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LET Reviewer Biology Part 1 A. Helmintology B.

1. Where do producers obtain their energy? C. Chondrichthyes D. Ornithology
A. From other producers B. From the consumers C. From the
decomposers D. From the sun 17.The process involved in the production of mRNA using DNA
as template is termed _______?
2. Why do you experience not seeing things clearly for some A. Transcription B. Replication C. Gene manipulation
seconds when you enter suddenly a well-lighted room after D. Reverse transcription
coming from a dark room, you?
A. The pupils are not adapted to the dark 18.What is the most abundant inorganic compound in the
B. The eyes are adapted to the light only protoplasm?
C. The pupils are not dilated yet A. Fluid B. Blood C. Plasma D. Water
D. Light had caused temporary blindness
19.Which is the riches type of tropical rain forest in the
3. What term is used to describe the ability to maintain a Philippines?
constant internal environment? A. Molave forest B. Dipterocarp forest
A. Metabolism B. Growth and development C. Mangrove forest D. Pine forest
C. Homeostasis D. Thermoregulation
20.What muscle is described as involuntary, not striated, and
4. What is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease? have a single nucleus?
A. Fatty deposits in the arteries A. Smooth B. Skeletal C. Cardiac D. Connective
B. Inadequate supply of red blood cells
C. Lack of sodium in the diet 21.We feel warmer just before it rains because __________.
D. Increased heartbeat A. Heat is released by the evaporation of water
B. The clouds prevent heat from escaping the earth
5. Which is the smallest unit of life that can survive and C. There is an increased relative humidity
reproduce on its own? D. Heat is released by the condensation of water vapor
A. Cell B. Organ C. Tissues D. Population
22.Which of the following is not considered as a reproductive
6 .Which region of a vertebrate forebrain is considered with cell?
the neutral-endocrine control of visceral activities? A. A. Gamete B. Somatic cell C. Egg cell D. Sperm cell
Cerebellum B. Thalamus C. Hypothalamus D. Pituitary
23.The cell wall of plant is made of _______.
7. Which of the following is the building block carbohydrate? A. Lipids B. Cellulose C. Protein D. Cell membrane
A. Amino acid B. Nucleotide
C. Fatty acid D. Monosaccharide 24.Which of the following is the correct sequence of the level
of organization from lowest to highest?
8.Why it is necessary men have more red blood cells per cubic A. Cells-system-organs-tissues
millimeter of blood than women? B. System-organs-tissues-cells
A. Man does strenuous activities and need more energy C. Cells-tissues-organs-system
B. They have bigger physique and need more blood D. Tissues-systems-cells-organs
C. Man waste more blood cells and need extra
D. They are more prone to anemia disorders 25.At metaphase of the meiotic division, the chromosomes are
attached to the spindle fibers as ________.
9.Which of the following is the building block of protein? A. Double chromatids
A. Amino acid B. Nucleotide C. Fatty acid B. Non-homologous pairs
D. Monosaccharide C. Single chromatid strands
D. A tetrad of four chromatids
10.Where does protein synthesis take place?
A. Ribosomes B. Lysosomes C. Endoplasmic reticulum 26.Which of the following is an example of behavioral
D. Golgi bodies adaption?
A. Thick green stems of the cactus plant
11.Why are our lips “redder” than our palm? B. Thick fur of the bear
A. There is increased blood flow in the lips C. Shedding leaves during summer
B. Lips are heavily keratinized D. Presence of cuticle on the upper surface of the leaves
C. Lip epidermis is thinner 27. The bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to _______.
D. Many blood vessels are located around the lips A. Presence of carries B. Presence of oxygen
C. Phospholipids bilayer D. Integral proteins
12.Which of the following cannot be found in prokaryotes?
A. Cytoplasm B. Plasma membrane C. Membrane-bound 28.Which of the following is made up of diploid number of
nucleus D. DNA cells?
A. Zygote B. Sperm cell C. Egg cell D. Both B and C
13.What do we call mutation that is brought about by the earth
natural radioactivity? 29.Which plant has underground stem modified for
A. Continuous B. Induced C. Lysosomes D. Chloroplast reproduction?
A. Ginger B. Camote C. Tubers D. Strawberry
14. Which of the following organelles produces turbo pressure
against cell wall and mainly acts as water reservoir 30.Which of the following structures serve as a passageway of
A. Plastids B. Vacuole C. Lysosomes D. Chloroplast food and air?
A. Epiglottis B. Trachea C. Pharynx D. Larynx
15.What is the branch crobial organisms is used in the creation
of genetically modified organisms? 31.Which kind of relationship is exhibited by algae and fungi in
A. Pseudomonas vulgaris B. Bacillus thuringensis lichen?
C. Agro bacterium tumafaciens D. Escherichia coli A. Commensalism B. Parasitism
C. Symbiosis D. Competition
16.What is the branch of zoology that is devoted to the study of
32.What do you call the finger-like folds on the inner linings of 51. Which hormone is insufficient in cretinism?
the small intestine? A. Glucagon B. Adrenalin C. Insulin D. Thyroxine
A. Villi B. Appendix C. Rugae D. Cecum
52.Which of the following is both endocrine and an exocrine
33. Aside from ADP, what else is the end production of the gland?
dark-reaction phase of photosynthesis? A. Gastric glands B. Thyroid glands
A. Carbon dioxide B. Sugar C. Carbon D. Starch C. Pituitary glands D. Pancreas

34.What is that flap-like structure that prevents the food from 53.What organ is controlled by the automatic nervous system?
going the wrong way during swallowing? A. Skeletal B. Muscles C. Heart D. Both A and B
A. Epiglottis B. Larynx C. Esophagus D. Pharynx
54.What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, partially
35. Which pigment is dominant in red algae? digested and mixed with hydrochloric acid?
A. Phycocyanin B. Fucoxanthin C. Chlorophyll D. Pharynx A. Gastric secretion B. Gastric fluid C. Mucosa D. Chime

36. What is the membrane that surrounds the lungs? 55.Which is considered the master gland due to its influence on
A. Pleura B. Meninges C. Peritoneum D. Pericardium the activity of all the other glands?
A. Thyroid B. Adrenal C. Pituitary D. Parathyroid
37. What is that 3-carbon sugar formed during the dark
reaction phase of the photosynthesis? 56.Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence,
A. ADP B. NADPH C. ATP D. PGAL memory and learned behavior?
A. Cerebellum B. Cerebrum C. Medulla D. Thalamus
38. What is the product of carbohydrate digestion?
A. Fatty acid B. Glucose C. Amino acid D. Nucleic acid 57. Which of these materials is not a major component of the
plasma membrane?
39. What process is responsible for the upward movement of A. Phospholipids B. Glycoprotein C. Proteins D. DNA
the water in very tall trees?
A. Osmosis B. Capillary action 58.Which form of RNA delivers information from DNA to be
C. Turgor pressure D. Transpiration used in making protein?
A. Messenger RNA B. Ribosomal RNA
40.What is the enzyme in the mouth that breaks starch to C. Transfer RNA D. All of the above
A. Peptidase B. Ptyalin C. Pepsin D. Maltase 59.Which of the following is not a type of cell?
A. Bacterium B. Amoeba C. Sperm D. Virus
41.What do you call the types of symmetry where the body
parts are paired on either side of the body? 60.Which property of water is probably MOST important for
A. Dorsal B. Bilateral C. Radial D. Ventral the functioning of organisms at the molecular level?
A. Cohesion and high surface tension
42.Which is considered as the respiratory center of the brain? B. High specific heat
A. Cerebellum B. Medulla oblongata C. High heat of vaporization
C. Cerebrum D. Thalamus D. Versatility as a solvent

43.Which stage of incomplete metamorphism is undergone by 61.Which of the following statements is true of diffusion?
grasshopper? A. It requires an expenditure of energy by the cell
A. Nymph, pupa, adult B. Egg, larva, pupa, adult B. It is a passive process
C. Egg, nymph, adult D. Egg, pupa, adult C. It occurs when molecules move from a region of lower
concentration to one of higher concentration
44.Which of the following is NOT part of the thoracic cage? D. It requires a membrane
A. Clavicle B. Ribs C. Costal cartilages D. Sternum 62.Which of the following is FALSE in comparing prophase I of
meiosis and prophase of mitosis?
