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Single-channel electroencephalogram analysis using

non-linear subspace techniques

A.R. Teixeira t, N. Alvest, A. M. Tome t,M. Bohm I, E. W. Lang [, C. G.Puntonet §
tDETI- IEETA, Universidade Aveiro,3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
tInstitute of Biophysics University of Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
§ESTII- University of Granada, 18071-Granada- Spain

Abstract - In this work, we propose the correction of univariate, order techniques can be used to decompose the signal into
single channel EEGs using projective subspace techniques. The uncorrelated components. The multidimensional signal is then
biomedical signals which often represent one dimensional time projected to the most significant directions computed using
series, need to be transformed to multi-dimensional signal vectors projecte to tecmositsignificant d rections compedun
for the latter techniques to be applicable. The transformation s vposti
ingular ( ) pncip componen
can be achieved by embedding an observed signal in its delayed analysis (PCA). Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) [4] used
coordinates. We propose the application of two non-linear subspace in climatic, meteorologic and geophysics data analysis is the
techniques to the obtained multidimensional signal. One of the most widely used technique that follows this strategy. The
techniques consists in a modified version of Singular Spectrum general purpose of SSA is to decompose the embedded signal
Analysis (SSA) and the other is kernel Principal Component Anal- vectors into additive components. This can be used to separate
ysis (KPCA) implemented using a reduced rank approximation of
the kernel matrix. Both nonlinear subspace projection techniques noise contributons from a recorded signal by estmating those
are applied to an electroencephalogram (EEG) signal recorded directions, corresponding to the L largest eigenvalues, which
in the frontal channel to extract its prominent electrooculogram can be associated with the eigenvectors spanning the signal
(EOG) interference. subspace. The remaining orthogonal directions then can be
associated with the noise subspace. Reconstructing the signal
Keywords - Subspace Techniques, local SSA, KPCA, EOGs, EEG using only those L dominant components then can result in a
substantial noise reduction of the recorded signals. The time
embedding of the sensor signals transforms one dimensional
I. INTRODUCTION time series into multidimensional signal vectors. This is a
necessary step to have subspace projection techniques available.
In many biomedical signal processing applications a sensor However, this step unavoidably introduces a nonlinearity into the
signal is contaminated with artifact signals as well as with noise signal analysis process. Of course, there also exist generically
signals of substantial amplitude. The former sometimes can nonlinear signal processing techniques like kernel-PCA (KPCA)
be the most prominent signal component registered, while the [5] which are often used for denoising. So it will be of interest
latter is often assumed to be additive, white, normally distributed to explore these techniques in their ability to remove dominant
and non-correlated with the sensor signals. Often signal to artifacts and/or suppress noise. The kernel techniques are based
noise ratios (SNR) are quite low. Hence to recover the signals on the mapping of the input data by a non-linear function. In
of interest the task is to remove both the artifact components feature space then a linear PCA is performed estimating the
as well as the superimposed noise contributions. Projective eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix of dot products (kernel
subspace techniques can then be used favorably to get rid of matrix).
most of the noise contributions to multidimensional signals. In this work we will present the concept of local SSA
But many biomedical signals represent one dimensional time which means that after the time embedding we cluster the
series. Clearly projective subspace techniques are not available resulting multidimensional signal vectors and apply the linear
for one dimensional time series to suppress noise contributions, signal decomposition techniques only locally in each cluster.
hence time series analysis techniques often rely on embedding But as embedding can be regarded as a non-linear signal
a one dimensional sensor signal in a high-dimensional space manipulation [6], hence a non-linear technique like KPCA
of time-delayed coordinates [1], [2], [3]. Correlations in should be appropriate. In order to reduce the complexity we
these multidimensional signal vectors together with second present a variant of kernel-PCA whose parameters are computed

