Electrical Tester 2014 January

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Ground Lengthy Hazards

testing advances of
theory in TDRs electricity
...p3 ...p4 ...p6
Published by Megger
January 2014

TESTER The industry’s recognised information tool

Fuelling the future. . .

Enhancing the reliability of the LV grid
In essence, all of these changes mean that the
Peter Herpertz - Product manager, capacity reserves designed into the grid are
power, SebaKMT Germany rapidly being exhausted and that the grid’s
vulnerabilities and flaws are starting to become
Changes in the way we generate and use more and more apparent. Performing tests on
electricity are already exposing the low-voltage the grid to detect these problems so that they
power distribution grid to stresses that it can be addressed before they lead to failures
has never before experienced, and there is and service interruptions is clearly desirable,
absolutely no doubt that these stresses will and an approach that is proving particularly
continue to increase for the foreseeable useful and convenient in this role is network
future. To avoid unforeseen failures and impedance measurement.
interruptions of service it is, therefore,
essential to develop techniques for reliably Modern developments in test equipment mean
evaluating the condition of the grid and how that this type of measurement is fast and easy
well it will respond to these stresses. to perform, yet it provides answers to many
The increased demands on the grid are not of the most important questions that concern
the result of a single factor, but of several network operators. Impedance measurements
changes that are taking place simultaneously. at a grid access point will, for example, provide
First there is the steadily increasing demand for an accurate indication of the load power the
electrical power, and then there is the trend grid can deliver and the maximum infeed
toward decentralised power generation, which power it can accept at that point.
is radically changing the load distribution and
dynamics of the grid. In addition, more and The measurements are also an invaluable aid
more of the load on the grid is made up of for the dimensioning of fuses, and for ensuring
Decentralised power generation is changing the load distribution and dynamics of the grid
electronic devices, with the result that there is a that the short-circuit current will be sufficient to
strong upward trend in harmonic current levels. rupture the fuse in the event of a fault. They are
also a useful tool for evaluating the performance have, therefore, been developed to allow the As always, however, the theory may be
And there’s more to come. For example, measurements to be made while the grid is live. straightforward, but things are not quite so
electric vehicles are already starting to grow of new grid sections during commissioning or
simple in practice. One crucial factor is that to
in popularity and, in the future, not only will when sections are taken over from other utilities, The principle is simple, and is illustrated in
yield results that are dependable and useful in
their charging stations affect the characteristics and they can provide a very effective way of Figure 1 (see page 2). Here, the supply is shown
as an ideal source U0 with source impedance relation to today’s grid operating conditions,
of the load on the grid, it is also likely that exposing hidden flaws in the grid system.
ZI. The consumer load RV reduces the terminal the instrument must provide information
owners will use the batteries in their vehicles
Network impedance measurements can, in voltage of the supply to UV. To carry out the about the grid impedance not just at power
as a form of buffer storage to reduce their
principle, be performed by carrying out simple test, the impedance measuring instrument adds frequency, but at frequencies up to the tenth
need to buy electricity at peak rates. Smart
home technology will provide another way loop tests on a de-energised section of the grid. an extra load RL for a very short time, which harmonic of the power frequency.
for consumers to switch some of their energy In practice, however, this approach has many further reduces the terminal voltage to UL. By The reasons are not hard to understand.
consumption to low tariff periods, with the limitations, not the least of which is the need to recording the additional load current IL and by Feeders, such as photovoltaic systems,
overall result that grid is likely to be loaded to a take the section of the grid being tested out of comparing UV and UL the instrument can readily
higher level for more of the time. service for the duration of the test. Techniques calculate the source impedance ZI. continued on page 2

Oropeza Ingenieros SA fault prevention and fault finding, thereby

increasing profitability.
Q: Are there any particular services from

named in Mexico’s top 100 OISA that were taken into account?
A: OISA’s mission is to provide a comprehensive
range of solutions to meet the needs of the
part, on information supplied by the Mexican professional relationships with CFE (Comisión
government about companies that have sold Federal de Electricidad – Federal Electricity measurement and electrical engineering sectors.
the most to the government during the year. Commission) and PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos). Our main contributions during the year were
The government provides the information All of the companies included in this year’s list to provide CFE with services to aid the proper
Gustavo Oropeza - maintenance of electric utilities and to provide
according to the requirements of the Mexican fall into these categories.
Director General of OISA, Mexico Transparency Law. The Top 100 list includes guidance on the standardization of test criteria
companies that focus on sustainability and Q: What aspects of OISA’s operations
helped it to gain inclusion in the list? to assist with effective condition analysis and
Oropeza Ingenieros SA (OISA), has achieved energy efficiency – that is, companies active in fault diagnosis.
the prestigious accolade of being named as the areas of hydrocarbons, electricity, automation A: Part of the reason for our inclusion was that
one of Mexico’s Top 100 companies in the and alternative energy – which seek to form we sold a lot of equipment to both CFE and Q: Did OISA’s long association with
electrical sector. In an interview with strategic alliances to create, disseminate and PEMEX in 2012, but another important factor Megger play any part in helping it to
Electrical Tester, Gustavo Oropeza, commercialize new technologies. was that we have created strategic alliances become a Top 100 company?
Director General of OISA, explains how his Q: Who decides which companies with both of these organizations with the aim
company gained this recognition. of providing improvements in the energy sector. A: Definitely! Megger is the main supplier of
are included?
Some of the things that Global Energy took into the equipment we sell, and we undoubtedly
Q: Gustavo, could you please explain A: The editorial board of Global Energy account were the specialized services that our benefit from the world-class support the
how companies are assessed for
inclusion in the Top 100? decides which companies are included. Usually trained personnel provide to CFE and PEMEX, company provides, as well as the wide range
the companies on the list offer specialized our corporate approach of turning problems of equipment it offers to verify, monitor and
A: The assessment is carried out by Global services or high quality solutions that play an into challenges and successes, and the part we
Energy, a respected magazine that is widely important role in the industrial development are playing in the advancement of automation measure the performance and condition of
circulated in Mexico in both paper and electronic of Mexico. Typically, the companies also have in the country, with the intention of reducing electrical plant, and to facilitate preventative
formats. The assessment is based, for the most a strong commitment to and commercial and hazards, and providing efficient methods of maintenance that minimizes the risk of failures.

www.megger.com ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 1

The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
Contents continued from page 1
test current adjustable from 80 A to 1,000
Fuelling the future - Enhancing the Zi = Ri + j * Xi A, single- and three-phase operation, results
NIM U[v] measured and displayed up to the 10th
reliability of the LV grid ...................... P1, 2 U0 Uv - UL harmonic, direct display of all measurement
Zi =
Peter Herpertz - Product manager, power,
IL U IL parameters and facilities for making automatic

SebaKMT Germany aU
0 UV long-term measurements – for example, every
Oropeza Ingenieros success ...................P1 RL 15 minutes for 48 hours. The instrument will

