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Future educators like us are already expected have 21st-century abilities in order to succeed
in their future employment. It matters how students view their abilities or what kind of attitudes
they have in this area. Example skills needed are collaboration, communication, creativity, and
critical thinking.
● Collaboration - Being an effective collaborator means not only being able to work with
others, but also being able to learn from, share with, and express oneself to them.
● Communication - It is the key to social integration and enables people to share ideas,
express their feelings and contribute to discussions and debates.
● Creativity - It means students will be able to look at a problem from multiple
perspectives — including those that others may not see.
● Critical Thinking - It empowers students to discover the truth in assertions, especially
when it comes to separating fact from opinion.


What is absorptive capacity? What are its implications when it comes to selective

Absorptive capacity, from the perspective of school-based human capital, is the

capacity to transform not only limited to add new knowledge to prior knowledge,
resulting in a gain for a student, but also to create a dynamic school-wide atmosphere
that permits innovation that seek to improve countless lives. Its implications when it
comes to selective admission is that it can result in less tangible benefits, such as the
spread of knowledge within an organization, interorganizational learning, and improved
ability to search for new knowledge in the environment.

Good teachers knows how to innovate classroom environment: they take prior knowledge about
students, they assimilate new data, new best practices, and curricula to produce results, new
gains, and better outcomes for their kids. Excellent school leaders understand that supporting
this capacity for transformation means devoting trust and resources to their teachers. State
Universities and Colleges heads are responsible of straining people to identify who among them
has the potential to change and adapt to change for the betterment of the school.


2. Discuss 2 criticism of ALS

Alternative Learning System (ALS), is a free education program run by the Department of
Education. ALS is a useful alternative to the current formal education system that
enables students to complete their foundational education in a way that best suits them
individual circumstances and needs. However, there were also criticism about it. First is,
the students of ALS are not exposed to activities outside the four corners of the
classroom which is also a big factor of learning. We can’t say that all subjects and topics
that were given in formal education are taught in ALS. It is because what they need are
skills. Second is they don’t have regular classes same as our usual class schedule. Most
of their classes will happened only once a week or it depends on the availability of the

These days, there are numerous options for us to study and learn. One of these is the
Alternative Learning System (ALS), which is a free education program run by the Department of
Education. It is intended for students who cannot afford to attend a traditional school and works
around their schedule. ALS is a useful alternative to the current formal education system that
enables students to complete their foundational education in a way that best suits their
individual circumstances and needs. This adaptable program allows for learning to occur
whenever and wherever is most convenient for the learners.

ALS is important to the less privileged out of school youth (OSY) and adults especially those
who are 15 years old and above to uplift their skills and knowledge. Hence, the government
should give appropriate funds and technical support to help improve the quality of life of the
hopeless and undeserved people who are determined to learn and are able to gain functional
literacy skills outside formal schooling.

For them to be better equipped to handle obstacles, ALS will enhance their literacy in reading,
writing, and mathematics and offer training in civics, vocational effectiveness, and livelihood
programs. These will minimize the cost on the government caused by unemployment and drug
addiction. This will be the means of improvement to impart knowledge geared toward improving
life quality. Each person must work together to ensure the success of this initiative.


Discuss 2 benefits of AI

It is a simulation of human intelligence in a machine or computer that is programmed

to think like humans. If you are familiar with Apple's Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or even your
Android phone’s "Hello, Google," these are actually examples of artificial intelligence.
(Here are the pros and cons if ever ma ask questions relating ani)

Handles information better than human - Humans are driven by emotions, but AI,
IT not biased and decides based on previously gathered data and set of
algorithms. Therefore, it ensures more accurate decision making.

Less time consuming - Humans needs breaks and time offs but AI can work
endlessly without breaks. They think much faster compared to humans perform
multiple tasks at a time with accurate results.
Therefore, it is all up to us as to how we weigh the pros and cons of this type of
technology. After all, it's always about how you utilize it and how it helps you in
your daily life.

High Cost - it is expensive and not everyone have access since not everyone can afford
to have it.

Unemployment - one application of AI is robots so it may lead to displacing occupations

and increase the rate of unemployment.


Cite how attitude can complement ones attitude

Aptitude is what we are capable of doing, while attitude is all about how we do things. If
both are properly developed, it can be a very powerful weapon to reach success. But if
you have the right attitude but lack the required aptitude, success will surely be difficult.
It is because attitude will not matter if you do not have the necessary skills for your work.
That is why both are necessary to perform a given task and they should complement
each other in order to make up for the lack of the other and make your work a success.

Attitude refers to a person's feeling, emotion, opinion or perspective about something. While
someone‘s aptitude is the extent to which they are capable of performing a specific task. It is
believe that aptitude is a lot easier to teach compare to attitude because someone's behavior
cannot be taught but rather influence. Although there is a difference between aptitude and
attitude they are both necessary to perform a given job. Just like in the field of teaching,
teachers are not always perfect, but they should complement each other so that one makes up
for the lack of the other and, as a result, performance is reinforced.


2. Give 5 acts that are considered bullying/cyberbullying.

In my own perspective, bullying is the act where one person is enjoying the suffering of
the other person. So, 5 acts that are considered bullying/cyber bullying is first,
discrimination in all aspects whether it could be the race, sex, the identity of the person
and many more. Harassment is also one that is considered bullying because it affects
the dignity or physical or psychological health of a person through offensive, insulting,
or unwanted words or actions. In terms of cyberbullying, one example is texting or
chatting mean words to other people, second is posting their faces in social media that
are being edited and last one is spreading secrets or rumors about people online. And if
you tried to do these acts all I can say is that, stop bullying. No one deserves to feel

Although it is important to understand what is cyberbullying behaviors are, it's also important
to understand the bullies themselves and why they do what they do to their peers. Let's us not
conclude that these people are some sort of monsters but let's think that these kind of people
are also just a victim of Social Problem. These people may not received the same love and care
we experience from our loved ones. So instead of being ashamed of them, let's help this people
to recalibrate their lives, realize their mistakes and retransform their values to unleash the better
version of themselves and become a great contributor in our country's success.

Other answer:

Since the consequences of cyberbullying can be so severe — for the bully as well as the victim
— it's imperative for teachers, parents and even other students, to work together to prevent
cyberbullying. As a teacher let us encourage our students to speak up when they know there is
something wrong that is happening. Ensure they receive proper guidance and help from the
guidance counselors and if needed, seek psychiatric help. Let us help our students to grow not
just cognitively but also affectively.


1. Does child rearing contribute to one’s success

Child-rearing is the process of taking care of and raising a child with the help of their
parents or other relatives.How an individual was raised can depend greatly on cultural
influences and encourage social, intellectual, and physical growth. Parents have an
important role in identifying children’s capabilities and guiding them. Child rearing will
play a key role in shaping a child’s future. Yes, child rearing contributes to one’s
success. If the child is properly guided, he or she will have healthy mental and emotional
support that can help him to better in school and have fewer behavioral problems.
Therefore this will lead to the success by having a healthy child rearing by also nurturing
and supporting the child’s emotional needs.

2. Can individual succeed without parents?

Child-rearing is the process of taking care of and raising a child with the help of their
parents or other relatives. How an individual was raised can depend greatly on cultural
influences and encourage social, intellectual, and physical growth. Individuals can
succeed without parents because, as I have observed, some successful individuals don’t
have any parents because they are the products of broken families or they are only living
with their foster family or relatives.

(Personal experience) I As a student who is a product of a broken family, I was raised by

my grandparents and relatives without the emotional and financial help of my parents,
and I can say that I have achieved some things in my life without their help.

