Tech - Exam 39 1

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P and R

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 2 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

What is output of below program? Ability

int main()
int i,j,k,count;
return 0;




Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 3 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The elements of a linked list are stored

In a structure

 Anywhere the computer has space for them CORRECT

In contiguous memory locations

In an array

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 4 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Table A
Id Name Age
12 Arun 60
15 Shreya 24
99 Rohit 11

Table B
Id Name Age
15 Shreya 24
25 Hari 40 Technical
98 Rohit 20 Ability
99 Rohit 11

Table C
Id Phone Area
10 2200 02
99 2100 01

Consider the above tables A, B and C. How many tuples does the result of the following SQL query contains?

WHERE B. name = "arun")


Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 5 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

What is output of below program?

int main()
int i,j,count;
for(i=0; i<5; i++);

return 0;



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 6 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

C++ uses which approach?



bottom -up CORRECT

right -left

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 7 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Consider the following transactions with data items P and Q initialized to zero:

T1: read (P) ;

read (Q) ;
if P = 0 then Q : = Q + 1 ;
write (Q) ;
T2: read (Q) ;
read (P) ;
if Q = 0 then P : = P + 1 ;
write (P) ;

Any non-serial interleaving of T1 and T2 for concurrent execution leads to

A conflict serializable schedule

A schedule for which a precedence graph cannot be drawn

A serializable schedule

A schedule that is not conflict serializable


Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 8 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

What is output of below program?
int main()
 int i,j;
 for(i = 0,j=0;i<5;i++)
 return 0;

00--10--20--30--40-- CORRECT



Compilation Error

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 9 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Identify the correct syntax for declaring arrays in C++.

int arr[10]


array arr[10]

int arr

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 10 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A graph in which all vertices have equal degree is known as

Simple graph

Multi graph

Complete graph CORRECT

Regular graph

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 11 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A vertex of in-degree zero in a directed graph is called a/an

Articulation point

Isolated vertex

Root vertex

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 12 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

What is output of below program?

int main()
 int i;
 for(i=0; i<5; i++);

 return 0;

cppbuzz is printed 1 times CORRECT

Nothing is printed

Compilation Error

cppbuzz is printed 5 times

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 13 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

An index is clustered, if

it is on a set of fields that form a candidate key.

the data records of the file are organized in the same

order as the data entries of the index.

it is on a set of fields that include the primary key.

the data records of the file are organized not in the same order as
the data entries of the index.

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 14 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

1.   Minimum number of fields in each node of a doubly linked list is Ability


None of the above

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 15 Single File Programming Question Report Error

kth largest factor of N

A positive integer d is said to be a factor of another positive integer N if when N is divided by d, the remainder obtained is zero. For example,
for number 12, there are 6 factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. Every positive integer k has at least two factors, 1 and the number k itself.Given two positive
integers N and k, write a program to print the kth largest factor of N.

Input format
 The input is a comma-separated list of positive integer pairs (N, k)

Output format
The kth highest factor of N. If N does not have k factors, the output should be 1.

Code constraints
 1<N<10000000000. 1<k<600. You can assume that N will have no prime factors which are larger than 13.

Sample testcases

Input 1 Output 1
12,3 4

Input 2 Output 2
30,9 1

Python (3.8)   

1 # You are using Python

2 number,k=[int(i) for i in input().split(",")]
3 count=0
4 for i in range(number,0,-1):
5 if number%i==0:
6 count=count+1
7 if( t k)
7 if(count==k):
8 print(i)
9 break
10 if count<k:
11 print("1")


Status: Partially correct Mark obtained: 3/10 Hints used: 0 Times compiled: 21
Times submitted: 5 Level: Easy Question type: Single File Programming

Show testcase scores Show solution

Question No: 16 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

How many times is printed?

int main()

return 0;

Infinite times CORRECT

1 time

Runtime Error

Compilation Error

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 17 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Identify the incorrect constructor type.

Parameterized constructor

Default constructor

Friend constructor

Copy constructor
Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy
Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 18 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A graph is a tree if and only if graph is

Directed graph Ability


Completely connected

Contains no cycles CORRECT

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct

Question No: 19 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Relation R has eight attributes ABCDEFGH. Fields of R contain only atomic values. F = {CH -> G, A -> BC, B -> CFH, E -> A, F -> EG} is a set of
functional dependencies (FDs) so that F+ is exactly the set of FDs that hold for R. How many candidate keys does the relation R have?


Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Technical
Subject: Programming

Question No: 20 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Which of the following data type is supported in C++ but not in C?




Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy
Question type: MCQ Single Correct

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