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using the eigendecomposition of a low-rank approximation of with the mean of the values along each descendent diagonal of
the kernel matrix. This approach accomplished by splitting the X [8]. Note that if ±c[n] corresponds to the extracted EOG, then
data set into subsets. the corrected EEG is computed as y [n] = x [n] - ± [n].
The availability of digital EEG recordings allows the study
of procedures trying to remove the artifact contributions from A. Local SSA
the brain signals. The primary goal will be to remove the
artifacts without distorting the underlying brain signals. Most Local SSA basically introduces a clustering step into the SSA
of the works (as an example see [7])present solutions while in technique [8] and operates in input space. It encompasses the
the work we are proposing a single-channel approach. Further- following steps:
more,considering EEG signals one usually is not concerned with . After embedding, the column vectors Xk, k 1... K of =

superimposed random noise but mainly deals with prominent the trajectory matrix are clustered using any clustering
artifacts like electrooculogram (EOG), head movements, eye algorithm (like k-means [9]). After clustering, the set of
blinks etc. Hence we will in the following consider the artifact indices of the columns of X is subdivided into q disjoint
related contributions to the recorded EEG signals "the signal" subsets cl, C2, ... Cq. Thus sub-trajectory matrix X(ci) is
and the actual EEG signals as "sort of a broadband noise". formed with N,, columns of the matrix X which belong
Consequently we can use the projective subspace techniques to the subset of indices ci.
referred to above to separate the artifacts from the "pure" EEG . A covariance matrix is computed in each cluster using zero
signals. mean data obtained via


Time series analysis techniques often rely on embedding where jc, = [1,1, ... 1]T is a vector with dimension Nc x
one dimensional sensor signals in the space of their time- 1, and I is a Nc, x Nc, identity matrix.
delayed coordinates. Embedding can be regarded as a . Next, the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance
mapping that transforms a one-dimensional time series x = matrix is computed, i.e.
(x[O],x[1], ...,x[N- 1]) to a multidimensional sequence of K =
= = (4)
N - M + 1 lagged vectors
Afterwards denoising can be achieved by projecting the
xk 111T, k=1,.... ,K (1)
[x[k - 1 + M -l1],........,x[k .multidimensional signal into the subspace spanned by
th eigenvectors corresponding to the
ievcoscrepnigt h Lcc < M largest
TheThe lagged vectors X = [xl
lagged [xi ..XK]
.. XK] lie in a space of dimension eigenvalues. The number of significant directions found
M, that constitute the columns of the trajectory matrix using the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter
vector of the covariance matrix C(ci) of each cluster.
x[M - 1] x[M] ... x[N -1] This parameter vector, 0, is constituted by the most
x[M - 2] x[M - 1] ... x[N - 2] significant eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors
X x[M - 3] x[M - 2] ... x[N - 3] (2) and the variance of the noise which is estimated by the
average of the discarded eigenvalues. The number of
directions k = Lc will be the value that minimizes the
x[°] x[1] .. . x[N -M] - following expression [10].
Note that the matrix has identical entries along its diagonals. 1
The multidimensional signal is projected into the directions MDL(k) In f(XCi 0) + -P In N, k =O... M -1
(eigenvectors) related with the largest eigenvalues of a covari- (5)
ance (or a scatter) matrix. The matrix can be computed in the
input space (SSA or local SSA) or after transforming the data where N = is the number of observations available
by a non-linear function (Kernel PCA). The reconstruction (and to estimate the covariance matrix and f(XCi 0) denotes
the reversion of the non-linearity for KPCA) using the same the conditional probability density parameterized by 0.
group of eigenvectors leads to X. Notice that in general elements This log likelihood function L(0) =In f(XCi 0) represents
along each descending diagonal of X will not be identical like the accuracy of the representation of the data with the
in case of the original trajectory matrix X. This can be cured, parameter vector and depends on the discarded eigenvalues
however, by replacing the entries in each diagonal by their
average, obtaining a Toeplitz matrix Xr. This procedure assures M
that the Frobenius norm of the difference (Xr -X) attains its rIN/Mk
minimum value among all possible solutions to get a matrix with L()=NMk niZl(6)
all diagonals equal [1]. The one-dimensional signal,x±[n], is then L(l N( - ki
obtained by reverting the embedding, i.e. by forming the signal M-J=+

