hota Colsring Sec, Seige Bt BS Galaas SETA Far aaa i Ga ea oe FREE Pig rt oneal areogng Be erie oa eat RAE AMIN, "Bs hee Se hhohie 16 PRINTS OF § Jumton trom roll ape auth {his ad. &° skrudiana, iver ‘Grove, MERE S27 Bilareemeat WR ech oll sere se petue, rou” g9e- Seng’ cn ‘with Toul, No éo-d. It You fal to get pic~ Foren yore of im, we wus al HB an SP acct Gremnlghe Service, “heifers sent ares oh Renee Dele lim Service, Boe 18k Bivepoet Eels pir, Sime, Proabe, serfee Weta and annus Wee Exge emargemenia Foie Art Stasi, Boz Ein. Sin Weants, ae ae fit oS "USE wed adh Photon est ok TDEAGTIFOL riarsentent trom te ang epantre val Yoo Ee Rate ato, Det. et Janesville Wis MOTION PICTURES AND SOUND EQUIPMENT. oa panoran museals ions, $5.95 each: 5] rhe ‘95. Brand Be lel oh Oa, a {Hee tatlag's-1- Buckie Fle, Det sin, sound fextures: Comedies, Eartoone,” novelties, ‘mUstoalt ‘new Species Sd for adr gant 1st" to, Sadie tnteltaional Sinema Bare ‘TsoSPie Broadway. New York | FILMS "And equipmeit, erchaneed oF ought for Set, “Bena en Tisth free, Prask Lane," ‘PILM_100 Foot. imam, | eS ‘Fromaders, Bax cA; Bavenport,

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