45.Where does the toxin substance secreted by bees and ants A. The chromosomes condense in both
through their sting originate? B. Tetrads form in both
A. Silk glands B. Intestines C. The nuclear envelope disassembles in both
C. Rectal glands D. Salivary glands D. A spindle forms in both

46.What is the longest bone in the body? 63.Which are small, irregularly-shaped cells without nuclei but
A. Humerus B. Ferum C. Tibia-fibula D. Clavicle are rich in ATP?
A. Leukocytes B. Thrombocytes
47.Which cause our bones to turn brittle and easily break? C. Lymphocytes D. Erythrocytes
A. Turning into muscle tissues B. Increase in flexibility
C. Turbidity decrease D. Removal of collagen 64.What branch of Biology is involved when one is studying the
characteristic structure and functions of all kinds of cells?
48. How many bones does an adult human body has? A. Cytology B. Morphology C. Physiology D. Histology
A. 201 B. 200 C. 217 D. 206
65.Which part of seed appears as a scar which marks the entry
49. What do you call automatic responses to an external of the pollen tube during fertilization?
stimulus? A. Seed leaf B. Cotyledon C. Testa D. Hilum
A. Reflex B. Instinct C. Impulse D. All of these
66.Which type of tissue is responsible for the secondary growth
50.What structure provides flexible support and protection to in stems and roots of vascular plants?
the spinal cord? A. Meristematic cells B. Cambium
A. Skull B. Ribs C. Vertebral column D. Sternum C. Palisade layer D. Epidermis

67.Which biome grows tropical grassland with scattered

LET Reviewer Biology Part 2 individual trees and larger herbivores?
A. Tundra B. Rain forest C. Grassland D. Savanna
68. What do you call that process in birds wherein they shed off 85.Which of the following cannot be associated with fungi?
features at least once a year? A. Absorptive nutrition B. Decomposers C. Autotrophs D. Spore
A. Skinning B. Molting C. Furrowing D. Migrating production

69.What chemical controls metamorphosis among insects? 86.Which of the following does not involve mitosis?
A. Enzymes B. Estradol C. Pheromones D. Ethylene A. Development of embryo B. Growth
C. Production of gametes D. Repairing of damaged tissues
70.Which of the following makes up the plant cell wall? A.
Nucleic acid B. Cellulose C. Protein D. Lipids 87.Which of the followings is true of mammals?
I. They have four chambered heart
71.Which of the following is not true of fungi? II. They produce milk for the young
A. Some are pathogenic B. Some are photosynthetic III. They are warm blooded
C. Some are edible D. Form symbiotic relation with algae A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II and III

72.Which of the following is not true of plants? 88.What term describes an egg develop into a new organism
A. Some are pathogenic B. Some are photosynthetic without itself being fertilized be a sperm?
C. Some are edible D. Form symbiotic relation with algae A. Regeneration B. Conjugation
C. Parthenogenesis D. Fusion
73.Which of the following is considered multicellular?
A. Embryo B. Fertilized egg C. Egg cell D. Sperm cell 89.Which of the following is responsible for formation of blood
74.What hormone promotes the growth of the uterine lining cell?
for the implantation of the embryo? A. Cartilage B. Bone narrow C. Joints D. Tendons
A. Lactogenic hormone B. Progesterone
C. Testosterone D. Oxytocen 90.What is most likely happen when a species cannot adapt to
the changes in the environment?
75.Which of the following pair of organisms are closely related? A. It will be transform to another form
A. Spider and mosquito B. Frog and crocodile B. It will become extinct
C. Man and monkey D. Ants and aphids C. It will be isolated
D. It will grow old
76.What does it mean if the blood pressure of human is 91.What term is used to describe the released of matured egg
110/70? cell from the ovary?
A. The systolic pressure is 70 A. Fertilization B. Copulation
B. The diastolic pressure is 70 C. Ovulation D. Germination
C. The pulse rate is 110 beats per minute 92. Which of the following blood cells is responsible for blood
D. Both B and C clotting?
A. Erythrocytes B. Leukocytes
77.Which of the following happens when man exhale? A. The C. Thrombocytes D. Neutrophils
residual volume of the lungs decreases 93.Where does ectopic pregnancy occur?
B. The diaphragm contracts A. Uterus B. Ovary C. Cervix D. Fallopian tube
C. The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases 94.Why is cell membrane semi permeability important? A. It is
D. The lung contracts important in determining the size of the cell
78.Which of the following regulate breathing? B. It controls the kind of substances that enters and leaves the
A. RBC concentration cell
B. Number of haemoglobin C. It controls the pressure and energy gradient
C. Hormone level in blood D. It allows the molecules to diffuse freely in and out of the cell
D. CO2 and O2 concentration and pH level sensors
95.What theory of evolution accounts for snake’s
79.Which of the following has the lowest velocity of blood flow. disappearance of legs and development of giraffe’s long neck?
A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Arterioles A. Theory of use and disuse
B. Theory of natural selection
80. How many carbon atoms can each pyruvic acid supply into C. Theory of chromosomal change
the Kirb’s cycle? D. Theory of action and interaction
A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2
96.Which of the following is an exocrine gland?
81.How many oxygen is required each time to a molecule of A. Plastids and pigments B. Asters and centrioles
glucose is completely oxidized through aerobic respiration? C. Chloroplasts and vacuoles D. Cell wall and cell membrane
A. 3 B. 6 C. 12 D. 24
97.Which of the following is an exocrine gland?
82.Which of the following will not be accepted by glycolysis for A. Thyroid gland B. Salivary gland
catabolism? C. Pituitary gland D. Adrenal gland
A. Starch B. Glycerol C. Fatty acid D. Sucrose 98.Which of the following is not an accessory organ of
83.Which of the following characteristic is common between A. Liver B. Pancreas C. Salivary gland D. Adrenal gland
echinoderms and cnidarians?
A. They are both radically symmetrical 99.What hormone stimulates the development of male
B. They have segmented bodies secondary sex characteristics?
C. Both have stinging cells A. Estrogen B. Prolactin C. Testosterone D. Progesteron
D. They have three embryonic tissue layers
100.Which of the following parts performs both as
84.Which of the following is true of Phylum Chordata? reproductive and urinary functions in males?
I. Presence of notochord that provides skeletal support II. A. Ureter B. Testes C. Urethra D. Scrotum
Pharyngeal slits that have become modified for gas exchange
III. Dorsal hallow nerve cord that develops into the central LET Reviewer Biology Part 3
nervous system 1. Where do producers obtain their energy?
