Master Production Schedule

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Master production schedule (MPS) is the process that helps manufacturers plan which

products and related quantities to produce during certain periods. It is proactive, driving the
production process by determining what should be manufactured and what materials should be
An example of a master production schedule (MPS) for manufacturing is usually a
spreadsheet that contains a production plan consisting list of sales orders, from purchase orders
and sales forecasts, and specific time periods that they will be produced within a 3 to 12-month
time horizon.
Material requirements planning (MRP) is a system for calculating the materials and
components needed to manufacture a product. It consists of three primary steps: taking inventory
of the materials and components on hand, identifying which additional ones are needed and then
scheduling their production or purchase.
Capacity planning is a type of production planning that involves determining production
capacity and workforce needs to make sure your supply chain is equipped to meet demand.
Capacity planning lets businesses know how and when to scale, identify bottlenecks, create
better design capacity, and mitigate risk, within a planned period.
Workflow plan is a document that allows you to track each work item, and to easily see
who it's assigned to, its status, and other important information.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a type of software system that helps
organizations automate and manage core business processes for optimal performance.
Safe Operational Plan (SOP) provides a practical set of safety requirements to ensure
that certain specialized operations or craft have appropriate safety systems.

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