Teachers can also greatly help in an individual success by nurturing the child’s skills
and guide them in their academic success. Teachers strive for the greatest possible
setting and equipment for every student in their programs that can lead to students

Even without the support and help of the parents I can say that individual can be
successful in his/her life without parents

Child rearing refers to the process used to bring up a child from birth through adulthood. How
child rearing is done can depend greatly on cultural influences It also includes encouraging
children‘ social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. Proper guidance helps children
control their emotions, make good decisions, and interact well with their peers.It is important to
nurture children‘s talents and to guide them in their academic pursuits. Parents who closely
interact with their children will have a better knowledge of their children‘s skills, interests, and
dislikes. Parents should help their children strengthen their skills and build upon them. Children
shouldn‘t be forced to adapt any skills or profession based solely on the parents‘ preference.
Teachers strive for the greatest possible setting and equipment for every student in their
programs. All students need and benefit from rich learning environments that are overflowing
with useful tools to get them interested in learning.



1. Why is there a need of CBAR?

- Specifically, action research in education can be defined as the process of studying a

school situation to understand and improve the quality of the educative process. There
is a need for conducting CBAR because it provides practitioners with new knowledge
and understanding about how to improve educational practices or resolve significant
problems in classrooms and schools. Since Action research uses a systematic process
it offers multiple, beneficial opportunities for those professionals working within the
teaching profession. These opportunities include facilitating the professional
development of educators, increasing teacher empowerment, and bridging the gap
between research and practice. To conclude, universities must include action research
as a core unit in teacher preparation degree programs — either at the undergraduate or
postgraduate level, as the action research sequence holds significant value to improving
practice within classrooms, schools, and communities.

2. Discuss 3 parts of CBAR

- Here are the important 3 parts to consider as to contemplate and engage with action
research methodology in your classroom: Its parts include action, evaluation, and
reflection. Action which means that the teachers are the doer of the action, they are the
ones who plans, develops, and implements the research and at the end. Evaluation this
includes survey questionnaire, observations, document analysis and etc. Reflection is
the moment where the research participants examine and construct, then evaluate and
reconstruct their concerns. Reflection includes the pre-emptive discussion of
participants where they identify a shared concern or problem.


The 3 parts of CBAR are introduction, methodology, results and discussions.

Introduction, it describes the context where the action research takes place. This could
be, for example, the school in which you teach. Both features of the school and the
population associated with it would be illustrated as well. it also Contain a statement of
your research focus. This would explain where your research questions come from, the
problem you intend to investigate, and the goals you want to achieve. You may also
mention prior research studies you have read that are related to your action research
study. Methodology, it is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and analyze information about a topic on a certain school. This allows the
reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability. Results and
discussions, it describes the data that have been gotten in the process of Classroom
Action Research in each cycle it includes the pre-intervention, intervention, post-
intervention and implications.

In order to better understand and execute fair and effective procedures in the classroom,
classroom-based action research (CBAR) often entails teachers performing cooperative,
empirical investigations into their own routines and interactions. Classroom-based action
research process help us to understand what is happening in a classroom and through this, we
identify changes that will surely improve teaching and learning.
Classroom-based actions research can help answer questions we have about the effective of a
certain instruction strategies, the performance of specific students, and classroom management
techniques. Through this research, it gives us the benefits of research in the classroom. I do
believe that I am probably doing some form of research already. Every time I change a lesson
plan or try a new approach with our students, we are engaged in trying to figure out what works.
Although it may not acknowledge as formal research, we are still investigating, implementing,
reflecting, and refining our approach.
As a future teacher, I want to reach my students more effectively and help them become better
learners and citizen. This research(es) provides a reflective process where I can use to
implement changes inside a classroom and determine if those changes result in the desired
outcome. Our ideas and experience combined with action research are a powerful formula for
effective change!


1. Discuss 2 specific program outcomes in your CMO.

I am a social studies major student and one of the program outcomes of social studies is
to utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in explaining current
issues. So as a social studies major, we should relate current events to help students
develop critical perspectives towards social issues. And another one is to demonstrate
leadership skills that will help in teaching students who will empower their communities.
We social studies teacher in the future, should train students to be involved in
community-related activities because I believe that students cannot live in complete
isolation from the community-life.

BSEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing
the content and pedagogy for secondary education. This specific program are statements
conveying the intent of a program of study. It refers to what a student should know or be able to
do at the end of a program. It is often seen as the knowledge and skills students will have
obtained by the time they have received their intended degree.
As a social studies major students, it needs to fit the goals of the program and institution. This
should be specific enough to guide coursework within program, but also general enough to
align with the institutional mission and fit into several courses within the program. Since this
outcomes are evaluated, they need to be measurable. In other words, program outcomes need
to be written in specific, and when possible, observable terms.
Therefore, program outcomes are a small number of statements that explain what a student will
know or be able to do when the program is completed. Program outcomes are neither too
specific, nor too general. These outcomes should be written to be specific and observable.


1. How should teachers deal with parents?

-Under the Section 2 it states that Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper
authorities, of the progress and
deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candour and tact in pointing out the
learner's deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and
improvement of the learners.

Once we begin our teaching career in earnest, one of our personal goals should be to
quickly learn how to deal with parents. This can be complicated, because parents are all
different. The best way to deal with parents is by communicating them properly and get
them involved. As teachers, we should know how to reached out calmly and
communicate politely with the parents most especially when there are problems with the
academic performance of their children. It is our duly responsibility to inform the parents
about the status of their children inside the classroom may it be they excellently perform
well or they have poor performance. In any circumstances that their child have difficulty
in learning, we should get the parent involved in guiding and improving the learner.
Parents will be gladly participative when we show empathy and concern with their
children. Remember that every interaction we have with a parent, no matter how small,
can provide insight into our students’ inner lives.

2. Discuss 1 provision on the teacher and the community

- Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worships as appropriate,

but shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte others.

Human as we are, we have personal beliefs and practices and we have the freedom to do
those things. But as teachers, we are not in the position to instill our own beliefs,
practices or religion to our students and/or our colleagues. We are in the field to teach,
impart knowledge, mould our students to be good citizens, and build future
professionals. Not to neither convert them nor question their beliefs or religion. We are
the catalyst for change so we must teach our students how to accept and understand
each other's differences.

Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall make the
best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in the
practice of his profession.

- The Code of Ethics also challenges teachers to use current data and professional
expertise toimprove teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Teachers can provide the
finest education for each student if they participate in professional development and continue
their education.
Putting Students First
- Teachers must model strong character traits, including perseverance, honesty,
respect,lawfulness, fairness, patience, and unity. As an educator, teachers must treat every
student with kindness and respect without showing any favoritism, prejudice or partiality.
Teachers must maintain confidentiality unless a scenario warrants involvement from parents,
school administration, or law enforcement, and never use relationships with students for
personal gain.
Showing Commitment on the Job
- Educators must commit wholly to the teaching profession itself. A classroom should
promotesafety, security, and acceptance, and should always avoid bullying, hostility, neglect,
dishonesty or offensive conduct. Teachers must accurately describe their qualifications,
licenses, and credentials to education boards or administration offices that look to hire them.
Teachers must also fulfill all contracts, obey school policies, and account for all funds and
resources at their disposal. It‘s up to the teacher to design lesson plans to meet specific state
standards and create a well-rounded education plan that appeals to learners of all backgrounds
and abilities.
Promote and Uphold Healthy Relationships
- On top of fostering healthy relationships with students, educators must build
strongrelationships with school staff, parents, guidance counselors, coworkers, and
administrators. Teachers must keep from discussing private information about colleagues and
students unless disclosure is required under the law. Teachers should always avoid gossip of
any kind, including false comments about coworkers or students. Part of the code of ethics
requires teachers to cooperate with fellow teachers, parents, and administrators to create an
atmosphere that fosters learning and growth. Educators might be called upon to train student
teachers who wish to serve as educators, so having the right mindset and attitude can make a
positive difference.
Never Stop Learning
- An educator‘s code of conduct demands attentiveness to continuing education
requirementsand career development. Teachers must spend time researching new teaching
methods, attend classes to maintain their certifications, consult colleagues for professional
advice, stay informed on technical advancements for the classroom, and participate in
curriculum improvements. A teacher must ensure that their teaching methods are relevant and
comprehensive for all students. Teachers must engage in educational research to continuously
improve their strategies in the classroom


How is competency learning assessed in the classroom?