Gustavo Oropeza - Director general of OISA not rupture fuses when tests are carried out
four to five times the nominal fuse rating.
Our most valued asset ...............................P2
Nick Hilditch - Editor, Electrical tester
I [A] Internal storage for results is provided, and the
results can be exported via a USB 2.0 interface
0 IV IV + I L
Ground testing theory for easy test report generation.
and methodology .........................................P3 The theory of measuring while the grid is live is simple - but in practice it is more complex
Another interesting and useful feature is a
Graeme Thomson - VP Sales, US special fault detection mode. Some types
distribution and CSA invariably connect to the grid via inverters, Finally, even though the duration of the of fault including, for example, loose screw
and these inverters produce harmonics. The measurement is short, it is possible that
TDR trailblazing ..........................................P4 electronic loads that are now so common connections, will temporarily weld when high
the consumer load may alter while the test currents are used, and as a result are likely
Leif Pedersen - SebaKMT Nor AB behave in a similar way. Unfortunately the
measurement is being made. As the to go unnoticed with normal tests. When fault
harmonic currents – particular the lower
Sparking interest .........................................P4 odd numbered harmonics that are divisible instrument cannot detect these changes
detection mode is used, however, repeated
Georg Halfar - Marketing communications by three – cause many problems. In effect, directly, it is highly desirable that it should
measurements are made while the test current
manager, Germany
they add to the power frequency current and make multiple measurements and calculate
is increased in steps. Any sudden change in
increase the load on the grid. Measurements the average result.
Fault location in power cables - part 3 .P5 based solely on power frequency do not, impedance as the current increases, which
therefore, give a reliable indication of how the While instruments for measuring network might indicate that a faulty connection has
Peter Herpertz - Product manager, power,
grid will perform in service. impedance are by no means a new concept, welded, is readily apparent.
SebaKMT, Germany
it has until now been difficult or even
Harmonics are not the only complicating We are asking more and more of our power
Hazards of electricity ..............................P6 factor for grid impedance measurement. If the impossible to find an instrument that
meets all of the criteria discussed in this distribution systems, and subjecting them to
Steven C. Foutch - Vice president of sales & measuring current is low, the resolution and
article. Such an instrument has, however, operating conditions that could never have
operations, AVO Training Institute accuracy of the result will be compromised, so
the instrument must be capable of using a high recently been introduced – the SebaKMT been envisaged when much of our present-
Meggger tester or not ................................P6 measuring current. It must do this, however, NIM 1000 from Megger, which has been day infrastructure was designed and installed.
Nick Hilditch - Marketing group manager, without rupturing the grid’s protective fuses. specifically developed to meet the needs It is, therefore, essential to have an accurate,
It’s also important to note that the impedance dependable, convenient and cost-effective tool
Megger Limited of today’s network operators. The features
of the test leads and the resistance of the
of this instrument can be considered as a for assessing how well networks will stand
Harmonising harmonics .........................P7 connecting clamps will be connected in series
with the network impedance. For accurate new benchmark for network impedance up to today’s demands. Network impedance
Alan Purton - Technical support group
results, therefore, it is essential to use four- measurement. They include a compact and measurement, performed with a modern
Blackout prevention ..................................P7 wire connections with Kelvin clamps. readily portable design, simple operation, instrument, is that tool.
Keith Wilson - Electrical engineer

Q&A - Acoustic pinpointing ......................P8

Thin ice is nice..... .......................................P8 Our most valued
asset decommissioned!
Klas Bjorck - Product manager - Megger Sweden

Getting to grips with substation

automation ...................................................P8
Andrea Bonetti - STRI AB – Västerås Sweden

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A printed newsletter is not as interactive as its email equivalent David Heard - Marion’s husband shared her last day Long term retention is a hallmark of Megger’s
so to help you find items quickly on www.megger.com, we have human resource strategy. Marion had been
underlined key search words in blue. the names of dozens of contributors have been with Megger for more than 34 years
Nick Hilditch -
Note from the Editor - Time for your say. highlighted but it will take a diligent search
Editor Electrical Tester
We have introduced a ‘Questions and Answers’ section and to find mention of Marion, even though she’s She worked there until Summer 2013,
would like your input. If you have any questions or stories that
As every engineer knows, there inevitably made a major contribution to every issue! applying her artistic and computer skills not
you think we could use, then please email
comes a time when even the most valued In fact, she has been responsible since 2007 for only to Electrical Tester but also to datasheets
of assets has to be taken out of service. It laying out Electrical Tester and for guiding it for products made in Dover, user guides,
‘Views expressed in Electrical Tester are not necessarily sometimes happens, however, that assets through the printing and production processes. catalogues and all manner of marketing
the views of Megger.’ decommissioned from their original role still
Without her input, it might not have appeared. materials. Eventually however, she decided
The word ‘Megger’ is a registered trademark have a lot to offer, and a lot of useful life left in that the time had come to leave all this behind
But there’s a lot more to Marion than her work
them. In these cases, the only sensible option is and to spend more time with her husband.
Editor Nick Hilditch. to allow them to continue providing service in as a layout artist.
T +44 (0)1304 502232
For once, that’s not a euphemism – she really
a different role, where the demands placed on She was one of Megger’s longest serving
E nick.hilditch@megger.com is enjoying retirement, and is mingling it with
them are possibly a little less onerous. employees, having joined the company in
www.megger.com a little freelance work, just to keep her hand in.
Megger Limited And this is exactly what’s happened with 1979 as a print room operator. She moved on
Archcliffe Road Dover Kent CT17 9EN one of Electrical Tester’s most valued assets, to become a tracer and later a CAD system We wish Marion well, and thank her for the
T +44 (0)1304 502100 Marion Heard. Unless you work for Megger, operator. Then in 1994, Marion’s career took a incredible amount of hard work she’s put into
E electricaltester@megger.com it’s unlikely that you’ll know her name. In the different course when she took up a new post making Electrical Tester the respected and
www.megger.com 27 issues of Electrical Tester published to date, in the marketing department. successful publication it is today.

