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DG List (38-16) EG Edition Instructions for Use

(The red words are the update instructions)


Ver6 Beta2 2015.05.04

1. Fill in all the information on the "Ship Part." page first.

2. In TSB SUPERCARGO software, "Inquire container" function, select the port to load DG, "Search" and
then click "Copy To Clipboard" on the "Detail List" page.

3. Go to the "Import" page of the DG List file, clear the data, and then "paste" it on the A1 cell.

4. Go to the "Capture" page, click the "Paste to the "Input" page" button to automatically paste the
"Input" page.

6. Enter all the required information.

7. If there is a combined danger cabinet, enter the position of the combined danger cabinet in the
"Position" field in any column below (the Position will turn red for easy identification after filling in), and
put all the required Data entry.

8. The cells in the "Input" page where formulas are written can be changed if necessary (such as PSN).
Pressing "Reset" will rewrite all formulas (all data will be deleted).

9. The rear page is the DG List required by each port, arranged from small to large by Position, so the
information of the cabinets will be arranged together.

10. The "Regulations" page allows you to check other isolation requirements for onboard hazard

11. On the "Seg" page, you can only check the isolation regulations of the dangerous cabinets on board.
Checking the Class of the dangerous cabinets on board will only display the isolation regulations of
various types of dangerous cabinets currently on board.

12. The "SP" page is for the provisions of each Special Provision.

13. The "36-12 Database" page is the complete data of all types of dangerous goods, the version is 36-

14. If the dangerous container is unloaded, just delete the H~M column (white column) on the "Input"
page, it will not appear in the rear DG List, and it is convenient to make a new DG List.

15. The columns AC, AD and AE on the "Input" page are the information used for Vietnam customs
declaration (VN form). (To hide, you need to use it and then unhide the field)

16. "HPH" is the Local form of Haiphong Port, Vietnam.

17. "IHV" is the Local form of the port of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
18. The current DG Database is version 38-16; "Seg" is version 37-14.

Ver7 Beta1 2015.05.15

Added Hazardous Cabinet Label Inspection page

1. A single danger cabinet above 4000kg needs to be labeled with UN NO. (Mixed cabinets do not need
to be labeled with UN NO.)

2. TANK cabinets need to be labeled with UN NO. (Data capture "TYPE" field, if it is TK20, it is TANK

3. Marine Pollutant displays MP.

4. The Limited Quantity shall post labels in accordance with the regulations of "Aviation Technical
Bulletin 13-001".

5. SP962 and SP963 do not have hazard cabinet labels.

6. For UN 2211 and UN 3314, "Caution: May contain flammable vapour", abbreviated "FV" (Flammable
Vapour) should be posted on the cabinet door.

Change all 2-digit Special Provisions to 3-digit numbers.

Enter the dangerous goods with two items of Sub. Risk into the AZ column and the BA column

1. CDC Dangerous Goods page.

2. On the DG CLASS & WEIGHT calculation page (Class), only the main hazard category is counted. In
addition, pay attention to the calculation of the number of containers combined and set it as the first
input CLASS.

Suppose the input sequence of the combined cabinet hazardous cabinet is as follows:

then the hazard cabinet is counted as a Category 3 hazard cabinet.

In order to make the dangerous cabinet count as 2.2, the information of CLASS 2.2 must be entered first.

Ver9 added 2015.11.28

1. Fix the label check bug.

2. Replace the Database with IMDG 37-14.

Ver10 added 2015.12.29

1. Modify the CDC page to generate a small bug in the new file.


Ver11 added 2016.01.08

1. Modify the label check page BUG.


Ver12 added 2016.05.02

1. Dangerous category, weight and TOTAL description are added on the Class (DG class) page, which is
convenient to paste on the notepad.