A. II and III B. I and II C. I and III D. I, II and III A. From other producers
B. B. From the consumers C. Lysosomes
C. From the decomposers D. Chloroplast
D. D. From the sun 14. Which of the following organelles produces turbo
pressure against cell wall and mainly acts as water reservoir
2. Why do you experience not seeing things clearly for A. Plastids
some seconds when you enter suddenly a well-lighted room
after coming from a dark room, you? B. Vacuole
A. The pupils are not adapted to the dark C. Lysosomes
B. The eyes are adapted to the light only D. Chloroplast
C. The pupils are not dilated yet 15. What is the branch crobial organisms is used in the
D. Light had caused temporary blindness creation of genetically modified organisms?
3. What term is used to describe the ability to maintain a A. Pseudomonas vulgaris
constant internal environment? B. Bacillus thuringensis
A. Metabolism C. Agro bacterium tumafaciens
B. Growth and development D. Escherichia coli
C. Homeostasis
D. Thermoregulation 16. What is the branch of zoology that is devoted to the
4. What is the most common cause of study of fish?
cardiovascular disease? A. Fatty deposits in the A. Helmintology
arteries B. Ichthyology
B. Inadequate supply of red blood cells C. Chondrichthyes
C. Lack of sodium in the diet D. Ornithology
D. Increased heartbeat 17. The process involved in the production of mRNA using
5. Which is the smallest unit of life that can survive and DNA as template is termed ?
reproduce on its own? A. Transcription
A. Cell B. Replication
B. Organ C. Gene manipulation
C. Tissues D. Reverse transcription
D. Population 18. What is the most abundant inorganic compound in the
6. Which region of a vertebrate forebrain is considered protoplasm?
with the neutral-endocrine control of visceral activities? A. Fluid
A. Cerebellum B. Blood
B. Thalamus C. Plasma
C. Hypothalamus D. Water
D. Pituitary 19. Which is the riches type of tropical rain forest in the
7. Which of the following is the building block Philippines?
carbohydrate? A. Molave forest
A. Amino acid B. Dipterocarp forest
C. Mangrove forest
B. Nucleotide D. Pine forest
C. Fatty acid 20. What muscle is described as involuntary, not striated,
D. Monosaccharide and have a single nucleus?
8. Why it is necessary men have more red A. Smooth
blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood than women? B. Skeletal
A. Man does strenuous activities and need more energy C. Cardiac
B. They have bigger physique and need more blood D. Connective
C. Man waste more blood cells and need extra 21. We feel warmer just before it rains because
D. They are more prone to anemia disorders .
9. Which of the following is the building block of A. Heat is released by the evaporation of water B.
protein? The clouds prevent heat from escaping the
A. Amino acid earth
B. Nucleotide
C. Fatty acid C. There is an increased relative humidity D. Heat is
released by the condensation of water vapor
D. Monosaccharide
22. Which of the following is not considered as a
10. Where does protein synthesis take place?
reproductive cell?
A. Ribosomes
A. Gamete
B. Lysosomes
B. Somatic cell
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
C. Egg cell
D. Golgi bodies
D. Sperm cell
11. Why are our lips “redder” than our palm?
23. The cell wall of plant is made of .
A. There is increased blood flow in the lips
A. Lipids
B. Lips are heavily keratinized
B. Cellulose
C. Lip epidermis is thinner
C. Protein
D. Many blood vessels are located around the
D. Cell membrane
24. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the
12. Which of the following cannot be found in
level of organization from lowest to highest?
A. Cytoplasm
A. Cells-system-organs-tissues
B. Plasma membrane
B. System-organs-tissues-cells
C. Membrane-bound nucleus
C. Cells-tissues-organs-system
D. Tissues-systems-cells-organs
25. At metaphase of the first meiotic division, the
13. What do we call mutation that is brought about by the
chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibers as
earth natural radioactivity?
A. Continuous
A. double chromatids
B. Induced
B. non-homologous pairs A. Fatty acid
C. single chromatid strand B. Glucose
D. a tetrad of chromatids C. Amino acid
26. Which of the following is an example of behavioral D. Nucleic acid
adaption? 39. What process is responsible for the upward movement
A. Thick green stems of the cactus plant of the water in very tall trees?
B. Thick fur of the bear A. Osmosis
C. Shedding leaves during summer B. Capillary action
D. Presence of cuticle on the upper surface of the leaves C. Turgor pressure
27. The bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to . A. D. Transpiration
Presence of carries 40. What is the enzyme in the mouth that breaks starch to
B. Presence of maltose?
C. Phospholipids bilayer A. Peptidase
D. Integral proteins B. Ptyalin
28. Which of the following is made up of diploid number C. Pepsin
of cells? D. Maltase
A. Zygote 41. What do you call the types of symmetry where the
body parts are paired on either side of the body?
B. Sperm cell A. Dorsal
C. Egg cell B. Bilateral
D. Both B and C C. Radial
29. Which plant has underground stem modified for D. Ventral
reproduction? 42. Which is considered as the respiratory center of the
A. Ginger brain?
B. Camote A. Cerebellum
C. Tubers
D. Strawberry B. Medulla oblongata
30. Which of the following structures serve as a C. Cerebrum
passageway of food and air? D. Thalamus
A. Epiglottis 43. Which stage of incomplete metamorphism is
B. Trachea undergone by grasshopper?
C. Pharynx A. Nymph, pupa, adult
D. Larynx B. Egg, larva, pupa, adult
C. Egg, nymph, adult
31. Which kind of relationship is exhibited by algae and D. Egg, pupa, adult
fungi in lichen? 44. Which of the following is NOT part of the thoracic
A. Commensalism cage?
B. Parasitism A. Clavicle
C. Symbiosis B. Ribs
D. Competition C. Costal cartilages
32. What do you call the finger-like folds on the inner D. Sternum
linings of the small intestine? 45. Where does the toxin substance secreted by bees and
A. Villi ants through their sting originate?
B. Appendix A. Silk glands
C. Rugae B. Intestines
D. Cecum C. Rectal glands
33. .Aside from ADP, what else is the end production of D. Salivary glands
the dark-reaction phase of ohotosynthesis? 46. What is the longest bone in the body?
A. Carbon dioxide A. Humerus
B. Surag B. Ferum
C. Carbon C. Tibia-fibula
D. Starch D. Clavicle
34. What is that flap-like structure that prevents the food
from going the wrong way during swallowing? A. Epiglottis 47. Which cause our bones to turn brittle and easily break?
B. Larynx A. Turning into muscle tissues
C. Esophagus B. Increase in flexibility
D. Pharynx C. Turbidity decrease
35. Which pigment is dominant in red algae? D. Removal of collagen
A. Phycocyanin 48. .How many bones does an adult human body has? A.
B. Fucoxanthin B. 200
C. Chlorophyll C. 217
D. Pharynx D. 206
36. What is the membrane that surrounds the lungs? 49. What do you call automatic responses to an external
A. Pleura stimulus?
B. Meninges A. Reflex
C. Peritoneum B. Instinct
D. Pericardium
37. What is that 3-carbon sugar formed during the dark C. Impulse
reaction phase of the photosynthesis? D. All of these
A. ADP 50. What structure provides flexible support and protection
B. NADPH to the spinal cord?
C. ATP A. Skull
D. PGAL B. Ribs
38. What is the product of carbohydrate digestion? C. Vertebral column
D. Sternum 63. Which are small, irregularly-shaped cells without
nuclei but are rich in ATP?
A. Leukocytes
LET Reviewer Biology Part 4 B. Thrombocytes
51. Which hormone is insufficient in cretinism? C. Lymphocytes
A. Glucagon D. Erythrocytes
B. Adrenalin 64. What branch of Biology is involved when one is
C. Insulin studying the characteristic structure and functions of all kinds
D. Thyroxine of cells?
52. Which of the following is both endocrine and an
exocrine gland? A. Gastric glands A. Cytology
B. Thyroid glands B. Morphology
C. Pituitary glands C. Physiology
D. Pancreas D. Histology
53. What organ is controlled by the automatic nervous 65. Which part of seed appears as a scar which marks the
system? entry of the pollen tube during fertilization?
