Unit 12

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202 Chanceler Oswaldo Aranha Street #505
Juiz de Fora, MG 36025-007
December 1st, 2022

Ms. Maria das Graças Mauritânia, Director

Institute of Exchange Program Overseas for Brazilians
1998 Paulista Avenue #1705
São Paulo, SP 01311-300

Dear Ms. Mauritânia:

After learning about the remarkable exchange opportunity offered by your Institute, I am writing this
letter to request further information concerning it. At present, I am a fourth-term International Relations
undergraduate at UFJF and studying overseas is a noteworthy experience that I have long awaited. Needless to
say, not only would such an adventure be invaluable to my academic background and my résumé, but it would
also enable me to mature by compelling me to step out of my comfort zone and consequently to become
acquainted with cultures and ways of life distinct from mine.
Amidst all the programs available, the exchange in Malta is the one that most draws me in. There is a bit
of everything that I seek in that country. First and foremost, both the actual prospect of practicing English with
its speakers, namely my paramount goal for the exchange, and a fairly affordable value for money compared to
other similar destinations with this same purpose. Despite not being the locals’ native language, English is
broadly spoken by them as though it were their mother tongue. Moreover, there are outstanding English courses
for non-native learners in the bargain.
Last but not least, this program combines business with pleasure. By way of illustration, there is a
diverse range of picturesque historical sites in the archipelago and, inasmuch as I am deeply riveted on History,
I would undoubtedly have numerous terrific sightseeing activities to participate in. Likewise, there are also
breathtaking beaches and a pleasant climate most of the year, besides the fact that the Maltese are related to be
an utterly warm-hearted and hospitable people. All of it ends up appealing to me even more to select this
location to study English abroad to the detriment of the other alternatives.
Having written that, I would appreciate it if you could advise me of the whole options for
accommodation and English courses there, as well as every single bureaucratic process, including the
documents and formularies required, and the overall budget needed to make this exchange as cost-effective as
possible. Additionally, I would be most grateful if you could provide me with all the aforesaid information in
light of my intention to travel there between spring and early summer. In line with my prior researches, the most
appropriate moment of the year to head to Malta is over this particular period of time. In closing, were you to
recollect any further pertinent guidance on this exchange, I would be also most grateful to be told.
Thank you very much for your assistance. I truly look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
João Marcelo Silva Gomes, a fourth-term UFJF International Relations undergraduate.
João Marcelo Silva Gomes
Furthermore, there was also the turning of water into wine, the plentiful catch of fish, the walking on water, the
feeding of a crowd by the multiplication of a tiny amount of food and the performance of some exorcisms.

In the end, he was charged with subversion of the nation and blasphemy and sentenced to crucifixion, an event
that is referred to as the Passion.
Por fim, ele foi acusado de subversão da nação e blasfêmia e condenado à crucificação, evento este denominado
de a Paixão de Cristo.
Por fim, ele foi acusado de subversão da nação e blasfêmia e condenado à crucificação, evento o qual é
denominado de a Paixão de Cristo.

Even nowadays, later than 2,000 years of his lifespan on earth, he is still broadly worshipped by those who
believe in him and await his return.
Even nowadays, past over 2,000 years of his lifespan on earth, he is still broadly worshipped by those who
believe in him and await his return.

At present, I am a fourth-term International Relations undergraduate at UFJF and I consider that it is time I went
through the experience of studying overseas.
At present, I am a fourth-term International Relations undergraduate at UFJF and I regard studying overseas as
an experience which is time I went through.
At present, I am a fourth-term International Relations undergraduate at UFJF and I regard studying overseas as
an experience which I must go through.

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