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The negative log-likelihood -L(O) is recognized to be a
standard measure of the training error. However it has
been reported that the simple maximization of this term
tends to result in the phenomenon of over-fitting. Thus
the second term in eqn. (5) was added as a regularization
term to penalize complexity. The value of P is related with
the number of parameters in 0 and the complexity of its ___5_1 _____0_____ 1_____ ___5_1 _____0_____ 1____
estimation. Considering real valued signals, the value of P (a) sinusoid (b) sinusoid+noise
is computed according to

P = k+1+Mk-k2/2-k/2 -k2/2 + k(M+ 1/2) + I

The eigenvectors related with the largest are used in the -
reconstruction process. Considering the matrix U with L,. 5
eigenvectors in its columns, the reconstructed vectors in (c) local SSA (d) Kernel-PCA
each cluster are obtained as
XCi uTxci xcNi (8) + C T ;

* The clustering is reverted by forming an estimate X of

the reconstructed, noise-free trajectory matrix using the =
columns of the extracted sub-trajectory matrices, Xci, i
1., q according to the contents of subsets Ci. (e) Subset R (f) Greedy Kernel-PCA
It has to be noticed that the SSA is obtained by skipping Fig. 1. SIGNALS EMBEDDED IN TIME-DELAYED COORDINATES M 2
the clustering step, i.e , q = 1. The figure 1 illustrates the
application of the method to decompose a noisy sinusoid (fig.
I-b) into two components. The sinusoid, embedded with In denoising applications, the first step of KPCA is to
M 2, has an elliptic trajectory in 2-D space as shown in .''.
I-a). Then using sn local
oa SAwt
SSA with q = 100cutr n compute
clusters and the projections of a mapped data set onto a feature
subspace. Considering L eigenvectors (columns
sbpc.CnieigLegnetr clmsoof U))oof a
projecting (and reconstructing) using the direction related with covariance matrix (a correlation matrix if the data is centered)
the largest eigenvector the 2-D trajectory of X is a piece-wise corresponding to the L largest eigenvalues, the projections of
approximation of the original (fig. 1-a). It has to be noticed that the mapped data set 4 are
the projective subspace denoising (SSA) will result in a straight
line corresponding to the direction of maximum variance of the Z = UTb (10)
data. Further note that unlike linear PCA, kernel-PCA allows
to extract a number of principal components that exceeds the The columns of the matrix U form the basis in feature space
dimensionality inut data.
of the input dta. Notice
otic that
tha having
havng KK~)> M onto which to project the data set. This basis can be written as a
M liercmnaonfthmpedaa
examples of data with dimension M, working in input space,
the maximum number of nonzero eigenvalues will also be M U = bBA (11)
as can be seen by either computing the covariance matrix or the
matrix of dot products. In kernel-PCA instead, the kernel matrix The matrix A is a matrix of coefficients and either JB = )
in feature space will have size K x K and the number of nonzero (KPCA) or &JB = JR (greedy KPCA), representing a subset of
eigenvalues can often be higher than M. the data set only. Note that the column j of Z depends on the
dot products qT5(xj). However to avoid an explicit mapping
B. KPCA using greedy approach into feature space, all data manipulations are achieved by dot
products [5] and the kernel trick is applied. For instance, using
Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) relies on a an RBF kernel, the dot product between a vector i, belonging
non-linear mapping of given data to a higher dimensional space, to B subset, and q(xj) is computed using a kernel function that
called feature space. Without loosing generality, let's assume only depends on the input data
that the data set is centered and split into two parts yielding the x 2-x
mapped data set k(xi,xj) exp(- 2J2' ) (12)
= [Qb(xi)Q(x2) . .. q$(xr), Xz(xr±i ) ..b(XK)] Finally, to recover the noise-reduced signal after denoising in
= [J.R bS1 (9) feature space, the non-linear mapping must be reverted, i.e.