A. Skeletal Seed leaf
B. Muscles Cotyledon
C. Heart Testa
D. Both A and B Hilum
54. What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, partially
digested and mixed with hydrochloric acid? 66. Which type of tissue is responsible for the secondary
A. Gastric secretion growth in stems and roots of vascular plants?
B. Gastric fluid A. Meristematic cells
C. Mucosa B. Cambium
D. Chime C. Palisade layer
55. Which is considered the master gland due to its D. Epidermis
influence on the activity of all the other glands? 67. Which biome grows tropical grassland with scattered
A. Thyroid individual trees and larger herbivores?
B. Adrenal A. Tundra
C. Pituitary B. Rain forest
D. Parathyroid C. Grassland
56. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, D. Savanna
memory and learned behavior? 68. What do you call that process in birds wherein they
A. Cerebellum shed off features at least once a year?
B. Cerebrum C. Medulla A. Skinning
D. Thalamus B. Molting
57. Which of these materials is not a major component of C. Furrowing
the plasma membrane? D. Migrating
A. Phospholipids 69. What chemical controls metamorphosis among
B. Glycoprotein insects?
A. Enzymes
C. Proteins B. Estradol
D. DNA C. Pheromones
58. Which form of RNA delivers information from DNA to D. Ethylene
be used in making protein? 70. Which of the following makes up the plant cell wall?
A. Messenger RNA A. Nucleic acid
B. Ribosomal RNA B. Cellulose
C. Transfer RNA C. Protein
D. All of the above D. Lipids
59. Which of the following is not a type of cell?
A. Bacterium 71. Which of the following is not true of fungi?
B. Amoeba A. Some are pathogenic
C. Sperm B. Some are photosynthetic
D. Virus C. Some are edible
60. Which property of water is probably MOST important D. Form symbiotic relation with algae
for the functioning of organisms at the molecular level? 72. Which of the following is not true of plants?
A. Cohesion and high surface tension A. Some are pathogenic
B. High specific heat B. Some are photosynthetic
C. High heat of vaporization C. Some are edible
D. Versatility as a solvent D. Form symbiotic relation with algae
61. Which of the following statements is true of diffusion? 73. Which of the following is considered multicellular?
A. It requires an expenditure of energy by the A. Embryo
cell B. Fertilized egg
B. It is a passive process C. Egg cell
C. It occurs when molecules move from a region of lower D. Sperm cell
concentration to one of higher concentration 74. What hormone promotes the growth of the uterine
D. It requires a membrane lining for the implantation of the embryo?
62. Which of the following is FALSE in comparing prophase A. Lactogenic hormone
I of meiosis and prophase of mitosis? B. Progesterone
A. The chromosomes condense in both C. Testosterone
B. Tetrads form in both D. Oxytocen
C. The nuclear envelope disassembles in both 75. Which of the following pair of organisms are closely
D. A spindle forms in both related?
A. Spider and mosquito 91. What term is used to describe the released of matured
B. Frog and crocodile egg cell from the ovary?
C. Man and monkey
D. Ants and aphids A. Fertilization
76. What does it mean if the blood pressure of human is B. Copulation
110/70? A. The systolic pressure is 70 C. Ovulation
B. The diastolic pressure is 70 D. Germination
C. The pulse rate is 110 beats per minute 92. Which of the following blood cells is responsible for
D. Both B and C blood clotting?
77. Which of the following happens when man exhale? A. Erythrocytes
A. The residual volume of the lungs decreases B. Leukocytes
B. The diaphragm contracts C. Thrombocytes
C. The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases D. Neutrophils
D. The lung contracts 93. Where does ectopic pregnancy occur?
78. Which of the following regulate breathing? A. Uterus
B. Ovary
A. RBC concentration C. Cervix
B. Number of haemoglobin D. Fallopian tube
C. Hormone level in blood 94. Why is cell membrane semi permeability important?
D. CO2 and O2 concentration and pH level sensors A. It is important in determining the size of the cell
79. Which of the following has the lowest velocity of B. It controls the kind of substances that enters and
blood flow leaves the cell
A. Veins C. It controls the pressure and energy gradient D. It
B. Arteries allows the molecules to diffuse freely in and out of the cell
C. Capillaries 95. What theory of evolution accounts for snake’s
D. Arterioles disappearance of legs and development of giraffe’s long neck?
80. How many carbon atoms can each pyruvic acid supply A. Theory of use and disuse
into the Kirb’s cycle? B. Theory of natural selection
A. 8 B. C. Theory of chromosomal change
6 C. D. Theory of action and interaction
4 96. Which of the following is an exocrine gland?
D. 2 A. Plastids and pigments
81. How many oxygen is required each time to a molecule of B. Asters and centrioles
glucose is completely oxidized through aerobic respiration? C. Chloroplasts and vacuoles
3 D. Cell wall and cell membrane
6 97. Which of the following is an exocrine gland?
12 A. Thyroid gland
24 B. Salivary gland
82. Which of the following will not be accepted by
C. Pituitary gland
glycolysis for catabolism?
D. Adrenal gland
A. Starch
98. Which of the following is not an accessory organ of
B. Glycerol digestion?
C. Fatty acid
D. Sucrose A. Liver
83. Which of the following characteristic is common B. Pancreas
between echinoderms and cnidarians?
C. Salivary gland
A. They are both radically symmetrical
D. Adrenal gland
B. They have segmented bodies 99. What hormone stimulates the development of male
C. Both have stinging cells secondary sex characteristics?
D. They have three embryonic tissue layers A. Estrogen
84. Which of the following is true of Phylum Chordata? 1- B. Prolactin
Presence of notochord that provides skeletal support
C. Testosterone
2 Pharyngeal slits that have become modified for gas
D. Progesteron
100. Which of the following parts performs both as
3 Dorsal hallow nerve cord that develops into the reproductive and urinary functions in males?
central nervous system Ureter
A.2 and 3 B. 1and 2 Testes
C. 1 and 3 Urethra
D. 1, 2 and 3
85. Which of the following cannot be associated with LET Reviewer Biology Part 5
1. Which of the following is a part of the process of
A. Absorptive nutrition
B. Decomposers
a. Protons move along the electron transport chain.
C. Autotrophs
b. Water molecules are split.
D. Spore production
c. Hydrogen ions pass through membranes.