2 ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 www.megger.com

The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
Clamp-On Ground testing theory
and methodology
Graeme Thomson - SERIES CIRCUIT
VP Sales, US distribution and CSA

Testing the quality of the grounding (earthing)

system has been a critical part of electrical
maintenance programs for many years.
Ground (earth) electrodes are used to provide
a safe path to earth for the dissipation of In a series circuit, total current and total
fault currents, lightning strikes, static charges resistance are calculated as follows:
and EMF/RFI signals. The risks from ground
It = I1 = I2 = I3
system deterioration include potentially deadly
electrical shocks, plant-wide equipment Rt = R1 + R2 + R3
damage, disruption in the performance of
sensitive electrical apparatus, heat build- PARALLEL CIRCUIT
up and eventually fire on a single piece of
electrical equipment and disruption in digital
communication service.
Over time, ground systems deteriorate due to
either environmental conditions or catastrophic
events like lightning strikes. Alternatively,
facility expansion may change needs in the In a parallel circuit, total current and total
installed ground system. Grounding systems resistance are calculated as follows:
present a unique challenge because they are
out of site, buried beneath the soil. The only It = I1 + I2 + I3
way to ensure that the system remains capable
Rt = 1/ (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3)
of dissipating fault currents is to measure its
resistance periodically. PARALLEL-SERIES CIRCUIT
Fall of Potential (and its variants) was the only
method of testing ground system integrity until
the 1980s. Clamp-on, or stake-less, ground
testing first appeared in the 1980s and has
gained in popularity and acceptance in the
years since its introduction. The method is
starting to appear in standards such as IEC
60364-6 (Low-voltage electrical installations – In a parallel-series circuit, total current and total
resistance are calculated as follows:
Part 6: Verification).
The clamp-on ground tester is an effective The circuit diagram for this configuration problem. Using the six electrode example, if
It = I1 + I2 = I3 = I4 + I5
and time-saving method when used correctly follows (based on a clamp-on ground tester electrode number 6 had a resistance of 100Ω
because the user does not have to disconnect Rt = 1/ (1/R1 + 1/R2) + 1/ (1/R3 + 1/R4) being clamped around pole 6): and all the other electrodes had resistances of
the ground system or place probes in the ground The clamp-on ground tester is clamped around 10Ω, the measurement of the loop resistance
to make a measurement. The method is based one of the electrodes and then measures the would be:
on Ohm’s Law, where R (resistance) = V (voltage) The head of a clamp-on ground tester includes resistance of the entire loop. The remaining
/ I (current). The clamp includes a transmit coil, two cores. One core induces a test current and ground electrodes are all in parallel, and, as a Rloop = 100 + (1/ (1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10))
which applies the voltage and a receive coil, the other measures how much was induced. group, are in series with the ground electrode
The input or primary voltage of the test current Rloop = 100 + (1/ (5/10))
which measures the current. The instrument being measured. If the clamp-on tester is
applies a known voltage to a complete circuit, inducing core is kept constant, so the current Rloop = 100 + 2
clamped around pole #6, the measurement
actually induced into the test circuit is directly
measures the resulting current flow and
proportional to the loop resistance. Rloop = 102Ω
calculates the resistance (see figure below).
The important thing to remember with In this example, the clamp-on ground tester
Understanding how and why the clamp-on would indicate the bad ground. If the 100Ω
clamp-on testing is that clamp-on ground
method works helps in understanding where testers effectively make loop resistance electrode was one of the electrodes not
it will and will not operate effectively, and measurements. Clamp-on measurements being measured, the impact on the overall
how to optimize its use. As mentioned, the are loop measurements. For the clamp-on
clamp-on test method is based on Ohm’s Law. measurement would be minimal:
method to work there must be a series-parallel
Understanding Ohm’s law and how it applies resistance path (and the lower the better). Rloop = 10 + (1/ (1/10 + 1/100 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10))
to series and parallel circuits is the first step in The more electrodes or ground paths in the of the resistance of the entire loop would be
understanding how and why a clamp-on ground system the nearer the measurement gets to the calculated using the following equation: Rloop = 10 + (1/ (41/100))
tester works. The following graphics show a actual electrode under test’s true resistance. Rloop = 10 + 2.44
series circuit, a parallel circuit and a parallel- The following figure shows a pole ground Rloop = R6 + (1/ (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + 1/R4 + 1/R5))
series circuit, and the math used to determine configuration, one of the most effective Rloop = 12.44Ω
the total current and resistance in each. applications of the clamp-on ground tester. For 6 similar ground electrodes with a Note that the measured resistance will always
resistance of 10Ω each, the measurement of be higher than the actual resistance of the
the total loop resistance would be: ground electrode being tested. Any error
Rloop = 10 + (1/ (1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10)) present is on the side of safety, as resistance
guidelines are for maximum ground resistance.
Rloop = 10 + (1/ (5/10)) This means that if the measured resistance is
below target level for the ground electrode, the
Rloop = 10 + 2 operator can be assured that actual resistance
Rloop = 12Ω will also be below the target.

The measurement of the loop resistance is SUMMARY

relatively close to the resistance of the ground A clamp-on ground tester measurement is a
electrode being tested. If there were 60 similar measurement of the resistance of the entire
ground electrodes with a resistance of 10Ω loop. There must be a loop resistance to
each, the measurement of the total loop
measure. If there isn’t a loop to measure the
resistance would be:
operator can create one with a temporary
jumper lead. The greater the number of parallel
Rloop = 10Ω + 0.17Ω = 10.17Ω
paths, the closer the measured value will be
The more ground electrodes in parallel, the to the actual earth resistance of the electrode
smaller the impact of the resistance of the under test. The clamp-on ground tester can
electrodes not being tested and the closer easily indicate a poor electrode whether
the loop resistance is to the resistance of the there are a few parallel paths in series with
electrode being tested. the measured value, or many parallel paths
If the electrode being measured has a high present. The earth path must be in the circuit
Figure 1 - A typical pole ground configuration
resistance, the test will indicate that there is a to measure ground resistance.

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The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
Lengthy advances in long-range TDR
Leif Pedersen -
SebaKMT Nor AB