In competency-based learning, students are empowered daily to make important

decisions about their learning experiences, how they will create and apply
knowledge, and how they will demonstrate their learning. And so, competency
learning assessed in the classroom based on the students’ performance level, their
behavior, through regular assessments and as well as reporting. Because through
this, as a teacher, you can help students draw and build upon what they know, how
they think and what they can do.


Why are coping mechanism essential?

Most of us have been in stressful situations where we felt helpless to deal with them.
Whether the situation is as serious as a loved one dying, academic pressure, or as
simple as breaking up with a partner, it can cause us to use a coping mechanism to deal
with the feelings and emotions we are experiencing. In the midst of a stressful situation,
it can be hard to figure out how to start “fixing” it. So, that’s why coping mechanisms
can help you create a strategy for dealing with stress. As a student, I have experience
academic pressure right now but coping mechanism help me identify ways to minimize
my those. Through coping mechanism and good self-care, you can manage your stress
healthfully and avoid long-term problems.

Most of us have been in stressful situations where we felt helpless to deal with them. Whether
the situation is as serious as a loved one dying or as simple as breaking up with a partner, it
can cause us to use a coping mechanism to deal with the feelings and emotions we are
Some coping mechanisms are valuable. They are beneficial and useful, resulting in a favorable
outcome. Other coping mechanisms, on the other hand, are negative, with damaging,
unhealthy, and harmful mechanisms that result in a negative outcome.
Although a positive coping strategy can help you get over an issue, many individuals prefer for
negative strategies. This is due to the fact that while negative coping mechanisms don‘t provide
long-term solutions to issues, they do have an instant impact that short-term lessens stress. We
cannot avoid tension as college students, personally. I also have coping mechanisms, which
could be positive or negative, just to help me deal with the stress I‘ve already endured. When
I‘m stressed, one of my coping mechanisms is to overeat. I use food to forget about stress,
mental distractions, and even anxiety. I use eating to forget about my problems. However, when
I look into it, I find that overeating as a way of coping is a negative one.
However, whenever you are stressed or afraid, confront your fears and try to stop yourself from
overeating and running away. By remaining in the situation, you will eventually learn that stress
fades with time. You should also maintain a positive attitude by exercising and eating in a
healthy and moderate manner. By engaging in a productive hobby such as knitting,
woodworking, or baking, you can learn how to distract yourself from stress in a positive way
rather than engaging in negative distraction techniques such as compulsive shopping or
excessive drinking.

13. COVID-19
From the past 2 years, each of our lives had changed. The normal things we do every day
become limited. The ordinary days that we go to school every day, we go out with our families
and friends to go outing has stopped due to the corona outbreak that enters our country. Due to
COVID-19, education issues in the Philippines have increased and received new challenges
that worsened the current state of the country. With the sudden events brought about by the
health crisis, distance learning modes via the internet or TV broadcasts were ordered. In
response to the shutdown of schools worldwide, educational institutions adopted distance
learning to ensure that students were still getting an education while the world continued to
battle COVID-19. This distance learning, which was often achieved through the use of various
online resources, was quickly initiated at all academic levels with an uncertain duration.
I was a second-year college that time and everything became new to me. From face to face
classes, it immediately went to online mode of learning. I was shocked, confused on why all of
these things happened. The excitement to go to the school went gone. However, this covid-19
pandemic made me to realize a lot of things most especially the value of family. By staying
inside our homes, we have given the opportunity to bond with our family because during normal
days, we haven‘t done it because of work and children are in school 10 hours a day.
―It is true – this crisis has taken its toll on humanity. However, it also provided an opportunity
for generations to unite and perhaps begun to shape our younger generations to think
differently about their own individual roles and how we as individuals can all contribute in our
own way to find a solution to collective problems,‖
―I realized that no matter how much time we think we have; at the end of the day, what I came
to appreciate was that we simply don‘t spend enough quality time with our families‖ VACCINES,
agree or not?

Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions in the world for saving lives
and promoting good health.
Before a new vaccine is ever given to people, extensive lab testing is done. Once testing in
people begins, it can sometimes take years before clinical studies are complete and the vaccine
is licensed.
Once a vaccine is licensed, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, National Institutes
of Health (NIH), and other federal agencies routinely monitor its use and investigate any
potential safety concerns.
Vaccination is a highly effective, safe, and easy way to help keep your family healthy.
The timing of vaccination is based on how your child‘s immune system responds to vaccines at
various ages and how likely your child may be exposed to disease.
Vaccines are tested to ensure they are safe and effective for children to receive at the
recommended ages.


When you have a school-aged child, of course you want your student to have all the tools he or
she needs for academic success. Unfortunately the "one size fits all" teaching approach is
flawed because it assumes all students learn in the same ways.
Curriculums should be differentiated in learning to suit the individual needs of each unique
student. Only then can students receive the best possible education and be prepared for future
success. In many schools it is common for a student's day to largely consist of sitting at a desk,
listening to a teacher lecture, and taking notes in preparation for an exam or quiz. However,
when we take into consideration that not all students learn effectively with this method, it
becomes clear that what we really need is student centered or differentiated learning. By
creating an environment that allows students to take control of their own learning, we also give
them the tools and support they need to be successful in academic, and in life. We're proud to
offer a differentiated learning approach for all of our students. Our highly trained and
experienced as future educators should know how to foster an engaging learning environment
that encourages the various learning styles rather than expecting everyone to fit into an ideal
"mold" of how students should learn.


Every student has a distinct learning style, just as everyone has a distinct fingerprint. It‘s likely
that not all of your students understand a subject in the same way or have the same level of
Because we are all unique, we all have a unique way of learning to accomplish a goal, whether
it is a new language, a sport, or any other activity. Students learn in a variety of ways in the
classroom as well. When delivered effectively, tailoring instruction can help meet their diverse
And that is precisely what differentiated instruction would do. Regardless of a student‘s starting
point, teachers can enhance their knowledge and abilities by focusing their lessons.
Differentiation aims to improve all students‘ performance, including those who are falling behind
and those who are performing above year level expectations.
Giving students different sets of Reading Comprehension Activities is an example of effective
differentiated teaching. Rather than focusing on written products, consider assessing reading
comprehension through questions and activities that test various aptitudes.
As a future educator, we must apply this in the classroom. We must always ensure that the
instruction we provide to our students is appropriate for their needs and interests, because in a
differentiated learning environment, teachers and students learn together. Students concentrate
on learning the course content, while teachers adapt their instructional strategies.
All teachers want their students to succeed, and all teachers try to make this happen. That is all
differentiation is.