90. What is most likely happen when a species cannot d. Light is absorbed by chlorophyll.
adapt to the changes in the environment? 2. During mitosis, a double-stranded chromosome is
A. It will be transform to another form attached to a spindle fiber at the.
B. It will become extinct a. cell plate
C. It will be isolated b. centromere
D. It will grow old c. centrosome
d. centriole
3. Which is an effect of drugs on cells? 14. The bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to .
a. Produce toxic substance a. presence of carriers
b. Discontinuous cell activity b. presence of glycolipids
c. Cause damage to their structure
d. Poison the cell liquid c. phospholipid bilayer
4. The cell wall of plant is made of . d. integral protein
a. Lipids 15. When a red blood cell is placed in distilled water,
b. Cellulose it .
c. Protein a. plasmolyses
d. Cell membrane b. remains the same
5. Which is the storage cell of plants? c. shrinks
a. Microtubule d. swells
b. Collenchyma
c. Meristem 16. The “eyes” of potato are actually .
d. Parenchyma a. internodes
6. Which results from drinking saltwater? b. nodes
a. Poisoning of the cells c. leaf scars and buds
b. Dehydration of the cells d. stems
c. Increase in cell pressure 17. Which of these is NOT a fruit?
d. Bursting of the cells a. Cucumber
7. What kind of tissue lines our skin and what is its b. Ampalaya
important function? c. Squash
a. Nerve tissue; responsible for reflexes d. Carrot
b. Epithelial; protection from ultraviolet radiation 18. Which plant has underground stem modified for
c. Nerve tissue; receive stimuli on the skin reproduction?
a. Banana
d. Epithelial; produce new cells when peeled b. Bermuda
off c. Tubers
8. At metaphase of the first meiotic division, d. Strawberry
the chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibers as 19. Which plants formed the vast coal beds during
_. the carboniferous period?
a. double chromatids a. Lycopods
b. non-homologous pairs b. Conifers
c. single chromatid strand c. Angiosperms
d. a tetrad of chromatids d. Gymnosperms
9. Which type of cell would probably provide the 20. What kind of relationship is exhibited by an alga
best opportunity to study lysosomes? and a fungus in lichen?
a. Leaf a. Commensalism
b. Nerve b. Parasitism
c. Muscle c. Mutualism
d. White blood d. Competition
10. Which best describes meiosis as another form of 21. Chlorophyll appears green because the
cell division with accompanying nuclear changes? green portion of light is . a. dispersed
a. The nuclear changes follow one another b. absorbed
indefinitely. c. refracted
b. Each new cell has double the amount from both
parents. d. reflected
c. The nucleoli break up into two parts and 22. The end products of dark reaction phase of
disappear. photosynthesis are ADP and . a. carbon dioxide
d. Each new cell has half the number of b. sugar
chromosomes. c. carbon
11. How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar to d. nitrogen
bacteria? They 23. Which gas is needed by the seed during
a. are larger than normal cells. germination?
b. are bounded by a single membrane. a. Nitrogen
c. lack ribosomes. b. Carbon dioxide
d. have a limited amount of genetic material. c. Hydrogen
12. Which is the energy storage compound used to d. Oxygen
do all forms of work of the cell? 24. Which is the universal energy source of the cell of
a. Electron all living things?
b. Adenine a. Carbon
c. Nicotinamide b. ATP
d. Adenosine triphosphate c. H2O
13. Meiosis reduces genetic make-up by half. d. PGAL
What process brings it back to diploid state? 25. When the staminate flower is found in one plant
a. Menstruation and the pistillate flower on another, the plants is
b. Fertilization described as .
c. Ejaculation a. complete
d. Mitosis b. monoecious
c. robust 37. What do you call the male gametophyte of an
d. dioecious angiosperm?
26. Which pigment is dominant in red algae? a. Pollen
a. Phycocyanin b. Ovule
b. Fucoxanthin c. Seed
c. Chlorophyll d. Petal
d. Phycoerythrin 38. Which root system is the best adapted for
27. Which process during photosynthesis involves the anchorage?
addition of hydrogen? a. Secondary
a. Oxidation b. Tertiary
b. Hydration c. Taproot
c. Carbonation d. Fibrous e.
d. Reduction 39. Egg-laying mammals are called .
28. The dark reaction phase of photosynthesis a. viviparous
consists of a series of chemical reactions which end b. primates
up with the formation of a 3-carbon sugar called c. oviparous
. d. marsupials
a. ADP 40. To what order do pouch bearing mammals?
b. NADPH a. Marsupials
b. Craniata
c. ATP c. Monotremata
d. PGAL d. Placental mammals
29. Which cell structure regulates the opening and 41. Large colonies belonging to class Anthozoa
closing of the stomata? secrete hard skeletons of lime which later form reefs.
a. Phloem a. Sea anemone
b. Xylem b. Obelia
c. Companion c. Coral
d. d. Guard d. Jellyfish
30. Spraying some plants with combination of auxins 42. When body parts are paired on either side of the
and gibberellins will . body; this type of symmetry is called .
a. promote ripening of fruits a. Dorso-ventral
b. result to seed dormancy b. Bilateral
c. allow division of cells
d. enlarge fruit growth c. Radial
31. All flowering plants belong to _. d. Dorsal
a. conifers 43. What substance do leeches secrete which keeps
b. angiospermae the blood they feed on liquid state?
c. filicinae a. Hemoglobin
d. gymnospermae b. Ecdysone
c. Anticoagulin
32. Fruit growers often propagate their plants by a d. Fibrinogen
sexual means because the resulting off spring 44. One who specializes in all kinds of fishes
will . and their characteristics has expertise on
a. be an improved variety than the parent .
b. show little variation from the parent a. Taxonomy
c. bear larger fruit than the parent b. histology
d. show no environmental variation c. entomology
33. Which of the following is incorrectly paired? d. ichthyology
a. Cnidaria- corals 45. In protozoans, digestion occurs in the .
b. Porifera- sponge a. stomach
c. Annelida- earthworm b. contractile vacuole
d. Platyhelminthes-Ascaris c. ribosome
34. What process is cause for the upward movement d. food vacuole
of water in very tall trees? 46. What is a distinguishing characteristic of
a. Transpiration Homo sapiens over the lower mammals? a. Blood
b. Osmosis vessels
c. Turgor pressure b. Sensitive skin
d. Air pressure c. Large brain
35. Which popular plant is described as carnivorous? d. Endoskeleton
a. Water hyacinth 47. What kind of adaptation enables the walking stick
b. Cactus to elude its enemies?
a. Aggressive mimicry
c. Pitcher plant b. Aggressive adaptation
d. Kataka-taka c. Protective mimicry
36. What is the purpose of RA 8749? d. Protective coloration
a. Prevent rather than control air pollution 48. Which stages of incomplete metamorphosis is
b. Formulate air pollution management undergone by grasshopper?
c. Utilize sustainable development a. Nymph, pupa, adult
d. All of the above b. Egg, larva, pupa, adult
c. Egg, nymph, adult d. Man and pig
d. Egg, pupa, adult 50. Two organisms can be identified as belonging
49. Which are the hosts of Ascaris lumbricoides and to the same species if they can _. a. eat the same
Ascaris suum? kind of food
a. Cow and man b. breed in a natural setting
b. Man and dog c. tolerate one another in nature
d. survive together in nature
c. Cow and pig
c. Semi-circular canal
LET Reviewer Biology Part 6 d. Tympanic membrane
1. Arthropods exhibit fast and coordinated 11. What organs cause high concentration of calcium
movement because they possess . a. an in the blood?
endoskeleton a. Liver and Pancreas
b. jointed appendages b. Pituitary and Testis
c. exoskeleton c. Thyroid and Parathyroid
d. bilateral symmetry d. Pineal body and Thymus
2. The following statements are true of spiders 12. People who live in high altitude have blood that
EXCEPT is described to have blood cells. a. High number of
a. Have rectal glands for potassium and water white
reabsorption b. Low number of red
b. Tagmata include cephalothorax and abdomen c. Same number of red
c. Contain silk glands for web making d. High number of red
d. Possess 3 pairs of legs 13. Creativity is a desirable trait that should be
3. The relationship that exists between insects and developed among our students. Describe a creative
flowering plants is called . person.
a. parasitism a. Creates beautiful set-ups.
b. predation b. Imitates scientists at work
c. mutualism c. Originates own procedures.
d. commensalism d. Announces same solutions.