NorNed is a HVDC submarine power cable

between Norway the Netherlands

Time domain reflectometer (TDR) measurements

are an invaluable tool for pre-locating faults
on power cables, but there are significant The TDR test set with extended range and Figure 2 - trace obtained before the pulse
challenges involved in making these features optimised for work on long cables velocity had been fine-tuned.
measurements successfully on cables that are
longer than about 100 km. For operators of this arrangement, a cable fault 72 km from function – one of the new features of the new of the end reflection would change. The results
the long HVDC submarine power cables that the point of connection of the test set instrument – was used. This function rapidly with the ungrounded cable were compared with
are increasingly being used for the country- was successfully detected, but it proved makes and compares 256 measurements, and results that had been stored in the instrument’s
to-country transfer of electrical power these completely impossible to detect the end of only impedances that are detected as being memory when the cable was grounded, and the
challenges are a particular concern, as there the cable at 580 km. stable are shown in the final trace. change in form could be clearly seen, providing
are few, if any, cost-effective alternatives for incontrovertible proof that the instrument had
A sample of the new TDR test set (Teleflex Reflections were visible from known cable
locating faults on these cables. indeed detected the end of the cable.
VX) with extended range and new features joints and from the remote end of the cable. It
With this in mind, Seba Nor as, has recently optimised for work on long cables was was clear, however, that the distant reflections Finally, the complete test set up was moved
been evaluating the performance of a new presented to Statnett at a meeting in April were affected by constantly changing noise from phase PK1 to phase PK2 and all of the
extended-range TDR test set that has been 2013, where it was agreed that the instrument and that without the averaging function, the measurements were repeated. The results were
specifically developed for use on HVDC would be used to attempt to detect the end of end reflection would have been undetectable. almost identical with those from phase PK1
submarine cables. The evaluation was carried the cable during the next planned shutdown of with reflections from the joint at 154 km and
Photographs of the trace obtained is shown
out on the NorNed HVDC cable, which is the DC link in September. the cable end at 580 km clearly visible.
in Figure 2 and it will be seen that there is
a joint project of Statnett and TenneT, the
PREPARATION a small end reflection at approximately 600 CONCLUSION
operators of the power grids in Norway and
km. This trace was, however, obtained before
Holland respectively. The NorNed cable was taken out of service and After the tests had been completed and the
the pulse velocity, V/2, had been fine-tuned
grounded at both ends, in accordance with the results examined in detail, all parties agreed that
The 580 km long NorNed cable, which by identifying a known joint at 154 km and
scheduled maintenance plan, one week before the evaluation of the new instrument had been
operates at 450 kV, is the longest submarine adjusting the V/2 value so that this distance on
the TDR evaluation was due to commence, a great success. TDR measurements showing an
power cable in the world. It runs between the trace matched the known length.
thereby eliminating the risk of the instruments end reflection at 580 km on a submarine DC
Feda in Norway and the seaport of Eemshaven
being damaged by return voltage. Extended When this had been done, further power cable had never before been possible,
in the Netherlands, and it interconnects the
test leads were also prepared to allow easy measurements were made, and they showed and the impressive results obtained proved that
power grids of the two countries.
connection of the test set. the cable end at the correct distance of 580 km. the technology used in the new instrument
BACKGROUND More measurements were then made using the meets or even exceeds all expectations.
MEASUREMENTS instrument’s zoom function, and these revealed
To establish a baseline for the evaluation This is a particularly important achievement as
another cable joint at 304 km. This matched
of the new instrument, experimental TDR The first measurements were made on phase further long undersea cables linking Norway
exactly the information in Statnett’s records.
measurements were made on the NorNed PK1 of the cable using the new TDR test set with Germany and England are planned and
cable in 2010, using an existing TDR test set connected at the Norwegian end of the cable. Next TenneT was contacted and asked to remove technology capable of locating faults accurately
(Teleflex MX) in conjunction with a special The test parameters were carefully adjusted the grounding at the Netherlands end of the will play a key role in the economical operation of
submarine cable adaptor (LDE 800). With to optimise the results and the averaging cable, with the object of seeing whether the form these and of the many existing undersea cables.

Sparking interest . .

2nd Place - Hellwegg- Lippe training centre 3rd Place - OSC Uckerman Education Institute

That typical profile left Megger Germany photograph taken next to the posters, with
with a challenge and an opportunity. How valid entries going into a prize draw.
could they help the young engineers of the
About 10% of 320 colleges entered the
future with their training, while keeping
competition, with some very creative
them interested and engaged? images submitted– some of them not
Part of the answer is shown in the pictures suitable to be shown in a technical
1st Place Competition winners! - Commercial Academy, Freiberg magazine like Electrical Tester!
here. Working with Hager, a German
manufacturer of electrical installation The winners of the top 3 entries, drawn at
Georg Halfar - Marketing communications were easily bored. It’s perfectly normal
products, apprentice schools and colleges random, received brand new electrical test
manager, Germany to go through that phase, and electrical equipment with free training.
throughout Germany received a set of 4
apprentices and trainees are no different educational posters showing a Megger Congratulations to all the trainees and
We’ve all been there. In our late teens or from every other group in that respect – MFT1835 with wiring diagrams and advice on colleges taking part; you’ve proved us
early twenties, we thought we knew it apart from being slightly quicker on the electrical installations according to the German wrong. You were paying more attention
all, we had short attention spans and we uptake than the average trainee, maybe. norms. Apprentices were asked to have their than we thought!

4 ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 www.megger.com

The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
Fault location in power cables
Peter Herpertz - Product manager, In practice, there are many cases where the 50 ns – 20 µs Special reflectometers for
power, SebaKMT Germany factors that influence propagation velocity long cables (subsea cables
cannot be evaluated accurately and completely. and overhead lines)
Pinpointing – finding the exact location of a
cable fault – should always be preceded by the Reflection factor (R) DEAD ZONE IN RELATION
use of an accurate prelocation procedure, so Every change in the uniformity of the cable TO PULSE WIDTH
that pinpointing only needs to be performed construction produces a change in the 5 ns pulse width – dead zone
on a short section of the cable. This saves time, inductance and/or capacitance, and also in the approximately 2 m Figure 5 - Cable attenuation and dispersion
as well as reducing stress on the cable and conductivity (G) at the location of the change.
associated accessories. This article, the third in 500 ns pulse width – dead zone
As a result, there is a change in impedance (Z) Dispersion is another factor that influences
our series on cable fault location, provides an approximately 90 m
at this location. This impedance change reflects pulse shape. Higher signal frequencies are
introduction to prelocation techniques. a certain amount of energy from the pulse 3 µs pulse width – dead zone attenuated more than lower frequencies,
back toward the transmitter. approximately 400 m
CABLE FAULT PRELOCATION which makes pulses that have travelled long
Basic considerations The dead zone is the length of cable distances appear much broader than those
covered by the transmitted measuring pulse. that have travelled shorter distances. The
The most commonly used cable fault Depending on the design of the reflectometer, combination of attenuation and dispersion
prelocation techniques depend on pulse faults cannot usually be seen in this zone. means that distant reflections are sometimes
reflection. With these techniques, the fault
However, it’s not true that absolutely no detail difficult to evaluate.
must have certain characteristics if it is to
be detectable and measurable. However, can be seen within the dead zone, as changes Distance-related amplitude correction allows
even faults that don’t intrinsically have these in the measuring pulse are still detectable. all events to be displayed at the correct size,
characteristics can often be made detectable Additionally, with the best reflectometers, the
irrespective of distance. This makes it much
by burning them to make them permanent, or effects of the measuring pulse are suppressed,
easier to recognise and to evaluate these
by applying a short-term high voltage to create which means that even within the dead zone,
faults can be detected. events and assess their relative size.
a flashover at the fault location.
Prelocation techniques are divided into two Figure 2 - Length measurement at different Pulse width Travelling time
Distance range

groups – those based on pulse-reflection propagation velocities (V/2)

