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Name : Mahmoud Azmey ZaGHloul

Code : FN/351

---- Marine Radar And ARPA IMO Performance Standard ---

Presented to : Dr / Eslam Abd-Alghany

Presented By / Mahmoud ZaGHloul

*- What is Maritime In General ?

In the current climate, it is very important for us to reflect and highlight how important the
maritime industry is for our country and the rest of the world. It is how we make trading of
essential day-to-day goods and services possible to keep powering our industries and support

Maritime is most everything connected to the sea or waterways throughout the world,
especially in relation to navigation, shipping and marine engineering. The industry has a
direct impact on much of our everyday lives.

Think about the oil that powers our cars, many of our vehicles, our electronics, the coffee we
drink, foods we eat and the clothes we wear…most come from overseas and are sent overseas
if manufactured in our home country.

Thus, shipping has long been the major form of transportation, as well as an essential
communication link connecting coastal cities, countries and continents. Next to rail
transportation, water transportation is economically and environmentally the most efficient
way to travel or transport merchandise; and, nowadays, around 90% of world trade is carried
by the international shipping industry.

In parallel to the extraordinary increase of traditional sea-related activities, the maritime

sector has experienced a significant qualitative and quantitative expansion with the
appearance and development of two new industrial growth poles: the offshore oil exploration
and production industry .
*- IMO Performance Standards of RADAR

-Radar Range and Bearing Accuracy: The RADAR Range accuracy should be within 30 m or
1% of the range scale in use, whichever is greater. And for bearing the accuracy should be
within 1%.

-Detection in Clear Conditions: In the absence of clutter, for long-range targets and shoreline
detection, the requirement for Performance Standard of Radar is based on normal propagation
conditions, in the absence of sea clutter, precipitation and evaporation duct, with an antenna
height of 15 m above sea level.

Based on:

An indication of the target in at least 8 out of 10 scans or equivalent; and a probability of a

radar detection false alarm of 10–4

-Detection at Close Range:

The short-range detection of the targets under the various conditions should be compatible
with the requirement of Minimum Range. Detection in Clutter Conditions:

The RADAR equipment should be designed to provide the optimum and most consistent
detection performance, restricted only by the physical limits of propagation.

The RADAR should provide the means to enhance the visibility of targets in adverse clutter
conditions at close range.

Minimum Range

With own ship at zero speed, an antenna height of 15 m above the sea level and in calm
conditions, a navigational buoy (see table) should be detected at a minimum horizontal range
of 40 m from the antenna position and up to a range of 1 nm, without changing the setting of
control functions other than the range scale selector.

Compensation for any range error should be automatically applied for each selected antenna,
where multiple antennas are installed.

Discrimination: Range and bearing discrimination should be measured in calm conditions, on

a range scale of 1.5 NM or less and at between 50% and 100% of the range scale selected:
Range: As per Performance Standards of RADAR, a Radar system should be capable of
displaying two-point targets on the same bearing, separated by 40 m in range, as two distinct

Bearing: The radar system should be capable of displaying two-point targets at the same
range, separated by 2.5° in bearing, as two distinct objects.

Roll and Pitch: The target detection performance of the equipment should not be substantially
impaired when own ship is rolling or pitching up to +/-10°.

Display Range Scales: Range scales of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 and 24 NM should be
provided. Additional range scales are permitted outside the mandatory set. Low metric range
scales may be offered in addition to the mandatory set. The range scale selected should be
permanently indicated on the display.

Radar Availability:

The radar equipment should be fully operational (RUN status) within 4 minutes after switch
ON from cold.

A STANDBY condition should be provided, in which there is no operational radar

transmission. The radar should be fully operational within 5 sec from the standby condition.

-Heading Line (HL)

A graphic line from the consistent common reference point to the bearing scale should
indicate the heading of the ship.

Electronic means should be provided to align the heading line to within 0.1°. If there is more
than one radar antenna the heading skew (bearing offset) should be retained and
automatically applied when each radar antenna is selected.

-Electronic Bearing Lines (EBLs

At least two electronic bearing lines (EBL’s) should be provided to measure the bearing of
any object within the operational display area, with a maximum system error of 1° at the
periphery of the display.

The EBLs should be capable of measurement relative to the ships heading and relative to true
north. There should be a clear indication of the bearing reference (i.e. true or relative).
*- Conclusion

- appropriate settings for different weather conditions;

- monitoring the radar systemís performance;

- operating in a failure or fall-back situation;

- Limitations of the display and tracking process and accuracy, including any delays;

- using heading and SOG/COG information for collision avoidance;

- limitations and conditions of target association;

- criteria of selection for automatic activation and cancellation of targets;

- methods applied to display AIS targets and any limitations;

-principles underlying the trial maneuver technology, including simulation of own shipís
maneuvering characteristics, if provided;

alarms and indications;

installation requirements

radar range and bearing accuracies; and

any special operation (e.g. tuning) for the detection of SARTs; and

the role of the CCRP for radar measurements and its specific value.
# Reference:



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