4. Which of the following causes our nose to “run” 14. If the flow of blood in a vessel is toward the heart
when we cry? then the vessel is identified as a .
a. The lungs release water vapor. a. Ventricle
b. Mucous glands are activated. b. Artery
c. Tears enter the duct to the nasal cavity.
d. The sinuses release water. c. Vein
5. What is the main function of the peripheral d. Atrium
nervous system? 15. The funnel shaped opening through which
a. Communicates with the endocrine glands the egg cell is released to is the
b. Regulates our heartbeat and breathing a. Umbilical cord
c. Controls our emotions and intelligence b. Uterus
d. Connects central nervous system to all organs c. Fallopian tube
6. What causes our bones to turn brittle? d. Proximal tubules
a. Turning into muscle tissue 16. Which one is insufficient in cretinism?
b. Increase in flexibility a. Insulin
c. Turbidity decreased b. Adrenalin
d. Removal of collagen c. Parathormone
7. Which part of the neuron conducts impulse from d. Thyroxin
other neurons toward the cell body? 17. When there is no food available for days, what
a. Axon could serve as the fuel source of the cells in your body?
b. Ganglia a. Fats in adipose tissue
c. Synapse b. Albumin in the blood
c. Cholesterol in blood vessels
d. Dendrite d. Bone marrow inside the bone
8. The tendency to react automatically to an 18. What instrument has a flexible scope that is used
external stimulus is called a/an _. a. Habituation to examine the esophagus and stomach?
b. Aggression a. ultrasound
c. Imprinting b. laser
d. Reflex c. endoscope
9. Which hormone promotes the development d. scanner
of secondary female sexual characteristics such as broad 19. Where does exchange of materials between the
pelvis and enlarged breasts? blood and other body tissues take place?
a. Testosterone a. Platelets
b. Estrogen b. Veins
c. Melatonin c. Arteries
d. Growth d. Capillaries
10. Which part of the ear is dangerously affected 20. What explains why our lips are “redder” than out
when sound is of hundred decibels? palm?
a. Pinna a. Many blood vessels are located around the
b. Eustachian tube lips
b. Lips epidermis is thinner a. Lipase
c. Lips are heavily keratinized b. Pepsin
d. There is increased blood flow in the lips c. Trypsin
21. Which part of breathing occurs when the d. Amylase
diaphragm muscles are pulled downwards, thus 32. What do we get from carbohydrates and fats?
increasing the chest cavity? a. Cell builders
a. Expiration b. Tissue builders
c. Heat and energy
b. Release of energy d. Growth regulators
c. Release of gases 33. What secretes substance which enables the
d. Inspiration sugar to be stored in the liver? a. Islets of
22. In an experiment, which is the condition being Langerhans
introduced and whose effect is being observed? b. Adrenal medulla
a. Conclusion formulated c. Adrenal cortex
b. Constant variable d. Thyroid
c. Manipulated variable 34. What sac protects the heart?
d. Tentative variable a. Pericardium
23. Which of the following pancreatic fluids is b. Septum
responsible for the breakdown of fat? c. Atrium
a. Chymotrypsin d. Valve
b. Amylase 35. What BEST describes respiration?
c. Trypsin a. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
d. Lipase
24. Which part of the brain controls our rate of b. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
breathing? c. Breathing in a mixture of different gases.
a. Cerebellum d. Breathing in of pure gas
b. Cerebrum 36. Which type of muscle tissue found in the walls of
c. Spinal cord our stomach is responsible for the process of peristalsis?
d. Medulla a. Striated
25. Through what part does the embryo obtain its b. Cardiac
nourishment from the mother? c. Smooth
a. oviduct d. Voluntary
b. food tubules 37. Which of the hormone triggers ovulation?
c. fallopian tube a. Follicle-stimulating
d. umbilical cord b. Testosterone
26. What organ is controlled by the autonomic c. Luteinizing
nervous system? d. Prolactin
a. Brain 38. What do we call a prediction that is made based
b. Heart on educated guess?
c. Spinal cord a. Inference
d. Skeletal muscles b. Hypothesis
27. What is one of the main functions of the large c. Interpolation
intestine? d. Extrapolation
a. Excrete undigested food 39. How does the liver assist the digestive system?
b. Digest food into liquid form a. Stores starch
c. Excrete bile pigments from ducts b. It secretes bile
d. Complete the digestion of proteins c. Acts on protein food
28. What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, d. Mixes with the pancreatic juice
partially digested and mixed with hydrochloric acid? 40. What structures in the tongue make it
a. Mucosa distinguished food quality?
a. Nerves
b. Chyme b. Tasters
c. Saliva c. Taste buds
d. Bolus d. Taste epithelium
29. Which would you advise children to prevent 41. Which protein found in the plasma is responsible
osteoporosis? for blood clothing?
a. More intake of all vitamins a. Fibrinogen
b. Consistent bone density test b. Albumin
c. Less bone exercise and fatigue c. Globulin
d. Adequate calcium and Vitamin D d. Serum
30. Which is considered the endocrine master 42. White blood cells are the “soldiers” of the body.
gland due to its influence on the activity of all the other They fight the disease-causing organisms.
glands? They are the _.
a. Thyroid
b. Adrenal a. Antigens
c. Pituitary b. Antibodies
d. Parathyroid c. Phagocytes
31. What enzyme is secreted by the pancreas which d. Erythrocytes
splits sugar?
43. What blood test is used to provide information 47. What is the major problem involved in organ
about agglutination reactions between donor and transplants?
recipient blood? a. Clotting test a. Phagocytes
b. Blood count b. Sex of donor
c. Blood chemistry c. Race of recipient
d. Type and cross-match d. Antigen-antibody reaction
44. Which produce the hormone MOST closely 48. What special equipment is placed inside the heart
associated with the control of calcium metabolism? to generate electrical impulse?
a. Ovaries a. Endoscope
b. Pancreas b. Pacemaker
c. Adrenal glands c. Heart pump
d. Parathyroid glands d. Artificial valve
45. What is the function of the lymph? 49. The modern horse has fewer toes than its
a. Transport oxygen ancestors’. Such change is governed by .
b. Contains fibrinogen
c. Enables the blood to clot a. use and disuse
d. Protects the body from infection b. natural selection
46. Which part of the brain is responsible for c. reduction division
intelligence, memory and learned behavior? d. chromosomal deletions
a. Cerebellum 50. Which theory on how life began do chemists and
b. Cerebrum geologists agree on today?
c. Thalamus a. Spontaneous generation
d. Medulla b. Special creation
c. Cosmozoic
d. Naturalistic
b. a community
LET Reviewers for Biology Part 7 c. a population
1. As green plants make food, they are d. an ecosystem
a. first – order consumers 9. Many interdependent food chains in a forest
b. second – order consumers make up a
c. decomposers a. food pyramid
d. producers b. pyramid of biomass
2. The producers in a pond are usually c. food web
a. tadpoles d. habitat
b. algae 10. The second – order consumers in a food
c. bacteria pyramid get their food directly from
d. small fish a. carnivores
3. A series in which each organism serves as food b. decomposers
for the next organism is a c. producers
a. food chain d. herbivores
b. population 11. All the plants and animals on earth
c. community a. create new matter
d. niche b. recycle the same matter
4. Substances from dead plants and animals are c. create new energy
returned to the water by d. recycle the same energy
a. producers 12. An animal’s heartbeat and breathing are slowed
b. consumers down when it
c. decomposers a. enters a habitat
d. top consumers b. hunts for food
5. The special role of each organism in a food c. occupies a niche
pyramid is its d. hibernates
a. system 13. If you catch a fish and eat it, you may be
b. niche a. a first – order consumer
c. physical environment b. a second – order consumer
d. community c. a decomposer
6. The consumers in a food chain in a pond are the d. a scavenger
a. algae 14. The part of sunlight absorbed most rapidly by
b. plants water is
c. bacteria a. red light
d. animals b. blue light
7. If you study how a fish is fitted for life in a quiet c. violet light
water, you are studying its d. green light
a. food pyramid
b. adaptation 15. The increased effect of a pesticide on
c. interdependence organisms that feed on each other in a lake is called a.