(at V/2 = 80 m/µs or NVP = 0.533)
100 ns Up to 6.25 µs Up to 500 m
(TDR or Teleflex) technologies, and those that 200 ns 6.25 µs – 31.25 µs 500 m – 2.5 km
use HV transient methods. This article deals 500 ns 31.25 µs – 93.75 µs 2.5 km – 7.5 km

primarily with techniques in the first group. In most cases, only part of the energy in the 1 µs 93.75 µs – 375 µs 7.5 km – 30 km

pulse is reflected, with the remaining energy 2 µs 375 µs – 750 µs 30 km – 60 km

The basis of all pulse reflection techniques is continuing on to the next impedance change
5 µs 750 µs – 2 ms 60 km – 160 km
10 µs 2 ms – 10 ms 160 km – 1,000 km
to inject a measuring pulse at the local end of where, once again, all or part of that energy
the cable. This travels to the fault location at is reflected back toward the source. The Note: NVP = nominal velocity of propagation, expressed
a velocity (V), which is a characteristic of the measured amplitude of the reflected pulse is as a fraction of the speed of light in a vacuum.
cable. When it reaches the fault, the pulse is determined by the reflection factor (R) and the
reflected back toward the point where it was cable attenuation. In long cables with small Automatic setting of the pulse width ensures Figure 6 - Distance related amplitude correction
injected – see Figure 1. The time taken for the cross sections, faults need to be much better that the measurement pulse is always
pulse to travel to the fault and back to the defined (with either very low or very high optimally matched to the fault distance. COMPENSATION AND ADAPTATION
point of injection is measured and multiplied resistance) if they are to be detected. Manual adjustment of the pulse width is also
by the propagation velocity, V/2. The result is supported in most instruments as, in suitable Compensation is one of the foundations
the distance to the fault. cases, this allows the operator to reduce the of reflection measurement methods, and is
pulse width to reveal more detail. used to eliminate, or at least greatly reduce,
the dead zone effect. Fig. 7 shows how this
As shown in the following diagrams, a wide
is achieved.
measurement pulse shows all reflections
clearly and on a large scale. If higher levels of
Figure 3 - Equivalent circuit of a length of cable accuracy are needed the pulse width must be
reduced to make small changes and details
visible. Limits set by attenuation mean, that
R = longitudinal resistance
the pulse width cannot be reduced indefinitely,
L = inductance which is why pulse widths below a certain
minimum are not supported by reflectometers.
G = conductivity
C = capacitance
Figure 1 - Reflection at fault (negative) and No impedance change in cable
cable end (positive) – no reflection
Reflection at joint (positive / negative or Figure 7 - Terminating set, compensation and
Large impedance change in cable adaptation in the reflectometer
negative / postitive)
– large reflection
Propagation velocity of The variable resistance R is compared with the
Short circuit or open circuit
impedance of the cable, and is adjusted until
the pulse (V/2) – total reflection
the impulse currents I1 and I2 are as nearly

v = lg
Cable faults often have resistances significantly
1x = t v
as possible identical, which means that they
above 2 kΩ and many faults have a resistance cancel each other out in the transformer. The
2 2 t that is nearly infinite. Such faults cannot be
detected using normal reflection methods. In
reflectometer does not, therefore, see the
measurement pulse.
lx = Distance to fault | lg = Overall cable these cases, fault conversion must be used,
where the fault is changed, for a short time In practice, R should be set using the
length | t = Travelling time in µs
at least, into a form that is detectable by the reflectometer’s lowest measurement range and
The measurement accuracy that can be reflectometer. should be adjusted until the positive and negative
achieved is primarily influenced by external reflections are equal in size and as small as
factors – it is affected only slightly by the PULSE WIDTH
possible in amplitude. Reflected pulses produce
intrinsic accuracy of the reflectometer. One Depending on the cable length (fault distance), current I3 in the transformer, and are completely
of the main external factors that affects pulses of different widths must be used. unaffected by the compensation circuit.
measurements is the accuracy of the value
Narrow pulses are only suitable for short
used for the propagation velocity V/2, which is Adaptation means matching one parameter
influenced by many factors, including: ranges, but they give very high resolution with
to another, in this case the output impedance
a lot of detail. On long cables, wide pulses
„„Characteristic impedance of the cable of the instrument to the impedance of the
have to be used, but this reduces resolution
Figure 4: Reflections with pulse width of 50 nc cable. In reflectometers, impedance matching
„„Dielectric material (for example, XLPE, and potentially increases the dead zone. (Gain = 22dB) and 1µs ) (Gain = 3 dB) is usually done with a transformer, to enable
PVC, PILC, insulation colour) On most reflectometers, the pulse width is maximum possible transfer of energy for both
„„Age of the cable automatically set to suit the measuring range, CABLE ATTENUATION AND DISPERSION the transmitted and received pulses.
but provision is usually also made for the Both the cross-section and length of the cable
„„Temperature The next article in this series will look in
setting to be changed manually. have an effect on the amplitude and form of
„„Moisture content (water in the cable more detail at reflectometer technology
Typical pulse widths are: the pulse transmitted into the cable.
reduces V/2 to around 65 m/µs) and, in particular, will explore the sometimes
1 ns – 3 µs High-resolution Attenuation causes the reflected signal to unexpected factors that can affect instrument
„„Conductor position within the cable (for become smaller with increasing distance, and is
reflectometers for performance and accuracy.
communication cables) shown by the red line in Fig. 5. As attenuation
communications cables
follows an exponential law, it can be calculated If you would like to see the previous
Complications can also occur when different
35 ns – 5 µs Reflectometers for general and corrected. This distance related amplitude two articles in the series please email
types of cable are used in the same cable run.
use on power cables correction is shown in Fig. 6. electricaltester@megger.com

