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Aluna Thamires - Nível básico

Projeto Everyone
Aula 07

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns exercise.

1 Choose the correct word and then copy the question.

1. Is this cup (your / yours)?

2. The coffee is (my / mine).
3. That coat is (my / mine).
4. He lives in (her / hers) house.
5. You might want (your / yours) phone.
6. The new car is (their / theirs).
7. She cooked (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat (her / hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my / mine).
14. That red bike is (our / ours).
15. We should take (our / ours) co- ats.
16. That is (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped (my / mine) bag. my
18. Are these phones (their / theirs)? his
19. These cakes are (our / ours)! her
20. Are those children (your / its yours)?
What’s my your his her its our their name? What’s = What is This is house.

l Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.

1. Where is _______ classroom? We can’t find it.

2. Susan, is that _______ pen on the table?
3. A: What is _______ name? B: My name is Thomas.
4. I think this is _______ book. She dropped it on the floor.
5. _______ names are Kevin and Stewart. They are my friends.
6. He forgot to write _______ name on the test!
7. A: What is your phone number? B: _______ phone number is 555-9826.
8. Did the cat eat all of _______ food?
9. The children are crying because they can’t find _______ toys.
10. Mariam and Jennifer like _______ new teacher.
11. I really like my new home, especially _______ location.
12. This is a picture of my friend. He is _______ best friend.
13. Do you think your father likes _______birthday present?
14. We still have twenty more minutes before _______ class begins.
15. Brazil is located in South America. _______ capital city is Rio de Janeiro.
16. When did Mr. and Mrs. Smith buy _______ new television?
17. Oh no! I can’t find _______ keys! Where are they?
18. A: Where is _______ brother? B: My brother is at school.

Possessive Adjectives are used to show that something or someone belongs to a person. It shows a re-
lationship. The Possessive adjective is always used with a noun.
Examples: I like my new mountain bike. She does her homework.

Person Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives

1 I my
2 you your
3 (male) he his
3 (female) she her
3 (thing) it its

1 plural we our
2 plural you your
3 plural they their

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