16. DRRM
It is the actions that are intended to achieve the goal of risk reduction. It aims to minimize or
prevent possible losses due to hazards, ensure early and appropriate aid for catastrophe
victims, and achieve quick and efficient recovery. If our government will invest in disaster risk
reduction, we are not only talking about saving lives but also saving money and securing the
benefits of future growth. We should always keep in mind that with the implementation of
disaster risk reduction and management, there is no "one size fits all" approach, but there are a
number of frameworks and approaches that have been successfully used to lower the risk of
disaster. However, before we can reduce risk, we must first identify the risks as well as how
exposed and vulnerable people and assets are to them.

How does educational technology enhance teaching?

Educational technology is like changing the traditional way of teaching by enabling both
teachers and students in a setting that makes use of now-common technologies like
smartphones, computers, and tablets. Basically, it refers to the technologies used in the
classroom that are helpful in facilitating collaboration in an active learning environment.
Through educational technology is indeed helpful for modern teachers as it enables
them to incorporate new technologies and tools into their classrooms, and a learner-
centered approach can be highlighted. With that, they can engage with their learners in
unique, innovative, and equitable ways. As a pre-service teacher, it is our responsibility
to understand the appropriate strategies that could help us supplement our instructions
and make our lectures more interactive and collaborative. At the end of the day, we all
shared the same common goal: enabling an improved learning environment, which in
turn will boost student outcomes.

Educational technology is like changing the traditional way of teaching by enabling both
teachers and students in a setting that makes use of now-common technologies like
smartphones, computers, and tablets. Basically, it refers to the technologies used in the
classroom that are helpful in facilitating collaboration in an active learning environment. In
education, educational technology is indeed helpful for modern teachers as it enables them to
incorporate new technologies and tools into their classrooms, and a learner-centered approach
can be highlighted. With that, they can engage with their learners in unique, innovative, and
equitable ways. As a pre-service teacher, it is our responsibility to understand the appropriate
strategies that could help us supplement our instructions and make our lectures more
interactive and collaborative. At the end of the day, we all shared the same common goal:
enabling an improved learning environment, which in turn will boost student outcomes.


1What is emotional quotient?

- this is an ability to understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive ways
to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome
challenges and defuse conflict. So as future teachers, as early as possible we must
have emotional quotient since the field we chose to take are bound to interact with
others. We deal with a lot of people with different unique personalities, which is why
having EQ will helps us build healthy relationships, reduce stress and improve our
job performance. It can also help us to connect with our feelings, turn intention into
action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to us. Lastly, I believe
that Emotional quotient allows us to respond instead of react.


Is the observation of etiquette really essential?

Etiquette is the behavior that sets us apart from animals. That is, as human beings, we
must act in a proper and socially acceptable manner in our society. The observance of
etiquette is really essential because it teaches us how to treat people with respect and
decency. Especially in the field of teaching, as teachers it is our responsibility to help
students develop good manners and and right conduct. In order for that to be possible,
we must first establish ourselves as role models and possess such etiquette that
students will reflect on our actions and be inspired to do the same. As the saying goes,
“We cannot teach what we do not have”

Etiquette, in simple words, is the behavior that sets us apart from animals. That is, as human
beings, we must act in a proper and socially acceptable manner in our society. Our role as
teachers is to help students develop good manners and and right conduct. Schools are like our
students second home, as they always say. It should be a place for them to learn the
importance of the word "respect" and become more accepting of others regardless of their
differences. To make this possible, as pre-service teachers we must establish ourselves as
role models as early as possible. We must also possess such etiquette so that students will
reflect on our actions and be inspired to do the same. As they always say, "We cannot teach
what we do not have." So do not just be a teacher who only teaches, but a teacher who also


Should financial Literacy be introduced in the classroom?

When we talk about Financial Literacy it is about the Understanding and being proficient
in the use of different financial skills, such as investing, budgeting, and personal
financial management. Money has an impact on every aspect of our life. It is practically
impossible to live a life without money, because all of us have our wants and needs. Yes
financial Literacy should be introduced to the classroom because we students should
be equip with the knowledge we need to handle our money sensibly to make financial
decisions. When financial literacy is thoroughly taught in schools, students can learn the
abilities required to become financially independent. Teaching children about budgeting,
saving, and investing at an early age is not only essential but also necessary, as a huge
percentage of young individuals are already heavily in debt as a result of impulsive
spending and a lack of knowledge about money management.

Financial Literacy is the Understanding and being proficient in the use of different financial
skills, such as investing, budgeting, and personal financial management.Money has an impact
on every aspect of our life. It is practically impossible to live a life without money, from our
everyday bills to our wants and needs. Without financial literacy, you might be choosing poorly
when it comes to saving or investing your money. Financial literacy is crucial because it equips
you with the knowledge you need to handle your money sensibly,make sound financial
decisions, and achieve financial stability in life.Early financial literacy instruction is essential,
and schools should work fast to include it in their curriculum. When financial literacy is
thoroughly taught in schools, students can learn the abilities required to become financially
independent. Teaching children about budgeting, saving, and investing at an early age is not
only essential but also necessary, as a huge percentage of young individuals are already
heavily in debt as a result of impulsive spending and a lack of knowledge about money


Define Flexible Learning

When we talk about Flexible learning it is a combination of different methods of teaching,

including the use of online platforms and digital or printed modules. Under this new
system, the schools and universities are adopting a mix of different learning and
teaching methods based on their specific situations.The Covid-19 pandemic challenged
our ideas about instruction and affected all aspects of education, including funding and
the role of technology.The education system as a whole has adjusted very successfully,
encouraging not only new educational ideas but also ingenuity, resourcefulness, and
perseverance.Students who might not have previously had the opportunity to do so can
now access a high-quality education and learning experience due to flexible learning.
With this method of instruction, students can progress through the material at their own
pace, access materials and resources as needed, and select a course that matches their
knowledge and skills.

Flexible learning refers to the combination of different methods of teaching, including the use of
online platforms and digital or printed modules. Under this new system, the schools and
universities are adopting a mix of different learning and teaching methods based on their
specific situations.The Covid-19 pandemic challenged our ideas about instruction and affected
all aspects of education, including funding and the role of technology.The education system as
a whole has adjusted very successfully, encouraging not only new educational ideas but also
ingenuity, resourcefulness, and perseverance.Students who might not have previously had the
opportunity to do so can now access a high-quality education and learning experience due to
flexible learning. With this method of instruction, students can progress through the material at
their own pace, access materials and resources as needed, and select a course that matches
their knowledge and skills.


Discuss its legal basis

It is stated in Republic Act 10931, otherwise known as the Universal Access to Quality
Tertiary Education Act. It excludes from paying tuition and other school expenses any
eligible college student enrolled in a bachelor's degree, a certificate degree, or any
comparable undergraduate degree. With this, a lot of Filipino people are given the
opportunity to access free education and are no longer paying any tuition or
miscellaneous fees in school. Some examples of universities that offer free tuition
include number one, Negros Oriental State University. The University of the Philippines,
or UP, our country’s national university, also offers free tuition for all eligible students.


Is being healthy synonymous with being well?

- I believe that health and wellness are not synonymous because healthy simply refers to
a physical body being free from diseases, but wellness is an overall balance of your
physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-
being. For instance, you can be a healthy person but it doesn't mean you have a healthy
spiritual, mental and emotional quotient. For me, wellness is a lifestyle and is not an end
to be achieved. It means that we strives for balance throughout our whole life. On the
other hand, health, for example, would be that a person wants to lose weight and lower
blood pressure. Once that person does this, he/she is considered healthy. Health is a
goal one can achieve, while wellness is a dynamic concept that continues for a lifetime.