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The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
The hazards of electricity – how much do
you know?
Steven C. Foutch - „„ Body resistance (whether the skin
Vice President Of Sales & Operations is wet or dry makes a big difference)
AVO Training Institute, USA
„„ Circuit voltage
Electricity is often referred to as a “silent killer” „„ Amount of current flowing
because it can’t be tasted, seen, heard or through the body
smelled. It is essentially intangible. Electricity „„ Current path through the body
has also long been seen as a serious workplace
„„ Area of contact
hazard with the potential to expose employees
to three major risks: electric shock, arc flash „„ Duration of contact
and arc blast. Any of these can lead to serious Many studies have been performed to
injury or even death. determine the level of current that produces
It’s important to remember always that each effect. Table 1 shows values of current Although the majority of electrocutions are The overall effects of resistance, voltage and
electricity is no respecter of persons – the and the resulting effects based on a number the result of ventricular fibrillation, burns are current can be seen in a shock appraisal chart.
of studies carried out in the USA. It should be the most common shock-related injury. An
laws of physics apply equally to everyone, Using the chart, typically the resistance values
noted that the current values listed are averages
and electricity will injure or kill an office electrical accident can result in an electrical are set at a maximum of 1,000 ohms for
and do not provide specific information about
worker or homeowner just as fast as it burn, an arc burn, a thermal contact burn, or voltages of 600 V and greater. This is because
how a particular individual will react.
will injure or kill an electrical engineer a combination of burns. Electrical burns are shocks at these voltages immediately penetrate
or technician. This is amply borne out by Current Effect among the most serious burns and require the skin, thus allowing the current to travel
statistics published on the UK Electricity immediate medical attention. They occur
Current Effect through the body without being impeded by the
Safety Council website (www.esc.org.uk). when an electric current flows through tissue
1 mA Barely perceptible skin resistance. Entrance and exit wounds are
These statistics reveal that in 2010 there were a or bone, generating heat that causes tissue
1 to 3 mA Perception threshold
damage. The body cannot dissipate the heat generally present when this happens
total of 28 deaths in Great Britain as the result
(in most cases)
of electrocution and fatal electrical burns from generated by the current flow and, therefore, Some ways to prevent these accidents are
low voltage supplies, and that six of these deaths 3 to 9 mA Painful sensations
burns occur. through the use of insulation, guarding,
were work related, while the remaining 22 9 to 25 mA Muscular contractions
(inability to let go) To further illustrate how easily a person can earthing, protection devices and safe
occurred in home or leisure environments. These
25 to 60 mA Respiratory paralysis (may be receive a fatal shock, consider a voltage that working practices.
figures are, however, only the tip of the iceberg.
The statistics also report that a staggering 2.5 fatal) is found almost everywhere in the USA and is
It is very important that individuals who may
million people per year in Great Britain receive a 60 mA or more Ventricular fibrillation common in many other parts of the world – 120
be exposed to the hazards of electric shock are
mains voltage electric shock, and that 350,000 (probably fatal) V AC. Under average working conditions where
aware of the physiological effects of current
of them suffer serious injury as a result. 4 A or more Heart paralysis (probably fatal) the person is perspiring and has resistance of
flowing through the body. It is also important
5 A or more Tissue burning (fatal if vital only 1,000 ohms between his or her hands, a
These statistics, and similar data from other for them to be aware of the factors that
organs affected) simple Ohm’s law calculation will quickly show
countries around the world, show clearly that reduce or increase the body’s resistance. The
the hazards of electricity must be taken very Table 1 – Current rating and effect that the current flow through the person’s body
in the event of a shock will be 120 mA. best practice overall, however, is to STAY OUT
seriously and, in the remainder of this article,
we’ll look more closely at the most common of Table 2 gives comparisons between AC and DC Examination of Table 1 shows that this value of
these hazards – electric shock. shocks. Since the table is of American origin, In the USA, the “Shock Hazard Analysis”
current is likely to cause ventricular fibrillation,
the AC frequency is shown as 60 Hz, but the
Basic knowledge about the shock hazard and which is fatal in most cases. In Europe and in required by NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical
effects will be very similar for 50 Hz currents.
its physiological effects on the human body is Note particularly that direct current shocks can the many countries where the normal mains Safety, the most recent edition of which was
vital to an understanding of electrical safety. be just as hazardous as shocks received from supply voltage is 220 V or higher, the risks are, published in 2012, provides the guidance
Electric shock occurs when a person’s body alternating current. of course, even greater. needed to determine the level of shock
completes the current path between two hazard. This analysis also determines the shock
60 Hz AC current DC current Effect
energised conductors in an electrical circuit, protection boundaries as well as the approach
or between an energised conductor and an 0.5 to 1.5 mA up to 4 mA Perception
limits for qualified and unqualified employees.
earthed surface or object. Essentially, when 1 mA to 3 mA 4 mA to 15 mA Surprise (reaction)
there is a potential difference between one part 3 mA to 22 mA 15 mA to 88 mA Reflex action (let go) In the UK, relevant legislation includes the
of the body and another, a current will flow. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and
21 mA to 40 mA 80 mA to 160 mA Muscular inhibition
The effect of an electric shock can range from the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
40 mA to 100 mA 160 mA to 300 mA Respiratory block
a slight tingle to an immediate cardiac arrest. Equivalent legislation exists in most other
>100 mA >300 mA Usually fatal
The severity of the effect depends on many countries of the world, although details of
Table 2 – Shock comparison for AC and DC
factors, including: requirements may differ.

Nick Hilditch - Marketing group manager,

Megger Limited, UK
Megger tester or not?
Did you drink some coffee from a thermos Clearly it’s a bad thing for a company that’s That’s why we at Megger have always Don’t trust the
flask on your way to work today, or spent a lot of time, effort and money on vigorously defended our trademark – records description –
perhaps ride on an escalator? Or maybe promoting a trademark to lose control of it, show that as far back as 1913 we were in find the model
you took a couple of aspirins because you but why does it matter to anyone outside court doing just that – and why we will always number and
had a headache? And now perhaps you’re that company? The answer is that a good continue to do so. Certainly, our trademark is then check
wondering what any of this has to do with trademark is not just a valuable promotional a valuable commercial asset, but we also want our website or
our customers to be confident that, if they contact us to
Megger? The answer will soon become tool, it’s also an important protection for those
buy a Megger instrument, they get a Megger confirm that
apparent, but let’s start by pointing out that who buy the company’s products.
instrument, with all of the benefits that implies. it is a genuine
the first two sentences of this item contain
Consider this. If you buy a genuine Megger product. Or,
three former trademarks that have been legally Nevertheless, in these days of global trade
insulation tester, the first thing that you benefit even easier,
declared as generic in at least one major global and Internet auctions, we can’t possibly
from is the reputation of the company for if there’s
market. Did you spot them all? tackle every individual or small supplier
supplying test equipment that’s safe, accurate a decent
who decides, knowingly or unknowingly, to
Thermos is possibly the most obvious. This and reliable. Then, if you have any technical photograph,
misuse our intellectual property, so there has
take a close
trademark was registered by Thermos GmbH queries, you know exactly where to find to be an element of “caveat emptor” – let
look. If it
in 1904, but has long been recognised in the support, and you can be sure that the support the buyer beware.
doesn’t say
USA as a generic term for a vacuum flask. will be dependable and reliable. Finally, in the
If you’re looking to buy one of our instruments Megger on
The other two may be less obvious. There unlikely event that you do have a problem new, the very best advice is to buy it from an the product,
are probably few people who realise that with a genuine product, you can be sure that approved distributor. If you’re buying secondhand it almost
Escalator was originally a trademark of the a solution will be readily available. In short, – and we’re proud to say that our products retain certainly
Otis Elevator Company, or that Aspirin was, that trademark gives you, the purchaser, a their value very well, even if the latest versions isn’t, and
and in some countries still is, a trademark of whole range of valuable benefits that are most invariably give the best functionality – then you you’ll be missing out on all of those important
pharmaceutical company Bayer. unlikely to be matched by generic products. need to be a little more careful. benefits we mentioned earlier.

