1st, Mich, 2 - Latin

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coarguo 3 coargui coargutum to refute, to prove guilty

irrogo 1 propose; impose, inflict

perduellio, -ionis f treason
turba ae f turmoil, disorder, riot (also crowd)
mulco 1 to beat up
sica ae f curved dagger
irretio 4 irretivi irretitum to entangle, to ensnare
fastidio 4 fastidii fastiditum dislike, loathe, despise
illecebra ae f allurement, enticement
equidem truly, indeed, for my part
modo only, merely, just now, lately
sisto 3 stiti statum to stop, to set up, to cause to stand
anteverto 3 anteverti anteversum anticipate, prefer
appropero 1 hasten, hurry
ne ... quidem not even
facultas opportunity, chance, means, ability, supplies
sane certainly, truly, however
largior to grant, to give generously, to give bribes
pridem some time ago, previously
constituo 3 constitui constitutum set up, to decree, to establish, to decide
quippe of couse, obviously, by all means
omnino entirely, altogether
suadeo 2 suasi suasum recommend, advise, exhort
sicarius murderer
perditi ruined men
tandem finally, at last, in the end
<pre>congredior, congrediri, congressus sum</pre> meet, approach, join in
<pre>constringo, constringere, constrinxi, constrictus</pre> <pre>bind
fast/tight, tie up/together; confine, restrain; hinder, inhibit, control;
compress/squeeze; make smaller/lessen/contract; hold together; </pre>
<pre>praesertim</pre> <pre>especially; particularly; </pre><br>
miliens a thousand times adverb
<pre>mora, morae</pre> <pre>delay, hindrance, obstacle; pause; </pre><br>
tergiversatio refusal, evasion
<pre>expedio, expedire, expedivi, expeditus</pre> <pre>disengage, loose, set
free; be expedient; procure, obtain, make rea</pre>
<pre>exoletus, exoleti </pre> male prostitute
<pre>viator, viatoris</pre> traveler
<pre>exsulto, exsultare, exsultavi, exsultatus</pre> <pre>rejoice; boast; exalt;
jump about, let oneself go;</pre>
<pre>percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus</pre> <pre>strike down; strike;
overpower; dismay, demoralize, upset;</pre>
<pre>oscito, oscitare, -, - </pre> <pre>gape; yawn;</pre>
<pre>haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus </pre> <pre>stick, adhere, cling to;
hesitate; be in difficulties (sticky situation?); </pre><br>
<pre>eculeus, eculei N</pre> <pre>little horse, colt; rack, instrument of
<pre>dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus</pre> <pre>give up/in, surrender;
abandon/consign/devote (to); yield, hand/</pre>
<pre>arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus </pre> <pre>take hold of; seize
(hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pic</pre>

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