Oral Com Reviewer 2'

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Oral Com Reviewers 2nd Grading

Lesson 9: Functions of Communication

Functions of Communication
-Social Interaction
-Emotional Expression
Verbal Cues are specific words chosen and used
Nonverbal Cues include hand gestures, bodily action, vocal tone, and eye contact.

Lesson 11: Types of Speech Context

Intrapersonal communication involves one’s self
Interpersonal communication involves more than one person
Types of Interpersonal Communication
-Small Group
-Mass Communication

Lesson 12: Types of Speech Styles

Types of Speech Styles
-Intimate Style
-Casual Style
-Consultative Style
Lesson 14: Types of Communicative Strategies
Communicative Strategies are plans, ways, or means of sharing information.
1. Nomination
2. Restriction
3. Turn-taking
4. Topic-Control
5. Topic-Shifting
6. Repair
7. Termination

Lesson 15: Preparing and Delivering a Speech

The Speaker organizes the speech according to the purpose of the speech.
Steps in preparing a speech
-Choosing a Topic
-Finding out what the speaker already knows about the topic
-Sourcing the information through research.

Lesson 16: Understanding the Types of Speeches

A speaker creates a speech according to purpose which is called Goals of Speech
Speeches according to purpose
-Expository or Infomative
-Persuasive Speech
-Entertainment Speech

Speeches according to manner of delivery

-Reading or Speaking from a Manuscript
-Memorized Speech
-Impromptu Speech
-Extemporaneous Speech
Lesson 17: Principles of Speech Writing
Principles of Speech Writing
First Principle: Choosing the Topic
Topic should be
-interesting to you
-interesting to audience
-something that is new and unheard of by the listeners
-is a topic that is controversial to encourage the audience to listen carefully
Second Principle: Analyzing the Audience
-Guess or get the demographic data of the audience
-know the groups to which your audience belongs
-find out how your audience feels about the topic
-know how the audience feels about you
Third Principle: Sourcing the Information(Finding materials to support the speech)
The best resource are people
Speech topic information must be
-Level of knowledge of speaker and audience without offending the listener.
Fourth Principle: Outlining and Organizing the Speech Content
First step is to sort the information then organize the speech itself
Types of Outlines
-Cause and Effect
Lesson 18: Principles of Speech Delivery
-Articulation(pronouncing words with clear dictation)
-Modulation(the speaker is capable of adjusting or manipulating the resonance and timbre of one’s vocal
-Stage Presence(The speaker’s ability to “own” the stage, fill space, and project his or her personality to
the audience)
-Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movement(Message of the speech is reinforced, clarified, and
complemented by Nonverbal Communication)
-Audience Rapport(one is able to write a speech that would appeal to an audience and connect with them
to a deeper level)

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