6 ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 www.megger.com

The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER
Useful facts about harmonics
Alan Purton - To help ensure that the levels of harmonics
Technical support group, UK in the public electricity supply do not
constitute a problem for users of that supply,
the Energy Networks Association published
Electrical supplies today are becoming Engineering Recommendation G4/5 in 2001.
increasingly vulnerable to harmonic This recommendation, which was updated to
disturbance, as the amount of equipment that become G4/5-1 in October 2005, identifies
uses electronic switch-mode power supplies consumers by their point of common coupling
and the like grows year on year. Among the (PCC) to the public supply network, and defines
most common harmonic sources are: limits for the level of harmonics present at that
„„ Variable speed drives for motors point. It is the responsibility of the consumer to
ensure that these limits are met and failure to
„„ Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) do so can lead to heavy penalties.
„„ Office equipment with switch-mode Based on G4/5-1, electricity supply companies
power supplies (photocopiers, fax have drawn up specifications that their
machines etc.) consumers must observe. What follows is a
typical specification for “maximum deleterious
„„ Home appliances (televisions,
voltages caused by a consumer’s load”.
microwave ovens etc.)
The maximum voltages at a point of common
„„ Arc welders
coupling (PCC) caused by harmonics, load
„„ Battery chargers unbalance or sudden load changes, expressed An unbalanced load gives rise to an unbalanced
as a percentage of the declared phase-to-earth three-phase supply voltage. The degree of VF = 0.12 Mt x 100%
„„ Personal computers
voltage, shall not exceed the rms values given. unbalance is usually expressed in terms of a Msc
„„ Discharge lighting with electronic negative phase sequence voltage denoted
1. HARMONICS – the harmonic voltage is not
ballasts (fluorescent, mercury, V2. In the case of single-phase loads fed from Where Mt is the maximum steady-state short-
to exceed the following limits:
sodium etc.) a delta-star transformer, the negative phase
circuit power in MVA that would be drawn
1.1 Individual 1% sequence voltage V2 will be less than 1% if the
Harmonics are undesirable, not least because of load is less than 1% of Msc, where Msc is the from the furnace transformer if the electrodes
the detrimental economic effects they produce 1.2 Total (square root minimum three-phase short-circuit level in MVA were lowered into a bath of molten steel.
in installations where they are present. These of sum of squares) 3% at the PCC.
VF should not exceed 0.25% in the case of
effects include: Basic calculations to predict the levels of A higher value of V2 may be acceptable with submerged arc furnace.
„„ Increased energy costs voltage distortion: varying multiple single-phase loads, such as AC
traction supplies, provided that the loads are The generation of harmonics are possible on
„„ Premature ageing of equipment The harmonic voltage cannot be determined any electrical supplies, if the short-circuit power
spread across all three phases.
without knowledge of the system
„„ Production losses resulting from – which for most practical purposes is the same
impedance. These formulas give maximum 3. VOLTAGE DIPS CAUSED BY SUDDEN
reduced efficiency of power units as the ratio ZS/ZL for any given supply – is not
values of harmonic currents that, in general, LOAD CHANGES
satisfy the restrictions on harmonics: sufficiently high enough to cope with the non-
One interesting effect of harmonics in the In general, the voltage dips (VF) can be
linear loads present. This is a secondary reason
public supply system is flicker. This is covered by calculated from the equation:
for knowing the value of the PSSC when
European standard EN 61000-3-3:2008, which I = 100 amps for fault levels at the PCC > 10 kA
h VF = Mc x 100% carrying out loop impedance testing, as the
came into force on 1st September 2011.
n Msc loading effect of a harmonic generating device

Flicker is concerned with the visual disturbance can be determined by a knowledge of the short
of the light output from filament lamps caused Ih = Isc amps for fault levels at the PCC < 10 kA Where Mc is the change in load expressed in
MV, and Msc is the minimum short-circuit level circuit or PSSC value(see table below).
by supply voltage fluctuations, and is rather 100n
verbosely defined in the standard as the in MVA at the PCC. This equation is particularly The following values should be used when
applicable to loadings of long periodicity, such sizing a supply where harmonics could be
“impression of unsteadiness of visual sensation Where Ih is the expected harmonic current, as those associated with mine winders, slab
induced by a light stimulus whose luminance n is the harmonic number and Isc is the present due to the influence of non-linear
mills and motor starting.
or spectral distribution fluctuates with time.” corresponding minimum three-phase short- loads connected to the same network. As
Flicker is ultimately the result of the finite circuit current in amps at the PCC. In the case of open-arc furnaces, the voltage a guide, this table shows the relative values
source impedance of the mains supply and dips or fluctuations can be calculated from the
2. UNBALANCE LOAD – the negative sequence below which it can be expected that harmonic
changing load impedances. equation:
voltage (V2) is not to exceed these limits: disturbance will occur.
Flicker is very low frequency phenomenon
produced by changes in the rms mains voltage, 2.1 For a continuous single-phase load that
is connected phase-to-phase – 1% Source Impedance (ZS) Risk of problems on clean loads with interference
and is a special case of the more general Load impedance (ZL) from ‘dirty loads’
problem of voltage fluctuations produced by a 2.2 For multiple single-phase loads that are
varying load across the finite mains impedance. continuously varying in magnitude and 200 or greater Very little chance of problems
These fluctuations are specified as the relative are connected to alternate phases, or 100 - 200 Moderate risk of problems
voltage change with respect to the nominal three-phase loads that may be unbalanced
< 100 High risk that problems will occur
operating voltage. for short periods – 2%

Test instruments can help with

blackout prevention
Smart grid technology. Yes, making items little widgets of things inside substations. So,
of equipment like meters, circuit breakers, think past meters: think poles, lines, circuit
bus bars, transformers and synchrophasors breakers, synchrophasors. Bury some of them.
readily able to talk to each other in fractions Replace some of them. Check all of them, and
of a second will make a difference. Cascade throw out the old stuff that has reached its
tripping happens because technology didn’t manufacturer’s life limit.
react fast enough. So make it faster.
Test and measurement equipment.
Cloud technology. It stores all the data from
Maintain the old stuff and keep an eye on
that smart technology without the utilities
the newer stuff, such as testers that can tell
themselves having to invest in better IT
a substation operator if that circuit breaker
systems, a cost that would have to be passed
Keith Wilson - Electrical Engineer, UK stemmed from problems with protection and is ready to go when needed or if that relay
on and would likely upset consumers. So, avoid
control. The protection went awry and the is behaving properly. As the industry moves
the upset (and the delay inevitably caused by
faults cascaded down an infrastructure not smarter technology into the mix, there will
the upset) and find a company with a decent
The USA has had a series of major blackouts properly islanded or with control systems not be a volatile period of evolution that involves
cloud offering for your smart grid data.
properly in place to prevent cascades. a blending of old and new equipment.
in the last few years, and India recently had
Substation and line hardware. It’s time During those years, keeping up with test and
a huge blackout that is considered one of To minimise the risk of blackouts in the short- to replace 50-year-old infrastructure – not measurement schedules in the substation
the worst since global electrification. These term, utilities need to think about these four just meters. Yes, meters are a hot issue right and the field is your final line of defence
blackouts, and all others in recent history, currently available game changers: now. But blackouts are usually caused by tiny against blackouts!

