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1. Read the poem and answer the question.

“Hurray for Poetry” By: Patricia Hubbell

Dance a Poem!
March a Poem!
Leap a Poem!
Eat a Poem!
Sip a Poem!
Slurp a Poem!
Love a Poem!
Live a Poem!
Be a Poem!

What is the main idea of this poem?

a. get involved in poetry c. you can eat poems

b. you can dance to poems d. you can only write about poetry

2. Read the story and answer the question.

Robbie and his best friend, John, like to solve mysteries. One day, they went
to the library to get some books to read. In the library, there was a marble
statue of a lady. On her left hand, there was a large, beautiful diamond ring.
Everyone thought the ring was cool. On their way back out of the library,
Robbie and John noticed the ring was missing.

Which title best fits this story?

a. Polly’s Great Escape c. A Trip to the Library

b. The Case of the Missing Diamond Ring d. A Day with John and Robbie

3. Read the note and answer the question.

Dear Judy,

Thank you for helping me with my bike. You are a very good friend. I
enjoy playing with you, because you are always nice to me. I am lucky to have
you for a friend.

From Katy

What is the main idea of the note?

a. Judy fixed Katy’s bike c. Judy is a good friend to Katy

b. Katy is glad her bike is fixed d. Katy likes to write notes

4. Read the list.

1. The houses collapse.

2. The earth begins to shake.
3. Beams crack.
4. Everything is still.

What is the correct order for these events?

a. 4,2,3,1 c. 3,2,1,4

b. 1,2,3,4 d. 1,3,2,4

5. Read the story and answer the question.

On Sunday morning, Mark went fishing at Henry’s Lake. His grandfather and
dad went with him. They took the boat to go fishing. Mark and Grandpa
unloaded the boat and hooked it to the dock near the western shore. Mark’s
dad parked the car. When Mark’s dad arrived at the dock after parking,
they all jumped into the boat and headed off to catch some fish. Mark
caught the first fish. An hour later Mark’s grandpa hooked a fish. When he
was reeling the fish in, he suddenly lost his balance and fell into the lake.
Mark jumped in and rescued his grandpa.

When did Grandpa fall into the water?

a. He fell in when he was standing on the shore.

b. He fell in as he was jumping into the boat.

c. He fell in when he was reeling in a fish.

d. He fell in when Mark caught the first fish.

6. Read the sentences.

A. The final score was Tigers 6 and Lions 5.

B. The Tiger outfielder slid into home plate, tying the game in the ninth


C. The crowd cheered as the third out in the fourth inning was made.

D. The home team was taking the field for the start of the game.

Which letters put these sentences in the correct order?

a. D, C, B, A c. B, A, C, D

b. A, D, B, C d. C, A, D, B
7. Read the story and answer the question.

Chris couldn’t wait to get started. “Get the flour, sugar, butter, milk, and
eggs,” said Mom. “Can I really break the eggs this time?” asked Chris. “Yes,
but be careful,” said Mom. Chris broke the eggs and stirred in the flour,
sugar, butter and milk. After mixing the dough, Chris put balls of dough on a
sheet, and Mom put the sheet in the oven.

What is a Chris doing in the story?

a. making cookies c. making pizza

b. doing the wash d. drawing a picture

8. Read the list and answer the question.

Things to do on Tuesday:
1. Go to the library.
2. Buy carrots at the market.
3. Call the telephone company.
4. Wrap Shelly’s birthday present.

What do you think Maria will do with her list?

a. take it to school c. use it to check each thing off as she completes it

b. color it purple d. use it to fold and decorate a birthday card

9. Read the riddle and answer the question.

I live in the water.

I can swim.
I have scales.
I breathe through gills.
What am I?
a. a dog b. a whale c. a house d. a fish

10. Read the passage and answer the question.

Jupiter and Saturn are planets in our solar system. They are the two largest
planets and are called “gas giants.” Saturn has rings around it and Jupiter
does not. They are both very large, but they are also very light.

