FlosCarmeli - January 2021

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Flos Carmeli

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

Volume 13, Issue 1
January 2021

Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace -- WESTERVILLE, OHIO


6. -- THE MORTIFICATION OF Community Calendar

Jan 2021 -- Feb 2021
January 9th – Monthly Meeting
From: Meditations on Christian Dogma  Meeting will most likely be Web-X virtual
Vol II, 3rd Edition 1948 meeting, login begins at 9:00 AM
by: Right Rev. James Bellord, D.D.  Pray for Fr. Michael Berry OCD – our
Provincial who has tested positive with Covid-
I. – In consequence of the insurgence of 19
 Remember, we have a new e-mail address
the lower elements of human nature and for our Prayer Line:
the weakening of the controlling powers, OCDSPrayerLine@protonmail.com
one of the first necessities of natural life,
social life, and spiritual life, is that the February 13th – Monthly Meeting
animal proclivities [a strong natural liking  Web-X virtual meeting?????
 Mail your ‘flip book’ form to
for something that is usually bad] in man Emily Mauro – include a picture of yourself
should be held in check. One of the 5928 Winstead Rd., Cols., OH 43235-3331
chief functions of education both
mundane and religious is to supply such Community Meeting Location
a control: for, without it, there is no St. Paul’s Church in the St. Peter Room
313 N. State Street
providing for the future, no progress, no Westerville, OH 43082-8825
harmonious common life. We need to
be carefully disciplined in order to learn commerce, or in religion; else there is
how to renounce a present enjoyment nothing but intestine [ultimate] conflict,
for the sake of a larger one in the future, the neutralizing of energies, and chaos
a lower one for a higher, a material for a instead of ordered progress. “If you bite
spiritual and eternal one. Again the and devour one another, take heed you
existence of a community demands the be not consumed one of another (Gal
restraint of individual vagaries 5:15). You need always to keep your
[unpredictable development or change passions well in hand like a restive
of circumstances]; there is no liberty or [refusing to advance, stubbornly
enjoyment of rights without some standing still or moving backward or
restraint on the liberties of other, and the sideways] horse. Never relax the
enforcement of duties. Discipline and tension lest they overcome your power.
self-control and strict obedience to a If your will should lose the habit of
guiding authority are essential mastery over the passions, they will
conditions for all combined action, hurry you headlong to destruction.
whether in warfare in industry and
Flos Carmeli January 2021

II. –- Holy scripture shows us frequently repugnant to man’s primary impulses as

the need of mortifying our selfish natural self-restraint, the preference of other’s
impulses. It is ever the case that “the interests to his own, the renunciation of
flesh lusteth against the spirit and the pleasure and gain, the sacrifice of self?
spirit against the flesh; for these are These practices are beyond mere
contrary to one another, so that you do nature, they must be based on the
not the things that you would (Gal. 5:17). supernatural. Virtue and self-control
We must therefore resist the cannot be enforced by law; and if this
encroachments of the spirit of self. Our were possible, it would be more
Lord, though His impulses were perfect, accordant [being in agreement or
gives us an example: “I came not to do harmony] with human dignity that the
My own will but the will of Him that sent restraint should come from within, by the
Me (John 6:38). The Apostle also; exercise of one’s own liberty, than from
“Every one that striveth for the mastery an external force restricting liberty.
refraineth himself from all things. . . I Such is the character of the restraints
chastise my body and bring it into imposed by the Christian law of
subjection; lest perhaps . . . I myself mortification. Secular cultivation gives a
should become a castaway” (1 Cor 9:25- wide knowledge, and sharpens all the
27). Therefore, the command is laid faculties; but its effect on the passions is
strictly on all Christians: “Refrain rather to make them more exacting and
yourselves from carnal desires which more efficient, to refine their grossness
war against the soul” (1 Pet. 2:11). without mitigating their cruelty, and to
“They that are Christ’s have crucified the open out ways of offending God and
flesh with its vices and concupiscences“ exploiting other men on a larger scale
(Gal 5:24). This must be your regular than has been contemplated by criminal
practice. It takes long to learn. You will law. Learn the lesson of mortification
not be able to restrain your passions in and austerity, not because of its utility to
the moment of sudden stress, unless yourself personally, not out of regard to
you have gained by daily exercise, in public opinion, nor for fear of
matters of smaller moment, the power of consequences, but because the spiritual
reining in every impulse and retaining perfection to which you are bound to
the fullest self-possession. aspire, because of God’s holiness and
III – On what basis is it possible to the example of Jesus Christ.
ground a system of life which is so
Intentions of the Month


allow healing to begin now that electoral college counts
Celebration of Carmelite Saints & Blessed have named Joe Biden as the next President of the
January 9 – St. Andrew Corsini, bishop (o,m,) United States.
January 27 – St Henry de Osso y Cervello, priest (o.m.)
Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace, Westerville, Ohio
Flos Carmeli January 2021

 God give us wisdom and courage to realize that He is always in control.

--- The sufferings of those with Covid-19

 Marge Simon, one of the recent transfer members, who this week has suffered a serious stroke.

--- Pray for our extended members: Marcia Ball, Joan Eppick, Mary Fabbro, Leslie Malek, Catherine Murphy, Phoebe

  2020-2023 Council  
Mary Beth Hinger, OCDS President (614) 560-1555 (cell) marybethhinger@gmail.com
Teresa Mauricio, OCDS 1st Councilor (614) 809-7992 (cell) jmjrocher@gmail.com
Carl Konopka, OCDS 2nd Councilor (614) 457-3121 carljong2003@yahoo.com
Emily Mauro, OCDS 3rd Councilor (614) 403-5942 emilyfmauro@yahoo.com
Amy Marrocco, OCDS Formation Director (614) 946-2044 aemarrocco@hotmail.com

Edith Bellisari, OCDS Assistant to the Formation Director (614) 460-9541 (cell) edithbellisariOCDS@gmail.com

St. Paul’s Church 313 N. State St; Westerville, OH 43082-8825

Fr. P.J. Brandimarti Spiritual Assistant (614) 882-2109 pjbrandimarti@stpacc.org
  2020-2023 Officers  
Emily Mauro, OCDS Secretary (614) 403-5942 emilyfmauro@yahoo.com
Maria Teresa Garnica, OCDS Treasurer (614) 370-4205 maite45@hotmail.com
2020-2023 Committees
Peg Cassidy, OCDS Infirmarian (614) 361-5122 aidan11@msn.com
Absalom Hall, OCDS Librarian (740) 876-1947 ashall86@gmail.com
Lynn Ruff, OCDS Hospitality (614) 284-2919 m.lynn.ruff@gmail.com
Leslie Malek, OCDS Prayer Line (614) 448-3052 OCDSPrayerLine@protonmail.com
Westerville OCDS WEB PAGE cbusocds.weebly.com

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace, Westerville, Ohio

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