biological conservation
d. population b. biological magnification
8. All the plants and animals in a pond form c. eutrophication
a. an environment d. nitrification
16. Plants and animals in the same ecosystem usually c. pistil
have similar d. stamen
a. shapes 26. Transfer of pollen from the stamen of one flower
b. sizes to the pistil of another is
c. ways of obtaining food a. fertilization
d. environmental needs b. cross – pollination
c. self – pollination
17. Which of the following refers to a secondary d. reproduction
carnivore? 27. Cuttings and graftings are examples of
a. eats only plants a. adaptation
b. gets energy directly from the sun b. fertilization
a. gets energy through photosynthesis c. vegetative propagation
b. has less food energy available to it than d. seed dispersal
consumers at lower tropic levels 28. Both gymnosperms and angiosperms
18. Which of the following statements is true a. produce flowers
regarding a food chain? b. produce seeds
a. there are more herbivores than carnivores c. have needle – like leaves
b. each higher trophic level has more energy d. lose all their leaves in the fall
available to it 29. Water and minerals are carried upward in
c. the number of organism at each trophic level is plant stems in the
not related to energy
d. the biomass of third – order consumers is a. phloem
greater than the biomass of second – order consumers b. xylem
19. Which of the following is the result of biological c. guard cells
magnification? d. stomata
a. energy is lost at each trophic level of the food 30. Vegetative reproduction is a form of
chain a. pollination
b. the greenhouse effect will be most significant at b. seed dispersal
the poles c. sexual reproduction
c. top – level predators may be most harmed by d. asexual reproduction
toxic environmental chemicals 31. Corn and other monocots have each of the
d. DDT has spread throughout the ecosystem and is following structures except a. parallel veins
found in almost every organism b. seeds
20. Why are green plants considered c. a layer of cambium
autotrophs? d. xylem and phloem
a. They have many pigments that capture light. 32. Green plants store the energy of sunlight by the
b. They can build simple inorganic substances into process of
complex organic substance. a. cellular respiration
c. They can build any kind of substances. b. photosynthesis
d. They depend on other sources for their food. c. oxidation
21. In what trophic level of the food pyramid are d. reproduction
consumers greatest in number? a. first trophic 33. In plants, food is usually made in the
b. second trophic a. roots
c. third trophic b. stems
d. fourth trophic c. leaves
d. rootlets
22. In a pond or desert, light, warmth, water, 34. One function of roots is to
minerals, carbon dioxide, and oxygen make up the a. take in carbon dioxide
a. ecosystem b. give off oxygen
b. community c. anchor plant to the soil
c. population d. produce food
d. physical environment 35. Multicellular plants have many specialized
23. Why do most plants look green? structures. What function does xylem perform in
a. The chlorophyll in plants captures green light for multicellular vascular plants?
photosynthesis. a. The xylem transports water and minerals from
b. The chlorophyll in plants reflects wavelengths of the roots to the leaves.
green light. b. The xylem is the place where photosynthesis
c. The chloroplasts in plants are surrounded by two takes place in a plant.
green membranes. c. The xylem breaks down sugar into a form that
d. The chloroplasts in plants make green sugar plant cells can use.
during photosynthesis. d. The xylem is a woody tissue that fills the stem of
24. Green plants make glucose from a plant.
a. water and carbon dioxide 36. Which is not a primary function of the stem?
b. chlorophyll and sunlight
c. water and oxygen a. absorption
d. oxygen and carbon dioxide b. conduction
25. A male structure in the flowering plant is the c. support
a. ovary d. storage
b. ovule 37. Ginger is a .
a. bulb c. frog
b. corm d. human
c. rhizome 48. Each of the following vertebrates is cold –
d. tuber blooded except
38. The primary functions of the root are _. a. fish
a. conduction and storage b. amphibians
b. storage and anchorage c. birds
c. anchorage and absorption d. reptiles
d. absorption and conduction 49. The embryo develops within the mother in
39. Carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis enters the most
leaves through the a. mammals
a. root system b. reptiles
b. stomata c. amphibians
c. phloem d. fish
d. fibrovascular bundles 50. A feature that relates the platypus to the reptiles
40. All of the following reduce loss of water from is
plants except a. egg – laying
a. bark b. cold – bloodedness
b. waxy layers on leaves c. scales
c. closing of stomata d. a diaphragm
d. opening of stomata
41. The primary functions of leaves are .
a. photosynthesis and transpiration LET Reviewer Biology Part 8
b. transpiration and respiration 51. The sea urchin’s body is organized around the
c. respiration and digestion organism’s center, like the spokes of a wheel. What kind
d. respiration and photosynthesis of symmetry does the sea urchin have?
42. Which of the following is not a correctly stated a. bilateral
difference between monocots and dicots? a. parallel b. radial
veins in monocots; branching, c. asymmetrical
netlike venation in dicot leaves d. unilateral
b. vascular bundles scattered in monocot stems; 53. Most vertebrates reproduce sexually. When does
central vascular stele in dicot stems fertilization occur in sexual reproduction?
c. flower parts in threes in monocots; flower parts a. when a male animal releases sperm and a female
in multiples of four or five in dicots animal releases eggs
d. usually only primary growth in monocots; b. when part of an organism breaks off and begins
secondary growth in many dicots to grow independently
43. How are the processes of photosynthesis and c. when the cells of an embryo begin to
cellular respiration connected? differentiate and become specialized
a. both processes begin with oxygen d. when the nucleus of a sperm cell fuses with the
nucleus of an egg cell
b. both processes require sunlight 54. Which of the following is a difference between
c. each processes takes place only in plant cells invertebrates and vertebrates?
d. each process makes the material needed in the a. Vertebrates have exoskeletons, and invertebrates
other process have endoskeletons.
44. Why do cells need oxygen? b. Invertebrates reproduce only asexually,
a. Oxygen is used during the process of vertebrates only reproduce sexually.
fermentation. c. Vertebrates have a backbone, while invertebrates
b. Oxygen is used during the process of cell division. do not.
c. Oxygen is used during the process of cellular d. Invertebrates have bilateral symmetry, while
respiration. vertebrates have radial symmetry.
d. Oxygen is used during the process of meiosis. 55. Which of the following is a function of the
45. What is the result of cellular respiration? reproductive system?
a. Energy is produced from radiant sunlight and a. to produce all the body’s hormones
carbon dioxide. b. to regulate the body temperature
b. Energy is produced from sugar molecules and c. to make the hormones that fight disease
oxygen. d. to regulate the development of male and female
c. Sunlight is converted into sugar molecules and characteristics
oxygen. 56. The animal phylum that contains the largest
d. Sunlight is converted into water molecules. number of different species is the
a. echinoderms
46. Which of these describes a reproduction b. chordates
method of sexual organism? a. forming a tuber c. arthropods
b. fusing of sex cells from two parents d. roundworms
c. producing runners 57. A hydra, which has two layers of body cells,
d. division through binary fission is
47. The diaphragm is used in breathing by each of a. a coelenterate
the following animals except the b. a flagellate
a. kangaroo c. an echinoderm
b. baboon d. a porifera
58. Unlike amphibians, reptiles c. ovoviviparous
a. are covered with scales d. none of them
b. have a circulatory system 70. Vivian and Carlo are two amateur fossils hunters,
who were unable to unearth a complete fossil of
c. are cold – blooded mammals. How could they determine whether it was a
d. lays eggs herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?
