04, 08 Dialog Congratulaion and Compliment

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Name : Ni Made Anggreni Prasanti (04)

Ni Made Ayu Candra Dewi (08)

Class : X MIPA 6


Anggreni : “Hallo, good morning Candra”.

Candra : “Hallo, good morning too anggreni”.

Anggreni : “How are you?”.

Candra : “I'm fine. And you?”.

Anggreni :“I'm fine too. Candra, is it true that you won the first place in this year's
National Sports Week?”.

Candra : “Yes, it is true. I am very proud to have achieved that target this year”.

Anggreni : “Wow, congrats on your championship at this year's National Sports Week.
I'm proud too. You've worked really hard on this”.

Candra : “Thank you for your words, Anggreni”.

Anggreni : “Will the men's team also win the National Sports Week this year?”.

Candra : “Yes Anggreni”.

Anggreni : “You guys have worked very hard, please leave my congratulations to the
rest of your team”.

Candra : “Alright Anggreni. Thank you very much for your words”.

Anggreni :You are welcome Candra. I hope that next year you and your team will win
again, keep the spirit alive... :)

Candra : “I hope too Anggreni”.

Anggreni : “Okay...until here we are chatting, next time we will talk again. See you

Candra : “Keep your promise, i will remember it. See you too Anggreni...”.

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