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From day to day, there are various crimes happening in the country. For that reason,

Philippines was not able to make it to the rank of the safest country in the world. Statista

Research Department (2021) stated that the Philippines has a quite high rate of crime

violence and terrorism.

According to CNN Philippines (2021), the Philippines placed last out of 134 countries in

Global Finance’s World Safest Countries for the year of 2021, that talks about the

personal security, and natural disaster risk. of the safest countries worldwide Street

harassment is one of the current issues that Filipino is facing today. It happens in any

part of the country, and anyone can be a victim. Street harassment also known as catcall

is a form of sexual harassment that consist of unwanted behavior (Kids help phone,

2018). Street harassment by definition is the unwanted verbal, physical and/ or visual

behavior perpetrated by strangers that usually happens in public spaces than strictly “the

street” such as in stores, restaurants, malls, markets, in all public spaces the unwanted

behavior can happen (Silva, 2021).

This kind of harassment is often ignored because it seems to become normal in the eyes

and perspectives of some. They stated that harmful actions, behavior and comments are

so common they appear to be acceptable in every life. In addition, it is important to

remember that anything that makes you feel unsafe, embarrassed, offended or

intimidated is never okay (kids help phone, 2018). According to the founder of Stop

Street Harassment (2010) the street harassment can range from physically harmless

behavior, such as kissing noises, stares, and non-sexually explicit comments.

Whistleblowing is also included, Unwanted comments such as “Pogi, 150”, “Psst!Sexy”,

“Hi Miss”, demands like continuously asking for someone’s phone number, actions

toward someone without their consent. Street harassment is considered as a crime, in

fact, in April 17, 2019, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the public act 11313 of safe

spaces also called as the Bawal Bastos Law.

It covers all forms of gender-based sexual harassment committed in public spaces,

educational or training institutions, workplace and online space. (Public-Private

Partnership Center, 2022). violations of the anti-street harassment law will be

categorized as light, medium, severe (David, 2019).

Despite the law that have been implemented, it cannot be denied that there is still an

event of street harassment happening in the country. Over time, it seems that this issue

is gradually becoming normal in the society. That is why many are afraid to go out alone.

If street harassment continues, it is possible for the perpetrators to do worse than just

catcalling. Hence, it is necessary to end this kind of harassment in our country. By

knowing the experiences of the victims and know what it feels like to experience such

harassment, it enables anyone to obtain insights into what it feels like to be a victim and

to know that the street harassment can affect different aspects of someone’s life.

Hence, there is still a need to conduct a study that focuses on the safety of everyone,

especially those who walk on the road, alley, and other public places. This study is about

the unpleasant events that happen in public places, specifically the street harassment.

This study will focus on the respondents’ experiences to street harassment, its impact,

their coping strategies, and their suggestions to stop or totally eliminate the street

harassment. This study will be conducted to help those who have experienced street

harassment, and for those who have not yet experienced it or are about to experience it

to give awareness to them.

Statement of the Problem


Street harassment cases are increasing in our country. Victims have experienced

various types of street harassment. To promote awareness regarding street harassment,

it is important to understand and learn from the experiences of the victims and what it

feels like.

Generally, this study aims to determine the various experiences of the college

students on street harassment.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the respondent’s profile in terms of:

a.) age

b.) sex

c.) course

d.) year level

2. What are the street harassment experienced by the college students/

3. What is the degree of seriousness to the impact of street harassment to

college students?

4. To what extent do college students utilize various coping strategies against

street harassment?

5. What can be proposed to minimize or totally eliminate street harassment?

Objectives of the Study

1. To know the demographic data of the respondent.

2. To know the street harassment experienced by the college students.

3. To know the degree of seriousness to the impact of street harassment to college


4. To know what extent do college students utilize various coping strategies against

street harassment.

5. To know the various proposal of college students regarding on how to minimize

or totally eliminate street harassment.

Conceptual Framework

- Demographic Data OUTPUT
a) Age Assessment on the
b) Sex experiences of college Increased awareness
c) Course students on street regarding street
d) Year level harassment through the harassment
survey questionnaire
- Street harassment
experienced by the
college students
- degree of seriousness
of to the impact of
street harassment to
college students
- the extent of college
students to utilize
various coping
strategies against
street harassment
- proposals to minimize
or totally eliminate
street harassment.

Figure 1.

This figure called the “IPO model” illustrates the conceptual framework that

shows the concept structure of the study. The researchers used this model for it

provides a structured approach, making it easier to identify the goals of the study in

output, and how this output can be achieved in process method. This study aims to

determine the demographic data of the respondents, their experiences regarding street

harassment, the impact of street harassment to them, their coping strategies, and their

proposals on how to minimize or totally eliminate street harassment. This will be done

through survey questionnaire. This will help to raise awareness to everyone and

decrease the unwanted events on street, specifically the street harassment.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following entities:

To psychologist, the outcome of this research would contribute to the

knowledge of psychologist that could guide them in using treatments such as therapy to

treat people who experience street harassment.

            To school instructors, this will guide them in dealing with students who suffer

from catcalling.

To the future researchers, the current study will provide a reference for future

researchers to further explore people’s experiences in street harassment.

The researchers, the findings of this study will be beneficial to the researchers in

understanding the experiences of students in street harassment.

To the law enforcers, this study will serve as a guide to them to be able to

provide safety and prevent this from happening.

To students, this study will benefit them to gain more knowledge on what are the

possible outcomes of getting harassed.


Scope and Delimitation

This research will only cover the experiences of students from different colleges

of Northeastern College regarding street harassment. This study also aims to know the

impact of street harassment, and what are the coping strategies they have. As well as

their suggestions in minimizing and/ or stopping the street harassment. Within 2-weeks

duration, the researchers will be able to gather all necessary and significant information

and data needed to accomplish the study.

The respondents will be composed of 30 college students from different colleges

of Northeastern College enrolled during the academic year of 2022-2023 who have

experienced the said matter, and will be conducted in Northeastern College, Maharlika

Highway, AH26, Santiago, 3311 Isabela.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined and

clarified to help readers understand their application to the study. This also gives

clarification of the terms used in the research which aids to further understanding of the


Coping Strategies. It is the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that you use to adjust to

the changes that occur in your life. In this study it is use as an indicator on what

are the strategies use by the students to cope.

Harassment. It is any unwanted behavior, physical or verbal, that makes a reasonable

person feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or mentally distressed. In this study it is use

as an indicator of students who experienced harassment.

Impact. The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. In this study it

is use as an indicator on what are the impact of catcalling to the students.


Learning. It is a change in behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitude) that can occur at

any time or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli. Learning

in this study, refers to the process where students acquire information through


Physical Harassment. It refers to methods of coercion, threats, or bullying that involve

physical gestures or threats. In this study it is use as an indicator on what kind of

harassment they have been experienced.

Street Harassment. It includes unwanted comments, gestures, or acts directed at

someone in a public space without their consent. In this study it is use as an

indicator of students who experienced harassment. In this study it is use as an

indicator of students who experienced street harassment.

Violence. It is a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill

someone or something. In this study it is use an indicator on what kind of violence

they have been experienced.

Verbal Harassment. It is threatening you or your property, yelling, and using insulting or

offensive language can all qualify as verbal harassment. In general, harassment

refers to repeated behavior rather than a passing remark. In this study it is use as

an indicator of students who experienced verbal harassment.

Whistleblowing. It refers when an individual reports wrongdoing in an organization,

such as financial misconduct or discrimination. In this study it is use as an indicator

on if the student’s experienced whistleblowing.

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