Health is the biggest wealth for a human being in his/her entire lifetime. One can survive without
excess money but can‘t survive without good health. Health is something that we can‘t buy with
money but we can take care of it and we can cure it when needed with the help of the money.
Health and Wellness is the most important aspect of our life. There is nothing more important
than health for any human being. When we are healthy and fit, we are able to enjoy our life
well. We can talk to our near and dear one, we can laugh, smile, travel, enjoy food, and sleep
well. But when our health and wellness is not up to the mark, we are unable to do anything
properly and stay behind. We cannot enjoy eating, watching sports or movies. Our mood
always remains negative and we are unable to talk nicely with our near and dear or even sleep
We must have all come across the old adage, ‗Health is Wealth‘ and it is indeed. As we all
know, remaining Healthy is key in order to live a fulfilling life. When we speak about being
Healthy, we imply the ability to function optimally both physically and mentally. As we explore
the dynamics of Health and Fitness, we have to acknowledge the fact that mental Health is as
important as physical Health.


What encompasses a holistic education in the 21st century?

Holistic education is a comprehensive approach where teachers aim to meet students’

emotional, social, moral, and academic needs. There are actually a lot of things that
encompasses a holistic education in the 21st century, giving emphasis on wholeness is
one of those. Since we are now dealing with different learners.

Holistic education places an emphasis on the whole growth of a learner instead of emphasizing
only specific parts of the human experience. It deemphasizes materialism while promoting
growth in all areas of the human experience. As an educator, our purpose in teaching is to mold
the lives of our students and equip them with skills and knowledge they'll need in their future
endeavors. To be able to do this, teachers must not be afraid to try new approaches in teaching,
we must always think outside the box to provide our learners the quality education they deserve


people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic.
They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate
large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views. Brands
love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to
buy products they promote.

- Social media influencers are an important part of this information network. They inform their
followers of new products, new developments, and even breaking the news. Unlike
advertisements that are designed to inform, the information that comes from individual
influencers is organic and trusted.
By Follower Numbers
- Mega influencers are the people with a vast number of followers on their social networks.-
Many mega-influencers are celebrities who have gained their fame offline – movie stars,
sportspeople, musicians, and even reality television stars.
- Their services will be costly, up to $1 million per post
- People with followers in the range between 40,000 and 1 million followers on a social
networkto be macro-influencers.
- Macro-influencers generally have a high profile and can be excellent at raising awareness.
- Micro-influencers are ordinary everyday people who have become known for their
knowledgeabout some specialist niche.
- micro-influencers as having between 1,000 and 40,000 followers on a single social platform.
- people only have a small number of followers, but they tend to be experts in an obscure
orhighly specialized field.
- You can think of nano-influencers as being the proverbial big fish in a small pond. In
manycases, they have fewer than 1,000 followers – but they will be keen and interested
followers, willing to engage with the nano-influencer, and listen to his/her opinions. By Types
of Content
- have the most authentic and active relationships with their fans.
- For instance, there are highly influential blogs about personal development, finance,
health,childrearing, music, and many other topics, including blogging itself. The critical thing
successful blogs have in common is the respect of their readers.
- Another favorite type of content is video. In this case, rather than each video maker having
their own site, most create a channel on YouTube. Brands often align with popular YouTube
content creators.
a collection or series of digital audio files that are made available for downloading or listening
via the Internet.

26. K-12, ISSUES

Is kindergarten an essential component?

Yes, kindergarten is essential component in k-12 program because I believe that it is the
first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education. A child cannot proceed to
grade school, if she/he cannot complete kindergarten. Also, it is not just all about being
mandatory. Kindergarten builds the foundation for other grades. Students learn many
basics like letters, numbers, reading, writing, addition, subtraction, the list goes on and
on. And aside from that, Kindergarten provide stimulation of growth and brain
development, guiding children to learn at their own pace and be best prepared for their
next step of going to 'big school’.

(For Message)
Problem is inevitable especially in our country who doesn't have enough resources to give us
the highest quality of service. But if we decided to work together, I'm sure that these issues in
department education will be addressed properly. There is no problem that we cannot overcome
if we work as one. In one we can do so little but we can do great things when we are together.

27. K-12 Program

The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, also known as the ―Kindergarten to Grade 12‖
Program, is a curriculum wherein the Department of Education added two more years to
the students‘ education.
There are still people out there who don‘t agree with having this curriculum and still ask, ―Why
add two years?‖ At first, I was one of the many people who also questioned this change of
curriculum. But, as a graduate and product of the K–12 program, my question was
answered.The K-12 Curriculum is a good program of the Department of Education since it
enhances the basic education curriculum. Having the K–12 program has a lot of benefits, and I
will mention some of them.
First, graduates will also be prepared for higher or tertiary education. It significantly helps in
shaping the students into productive and responsible citizens of society with the skills and
competencies to be lifelong learners and employment-ready, as graduates will possess skills
relevant to their dream jobs. Second, graduates could now be recognized abroad. The K–12
program gives every learner an opportunity to receive a quality education based on an
enhanced curriculum that is internationally recognized and comparable.
The K-12 program has made progress for us. Progress for all, not for some. It is a way and
solution to the problem that will not just improve our education system but also lessen economic


Having a Burning passion to impart knowledge is the reason why teachers choose to Stay in
the field of teaching. But burning passion is not the only thing we Need to impart knowledge.
We also need to cope up to the changing world to ensure that we are still delivering quality
education. If these new trends will innovate the teaching-learning process we must must try it
for our students to identify if this will work for us. I believe that an effective teacher is the one
who is not afraid to take the risk to try new things just to improve the state of education of his
learners. Always remember that utilizing Appropriate approaches and strategies is another way
of meeting the Educational needs of learners. The skills and abilities of teachers do not depend
solely on cognitive learning; it is expected that the teacher Themselves is a well-rounded

Lesson planning is the tasks that the teacher completes before the actual lesson takes place.
Lesson plan, on the other hand, is a thorough outline of the instructional techniques and
learning exercises to be used throughout the teaching and learning process.
● Lesson Topic
● Class Objectives - The most important thing in the lesson plan. t is what does the
teacher wants the students to be able to do by the end of the lesson.
● Procedure
● Time Management

● Student Practice


Mental health is very important at every stage of our life, from childhood and adolescence
through adulthood and even until we get old. It affects how we think, act and feel. Also, it helps
to determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Over the course of our
lives, if we are experiencing mental health problems, our thinking, mood, and behavior could be
affected in many significant ways.
As a fourth year college student right now, I am very conscious about my mental health. We
feel stressed because we are bombarded with a lot of activities, feel anxious, afraid that we
might not passed the quizzes or might not able to submit from the given deadline. All those
things could affect our mental health if we faced them negatively. So, if we suspect that our
mental health is being compromised, never aggravate it. Instead, focus on the positive aspects
of what we can accomplish.
All I can say is that, if you think that your mental health is being disturbed and being affected I
can only advise you to surround yourself with people that respect you for who you are as a
unique individual and who understand your situation. You can successfully manage the illness
with the help of this routine. Gain more awareness about mental health so you can get the
support you need to deal with the issue. Make connections with other people, your family, and
friends to receive emotional support. Take up a hobby or any other enjoyable creative endeavor
and always remember to be grateful in life.


Vygotsky's "more knowledgeable other" is a person who has greater knowledge and skills than
the learner. Often, this is an adult such as a parent or teacher who provides educational
opportunities, such as guided instruction, within a child's zone of proximal development. From
his ideas, I realized the importance of guidance and presence of us Adult to the learning of a
child. We must portray a good role model for them because they look up to us as an expert, as
an adult who they entrust in their learning.