59. Both an octopus and a clam are a. based on the skull
a. arachnids b. based on the type of teeth
b. crustaceans c. based on the phalanges
c. tunicates d. based on the vertebral column
d. molluscs 71. Amphibians have adaptations that protect them
60. A fruit is a . from very cold and very warm temperatures. During the
a. ripened ovule cold winter months they become inactive. They bury
b. ripened ovary themselves in mud until the temperature warms up.
c. ripened bud What do you call the period of inactivity during winter?
d. ripened stigma a. hibernation
61. An imperfect flower is one that lacks either b. aestivation
. c. incubation
a. sepals or petals d. adaptation
b. stamens or pistils
c. petals or stamens 72. Amoeba proteus is a very common amoeba that
d. pistils or sepals you use in the laboratory for experiments. You have
62. Pollination is the _. probably observed their mode of motility.
a. union of a person nucleus with an egg nucleus What do they use for locomotion?
b. growth of a pollen tube in a style a. cilia
c. penetration of an embryo sac by a pollen tube b. flagella
d. transfer of pollen grains from an anther to a c. pseudopodia
stigma d. feet
63. The protist which can cause malaria when 73. What is the relationship between the cattle and
transmitted by the bite of the female anopheles the bacteria and protozoa living within their stomachs?
mosquito is . a. parasitism
a. Plasmodium falcifarum b. commensalism
b. Plasmodium ovale c. mutualism
c. Plasmodium vivax d. predation
d. Plasmodium 74. What is formed when two or more groups
64. The arthropod which is an arachnid is the of different organisms live together and interact with
_. each other in the same area?
a. butterfly a. community
b. spider b. population
c. beetle c. niche
d. cockroach d. ecosystem
65. The squid belongs to phylum _. 75. A green alga provides a fungus with nutrients and
a. Chordata water. The fungus protects the alga from the sun and
b. Mollusca high temperatures. What relationship is illustrated in the
given example?
c. Echinodermata a. parasitism
d. Nemathelminthes b. commensalism
66. A dinner in a seafood restaurant includes clams, c. mutualism
squid, and tuna. What phyla are represented? d. predation
Get more Free LET Reviewers @ a. 76. Which is an example of a renewable energy
porifera and mollusc source?
b. cnidaria and chordate a. oil
c. mollusca and chordate b. natural gas
d. mollusca and arthropoda c. solar power
67. The body temperature of cold – blooded animals d. coal
a. is 10 deg. C 77. Which is a source of biomass energy?
b. is 100 deg. C a. water
c. changes with the environment b. wind
d. remains constant c. geysers
68. Each of the following is a primate except a d. plants
a. tarsier 78. Which of the following refers to commensalism?
b. gorilla a. both organisms benefit
c. kangaroo b. both organisms are harmed
d. human
69. Development from a fertilized egg to adult may c. one organism benefits and the other is harmed
occur in either two ways. What do you call animals that d. one organism benefits and the other is
are born resembling adults of the species, just like man? unaffected
a. viviparous
b. oviparous
79. What ecological structure is formed by a group of b. protozoa
individuals of the same species living together in the c. virus
same area? d. algae
a. niche 88. Why is it not quite possible for viruses to live and
b. community multiply in the outer layers of our skin?
c. population a. The outer layer of the skin has dead cells only
d. ecosystem b. The outer layer of the skin has oil which is
80. All members of a group stem from a common harmful to viruses.
ancestor and are capable of interbreeding. c. The outer layer of the skin has a lower
The taxonomy category referred to here is . temperature unsuitable for viruses.
a. class d. The outer layer of the skin has salt from
b. order perspiration which is harmful to viruses
c. species 89. Young people stand straight. Very old ones
d. family usually stoop. Why?
81. Which of the following is an abiotic factor that e. Sedentary lives of the old.
may affect the types and numbers of animals that live in f. Habit of stooping developed in the old.
an area? g. Greater gravitational pull on the old than on the
a. the range of temperatures experienced in the young.
area h. Bones of the old have become weak and soft and
b. the types of plants available for food sources their joints become loose.
c. the number and types of predators in the area 90. Which of the following factors contribute to
d. the number of plants available for food sources “greenhouse effect”?
82. What do you call animals that feed on both plant a. destruction of the forests
and meat? b. use of carbon dioxide by land plants
a. herbivores c. depletion of minerals in the soil by overfarming
b. carnivores d. use of solar glass panels to capture radiant
c. omnivores energy
d. insectivores
83. After drinking dirty water, a student developed 91. Angiosperms are also known as
bloody diarrhea and liver problems in a few weeks later. a. cone bearing
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the b. seed bearing
disease? c. flower bearing
a. paramecium d. spore bearing
b. dinoflagellates
c. amoeba 92. Some animals have the ability to produce a lost
d. euglena body part such as lizard, starfish, and brittle star. This
84. Chemical produced by some bacteria that can kill method is known as
or weaken other bacteria a. regeneration
a. antitoxins b. fragmentation
b. antibodies c. budding
c. antibiotics d. fission
d. antiseptic 93. Metamorphosis is the change in structure from a
larva to an adult. The following animals
85. At what stages in its life cycle is a butterfly most follow definite stages in their life cycle except
active? a. fly
a. egg and larva b. frog
b. larva and adult c. butterfly
c. pupa and adult d. turtle
d. adult and egg 94. One of the principal causes of acid rain is
85. Insecticides are used to control insect a. Waste and acid from chemical factories being
populations so that they do not destroy crops. However, pumped into rivers.
over time, a new insecticide has to be developed as they b. Acid from chemical laboratories evaporating into
become less effective in killing the insects. Why? the air.
a. Insecticides build up in the soil. c. Gases from burning coal and oil dissolving in
b. Insecticides are concentrated at the bottom of water in the atmosphere.
the food chain d. Gases from air conditioner and refrigerators
c. Surviving insects pass their resistance to escaping into the atmosphere.
insecticides to their offspring. 95. While observing some plants, a student notices
d. Surviving insects have learned to include some very small plants found attached on rocks.
insecticides as a food source. The plants most likely belong to
86. Not all organisms are harmful. Which of these is a. angiosperms
done by yeast? b. gymnosperms
a. encourage disease food c. tracheophytes
b. cause milk to become cheese d. bryophytes
c. cause Yakult to be milky 96. A certain plant with needle – like leaves and cone
d. Promotes the rising of bread for baking – bearing usually grow and reproduce in cold places.
87. Which of the following organisms is used to What is the classification of this plant?
convert milk to cheese? a. angiosperms
a. bacteria b. gymnosperms
c. bryophytes b. whale and shark
d. monocots c. bat and monkey
97. This is an offshoot of water pollution resulting d. salamander and turtle
from an accumulation of phosphates and nitrates from 99. The following practices promote
waste materials, detergents, and fertilizers. What is this sustainable development except a.
phenomenon that kills aquatic life? reforestation
b. recycling
a. acid rain c. selective hunting
b. eutrophication d. cyanide fishing
c. dynamite fishing 100. Ant returning from a new food source marks a
d. cyanide fishing trail for other ants to follow. This chemical signal is called
98. Animals are grouped based on their a. hormones
structural similarities. Identify which pair of animals is b. enzymes
closely related. c. catalyst
a. snake and toad d. pheromon

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