www.megger.com ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 7

The industry’s recognised information tool TESTER

Q: In noisy locations, such as along-
side a busy road or even a footpath,

also compares the sounds produced by two

flashover events at the same cable fault. After
the second event the BNR system correlates
the acoustic signals, and retains only those
audible output of the headphones exceeding 85
dB(A), which is the limit prescribed by the health
and safety regulations in many countries, but
even this level can be uncomfortable. The best
have complicated displays that are hard
to interpret. Has anything been done to
address these problems?
A: In a word, yes! The latest pinpointers
acoustic pin-pointers are hard to use, as parts that are identical or nearly identical in units therefore go further by providing automatic
both. Other parts of the acoustic signal, which have automatic gain adjustment for both the
the background noise tends to swamp proximity mute (APM). This is an arrangement
the noise produced by the flashover at represent the unwanted background noise, acoustic and electromagnetic signals, which
that mutes the headphones when the person
the cable fault location. What can be are discarded. As a result, background noise means that there’s almost nothing to adjust.
operating the pinpointer puts their hand near to
done about this? is reduced to an almost inaudible level in the These instruments also feature bright colour
the instrument handle in order to reposition it.
A: Background noise has been a big problem headphones, and pinpointers with BNR are able
The muting remains operational for a short time displays that are easy to read even in direct
ever since acoustic pinpointers were first to deliver dependable results in locations where
after the hand has been removed to allow time sunlight. They show the distance to fault
introduced and various methods including, for products without BNR are unusable.
for any mechanical vibrations to die down before directly in metres or feet and, using a “compass
example, noise cancellation, have been tried to
Q: When the sensitive ground micro- the headphones are activated again. needle” type indicator, they also show the
tackle it. None have been completely successful,
however, until the recent introduction of phone used in the pin-pointer is moved direction to the fault. Once the fault location
from one location to another, this often Q: The idea behind acoustic pinpoint-
Background Noise Reduction (BNR) technology. has been reached, the display shows the
BNR has its basis in research carried out produces uncomfortably loud bangs and ing is relatively simple – comparing the
time of arrival of acoustic and electro- depth of the fault. There are no complicated
by a leading German technical university, crashes in the headphones. How can this
be avoided? magnetic signals from a flashover at the indications to interpret – it’s just a case of
which confirmed that all flashovers produce
a sound that has a characteristic pattern. A: All modern pinpointers should fault location – but many pinpointers are walking in the direction shown by the compass
The BNR system recognises this pattern, and incorporate volume limiters that prevent the difficult to adjust correctly, and they needle until the instrument is over the fault.

For some, thin ice is nice!

Klas Bjorck - Product manager - Megger Sweden

For most people around the world, “skating on

thin ice” is synonymous with doing something
rather foolhardy, which should be avoided
if at all possible. On the other hand I, along
with many of my colleagues and friends, look
for opportunities to skate on thin ice for fun
whenever we can. In fact, skating on thin ice
is something of a national pastime in Sweden,
and it’s not as crazy as it sounds! Let me

Around Stockholm, the skating season

normally begins in late November, when the
smaller lakes start to freeze. To be reasonably Just as with electrical testing, however, skating A typical pre-arranged skating tour covers can see parallels with electrical practice. In fact,
safe for skating the thickness of the ice must on thin ice doesn’t need to be dangerous, between 20 and 80 km in a day, and there when making customer presentations, I often
be around 5 cm. However, after a week or provided you have the right equipment and are also many skating competitions. The best
known of these is the Vikingarännet (Viking explain that, when I’m on the ice, my most
so, these lakes become useless for skating you know what you’re doing. First, you must
learn about the ice, as there are many types all Race) that starts in Uppsala and finishes, after vital item of equipment is my lifeline and that,
as, even though the ice is thicker, they are
with different characteristics, and about safety 80 km, in Stockholm. The Vikingarännet in a substation, the tripping battery is equally
covered by snow. Then it’s time to move on, started 14 years ago and is the world’s longest
equipment. And you must never skate alone. vital for safety. This is, of course, why it’s so
first to the bigger lakes and finally out to the race over natural ice. It sometimes attracts as
Observe these simple rules and you’ll be safe.
archipelago. This means you’re always skating many as 5,000 competitors. important to maintain the battery properly and
In fact, many hundreds of skaters fall through
on thin ice, as it’s rare to find ice thicker than the ice every year in Sweden, but it’s rare to If you’re surprised that I like skating on thin ice, test it regularly. After all, just like my lifeline, you
10 cm that isn’t covered by snow. have even a single fatality. you may be even more surprised to know that I never know when you’re next going to need it!

Hands on with substation automation Andrea Bonetti -

STRI AB – Västerås Sweden

interoperability laboratory that includes IEDs,

switches, software and test sets from a large During the training, the STRI interoperability
number of manufacturers. laboratory was also used to demonstrate
commissioning and maintenance skills using
Using this equipment, STRI’s experienced horizontal (GOOSE) and vertical (MMS) IEC
instructors provided participants, who were 61850 communication. Both the existing
working in small groups, with step-by-step and new version 2.0 features for test and
instructions that allowed them to configure supervision were covered, and participants
a small multi-vendor system. The participants had ample opportunity to gain experience in
greatly appreciated this learning-by-doing system debugging and network traffic analysis
approach, which they found to be a very using third-party and open-source tools.
effective way of learning to understand IEC
Those who attended the event were
61850 and to implement practical applications.
universally enthusiastic about its content and
Carefully developed to be vendor neutral presentation. A comment typical of many
and to cover every aspect of IEC 61850 was, “This was a genuinely practical and
Training in horizontal (GOOSE) and vertical (MMS) IEC 61850 communication is vital for power utility useful way to learn about IEC 61850. It’s all
implementation from specification and
automation engineers.
application analysis to engineering, testing very well reading about the standard and
In response to the fast-growing demand 61850 means in practice, and was the most and documentation, the course was made up discussing it, but nothing even comes close
for guidance on implementing and testing recent of more than 30 IEC 61850 training of four main modules: “What is IEC 61850”, to actually using IEC 61850 equipment in
systems based on IEC 61850, the global events that STRI has provided for 400 which provided an introduction and basic a supportive learning environment. I find it
standard for power utility automation participants in 9 countries since 2008. information; “How the Standard is Applied”, hard to believe I learned so much so easily in
and Smart Grid implementation, a highly which discussed general aspects of power such a short time.”
Like all STRI training, the Gothenburg event
successful four-day training event was utility automation using IEC 61850; “How For details of future scheduled IEC 61850
combined theory with practice to ensure that
recently held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Interoperability is Ensured”, which covered courses, or to find out how STRI can provide
the skills it provided would be immediately
The event was organised and run by STRI, useful to power utility engineers and decision configuration and engineering with vendor custom courses tailored to specific user
an independent consultant with extensive makers. Much of the training made use tools; and “Using Third-Party Tools for requirements, visit the STRI website at
experience of teaching engineers what IEC of STRI’s unique transportable IEC 61850 Specification, Design and Documentation”. www.stri.se.

8 ELECTRICAL TESTER - January 2014 www.megger.com

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