Ver13 added 2016.05.12

1. Added YML DG P&R LIST. If there is any type of dangerous goods that is rejected or conditionally
loaded, it will display a red letter in the Q column (Primary Risk) of the "Input" page, and you can go to
the "P&R" page to confirm whether it is acceptable. Loading, if not loading, you need to contact the
captain of the cabin;

If it can be loaded after coordination, the Primary Risk of the UN NO dangerous goods can be directly
overwritten in this column. However, please note that this function cannot determine the types of
dangerous goods that do not indicate UN NO in the P&R LIST, so you need to study the P&R LIST first.

2. Add the judgment function loaded in SEA SIDE (SS), before entering the ROW NO. on the sea side at
the bottom of the "Ship Part." page, then on the "Input" page, it will be judged in the Y column (MP),

Non-marine pollutants loaded on the sea side will be displayed in yellow with "N (SS)", and marine
pollutants loaded on the sea side will be displayed with red "Y (SS)".

3. To determine which cargo compartment the newly added dangerous container is loaded in, enter the
last BAY of the cargo compartment NO.1~9 at the bottom of the "Ship Part." page, and it will be judged
in the N column of the "Input" page. If "DK" is displayed ”, means that the danger cabinet is loaded on
the deck,

If "3 C/H" is displayed, it means that the dangerous container is loaded in the third cargo hold; and the
"3 C/H" of the dangerous container loaded in the cargo hold is indicated in yellow characters, if the
cargo hold information is not entered in "Ship Part." , the dangerous goods loaded in the large hold will
be indicated by "XC/H" in yellow.

4. Added the function of identifying the STOWAGE CATEGORY in the large deck of the deck. STOWAGE
CATEGORY 5, C, and D can only carry dangerous cargo on the deck. If the position is loaded in the large
cabin, the R column (Sub Risk) on the "Input" page will change. The words "NO C/H" are in red.


Ver14 added 2016.06.26

1. Amend the Yangming Dangerous Goods Contract Regulations from (Ref. EMMT-YC-16044E) YM DG


Ver15 added 2016.08.30

1. In response to the correction of TSB SUPERCARGO, the addition of a VGM column resulted in a data
capture error.

Ver2.0 added 2017.10.30

1. Automatically import the assembly cabinet, after pasting the COSP data, a DG can display up to 35
assembly data, if there is a discrepancy with the declaration form, you can make corrections on the
"input" page by yourself

2. Fixed the Placard showing the word VALUE because of the P&R locker

3. Added LQTY, CATEGORY, P&R information to DG LIST & CDC LIST page

4. Amend Yangming Dangerous Goods Contracting Regulations from (Ref. EMMT-YC-17) YM DG POLICY.


Ver2.1 added 2017.12.01

1. Added the option of unloading. After DISC. on the input page, hit Y, the information of this container
will not be calculated and displayed.

Ver2.2 added 2017.12.25

1. Add SW&SG page, enter the corresponding code in the Stowage and Segregation column in the page
38-16 to display it in the "Regulations"

2. The SEG page is changed to automatically match the CLASS currently on the ship for isolated display,
or it can be manually selected

3. Update Amend 38-16 December 2017 version

4. The stowage certificate has been added to the "SHIP Part." tab. After entering all the conditions
according to the stowage certificate on the ship, you will be able to enter the "Input" tab, and the DK/CH
column will prompt whether there is a match, and a red letter will be displayed if it is not.

5. Screen the P&R in more detail, Class 1 (except UN0503), Class 2.1 cannot be refrigerated, Class 2.3,
Class 3 FP<23 cannot be refrigerated, Class 6.2, Class 7 are prohibited

6. If the cargo is LQ, CATEGORY will force to display "A", and will not check the restriction of stowage


Ver2.3 added 2018.02.01

1. Add a new product map page

2. Added the ability to check whether it can be assembled, which will be displayed on the "Regulations"
page, followed by the "Cargo Map" page

3. In the "Cargo Weight" tab, you can select the port of loading and the port of unloading to view the
container volume and cargo weight

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