The new normal in education became relevant when pandemic arise. It is an abrupt transition
from traditional learning face to face to online learning process paradigm shifting viewed in the
various educational institutions. For the country like the Philippines, new normal in education is
truly a difficult thing to maintain. If our educational system wants to continue this set up, they
should also consider the resources of their teachers, the quality of gadgets the students and
teacher has, the internet connectivity of the country, the handouts and the quality of teaching
they want to instill to all the learners to ensure that the new normal is not deteriorating the
quality of teaching-learning process.

33. OBE

Outcome-based education (OBE) is education in which an emphasis is placed on a clearly

articulated idea of what students are expected to know and be able to do, that is, what skills
and knowledge they need to have, when they leave the school system. It is sometimes also
called performance-based education and is an attempt to measure educational effectiveness
based on results rather than on inputs such as time students spend in class.
Outcomes-based education incorporates the principles of mastery-based learning, but it goes
much further than just the content. It looks at what students are learning and why. Addressing
the ―why‖ helps learners make the connections between their academic work and their
professional practice. Students should achieve their goal by the end of the educational process.
Throughout the educational experience, all students should be able to achieve their goals. It
focuses on measuring student performance through outcomes. The OBE maps & measures
students‘ performance at every step. The OBE model aims to maximize student learning
outcomes by developing their knowledge & skills.
Empowers students to choose what they would like to study and how they would like to study it.
Not only does it adapt to a learner's strengths and weaknesses, but it also provides sufficient
time to attain proficiency and fluency in the subject matter



What is the ppst framework?

The Pre-service Teachers’ Practice-based Training (PSTePT) Framework was developed
in partnership with select Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development in Teacher
Education, with the Teacher Education Council as lead. The framework is based on the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and includes core principles to
help TEIs in aligning their pre-service teacher training to the needs of DepEd.
In line with the new professional standards for teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd),
through the Teacher Education Council (TEC), issues this DepEd Order entitled National
Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). -
The DepEd recognizes the importance of professional standards in the continuing professional
development and advancement of teachers based on the principle of lifelong learning. It is
committed to supporting teachers, and taking cognizance of unequivocal evidence that good
teachers are vital to raising student achievement. Quality learning is contingent upon quality
teaching. Hence, enhancing teacher quality becomes of utmost importance for long term and
sustainable nation building.
- The PPST aims to:
a. set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of
professionaldevelopment from beginning to distinguished practice;
b. engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency; and
c. apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and provide
supportfor professional development.
Professional standards for teachers
- The Philippine Government has consistently pursued teacher quality reforms through
of initiatives. As a framework of teacher quality, the National Competency-Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS) was institutionalized through CHED Memorandum Order No. 52, s. 2007
DepED Order No. 32, s. 2009. It emerged as part of the implementation of the Basic Education
Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA), and was facilitated by drawing on the learning considerations
programs, such as the Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM), the Strengthening
Implementation of Visayas Education (STRIVE) project and the Third Elementary Education
Project (TEEP).
- The following describes the breadth of 7 Domains that are required by teachers to be
effectivein the 21st Century in the Philippines. Quality teachers in the Philippines need to
possess the following characteristics:
recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness
within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of
the application of theories and principles of teaching and learning. They apply
developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge
and current research. They display proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate the teaching and learning process, as well as exhibit the needed skills in the
use of communication strategies, teaching strategies and technologies to promote high-
quality learning outcomes.
provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to
promote learner responsibility and achievement. They create an environment that is learning-
focused and they efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual space. They
utilize a range of resources and provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to
encourage constructive classroom interactions geared towards
the attainment of high standards of learning.
establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. They respect
learners‘ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of
learning opportunities. They encourage the celebration of diversity in the classroom and
the need for teaching practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be
successful citizens in a changing local and global environment.
interact with the national and local curriculum requirements. They translate curriculum
content into learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles
of effective teaching and learning. They apply their professional knowledge to plan and
design, individually or in collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced
lessons that are contextually relevant, responsive to learners‘ needs and incorporate a
range of teaching and learning resources. They communicate learning goals to support
learner participation, understanding and achievement.
apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating,
documenting and reporting learners‘ needs, progress and achievement. They use
assessment data in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and learning
process and programs. They provide learners with the necessary feedback about
learning outcomes that informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to select,
organize and use sound assessment processes.
establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment,
as well as the community‘s engagement in the educative process. They identify and
respond to opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the
experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school community and other key
stakeholders. They understand and fulfill their obligations in upholding professional
ethics, accountability and transparency to promote professional and harmonious
relationships with learners, parents, schools and the wider community.
value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal regard
for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity. They value personal and professional reflection
and learning to improve their practice. They assume responsibility for personal growth
and professional development for lifelong learning.
The 7 Domains collectively comprise 37 strands that refer to more specific dimensions
of teacher practices.
Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, is composed of seven strands:
1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-orderthinking
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies
Domain 2, Learning Environment, consists of six strands:
1. Learner safety and security
2. Fair learning environment
3. Management of classroom structure and activities
4. Support for learner participation
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior
Domain 3, Diversity of Learners, consists of five strands:
1. Learners‘ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
2. Learners‘ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds
3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups
Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning, includes five strands:
1. Planning and management of teaching and learning process
2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting, is composed of five strands:
1. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies
2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders
5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs
Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement, consists of four strands:
1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures
Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development, contains five strands:
1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals


Level 1
NC1- Knowledge and skills that are manual or concrete or
practical and/or operational in focus.
Level 2
NC2- ; involve routine issues which are identified and addressed by selecting from and
following a number of set rules, guidelines or procedures
Level 3
NC3- Work involves understanding the work process, contributing to problem solving,
and making decisions to determine the process, equipment and materials to be used.

Level 4
NC4- Work involves some leadership and guidance when organizing activities of self and
Level 5
DIPLOMA- In conditions where there is broad guidance and direction, where judgment is
required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, services and techniques for
self and others.

Level 6
Baccalaureate Degree- Demonstrated broad and coherent knowledge and skills in their
field of study for professional work and lifelong learning

Level 7-
Post-Baccalaureate Program- High substantial degree of independence that involves
exercise of leadership and initiative individual work or in teams of multi-disciplinary field

Level 8
Doctoral Degree and Post-Doctoral Programs- Applied for professional leadership for
innovation, research and/or development management in highly specialized or multi-
disciplinary field

- The Philippine Qualifications Framework describes the levels of educational

qualifications andsets the standards for qualification outcomes. It is a quality assured national
system for the development, recognition and award of qualifications based on standards of
knowledge, skills and values acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers
of the country.
It provides employers with specific training standards and qualifications that are aligned to
industry requirements. The PQF provides employers immediate information on what a worker
can be expected to know and do, and are further assured that qualifications are consistent and
are based on standards.
- The PQF has eight (8) Levels of qualifications differentiated by descriptors of
expectedlearning outcomes along the three domains: knowledge, skills and values; application;
and degree of independence. The PQF 8-level framework with Senior High School as the
foundation of the 8 levels. It has sub-frameworks in separate subsystems of the education and
training system. For example, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA) subsystem covers National Certificates (NC) I through IV corresponding to the first
four levels while the
Commission on Higher Education Subsystem covers Baccalaureate, Postgraduate Diploma,
Masters, and Doctorate that correspond to Levels 6 to 8. The two Sub-systems interface in the
provision of diploma programs at level 5.


Learning to live together, what does this mean?

Learning to Live Together is one of the educational pillars that is most important in
creating a genuine and lasting culture of peace throughout the world. It is possible to
achieve this by learning about others' histories, traditions, and spiritual values. In order
to learn to live together, it is necessary to develop a type of education that will allow
people to avoid or resolve conflicts peacefully by promoting learning to live together
with others, developing a spirit of respect, and emphasizing the importance of mutual
understanding and peace. As a future teacher, to achieve this pillar, we must teach
students about human diversity, instill in them an awareness of the similarities and
interdependence of all people, and they should be taught to understand other people's
reactions by looking at things from their point of view. Unless we begin to learn together,
there is little hope that we will ever begin to live together.

