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Housing and Society ​PBS:10 Homes that changed America ______​6464 points
Follow along with the documentary to complete the following notes. If absent, the documentary
can be found online at ​this ​ link, or by completing a google search for the documentary title.
You will identify three (3) architectural features, the significance of this home and one (1)
opinion about a certain aspect or overall concept of the home. (5 pts/ home)

Taos Pueblo; Taos, New Mexico; c. 15th century

Architectural features (3)

Stacks homes together without steel or supports

Stone foundation
Can re - use materials

Significance of this home (1)

Builds community being so close together and working together to preserve a ancient building.

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Good insulation with the adobe mud.

Monticello; Albermarle County, Virginia; 1809

Architectural features (3)

Built on a hill and partically under ground, built on a hill

puts ideas classical ideas in it, like statues and building that were designed by Andrea Palladio
Looked like 3 stories but looked like one.

Significance of this home (1)

an outlet for Jefferson's ideas of Archetecture.

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Designed to be comfortable in a big house.
Lyndhurst; Tarrytown, New York; 1842

Architectural features (3)

Castle-like that had towers and statues.

Was known as a gothic design
Used sharp angles,

Significance of this home (1)

Was an American home and was for a more
causal lifestyle

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Was decorated perfectly to where the inside matches the outside with sharp angles and designs

The Tenement; many cities; Mid 19th century

Architectural features (3)

no light and used windows for light and would cut windows in the walls to redirect light
then would add gas lighting and indoor plumbing

Significance of this home (1)

Used to fit many people into one space because of the abundant of immigrants

Your opinion on one detail (1)

A lot of history to the upgrades on the apartments.
The Gamble House; Pasadena, California; 1908

Architectural features (3)

A large version of a bungalow

Incorporates the landscapes
Used different styles in the same kind of house.

Significance of this home (1)

A retreat of a couple from cinncenatti.

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Custom design and hand finished.

Langston Terrace Dwellings; Washington DC; 1983

Architectural features (3)

Better access to daylight

Decorations that show the African American Journey
incorporates the landscapes of the rolling hills

Significance of this home (1)

Was used by people who wanted to get our of tenements.

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Arranged the buildings into a U shape so that all buildings had daylight and a place for community
Fallingwater; Mill Run, Pennsylvania; 1936-1939

Architectural features (3)

Descends in layers
A waterfall in hovering over a waterfall
Achers into the mountain and the natural landscape.

Significance of this home (1)

A person who wanted to highlight his ideas
and had a lot of money.

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Used all the stone that was original and would polish stone

Eames House; Pacific Palisades, California; 1949

Architectural features (3)

Build it with factory made parts

resigned it to make a different house then what was designed to be
Designed as a kit home

Significance of this home (1)

built after world war 2 affordable houses

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Modern but affordable.

Marina City; Chicago, Illinois; 1962

Architectural features (3)

60 stories tall
2 cylinders

Significance of this home (1)

was one of the buildings that came from an increase of ideas after world war 2

Your opinion on one detail (1)

Built in layer and would build a floor a day

Glidehouse; Novato, California; 2004

Architectural features (3)

doesnt draw from outside stories
uses the floor to heat up the house and doesn't need airconditioning
was built to be economically friendly

Significance of this home (1)

economically friendly

Your opinion on one detail (1)

doesn't use any materially and is maintence free.

After learning about all 10 homes, respond to the following:

1. Of the homes, which would you like to live in the most? Give four reasons. (5 pts)

I like the Taos Pueblos the most because it beings in community and history at the same time
It used materials that are found what it built upon. has good insulation because of the adobe mud.

2. What home provided the style most pleasing to you? Give three reasons. (5 pts)

The Monicello was the most stylish because it had statues, ingravings, and it expressed jeffersons
ideas of archetiture.

3. Of these homes, which do you think was the most significant during its time of
introduction? Explain. (2 pts)
The tenants were the most signicant because it expresses how immigrants lived.

4. Of these homes, which do you think was the most extravagant during its time of
introduction? Explain. (2 pts)

The fallingwater because it is built like it is floating above a waterfall.

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