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the pre-image in input space of every signal, denoised and approximation is written using the upper blocks of the original
reconstructed in feature space, must be estimated. Denoising matrix [11], [12]
using KPCA thus comprises two steps after the computation
of the projections in the feature space: a) the reconstruction K [ ]Kr [1 Kr Krs ] (17)
in feature space and b) the estimation of the pre-image of rs
the reconstructed point q(Xj) =UZ;, where z; represents the
projections of a noisypoint
point xj.* *These twoerstrepscanto
xj= These two steps can be joined ned It- canbe verified that the lower block is approximated by
together by minimizing the *
Euclidian - r- r-
distance of 1-
the image 0(p)/
r 1 * ~Ks
K Ks K Krs. There are different suggestions to perform
this eigendecomposition [11],[13], one of them is based on an
of a yet unknown point p from ~(xi) incomplete Cholesky decomposition K CTC, with
d(2) = (p) -_(xj) 2
C= [ L L-TKrs ] (18)

where L is a triangular matrix corresponding to the decompo-

The central idea of the fixed-point method [5]consists in sition of K, = LTL. The R x R matrix Q = CCT and its
computing the unknown pre-image of a reconstructed point in eigendecomposition VqDVT in conjunction with L is used to
the projected feature subspace by finding a p which minimizes form the basis
that distance ( eq. 13). If an RBF kernel is considered, the
iterative procedure is described by the following equation U = RLVq (19)

XB(g>kpj) Note that the pivoting index within the incomplete Cholesky
Pt+±i decomposition [13] leads to the selection of 'JR within the
training set.
where K> represents a Hadamard product, g = Azj. The Choosing training and testing subsets
components of the vector kpt = k(XB, Pt) are given by the In the last section it was discussed that with an incomplete
dot products between q(pt) and the images &JB of the training Cholesky decomposition it is possible to compute the parameters
subset XB. The algorithm must be initialized and po xi is of the model using a training data set divided into two subsets.
a valid choice [6]. The points Pk then form the columns of But the parameters depend on both subsets. However, there
X, the noise-free multidimensional signal in input space. The are approaches, where the parameters depend on only one of
application of the method is illustrated in fig. I-d) and f) where the subsets [11] whose elements are chosen randomly. In this
we can see that the denoised trajectory is smoother than the application, we consider an hybrid approach which leads to the
one obtained with local SSA. In the feature space the data was choice of three subsets of data. We start by splitting the data
projected (and reconstructed) using L = 4 or L = 7 directions, (with J vectors) into two data sets: the training set with K
respectively using kernel-PCA or greedy kernel-PCA. vectors and the testing set which contains the remaining data
Computing the Basis to be processed. In this application, we consider to form the
The two approaches, KPCA and greedy KPCA, respectively, training set with two strategies
arise from two distinct strategies to deal with the eigendecom- . choosing the K vectors randomly.
position of the kernel matrix (K) of the data set. In KPCA * choosing the K vectors that correspond to a subsegment
the matrix A is computed using the largest eigenvalues (D) and (with artifact) of the segment to be processed.
corresponding eigenvectors (V) of K [6]. Then the basis vector The subset R of the training set is chosen using Cholesky de-
is composition performed using the symmetric pivoting algorithm
[13]. The methodology is based on the minimization of the trace
U = bVD-1/2 (15) tr(Ks - KfT K-1Krs) applied to iteratively update the subset
R. So by identifying the maximum value of the trace operator
In greedy KPCA a low-rank approximation of the kernel (the pivot), an element of subset S is moved to the subset R
matrix is considered. This leads to the eigendecomposition and the matrix Kr increases its size while the others decrease.
Of matrices with reduced size. Considering the kernel matrix, The process stops when the trace of the matrix corresponding
written in block notation [1 1],[12] to the actual approximation is less than a threshold [13] and/or
the matrix Kr is not well conditioned [14] or up to a maximum
K [ Kr Krs (16) number of pivots[ 15].
KrTs Ks j(6
This manipulation takes into account that the original training set
is divided into two subsets. Where the Kr is the kernel matrix The two suggested projective techniques will be illustrated
within subset &JR, Krs iS the kernel matrix between subset &JR using a frontal channel (Fpl-CZ) contaminated with a very
and "J. and Ks is the kernel matrix within the subset &J.. The prominent electrooculogram (BOG) artifact. The segment, with

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0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (sec)
4.5 3.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 8.5 7.5
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 2. FP1 CHANNEL (WITH REFERENCE TO CZ): ALL SUBSEGMENTS (a) L,i selected by MDL (b) Li= 1
12s, of the signal containing high-amplitude EOG artifacts EXTRACTED EOG AND bottom: CORRECTED EEG.
is shown in fig. 2. The embedding dimension M was
experimentally chosen and for local SSA there is a minimum
value related with the frequency of the signal to be extracted [1],
[6]. But with KPCA the embedding value can be smaller but we
can deduce any proper rule.

