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Subiectul I

Hello John,
How are you my friend? I hope you are having a wonderful time at your
Uncle’s place. Fresh air, big garden so you can play with your dog.
Anyway, I’m writing this e-mail to you because I have a really good proposition
for you. Why don’t you come visit my city?
My city is not the biggest one, but there are a lot of interesting places we can go
to. Firstly, we can go to Central Park, because there is a pretty lake and we can
ride a boat if you want. Then we can go to the Fun Fair, which has been recently
opened and it is full of fun. We have big rollercosters, a Ferris Wheel and even
a scary castle we can go in. Afterwards, we can go to the Museum because it
has these new dinosaurs and I know you like dinosaurs as much as I do.
I will pick you up from the Airport when you arrive here, but please let me
know when you are coming, so I can get everything ready.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Your dearest friend,


Subiectul II

In modern days, the most common question we hear is : “How can we get the
World to be greener?”.
To this question, a lot of scientists, proffesors, doctors, even simple people like
you and I have answered to it in different ways.
But are those ideas enough to change the air that we are breathing everyday?
In my opinion, we should start by being more cooperative with each other.
People need to learn that to get something done, specially at this Scale, they
need to be understanding with each other, respect each other’s ideas and listen
to different initiatives.
For example, car manufactureres like Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Tesla,
started working on Hybrid or even fully electric vehicles. And that’s a great
start. Cars are something we use everyday, so that means at least 20-30% of
pollution comes from Gasoline or Diesel cars. And people are taking these cars
with opened arms. Tesla has been the most successful manufacturer, building
Electric Vehicles with nice designs.
Just like cars, factories that realese toxic smoke into the open air should become
green by building different techniques to filter that air.
Cities around the World can adopt Hybrid or a Fully Electric Public Transport
system. In every city, we deppend on Public Transport, so why not make it
In conclusion, the most important factor in making the World greener it’s the
human being itself. Communities should be united, people need to learn how to
be cooperative with each other and after years of hard work, the results are
going to speak to themselves.

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