The four pillars of education will serve as teachers‘ guiding principles in developing students
who have a big mind as well as a big heart.
A teacher must help his or her students develop holistically. It is not enough to simply state a
fact or memorize a theory. The teacher should emphasize how his or her students‘ learning can
benefit not only them but also humanity.
This pillar extends beyond memorizing facts. This focuses on how a person learns and
mastering one‘s ability to gain knowledge in an intelligent manner. We must recognize that
learning is a ―life-long process; as individuals, our main goal is to realize our potentials and use
them to be a better member of the community; thus, learning to know is a process of
continuously learning to develop your instruments to learn.
Teaching them these skills will make it easier for them to open themselves up to new
possibilities for developing their own talents and creating a vision of themselves in accordance
with the skills they have begun to develop.
Making the most of your potential for the good of humanity will be very beneficial for helping you
to establish a sense of belonging. Our children should set an example by showing compassion
for others, being open to change and diverse viewpoints, and appreciating all cultures other
than their own.
This pillar focuses on a person‘s overall development. Achieving one‘s full potential by growing
in all areas, including moral development. Social, spiritual, physical, and mental
Education should not be limited to the four walls of the classroom; it should be a way of life.
Education provides our children with the opportunity to realize their hidden talents and become
the ideal person they aspire to be.
As teachers, it will not be easy for us to let the students realized of their capabilities, there will
always be setbacks, unexpected failures and discouragement. Our educational system must be
guided with these 4 Pillars of Education for us to have a community whose members are fully
developed in physical, mental, emotional and social aspects.


What is included in licensure examination for teachers?

Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is a test of the overall knowledge and
proficiency of prospective teachers to provide a reliable structure, which the practice of
prospective teachers can be measured and proven, and it gives access to continuing
growth and development. The examination for teachers in the elementary level shall
consist of two (2) parts, namely: professional education and general education. The
examination for teachers in the secondary level shall consist of three (3) parts, namely:
professional education, general education, and field of specialization.

Importance of professionalization of teaching

- Professional development for teachers can help teachers to plan their time better and stay
organized. This makes teachers more efficient and gives them extra time to focus not on
paperwork but students. Students expect teachers to be specialists in the subject matter for the
topics they teach.

1. Share a personal experience.

2. Tell listeners what the topic has to do with them.

3. Have eye contact to your audience, proper hand gestures and postures and
modulated and clear voice

Public speaking is a vital skill to have and to hone. It effects simple, everyday interactions
between coworkers, bosses and employees, marketing professionals and clients, etc., and it
can have an enormous impact on your career path and your level of success in your industry.
- It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Without
communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in life, itself, would be
nearly impossible. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of


Quality vs Quantity in education has been on my mind the past couple weeks. I am excited to
be able to share all of my thoughts here. Education is the most important tool for the betterment
of humanity as well as to develop modernization in civilization. In every government education
is considered to be the most essential pillar that holds whole nation together and leads the state
towards ultimate success. Education is at the heart of both personal and community
development; its mission is to enable each of us, without exception, to develop all our talents to
the full and to realize our creative potentiality, including responsibility for our own lives and
achievement of our personal aims.
A good quality education is one that provides all learners with capabilities they require to
become economically productive, develop sustainable livelihoods, contribute to peaceful and
democratic societies and enhance individual well-being. The learning outcomes that are
required vary according to context but at the end of the basic education cycle must include
threshold levels of literacy and numeracy, basic scientific knowledge and life skills including
awareness and prevention of disease. Capacity development to improve the quality of teachers
and other education stakeholders is crucial throughout this process.

(For incase u choose quantity)

Quantity of education helps people attain more years of education and can earn higher wages.
Attaining more years of education is also important as higher level of education is needed to
meet the challenges of changing demands which are arising out of advanced knowledge and
Everyone thinks of changing the world and to make it a better place but no one thinks of
changing of one. We need to change from our side individually at least there would be a point
contribution to provide the quantity of education. Quantity of education should make the
receiver equipped with the capabilities to meet the challenges of obsolescence and change. If
education imparted marks the product technically the best, socially relevant and responsible;
and endangers values, behavior, and lifestyle towards a sustainable future.


Religion can be characterized as a set of standards and principles that individuals adhere to on
a daily basis and that are founded on the notion of a superhuman order that they view as a
spiritual leader. By training people to look outside of the family‘s beliefs and goals and what
they have been exposed to since birth, education promotes transformation and helps people
develop moral character.Religion helps students understand the place of various religions in
our society. It helps them resolve the important questions of their own inner self and this
understanding contributes to a more just and cohesive society.Students are encouraged to
respond sensitively to all religions, traditions and cultures, using their imagination and sense of
wonder. Their study of faiths develops appropriate, secular view of the world and a religious
community with a significant local presence.


The world is experiencing multiple transitions at a rapid pace, be it in education or corporate

space. At a volatile time like this, the demand for safe space skills is extremely high. In just a
few months, the students returned to the classrooms. They will expect an engaged faculty and
will want new classes addressing contemporary social and political issues. Together, we will be
looking to solve problems. At times, too, they will be hoping for some kind genuflection to their
humanity, their youth and the dark, merciless world in which we live. In short, they will be
looking for exactly the sort of ―safe space‖. This is a crucial moment for higher education, and
the brisk response from the Education reveals the stakes clearly. We should embrace those
more dynamic, more revolutionary changes and drive them home.
One of the big, challenging reforms is the notion of a ―safe space‖ for our students, a concept
that is both old and new and nearly impossible to define. It can mean a single room on a
campus, the floor of a building or an entire center or department. It can refer to the presence of
trained counselors, the support of friends and allies, or the absence of hurtful material. The
students deserve such spaces on a campus because the absence of such spaces is counter to
the very mission of higher education.

43. SEX ED

Relate sex education to a topic in your major

I a social studies major student and one of our topic talk about sex and sexuality. And
sex education is high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics
related to sex and sexuality. It explores values and beliefs about those topics and helps
people gain the skills that are needed to navigate relationships with self, partners, and
community, and manage one’s own sexual health. Implementing sexuality education
through social studies would help to translate into the students the values, attitudes and
skills already acquired through the study of social studies thereby making the learning of
sexuality education concepts easy for them.

The benefits of sexuality education, when comprehensive, go far beyond information on

reproduction and health risks associated with sexuality. Sexuality education is essential to
prevent and combat sexual abuse against children, sexual violence and sexual exploitation.
- Sex education is the provision of information about bodily development, sex, sexuality, and
relationships, along with skills-building to help young people communicate about and make
informed decisions regarding sex and their sexual health.
- Why do young people need comprehensive sexuality education?
Too many young people receive confusing and conflicting information about relationships and
sex, as they make the transition from childhood to adulthood. This has led to an increasing
demand from young people for reliable information, which prepares them for a safe, productive
and fulfilling life. When delivered well, CSE responds to this demand, empowering young
people to make informed decisions about relationships and sexuality and navigate a world
where gender-based violence, gender inequality, early and unintended pregnancies, HIV and
other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) still pose serious risks to their health and well-being.
Equally, a lack of high-quality, age- and developmentally-appropriate sexuality and relationship
education may leave children and young people vulnerable to harmful sexual behaviours and
sexual exploitation.