A. Local SSA

Local SSA was applied following the steps described before

assigning M = 41 and varying the number of clusters. A l_l_ l_ _l
visual inspection of the extracted EOG using the algorithm and ° 2 Time3(sec) 4 5 6
the corrected BEG (the difference between original BBG and Fig. 4. ILLUSTRATION- OF GREEDY KPCA: THE SIGNALS IN THE DIFFERENT-
the extracted EOG) by a clinical expert revealed no significant STEPS ARE: lstrow FIRST ROW OF RANDOM SELECTED POINTS, 2ndrow
difference between the different versions computed for different EXTRACTED EOG SIGNAL AND 3throw - CORRECTED EEG
numbers of clusters. It was also observed that the 50Hz
interference is consistently removed together with the EOG testing and training sets. The training set is formed with roughly
signal in all cases. However quantifying the frequency contents 25% of the data considering the following strategies
in different bands in the corrected EEG component the distortion 1. a random choice of K 381 data vectors. Fig.4 (plot on
in theta band (4 - 7Hz) is less significant when the q has higher
top) illustrate the random choice by plotting the first row of
values. However in order to have a correct estimate of the the training data vectors according to its time reference.
covariance matrix in each cluster we should have enough data in 2 Using all the vectors that correspond either to first
each cluster. This constitute a practical bound to the number of subsegment of signal (0 -3s) or to the second subsegment
clusters. In each cluster the MDL criterion was used to select the (3 - 6s).
subspace dimension or using only one direction corresponding The incomplete Cholesky decomposition algorithm is used
to the largest eigenvalue to reconstruct the EOG signal. Fig.3
with R 20. For the three cases data was projected onto L 6
illustrates the difference between the two approaches. It has to be
basis vectors (U) which correspond to the leveling off of the
notice that with MDL the number of directions range from 5-10eigenspectrum of matrix Q. The Fig. 4 shows the result of
in a space of dimension M 41. Using only one direction in
the application of the algorithm when the training set is selected

randomly. The fig. 5 shows the first 6s of corrected BBG when

each cluster, the extracted signal corresponds to the EOG artefact
but the corrected EEG still contains some remnants of the the training set is formed in a subsegment of signal. And it easily
original BOG signal. This demonstrates that with BOG artefacts
visible that when the training set do not have "examples" of the
the dominant principal component might be not sufficient to features to extract it does not work well. The high-negative
represent the large amplitude component of the signal. The features present on the first subsegment are not represented in
complexity of this approach depends on the clustering step (the
the second subsegment. Then when the training is formed with
algorithm k-means) and the eigendecomposition Of q MicM vectors belonging to 2nd segment the artifact is not removed (see
covariance matrices in each cluster,
fig. 5- plot on bottom). It has to be noticed that the complexity of
Greedy KPCA the algorithm is depend on the size of subset R. Experimentally
The multidimensional signal is obtained with an embedding we conclude that a random choice of the training set followed by
of M =11. The RBF kernel with (J maxci ( X1X- Xmeam 1 ), i = the Cholesky decomposition up to R =20 the algorithm presents
1, ..., J, where Xmeam is the mean of the data set. After good performance. In particular for this segment the results are
embedding the data set with J =1526 vectors was split into comparable with the application of KPCA to each subsegment

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A.R. Teixeira received a PhD Scholarship

(SFRH/BD/28404/2006) supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This work
was also supported by grants from DAAD and CRUP which are
gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful to A. Martins da Silva
and Hospital Geral de Santo Antonio for providing the signals
) 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the helpful discussions.
Time (sec)

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