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Clodt 1

Samantha Clodt

Professor Jacqueline Sgobba

EDU 201-2002 Intro to Elementary Education

15 November 2021

Lesson Plan Paper: 3rd Grade Math


- The purpose of this lesson plan is to prepare a strong foundation for students in terms of

understanding complex mathematical equations through a basic understanding of number

relationships and simple mathematical computations.

A. 1.3.2: Add and subtract multi-digit numbers with regrouping (when adding and subtracting,

“carrying” or “borrowing.”

B. 1.3.3: Generate and solve 2-step addition and subtraction and 1-step multiplication

problems based on practical situations using pencil and paper, mental computation, and


Objectives (SWBAT format):

- Students will be able to identify when addition, subtraction, or multiplication problems require

the step of “regrouping.”

- Students will be able to further assemble their multiplication skills through solving multi-step

multiplication problems.

- Students will be able to accurately recall multiples of numbers 1-12.

- Students will be able to execute complex addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems as

well as successfully demonstrating the process of “regrouping.”

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Materials and Equipment:

- White boards

- Dry-erase markers

- Bingo sheets


To begin, I will start the lesson by asking students to recall the listed multiples of the

numbers 1-12 (5 minutes.) Then, I will ask the students to orally demonstrate the process of

adding a multi-digit addition or subtraction problem (2 minutes.) By asking the students to

perform these tasks, I am gathering a basic understanding of which areas the students will need

help with the most and how best to proceed with the lesson.

I will proceed onto the lesson by showing the students an example on the whiteboard of

the kind of problem we will be solving. (Example: 247+342.) I will demonstrate to the students

how to solve the problem, and give them another problem they must solve on their own on their

white boards silently. The students must not reveal their answer until I count to 3, in which they

would turn their white boards around and see if they got the same (correct) answer as everyone

else. After the students have demonstrated a consistent ability in being able to solve multi-step

addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems with regrouping, we will then move onto our

fun activity for the day (10-15 minutes.)

My “fun” activity for the students involves playing bingo. Each of the students will be

given a bingo card with the same equations in each of the boxes (just rearranged in a different

order.) The students will first have to solve the equations in order to get the answers for each

individual box (10 minutes.) I will be calling out the answers, and whichever student gets a bingo

Clodt 3

first will win a treat. We will repeat this activity 2-3 times with different bingo cards so they have

new problems to solve (20-30 minutes.)


- For the closure, I will have the students begin working on their homework. During the closure

they will be able to ask for assistance if needed and also serves the purpose of allowing me to

make sure the student’s understand the importance of the activity and how to apply the learned

knowledge to their “normal” assignments (10 minutes.)

Clodt 4

Assessment: I created a rubric that captured the student’s overall engagement in the activities for

the day.

4: Exceeds 3: Meets 2: Approaches 1: Below

Standards Standards Standards Standards

Participation: The student was The student was The student was The student was
Was the student engaged entirely in mostly engaged engaged with the not engaged with
engaged in the the lesson, with the lesson. lesson slightly. He/ the lesson. He/she
lesson? answering He/she answered she answered few did not answer
questions and some questions questions and any questions and
demonstrating a and expressed an expressed a slight did not express an
genuine interest in interest in the interest in the interest in the
the activities at activities at hand. activities at hand. lesson.

Comprehension: The student was The student was The student kind The student did
Did the student able to fully grasp able to understand of understood the not understand the
understand the the basis of the the lesson for the lesson but asked lesson at all and
lesson? lesson and asked most part and little questions. asked no
questions to asked some questions.
further their questions.

Application: Was The student was The student was The student was The student was
the student able to able to able to only slightly able not able to
apply what was demonstrate an demonstrate a to demonstrate an demonstrate an
learned in the accurate mostly accurate accurate accurate
lesson to understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
individual work/ the lesson through the lesson through the lesson through the lesson through
assingments? the quality of their the quality of their the quality of their the quality of their
work. work. work. work.

Grade here/
additional notes:

This rubric serves the purpose of capturing the student’s mindset throughout multiple parts of the

lesson, including participation, comprehension, and application. This will allow me as the

teacher to see which area of the lesson the student’s struggled with the most, and how to better

prepare my lessons for the future.

Clodt 5

Works Cited

Mcdaniel, Rhett. “Bloom's Taxonomy.” Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University, 10 June


Multiple Authors. “Free K - 12 Lesson Plans from World-Class Teachers.” BetterLesson, 2020,

Nevada Legislature. “Nevada Mathematics Standards - Nevada Legislature.” Nevada

Mathematics Standards, Nevada Mathematics Standards, 2021, https://

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