How are Jupiter and Saturn different?

a. they are both “gas giants”

b. Saturn has rings and Jupiter doesn’t

c. Jupiter has rings and Saturn doesn’t

d. they are both very large and heavy

11. Read the passage.

Jan and Todd were riding horses along the canal road, when suddenly, Jan’s
horse got spooked. Her horse started jumping and bucking, and Jan could
barely hold on. She started to scream for help, and Todd was frozen. He had
no idea what to do to help Jan out. She fell off the horse and broke her
right leg. The horse ran off down the road, and Todd started to cry.

How are Jan and Todd alike?

a. Neither of them was prepared for this situation.

b. Jan and Todd are both experienced horse riders.

c. They are both animal lovers.

d. They had medical and emergency training.

12. Read the passage.

A substance made up of one type of atom is called an element. When two or

more atoms join together, they form what is called a molecule.

How do molecules and elements differ?

a. Molecules contain two or more atoms, and elements contain one atom.

b. They have the same number of atoms.

c. Elements do not have atoms.

d. Molecules are made up of elements.

13. Read the passage and answer the question.

As the sun slowly came up over the mountains, Jill climbed out of her tent. Still
yawning, she gathered some wood and matches to start a fire. The morning was
chilly and dew had formed on the leaves and grass all around. The gentle sound
of the river was soothing and peaceful. Jill was excited to start her day.

What is Jill most likely doing in this story?

a. She is getting ready for school. c. She is having a sleep over.

b. She is camping. d. She is at the beach.

14. Read the passage and answer the question.

Mary and her mother wanted to bake a cake. They mixed eggs, flour, sugar,
and baking powder in a bowl. Mary helped pour the cake mix into the pan. The
preheated the oven.

What will Mary and her mother do next?

a. eat the cake c. cut the cake into pieces

b. put the cake in the oven d. put frosting on the cake

15. Read the passage and answer the question.

The football game started earlier last Saturday. The games usually start at
7:00 p.m. Now that it is getting closer to winter, it is nice that the games
are earlier in the day, so we don’t have to wear our heavy coats.

Why are the football games starting earlier?

a. It is getter warmer. c. It is getting colder.

b. The players are on time. d. We can cheer longer.

16. Tony likes to eat pizza. His mom says he would eat it every day if she let him.
Tony thinks pepperoni pizza is the best. Even though he likes pizza, Tony never
eats the crust.

These sentences all are about:

a. Tony liking pizza. c. Toppings on pizza.

b. Tony’s mom. D. Tony is 8 years old.

17. Read and answer the question.

Soccer is my favorite sport. I like to play soccer with my friends at recess.

You have to kick the ball into the goal to score a point. Our goalie is really
good. I think we can win every time.

Which statement is a fact?

a. Our goalie is really good.

b. Soccer is my favorite sport.

c. I like to play soccer with my friends at recess.

d. You have to kick the ball into the goal to score a point.

18. Read the sentences.

John sits by me at school. Today he is not here.

What do you know for sure from reading the sentences?

a. John is sick today. c. John is at home.

b. John will be late. d. John is not at school.

19. Read the passage and answer the question.

Thomas and John were playing behind John’s house after school. They were
exploring and trying to find a good place to build a secret fort. As they walked
passed a small cliff, Thomas saw an opening to a cave. They slowly walked inside
to explore and decide whether this would be a good place for their fort. After
careful inspections, they decided it was perfect. There was just enough room
for everything they wanted to do, and no one would ever discover their secret
fort. They ran back to John’s house to get their fort supplies.
Which is the best summary of this passage?

a. Thomas and John found a cave for their fort.

b. John was afraid of the cave entrance.

c. Thomas and John were exploring outside.

d. Thomas found a cave opening.

20. Read the passage and answer the question.

The sun was shining in the bright, blue sky. It was beautiful weather for
this time of year. Beads of sweat formed on Robert's ace as he pedaled up
the street. "I can’t wait to swim when we get there!" he called Sara, who was
riding ahead of him. Yes, it will feel wonderful!"

What are Robert an Sara going to do?

a. go shopping c. go to school

b. go swimming d. ride the bus

Thank you for answering! 😊

Reference: Blaine R., Hunicke B., & Zimmerebner P. 2015. 6 th grade RIT band. Retrieved
January 29, 2017, from:

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