Social media is a very interactive platform wherefrom users can take help and share their ideas,
information, and share about their jobs, their career interest, and many more things.Many
students use social media platforms to post their difficulties and receive immediate assistance
or solutions. Social media‘s role in education has a significant impact on students‘ lives.
Students may readily obtain information, acquire or recover information, and engage with their
teachers, friends, and classmates thanks to social media. With its assistance, students can
quickly communicate with their instructors or teachers and can easily acquire knowledge and
information. Because so many students waste their time and money on social media, the site
has come under fire from many educators. However, it provides numerous opportunities and
options for interaction and information gathering, which can enhance their learning. With the
help of social media, students and teachers can improve their technological access and
involvement in studies increases because of these latest technologies. Internet and its
technology also help in collaborating in the classroom and make better and effective
communication skills with students. Teachers can make the class interesting by making the
powerpoint presentation and can use various pictures and images in it. So that class students
take more interest and retain more information with the attracted powerpoint slides.


Teachers utilize teaching strategies to present content in a way that keeps students interested
and applying various skill sets. Depending on the unit topic, grade level, class size, and
available resources in the classroom, a teacher may choose a variety of teaching methods.
Various instructional tactics are used to support various student types and accomplish teaching
and learning objectives.Teaching strategies play an important role in classroom instruction.
Without the use of a strategy, teachers would be aimlessly projecting information that doesn‘t
connect with learners or engage them. Strategies help learners participate, connect, and add
excitement to the content being delivered.As educators, we must acknowledge that all students
learn differently and our responsibility is to implement different strategies to meet the need of
the students. When a teacher is planning an effective lesson, he or she must take in
consideration the different needs of the students and understand that students have different
learning styles


For changing the globalizing world, the role of the teachers is essential to improve the
sustainable education. At the same time, inspiring and guiding the students in increasing
employability skills with the digital tools is the prerequisite for a 21st century teacher. Thus a
teacher in the twenty-first century will be a digital teacher. Teachers are not the facilitator for
learning of the students only, and now they are responsible for training the students for
increasing employability skills, expanding the mind, growing digital citizenships, critical thinking,
and creativity as well as sustainable learning. Thus, the winning of the students is the win of the
The education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the integration of the
technology in every sector. At the same time, the students are more matured than the previous
time. Now, in the twenty-first-century education depends on Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills,
Information Media, Technological Skills as well as Life Skills. Especially, the education of the
present time emphasis on life and career skills. Now there has no value for rote learning. In
general, it needs to meet the industry need. To clarify, the teaching will be effective when a
student can use the lesson outside of the classroom.

Our aim is to build a coalition for reform. At the heart of that coalition is a belief in children and a
belief in teachers - their potential and their idealism.
I believe that it is only by embracing reform that we can create the profession we need - a
modern profession capable of fulfilling the potential of all young people. Not more initiatives but
the coherence and confidence to plan change and see it through.


1. The United States of America
The American education system is known for its practical learning and offers a wide
array of educational choices to international students. It is one of the most popular
educational destinations among students because it offers graduate, postgraduate,
engineering, and doctorate programs.
2. The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is one of the best countries with leading universities and a top-
notch quality of education. Educational degrees and programs in the UK are popular
and accepted across the globe.
3. Australia
Australia is an amazing country well known for its excellent and professional courses
and studies. Approximately eight universities in Australia rank among the top 50 in the
world. Here immigration policies are easily acceptable for international students.
4. The Netherlands
The education system of the Netherlands is known for its international and high-study
approach. Most universities, here are state-funded, and teachers are best known for
their practical teaching skills. Also, it is one of the top 10 happiest countries on the world
happiness index ranking.
5. Sweden
There is a strong emphasis on group work in Swedish universities, which makes them
different from other countries. Rather than pushing you to achieve a grade, the Swedish
education system emphasises your academic interests.
Why do countries have different education systems?
Every nation in the world is equipped with some form of education system, though those
systems vary greatly. The major factors that affect education systems are the resources and
money that are utilized to support those systems in different nations, as well as how education
is organized and administered to students.


In my observation, it is not much about over the lack of physical resources (classrooms, school
materials – I know they‘re very important) it is with the quality of the education.
Using out-dated methods like rote learning, less regard for critical thinking skills and soft skills
(creativity and innovation) have been major setbacks in our educational system. Teachers
serve more as baby sitters than they are actually relaying knowledge.
And in spite of a high number of college graduates, many end up either unemployed or become
OFW for employee-based labour because they couldn‘t fill in local jobs especially high
professions where it requires having developed skills to be either leaders, researchers or
Overworked and underpaid teaching staff
Teaching has often been referred to as the ―most notable of all professions.‖ To many teachers,
however, the noble image of their profession has been transformed into an illusion. Over the
last three decades, we have come to think of the Filipino teachers as overworked and
underpaid professionals.
The fact that teachers are paid subsistence wages is only half of their sad story. Their daily bout
with dilapidated classrooms, overcrowded classes, and lack of teaching materials, among
others, make the teachers hardly rewarded work even more difficult.

Aside from classroom instructions, teachers perform a host of backbreaking and time-
consuming jobs unrelated to the teaching function. The National Research and
Development Center for Teacher Education under the DECS listed 76 extracurricular activities
performed by public school teachers. Such activities include Operation Timbang, census taking,
tax consciousness drive, Clean and Green Drive, Alay-Tanim, Alay-Lakad, fund raising
campaigns, lining the streets to welcome foreign dignitaries, etc. To do all these, teachers are
forced to work two or three hours overtime everyday. They also have to report during weekends
and holidays and even during their yearly vacationtime.


Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the
future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making
hundreds of decisions every day.Values are important because they can help us to predict each
other‘s choices, and can help us avoid misunderstandings, frustration and distrust.
Understanding that other people prioritise a different set of values that guide them toward
different decisions, may help you better understand that their choices may be different from
yours, but they may be right for them.Good values and beliefs help them to be strong in any
situation and inspire them to work hard for the results and do not let them give up.The
importance of teaching values is that it prepares their mental conditioning and strengthens their
determination to overcome tough conditions and situations.When children know what is right or
wrong, they can shape the perception of others.The Importance of teaching moral values to
students helps them to stand for themselves and others when an injustice is
happening.Educators are tasked with the job of helping children see that values are not only an
important part of the educational process but also to their overall development as an individual


Festivals are a part of our culture. We have grown up around them and have embraced them as
a part of our lives. Festivals are not just celebrated for cultural or religious reasons. Festivals
have much more to offer to the people. They bring people together and create a sense of
belonging in the community. On these days people from all walks of life come together to
celebrate life.This teaches children the importance of community and the joys of working
together. When kids take part in preparations for a festival, they make a place for themselves in
this community of people. They learn to share work with everyone and together make a
celebration successful.Festivals are a wonderful method to learn about a person‘s culture.
During festivals and celebrations, a child can learn more about their culture and their nation.
They learn about their global roots and become more appreciative of their nation and culture as
a result. Festivals are the time of year when historical tales are brought to light to educate
youngsters about the past and help them appreciate the value of celebration across
Celebrations bring the students or the children closer to each other's cultural beliefs and
traditions to develop respect and understanding for each other's customs and traditions


The zone of proximal development refers to the gap between what a child knows and what
they do not. Acquiring the missing information requires skills that a child does not yet possess
or cannot use independently, but can with the help of a ―more knowledgeable other.‖ In this
stage, the presence of an adult or an expert is very crucial because their instruction and
guidance help the child to learn best. I remember a quote that ―A good teacher teach students
where to look not what to look‖. Teachers must encourage the learners to explore, they
shouldn‘t spoon fed the learnings of a child because learning must acquire and earned on their
own to achieve real development.

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